NEIGHBORHOOD HAPPENINGS SUNDAY FEBRUARY 1, 2015 8:30 AM Traditional Worship Sanctuary 9:45 AM Sunday School 11:00 AM Traditional Worship Sanctuary 11:00 AM Modern Worship/Grace Vision Christian Life Center 3:00 PM Nominations Committee Conference Room 4:00 PM Usher Training Sanctuary 4:00 PM REFUGE (Youth) Christian Life Center 7:00 PM AA Closed Meeting Annex MONDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 2015 9:00 AM Prayer Group Women’s Study Room 10:00 AM Worship Planning Meeting UMM Room 3:30 PM Girl Scouts Annex 5:30 PM Ceramics Ceramics Room 6:00 PM Transition Ministry Team Women’s Study Room 6:00 PM TEAM Board Meeting Conference Room 6:00 PM Stephens Ministry Meeting UMM Room 6:00 PM Ruth Circle UMW Room 7:00 PM Boy Scouts / Cub Scouts / Webelos Annex TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 3, 2015 9:00 AM BSF Int’l Leaders Sunday School Rooms 9:15 AM Young Women’s Bible Study Women’s Study Room 10:00 AM Dorcas Day Circle Meeting Fellowship Hall 10:00 AM Staff Meeting Conference Room 12:00 PM AA Closed Meeting Annex 1:00 PM Ladies Emmaus Reunion Conference Room 6:00 PM “The Best Yes” Bible Study Women's Study Room 6:15 PM Ladies Emmaus Meeting UMW Room 6:15 PM Men’s Emmaus Meeting UMM Room 6:30 PM Cub Scouts Annex 6:30 PM Trustee Meeting Conference Room WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 4, 2015 5:30 AM UMM Bible Study Open Door Room 7:00 AM Women’s Emmaus Reunion Bojangles 9:00 AM BSF Int’l Sanctuary/All Sunday School Rooms/Transept/Welcome Ctr 1:00 PM Home School Handchimes Handbell Room 4:45 PM Children’s Handchimes Handbell Room 5:30 PM Soul Café Christian Life Center 6:00 PM Leadership Development Class Training Room 6:15 PM Chancel Chimes/Introduction to Handbells Handbell Room 6:15 PM Explore (1-5th Grades) 2nd Floor Y/C Building 6:15 PM Cherub Singers and Ringers 2nd Floor Y/C Building 6:15 PM Chancel Choir Choir Room 6:15 PM “The Ten Greatest Chapters in the Bible” Study Pioneer SS Classroom 7:00 PM AA/AL-Anon Closed Meeting Annex 7:15 PM Jubilant Ringers Handbell Room THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 5, 2015 6:30 AM Men’s Emmaus Reunion Conference Room 7:00 AM Disciples Reunion Group UMM Room 8:00 AM Ladies Emmaus Reunion Conference Room 6:00 PM Friendship Sunday School Class Party Fellowship Hall 3:30 PM Girl Scout Troup 872 Annex 5:30 PM Alabama Grief Support Services Conference Room 6:30 PM Men’s Emmaus Meeting Pastor’s Home 6:30 PM Group Bible Study Training Room 6:30 PM GV Worship Practice Christian Life Center Friday, FEBRUARY 6, 2015 12:00 PM AA Closed Meeting Annex SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 7, 2015 8:30 AM Ladies’ Emmaus Conference Room 9:00 AM Worship Committee Fellowship Hall 4:30 PM Confirmation Class Trip 7:00 PM AA/AL-Anon Open Meetings Annex First United Methodist Church How to Join First United Methodist Church 120 North Chalkville Road Trussville, Alabama By Profession of Faith and Baptism. By Transfer from Another Christian Denomination. By Transfer from Another United Methodist Church. (205) 655-3259 February 1, 2015 Name: _________________________________________________________________ Fourth Sunday After the Epiphany □ Profession of Faith □ Other Denomination □ Other United Methodist Church Current Church Membership: ________________________________________________ Email: __________________________________________________________________ OPENING CHIMES The Chimes are played to remind us of the presence of God among His gathered people. Name: _________________________________________________________________ □ Profession of Faith □ Other Denomination □ Other United Methodist Church Current Church Membership: ________________________________________________ Email: __________________________________________________________________ 8:30 am WELCOME AND ANNOUNCEMENTS Please register your attendance in the Attendance Pad located at the end of each pew and pass it to your neighbor. PRELUDE “Joyful, Joyful We Adore Thee” Children: ____________________________________________________ □ Baptized Children: ____________________________________________________ □ Baptized LIGHTING OF THE CANDLES Children: ____________________________________________________ □ Baptized CALL TO WORSHIP Street Address: _________________________________________________________ City, St, Zip:________________________________________ Phone: ______________ Pastors