´ ´ DE TECHNOLOGIE DE BELFORT-MONTBELIARD UNIVERSITE Curriculum Vitæ of Robin ROCHE ROBIN ROCHE Ref.: CV-ROCHE-EN-2015-I130 Ver.: 1.0 Date: 2015/02/06 Status: Public ` Laboratoire Systemes et Transports ´ ´ e´ Institut de Recherche sur le Transport, lEnergie et la Societ ´ Universite´ de Technologie de Belfort-Montbeliard Rue Ernest Thierry-Mieg 90010 Belfort cedex, France http://set.utbm.fr 1 1/ IDENTIFICATION 1 I DENTIFICATION Name, Firstname: Professional Position: French National Section: Teaching Institution: Research Laboratory: Email: Web site: ROCHE ROBIN Associate Professor ´ 61 - Genie informatique, automatique et traitement du signal ´ Universite´ de Technologie de Belfort-Montbeliard, Rue Thierry Mieg 90010 B ELFORT cedex, France ` IRTES-SET (Laboratoire Systemes et Transports, Institut ´ ´ e, ´ Belfort, France) de Recherche Transport Energie Societ [email protected] http://www.energyconversion.fr/People:Roche robin This curriculum vitæ is generated by a bot automatically, from data published on the website above. To obtain an official curriculum vitæ, please contact ROBIN ROCHE directly. 2 SCIENTIFICAL PUBLICATIONS 2/ 2 S CIENTIFICAL P UBLICATIONS International journal with reading committee International conference with proceedings National conference with proceedings National conference without proceedings Book chapter Patent 7 16 2 1 2 1 2.1/ 2.1.1/ I NTERNATIONAL JOURNAL WITH READING COMMITTEE 2015 • Tim HANSEN, Robin ROCHE, Siddharth SURYANARAYANAN, Anthony a. MACIEJEWSKI, Howard J. SIEGEL. “Heuristic Optimization for an Aggregator-based Resource Allocation in the Smart Grid.” In IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, Accepted for publication 2015. 2.1.2/ 2014 • Pierre MASSONNAT, Fei GAO, Robin ROCHE, Damien PAIRE, David BOUQUAIN, Abdellatif MIRAOUI. “Multiphysical, Multidimensional Real-Time PEM Fuel Cell Modeling for Embedded Applications.” In Energy Conversion and Management, vol. 88, pp. 554-564 DOI: 10.1016/j.enconman.2014.08.062. 2014. 2.1.3/ 2013 • Adam ZIPPERER, Patricia a. ALOISE-YOUNG, Siddharth SURYANARAYANAN, Robin ROCHE, Lieko EARLE, Dane CHRISTENSEN, Pablo BAULEO, Daniel ZIMMERLE. “Electric Energy Management in the Smart Home: Perspectives on Enabling Technologies and Consumer Behavior.” In Proceedings of the IEEE, vol. 101(11), pp. 2397-2408 ISSN: 0018-9219. DOI: 10.1109/JPROC.2013.2270172. 2013. • Lhassane IDOUMGHAR, Nicolas CHERIN, Patrick SIARRY, Robin ROCHE, Abdellatif MIRAOUI. “Hybrid ICA-PSO algorithm for continuous optimization.” In Applied Mathematics and Computation, vol. 219(24), pp. 11149-11170, Elsevier ISSN: 0096-3003. DOI: 10.1016/j.amc.2013.05.027. 2013. 2.1.4/ 2012 • Robin ROCHE, Lhassane IDOUMGHAR, Siddharth SURYANARAYANAN, Mounir DAGGAG, Christian-Anghel SOLACOLU, Abdellatif MIRAOUI. “A flexible and efficient multi-agent gas turbine power plant energy management system with economic and environmental constraints.” In Applied Energy, vol. 101, pp. 644–654, Elsevier ISSN: 0306-2619. DOI: 10.1016/j.apenergy.2012.07.011. 2012. 2 SCIENTIFICAL PUBLICATIONS 3 ˜ • Marcelo G. SIMOES, Robin ROCHE, Elias KYRIAKIDES, Siddharth SURYANARAYANAN, Benjamin BLUNIER, Kerry D. MCBEE, Phuong NGUYEN, Paulo F. RIBEIRO, Abdellatif MIRAOUI. “A Comparison of Smart Grid Technologies and Progresses in Europe and the U.S..” In IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications, vol. 48(4), pp. 1154-1162 ISSN: 0093-9994. DOI: 10.1109/TIA.2012.2199730. 2012. • Nicolas WATRIN, Robin ROCHE, Hugues OSTERMANN, Benjamin BLUNIER, Abdellatif MIRAOUI. “Multi-physical lithium-based battery model for use in state-ofcharge determination.” In IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 61(8), pp. 3420-3429 ISSN: 0018-9545. DOI: 10.1109/TVT.2012.2205169. 