Miracle Service Report >> January 17, 2015 >> Reported by Sarah Koh In his message If You Only Knew, Pastor Rony dealt with three great questions of life every person must ponder and ask sooner or later. These are: “Who am I?”, “Why am I here?” and “Where am I going?” However, the answers to these questions will largely depend on what you believe regarding the origin of life. The theory of evolution teaches that life came out of a Big Bang. Therefore, evolutionists believe that there is no Creator God and hence there is no life after death. This belief promulgates that when one dies, he or she will turn into nothingness. If that is your view, then what is the purpose of living on earth? Everything you aspire to be and achieve will soon turn to nothingness, and hence life is not worth the living! However, if you believe that the Creator God gives you life for a purpose, your perspective will take a meaningful turn. It will become clear to you that your existence on earth is to fulfill His plan to prepare you for everlasting life. Life is never meant to be lived only from cradle to grave but also beyond. The truth is, this infinite God, Who is the Source of life, wants to offer you eternal life through Jesus Christ. Now, if people only knew this truth, then each individual will gladly receive the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The Bible states that every person born into this world has sinned and come short of the standard of God. And the wages or punishment of sin is eternal death. However, God, in His mercy, has a contingency plan to redeem us. God so loved us that He sent Jesus Christ Who took the form of man and came to earth 2,000 years ago. He was crucified, died on the Cross and paid the ultimate price to redeem us from sin. He arose again for our justification and is alive forevermore! In Galatians 4:3-7, the Bible is clear that when we receive Christ as our Redeemer, God adopts us as His own children. We were once lost in darkness, but now we are adopted to receive the full rights of sons and daughters of God. Hence, God has sent forth His Spirit into our hearts to enable us to acknowledge Him as “Abba, Father!” Think of it, you are a child of the King of kings and the Lord of lords! Therefore, you are no longer a slave but an heir of God through Christ. Thus, you are given privileges which far surpass earthly royalties’. An heir or heiress of God inherits all the blessings of God without limits. Even whilst on this earth, we have the weapon of prayer and authority over the power of Satan and his cohorts. When we stand firm on the Word of God, we will not fear the evil powers because we are heirs of God. A powerful and victorious life awaits God’s children when we are led by the Spirit of God! It is a great privilege to be a Christian even if we have to suffer for Christ because the present sufferings cannot be compared with the glory we share as co-heirs with Christ (Romans 8:14-17). So, if you know that God has the best in store for you, you will not hesitate to embrace this great salvation Jesus gives full and free. You will then have your eternity sealed and secured forever. For this purpose, Jesus came not to condemn but save you. This is the day of salvation, so do not miss the chance to receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior. Then with confidence, you can answer the three questions of life rightly: 1. Who am I? I am a child of the most High God. 2. Why am I here? I am here for a purpose, to know God and also to be a channel of blessing to others. 3. Where am I going? I am heading on to be with God in His heavenly abode eternally. Indeed Christ, our Redeemer and Healer, lives! And if you know that true peace, joy, wellness and fulfillment comes from Jesus Christ alone, you will make haste to experience the Master’s touch in your life today! Tonight, we ascribed all praise to God for the salvation and healing He has done in our midst. Here are some testimonies for the glory of God: Nicole Lim came with her husband for the first time. She was suffering from kneecap problem for a year. She had tremendous pain whenever she walked or bent. When she heard of the Miracle Service, she came and as she walked into the Sanctuary, she realized her knee pain had disappeared. During the salvation call, both Nicole and her husband came forward to receive Jesus as Lord and Savior. Praise God for the healing of Nicole and salvation of the couple! Michelle Lum suffered eczema on her hands and feet for a year. Her hands cracked and bled, and were very painful. The doctors could not do much about it. So she came to the Miracle Service to pray. Last October, she was totally healed of the condition. Next, she also had sudden pain in her left leg since last August but received healing when she watched the service online. Hallelujah! Since last April Amy Tung had painful soles that were inflamed. When she came tonight, she was in pain. But after prayer, she felt the pain lifted away. Thanking God for healing her, she declared that truly Jesus heals! Charlotte Pan shared a belated testimony that happened 10 years ago. She suffered severe asthma attacks since her childhood. Each time the attack was serious and would last for two to three weeks. One day, during prayer at the Miracle Service, she was completely set free from asthma she suffered for many years. She tested her healing by eating fruits and sleeping in air-conditioned room and it did not affect her, unlike before. Secondly, three years ago, she had incontinence. She was prayed for at the Miracle Service and was healed. Indeed, God’s healing power delivered her from two severe conditions! Last year, Wayne Kan injured his spine when he carried heavy things. It was painful when he stood straight, so he had been walking with a hunch. Then he consulted a Chinese physician who over corrected the condition and it was reversed. This time he could straighten his posture but when he bent, it would be painful. However, he had been praying against this problem but did not see any improvement yet. Tonight, when he heard the prayer for those with bone problems, he was encouraged to exercise his faith. He stood up and in his second