7 " ' • t t • ^ - - • r - • n A IT v WLWb wru/c DAILY . • I It a . . . laeOo* if TTf BOSWORTHS Shoe Store SPECIAL BATATla, M.Y., APRIL SO, U N . <**•.•/ ._ fsBBBBB IS WHERE YOD CAN GET The Bar. lasts Harris of county, preached. He will also preach at tht meeting thle evening. Tht Btf. P. T. Lynn of Boahattar. t SWttt elngerof leraal, will be preeent at the moating tomorrow evening.—Too Hoty Bttt wlU meet at iMstoltpJto George H. Ohtuch'e reeldenoe next Saturday afternoon. The following la the prowin be Brain me of the tatratsea on Arbor nay, May 3d. In Uw public athtti: Oboru hold their regular Meeting ID "Foraat Song r» daclaatanon, "Arbor Day, t h i s e r e o l o g S t 7:80 Hume McPheraon; Ittltsalet). "May Queen, tdlth Klcharde; eeeay, "Tht Tree In Nature," Mary Wllcoa; ohorue, "Ine Klr- - S PRICES B £±£ [ WILL offer for the week Commencing MONDAY, APRIL 28th, a large line of Dry Goods at Very Low Prices. Call and see how cheap they are being offered. Sale to continue all of the week at the Special Prices. Terms OASH and One Price. 1 We are Closing; Out some very desirable lots of Fine, and Medium Price Ladies' and Gent's Shoes at little more than Half Price. leave far Marian, flag drill; .elect reeding, 'The Oak and the Onto win meet at "The Little Acorn," RuaooU Wtlooi, * e fuel Baptist eboreh to-morrow at a log; recitation, "Arbor Day," e*etoekp. at. Sapper will be MTTMI from Aptnorp; eeeay, "The Tree and Its Ueee," Ital. Klchmond Mann; alngiog; docleatation wtnbly yaaaarday yeetat day JMr.aun - l a tae AiaiaaH/ An Apple Coio," Walter Marlon; Arbor deteralplog toe Lcroeiio, eiffut girie, oeicor reading, toneaee and Erie Birch Canoe," Clara Church; tinging; tattririrasilng "Daffodil.,» Jeatle Cleveland; - & A. IbarwlD hu said lbs wast third on treat; declamation, "The Palm," Prank Conway; declamation, "GintfihaUebi by Leole UebeU M a bakery tad reelaenee, ger Bread Tree," Frank Ultcock, tinging; K I T A B M S U E D IK43. "What Do We Plant Whan Wa Plant a E. Eoooelof Befalo, Tree V Klla Jonrow ; daalamatlon, "Blue of tbs Bird's Song," Lloyd Hatch; declamation, a a t y w y a c w .arks, las hat. "Tht Aattaalty of Freedom," Walter Wledto front of Ma rleh; winding tht May-pole. Tha exeraUtt will begin at 1:80 p. m. Albert Knapp found a mare of bU dead In thettall of the Aaterleeo lipreet yesterday morning. She had cast hertelf. at a eelf on Liberty ——Prof. Gardner Foliar, Superinand whirling •ronnd tendent of Batavla'a tehoola, vUitwith a tree, breaking tha haiaaaa ad tha public achool yaatarday Dentltt Gooding of La Boy, who vitlta this - O f Intaraat In village every Tueeday, oame d down on a I apBww ajreeejewa sen W o w oBJw^n nen^V bicycle yaotordsy. Blchard I drhrert of treetlon eagleee teapon Weet Shore telegraph operator at Oneida, tlbietorbroken bridges. Tha Mil came to town yaatarday with hit wife and a law yeataraay. Infant daughter to vltlt bit half-brother, M. —A taam attached to a drag and drlfan P. Hendrlck, who Is vary low with conWilliam H. Hunn of Kibe, hy Kdwtn Harding on a Bethany farm ran tumptlon. *-?day. Tha henai baaama de- With tha help of bis ton, It painting sod pai tha drag, and una of them was pering Or. Andrew's houte. Ho hat also painting and papering to do for D. W. Injured. Beginning I ball laaaltaa a food deal of atten- Howell and V. 0. Calkins. i Harper's thta weak, whleh may bo to-morrow morning, thtflratnull weet will 'a rjounters. Therearepor- dote at 7:80 a. m , lnttead of 8:80 p. m. , players and mnoh that la Darlom'e Oeed Trmpl&n. a/iMarast is lovers of too lib got on a rampage yet-OJdJn OABIIM, April 80.