Mark Lacey, Pastor Reid Crotty, Associate Minister Ministry Staff Beth Burden, Children’s Ministry Director Andrew Harbison, Director of Modern Worship Dan Marlow, Music Director Matt McCarrick, Director of Youth Ministries Charlotte Ray, Kids First Director Russell Williams, Accompanist Trey West, Assistant Director of Youth Ministries Administrative Staff Mollie Lyle, Director of Finance and Administration Candy Strickland, Church Secretary Brett Fulton, Doorkeeper Harry Lee, Custodial IN CASE OF EMERGENCY If you have an emergency situation on the weekends and you need a pastor, you may call Mark Lacey at 503-2264 or Reid Crotty at 305-1591. If you know of a parishioner who is in the hospital, has had a death in the family, or other pastoral crisis, we need to hear from you. Please don’t assume that someone has already called us. Acolytes “O Come, Let Us Sing Unto The Lord” *HYMN Chancel Choir “O Spirit of the Living God” 539 (UMH) PSALM 36:5-10 771 (UMH) “Change My Heart, O God” 2152 (TFWS) *PSALTER READING *PASSING OF THE PEACE The worshipers at First United Methodist Church are its ministers. The staff who support them are: Jubilant Ringers Arr. by Janet van Valey and Susay Berry Change my heart, O God, make it ever true. Change my heart, O God, may I be like you. You are the Potter, I am the clay, Mold me and make me, this is what I pray. Change my heart, O God, make it ever true. Change my heart, O God, may I be like you. TRANSITION MINISTRY REPORT OFFERTORY Laurie Echols “Abba, Father” Jubilant Ringers By Jason W. Krug *DOXOLOGY 94 (UMH) Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; praise Him, all creatures here below: Alleluia! Alleluia! Praise God, the source of all our gifts! Praise Jesus Christ, whose power up-lifts! Praise the Spirit, Holy Spirit! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! CHILDREN’S MOMENT Rev. Mark Lacey Children 3yrs-5K are dismissed for Children’s Church in the Y/C Building Room C177. PASTORAL PRAYER ANTHEM “At Your Table, Lord” *SCRIPTURE READING SERMON Chancel Choir Mark 1: 21-28 (NT Page 35) “Because I Said So” Rev. Mark Lacey THE SACRAMENT OF HOLY COMMUNION 12 (UMH) SUNG RESPONSES The Minister continues… and join their unending hymn: PRAYING FOR Kevin Simpson, Mary Shelton, Bess Stephens, Ann Henderson, Sharon Klug, Carol McWilliams, Fred Long, Frances Bain, Jean Hackney, Allred Family and Baby Rich, Gaye Reeves, Kim Cooper, Bonnie Lee and family, Raymond McCutchen, Jill Rutledge and family, Alfred Walker, Mary Shaffield, Clarrine King, Jan Curtis and family, Bernie & Doris Murphree, Jay Bice, Yvonne Krenhel, Jane Hagood, Greg McMullin, Kitty Steele, Dr. Bobby Howard, Oren Horst, Emily Hudson, Charlotte Balentine, Janie Hendrix, Maria Cauble, Peggy Waite, Brandi Murphy, Eric Hardy, Daniel Bauber, Linda and David Price, Sue Popwell, William “Dub” Dole, Andrew Barksdale, Avery Snuggs, Aubrey Steen and family, Ted Gilmer, Jr., and our Men and Women in the Military. Please Note: If you would like to add someone to this list, please call the church office (655-3259). The TFUMC Methodist Men will meet next Sun., Feb. 8. The Open Door Class will have breakfast ready at 7:00 a.m. in the Fellowship Hall. Our guest speaker will be Rev. Reid Crotty, currently serving here as Interim Associate Pastor and formerly the Senior Pastor at Bluff Park UMC for 22 years. Please join us. Marie Gospodarek will teach a CPR/Safety Class on Sun., Feb. 8th at 4 pm in the Sanctuary. If you usher, this would be great information for you. If you are just interested in learning about safety, you are welcome to be a part of this class. The Worship Committee will oversee the replacement of any damaged hymnals. If you would like to make a donation in memory of or in honor of someone, please fill out the enclosed form and place it in the offering plate or turn it in to the church office. OUR STEWARDSHIP OF PRESENCE AND GIFTS: January 25, 2015 Attendance - 413 January 25, 2015 Sunday School Attendance - 347 The Minister continues… as we proclaim the mystery of faith: Transition Ministry Team Update. Our team has met three times in January and we have three items we want you to know. 1—We have received and tallied our first group of questionnaire responses. 2—We have converted the questionnaire to an electronic format in order to reach more folks in our community. 