attempt, he bent over without pain, which he formerly could not do. Next Sunday Identity Series What Is The Church? Part 1 By Pastor Pacer Tan FebrUARY 01, 2015 BY Pastor Rony Tan Life Is Worth The Living If Only You Knew JESUS! Life Is Worth The Living If Only You Knew JESUS! We are all emotional creatures. Emotion is a powerful driving force for good or bad. If we don’t control our feelings, they will rule over our lives. Even a noble emotion, if left unchecked, could become obsessively unruly. How do we regulate our feelings? How do we trust Christ in this area? Messages in CDs and DVDs may be ordered at the counter. Lighthouse Discipleship Program Things Chinese Today's Pre-Service Upperlight 3. Prayer strengthens our faith. When we experience prayer victories as a way of life, our faith will increase. And with greater faith, victories are further multiplied. This is an interesting course that will kick-start our Lighthouse Discipleship Program in 2015. Date Time Venue Fee 1. Mandarin Services - Thanksgiving for a greater anointing that is still increasing - God’s blessings and provisions for all committed leaders and members 2. Gospelight Ministry - Fresh anointing to be upon Pastor Clarence and all Gospelighters - Mightily used by God to heal the sick and set the captives free Holy Communion God's love knows no boundaries. It will descend to any depth and go to any length to save. As we partake of the Holy Communion today, let’s reflect on His love and renew our passion for lost souls. How important it is for us to be found faithful in fulfilling the Great Commission! : : : : Pastor Colin will be dealing with burning issues like: - What to do at a wake or a funeral service - What to do at a graveyard or columbarium - Traditional Chinese medicine and acupuncture - Feng shui - Food offered to idols - What to do with Chinese traditions and culture He will conclude the course by imparting to students how to use Chinese characters to share the Gospel. In Lighthouse Tampines Obtain the course coupon at the counter in basement 1 church office after the 9.00 am and 11.15 am services and the counter in the Sanctuary foyer after the 3.15 pm and 7.00 pm services. Miracle Service Every Saturday @ 7.00 pm Lighthouse Woodlands & Tampines In Lighthouse Woodlands Obtain the course coupon at the counter in the lobby after the service. All are welcome to sign up for the course. You are the bridge to someone’s salvation and eternal life. Think about your friends and loved ones who have yet to know Jesus. Give them a call and invite them to our Miracle Service. And if your pre-believing friends and loved ones happen to be unwell, you can also offer them the hope of God’s healing touch. We too provide buses to ferry residents in various estates to our Miracle Service in Lighthouse Woodlands. The residents will also be ferried back to the respective estates after the Miracle Service. For information on bus pickup points and times, please log on to www.lighthouse.org.sg and click on “busing” under “care and support”. You can also share with your friends and loved ones about the bus service provided by Lighthouse. Let’s do our level best to usher in as many souls as possible into God’s Kingdom while it is day. We must do the will of Him Who sent us. 4. Prayer brings answers and solutions. March 3, 10, 17 & 24 (Tuesdays) 8.00 to 10.00 pm LE Tampines $10 per person Our needs are met through prayer. Greater confidence in Christ will be the result. AN EXCERPT FROM THE BOOK FIRM FOUNDATION WRITTEN BY PASTOR RONY TAN DEFINITION OF PRAYER Prayer is simply communication and fellowship with God. We have been created to have communion and intimacy with God. While God's Word is spiritual food to our inner man, prayer is spiritual breathing and exercise. The law of health is the same in both the natural and spiritual world. AUTHORITY OF PRAYER Our authority lies in the Name of Jesus Christ; without which, prayer is pointless and powerless. The demons also recognize and fear the Name of Christ. John 16:24 Hitherto have ye asked nothing in my name: ask, and ye shall receive, that your joy may be full. Baptism Class On March 7 Water baptism is a public declaration of one’s faith in Jesus Christ. It is a significant time for him to fully commit to obey and follow Christ, being willing to fulfill the purpose and plan of God for his life. The first Baptism Class in 2015 is scheduled for Saturday, March 7 at 2.00 pm in Lighthouse Woodlands. This class will prepare you for Water Baptism on Saturday, March 28. To sign up for the class, please take note of the prerequisites stated in the Baptism Application form. Registration closes on Sunday, February 22. PURPOSES OF PRAYER 1. Prayer expresses and demonstrates our trust and dependence on God. It underscores His creatorship and our creaturehood. It also underlines our need for and dependence upon Him. Without Him, we are nothing and can do nothing. 2. Prayer deepens our relationship with the Lord. Through the many experiences of prayer, we get to know God better. If we are faithful in prayer, we will discover that God has a good track record of faithtfulness. 5. Prayer increases our joy. Jesus Christ says, "Ask and receive that your joy may be full." Indeed, the joy of the Lord is our strength. 6. Prayer is a means of intercession for others. The most sincere care that you can demonstrate for another individual is through intercession. That will bring him closer to God as he also experiences a prayer-answering God. 7. Prayer is a weapon of spiritual warfare to defeat the devil. This weapon is not carnal but spiritual. It is a God-given weapon to pull down the strongholds of the enemy. BASIS OF PRAYER 1. His creatorship God is a responsible Person. Because He has created us, He will take care of us. And He longs to hear and answer our prayers. 2. His character God honors His Word because of Who He is. His Word is His bond. It is simply impossible for Him to lie because He will do what He says He will do. 3. His care and concern God loves us too much to turn a deaf ear toward our cries. On the basis of His divine love alone, He must answer our prayers.
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