mnTcaak. It Pays To Advertise In The Times AND THE NEPTUNE ' TIMES OCEAN GROVE TIMES, TOWNSHIP OF NEPTUNE, NEW JERSEY, FRIDAY, JANUARY 8. 1965 Vol. XC, No. 2 Arch Taintor Recalls Dumont-Brown Candlelight Nuptials ' 0 C E A N GROVE — , Mr. A rchie R. T aintor, 94 Mt. Car mel W ay ,-en jo y s rem iniscing about the "g q o d old days.” An article .was recently w ritten in’ The Daily Journal o f Elizabeth " by Valentine A. Fallon, chairmnn of the editorial board, : - from ■'some of Mr. T ain to r’s m em ories of E lizabeth’s base ball history in the late 1800’s. rA) -Both Mr. T aintor, who is now " • 85, and who w as a catcher for " th e P ingry School baseball team , and E dw ard “ Spider" ■Williams, who- is 87 years young and played shortstop on th e old YMCA team in E liza beth, were form er E lizabethans and avid baseball fans. They ‘ now live in Ocean Grove and. still toss around th e ' “ old p ill” , b u t now it is a foam ; ru b b er ball on the sandlots of ; N o rth . End Beach each sum m ed . - , The “ Capsule H istory of N eptune” in the township new 'l l * history rbook, “F our Score and v< F iv e”, Mr. T ain to r read w ith p a rticu lar in terest when it re.'- ferred to the bicycle vace on • Decoration Day in 1898. He rem em bers, as a young boy o ft en riding his bike from E liza beth to Ocean Groye and back in the sam e day, a distance of close to CO miles each way. W hen the roads w ere hard to trav el in the early days from P erth Amboy to M atawan, he .., would board the train a t P erth il. I A m b o y , leav in g .th e bike in.the bag g ag e car, and got off a t M ataw an and bicycle the rest of the w ay. To this day, train s still honor, bikes in th eir bag gag e cars free of cost. Mr. T ain to r says th ere were ,, special p ark in g areas fo r bikes in Ocean Grove and A sbury P a r k in th e la te 1800’s, cost only 10c a day. As m any as 5,000 bikes would be parked th e re on a holiday like F o u rth of Ju ly , This fav o rite mode o f tran sp o rtatio n years ago b ro u g h t he and his frien d s to H illiard’s Island H ouse: on a sm all island in the middle of th e S hark River. T hey would . . .'.'r e n t a b o at th ere and go crab. 1 bin g an d 'fish in g on th e S hark R iver. N eptune H isto rian John B. S tout recalls the H illiard Island House w eir and he said a funny thing happened while he was on the N eptune School Board, m any years ago. A girl asked fo r tran sp o rtatio n to school and they asked her •where she lived. When she sta te d H illiard’s Island House,, th e board had to check to make v'.vjre th a t i t w as a p a r t of ..sleptune Township. I t w as and she was entitled to school tran sp o rtatio n . Mr. T aintor also recalls rid. ing his bike p a st' the historic Indian Lady Hill and T ree site h ear W est. Bangs Avenue and W ayside Road and stopping to g e t a drink from the springs th ere. He has m any happy m em ories of this “ neck o! the woods” from sum m ering in Ocean Grove w ith his fam liy since his youth. He celebrated his 85th birthday With Nept.nne in 1964 and is looking ■S e w a rd to celebrating Ocean Grove’s 100th birthday in 1969. . T h rift Shop Clearance : MANASQUAN—MCOSS T h rift Shop, GO Main street, M anasquan, •will hold a storew ida clearance sale throu g h o u t the month of Jan u ary. The shop \vill be closed during F eb ru a ry fo r vacations fo r volunteer w o o e r s . The shop is operated by M;j.fljsquan H ealth : Center Auxil iary anti is staffed by volunteers from church and service organizaions. Proceeds benefit Monmouth County Organization for Social , Service, a visiting nurse service. Reopening date will bo M arch 1. DAY’S STATIONERY “The G reeting Card S tore” Opp. P o st Office, Ocean Grove 28tf " t$ lG MORRIS FLOW ER SHOP W e deliver and place beautiful GrmVe B lankets. 710 N inth A v e, Betmnr. Tel. 681-1909. —45 tf anrzes Grove Receives In Ridgewood Presbyterian Church $500 From Estate Of C.Kolilmann . RIDGEWOOD — In a 4 p. ny. can ing the reception,' the bride and dlelight cerenloriy a t : the W est Side • groom d r a n lO h e ir toast from, his P resbyterian Church, here,; Miss Jo g randparent’s chalice, a Czechoslo Ann. Dum ont,' daughter of Air; and. vakian custom; The groom ’s, grande Mrs. E. B. Dumont, o f .Ridgewood, m other is Mrs. E leanora .Spisek and became -the bride Saturday,:/Dec, 26, lils^ grandfather, now deceased/,was of P d y a te .Robert William Browri1, Joseph Richard Spisek. ' V. {S. Arm y/ 'son, of Mrs. - Marip ; Given in m arriage, by her father, Brown,- 143 • Abbott Ave;,' ‘ ■Ocean the bride wore, a full.-length 'gown Grove,' ancHWilliaVn R, BroWn, of of White brocade,'m ade w itli scoop B radley B each/ ;r : : V’i '.£■ ed'' neckline,; elbow-Iength sleeves, : Dr. Melvin . A. .Campbell .offici-. fitted bodice aiid controlled skirt. a ted an d ? reception w as held in the. A. circlet ’.of: orange blossoms held Fireside Inn, Rochelle P ark, ipur-P ag e eig h t, please SEVEN CENTS OCEAN GROVE f - T h e Ocean Grove. Camp f le e tin g Association this• week ^received a check in the amounf,\of $500 from the estate of .Clarence Kohlmann, who w as ofljeial or- g an ist a t th e A uditbtfum for niore th an /2 0 years; W h e dis tribution w as m a d e f y ..Mrs. W illiam E. Thomson j|f . Ocean G r o v e a n d IMuIadelptyja, tru stee under a declaratioi^bf tru s t set up in M r. Kohlmafjn’s will. A composer of man^j popular numbers, Mr. K o h W |n n pre sided a t th e Auditorium .con sole fo r many =years:,TiintiI his death in 1 9 4 4 . vfi^y alties through the year%^ h a v e brought funds into his estate for distribution u n d e rih c tru st declaration. - Vi Bank Advances Four On Staff Central Jersey President Says “Pleasure To; Elevate Own Employes” in Bank’s Expansion Program : _* FREEHOLD — flobert B. Barlow President of the Cen tral Jersey Bank and T rust Company, today ; announced the promotion of four mem bers of the bank's staff to po sitions of increased responsi bility in conncetion w ith the bank’s expansion program. ACTING MAGISTRATE Andrew J . W ilson co ngratulates newly elected M ayor Joseph \Vardell a fte r sw earing-in ceremonies a t Nep tu n e Township H eadquarters a t noon on Ja n u ary 1, 1965. Commit teem an H arry L arrison, J r ., (n ex t to M ayor) .and Tax Assessor* W illiam C. Hogan, (ex trem e rig h t) .were also sw orn in. - : < will continue on the first and third Tuesday o f each m onth at- 8 p.; m. Depositories..for municipal funds are the. New Jersey N ational'B ank and T ru st Co., the Central Jersey Bank and T ru st Co., the F irst