´ ´ DE TECHNOLOGIE DE BELFORT-MONTBELIARD UNIVERSITE Curriculum Vitæ of David BOUQUAIN DAVID BOUQUAIN Ref.: CV-BOUQUAIN-EN-2015-I22 Ver.: 1.0 Date: 2015/02/06 Status: Public ` Laboratoire Systemes et Transports ´ ´ e´ Institut de Recherche sur le Transport, lEnergie et la Societ ´ Universite´ de Technologie de Belfort-Montbeliard Rue Ernest Thierry-Mieg 90010 Belfort cedex, France http://set.utbm.fr 1 1/ IDENTIFICATION 1 I DENTIFICATION Name, Firstname: Professional Position: Teaching Institution: Research Laboratory: Email: Web site: BOUQUAIN David Associate Professor ´ Universite´ de Technologie de Belfort-Montbeliard, Rue Thierry Mieg 90010 B ELFORT cedex, France ` IRTES-SET (Laboratoire Systemes et Transports, Institut de ´ ´ e, ´ Belfort, France) Recherche Transport Energie Societ [email protected] http://www.energyconversion.fr/People:Bouquain david This curriculum vitæ is generated by a bot automatically, from data published on the website above. To obtain an official curriculum vitæ, please contact David BOUQUAIN directly. 2 SCIENTIFICAL PUBLICATIONS 2/ 2 S CIENTIFICAL P UBLICATIONS International journal with reading committee National journal with reading committee International conference with proceedings National conference with proceedings National conference without proceedings Book chapter Patent 11 2 25 1 1 1 1 2.1/ 2.1.1/ I NTERNATIONAL JOURNAL WITH READING COMMITTEE 2014 • Pierre MASSONNAT, Fei GAO, Robin ROCHE, Damien PAIRE, David BOUQUAIN, Abdellatif MIRAOUI. “Multiphysical, Multidimensional Real-Time PEM Fuel Cell Modeling for Embedded Applications.” In Energy Conversion and Management, vol. 88, pp. 554-564 DOI: 10.1016/j.enconman.2014.08.062. 2014. 2.1.2/ 2013 • Dong Dong ZHAO, Qing ZHENG, Fei GAO, David BOUQUAIN, Manfeng DOU, Abdellatif MIRAOUI. “Disturbance Decoupling Control of an Ultra-high Speed Centrifugal Compressor for the Air Management of Fuel Cell Systems (Accepted, not yet published).” In International Journal of Hydrogen Energy DOI: 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2013.11.057. 2013. • Dong Dong ZHAO, Fei GAO, David BOUQUAIN, Manfeng DOU, Abdellatif MIRAOUI. “Sliding Mode Control of an Ultra High Speed Centrifugal Compressor for the Air Management of Fuel Cell Systems for Automotive Applications.” In IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 99(1), pp. 9 2013. • Yigeng HUANGFU, Fei GAO, Abdeljalil ABBAS TURKI, David BOUQUAIN, Abdellatif MIRAOUI. “Transient dynamic and modeling parameter sensitivity analysis of 1D solid oxide fuel cell model.” In Energy Conversion and Management, vol. 71, pp. 172-185 ISSN: 0196-8904. DOI: 10.1016/j.enconman.2013.03.029. 2013. 2.1.3/ 2012 • Daniel FODOREAN, Lhassane IDOUMGHAR, Abdoul N’DIAYE, David BOUQUAIN. “Simulated annealing algorithm for the optimisation of an electrical machine.” In Electric Power Applications, IET, vol. 6(9), pp. 735-742, IET ISSN: 1751-8660. DOI: 10.1049/iet-epa.2011.0029. 2012. • Mohammad KABALO, Damien PAIRE, Benjamin BLUNIER, David BOUQUAIN, ˜ Marcelo G. SIMOES, Abdellatif MIRAOUI. “Experimental Validation of a HighVoltage-Ratio Low Input Current Ripple Converters for Hybrid Fuel Cell Supercapacitors Systems.” In IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. pp(99) DOI: 10.1109/TVT.2012.2208132. 2012. 2 SCIENTIFICAL PUBLICATIONS 3 • Fei GAO, Benjamin BLUNIER, Daniela CHRENKO, David BOUQUAIN, Abdellatif MIRAOUI. “Multi-Rates Fuel Cell Emulation With Spatial Reduced Real-Time Fuel Cell Modelling.” In IEEE Transactions on Industrial Applications, vol. Forthcoming 2012. 