N AT I O N A L W E L L N E S S F O R L A W F O R U M Program T H U R S DAY 5 F E B R UA RY 2 0 15 O P T I O N A L PH YS I CA L W E L L N E S S AC T I V I T I E S 6.30 / 7 am 6.30 – 8 am 7 – 7.45 am WA L K I N G FO R W E L L N E S S (MT AINSLIE) B O DY B A L A N C E S T R E N GT H C L A S S >> Elizabeth Lee >> Liz Keogh 8.30 am Registration, tea and coffee, Lotus Hall 9.30 am W E LC O M E A N D AC K N OW L E D G E M E N T O F C O U N T RY Auditorium Associate Professor Gary Tamsitt, Director, ANU Legal Workshop >> Opening remarks 9.45 am K E Y N OT E A D D R E S S Auditorium Associate Professor Rachael Field, Queensland University of Technology / Wellness Network for Law >> The Wellness Network for Law five years on: highlights, future directions and interrogating the imperative for action Chair: Wendy Larcombe 11 am Morning tea, Lotus Hall and Tea House 11.30 am S E S S I O N 1A – T H E S O C I A L AND INSTITUTIONAL CONTEXT OF WELLNESS S E S S I O N 1B – I N T E R N AT I O N A L PE R S PEC T I V E S O N W E L L N E S S FO R L AW Auditorium Seminar Room Professor Paula Baron Professor Jerry Organ and Associate Dean David Jaffe >> The elephant in the room? lawyer wellbeing and the impact of unethical behaviours Dr Rebecca Michalak >> But the damage is already done: when prevention is better than cure Professor Margaret Thornton >> Understanding the problem: the neoliberal conundrum Chair: Vivien Holmes >> National survey of US law student wellbeing: data on alcohol use, drug use, mental health and a reluctance to seek help Elizabeth Lee and Rachel Spearing >> Wellness in UK legal education and practice: voices of first year law students to members of the bar Professor Paul Maharg >> Wellbeing and learning: what legal educators and regulators can learn from progressive primary education Chair: Anneka Ferguson 1 pm Lunch, Lotus Hall and Tea House 2 pm SESSION 2A – T H E S E L F I N L AW SESSION 2B – E T H I CA L A N D W E L L SESSION 2C – C R E AT I V E WO R KS H O P Seminar Room 1 Auditorium Seminar Room 2 Professor Paula Lustbader Dr Colin James Bernadette Healy >> Teaching wellness through the lens of professional formation and civility >> ‘. . . even when no one is watching’: the integrity of wellbeing Lloyd England Dr Justine Rogers >> Reflecting on your professional practice through the creative arts: an experiential workshop >> Mindfulness embedded in Monash Law’s curriculum since 2009: now formally assessed course content commencing 2015 >> Connect better, do better: integrating wellbeing into legal ethics education Florence Thum >> The self in law: values and meanings Chair: Liz Keogh Assistant: Marie Iskander (Maximum of 16 participants) Vivien Holmes, Dr Liz Curran and Anneka Ferguson >> Enhancing wellbeing and one’s capacity to deal effectively with ethical dilemmas in legal practice Chair: Maxine Evers 3.30 pm Afternoon tea, Lotus Hall and Tea House 4 pm S E S S I O N 3 A – E D U CAT I N G A N D A S S E S S I N G FO R W E L L N E S S ( WO R KS H O P S ) SESSION 3B – RESE ARCHING W E L L N E S S I N L AW S T U D E N T S A N D N E W L AW Y E R S Seminar Room Auditorium Associate Professor Wendy Larcombe Dr Nerissa Soh, Associate Professor Fiona Burns, Associate Professor Rita Shackel and Professor Garry Walter >> Legal educators: please tell us what you know and want to know about supporting student mental health Associate Professor Molly Townes O’Brien >> Teacher as a marks vending machine Chair: James Duffy >> Unravelling mental distress in law students Associate Professor Tony Foley, Vivien Holmes, Margie Rowe and Stephen Tang >> Wellbeing, professional identity and satisfying the human need for