Antelope Valley District Western Los Angeles County Council Boy Scouts of America CUBOREE 2015 Saturday May 16, 2015 Welcome To CUBOREE 2015 (Information Pack) Venture Crew 3552 (Chartered by VFW 3552) with the help of the Boy Scout Troops in the Antelope Valley are happy to provide a “FREE” event for Cub Scouts. The Cubs will compete in events to test their skills and coordination. In addition, they will be working with local Boy Scout Troops who will their Patrol Guide and manning the events. Our Schedule is: 8:00am Registration starts 9:00am Opening Ceremony 9:15am Brief rundown of events 9:30am Competition starts 12 noon Lunch (Cubs can have some 1 on 1 time with the Boy Scouts) 1:00pm Competition events start 4:00pm Competition ends (sooner if Cubs complete all events) 4:30pm Awards Ceremony Events planned: Land Skis Kim’s Game Sack Race Water Race CAT-A-PULT Balance Beam Knots Blind Scout Donut Toss Tug-O-War Chuck-the Chicken Sack Race Cannon Ball Run Scouts and Leaders/Parents will need to be sure to supply their own lunch/snacks. CREW 3552 WILL BE PROVIDING BOTTLED WATER FOR EVERONE. (names will be written on the bottles) Page 1 of 1 Antelope Valley District Western Los Angeles County Council Boy Scouts of America CUBOREE 2015 Saturday May 16, 2015 Parents and leaders are welcome to come and spend the day. This will be a good time to socialize and watch your Cubs working with each other and the Boy Scouts. Parents and leaders who stay will fill out an on-site form for their Cubs. Parents who decide to leave their Cubs for the day, will need to fill out an off-site form. Tiger Cubs “Must” have a parent or guardian on site. This is in addition to permission slips and medical compliance. WE WILL BE KEEPING A RATIO OF 10 CUBS PER LEADER ALL CUB AND BOY SCOUTS WILL USE THE BUDDY SYSTEM As part of the registration process all adults who register their Cubs will receive a current cell phone list of the Cuboree Leaders if requested. The First Aid Station will be located near the registration area. Crew 3552 members have completed the BSA Wilderness & Remote First Aid Course. Restrooms are located inside the Church. Awards The patrols will be awarded ribbons for 1st, 2nd, & 3rd place The Event Monitors will be voting on their best choice for an outstanding Spirit Patrol/Cub Scout. They will be awarded a special certificate. One additional award will be for the: “Chuck-the-Chicken” Champion. Registration Registration forms are included in this information packet and will be available in the registration area at Cuboree. 1. 2. 3. 4. Cub, unit & parent information – parent/leader present Cub, unit & parent information – parent leaving Statement of compliance for BSA Medical A&B requirement. Activity Consent (permission) Form – BSA 5. Activity Consent (permission) Form – Crew 3552 (for Boy Scouts who will be assisting at Cuboree Contact Information Kyle Curtin, Event Chair, Venture Vice president-Program, [email protected], 661-5380195 (evenings) George Curtin, Venture Advisor, [email protected], 661-538-0195 Page 2 of 2 Antelope Valley District Western Los Angeles County Council Boy Scouts of America CUBOREE 2015 EVENT GUIDELINES Chuck-the-Chicken The chicken will be chucked into an area which will have rings designating the score earned. The rings will vary in size. The available score rings will be: 50, 40, 30, 20 and if not in any of the rings, 10 points. (like Skeeball scoring) The score will be determined by where the tail of the chicken lies. If the tail is touching a higher ring, that score will be given. This event is twofold; one is for a Patrol event and an individual event. Total Patrol score will be divided by the number of the Scouts in the Patrol for the average. Individual scores for the boys will be recorded. Land Skis This is a timed event. The Cubs need to start, move forward to a designated area, turn around and return to where they started. There will be two sizes of Land Skis for the Cubs. 4’ for Tigers and Bears, 6’ for Bears & Webelos. Balance Beam This is a timed event. The Cubs must traverse 3 beams that are 10 feet in length that will be laid out in a Z pattern. Each time the Cub leaves the beam, 5 seconds will be added to the total time. The total times will be averaged out by the amount of Cubs in the Patrol. Water Race This is a timed/Amount event. The Cubs must use a sponge to take water from one bucket to another bucket over a distance of approximately 50 feet. The amount of the water in the second bucket will be recorded. Tug-O-War This is a Patrol against Patrol event. Each Patrol will have two chances to compete with the other Patrol. The Guides and event monitors will do their best to match the Patrols for a fair competition. Patrol winners of this event will be used to help as a tie breaker for the rest of the events. Sack Race This is a timed event. Cubs must travel approximately 15 yards in a gunny sack. Cat-A-Pult This is a scored event. Cubs must catapult a bean filled cat backwards to a designated area. They will be directed by another Cub in the Patrol. Page 