Canada -

Public Works and Government Services
Bid Receiving - PWGSC / Réception des soumissions TPSGC
11 Laurier St. / 11, rue Laurier
Place du Portage , Phase III
Core 0A1 / Noyau 0A1
Gatineau, Québec K1A 0S5
Bid Fax: (819) 997-9776
Travaux publics et Services
gouvernementaux Canada
Title - Sujet
Satcom On The Move (SOTM)
Solicitation No. - N° de l'invitation
Amendment No. - N° modif.
Client Reference No. - N° de référence du client
GETS Reference No. - N° de référence de SEAG
File No. - N° de dossier
The referenced document is hereby revised; unless otherwise
indicated, all other terms and conditions of the Solicitation
remain the same.
Solicitation Closes - L'invitation prend fin
at - à 02:00 PM
on - le 2014-03-12
F.O.B. - F.A.B.
Eastern Standard Time
Address Enquiries to: - Adresser toutes questions à:
Buyer Id - Id de l'acheteur
McGrath, Phil
Ce document est par la présente révisé; sauf indication contraire,
les modalités de l'invitation demeurent les mêmes.
Time Zone
Fuseau horaire
Telephone No. - N° de téléphone
FAX No. - N° de FAX
(819) 956-0486 (
( )
Destination - of Goods, Services, and Construction:
Destination - des biens, services et construction:
See Herein
Comments - Commentaires
Vendor/Firm Name and Address
Raison sociale et adresse du
fournisseur/de l'entrepreneur
Instructions: See Herein
Instructions: Voir aux présentes
Delivery Required - Livraison exigée
Delivery Offered - Livraison proposée
Vendor/Firm Name and Address
Raison sociale et adresse du fournisseur/de l'entrepreneur
Issuing Office - Bureau de distribution
Land Projects and Communication System Support
Division/Div des projets terrestres et support de
systèmes de communication
11 Laurier St. / 11, rue Laurier
8C2, Place du Portage, Phase III
K1A 0S5
Telephone No. - N° de téléphone
Facsimile No. - N° de télécopieur
Name and title of person authorized to sign on behalf of Vendor/Firm
(type or print)
Nom et titre de la personne autorisée à signer au nom du fournisseur/
de l'entrepreneur (taper ou écrire en caractères d'imprimerie)
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Solicitation No. - N° de l'invitation
Amd. No. - N° de la modif.
Buyer ID - Id de l'acheteur
Client Ref. No. - N° de réf. du client
File No. - N° du dossier
This amendment #020 to the RFP is raised to answer questions from Bidders.
Questions 84 to 91.
Question 84. There may also be an issue achieving final WGS certification by 18 MACA as Canada
will have to provide completed installation packages for each vehicle type that the VASS is installed on
prior to completing the WGS certifications. Amendment 16, Question 68, noted that Canada intends to
use LAV 3 and Bison platforms.
Can Canada:
a) confirm the number of different platform types that will require certification so that the qualification
effort can be costed; and,
b) provide a milestone schedule indicating when the vehicle installations will be provided as GFI.
Answer 84:
Question Reference: Wideband Terminal Performance Certification Requirements
Version 2.00 dated 18 July 2013.
WGS Certification of the VASS will be required on one (1) DND 'primary' (as defined at the
Question's Reference) vehicle in both X and Ka bands no later than 18-months after contract award. The
Contractor is responsible for costs as per the RFP Part 7, Paragraph 20. As stated in the Question's
Reference, it is reasonable to assume that testing for the VASS will be required on the "primary" vehicle
platform itself at the Aberdeen Proving Grounds, Maryland. Providing this DND "primary" vehicle itself
will be the responsibility of DND. The Contractor will be responsible for providing their proposed
VASS solution to Aberdeen Proving Grounds, Maryland, or an appropriate alternate location agreed with
Canada, to be installed on the "primary" vehicle or possibly the motion table, as is required to support
WGS Certification, and all engineering support required for the Contractor's VASS solution to
successfully achieve full WGS Certification. Subsequent 'secondary' (as defined in the Question's
Reference) vehicle WGS certifications will be the responsibility of DND.
If any vehicle installation drawings are required by the Contractor in support of obtaining WGS
Certification they will be made available at the Kick-off meeting after Contract Award. No schedule is
Question 85: Annex A para 1.3 (l) states that the TA retains responsibility to provide cables for the
VSS with minor exceptions. However it also states that the Contractor must provide cables internal to the
proposed VSS . It reiterated in Annex A para 4.1.2 that all cables "internal to the proposed VSS" are to
be delivered. Mitigating this, there is no deliverable item listed for cables in Appendix A6 to Annex A
and the list of VSS components in Appendix A1 to Annex A, para 2.3.1. The VSS consists of the VASS,
SOTM vehicle Modem, a CF-30, a HAIPE Crypto and the TCP PEP, of which only the VASS and the
PEP application are deliverable.