striving: preliminary evidence from newly-admitted Australian lawyers Chair: Carly Schrever 5 pm Performance and close of Day 1, Auditorium 7 pm Dinner (The Hall, University House) F R I DAY 6 F E B R UA RY 2 0 15 O P T I O N A L PH YS I CA L W E L L N E S S AC T I V I T I E S 7 am 7 – 8 am 7 – 7.45 am WA L K I N G FO R W E L L N E S S ( B R I D G E TO B R I D G E ) B O DY B A L A N C E F L E X I B I L I T Y C L A S S >> Elizabeth Lee >> Liz Keogh 8.30 am Registration, tea and coffee, Lotus Hall 9 am DAY 2 O PE N I N G R E M A R KS Auditorium Professor Stephen Bottomley, Dean, ANU College of Law 9.10 am K E Y N OT E A D D R E S S Auditorium The Honourable Justice Shane Marshall, Ambassador, Wellness and the Law Foundation; Judge, Federal Court of Australia >> Depression: an issue in the study of law Chair: Margie Rowe 10.10 am Morning tea, Lotus Hall and Tea House 10.30 am SESSION 4A – RESILIENCE I N PR AC T I C E SESSION 4B – E M OT I O N , E M PAT H Y & R E L AT I O N S H I P S Auditorium Seminar Room 1 SESSION 4C – WELLNESS IN THE TR ANSITION TO PR AC T I C E Dr Tom Nehmy Jenny Richards Seminar Room 2 >> Work-based psychological wellbeing for lawyers: where is the ‘cutting edge’? >> Developing a sociolegal theory of criminal lawyering: increasing wellbeing through holistic engagement with clients Judy Bourke and Maxine Evers Dr Michelle Sharpe >> The Victorian bar’s health and wellbeing committee 2007–14: improving the wellbeing of Victorian barristers Carly Schrever >> Judicial stress: the unmentionable and the undeniable Chair: Melissa Castan Dr Adiva Sifris >> Measuring empathy in law students and the relationship with student wellbeing Liz Keogh >> Promoting wellness by increasing competence in dealing with emotion Chair: Paul Maharg >> Practical legal training: connecting education and practice; integrating wellness in PLT Joanne Purcell >> Wellness and junior lawyer reality: is it possible to walk the dogs and work 16 hour days? Madeleine Dupuche and Mary Louise Hatch >> The missing link: growing new lawyer wellbeing through soft skill development Chair: Elizabeth Lee 12 pm Lunch, Lotus Hall and Tea House 1 pm S E S S I O N 5 – PL E N A RY S E S S I O N Auditorium Laura Helm >> Changing minds: towards a mindful profession Chair: Stephen Tang Panel discussion: Marie Jepson (chair), Mary Digiglio, Melinda Upton and Associate Professor Rachael Field >> Experiences and learning: examples of early steps in implementing the TJMF psychological wellbeing guidelines 2.40 pm Afternoon tea, Lotus Hall and Tea House 3 pm SESSION 6A – B A L A N C I N G E X PE C TAT I O N S? S E S S I O N 6 B – S TA R T I N G W E L L : T H E F I R S T Y E A R E X PE R I E N C E Auditorium Seminar Room Corinne Tan Joanne Stagg-Taylor >> Great expectations and woeful disappointments in law >> Starting the conversation: embedding approaches to hope and wellness in the first year experience Jennie Pakula >> Regulatory approaches to the problem sole practitioner Chair: Michael Appleby Panel discussion: Liz Keogh (chair), Craig Collins, Bernadette Healy, Marie Iskander, Kahlia Jenkins and Di Simpson >> How can law firms and universities work together better to help students and young lawyers establish a healthy work/life balance? Tania Leiman and Deborah Ankor >> Building positive purpose: connecting commencing law students with future practice Associate Professor Rachael Field and James Duffy >> Teaching dispute resolution in the first year for law student wellbeing Chair: Molly Townes O’Brien 4.30 pm W R A P U P A N D LO O K I N G A H E A D, Auditorium 4.45 pm Conference close
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