Cu ubs A Activa ate Day D An exc citing acttivity day y for Cub b Scouts s Rh hydd Cov vert Scou ut Camp p Site, Kid ddermin ster Saturda S ay 16th May M 201 15 Details ● The costt is £16.00 peer person for a day of activvities (food no ot included so o Cubs will neeed to bring a a packed luncch, they willl need to carryy this with the em during thee day). ● There will be a maxim mum of 120 places. ● Each Cub Scout will gget to particip pate in differeent activities d during the day y. The activiti es they get w will be a bit off a p but we will eensure that th hey are variedd activities. lucky dip ● Full instrruction is giveen on all activvities. Instructtion is provide ed by members of the Activvate Team an nd the activitiees staff at R Rhydd Covert Camp Site. ● All activiities are run u under current Scout Associaation Safety Rules for Adventurous Activvities. ● All water activities will take place a at Top Barn Ceentre, Hallow.. ● Transport to Top Barn n will be by co oach. ● Cubs takking part in waater activities at Top Barn m must be confid dent in the wa ater. ● Cubs taking part in water activitiies are requi red to bring a change of dry clothes, towel, gettin ng wet clothees ng facilities annd showers are available on o includingg a wind/watter proof top and footweaar (NOT WELLLIES). Changin site. All p participants m must wash beffore eating or r drinking. ● Cubs can n only attend d if they have Leaders from m their pack ccoming for th he day or firm m arrangemen nts are made in advancee of the event for them to jo oin with anothher pack. ● For furth her informatio on please talk to your Cub LLeaders. Proposed Acctivities (Subje ect to change e before the eevent) Caving (New) Rock climbing Pedal Cars (New) Kayaaking Mou untain Biking Fencinng Abseil ing Raftingg Bouldeering (New) Crate staccking Archery Grass sleddging Canoeing Entry Inform mation ● The com mpleted paren nt permission form must b e returned to o your Cub Lea ader along witth your £16.0 00 entry fee. N No entry w will be accepteed without th he full fee of £16.00. Pleasse make cheq ques payable to your Cub pack (ask your leader ffor details) ● Closing date for all entries will be your last Cub meeting thatt falls before F Friday 24th Appril after which time no more th e after 24 Ap pril. entries will be taken.. The fee for the event is noon‐ returnable ● nt maybe full well before tthis closing date, places arre allocated aas forms are rreceived by th he Please note the even e Activate Teaam once the e event is full w will Activatee Team on a 1st come, 1st sserved basis. Any forms received by the be returned to the Cub Leader ● ng date then aall leaders will be notified. If the evvent is full beffore the closin Sa aturday y 16th May 20 015 Rhy ydd Cov vert Ca amp Siite, Kid ddermin nster Permi P ssion n Forrm This form iis to be filled d out by thee Cub Scoutss Parent or Guardian G an nd returned to your Cub b Leader. Cu ub Leaders neeed to bring th his form on th he day of the eevent. Personal Detaails Name of Cub ………….................................................................................... Date of Birth h ................................. Pack ............................................................................................................................................................................ Name of Parennt or Guardian ............................................... ................................................................................. Address and teelephone number at which Parrent or Guardiann can be contaccted during the event:e .......................................................................................................................................................................... ........ .................................................................................................................Telephone number ......................... ........ Medical Detaails (if you answ wer ‘yes’ to any of the follow wing questions please p give dettails overleaf) Date of last tettanus immunisaation (if none th hen please statee) ..................................................................................... 1) Does he/shee have a medicaal condition? 2) Is he/she cuurrently taking any a medication? YES / NO YES / N NO 3) Is he/she alllergic to anything (e.g. aspirin n, antibiotics, anny particular foo od or drugs)? YES / NO 4) Has he/she been in contactt with any infecctious disease w within the 3 weeeks prior to this camp? 5) Has he/she any mobility diifficulties? YESS / NO YES / NO His/her Nationnal Health Num mber ........................................ .................................................................................. Name and adddress of family doctor d .................................... ................................................................................. .......................................................................................................................................................................... ........ Water Activitties (please cross out two of th he three choicess below) My chhild can swim. / My child cannot c swim buut is confident in n water. / My y child is NOT confident in waater. Permission I give permission for my chilld to attend the day and take paart in the activitties as outlined and if it becom mes necessary fo or ....................................................................... (Cubs ( name) too receive mediccal treatment an nd I cannot be ccontacted by telephone, or any other m means, to authoorise this, I herreby give my ggeneral consentt to any necessaary medical treeatment and authorise your Cuub Leader to signn any documents required by th he hospital authhorities. Signature ............................................................................. ................................... Date ........................ ........ (Parent or Guardian) Please return n to your Cub Leader L with th he entry fee of ££16.00 as soon as possible. Cheques payaable to your Cu ub Pack – ask your Cub Leaader for detailss.
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