1 of 2 CUBOREE 2015 EVENT GUIDELINES Cannon Ball Run This is a timed event. The Patrol will use elevated PVC pipe to move a ball from start to finish. The object is to use three segments of pipe and roll the ball in the pipe by shifting positions of the pipe to keep the ball rolling. Knots This is a scored event. Cubs will be taught by their Guide on some of the simple Boy Scout knots and will then perform what they learned at the event. Wiffle Knock Out This is a fun event. Patrol V’s Patrol event. When an object is knocked down it eliminates one of the other Patrol members. Kim’s Game This is a timed event. The Patrol will be given a chance to see items under a blanket. Some items will be removed and the Patrol will be given another chance to see under the blanket and must tell which items have been removed. Donut Toss This is a scored event. The Patrol will use donut Frisbees to toss onto traffic cones. Scoring will be determined by the distance the cones are spaced. T-Flip This is a timed event. The Patrol will be given an extra-large T-Shirt and they must transfer the TShirt from one Scout to another. Straw Stack This is a timed/height event. The Patrol will be given straws to make a structure as tall as possible in a given amount of time. Page 2 of 2 Antelope Valley CUBOREE 2015 Sponsored by Venture Crew 3552 Cub Information Parent/Guardian Staying Cub Scout Name: _____________________________________ Pack Number: ___________ Rank: _________________ Age: ________________ Parents Name: _______________________________________________ Home #:______________________ Cell #:________________________ Alt. Name: ___________________________________________________ Alt. Phone: ____________________ Any concerns? _______________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ Antelope Valley CUBOREE 2015 Sponsored by Venture Crew 3552 Cub Information Parent/Guardian Leaving Tigers Must have a Parent or Guardian Present Cub Scout Name: _____________________________________ Pack Number: ___________ Rank: _________________ Age: ________________ Parents Name: _______________________________________________ Home #:______________________ Cell #:________________________ Alt. Name: ___________________________________________________ Alt. Phone: ____________________ Any concerns? _______________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________ Antelope Valley District - WLACC CUBOREE 2015 ACTIVITY CONSENT FORM AND APPROVAL BY PARENTS OR LEGAL GUARDIAN FORMULARIO DE CONSENTIMIENTO Y APROBACIÓN DE ACTIVIDAD POR PARTE DE LOS PADRES DE FAMILIA O TUTORES This form is recommended for unit use to obtain approval and consent for Tiger Cubs, Cub Scouts, Webelos Scouts, Boy Scouts, Varsity Scouts, Venturers, and guests (if applicable) under 21 years of age to participate in a den, pack, team, troop, or crew trip, expedition, or activity. This form is required for use with flying plans and should be attached to the flying plan application. It is recommended that parents keep a copy of the form and contact the tour leader in the event of any questions or in case emergency contact is needed. Additional copies of this form along with the Guide to Safe Scouting are available for download from Scouting Safely at Se recomienda que la unidad use este formulario para obtener la aprobación y consentimiento para los Tiger Cubs, Cub Scouts, Webelos Scouts, Boy Scouts, Varsity Scouts, Venturers e invitados (si es que aplica) menores de 21 años que participen en un viaje, expedición o actividad del den, pack, equipo, tropa o grupo. Este formulario es obligatorio junto con los permisos de vuelo y deben adjuntarse a la solicitud de permiso de vuelo. Se recomienda que los padres de familia guarden una copia del formulario y se pongan en contacto con el líder de la excursión si es que tienen alguna pregunta o en caso de que se necesite un contacto de emergencia. Las copias adicionales de este formulario junto con la Guía para un Scouting seguro se encuentran disponibles para descargar desde Scouting Safely en ______________________________________________________ _____ _____________________________________________________ First name of participant Middle initial Last name Nombre del participante Inicial del sugundo nombre Birth date (month/day/year) ____/____/____ Age during activity ________ Fecha de nacimiento (día/mes/año) Edad al momento de realizar la actividad Apellido ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address Domicilio City____________________________________________________________________________________ State __________________________________________________________ Zip _____________________ Ciudad Estado Código postal District Cuboree 2015 Has approval to participate in (Name of activity, orientation flight, outing trip, etc.) __________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Tiene la aprobación para participar en (Nombre de la actividad, vuelo de orientación, excursión, etc.) From 5/16/2015 ______________ to 5/16/2015 ______________ Without restrictions Special considerations or