Digest of online reports April – June 2014 Geographic July 2014 Back_to_top Africa I Asia & Pacific I Europe & N. America Latin America & Caribbean I International Africa Mali Evaluation de l'impact de la crise sur le secteur de l'éducation, mission conjointe UNESCO & Ministères de l'éducation à Tombouctou, Gao et Kidal du 18 au 23 octobre 2013; rapport UNESCO Office Bamako; Mali. Ministère de l'éducation nationale et de l'enseignement supérieur, 2013 Senegal L’école primaire au Sénégal : éducation pour tous, qualité pour certains Fatou Niang, CRES; 2014 South Sudan Draft National Inclusive Education Policy 2014 Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, 2014 Tanzania (Zanzibar) TVET policy review Zanzibar UNESCO, 2013 Arab States Guidebook for history textbooks authors: on a common path; new approaches to writing history textbooks in Europe and the Arab and Islamic Worlds UNESCO, 2012 Egypt The Culture of Citizenship Among Students in Egyptian Schools: A Study of Focus Groups Elham Abdul-Hameed Faraj, Carnegioe Middle East Centre, Nov 2013 Citizenship Education in Egypt M. Waddell, University of Puget Sound, Summer Research. Paper 171, 2013 Jordan Mid-term assessment of Education For All: the national report of Jordan Ministry of Education, 2008 IBE DIGEST OF ONLINE REPORTS GEOGRAPHIC APRIL - JUNE 2014 1 2 Lebanon Persisting Public Deficiencies Hinder Lebanon’s Education Sector In: The Lebanon brief, issue 868, May 2014, p.14-17 Asia & Pacific Information and communication technology (ICT) in education in Asia: a comparative analysis of ICT integration and e-readiness in schools across Asia UNESCO Institute for Statistics, April 2014 Learning to live together: education policies and realities in the Asia-Pacific UNESCO Office Bangkok, 2014 Regulating private tutoring for public good: policy options for supplementary education in Asia M. Bray, O. Kwo. Hong Kong, Comparative Education Research Centre; UNESCO Bangkok, 2014 Nepal Literacy status in Nepal: literacy rate by age group 5+ UNESCO Office Kathmandu, 2013 Literacy status in Nepal: literacy rate by age group 15-24 UNESCO Office Kathmandu, 2013 Literacy status in Nepal: literacy rate by age group 15+ UNESCO Office Kathmandu, 2013 Republic of Korea Competency-based curriculum and curriculum autonomy in the Republic of Korea IBE Working Papers on Curriculum Issues N° 12 April 2014 Pakistan Education Reform in Pakistan International Crisis Group, Asia Report N°257 | 23 June 2014 Thailand Lesson plans for teaching about sexual and gender diversity in Thailand UNESCO Office Bangkok, 2014 Thai A Brief on school bullying on the basis of sexual orientation and gender identity: LGBT-friendly Thailand? UNESCO Office Bangkok/Plan International/Mahidol University, 2014 Thai Europe & N. America Canada A Practice Study on the Informatization of Primary School Chinese Curriculum from the Perspective of Edutainment Hongke, Li. Journal of Education and Learning V.3(1), June 2014 (ProQuest) < Back_to_top > IBE DIGEST OF ONLINE REPORTS: GEOGRAPHIC APRIL - JUNE 2014 2 2 Europe Key Data on Early Childhood Education and Care in Europe – 2014 Edition: Eurydice and Eurostat Report European Commision, 2014 Mapping and analysing prospective technologies for learning. Results from a consultation with European stakeholders and roadmaps for policy action S. Aceto et al. JRC Institute for Prospective Technological Studies, 2014 Recommended Annual Instruction Time in Full-time Compulsory Education in Europe 2013/14 European Commision, 2014 Scaling Up EU Impact on Education Post-2015 Birgitte Lind Peterson, Danish Institute for International Studies, 2014 Study on Policy Measures to improve the Attractiveness of the Teaching Profession in Europe v. 1 & 2 European Union, 2013 Belgium Les indicateurs de l'enseignement 2013 Ministère de la Fédération Wallonie-Bruxelles, 2013 France L’équité : un fil rouge des politiques éducatives nationales A.Mingat, F.Ndem, Institut de recherche sur l'éducation, avril 2014 Les parcours des élèves de la voie professionnelle Jean-François CUISINIER et al. Ministre de l’Éducation nationale, 2013 Petite enfance : de l'éducation à la scolarisation M.Gaussel, École