—Ketcue Lodge, LO. u i f w rolling merrily •long Bait Main atreet when Offloer Oaaat- O.T., elected tht following otastra Satur•a nabbed btm and ec oondneted him to the day evening tor tht entnlng quarter: O.T., Poltao G o v t Justice Robeon eent him Charlee 8. Whiting; V.T., Mra. A. K. Lee; down to Jail to tober up and be will bear- Secretory, Mrs. C. 8. Whiting; Financial Secretary, William 0 . Burr; Treeanrer, Hattle Saultbnry; Chaplain, L. B. Tonng; to-day a new line of earpeu, Marthal, O. A Lombard. Mrs. H. T. SMItCliC.nl* and oUolotha. Cheep. Underhlll of Medina It the fttSSttfDr. B. J. B. A H. Hswrrr, Phllllpt. Seward Amee of StrykenvUla t hayeroealfad millinery foods to-day la was tha guett of A. Abel on Sunday. Dr. a 0 . Griawold of ShnlUbnrg, Wla., Is tht •alar atylae and tower prleet than before. gneetof B. Grtawold. Mrs. H.B.Robin U. WABK. ton of Fair port and Mitt Nettle Robinson Of Roeheeter were tht gueeto of Mrs. A B. Riddle on Sunday. Daniel Johns of the Mies Hetle Obamplla of Weet Main etreet Suidiei't BOOM, Dayton, Ohio, and a for* reeldent of title place, la vlaltlng frlaods tevMttngfri E. N. Stone. Bosworth% 69 Main St., S t r e e t . Batei-vli! E S T A B L I S H E D 1148, James Field Company. h BEST it Harness anil Wagon Covers, Stack Covers, Cloths ol the Best Quality at Prices that are Guaranteed t< be Correct are displayed in abundance at J.C.BARNES', Awnings, Flags, Tents, Hammocks, Grain Baggs, Binder Covers, Rattan Curtains for Piazzas, Rope Twines, Tar, Boat Oars, Camp Cots, Chairs, Stools, Hammock Supports, Swinging Chairs, Decorations, Canopies. TENTS and FLAGS FOR RENT. 96 Main Street, - Batavia, N. I and no man, young or old, can help finding just what he wanti FOR A Spring Suit, Overcoat or Trouser 41 and 43 Exchange Street, Rochester, N. Y. A PULL LINE OF IN - FURNISHING - GOODS The stock, just replenished, is lull in every department. The 1 sortment of Ties is superb, and there is a complete line of GE TLEMEN'S GLOVES, as well as other articles. In Gloves 1 celebrated Reynier and Perrin makes are in stock. Hats in SDring Styles Br SATISFACTION IS A CERTAINTY. FURNITURE -AT 6 6 ^flCain. S t r e e t . "—pre ! Veiaae* ; obroflk by a Central train In Lockport leet •tght file forehead was eruthed and It la aot agaiMaa that ho will recover, of s Buffalo •alooa* hoofer. Jomptd Into the oar at lent evening withtba Intention of eommltUng autolde, bat was fshsd out Ha was lave-elek. i of Osasvtito died yot. ed 71 year.. He nee en hunt* aid probably killed foiea than any other men In l.Mng- I J . k . Miller Saeeet Clothing Cheaol A FINE LINE OF BABY CARRIAGES -IT JVE PLACED ON SALE THIS WEEK. O IT JNT I K -A. JNT ' S . "VV"illiGt«ison MKETINCl. R OTJU. n H P L S B B , A R W n O f f - V f e e f e wlU • • • • • okrtfctae ^ » ^ 4 . if*, vnmti u d nptini ke a settlel eteeSae oi SajaHa Oo«««u No 14. oa short n.llo.. AUofeether* <1T«I « B 4 mmhU. at the eoeaeU reoeu oa TkaiSWy erealag, Mag lrt, QIOTM eleaeeS t a j eye* i r t huurtry work S t e e l e to vntmm* (or tke n n e t t m o< gimaS o S e e n who will Tltffthe eco.f II 0* Moadey e m i n g . May ith. Mas. A. r. LAWanmn, a a u MrejeiieSat FURNITURE AND UNDERTAKING, 1 ietet sy erst H. anowv. teate^BhjeieeteSaS Wo. U t w i e itrt hmJt.ro fMket tor OUpotr* NO. i n MAIN ST. tea LO»T. Mbtortaft, ¥ ft. g g Jacob Miller, who wss arretted In Batok* ttwaaaM at oh KretaneS rla last weak and taken to Lyons on a jUjSy^Bejakei ihett, the eesat em leeawe e Mhton * a n » T ~ a e o e . e to raat to a n u l l f u l l y la charge, of BOO«snpportprofttrtd by hit wife, aWrentAw ataeh. eeisi-ir tsaapsd from tht clutches of tht law la man ner and ret urned to Bttavla. Last X tlltad tor gaa, laws, dry aallar all year aroaad. nlitht he approached Officer Plato on tha •talnesteata. Aeetaetoaataef nAenTaOo lw AKTBD—a *1*J 3*1 H'L^L.