2.1.4/ 2011 • Alexandre RAVEY, Nicolas WATRIN, Benjamin BLUNIER, David BOUQUAIN, Abdellatif MIRAOUI. “Energy-Source-Sizing Methodology for Hybrid Fuel Cell Vehicles Based on Statistical Description of Driving Cycles.” In IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology, vol. 60(9), pp. 4164 - 4174 ISSN: 0018-9545. DOI: 10.1109/TVT.2011.2158567. 2011. 2.1.5/ 2010 • Daniela CHRENKO, Fei GAO, Benjamin BLUNIER, David BOUQUAIN, Abdellatif MIRAOUI. “Methanol Fuel Processor and PEM Fuel Cell modeling for mobile application.” In International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, vol. 35(13), pp. 6863-6871 ISSN: 0360-3199. DOI: 10.1016/j.ijhydene.2010.04.022. 2010. 2.1.6/ 2003 • Hamid GUALOUS, David BOUQUAIN, Alain BERTHON, Jean-Marie KAUFFMANN. “Thermal behaviour of ultracapacitors in power electronic applications.” In Power Electronics Europe, (2), pp. 21-28, Power Electronics Europe 2003. • Hamid GUALOUS, David BOUQUAIN, Alain BERTHON, Jean-Marie KAUFFMANN. “Experimental study of supercapacitors serial resistance and capacitance variations with temperature.” In Journal of Power Sources, (123), pp. 86-93, Elsevier publications 2003. 2.2/ 2.2.1/ N ATIONAL JOURNAL WITH READING COMMITTEE 2014 ` • Pierre MASSONNAT, Fei GAO, David BOUQUAIN, Abdellatif MIRAOUI. “Synthese ´ sur le vieillissement des piles a` combustibles a` membrane echangeuse de protons.” In Revue 3EI 2014. 2.2.2/ 2010 • Fei GAO, Benjamin BLUNIER, David BOUQUAIN, Abdellatif MIRAOUI, Abdellah EL ´ MOUDNI. “Emulateur de piles a` combustible pour applications de Hardware-in-the´ ´ Loop.” In Revue de l’electricit e´ et de l’electronique 2010. 2 SCIENTIFICAL PUBLICATIONS 2.3/ 2.3.1/ I NTERNATIONAL 4 CONFERENCE WITH PROCEEDINGS 2015 • Robin ROCHE, Berk CELIK, David BOUQUAIN, Abdellatif MIRAOUI. “A Framework for Grid-Edge Resilience Improvement Using Homes and Microgrids Coordination.” In Proc. of IEEE PowerTech 2015, Accepted for presentation 2015. 2.3.2/ 2014 • Pierre MASSONNAT, Fei GAO, Damien PAIRE, David BOUQUAIN, Abdellatif MIRAOUI. “A multi physical model for PEM fuel cells including a two dimensional fluidic finite element analysis in real time.” In Proc. of 2014 IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference and Expo (ITEC) DOI: 10.1109/ITEC.2014.6861866. 2014. • Daniela CHRENKO, Alexandre RAVEY, Robin ROCHE, David BOUQUAIN. “Autonomy Estimation for EV based on Road Planning Software.” In Proc. of IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference and Expo (ITEC 2014) DOI: 10.1109/ITEC.2014.6861815. 2014. 2.3.3/ 2013 • Pierre MASSONNAT, Fei GAO, David BOUQUAIN, Abdellatif MIRAOUI. “A realtime 2D PEMFC model for fuel cell vehicle hardware-in-the-loop applications.” In Proc. of IEEE-IECON 2013. • Ali MOHAMMADI, Damien GUILBERT, Arnaud GAILLARD, David BOUQUAIN, Davood KHABURI, Abdesslem DJERDIR. “Faults Diagnosis Between PEM Fuel Cell and DC/DC Converter Using Neural Networks for Automotive Applications.” In Proc. of 39th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON), Forthcoming 2013. • Franck GECHTER, David BOUQUAIN, Fei GAO, Abderrafiaa KOUKAM, Abdellatif MIRAOUI. “A Multiagent Model for PEM-Fuel Cell Microscopic Simulation.” In Proc. of 12th European Control Conference (ECC13), Zurich, Switzerland 2013. • Swathi” ”RAO, Florence BERTHOLD, Pandurangavittal” ” KOPPAL, Benjamin BLUNIER, David BOUQUAIN, Sheldon WILLIAMSON, Abdellatif MIRAOUI. “Plug-in Hybrid Electric Vehicle energy system using home-to-vehicle and vehicle-to-home: Optimizaton of power converter operation.” In Proc. of Transportation Electrification Conference and Expo (ITEC), 2013 IEEE ISBN: Page(s): 1 - 6 Print ISBN: 978-1-4799-0146-3. 