CARD・SIZE 10 Gbit/S OPTICAL TX/RX MODULES BASED ON MCM TECHNOLOGY FOR WD'M INTERCONNECTIONS IN Tbitls ATM SWITCHES Naoki Takaya, Naoaki Yamanaka NTT Network Service Systems Laboratories 3-9- 1 1 Midori-cho, Musashino-shi, Tokyo, 1 80-85 85 JAPAN (Takava.Naoki@耶 l Phone: +81422-59-2154, Fax: +811422-59A549 Abstract : Ckrd-sized 10 GbiL/s optical h・ansmiHer r乃フand receiver rRりmoddes in a wavelength-division- multipkdng r粁DM) Optical interconnection qsiem have been developed for nw-generation Tbids A TM switches. TX and RXmoddes wereゐveloped using multi-chl'p modde iechnology・ me TXmodue has a 16:1 mulllblexer, and the RXmodulehas a lJ16 dbmuliiblexer; both are 90X 50 X 15 mm, qprw'mately the size ofa credit card and onethird the size of conventional modues・ This WDM inlerconneciion based on cayd-size TX and RX mpdde will advance the development of economical and practical乃iLrs A m switching SyStemS・ Switching size is expanded N times to achieve Tb/S Introduction switching,the number of TXand RX modules needed is A s山一Tb/s ATM swit血ing system based on waveleng也division-multiplexing (WDM)叩tical interconnections has been proposed for achieving large-capacity ATM networks proportionalto N. Thus, small, low-power rnodules are required. Moreover, if也en WDM optical interconnection uses血ree [1 】. Because large-capacity switching systems need many high-Speed signalintercormections, fast and cornpact interconnection inter血ces are needed in ATM switching systems・ We previously proposed a WDM interconnection system for interconnectlng electronicalunit switcheswith different opticalwavelengths l1 ,3]・ However, to achieve a practicaトsized Tb/s ATM switching system, the total size of the optical interconnection interfaces must be scaled down drastically. Inthis paper, we propose credit-card-sized 1 0-Gb/s optical transmitter (TX) and receiver (RX) modules. Theyare fabricated using downsizin.gand high-speedmiti-chip-module (MCM) opticalAWGs (multiplexer, router and demultiplexer), we must designthe system considering thatthe maximum loss in optical power is possibly 20 dB. Therefわre,血e TX modules should have high opticalpower, andthe RX modules should have highopticalsensitivity・ Card-size 10 Chit/S optical TX and RX modules A block diagram of the TX module is shown in Fig. 2(a)・ It consists of three components: a TX IC (multiplexerand clock generation), an electron-absorption (EA)/DFB laser, andanEA driver・ The input interface consist of 622 Mb/s x technologies. Performance evaluation showed that they are 16 data (Emitter Coupled Logic: ECL)and a differential suitable fTor a practical WDM interconnection for Tb/s 622 MbJs clock (ECL). The multiplexer and clock- ATM switching systems. generation IC receivesthe 6221Mb/s x 16 ATM-cell data and converts it into 10-Gb/s ATM-cell data. The clock is WDM optical interconnections for Tbit/s ATM switches generated using a VCO (Voltage Controlled Oscillator), a A schematic diagram of our OPTIMA sub-Tb/S (640-Gb/S) phase locked loop (PLL) circuit inthe TX IC,and an ATM switching system is shownin Fig.1 l1]. It consists of an 80-Gb/S ATM switch, anarrayed-waveguide (AWG) router, eight 10-Gb/s transmitters, and eight 10-Gb/s externalloop filter・ Power consumptlOn is 6.8 W, 30% less thanwithexisting modules l3]. A block diagram of the RX module is shown in Fig.2 (ち). It receivers・ The totalchannelthroughput per ATMunit consists of two major COmPOnentS, PIN-PDand a receiver switch is 80 Gb/S. MCM・ The input interfTace is a 10-Gb/s optical signal, and the output interface consists of 622 Mb/s x 16 data (ECL) and differential 622-Mb/s clock (ECL). A trams-impedance- Figure 1 : Schematic diagram of OPTIMA 640Gbit/s ATM switching system. type preamplifier is packaged into the