ST. PAUL'S CATHOLIC PARISH BLOOMER, WISCONSIN Photo By: Harrison Photography OFFICE HOURS: WEEKEND MASSES St. Paul's Saturday - 4:00 P.M. Sunday - 8:00 A.M. & 11:00 A.M. Daily Mass as scheduled in Bulletin St. John's Saturday - 8:00 P.M. Sunday - 9:30 A.M. EMERGENCY: CALL ANYTIME Monday - Friday 8:00 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. (Closed from 12:00-1:00 P.M.) PASTOR: Father John Potaczek DEACON: Rev. Mr. Richard Kostner PARISH SECRETARY: Denise Pake OFFICE: 568-3255 MAINTENANCE ENGINEER: Craig Zwiefelhofer SCHOOL PRINCIPAL: Jacqueline Peterson 568-3233 LITURGY COORDINATOR: Barbara Kostner 568-3256 or 568-5978 GRADE SCHOOL RELIGIOLIS EDLICATION COORDINATOR: Kelly Barrick HIGH SCHOOL COORDINATOR: Diane Steinmetz PARISH COllNCIL CHAIRPERSON: Mark Schoonover FINANCE COUNCIL CHAIRPERSON: Dean Ruff PARISH COUNCIL OF CATHOLIC WOMEN: (PCCW) Kathy Steinmetz 568-5049 BAPTISM - Preparation is required of all parents wishing to present their child for Baptism. MARRIAGE - Arrangements must be made eight months in advance. COMMUNION - Shut-ins are brought the Eucharist on 1st Fridays; or any time upon request. ANOINTING THE SICK - Any person with a prolonged illness or in case of any emergency, please contact the Rectory. RECONCILIATION: Thursday before First Friday at 7:30 P.M. and Saturday at 3:00 P.M. FEBRUARY 1, 2015 MASSES FOR THE WEEK Monday 7:30 a.m. – Communion Service Tuesday 7:30 a.m. – Norb & Angie Berg 2:00 p.m. – Maplewood – Lucille & Bud Bauer 2:30 p.m. – Hetzel Care Center – Parish Families Wednesday 7:30 a.m. – William & Cecilia Schindler Thursday 7:30 a.m. – The Stoik Family Friday – School Mass 8:00 a.m. – Tim Stelter SATURDAY 4:00 p.m. – St. Paul’s – Vernetta Larson 8:00 p.m. – St. John’s – Kathryn & William Stoffel FIFTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 8:00 a.m.– St. Paul’s – Charlotte Wolf Krygier 9:30 a.m. -St. John’s – John & Paulina Mikl Family 11:00 a.m. – St. Paul’s – Ben Hartman & Pete Hartman SERVERS NEXT WEEKEND MASSES Saturday 4:00 p.m. – Vanessa Jenneman, Callie Olson & Jason Pake Sunday 8:00 a.m. – Jordan Gallion, Stephanie Gallion & Olivia Zwiefelhofer 11:00 a.m. – Jonathon Dachel, Isaac LaGesse & Carter Rubenzer READERS FOR NEXT WEEKEND MASSES Saturday 4:00 p.m. – Mary Ann Bennesch & Jim Koehler Sunday 8:00 a.m. – Mary Ann Kouba & Yvonne Seidling 11:00 a.m. – Matt Bowe & Merle Richter EUCHARISTIC MINISTERS FOR NEXT WEEKEND MASSES Saturday 4:00 p.m. – Marcella Klatt, Rita Kouba, Beverly Sobotta, Diane Steinmetz & Deacon Dick Sunday 8:00 a.m. – Chris Amato, Jean Amato, Judy Hable, Sandy Kressin & Traci Schoonover 11:00 a.m. – Mary Kerckhove, Judy Swoboda & Kevin Pietz USHERS FOR NEXT WEEKEND MASSES Saturday 4:00 a.m. – Norman Baier, Chris Meinen, Ken Seibel & Brad Seibel Sunday 8:00 a.m. – Andrew Abrahamson, Rick Petska, Tom Seibel & Ken Woolever 11:00 a.m. – Paul Kouba, Ryan Ratcliff, Bob Rubenzer & Patrick Zwiefelhofer SCRIP SCHEDULE FOR NEXT WEEKEND Saturday, February 7 - 4:00 p.m. – Ann Jenneman Sunday, February 8 - 8:00 a.m. – Kathy Zwiefelhofer - 11:00 a.m. – Candy Wolf SANCTUARY CANDLES BURN THIS WEEK FOR: Cale Stoik; Gilbert Dahlka; Al Meuli; Denny Zwiefelhofer, Ronnie Zwiefelhofer, Armella & Henry Zwiefelhofer; Norbert & Angie Berg and a Special Intention. If you would like a candle for your intentions, please call the rectory office. This week's Lighthouse Catholic CD - Life Is Worth Living by Venerable Fulton Sheen Archbishop Fulton Sheen was one of the best-known and bestloved Catholic orators of the twentieth century, reaching millions of Christians and non-Christians alike through his immensely popular and Emmy award-winning television show Life is Worth Living. This presentation is made up of three separate talks given by Archbishop Sheen on his television program Life is Worth