Bishop Grandin CTS Minimum Prerequisite List (2014-2015) Bishop Grandin’s CTS Classes will usually contain between 3 and 6 CTS Course Modules. o These CTS Course Modules are the ones listed on a student’s transcript. To register for a Bishop Grandin Class at the 20 or 30 level students must have passed a minimum number of CTS Course Modules as listed below. Otherwise they should re-register for the perquisite class again. NOTE: The minimum prerequisites have been set in order to give students some flexibility and allow them to proceed to 20 or 30 level even though they may have failed a CTS Course Module. o Students accepted into a 20 or 30 level class but who failed a module or two at the lower level are expected to complete all failed modules before starting the chosen course. They should make arrangements with their CTS teacher to discuss how this can be done. Priority will be given to students who have completed all the prerequisites in a given class. Courses without prerequisites include: All 10-level CTS courses, Culinary Arts 30 Intro, Legal Studies 30, Management & Marketing 30, Psychology 20/30, Networking 20 Bishop Grandin Class Minimum Prerequisite Modules Athletic Therapy 20 HSS1010, HCS1050, REC1020, plus 1 other HCS1xxx/HSS1xxx module. Athletic Therapy 30 REC2020, HCS2120, Plus one training module at the 20 level if the student is continuing with the training strand at the 30 level. Com Tech 20 COM1005 At least 2 additional COM1xxx modules Com Tech 30 Construction Technology 20 Construction Technology 30 Cosmetology 20 Cosmetology 30 Culinary Arts 30 Lunch At least 3 modules in COM 2xxx. CON 1010, CON 1120 plus 1 other CON1xxx module CON2050, CON2200, CON2035, CON2045 COS1010, HSA3400, EST1070, HSA3430 HSA3410, HSA3440, HSA3450, HSA3570 CKA3400, CKA3410, CKA3480 plus one other CKA3xxx module. Culinary Arts 30 Breakfast Must be enrolled in Culinary Arts 30 Lunch with its prerequisites PLUS CKA3450 Culinary Arts 30 Advanced CKA3400, CKA3410, CKA3480, CKA3450 (Culinary Arts 30 Breakfast and Lunch prerequisites), PLUS CKA3430, CKA3440, CKA3490, CKA3500, CKA3520 Design Studies 20 Design Studies 30 Fabrication 20 Fabrication 30 Minimum of 3 modules in DES 1030, DES 1040, DES 1050, DES 1060 Minimum of 3 modules in DES 2035, DES 2045, DES 2055, DES 2065 Fab 1010, Fab 1040, Fab 1048, Fab 1050 Fab 2030, Fab 2048, Fab 2050, Fab 2060, Fab 2070 Foods 20 FOD1010 & two other FOD1xxx credits OR CKA3400 or CKA3410 Foods 30 FOD2100, FOD2050 and FOD2070 OR CKA 3400 or CKA3410 Foundations for Sport & Leadership 20 Mechanics 20 Mechanics 30 HSS1080 plus two other HSS1xxx/HCS1xxx modules MEC1020, MEC1040, MEC1110, MEC1150 MEC2150, plus three other MEC2xxx modules Networking 30 Minimum of 3 modules in NET2030, NET2040, NET2050, NET2060, NET2070 Personal Training & Fitness 20 HCS1010, HCS1050, plus two other HSS1xxx/HCS1xxx modules
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