Please confirm that the only cables or connectors associated with the VSS that are deliverables are those
internal to the VASS and any unique external connectors or backshells used on the VASS that are not
readily available.
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Solicitation No. - N° de l'invitation
Amd. No. - N° de la modif.
Buyer ID - Id de l'acheteur
Client Ref. No. - N° de réf. du client
File No. - N° du dossier
Answer 85: For the purposes of this RFP with regard to cables, cables external to the VASS are
defined as power cables (SRD ref 146), L-Band interface cables (SRD ref 141) and data/control cables
(SRD ref 143). All other VASS cables are considered internal cables, and are the responsibility of the
Contractor as per para 4.1.2.
Question 86: References: Attachment 1 to Appendix 1 to Annex A, Table 3-1 (SOTM SystemRequirements Statements), TPS-1-2 and TPS-1-4, Paragraph b: VSS to HSS link budget, Military Ka
Band; Solicitation Amendment 6, question 36.
Is it the intent of the DND that vendors should only apply a zone K rain model one side of the link? If so,
does the DND have a preference on the side? If not, is it acceptable for the bidder to clearly state
reasonable assumptions?
Answer 86: The Bidder is only required to apply a zone K rain model to one side of the link and
Bidders may choose which side.
Question 87: To cover Export compliance requirements for the SOTM program, there may be a
requirement for a Technical Assistance Agreement between one or more suppliers and the DND to be
executed upon contract award. This document may take time for the DND to approve , therefore we
propose that providing the DND with a Draft TAA in advance of contract award for review and
comments only would assist in expediting the process. Will Canada consider this approach.
Answer 87: Where a Bidder may have a requirement for a TAA, the Bidder is requested to provide the
Draft TAA with its proposal.
Question 88: Reference Annex A, Paragraph 4.6.2 Compliance and DID SE-004
(a) Will Canada provide an identification of Regulations, Laws or agency certifications that are to be
applicable or required for the design and selection of the supplied equipment and system?
(b) For example, is CSA Certification required for any portion of electrical and electronic equipment
power generators or HVAC units, sub-systems or systems?
Answer 88:
(a) No, Canada will not provide any additional identification of “Regulations, Laws or agency
certifications that are to be applicable or required for the design and selection of the supplied equipment
and system” beyond what is already in the RFP.
(b) See also Supplemental General Conditions 4001. For clarity purposes, the clause regarding electrical
equipment is provided below:
4001 06 (2008-05-12) Certification of Electrical Equipment
The Contractor guarantees that all electrical equipment delivered under the Contract is either:
certified by an organization accredited by the Standards Council of Canada in accordance with Part I of
the Canadian Electrical Code; or has been inspected by an organization acceptable to the Chief Electrical
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Solicitation No. - N° de l'invitation
Amd. No. - N° de la modif.
Buyer ID - Id de l'acheteur
Client Ref. No. - N° de réf. du client
File No. - N° du dossier
Inspector in the province, territory or city in Canada where the electrical equipment will be delivered, in
which case the Contractor must present evidence of this inspection if requested by Canada.
Question 89: Reference Annex A, Paragraph 4.6.1 General – Will Canada provide copy or access to
the Canadian Forces Supply System (CFSS) material listing?
Answer 89: Amend RFP Annex A, Paragraph 4.6.1 as follows:
Delete 2nd paragraph as shown here:
“The Contractor shall not increase the hazard risk, or the number of controlled substances in any changes
to the existing configuration without a measureable increase in equipment performance that is authorized
by the Technical Authority. For any proposed changes, the Contractor shall review the Canadian Forces
Supply System (CFSS) material listing for an existing suitable product before recommending
introduction of a new product into the CFSS inventory.”
That requirement was intended for any part of the proposal that was built to a design provided by Canada
and is now judged to not be needed for this procurement.
Although not expected to be necessary, any access to the Canadian Forces Supply System (CFSS)
material listing will be arranged after Contract Award by Canada as and when required and approved.
Question 90: RFP instructions, Para. 2.4.9, Investment Framework (IF) states that “An IF transaction
that has been fully reviewed and approved by the IRB authority as a Banked Transaction may be included
in Bidder’s IRB Proposal submitted at bid closing…”
Does the Canadian Government want bidders with banked transactions to send details of those banked
transactions now for review and approval before proposal submittal?
Answer 90: Approved Banked Transactions may be submitted with the bid.
Question 91: In Annex B, Appendix B1, Note 3 states, “At Contract Award the Phase 1 price will be
adjusted downward in accordance with the cost of obtaining WGS Certification for the VASS and the
(a) Does that mean that the costs of WGS certification shall not be included in the proposal? Should we
assume the Canadian Gov’t. will pay for WGS Certification?
(b) Will all downward adjustments be at the same value?
Answer 91:
No. See the RFP Part 7, Para 20 and the answer to Question 84, and Annex B para 4.0.
No. See the RFP Part 7, Para 20, and Annex B para 4.0.
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