M er. clianis N ational Bank and the Keystone Savings and Loan Association. The mayor, along ivith P rio r to th e reorganization for T o w n s h i p. Committeeman th e New Year,, th e com m ittee, clos Harry. Larrison, Jr., and As ed 1964 vvlth the aw arding of v a r sessor William. G,. Hogan,, had ious contracts to low bidders—chlo been reelected the past No rine, Pennsalt Chemicals Corp.; vember and received the. oath road m aterial, F re d . McDowell, “I t is alwoys a pleasure,” ’ Mr. of office from. Acting. Magisr Inc.; bulk gasoline, Humble Oil and Barlow said, “to .elev ate our bwn tra te Andrew J. Wilson. Refining Co., and uniform cleaning Mr. and Mrs. Samuel 'T. Cornelius employees w ith a record,.,of dis The four township coriimit- and. repair, Grove.Cily Cleaners. .. OCEAN GROVE — Miss Linda 1st. " tinguished service ’uP .ipositions teemen will head the follow • Two property.sales w ere confirm D iana Aponte, daughter of Mr. and T he bride, who was given; in m ar where they can take a more active ing departm ents: H erm an S. ed - p a rt of a lot on Monroe Ave., to •Mrs. John Aponte, 34 Olin St., be riage by h e r father*, was. attire d iri p a rt in the grow th of our bank Johnson, public sa fe ty ; H arry Mr. and Mrs- Charles J. B arth, cam e th e bride of. P F C Sam uel T. a peau de sole stre e t length; gown, and its service to our custom ers.” Larrison,; ;jr., roads, refuse $1,700, and a 100-ft. lot on the south C orhelius,;U. S. Army, •son of Mr. w ith scoop neckline. H er veil fell John Doyle has been . promoted ‘and sew er; Thomas Nicol, rev side of Olden Ave., west of Sayre, and Mrs. W illiam O. Cornelius, of from a F rench brocade of w hite or to m anager of the Marlboro office enue and finance, and Gilbert to Mr. .and Mrs. Carl Bullock for Tularosa, New Mexico, the S atu r ange blossoms. w here he has - been assista n t m an Twelves, health and public re $2,600. day afternoon (Dec. 26) a fter Mrs. Lynne Wolf, of B radley a g e r since the office was estab lations. . F o r its first business session of Christm as. . ; • ' • - Beach, who w ore a ; blue *■ velvet lished nearjy two years ag o / and A ppointm ents m ade w ere: Rich 1965, the m unicipal com m ittee m et Dr, Albert Layton, m inister, offi streetrlen g th dress ■and carried a also n am e d ‘an A ssistant Secretary ard W. Stout, attorney; Jonathan T uesday and Introduced four, ordin ciated a t the cerem ony in St. P au l’s bouquet of w hite carnations and o f the bank. He was born in MontL. Hancox, treasu rer; ..Claude W. ances. Public hearing will be held Church. R obert B atdorf was .organ-; ■ P a g e our, please Birdsall, engineer; Helen L. Riggs, ■'■'Pace eight, please Ja n . 19. T he ordinances are. publish __'*1 '• '• y •1 ■ :. ~'' deputy clerk; Dr. Theodore Schloss- ed in th eir en tirety In this Issue of T he m eeting was opened by Les bach, police physician and surgeon; T he Times. ; te r S. Goldstein, president of the F ra n k G. F luhr, au d ito r; Alvin E. Ordinance No. 672 vacates Var Unexcelled F ire Company. The Bills, Jr., m em ber of the board o£ m eeting was turned over to Edwin adjustm ent for th ree years; G ilbert ious paper streets. Ordinance No. 673 calls for the LeRoy, president o f th e B oard : of Twelves and D orothea Holmes, R. F ire Commissioners, who. commend N.. m em bers of th e local assistance construction of a $150,000 m unici pal garage and public w orks build ed th e but-§ping Chief, T hom as board; W illiam Kienzlen, m ember ing on Willow Dr., west of Spring McGrath, and o th er of fleers* for of th e planning board for five dale Ave., on township owned land. th eir effo rt in 196'4.'r S.;V yoars; Clerk Joseph E. Bennett, T he following officers w ere then m em ber of the plunnlng board for The present municipal corporation yard will be elim inated in the urban sworn in by F. Philip: Hendricks, one year; Dr. Carl Guzzo and N or, i renew al project. secretary o f the Board; of F ire m an M. H ardy, m em bers of the Commissioners: " , Ordinance No. 674 provides for board of fiealth for three-year • . Chief Ellsw brth Matthews, term s; W illiam G. H arries, m em ber the purchase of addressograph 1501 Seventh Avenue^ N eptune. of the! Shade T ree Commission for equipm ent for the municipal; busin • Ass is t a h t . Chief, Joseph E. five .years, and Hugo V. Fischer, ess office a t a cost of $22,000. B ennett, .17 S herry Lane; Neptune. Ordinance No. 675 am ends the o r m em ber o f th e Shade T ree Commis • Deputy Chief, Unexcelled F ire sion for the unexplred term of Mi's. iginal Springdale Ave., construction Company, R obert Holmes, 1519 Cor Florence P.,H atfield, who resigned. ordinance to connect Springdale lies Ave., N e p tu n e .;; With W est Mali Dr. a t the new N ep • Deputy Chief, H am ilton F ire • Special police officers'appointed, tu n e Mall Shopping Center, w ith Company, C hristopher C. •Gifford* servihg w ithout pay, are W illiam J. its outlet on Highway 6(1 at the jug Bryan, W alter C arter, W illiam M. FORM ER PR ESID EN T H arry G. Fahy, Jr. (left) tu rn s gavel over 106 Center St., Neptune. handle. Land to r the $150,000 pro to newly-elected P resident of the Unexcelled F ire Company, L ester • D eputy Chief, S hark R iver D aly,' M arcus Daniels, Louis F . ject was donated by th e City of As S. Goldstein. Mr. Goldstein opened the Jan u ary 1, 19G5 m eeting H ills-:F i r e . Company, W illiam jE. D’Anno, A lfred D. Dobson, E rrin g bury P ark , L iberty F acto rs Corp., for the sw earing-in of the new officers of F ire D istrict ^1. T he' Sekel, S r.r- 305 Overlook Drive, ton M:-Garret.t, Benjam in J. Glas- and Jersey C entral Pow er & Light memorial bell from 75th anniversary is shown in background. han, E lb e rt H arris, Charles L. N eptune.' v' ,v ' -''■'■' Co. T he original plan of the road, • , • D eputy Chief, .L iberty F ire Jones, Sidney W. Jones, Moses V. through Brockton E states to H igh Keel, W illiam Knight, N a th a n K ra Company, F ra n k Doremus, 806. Old w ay 66, would have destroyed the Corlies Ave., N eptune. .'v r.: mer, A llred. Lyons, S tanley Morris, residential ch aracter Of, the neigh W ilbert Moses, Raymond Osborn, ;‘The • incoming officers ; h a v e 1a t borhood. T he new plan encircles the tended num erous fire fighting and Roy L. Oliver,1 Edw ard Outealt, N eptune Mall, opening up between prevention courses and the m ajor Jam es E. Pierce, Jr., Ulysses S. 100 and 150 additional acres fo r NEPTUNE. — T he Officers of the . ia l m eeting held a t noon last F rl- ity a re graduates of both the Mon- Roberts. N eptune. F ire D epartm ent for the day Ja n u a ry 1 a t th e Unexceiled piouth County and New Jersey And, Led Robinson, Mike Sclarap- com m ercial and light industrial de velopm ent. year: 1965. w ere sw orn in a t a spec- F ire r Company, 1120 Coiiies Ave- S tate F ire Colleges. ■ -. v-,' • v ?i: pii, Melvin Shatzel, W ilbur Smith, A form al resolution was adopted .William Speakm an, lucen t :Stassio, in o rd er for th e N.