Protein drink Policy

The purpose of this policy is;
A. To inform staff, parents and children about these products and alert them to potential
B. To ensure clarity of procedure that the school will follow to ensure protection, health and
wellbeing of pupils in our care.
Protein shakes should not be widely used without advice from a dietician, G.P. or sports
nutrition specialist. Healthy active young people should not need any form of dietary
supplement. A wholesome varied diet and active lifestyle is preferable for optimum
wellbeing and a healthy physique.
Ordering these products on-line is particularly unwise and many cleverly marketed
products do not clearly warn of potential side-effects. See a list of some of the products
available and possible side-effects at the end of this document.
The use of these products is not permitted at this school, unless under the supervision
of a dietician, G.P. or sports nutritionist.
Actions needed;
 1. Ensure boarding and teaching staff are aware of these products, their availability and
use. Staff may contact the Health Centre for information and advice at any time if they
are concerned about any health related issue within the school.
 2. If a young person is thought to be using these products the Housemaster/mistress
should be informed with respect for the young person’s confidentiality. A young person
may feel they need to use a body building supplement if they are sensitive about and
unhappy with their current physique. They may be influenced by peer pressure and media
perception of what is a “normal” body image.
 3. The young person should have a discussion with the Housemaster/mistress in the first
instance. If unwilling to do so, they should speak with a health centre nurse. With respect
for the young person’s maturity and confidentiality they should be enabled to voluntarily
stop use of the product. It may be advisable to communicate with the parents if parents
have condoned use of the product.
 4. The Health centre nurse may involve the school doctor if side effects or health
concerns are suspected.
 5. The house parent may confiscate the product in order to prevent use at school, and in
the interests of all in the boarding house it will be disposed of or locked away until it can
be returned to the parents.
Some names of products available; Maxi-muscle, Pro-muscle, Cyclone, Testo-muscle,.....
Some side-effects; Irritation, hyperactivity, hormonal imbalance, palpitations, chest pain,
insomnia and breathlessness.
Review November 2015
Senior Nursing Sister
Version 1