Living, which aired throughout the 1950's. These are the three talks included: The Anxiety of Life; Is Christianity Easy? and The Problem of Love. OUR PARISH FAMILY GIVING Week of January 25, 2015 Envelope Collection……$6,670.00 Loose Collection…………..411.50 Total Amount Collected This Week…………. $7,081.50 VIGIL LIGHT INCREASE: The monies we receive from the Vigil Lights helps to defray our liturgy costs. Because the wine, the hosts and the candles have all gone up, we are forced to increase our vigil light cost to $4.00. MEN OF ST. PAUL’S AND ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST PARISHES – THAT MAN IS YOU! Our Mission begins to turn towards the Lenten season. This week we will present the true grandeur of a man’s heart by identifying the desire to live the life of God the Father as the only desire capable of satisfying the human heart. This is one you do not want to miss. This Session Contains: •The Reality of Man’s Heart •The Moment of Self Consciousness •The Thirst of the Human Heart •The Fulfillment of the Heart’s Desires •The Temptation and Fall of Humanity •The Renewal of Creation •A Man After God’s Own Heart Please Join Us! Our World needs authentic leaders. You are being called to become a man after God’s own Heart, That Man is You! seeks to form men who will be capable of transforming homes and society. We will share a light breakfast and social time at 6:30am followed by the Paradisus Dei weekly video instruction and group discussion in St. Paul’s Parish Hall. Learn more at the Paradisus Dei link: We will be starting January 24th for 13 weeks. There is no charge to participate. To register to participate go to: or contact: Tim Guski (715)821-5295 or [email protected] NOTICE: Please take time to pick up your box of yearly contribution envelopes in the back of church. They may not be in alphabetical order. If you cannot find yours please contact the rectory office. LOOK WHAT’S HAPPENING! ST. PAUL’S PARISH/SCHOOL RAFFLE CALENDAR St. Paul’s Parish/School Raffle Calendar is underway. THERE IS A DRAWING DONE DAILY FOR FIVE MONTHS WITH PLENTY OF CHANCES TO WIN! The weekend drawings are done at the end of mass and the St. Paul’s school students do the drawings Monday through Friday, as they have been in the past years. EACH CALENDAR HAS A CHANCE TO WIN DAILY; IF YOU WIN THEY GO BACK IN FOR THE NEXT DRAWING. If you need a calendar please call the rectory at 715-568-3255 and we can mail you one. Thank you for your support! Last Week Raffle Calendar Winners: January 19 – Gin Fanetti, January 20 – Marcus Rothbauer, January 21 – Annette Bischel, January 22 – Lila Cleary, January 23 – Steve Amann Family, January 24 - Gary Score, January 25 – Lucille Meier THE 26TH ANNUAL DINNER DANCE is next weekend! We still have room for you and would love for you to join us for a night of delicious food, great music, wonderful raffle prizes, and FUN! The dinner dance is a great opportunity to raise money for our parish and school. If you would like to join us, please call Stacey Zeman for tickets 715-568-3680. VALENTINE SPAGHETTI SUPPER on Wed., February 11 at St. John’s in Cooks Valley. Sponsored by St. Theresa’s Circle. Serving from 4:30-7:30 pm – Free Will Offering Spaghetti with Meat Sauce, Lettuce Salad, Garlic Bread, Valentine Cookies, Cupcakes, and Brownies, Milk and Coffee Everyone Welcome – Prize Drawing at 7:00 pm St. Paul’s Catholic School News! 4K 2015-2016 Registration in Progress! Registration is in progress for our 2015-2016 4K Program. There is no cost for tuition as we partner with the public school. Join us for 4K Registration Days February 12 (Supper 4:00-6:30) or February 13 (Breakfast 8:30-11:00) to meet our excellent teacher and to learn more about our program (small class size, all faiths welcome, field trips, etc.) Registration materials are available in our office. Call Mrs. Peterson (715-568-3233) for a tour or if you have questions. We are so proud to show you what we can offer your child! 