2012. 2.2/ 2.2.1/ I NTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE WITH PROCEEDINGS 2015 • Robin ROCHE, Berk CELIK, David BOUQUAIN, Abdellatif MIRAOUI. “A Framework for Grid-Edge Resilience Improvement Using Homes and Microgrids Coordination.” In Proc. of IEEE PowerTech 2015, Accepted for presentation 2015. • Robin ROCHE, Siddharth SURYANARAYANAN, Tim HANSEN, Sila KILICCOTE, Abdellatif MIRAOUI. “A Multi-Agent Model and Strategy for Residential Demand Response Coordination.” In Proc. of IEEE PowerTech 2015, Accepted for presentation 2015. 2.2.2/ 2014 • Robin ROCHE, Florence BERTHOLD, Fei GAO, Fei WANG, Alexandre RAVEY, Sheldon WILLIAMSON. “A Model and Strategy to Improve Smart Home Energy Resilience During Outages Using Vehicle-to-Home.” In Proc. of IEEE International Electric Vehicle Conference, Accepted for presentation 2014. • Benoˆıt COURAUD, Robin ROCHE. “A Distribution Loads Forecast Methodology Based on Transmission Grid Substations SCADA Data.” In Proc. of IEEE Innovative Smart Grid Technologies Conference - Asia (ISGT ASIA) DOI: 10.1109/ISGTAsia.2014.6873760. 2014. • Daniela CHRENKO, Alexandre RAVEY, Robin ROCHE, David BOUQUAIN. “Autonomy Estimation for EV based on Road Planning Software.” In Proc. of IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference and Expo (ITEC 2014) DOI: 10.1109/ITEC.2014.6861815. 2014. 2.2.3/ 2013 • Fabrice LAURI, Gillian BASSO, Jiawei ZHU, Robin ROCHE, Vincent HILAIRE, Abderrafiaa KOUKAM. “Managing Power Flows in Microgrids Using Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning.” In Proc. of Agent Technologies for Energy Systems (ATES) 2013. 2 SCIENTIFICAL PUBLICATIONS 4 • Julieta GIRALDEZ, Robin ROCHE, Siddharth SURYANARAYANAN, Daniel ZIMMERLE. “A Linear Programming Methodology to Quantify the Impact of PHEVs with V2G Capabilities on Distribution Systems.” In Proc. of IEEE Green Technologies Conference (GreenTech 2013), pp. 8-15 ISBN: 978-0-7695-4966-8. DOI: 10.1109/GreenTech.2013.12. 2013. 2.2.4/ 2012 • Tim HANSEN, Robin ROCHE, Siddharth SURYANARAYANAN, Howard J. SIEGEL, Daniel ZIMMERLE, Peter M. YOUNG, Anthony a. MACIEJEWSKI. “A Proposed Framework for Heuristic Approaches to Resource Allocation in the Emerging Smart Grid.” In Proc. of IEEE International Conference on Power Systems Technology (POWERCON 2012) ISBN: 978-1-4673-2868-5. DOI: 10.1109/PowerCon.2012.6401462. 2012. • Robin ROCHE, Lhassane IDOUMGHAR, Benjamin BLUNIER, Abdellatif MIRAOUI. “Imperialist Competitive Algorithm for Dynamic Optimization of Economic Dispatch in Power Systems.” In Proc. of LNCS 7401: EA 2011, pp. 217-228, Heidelberg, Springer DOI: 10.1007/978-3-642-35533-2 19. 2012. • Robin ROCHE, Sudarshan NATARAJAN, Ayan BHATTACHARYYA, Siddharth SURYANARAYANAN. “A Framework for Co-simulation of AI Tools with a Power Systems Analysis Software.” In Proc. of International Workshop on Intelligent Agent Technology, Power Systems and Energy Markets (IATEM 2012), pp. 350-354 ISBN: 978-1-4673-2621-6. ISSN: 1529-4188. DOI: 10.1109/DEXA.2012.9. 2012. • Alexandre RAVEY, Robin ROCHE, Benjamin BLUNIER, Abdellatif MIRAOUI. “Combined optimal sizing and energy management of hybrid electric vehicles.” In Proc. of IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference and Expo (ITEC) ISBN: 978-14673-1406-0. DOI: 10.1109/ITEC.2012.6243420. 2012. 2.2.5/ 2011 • Gillian BASSO, Vincent HILAIRE, Fabrice LAURI, Robin ROCHE, Massimo COSSENTINO. “A MAS-based simulator for the prototyping of Smart Grids.” In Proc. of 9th European Workshop on Multiagent Systems (EUMAS11) 2011. • Robin ROCHE, Lhassane IDOUMGHAR, Benjamin BLUNIER, Abdellatif MIRAOUI. “Optimized Fuel Cell Array Energy Management Using Multi-Agent Systems.” In Proc. of IEEE Industry Applications Society (IAS) Annual Meeting ISBN: 978-14244-9498-9. ISSN: 0197-2618. DOI: 10.1109/IAS.2011.6074334. 