normale supérieure de Lyon, avril 2014 Utilisation des programmes de calcul pour introduire l'algèbre au collège École normale supérieure de Lyon, 2014 Spain Sistema estatal de indicadores de la educación 2014 Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte, 2014 UK Language Trends survey 2013/14: The state of language learning in primary and secondary schoold in England K. Board; T. Tinsley, CfBT, British Council, March 2014 Scotland: education, curriculum and learning; the strengths, challenges and solutions in lifelong learning IBE working papers on curriculum issues 13, UNESCO-IBE, 2014 USA Science in the Early Years Education Commission of the States, 2014 < Back_to_top > IBE DIGEST OF ONLINE REPORTS: GEOGRAPHIC APRIL - JUNE 2014 3 2 Latin America & Caribbean Latin America Educación ciudadana en América Latina: prioridades de los currículos escolares C.Cox et al., IBE working papers on curriculum issues, no. 14, 2014 Enfoques estratégicos sobre las TICS en educación en América Latina y el Caribe UNESCO OREALC, 2014 Gasto público en la educación de América Latina ¿Puede servir a los propósitos de la Declaración de París sobre los Recursos Educativos Abiertos? UNESCO Office Montevideo, 2014 UNESCO regional consultation in Latin America on Holocaust and genocide education: report UNESCO, 2014 Brazil La Educación infantil en los países del Mercosur: un análisis comparativo de la legislación Ministry of Education, 2013 International Discussion Brief: Accelerating Secondary Education for Girls: Focusing on Access and Retention Amritpal Sandhu / Global Partnership for Education and UNGEI, 2014 UN Act To Protect: Guidance Note on Attacks Against Schools and Hospitals United Nations, 2014 Inequality Matters - World Social Situation 2013 United Nations, 2013 UNESCO Achieving transparency in pro-poor education incentives M. Poisson, UNESCO IIEP, 2014 Financing for global education: opportunities for multilateral action Pauline Rose & Liesbet Steer, UNESCO; Brookings Institute, 2013 Global Citizenship Education: Preparing learners for the challenges of the twenty-first century UNESCO, 2014 The Heart of education: learning to live together; selected papers presented at the 16th UNESCOAPEID International Conference UNESCO Office Bangkok, 2014 La Igualdad de género importa: el empoderamiento de la mujer a través de programas de alfabetización UNESCO Institute for Lifelong Learning, 2014 < Back_to_top > IBE DIGEST OF ONLINE REPORTS: GEOGRAPHIC APRIL - JUNE 2014 4 2 Model policy for inclusive ICTs in education for persons with disabilities UNESCO, 2014 Position paper on Education Post-2015 UNESCO, 2014 French Spanish Rethinking Education in a Changing World UNESCO, 2013 French Spanish Third collection of good practices: intercultural dialogue in support of quality education UNESCO Associated Schools, 2013 UNESCO IBE Emotions and learning Educational practices series 24 UNESCO-IBE; International Academy of Education, 2014 Nurturing creative thinking Educational practices series 25 UNESCO-IBE; International Academy of Education, 2014 The Role of curriculum in fostering national cohesion and integration: Opportunities and challenges D. Njeng'ere, IBE working papers on curriculum issues 11, 2014 UNICEF The State of the World’s Children 2014 In Numbers: Every Child Counts UNICEF, 2014 < Back_to_top > IBE DIGEST OF ONLINE REPORTS: GEOGRAPHIC APRIL - JUNE 2014 5 2 INTERNATIONAL BUREAU OF EDUCATION www.ibe.unesco.org Tel +41.22.917.78.00 – Fax +41.22.917.78.01 Postal address P.O. BOX 199, 1211 Geneva 20, Switzerland Street address 15 Route des Morillons, 1218 Le Grand-Saconnex, Geneva, Switzerland Courtesy of the IBE Documentation Centre To subscribe or unsubscribe to the IBE Alert services, please email: [email protected]. Please note: Hyperlinks to online materials imply neither responsibility for, nor approval of, the content contained in these materials on the part of UNESCO IBE. These hyperlinks should not be construed as an endorsement by UNESCO IBE of the validity, accuracy or views expressed therein. IBE DIGEST OF ONLINE REPORTS: GEOGRAPHIC APRIL - JUNE 2014 6 2
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