2015 Distinguished Graduates. Special commendation is given to the recipients of the 2015 Distinguished Graduate Awards, Mrs. Marian (Hurt) Hunt and Mr. Tom Ruff! These individuals admirably represent the benefits of a Catholic education for years to come. May they receive many blessings for leading faith filled lives of leadership & excellence the core values of St. Paul’s Catholic School students! Early Release Wed. Feb. 4th. School will be dismissed at 12:50 pm on Wednesday, February 4th to accommodate our monthly faculty meetings. The Activity Committee has scheduled an afternoon of fun at High Roller Skating (1:00-4:30 pm) in Eau Claire for interested families. Please call the office for more details! WHAT’S ON THE PASTORS MIND Many are gearing up for the super bowl, parties and food and all the commercials. But Pope Francis is gearing up for February 2, the feast of the presentation of the Lord. It is also the celebration of the world day for consecrated life. The Holy Father has called for a year of consecrated life. The focus is on religious and those who have taken vows. It is a good time to reflect on when was the last time we have been able to have a religious vocation come from our parish? It is a good reminder for us to pray for sisters and nuns, monks and brothers. Do we encourage our young people to look at such vocations? Jesus was presented in the temple to fulfill the Jewish law and His Father's will. Are we helping those called to religious life fulfill their vocation and our Father's will for them? The super bowl is a good time. Encouraging our young people to follow God's will is a better use of our time, that we can do all year long and not for just one day of celebration. Stress in Your Marriage? – Retrouvaille is a program for married couples that feel bored, disillusioned, frustrated, or angry in their marriage. Some experience coldness. Others experience conflict in their relationship. Most don’t know how to change the situation or even communicate with their spouse about it. This program has helped 10’s of 1000’s of couples experiencing difficulties in their marriage. For confidential information about, or to register for, the program beginning the Weekend of February 13-15, 2015, call 1877-922-HOPE (4673), or visit the web site at The Weekend is held at the St. Anthony Spirituality Center in Marathon, Wisconsin PRO-LIFE LEGISLATIVE CONFERENCE IN MADISON Wisconsin Right to Life is sponsoring a Pro-Life Legislative Conference in Madison on Tuesday, February 10 from 8:00 am - 1:00 pm, to discuss current political goals in Wisconsin and to connect participants with their legislators. If you are interested in meeting there as part of a group from the Diocese of La Crosse, register at (where you can find complete information on the conference) no later than Sunday, Feb. 8 and contact the Office for Ministries and Social Concerns at 608-791-2664. NEED A FIRST COMMUNION DRESS? Kathryn Shakal is raising money for World Youth Day in Poland 2016. Employing her ten plus years of sewing experience she hopes to raise money through making little girl dresses, especially first Communion dresses. She is happy to meet and measure your special someone so that she can work with you and her to create the dress you desire. (715) 568-5243 NATIONAL MARRIAGE ENCOUNTER WEEKEND IN EAU CLAIRE: A two day National Marriage Encounter Weekend is scheduled for March 7th – 8th in Eau Claire. The program, which is presented by local couples from the Chippewa Valley Marriage Encounter, will be held at Americas Best Value Inn across from Sacred Heart Hospital. Renew the bonds of mutual understanding and love brought