^ JyBfJJbttreet and proceeded to oatecblte blm for giving Information of the arreat that led to jvwmm w« tAtn-i rvQvina. i n BOOI n i l luoai. publication In TMO Nnwa and andftmit. Apply to BL O*.' A K T S D - A g»0S ttrl to Se gtatral k m m hi a tttaH to-uj. Ueeeeel abe 9. tome one would have "to take It • • • • • • • "o. Ml Stole street It Finally he became ao noley that the The He*. John D. Wood) the yoong told him that If he didn't dealat he would «« tAtOt Metbodlet mlnliter who waa arretted at have an opportunity to tea the Inalde of a \J I p«r jjotr: a w ; (Ctaomne w r onn (rora frora 14 U to to Sit. 111. ear tfay a - i A j j ^ tvhftaain a m H t k l a gesas T*^^ lltog taa Taylor Aafartoato ahoa. Brary tody U Oleau UteSretof the nonth for bigamy and Batten Jail, and be quietly withdraw. J r l M i e a ^ r M a t . tor n u i l tmmoJ?Jm!2ZS£ llntheeonnty jail, baa at laattgel e r m o ^ rMwaad. a t a n I In aooorlng ball, an onele from Hew loieSA/leetahhVaaaoCa.. ne.f eteti FMtfct F e s far bis as. Another lot of the Roreka all-wool a toSo collars J oat received. Thlt la the only ear » A M fast sweat aollar mods snd Is gnsrsntosd to not only prevent a hone from galling, bet fSJBJ. l A L I i . to oa orwill actually cure a gall made by uatng the (•oftheoeoacotton hair rtuffed padt. For tale only by U > O S e A l . e - a a o r h h o r o e , II ty of Ooaoaoo, ao r eaBito I* a*ary yarUeilar. Hammond A Son. aaTteg otaUar. or reereeT*0** plated In Msay's Ml that ally on Satorday 1 a n a hereahi AaatytoOtASax DeeeAe, Creek •ara.Utoof tha ton of BatoTta. la thaitehl etaa* • r * » ^ J J ^ t o a y ara raqalrad u. a. ami .Her puree, whleh eontalned i t s la •watte • »o*e for ItlO aad e obeek on the Notice le hereby given forbidding all per- VQB) a A L S owa l a a h o n t and Harrad Ply. fwitaaakof Materia far trs, sona dumping refute on Weehlngton a venae I l a t r a O. H - J o e i a , IIBV ibfUWthMf. Mrs Weaver bad Jutt between Church street aad f lltoott atones, Meott OT»;, or IT St-tt T r " - ' ' • "toflara C" and say person violatingtoUorder wtthoM SAIJI-IIre tcl He i woo rawed from the logon of the ptek psrmlmlon from the proper antborlUea will r LJ AB*. St, l-W ' « « . JOHTtaon. be prstssntad. JOHM CoMMinaa, Jn_, •70S) I S M t e a h t k l l heiHtag M t e e JSaafe S Has just received a Car Load of CHAMBER SUITS varying price from $16 to $25, each the BEST ever show in Batavia fort money. Q T C a l l in and see them. t of B y r o a D e a d . Mlae Kiltie Lincoln entertained frlande BTBO*. April 80.— D.R. Dntoher,formerat bar noma on ly a retldent of thlt town, died at hit home afternoon In honor of nor friend, Mra, la Hudson, MIch, on Sunday. Tht reMwui morgi Morgan «f uuffalo. main t are to be brought to Holley, la thlt State, for Interment—Harry, youngest son of Charles disss, while playing with one of the neighbor*, boy* on Monday, fell d broke one of tilt bonee of Us right Tht oratton at Albion on Decoration arm. near tht wrist. Dr. L. B. Andrews OaywlU be delivered by Oongroatman Saw- reduced the fracture. Mite Lizzie Hughson, employed In the family of J. W. Beaver, Tha body of an nnkuown man was found flipped tha other day and tpralned bar on the Oaatral traska la ankle badly. She la now at her home near North Bergen.-—The W.O.T.U. with Mra. B H. Morton on Thursday afterOrleane oonnry farmen hare form at 8:80 o^loob.-—Dr. Gilberttocalltabs aoilllary to the Stats ingeta00 frlendt In Wyoming tor » day or J, Tanner of Rldgeway la two. Bert Todd la tick with the Patrlftk Qleeet*, shoot M years old, wee G. D. Williamson ilk r e^>*to«rMeeatorj»ai w T°, aboat, ta roar ot BaU.I. dak. AMtyatBajr* fir The people who keep their stock tcTauit the present demands of the RETAIL TRADE are progressive—the old must be discarded. When you want anything modern examine our stock. Improvements are being made from time to time aa good taste and trade requirements suggest them. We are going to make our usual run on W r TELEPHONE NO. Watches, M s and Sitverwar THIS SPRING. Every years increase of trade shows us that Our Prices art Appreciated. O U R CUT IN PRICES WILL COMMENCE THURSDAY, APRIL 10th. Come in and make your early choice. Austin & Prescott, OX Fir-wn ue Itwitn UktotFw W« Loadfagpring Suiting,ftOverooait Pfmernt. Untitled Document tmmT^tJtSLl. Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com -cL- I h T V e i T 0. W. LUOKBI4 Meroheant Taita No. 3D JACKSON STREET.
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