- J . S ta te High Russell Treiber, Donald F, .Tucker, way Dept, to construct a traffic Edgar T y rell,, George ‘ Voll,r ,Ray signal a t the three-w ay intersection mond Wflddeil. Sr., Jolin E. Womef, of H ighway 33, Old Corlies Ave., Roger, -Young, Comolius. Ilansen, Si Jr., Gary Howland, L ester H erbert, and Jum ping Brook Rd. T he state wiil pay 75% o l'.tlie $8,400 total, Nelson Palrvier, F red W. Smith, while the tow nship'jm ys 25%. The Stedm an II. Shaftu, Dennis W alker, signal will have im ouinniatie tie-in John S lattery. with th e Uamiifiin F ire Co. und The municipal eom m lttee an- F irst Aid Squad, holh located at (Ills noitnced that its regular, m eetings in terseclio n .W h en the fire dr first a|d alarm sounds, the traffic, signal TH E N E PT U N E D IN Elt, Cor- will bo red on all .sides, h altin g 'all liesAve. and Route 35, N eptune, is cars. .;. featu rin g for your shopping con Prelim inary approval under the venience, special luncheon and din ners fo r the whole fam ily a t very sta te 's Green Acres program ' has reasonable prices. ” V . —50tf been granted the township for (he 1965 O FFIC ER S of F ire D istrict 1 TownBhip of N eptune are shown a fte r sw earing-in ceremonies Jum ping Brook and the S hark Ri a t the Unexcelled F ire House a t noOn on New Y ear’s Day. L eft to rig h t: R obert H olm is, Deputy NAGLE'S MAIN CENTRAL ver Brook watersheds. The com m it, Chief, Unexcelled F ire C o m p an y ;.F ran k Doremus, Deputy Chief, tib e r ty F ire Com pany; D epartm ent PHARMACY — Tel. 774-0204 tee adopted a form al resolution de. 'C hief, E llsw orth M atthew s, member of th e Unexcelled F ire Com pany; D epartm ent A ssistant Chief, A ll-year service. D ru g s o f quali Joseph E. B ennett, mem ber of th e Unexcelled F ire Com pany; W illiam Sekelfi, Deputy Chief,KShark ty fo r prescriptions. Doctors advise dlcatlng these lands to th e 'G re e n Riyer Hills F ire Com pany; C hristopher Gifford, D eputy Chief, H am ilton F ire Company. •••• • •. N agle’s. H ours 8:30 A.M.-9:00 P.M. A cres .program ; ' . ' < i ' Smiles Of Relief & Anticipation Neptune Fire Chiefs Sworn In At New Year’s Day Ceremony Hats Off To The Unexcelled Officers NEPTUNE TWP.— During the New. Y ear’s Day reorgan ization of the municipal com mittee, Mayor Joseph Wardell was elected to continue a t the helm for his third/full year. School Budget ayers Public Hearing On 19G5’G(i School Year Costs January 30 At 8 P.M. NEPTUNE TWP. — T he.: proposed, tem porary s c h o o l budget for 1965-1966. of, 794,859.05 was adopted by the board of education a t their regular meeting on December .30,19(54, at the Neptune Inter mediate School. Mrs. Jennie L. Nicol, vice president, pre sided. The rccord budget is an increase of s -174,137.55 over 1964-1965 and : will be available for public inspec tion Jan u ary 11th through Ja n u ary 20th, except Saturday, from 9 A. M. to 12 noon a t the board of educa tion office. T he public hearing will be held a t the board of education of fice, N eptune Interm ediate School, from 8 to 9 P . M. on Ja n u a ry 20th. The am ount to be raised by ■ .taxation is $2,709,490.05, an In crease of $408,274.38 over the cu rren t year. This is deter mined by subtracting the an ti cipated revenue of $1,085,369,00 from th e total budget. In o th er business W ednesday night, a letter was received from Mr. L. Thom as H erbert, P rincipal of the N eptune Interm ediate School, dated December 23,1964. He wrote, "I find it necessary to ;re sign from my position as Interm edi a te School Principal effectiv e. De cem ber 31, 1964, because th e pres sures of th e position have becolne. d etrim ental to my henlth.’VTh'e let te r was referred tp the Education. Committee, for study. Mr., Herbert, . w as form erly principal of th e Whitesyille and S hark Ulvci’ Hill? Schools and has boon ip th e NeptuneSchool' System over 10 years. .Mr. V. J. w . Christie, Superin- , lendent of Schools, was authorized to move his vacation up Id F ebru ary in-o rd er that'.h e m ay continue to work on his Doctorate. The Board authorized the archi tects, S harp anil H andren of Som erville to proceed w ith the working drawings and specifications o n .tho two new schools, a ju nior high and elem entary school to be built on acreage behind the high school. The following teachers w ere a d - ' ded to the Substitute list: M r A i. th u r C. Pappaylibn; Mrs. Josephine Smith; M rs..Shirley B. P ark er, Mrs. E sther .Keiso.' .Mr. John Ogle, 'Mrs. Rose Forino and Mrs. F re d relh a . .Stephen, T he 'following resignat ions v.eio accepted vvlth •" regrel: .'M rs; Katliryn K. MeNamarit-,'. .Summer- ; tieui School. Grade 4,. and Ml Rob. e ll Potente, .Interii-.ediaU' .School ’ G rade 1, botlV el'feciive Dee, a . ‘ 195-K Jjr.- Thiniias. L. Iliu .lty ui; Crhuhtiry, M. ,i. was'oved to fill the vacancy ai the lu le rm e ili,' ale School, eiieetive,, .lam iary 1 ,: 1965, -and has a B. .s. ilegree irom Monmouth College: ■ ' ' ; p « te eight, Plcasi. China & Oil P ainting tau g h t in. your home or mine. Hazel Villng ran , 111 P ark HI., B radley Beit-h. TeU 754-2892. " _ 2-5 P A t; t; r w o OCEAN GROVE TIMES and NEPTUNE TIMES. TOWNSHIP OF NEPTUNE, NEW JERSEY . Pathw ay, to M r. Ddnald Bonnie Lee Ayers Ocpiiii ByrQu: M a cp o n ald ,.soil: o f' Mi% and H arold MacDonald o f ;BloomRichard LaBarre Mrs. field Hills, Michigan. . Engaged To Wed . ^ w T)ii» en^agrenK ’n i Bonnie .Log . Ayers* ,d*Ui^h* v'.^tcF-'‘6 f Mr. and -31 rs. HaroKI T. to '0 h fd H enhiis' 1«tRa r r e s o n ; o f 31ivs-. LaBaiirb, J $2 Stockton Ave.. •.•■ p i e n ii. ..Grove,-/- .was announced > C hristm as Day. ,|vAyers;:1lo Xevv^ateLarie,• R.ieh- M IS S E L IN O R E. R U SH MISS LYNDA A. TAN.jS ; Miss. Rush is also, the - daughter of .Mrs. Isabelle M.’ Rush, 139 . Em bury Avenue, Ocean Grove. • T he wedding is planned for June . 