2013. ´ • Sebastien FAIVRE, Alexandre RAVEY, Abdesslem DJERDIR, David BOUQUAIN. “Degraded control strategy using state-of-health in fuel cell hybrid electric vehicles.” In Proc. of Transportation Electrification Conference and Expo ISBN: 978-1-47990146-3. DOI: 10.1109/ITEC.2013.6573498. 2013. • Yi HOU, Alexandre RAVEY, David BOUQUAIN, Fei GAO, Abdellatif MIRAOUI, Liu WANG. “Electric motor control for hybrid electric vehicles based on different driving 2 SCIENTIFICAL PUBLICATIONS 5 cycles.” In Proc. of Transportation Electrification Conference and Expo ISBN: 9781-4799-0146-3. DOI: 10.1109/ITEC.2013.6574516. 2013. • Ali MOHAMMADI, Abdesslem DJERDIR, David BOUQUAIN, Davood KHABURI, ´ Beatrice BOURIOT. “Fault Sensitive Modeling and Diagnosis of PEM Fuel Cell for Automotive Applications.” In Proc. of IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference and Expo (ITEC 2013), June 16, 2013 – June 19, 2013, Dearborn, USA , 2013 2013. • Dong Dong ZHAO, Qing ZHENG, Fei GAO, David BOUQUAIN, Bo LI, Abdellatif MIRAOUI. “Dynamic Decoupling Control of a Centrifugal Compressor for Fuel Cell Systems for Transportation Applications.” In Proc. of IEEE Transportation Electrification Conference and Expo (ITEC) 2013 2013. • Florence BERTHOLD, Benjamin BLUNIER, David BOUQUAIN, Sheldon WILLIAMSON, Abdellatif MIRAOUI. “Household Cost Optimization (Grid, Battery, Vehicle-to-Home and Home-to-Vehicle).” In Proc. of Climate Change Technology conference (CCTC) 2013. ´ • Sebastien FAIVRE, Alexandre RAVEY, Damien GUILBERT, Abdoul N’DIAYE, Arnaud GAILLARD, David BOUQUAIN, Abdesslem DJERDIR, Charles HIGEL, Fabien HAREL. “Part 2-Mobypost vehicle’s powertrain design and experimental validation.” In Proc. of International Conference on Fundamentals and Development of Fuel Cells (FDFC 2013) 2013. ´ • Charles HIGEL, Fabien HAREL, Denis CANDUSSO, Sebastien FAIVRE, Alexandre RAVEY, Damien GUILBERT, Abdoul N’DIAYE, David BOUQUAIN, Abdesslem DJERDIR, Arnaud GAILLARD. “Part 1: Mobypost vehicle’s powertrain modeling, simulation and sizing.” In Proc. of Conference on Fundamentals and Development of Fuel Cells (FDFC 2013) 2013. 2.3.4/ 2012 • Florence BERTHOLD, Benjamin BLUNIER, David BOUQUAIN, Sheldon WILLIAMSON, Abdellatif MIRAOUI. “Offline and Online Optimization of Plugin Hybrid Electric Vehicle Energy Usage (Home-to-Vehicle and Vehcile-to-Home).” In Proc. of Transportation Electrification Conference and Expo (ITEC), 2012 IEEE ISBN: 978-1-4673-1407-7. 2012. 2.3.5/ 2011 • Fei GAO, Daniela CHRENKO, Benjamin BLUNIER, David BOUQUAIN, Abdellatif MIRAOUI. “Multi-Rates Fuel Cell Emulation With Spatial Reduced Real-Time Fuel Cell Modelling.” In Proc. of IEEE Industry Applications Society Annual Meeting (IAS), 2011, pp. 1-8 DOI: 10.1109/IAS.2011.6074301. 2011. • Mohammad KABALO, Benjamin BLUNIER, David BOUQUAIN, Marcelo G. ˜ SIMOES, Abdellatif MIRAOUI. “Modeling and control of 4-phase floating interleaving boost converter.” In Proc. of IECON 2011 - 37th Annual Conference on IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, pp. 3026 - 3032 DOI: 10.1109/IECON.2011.6119792. 2011. 2 SCIENTIFICAL PUBLICATIONS 6 • Mohammad KABALO, Benjamin BLUNIER, David BOUQUAIN, Marcelo G. ˜ SIMOES, Abdellatif MIRAOUI. “Comparaison analysis of high voltage ratio low input current ripple floating interleaving boost converters for fuel cell applications.” In Proc. of Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (VPPC), 2011 IEEE, pp. 1-6 DOI: 10.1109/VPPC.2011.6043101. 