For personal use only ABN N 78 052 179 9 932 Compan ny Announc cements Australiian Securitie es Exchang ge 28 Janu uary 2015 A AUSTRALIA AN VINTAGE E APPOINTS S TWO NEW DIRECTOR RS Australia an Vintage Limited today y announced the appointm ment of Mrs Naseema Spparks and Mr John Davies tto its Board of o Directors. Followin ng the Chairm man’s announcement at tthe AGM tha at he and Mr Brian McGuiigan plan to retire as directorss of the comp pany during 2015, the Bo oard has app pointed two new n directorss with experie ence in the area as of marketin ng, digital me edia and fina ance. Naseem ma offers the Board a wea alth of experiience in marketing and digital media, reflecting he er successsful executive e career at M&C M Saatchi,, one of Austtralia’s larges st and most ssuccessful advertising businessses and more e recently ass Chairperson n of Deals Direct Group. Naseema holds h post gra aduate marke et research and a planning qualification ns and an MB BA from Melbbourne Busin ness School. John offfers the Boarrd both indus stry and finan ncial experience. He is a Fellow of thhe Institute of Chartere ed Accountants and has had a 36 yea ar career witth Ernst & Yo oung. He waas elected to Ernst & Young’ss Asia Pacificc Board of Pa artners for a six year periiod until his retirement r froom the firm in n 2011. During h his career, he e provided professional sservices to many m of Austrralia’s leadingg wine comp panies. John alsso owns a co ommercial vin neyard in cen ntral Victoria a. Both havve a passion n for the wine e industry witth a wealth of o experience e in their relaative fields. will be a transsition between the two ne ew directors and a the two retiring r direcctors over a period p of There w approxim mately six mo onths. This will w allow the new directors to benefit from the signnificant know wledge and experience of th he retiring dirrectors. The iincrease in the number of o directors frrom five to se even will ply during tha at transition period. p only app an Ferrier sa Chairma an of Australiian Vintage Limited, L Mr Ia aid that "the Board B is veryy pleased tha at Naseem ma and John have consen nted to be pa art of the Aus stralian Vinta age Board. N Naseema brings to the boarrd significantt experience in marketing g and advertising and Joh hn has a stroong financial background and a pa assion for the wine indusstry". Further information n Neil McG Guigan Chief Exxecutive Officcer Australia an Vintage Ltd 02 4998 8 4199 Mike Noack Chieff Financial Officer O Austrralian Vintage Ltd 08 81 172 8333 1
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