19: ■y/i Miss Tartis, form erly of Haw ' Miss Rush, is a graduate of Nep thorne, New Jersey^; is a graduate tune High School. She also atten d of Manchester. High School, Hale- ed The B erkeley School, E a s t’Or-: don, has completed two years at ange. . . - ■ ■ rT W heaton College, W h eato n ,. IlliriH er Fiance. Is a graduate of Long ois, ana 'at present is a freshm an I B ranch . High School. He is ema t Columbia .'University School o^tployed In construction svork w ith Nursing. New York City. v his uncle, C arm en Sorrentino, Long Mr. MacDonald is a m inisterial p ra n c h .: student at . Wbeatcin College, Miss Bonnie Lee A yers W heaton, Illinois. Miss A yers is a g rad u ate of No date has been , se t for the N eptune H igh School. She is em wedding. ployed. a t Gable Lane D rugs. Mr.' L aB arre is also a graduate o f N eptune H igh School. H e is New Jersey Bell Teleemployed by VanCleve Inc., Nep hone Customers Can tu n e. Lyndia A. Tanis Donald MaeDonald Engagement Told Nearly 10 Million More Telephones Rusli-Fornarotto Troth Announced Christmas Eve Call 96.8 of World’s Total OCEAN GROVE — Dr. H. Floyd Rush, 66 Lake Avenue has announ ced the engagem ent of his daugh ter,: E linor Elizabeth, to Mr, Jos OCEAN GROVE — Announce eph F ra n k F ornarotto, son of Mr. m en t h as been made of the engage- and Mrs. Nicholas F o rn a ro tto ,' 6SS Broadway. Long Branch. The d au g h ter of Mrs. B erth a B. Tanis, An .'j'jncem ent was made Chrlstand th e late H arold E. Tanis. 30 mas Eve. . NEW ARK — .Yew Je rse y Bell Telephone. Co.- custom ers can now call nine-and one-half million more telephones, th an they could, a .year ago. , ' According- to the 19t>4; edition o f 1“T h e 'W o rld ’s 1 Telephones,” 're leased today (Dec; -.30) bj- the Am erican Telephone and Telegraph CoM there were 171.000,000 tele phones in use throughout the world by the end of 1863, a gain of 9.9 million during, the year. New J e r sey. Bell customers can reach 96.8 per cent of the telephones. A tlantic ' City tied w ith ; W hite Plains, N. Y. for second place am ong the cities of the; world with a high concentration of telephones. The shore community, which, ex perienced : a big buildup in com m unications facilities during the Democratic National Convention in A ugust, . has 74.6 telephones for every 100 persons. W ashington, I). C. has the world’s g re a te st concentrationV:. of tele phones,.88.3.per. 100 persons. Stock holm, Sweden, remained top foreign cit.v ■w ith CM telephones per 100 persons; Telephones •per/; 100 persons in the s ta te ’s m ajor cities in addition to A tlantic City w ere: Bayonne, 42.6; Bloomfield, 62.9; Camden, 54.G; E a st Orange, 58.3; Elizabeth, 50.9; Jersey C ity, <13.3;.Newark (in cluding Irvington), 56.2; Passaic (including Clifton), 50.6; P aterson, 46.1; Trenton, 5319, and Union Ctiy, 48.6. All figures are. as of Ja n u a ry 1, 1964. I t ; takes a y ear to compile th e data.; T he United S tates ranked first in the num ber of telephones w ith 84,453,000. Japan was second with 10,682,492, and the U niter King dom w as third with 9,345,000. Ja p an had the larg est percentage g ain in 1963 increasing the num ber of telephones by 14.4 per cent. In dia increased; its telephones by 13.5 per cen and Russia by 32.7 p e r cent. The United. S tates w ith . 44.26 telephones, per 100 persons m ain tained .th e lead in th a t category. Sweden followed w ith 42.25. New Zealand had 35, Canada had 34.89 and Sw itzerland had 33.95. The Canadians apparenly con tinued to ta lk more th an anyone else. They averaged 597.7 te le phone conversations per person in 1963. Iceland displaced the U nited S tates in the second place spot with 574.9 conversations per person ®i§PP is te s S i ■.■V ' '-'-.'aa. FRIDAY, JANUARY 8, 1 9 6 5 $ w ith his w ife and 2 daughters. New Jersey National Bank & Trust Roy H. Olsen, assistant au d ito r . since 1963, has been advanced to as cashier. Mr. Olsen g rad Promotes Ten To Serve Expansion sistant uated from Brooklyn public schoois ASBURY.' P A R K .— The appoint ditional appointm ents:' R obert L. and attended A m erican-Institute of m en t.o f four:A ssistant Vice P re si King who cam e to th e bank in July Banking and M onmouth College. dents a t the New Je rsey National 1963 a s its auditor has been ad He joined tho local bank 14 years Bank & , T rust Company W vanced' lo .a u d lto r and '.comptroller ago serving since then In various;, nounced today by Joseph Thum- for the batik and its eight officers. capacities. T reasu rer of the Long Branch area of the Salvation A rm y moss. President. Mr.: King came to th e local bank since. 1961, M r. Olsen resides at from th e Chemical Bank— -New F red Huiisdorfer, active in the Navesink D rive/ M onm outh SJ M ortgage -Department sinec 1963, York T rust-C om pany, ,N. Y. City, Beach w ith his wife and tillce was advanced from A ssistant Cnhier w ith whotyi he: had been associated children. to Assistant V ice, P resident-. .-/■: since' 1947-..serving, in nurrierous M artin J. Squires, m anager of A • g rad u ate of Indiana University auditing and cost accounting- cap and orig in ally . from ■ ’ W eehawken, acities. .M r / K ing is /’a native of New Jersey N ational’s Oceanport N. , J.,.- Mr.. H unsdorfer whs with Red B ank w herevho resides with o.'flco since its opening last M arch D un and B rad street and , M anu ills wife a t; 74 Woodside Drive. ■ (1964) has been advanced to as-, Ellery C. Scott, assistant trust- sistant cashier. A grad u ate of New factu rers .T rust Company New York- City .before joining .the local orflcer. slnce.1963, has -been- advan York City public schools, Mr. bank :In Ju ly I960. A m em ber of ced to tru st officer/ M r .; Scott Squires attended th e American In St, Andrews M ethodist Church, came to, the local bank early, in stitu te of Banking and served for Spring Lake, first vice president 1963 from the New B ritain T ru st seven years w ith the Fidelity Union B ritain, Conn., T ru st Company, N ew ark before Ot W all High Boosters Association Company, New and tre a su re r of W oll-Arnerican w here he served as tru st inveist- coming to the local bank In Sep Field Service C hapter Mr. H uns. thent officer and assistant secre tem ber 1962 as assistant m anager do rler resides a t R am shorn Drive, tary . He lives kt 58 F rederic Drive, of its Ocean Grove office. H e is Allen,wood, with, his; wife,, Ida, and O akhurst and his office is in Ocean an E lder and F in a n c e -C h a irm a tjh i, Grove B ranch office-which is now. of th e Reform ed C h u rch ,. B r i e l l e ^ three, children. and lives a t .412 Kivervlew Lane, .. H . Stanley Joline of l26 Norwood headquarters for the tr u s t d e p a rt Brlelle, w ith his wife and th ree Avenue, Long B ranch and a life m ent and custody accounts. children. long resident of Long B ranch w as •M artin