about by better communication in your marriage. Marriage Encounter is designed for couples of all ages and denominations who are interested in having a closer relationship in their marriage. The weekend will begin on Saturday morning with 7:30 registration and close on Sunday afternoon by 3:30 pm. For more information 715-832-3296, e-mail at [email protected] or our website at = PEOPLES Bloomer Floral ~rafeG30nk r!yA Ofc-omer 9:> &G;ft ~ ~ ----=::=====- "to~R~C ~iNC'f-, Kevin & Rita Lenfant I Steady & Strong Since 19121 715- 568-1100 w'Nw.! 1316 Main Street, Bloomer 2111 W ZO •• Avenue· Bloomer, WI 54724 Phone: 715-568-2182· Fax: 715-568-2189 180(J.314-FORD·Website: Bloornerf' Phone (715) 568-5600 · e "For Every Season & Reason" 1401 Main street - Bloomer, WI I - 4 Large Capacity Wash Machines -12 Large Dryers -12 Top Load Machines, Also Change Machine & Soap Dispensers! OPEN 24 HOURS A DAY 92515TH AVE BLOOMER, WI 54724 rSSouthworth Il 810 Martin Road Phone: (715) 568-2180 .. .~." '.~ . ~ ,.:' ~~ FULL Service Bank Member of FDIC . SECURITY BANK New Auburn 715-237-2658 Sand Creek 715-658-1415 Ridgeland 715-949-2265 Dallas 715-837-1129 scnnver . Thompson Funeral Home & Cremation Services Buy one Blizzard get one for $1.00 1806 17th Ave., Bloomer Family owned and operated by Matt Thompson (with this Ad) Hwy. 40 - Across From School 568-2310 (715) 568-1320 Bloomer Auto Supply Inc. 1Iu'tt/1A4 Glen & Mary Geissler 173~ Martin Road ~ , NAPA~ , .frWiC ct Phone: (715) 568-2511 Toycen Motors *BUICK *GMC Genuine Chevrolet "Expert Advice With Over 90 Combined Years Of Service" Bloomer Hardware LLC Screen & Window Repair Key Cutting Rug Doctor Rental Hunting & Fishing Licences Do it Best Quality Paint Skaw Pre-Cast Co. New Auburn Dr. Jergen K. Lang (715) 237-2556 Blue Diamond Family Dental, S.c. Thomas Rufledt, D.D.S. Gregory Mihm, D.D.S. David Irwin, D.D.S. Christopher Goettl, D.D.S. 1502 Main Street Bloomer, WI Phone (715) 568-2363 (888) 869-2362 Serving you since 1979 WOODLUND ~l!7 eYf! 4( HOME; CENTER~;";;;"~ 601 Main Street, Bloomer, WI 54724 Open Daily Phone (715) 568-1514 wOL'{lIumJ' Swoboda Implement, Ine rtf1!1zl WlhCadaf;.)[{ Quality Septic Tanks Sand & Gravel- Trucking Since 1973 715-967-2277 Sat SlID f: Jeep R •••_ •• • FAT BOYS PIZZA REALTOR (715) 829-3376 DIRECT (715) 723-6080 FA-X 'r---- -. [email protected] BBIM'IBt._l'Om ~ FAMILY '9 600 Bay Street 0>' COD BLESS YOU & YOUR Falls,WI54724 1516 larson Street Bloomer, WI Phone: (715) 568-5250 Cau 715-658-1285 Bloomer 8am4pm lOam-2pm - ~ Chuck's Homemade RetQiI Meat Sausages SQles Custom Butchering 18186 State Hwy 1Z4 Bloomer. WI 715-Z88-6833 Day's Tire 568-5381 Total Car Care Day's Auto Body 568-5337 Funeral Home ~E:ST.1935 2058 19th Ave. Help make a - difference in our parish. Join the Knights of Columbus Call 568-3255 919 Main Street Bloomer, WI (715) 568-2140 or (715) 568-1155 RICHELLE J. SEIBEL Hours: M-F 7am-6pm Olson (}~ ~~~-.y/ ~ Lang Veterinary Services ~ Proudly serving WI's Family Farms 1406 Main Street (715) 568-4821 --=-- (715) 568-2900 Towing, Estimating, Loaner cars 1418 Main Street And Don't Forget To Leave Room For The Pie Day's Power Sports 568-4755 Arctic Cat ATV, Snowmoblie & Service ... BISCHEL'S SEPTIC SERVICE (715)288-6601 or 1-888-345-8848 SERVING BLOOMER. NEW AUBURN AND SURROUNDING AREAS Remember St. Paul's in your Will OUf Legal Title is: St. Paul's Catholic Church 1222 Main Street Bloomer, WI 54724 Hurt's Body Shop • • • • DuPont Refinishing Satisfaction Guaranteed Free Estimates ~ Loaner Cars Available . ~ Phone: (715) 568-5011 1011 9th Ave. - Bloomer Serving the area since 1962 SHADICK'S FOODS 1502 16th Avenue (715) 568M30 7:00 am. - 9:00p.m. SHADICK'S C -STORES 18928 ST HWY 40 (715) 568-1461 5:00 am. - \0:00 p.m. Locall Owned-
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