3—We have launched this e-questionnaire and are ready to receive responses. The link is available on Facebook, on the church website, is being emailed to our Kids First families, and will be available on “What’s Happening in Trussville” website. We will be reporting our progress on the Transition Ministry to you in various ways monthly. If you have any questions please ask a Transition ministry team member. Our Ministry team members and their contact information follows: Wade Roskam, [email protected]; Bud Walden, [email protected]; Hal Riddle, [email protected]; Laurie Echols, [email protected]; Chesley Payne, [email protected]; Sharon Dunson, [email protected]; Garey Morrison, [email protected]; Sybil Barber, [email protected]; and Mark Lacey, [email protected]. New Members for 2015 - 2 Baptisms - 1 Christ has died, Christ is risen, Christ will come again! Capital Fund 3.3.3. Expenses to Date - $536,740.68 Capital Fund 3.3.3. Offerings Received - $436,852.80 The Minister continues… and forever. Amen, amen, amen General Fund Expenses Year to Date - $37,834.17 General Fund Offerings Received - $76,079.05 LORD’S PRAYER Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen. DISTRIBUTION OF ELEMENTS PRAYER AFTER RECEIVING THE SACRAMENT Eternal God, we give You thanks for this holy mystery in which You have given Yourself to us. Grant that we may go into the world in the strength of Your Spirit, to give ourselves for others, in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen. *HYMN “Come, Thou Fount of Every Blessing” 400 (UMH) *BENEDICTION “God Be with You till We Meet Again” Chancel Choir SERVING FEBRUARY 1, 2015 GUEST MUSIC DIRECTOR - Joe Faughender HANDBELL DIRECTOR - Kelley Clegg Neal PIANO - Russell Williams ORGAN - Jim McKinney ACOLYTES - Jacob Alfano and Jacob Sanders USHERS - Louise Jensen, Bill Noland, Linda Noland, Tim Tarte CHILDREN’S MOMENT - Mark Lacey CHILDREN’S CHURCH - Nicole Sanders Acolyte Celebration - Sun., Feb. 8th at 1:30 pm at Fox’s Pizza. RSVP by Feb. 5th to [email protected]. New Beginnings Sunday School Class is preparing a Spaghetti Lunch on February 22. Spaghetti will be served after Sunday School and the 11:00 am service. Take-outs will be available. Donations will be accepted. THE SANCTUARY FLOWERS Are given to the Honor and Glory of God and in memory of Anna Hayes By her family POSTLUDE UMH - United Methodist Hymnal TFWS - The Faith We Sing Monday Morning Prayer Group meeting time has changed to 9:00 am. Please join us in the Women’s Study Room. Thank you for your donations left during Communion. These funds go to the Pastor’s Discretionary Fund to help the needy. Holy, holy, holy Lord, God of power and might. Heaven and earth are full of Your glory, Hosanna in the highest. Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord. Hosanna in the highest. *Stand as you are able. Headsets are available at the soundboard for the hearing impaired. Usher Training - Changed to Feb. 8th at 3:00 pm in the Sanctuary. For more information please contact Marsha Estes or Kelly Holland. New Unity Sunday School class meets in the Training Room at 9:45 am on Sundays. GRACE VISION, CONTEMPORARY WORSHIP 11:00 A.M. Christian Life Center Matt McCarrick SOUL CAFÉ FEB 4. , 2015 - 5:30 PM (TAKE-OUTS AVAILABLE AT 4:45 PM) PLEASE CALL AHEAD ONLY $6.00 PER PERSON PLEASE MAKE RESERVATIONS BY TUESDAY AT NOON. NAME:_____________________________________ ADULTS: __________ CHILDREN: _____________ MENU Salad Bar, Fireside Chicken, (Potatoes, Carrots, Onions) French Bread, Dessert, Tea/Water Children’s Menu: Hot Dog and Chips Panama Mission Trip June 6-13 2015 - Deposit of $150 to hold spot on this trip is due ASAP. Contact Marianne Elliott 205-361-2040 or email [email protected] for more info. Girls ages three through 5th grade are invited to our first annual Princess Ball on Sat., Feb. 21st at 5:30 p.m. in the Fellowship Hall. Email [email protected]. Please RSVP by February 16. Love Your Neighbor Food Drive for T.E.A.M. Kickoff Sat., Feb. 14th, 9-12 noon at FUMC front parking lot. Drive through and drop off your grocery bag. Grocery bags available Sun., Feb. 8 in all worship services. Special Guests include: Ken Lass - Alabama 13 News; Meaghan Thomas - Meteorologist ABC 33/40; Sheri Falk - Host, Talk of Alabama ABC 33/40. Thanks to everyone who joined the Jubilant Ringers for their Concert at Fair Haven Retirement Home Thursday night. Your support is deeply appreciated.
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