2011. ˜ • Marcelo G. SIMOES, Robin ROCHE, Elias KYRIAKIDES, Abdellatif MIRAOUI, Benjamin BLUNIER, Kerry D. MCBEE, Siddharth SURYANARAYANAN, Phuong NGUYEN, Paulo F. RIBEIRO. “Smart-grid technologies and progress in Europe and the USA.” In Proc. of IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition (ECCE), pp. 383 - 390 ISBN: 978-1-4577-0542-7. DOI: 10.1109/ECCE.2011.6063795. 2011. 2 SCIENTIFICAL PUBLICATIONS 5 • Robin ROCHE, Lhassane IDOUMGHAR, Benjamin BLUNIER, Abdellatif MIRAOUI. “Imperialist Competitive Algorithm for Dynamic Optimization of Economic Dispatch in Power Systems.” In Proc. of International Conference on Artificial Evolution (EA2011), pp. 375 - 386 ISBN: 978-2-9539267-1-2. 2011. 2.2.6/ 2010 • Robin ROCHE, Benjamin BLUNIER, Abdellatif MIRAOUI, Vincent HILAIRE, Abderrafiaa KOUKAM. “Multi-agent systems for grid energy management: A short review.” In Proc. of IECON 2010 - 36th Annual Conference on IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, pp. 3341 - 3346 ISBN: 978-1-4244-5225-5. ISSN: 1553-572X. DOI: 10.1109/IECON.2010.5675295. 2010. 2.3/ 2.3.1/ N ATIONAL CONFERENCE WITH PROCEEDINGS 2012 • Robin ROCHE, Lhassane IDOUMGHAR, Benjamin BLUNIER, Abdellatif MIRAOUI. ´ “Algorithmes hybrides pour la gestion intelligente de l’energie dans les smart grids.” ´ Francophones Planification, Decision, ´ In Proc. of Journees et Apprentissage pour ` la conduite de systemes (JFPDA 2012) 2012. 2.3.2/ 2011 ´ • Robin ROCHE. “Application de metaheuristiques pour la gestion optimale de ´ ´ ´ ´ l’energie dans les reseaux electriques intelligents.” In Proc. of Conference des ´ Jeunes Chercheurs en Genie Electrique (JCGE 2011) 2011. 2.4/ 2.4.1/ N ATIONAL CONFERENCE WITHOUT PROCEEDINGS 2012 • Nicolas CHERIN, Lhassane IDOUMGHAR, Patrick SIARRY, Robin ROCHE, Ben´ ` jamin BLUNIER. “Metaheuristique hybride pour les problemes d’optimisation con` annuel de la Societ ´ e´ franc¸aise de Recherche tinue.” In Proc. of Congres ´ ´ Operationnelle et d’Aide a` la Decision (ROADEF 2012) 2012. 2.5/ 2.5.1/ B OOK CHAPTER 2014 ˜ Robin ROCHE, Elias KYRIAKIDES, Siddharth SURYA• Marcelo G. SIMOES, NARAYANAN, Benjamin BLUNIER, Kerry D. MCBEE, Phuong NGUYEN, Paulo F. RIBEIRO, Abdellatif MIRAOUI. “A Comparison of Smart Grid Technologies and Progresses in Europe and the U.S..” Chapter in Smart Grids and Developments, chapter IV, pp. 221–238, Springer ISBN: 978-1-4471-6280-3. 2014. 2 SCIENTIFICAL PUBLICATIONS 2.5.2/ 6 2013 • Robin ROCHE, Fabrice LAURI, Benjamin BLUNIER, Abdellatif MIRAOUI, Abderrafiaa KOUKAM. “Multi-Agent Technology for Power System Control.” Chapter in Power Electronics for Renewable and Distributed Energy Systems, chapter 15, pp. 567-609, Springer ISBN: 978-1-4471-5103-6. DOI: 10.1007/978-1-4471-5104-3 15. 2013. 2.6/ 2.6.1/ PATENT 2012 • Mounir DAGGAG, Robin ROCHE, Lhassane IDOUMGHAR, Benjamin BLUNIER, Abdellatif MIRAOUI, Abderrafiaa KOUKAM. “System and Method for Controlling an Electrical Energy Production Installation.” Patent no. WO/2012/143424 2012. ROBIN ROCHE Curriculum Vitæ of Robin ROCHE Ref.: CV-ROCHE-EN-2015-I130 Ver.: 1.0 Date: 2015/02/06 Status: Public ` Laboratoire Systemes et Transports ´ ´ e´ Institut de Recherche sur le Transport, lEnergie et la Societ ´ Universite´ de Technologie de Belfort-Montbeliard Rue Ernest Thierry-Mieg 90010 Belfort cedex, France Contact Dr. Robin ROCHE & 0384583479 [email protected] http://set.utbm.fr
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