2011. • Florence BERTHOLD, Benjamin BLUNIER, David BOUQUAIN, Sheldon WILLIAMSON, Abdellatif MIRAOUI. “PHEV Control Strategy Including Vehicle to Home (V2H) and Home to Vehicle (H2V) functionalities.” In Proc. of Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (VPPC), 2011 IEEE ISBN: 978-1-61284-248-6. DOI: 10.1109/VPPC.2011.6043120. 2011. • Fei GAO, Benjamin BLUNIER, David BOUQUAIN, Abdellatif MIRAOUI. “Model based DC power source emulator for electrical and hybrid electrical vehicles drive train tests.” In Proc. of IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (VPPC), 2011, pp. 1-6 DOI: 10.1109/VPPC.2011.6042989. 2011. • Nicolas WATRIN, David BOUQUAIN, Benjamin BLUNIER, Abdellatif MIRAOUI. “Multiphysical lithium-based battery pack modeling for simulation purposes.” In Proc. of IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (VPPC), pp. 1-5 ISBN: 978-1-61284-246-2. DOI: 10.1109/VPPC.2011.6043098. 2011. 2.3.6/ 2010 • Mohammad KABALO, Benjamin BLUNIER, David BOUQUAIN, Abdellatif MIRAOUI. “State-of-the-art of DC-DC converters for fuel cell vehicles.” In Proc. of Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference (VPPC), 2010 IEEE, pp. 1-6 DOI: 10.1109/VPPC.2010.5729051. 2010. 2.3.7/ 2009 • David BOUQUAIN, Benjamin BLUNIER, Abdellatif MIRAOUI. “HEV series architectures evaluation: modeling, simulation and experimentation.” In Proc. of Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference, pp. 584-591 2009. • Fei GAO, Benjamin BLUNIER, David BOUQUAIN, Abdellatif MIRAOUI, Abdellah EL MOUDNI. “Polymer Electrolyte Fuel Cell Stack Emulator for Automotive HardwareIn-the-Loop Applications.” In Proc. of IEEE Vehicle Power and Propulsion Conference, 2009. VPPC ’09., pp. 998-1004 DOI: 10.1109/VPPC.2009.5289739. 2009. 2.3.8/ 2008 • David BOUQUAIN, Benjamin BLUNIER, Abdellatif MIRAOUI. “A Hybrid Fuel Cell/Battery Wheelchair - Modeling, Simulation and Experimentation.” In Proc. of Vehicle Power and Propulsion 2008. 2 SCIENTIFICAL PUBLICATIONS 2.4/ 2.4.1/ N ATIONAL 7 CONFERENCE WITH PROCEEDINGS 2011 • Florence BERTHOLD, Benjamin BLUNIER, David BOUQUAIN, Sheldon ´ ´ ´ WILLIAMSON, Abdellatif MIRAOUI. “Gestion d’energie d’un vehicule electrique ´ ´ d’achat (grid/home-to-vehicle) et de rechargeable integrant les fonctionnalites ´ revente (home/grid-to-vehicle) de l’energie.” In Proc. of EF2011 2011. 2.5/ 2.5.1/ N ATIONAL CONFERENCE WITHOUT PROCEEDINGS 2014 • Pierre MASSONNAT, Fei GAO, Damien PAIRE, David BOUQUAIN, Abdellatif MI´ ´ ´ de la diffusion de reactifs ´ RAOUI. “Modelisation et emulation 3D oriente´ temps reel ´ dans une pile a` combustible a` membrane echangeuse de protons.” In Proc. of ´ ´ Symposium De Genie Electrique (SGE’14) 2014. 2.6/ 2.6.1/ B OOK CHAPTER 2008 • Benjamin BLUNIER, David BOUQUAIN, Abdellatif MIRAOUI. “Fuel cells, Energy Management using Fuel Cells and Supercapacitors.” Chapter in Alternative Propulsion Systems for Automobiles, pp. 97-116, expert verlag ISBN: 13: 978-3-81692835-5. 2008. 2.7/ 2.7.1/ PATENT 2010 ` ˆ • Daniel GIUDICE, David BOUQUAIN, Benjamin BLUNIER. “ Procede de controle ´ ´ d’une unite´ de Moteur electrique de propulsion d’un Vehicule.” 2010. DAVID BOUQUAIN Curriculum Vitæ of David BOUQUAIN Ref.: CV-BOUQUAIN-EN-2015-I22 Ver.: 1.0 Date: 2015/02/06 Status: Public ` Laboratoire Systemes et Transports ´ ´ e´ Institut de Recherche sur le Transport, lEnergie et la Societ ´ Universite´ de Technologie de Belfort-Montbeliard Rue Ernest Thierry-Mieg 90010 Belfort cedex, France Contact Dr. David BOUQUAIN & 0384583474 [email protected] http://set.utbm.fr
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