L. Bailey, assistant m an -----------* ---------- [J ag er of the bank’s N eptune office advanced from A ssistant Cashier We so rt of hope we don’t g e t to A ssista n t. Vice P resident; Mr. since 1963, has . been advanced to Joline attended th e Am erican In assistant' cashier. Originally - from visitors from another planet. W ith stitu te of Banking, the N ew York N orth Carolina, Mr. Bailey served all th a t ju n k orbiting the outsk irts, Stock Exchange In stitu te and ser four years w ith th e U. S. A rm y a t they wouldn’t, g e t a very good-first ved 12 years w ith the N. Y. Stock F o rt M onm outh and one y ear lij im pression. — Changing Times. Exchange firm of F ra n k & S ter Greenland. He was associated with ling before joining New Jersey th e Commercial Credit Corporation T ru s t Company of Long B ranch of A sbury P a r k and the Beneficial as a teller in 1940. : Since then he Finance C orporation in Red B ank has served in various departm ents before coming to New Jersey N a becoming; assistant cashier In 1952. tional in 1960. He resides a t 226 Mr. Joline is a m em ber of the Yewts S treet, O akhurst w ith Kis Board of Education of the City w ife' and two children. Rdbert D. Brown, assistant head of Long Branch, tre a su re r of the Long; B ranch Kiwanls, a director of the ta n k ’s installm ent loan De and tre a su re r of the G reater Long p artm en t in th e Asbury P a rk office! B ranch; C ham ber of Com m erce, has been advanced to assistant Albert C. Rohlfs, head of th e 1cashier. A resident of Oceanport Installm ent loan departm ent and m ost of his life ,: Mr. Brow n grad-, assistant cashier h as been advan u ated from L ong B ranch H igh ced to assistant vice president in the School, attended Monmouth Col sam e capacity;, M r. Rohlfs, who lege and . American In stitu te of llvesat 139 Cllftwood Road, Oak- Banking. Mr. Brown served with hurst, had 26 years of oxperienco th e' Seabees in th e South Pacific on2 vrw c in the consum er credit field prio r to from 1943 to 194G and joined New UC *A RESTORED CHAPELISPART coming to New Jersey N ational In Jersey T ru st Company ot Long OFAFORMERRUSSIANTRADING POST AMDFORT BUILT IN THE 05. W 1BIZ. 1963. from Pacific Finance Corpor Branch in August 1947/ He. has Credit ation form erly the E astern Ac also served ns associate , ’w r a w r r w ssoa i a o j ceptance : Corp. of New ark, N. J. M anager of Bambergers-M onmouth laaVHD xoaoKm o x a a a o He is m arried and has two sons and has been a trustee for the Good' e y e s m e sttjix x f meworfes. in the U. S. A ir Force and is o r S hore Credit Men’s Association. He Cgtff far, y p v r ty e s f f f s / / i f riles. lives a t 445 Driveway, O ceanport iginally from Long Branch. F. Donald Squlllante, m anager of the bank's W est Long Branch office and forrherly assistant cash ier has been advanced to assis ta n t president in the same capacity. .M r.. SqUillante, a g rad u ate of the Long B ranch public schools att,ended Monmouth Col A Complete Line of New Chevy,Cars & Trucks lege and the Am erican In stitute “OK” Used Cars and Transportation Specials. of Banking. He joined New Jersey T ru st Company of Long Branch In Service and Shop Facilities for Any Repair Needs. 1953 as a teller and since then has served as hranch m anager of “Serving The Shore Since 1928” tho Deal nfflep Jitirl hpnn nMiim in several departm ents. H e Is a past president of th e Long Branch Jay cees and is assista n t'state treasu rer of the N. j . Jaycees. He resides at 22 Forest S tret, West Long Branch w ith his -wife and tw o sons. At the sam e time, Mr. Thum775-1212 2nd Ave. & Main St., Asbury Park mess announced the following ad- SIGHT-SEEINGQUIZ ^ C H E V R O LE T » « . , ■■ , 118ft I f t ! 1 '' m ' Christmas Clubs start from ® 25 /j n BANK SATURDAYS N EW J E R S E Y N A T I O N A L Bank & Trust Company Be wise and save for’65. It’s not too late to join the Central Jersey Bank and Trust Company Christmas Club. Mem■ berships start from as little as 25c a week. Next year have ' . ^^; / / Another Service for Your Convenience / ;,- WALK-UP and DRIVE-IN Windows at ALL 8 OFFICES Onr Christmas Club pays interest : ' ; “ vjj Open SATURDAYS froni : : Here at the Central Jersey Bank and Trust Company, we f ; ,, don’t just collect your Christmas Club money. We pay inter.> est oh it, too. See how our Christmas Club accounts build up over a 50-week period: $20.00 a week—$1010.00 $2.00 a week-S101.00 S10 00 a week—$ 505.00 $1.00a week-$ 50.50 $ 5.00 a week-S. 252.50 $ . .50 a week-$ 25.25, ; S 3.00 a week—$ 151.50 3 .25 a week-5 12.62 9:30 A.M. to 1:00 P.M. ■ a! , In Addition to Routine Banking . . . ; ;! You May, OPEN AN ACCOUNT, Open and Pay on CHRISTMAS I I CLUBS, Obtain BANK MONEY ORDERS, Make Payments on | I . MORTGAGES and ALL LOANS, Obtain LOAN APPLICATIONS, etc. f lew i f e rs e y N a tio n a l Bank at our facilities nearest you in :— A JST D T R U S T • O C D IS ^ T F V V lN r V r AUENHURST ALLENTOWN BRADLEY BEACH • EATONTOWN • FARM1NGDALE FORT MONMOUTH - FREEHOLD (2) - FREEHOLD TOWNSHIP • LONG BRANCH MARLBORO. • MATAWAN • NEPTUNE CITY • SHREWSBURY Railroad Avenue at Bangs & Sunimerfield ASBURY PABK ; Norwood Avenue at Campbell Court .DEAL ' LONG BRANCH ....... :.-......................... 174. Broadway NEPTUNE .. . ... ................. Coriles A venue a t Atkins ... Main Avenue a t Pilgrim Pathw ay . OCEAN. GROVE , . 346 Oceanport Avenue OCEANPORT OfcEAN.TOWNSHIP.:..Sunset Avenue n ear Hwy. 35/ W anam aisa WEST LONG BRANCH .Locust Ave. a t W all St. (Shopping Ctr.) § / *V FRIDAY, JANUARY 8> 1965 0CEAN GROVE TIMES and NEPTTJNE TIMES!, TOWNSHIP OF NEPTUNE, NEW JER Sfil SPORTSCENE By RICH HOLL, N eptune High School Neptune P aces'A sb ury I’ark ami Middletown • W ith o perfect 8-0 record on the line, N eptune takes on th e Blue Bishops of A sbury P ark tom orrow, S aturday, Ja n u ary 9, a t Convention Hall. A sbury’s Bishops huve lost only 1 gam e thus fa r, to highly touted P erth Amboy. This gam e and its rem atch will decide the champions of the Shore area for the 1964-65 season. A fter the tough Asbury game, the F liers play Mlddle-town team on Tuesday, Ja n u a ry 12, a t Middletown. T he Lions have th e whammy on N eptune th an k s to a g ift victory in the football season th a t m eant the Shore Conference championship, but the F liers’ young, spirited squad knows th a t th ey m ust win to move into undisputed first* .place in Class "A ”.' • .. . If N eptune w ins'b o th 'g am es, they will em erge as full-fledged chal lengers to the g re a t team of 1961-62 th a t w ent through 