restrictions: __________________________________________________________________________________________ De Sin restricciones Consideraciones o restricciones especiales: (Date) (fecha) a (Date) (fecha) HOLD HARMLESS AGREEMENT ACUERDO DE INDEMNIZACIÓN Y EXONERACIÓN DE RESPONSABILIDAD I understand that participation in Scouting activities involves a certain degree of risk and can be physically, mentally, and emotionally demanding. I have carefully considered the risk involved and have given consent for myself or my child to participate in this activity. I also understand that participation in this activity is entirely voluntary and requires participants to abide by applicable rules and standards of conduct. I release the Boy Scouts of America, the local council, the activity coordinators, and all employees, volunteers, related parties, or other organizations associated with the activity from any and all claims or liability arising out of this participation. Entiendo que la participación en actividades Scouting implica un cierto grado de riesgo y que pueden ser física, mental y emocionalmente agotadoras. He considerado cuidadosamente el riesgo involucrado y doy mi consentimiento para mi mismo o mi hijo para participar en la actividad. Entiendo que la participación en la actividad es completamente voluntaria y requiere que los participantes se acaten a las reglas y estándares de conducta pertinentes. Libero a Boy Scouts of America, al concilio local, a los coordinadores de la actividad y a todos los empleados, voluntarios, partes relacionadas u otras organizaciones asociadas con la actividad de cualquiera y todas las demandas o responsabilidades que surjan de esta participación. In case of emergency involving my child, I understand every effort will be made to contact me. In the event I cannot be reached, I hereby give my permission to the medical provider selected by the adult leader in charge to secure proper treatment, including hospitalization, anesthesia, surgery, or injections of medication for my child. Medical providers are authorized to disclose to the adult in charge examination findings, test results, and treatment provided for purposes of medical evaluation of the participant, follow-up and communication with the participant’s parents or guardian, and/or determination of the participant’s ability to continue in the program activities. En caso de una emergencia que tenga que ver con mi hijo, sé que se harán todos los esfuerzos necesarios para contactarme. En caso de que no me contacten, autorizo al proveedor médico seleccionado por el líder adulto encargado, de asegurarse de que se le ofrezca a mi hijo el tratamiento adecuado, incluyendo hospitalización, anestesia, cirugía o inyecciones de medicamento. Los proveedores médicos están autorizados para informar al adulto encargado los hallazgos de la exploración física, los resultados de pruebas y el tratamiento otorgado con el propósito de una evaluación médica del participante, seguimiento y comunicación con los padres o tutores del participante y/o la determinación de la capacidad del participante para continuar en las actividades del programa. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Participant’s signature ________________________ Date Firma del participante Fecha ______________________________________________________ Parent/guardian printed name __________________________________________________________________________________________ Parent/guardian signature ________________________ Date Nombre con letra de molde del padre de familia/tutor Firma del padre de familia/tutor Fecha ______________________________________________________ Area code and telephone number (best contact and emergency contact) ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Email (for use in sharing more details about the trip or activity) Código de área y número telefónico (primer contacto y contacto de emergencia) Correo electrónico (para más detalles sobre el viaje o actividad) Contact the adult tour leader with any questions: Póngase en contacto con el líder adulto de la excursión si es que tiene preguntas: Name ___________________________________________________________________ Phone ___________________________ Email ________________________________________________________________ Nombre Teléfono Correo electrónico 680-673 2012 Printing Presented by: VENTURE CREW 3552 Western Los Angeles County Council Boy Scouts of America CUBOREE 2015 Medical Statement Cub Scout Name:_______________________________ I, ________________________________________ Parent/Guardian, Have [ ], Have not [ ], a BSA, A&B form on file with my Pack. Please List below any medical or personal problems or concerns that we will need to be aware of. ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ During the Cuboree our Council wishes for all participants to have a safe and fun time. If in the event of an injury, all steps will be taken to prevent further injuries and get the medical atrtention that is needed. Page 1 of 1
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