PIN-PD. This module is very compactand canachieve 52-dB gam at 8 GHz・ Power consumption is 6・2 W, approximately one- fTourththat of convemional modules l3]. Using MCM technology reduced血e size to less than one- third that of existing modules l2,3]. The MCM technique we used to integrate the LSIs is effective for its compactnessand low cost・ Figure 3 shows (a) an external viewand (ち) the output wave form.s of the receiver MCM (RX MCM). The RX MCM consists Of血ree GaAs ICs (post-amplifier IC, limiting-amplifier IC,and 1:16 demultiplexer and clock/data recovery lC). ¶le Outer ▼ 幼さお琴忠地・慨efと汲、娘助!弧恕鬼;, dimension is 23.0 x 23.¢X 2.3 帆, with 84 Outer leads. Each ICs are mounted oh a stage mode of CuW bimetal To achieve 640-Gb/s switchingthroughput, 128 sets of TX bo也to achieve血e high-speed operation and to improve and RX modules are needed. Furthemore, if the total the efficiency of heat radiation. The post-amplifier IC ⅠⅠ -234 ECOC'99, 26-30 September 1999, Nice, France amplifies the input slgnallinearlyand achieves a 16JB 毒\>量 gain at 8 GHz・ The limltlng-amplifier IC achieves an 80 mvp-p output signalat 10 Gb/S・ The 1:16 dernultiplexer and clock/data recovery IC receivesthe 10-Gb/s ATM-cell data slgnaland converts it into sixteen 622-Mb/s ATM-cell data slgnals・ The dataand differentialclock are regenerated Figure 5 : 10 Gbit/s optical output wavefbrm・ by using it in a PLL circuitwithanextemalloop filter・ The skews of allthe outputs are lessthan 50 ps・ ご飯も 軌 The TXand RX modules are 90 X 50 x 15 mm each・ Figure 4 shows extemal views ofbo血modules. Figure 6 : Bit error rate dlaraCteristics Figtlre 2 : Block diagram of 10 Gbit/s TX and RX 野蓄寮監鮎轟 湖朗朋那朋朋馴馴馴 modules. ConclusioJI 翫掛軸 + ・ . t ヽ V ヽ一 ■ .'r I Ll- ・、 -1. - .、 ■ 一 ■ - I ◆ ○ Y we have developed card-size 10-Gb/s opticalTXand RX modules by using MCM technology lT-rder to achieve a Figure 3 : Extemal view of 10 Gbit/s RX MCM and Tb/s ATM switching systems・ Measurements showedthat otltPut WaVeforns・ these modules can operate stably and meet the interconnections for large-capacity ATM switching 轟 脚 お 育 - - - - 皇 requirements for practicalsystems, like WDM optical 磯E蜘研磨鞘轡 軸熟睡鵡側転弼噂 Figure 4 ・・ External views of card-si2:e lOGbit/s TX and RX nodtLles. systems・ Furthermore,the developed modules canbe applied not only to WDM interconnection system butalso to many kinds of systems like OC-192 transmission in future broadband networks. Ackn owiedg ments we thank Mr. Atsunobu Ohta, Mr. Yoshikazu Ishii, Mr・ Niels C. Finsethand Dr. ToruTakada for supporting Our work. References /1/ N. Yamanaka, S. Yasukawa, E. Oki,and T・ Kurimot0 --OPTIMA: Tb/S ATM Switching System Architecmre, Based on Highly Statical Optical WDM Interconnection,■● Proc・ IEEE ISS-97, pp・ 255-269, 1997. /2/ M. Ushirozawa, K. Takahashi, M. Ishizaka, M・ Tachigori, T. Chuzenji, A. Noda,and. S・ Fujita.ISmal1sized 1 OG佃s Transmitterand ReceiverwithModulator P erfo rman ce The o叫ut WaVefbm of血e TX module is shown in Fig・ 5・ lt has a clear eye openlng, Showingthat average optical output power was betterthan5dBm・ We measuredthe opticalreceiver・S sensitivityto confirm its applicability to 1 OIGb/s lightwave transceivers・ Theminimum sensitivity was -17.8 dBm at all error rate Of 10-llwith 223- I PRBS lntegrated DFB-LD and Multichip-Module,-■ Proc・ ECOC96, 3, pp・ 195-198, 1996・ /3/ S. Yasukawa, N. Yamanaka, R・ Kawano, H・ Takeuchi, and S. Kuwan0 -●Tb/s WDM Interconnection System withPocket_Size lOG化s TranSmitte〟Receiver Module and AWG Router;'Proc. ECOC'98, pp. 575-576, 1998・ (Fig. 6). These results showthat our proposed TX md RX modules are applicable to WDM intercormections for Tb/s ATM switching system ECOC'99, 26-30 September 1999, Nice, France ⅠⅠ -235
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