25 straig h t. vh>' tories and in to ;th e sta te .fin a ls before losing. However, should they lose 1 or both, the F ilers will have an uphill fight for the re st o f the cam paign. I predict th a t they will edge A sbury, 63-59, and go on to down Middletown, 72-65. N eptune 82 — Toms River 72 L ast year, on December 30, N eptune repulsed Toms River a t Con vention Hall, 82-72, to win the Holiday Basket-Bowl tournam ent. Fabu lous Fred W arren, upon whom not enough superlatives can be heaped, scored 26 points and garnered 11 rebounds while shooting a t 52% from th e floor. •‘ ' In the first period th e F liers were out-hustled by th e Indians, and fell behind, 11-8, with 2:26 re g a in in g . However, th ey quickly caught A fire; as W arren began to pop, h ittin g 3 of his first-6, and Ed Copeland j'J-scored 4. Bru'cc-Hoffman, the alert playm aker, finally solved the Toms River zone, and N eptune tallied the last 7 points of the q u arter to go o ut in fro n t, 15-11. Hoffman scored 10 points during the contest. N eptune plunged into a 27-19 lead with 4:56 to go in the second stanza. Bob Silva, who collected 14 in the gam e, added 4 in th is period, and W arren p u t in 2 more w ith a total of 8 reebs to his credit. Then 5 consecutive b ask ets by all the first-string players made it 37-25 w ith 2:29 to play. The q u a rte r ended with the score 45-34 in N eptune’s favo r. Steve Cutillo, who chipped in with 15 points, tabbed 8 in the period. Copeland started thin g s quickly in the second h alf as he scored 6 points to pave the w ay fo r a 57-45 N eptune m argin. Copeland, who is im proving w ith every gam e, tallied 17 in the gam e and am assed 12 rebounds. He should be the b est defensive player in the Shore a t the culm ination of the season. W arren p u t in another 8 points in the quarte r , which ended w ith th e count 64-51. The final period saw the F liers practice a freeze with 3 m inutes to go, and w ithout much action the game ended 82-72. ./■•>. N eptune 88 — Freehold 53 The. F liers trounced the Freehold Colonials, 88-53, last Tuesday a t '.'.th e Neptune gym . Steve Cutillo, h it 46% of his attem p ts to lead ttie ' scorers w ith 27 big points. Bob Silva sank a basket with 1 :3G gone in the first q u arter to snap a dry r.pell in which the Scarlet F liers missed th eir first 4 shots. From th ere on in N eptune dom inated the gam e. Fred W arren, who scored 18 points and am assed 13 reebs, grabbed 5 rebounds in the first 3 m inutes. The F liers couldn’t g e t hot, though, as they hit only 2 of heir first 11 attem p ts. The period ended with the score 13-7 in N eptu n e’s favor; The sccond q u arter saw m any bad breaks on calls by the referees which thw arted a good deal of the F lier offensive th ru st. It term inated w ith the count reading 33-21, w ith N eptune still in the lead. Ed Cope land, who also sank 18 points while collecting 16 rebounds, got 11 reebs in the first half. Cutillo h it 10 in the second quarter, although fo r the initial half the F liers shot a t a poor 30%., A t the o u tse t of the second h alf the Fliers broke loose into a 53-40 lend,-with Copeland scoring 8 in the third period. Bruce Hoffman, ;Hi principal th re a t in the N eptune fa st break, tallied 4 of his 12 points. ’4‘Other th an th a t it w as a dull period. However, in the final q u a rte r all thundcration broke loose. N eptune - struck fo r 35 points, as they h it 49% of th eir shots in direct com parison to the first half. Copeland scored 3 stra ig h t baskets to sta rt things, giving the F liers a 63-45 advanage w ith 5:15 le ft. Then they w ere off and bombing, with tho second string, the third strin g , and ju s t everybody im agineable hitting. The defense was also superb. It should be noted here th a t a very fine act was perform ed by a g re a t -/competitor, Steve Cutillo, in th e last m inute-of play. He had collected all his 27 points, and knew he was having an exceptionally hot night, when he got the ball on a f a s t break. He drove under th e basket with 2 defenders h o t on his back, only a half-step away. Then, instead of going up for the shot in an effort to hike his point total, he leaped in the air and passed off to a trailin g team m ate. W ith the game on ice, it w as a g re a t tem ptation for “Q” to attem p t the shot; but he re neged ii} favor o f a su b stitu te. This is ah example of the team work t h a t adds s o g r e a tly to this v arsity squad. Cutillo and W arren scored 10 in the q u arter. Copelai%i 6. •: H opkins to Go to Tulsa Southw est football fan s will soon begih to fo rg et Je rry Rhomfe . and Howard Twilly, fo r Ricky “ The Sheik” Hopkins, the Shore’s P lay er of the Y ear, will enroll next fall a t T ulsa U., T ulsa, Oklahoma. .'•Confirmation of his acceptance came last Tuesday, Ja n u a ry 5. He V oid this rep o rter, “ O ther colleges are still considering me, but my mind is made up th a t I will go to T ulsa.” He also rem arked th a t G ary Carroll, who w as a tackle on the N eptuhe team of 1963, and is currently boasting an enviable record from the. freshm an team -of Tulsa last fall, had helped H opkins to m ake his choice. Ricky is wished the best of luck; academically, and especially athletically. SHORE BUSINESSMEN’S BOWLING LEAGUE Hello, and welcome back bowlers, and heres hoping th at everyone has a good bowling season In 1965. S tartin g on alleys 1 & 2, and continuing were they left off . in 1964 is th a t hot team K edersha's Bootery. They took on th e A & M T ruckers, and won tw o games.. In v .t'|iln g these two gam es4they now trail th e League Leaders by only two games. This team has the sp irit and m ay go nil the way. S etting the pace for the Bootery team was Tomm y Mc C arthy who cam e th ru w ith a 532 series, and chipping in w ith a 202 gam e was Charles K edersha him self. George Laird Jr., was top m an for th e Truckers,- and has been rig h t along. A little help from some of those o th e r‘bo.wlcrs George, and I / f i n k you could sta rt to move, **tt . Klein’s Fish M arket came from behind in the first and second games, and won them, but cou|dn't do it in th e third game and lost It. Isacson Euildors was the team who lost to th e Fishmen. Fishm en rid ing in third place trail the Bootery team by th re e games. Setting a •torrid pace, and with new shoes, for the Fishm en was anchor m an f/js k S tern er. Jack rolled a nice z£9, and a 199 games for a nice 581 series. Giving Jack a helping hand v;ap another Jack. Jack Klein who came th ru with a 5 i l series. T he big m an for the Builders, and he w as big, w a s anchor m an Russ Alaimo. Russ rolled a 214, /and .195 gam es for a n ic e '574 series. This lost dropped - th e ; Isacson Builders out of fourth place. Lou’s B arber Shop took on " the league leaders and dropped them for two games, and by so doing moved into fourth place by a half game. Keep up the 'good bowling B arber Shop. We say th at, because the B arber Shop rolled the top single, gam e of the season so far a nicL' 959 gam’o. The previous top gam e was by th e team they bowled, th e,S portsm an's Shop a , 945 gam e; T he B arber Shop had two rtien. go ing for-.them , th eir lead .off m an Loti Molinari Jr., who rolled a 526 series, and th eir an ch o r m an How ard MegllL Howard h it the pins for a 204, and a 201 gam es for a series of 587. The Sportsm an's Shop also had two men going for them. Back in his old spot, anchor man, was Joe Hammond who hit the pins for a 536 series. The sccond man, and top m an for the team was Bill A rm strong w ith a 207 game, and a 553 series. The S portsm an’s I ost the last gam e by only six pins. T he Ardmore Hotel ofiiml things a little rough but came out on top with the two wins over a poorly m anage Coast Cities Coaches. We say this, hoping they can get things iron out, and get down to busin ess In winning some games. W hat do you say Busm en? F or Ardmoore Hotel we have a top man, Kon Chapman keeping his mind on bowling, carm’ thru with a 202 game, and a 530 series. I t’s a good thing he had his mind on bowling, because none of his team m ates had their mind on bowling. I guess you can blame everything, on the holi days, Just too much. 4; ; H ere we have th e first sweep of th ree games lor the 1965 season. Maybe this is the sign for this team to s ta rt to move. This team can do it to, because they have the m en who can come thru for them. The Grovers sw ept three games from Coast Cities International team . Did we say a sign to sta rt the move, they moved already. They , jumped from'.-1th e 4eight spot to th e seventh spot, and arc only two games out of the sixth. Come oil F rank, Bob, Cliff, Ed. and Less we know you can dot it. The Grovers had three men who team ed up to help move this team . F ra n k Okley, Ed Dorak, and Les Tasney. F ra n k rolled a nice 553 series,4/Ed came th ru with a 209 game, and a 556 series, and old re liable anchor man, and he can do a lot better, Les Tasney who had a 200 game, and a 514 series. F o r the defeated team , th e In ternational team , C aptain Ben Adcock was the big man, and he alone, for Beil had no help. -Too bad Ben, losing three gam es really hurts. 200 Club Ja ck S te rn e r... 219 Russ Alaimo ............ 214 Ed Dorak ....;; ........ 209 Bill A rm strong ....... 207 Lou M lcloni/-......... 205 Howard Megill. 204, .201 Charles k ed ersh a /, 202 Ron Chapman 1 .^ , .... 202 Les Tasney ........... 200 Individual High Series Howard Megill .... ............ ..... 587 Jack" S terner ..... 581 Russ Alaimo .................. 574 League Standing L. W. Sportsman's, Shop .... 3 2 ' .16: K edersha's Bootery..,. 30 18 K lein's Fish M arket..., 27 • 21 Lou’s B arber Shop .... 25i4 23'/j Ardm ore Hotel ........ 25 23 P aul Isacson Builder .. 25 23 Grovers 23 25 Coast Cities ln t'1 . 22 27 ; A & N T ru ck ers.. 19 29 Coast Cities Coaches .. . 12 Vj 35 Vi MIXED LEAGUE OCEAN GROVE As the Ocean Grove Mixed L ea gue reached th e half way point, the Turids find them selves six arid One half gam es.out in front, w ith tw en ty-seven games to go. I t w as bum p e r nite and th e firs t place T unas m et the second -place* Stingrays which found the T unas overcoming a 54 pin spot in th e first two games and coming through victorious in fine style. T he third gam e w as all S tingrays w ith Bill Catley having a 181 and the Stingrays as a team bowling 685 gross. In game num ber one Bill Smith of the T unas was tops w ith a 183 while game two to o k -a fine effort by ,anchor man BUI Sm ith of 224 to post the win. The Flukes led b y C ap t. Jim H argadon’s 176 moved into second place w ith two wins over th e Sharks. The S harks won the final; gam e by 14 pins on Joe Pope’s 173 game. The S harks' had a bad nite as all th eir gam es w ere below average plus th e fact, they spotted th e Flukes 45 pins. T he high flying M ackerels had one of those astronom ical evenings w ith everything going th e ir’ way. T he...M ackerels crushed the poor Sailfish by 185, 94, and 107 pins respectively in.all th ree games. Jim F . K rum w as the s ta r w ith a new high league series of 607 on games of 235, 192 and 180 for th e Mack erels. Only nine pins to the re a r was Gene Jackson w ith a trem endous598 on gam es of 215, 212, and 171. T he women on the M ackerels also im proved th eir averages, the team believe it or not added twelve points to its average which is dif- REPA1RS ON ALL CARS — OVER 25 T R S. AT THIS OCEAN GROVE ADDRESS — NEPTUNE AUTO REPAIR BODY & FE N D E R WORK AUTO PA IN TIN G BAY E L L IS Stockton A So. Main S treet Ocean Grove P R <-7727 ALTERATIONS REPAIRS “A complete homeremodeling service with one contractor!” Kitchens & Bathrooms — Our Specialty.—• . W. L. NEAVES 1223 % 8th Avenue N E PT U N E , N . J . : Phone 776-6524 Twp. of Neptune Board of Education BUDGET NOTICE N otice Is h ereb y given th a t th e 'B oard' of E ducation o f the Tow nship of N eptune will hold a public hearin g on .the F in an cial S tatem e n t an d proposed B udget fo r th e School y e a r 1965-60' as h erein set fo rth betw een th e h o u rs 61 0:00 p.m . and 9:00 p.m. on J a n u a ry 20. 1965, a t th e Board of Education Officc. S o u th M ain S tree t, O cean G rove, New Je rse y . Said budget, w ill be on Ille and open to th e public .b etw een the h ours of 9:00 a.m . an d .'12:00 noon from J a n u a ry II to Ja n u a ry 29, 1065. (except S a tu r day) a t th e Board o f E ducation OfTice, S o u th M ain S tre e t, O cean G rove, New Jersey . SCHOOL DISTRICT BUDGET STATEMENT FOR SCHOOL YEAR — 1965-66 B oard of E ducation of Tow nship of N ep tu n e, C ounty of M onm outh ENROLLMENTS (2) (3 )" . (1) . 1963-64 1964-65 1965-66 (A ctu al) (E stim ated) (E stim ated) R esident Av. D aily E nrollm ent .. 5971.6 6409 cnoo • . ADD: A D E -Tultlon PUpils Receiv< d ........: 329.6 340 334 T otal A verage D aily E n rollm ent ....:...... 6301.2 6749 7134 KS OF REVENUE (2) (1) (3) 1963-64: 1964-65 • 1965-66 (A ctu al) . (A n ticip ated ) (A n ticip ated ) CURRENT EXPENSE A ppro p riatio n B alance ...... *$ 323.899.96 s’ • B alance A p p ro p riated ........ . ;• 50,500.00 ■u 22,000.00 Local Tax Levy ......... 1,738.544.00 2,021.759.00 2,266.515.00 S ta te Aid ........................ .......... 512,209.00 558,727:00 . 591.677.00 F ed eral Aid .............. 332.637.90 . 90,000.00 • .'l^.OOfliOn T uition .:......................... : 195.174.83' . 204.000.00 • 204,000.00 . M iscellaneous R evenue 3,863.88 CA PITAL OUTLAY $.. 39,020.04. DEBT SERVICE A p p ro p riatio n Balance . B alance -A ppropriated .... . Local T a x Levy ., • S ta te A id ..... M iscellaneous R evenue . .... ...... .. (C ) 15.040.79 2C8.985.50 , 90.940.00 . :>,258.04 $ : $3,324,180.84 '■ 41.015.00 $ . ?• : 8,898.83. 247,111.07 . 105,100.60' • ' TO TA L . DEBT SERVICE ........... .... $ 378.824.33 TO TA L REVENUE ALL A C C O U N T S '.... 34,325.00 7^700.00 401.130.05 114.992.00 $ 36i,410.50* 523.022.05 $3,320,721.50. $3,794,859.05 'R eflects A ctual A ppro p riatio n B alance J u ly 1. 10( A PPR O PR IA TIO N S. CD ‘ iZ V' *5; * - (3) 1963-6-1 1964-65 • 1963-66 CURRENT EXPENSE E x p en d itu res A p p ro p riatio n s A p p ro p riatio n s AOMINISTRATION .... . $ 57.103.-J3 • S alaries $ 65,410.00' $ '77.960.00 C o n tracted Services ....................i 3.300.00 . 4.000.00 4.250.00 All O th er Expenses ......... .. .11.957.59 13,000.00 14.200.00 INSTRUCTION S alaries .................... i...... .-. $l,88l;695.27 $2,133,406.00 ' $2,417,380.00 T ex tb o o k s .................................... 39.G42.1G 41.950.00 43.000.00 L ib raries & A udio V isual Mat. .. 10.541.02 21,630.00 23.257.00 T eaching Supplies .... ■/, 40,214.54 43.000.00 45.000.00 ............. All O th er Expenses 5,747.48 . ‘ 5.000.00 0.500.00 ATTENDANCE AND . HEALTH SERVICES S alaries — A tten d an ce ...... ' 2,900.00 ■ (A ) TOTAL CURRENT EXP. S2.00G,329.57 $2,924,986.00^.. • $3,226,192.00 All O th er E xpenses' — A tten d an ce .... . 282.24 Salaries, — H ealth ;.... 38,754.00 CAPITAL OUTLAY All O th er Expenses H ealth 3,052.22 A ppro p riatio n B alance 0.382.26 t r a n s p o r t a t io n Local T ax Levy ......... 29.850.00 . 41.845.00 . S alaries ......................... 10.419.25 F ederal Aid ........ • 2,682.78 3.000.00. C o n tracted Services an d . M iscellaneous R evenue P u b lic C arriers 8,372,00. R eplacem ent D lst. O w ned . ...... . B uses 5.607.00 In su ran ce — P u p il Hcult to do a t this tim e of season. The holiday lay-off seemed to T ran sp o rtatio n 721.78 V 1 ,200.00 1.300.00 All O th er E xpenses — Carol Dietz of the' Sailfish had nice Hurt m ost but b e tte r' scores will O p en & .M ain .... 6.624.07 0.300.00 7.900.00, gam es of 166 and; 163, • • ' be coming up now th a t the re st is OPERATION Salaries ................. ....................... 148.903.43 102.400.00 174.600.00 The B arracudas won two low over. Now th a t th a t sta te m e n t has H eat ..... 29,205.28 . 35.000.00 35.000.00 ' U tilities. ......... ................. 43,166.03 scoring games from the Bass .one been made it!s up to the bowlers to 44.200.00 46.700.00 Supplies ......... .................. ......... 17,380.44 18.500.00 19.500.00 by 11 pins. John Sheppard had a top come through. All O th er Expenses .... 3,868.80 2 , 000.00 4.000.00 MAINTENANCE g am e o f 150 for, ’th e ' B arracudas, . Team S tandings S alaries ............................. 38,416.29' 42.000.00 39.600.00 w hile L ee Slpcum?s , 178 won the C o n tracted S ervices ...-.......... 57,155.79 71.530.00 55.000.00 ■ t.' R eplacem ent; (P u rch ase) of firs t game! for th e Bass. The Floun W estinghouse Serv. E q u ip m en t ..... ;..., 32 16 12,052.35 16.925.00 17.000.00 All O th e r E xpenses ....... 10,766.15 14.350.00 13.500.00 ’• ders with two dum m y scores did Grove Cleaners ... ....... 30 18 FIXED CHARGES okay, against the Dolphins with one P athw ay M arket ......... 26% 21% Em ployee. R etirem en t C ontrl. 30.825.00 32,997.33 38.000.00 In su ran ce & Ju d g m en ts . .13,421,00 .23,100.00 10.875.00 dum m y score and cam e out on top N ag le’s D rug . ... . ..... .. 26 23 R ental o f Land & B uildings .. 3.600.00 twice: Joan B urke’s 157 was tops Bronson Agency ........ 25 TO 23 ; EXPENDITURES OTHER DISTRICTS on the Flounders for the nite, while Campbell’s B arbers ..... 23 T u itio n ...... ,.-........ -........ . $ ' 2,500.00 $ 2.017.00 S 5.400.00 25 SUB TO TA L ........................... $2,554,190.C0 $3,199,242.00 $2,891,886.00 George Young’s 209 won the' only Sm ith H ardw are 22 26 SUNDRY ACCOUNTS gam e for th e Dolphins. !The Blue- Belm ar H eating SERVICES 21% 26% FOOD Salaries .:................. 3,500.00 fish rem ained in the cellar spot E x p en d itu res to Cover Deficits 1,000.00 Grove B arber Shop ..... 21 ..27 . STUDENT BODY ACTIVITIES w ith the Dolphins as they dropped L arrison Fuel Oi l 1 14 34 S alaries ........................ .......... . 12.700.00 14.600.00 two gam es to the Whales. F red F ra O th er E xpenses .i.....‘...~.... 10.459.43 11,000.00 Team High Game COMMUNITY SERVICES terrlgo’s 188 along with Ann Bird’s W estinghouse 916-897-861 $ 2.225.00 3.000.00 S ala ries — R ecreation ............ 158 Salvaged the only gam e for the Bluefish, Poor W alt Bird .couldn’t get a score out of the 130’s. T he irony of the two losses was .. the W hales had to bowl with two dum my scores. M ary Layton of the W hales had a 163. -i-v 1 Team Standings W. L. T unas .,..;..V. 23 4 Flukes 16% 10% M acherels 16 11 Stingrays 16 , 11 B arracudas .... 15 v:i i ii S harks ..... :...... . 1416 12% Sailfish ..V. 11' 16 Flounders 10 . 17,. W hales 9 18 D o lp h in s.... ....... 8 19 Bluefish 19 8--; SQUAWS BOWLING LEAGUE W. L. Team Standings Paw nees ........ 2914 15*^ Cherokees ............. 26% 18% Navahos ..... ,...'........ 25 20 Apaches .............. 25 20 Delaw ares ..... 21V4 23% Comanchos 19% 25% Pueblos ........................ 18 27 C h ey en n es ......15 30 High ,3-game series: Navahos, 1836; Pawnees, 1806, Cherokees, 1801. High team /-single gam e: Paw nees, 662; Apaches, 653; Chero kees, 650. Individuad high 3-game series: Gladys Beekman, 571; E nid Smith, 549; M uriel Kelly, 541. ' Individual high gam e: Gladys Beekman, 210; Bobby W oyshner, 208; Enid Sm ith, 202. A verages: Enid Sm ith, 159.35; Gladys Beekman, 158.23; Muriel Kelly, 153.2; B etty DeRose, 150.25; Helen Condos, 150.7. Clean gam es: Gail Wills, Enid Smith, Ruth Bush. 200 Club Gladys Beekman 210 Bobby W oyshner ....... ........208 Enid Smith ........ 202 Ruth Bush ..................... 201 High gam es for the evening; Bobby W oyshner, 208, 1G0; Enid Smith, 184, 181, 1G5; C harlotte Meyer, 180,172; Betty DeRose, 180, 168; Muriel Kelly, 169; Lesley Kel lers, 1G7; Irene Slocum, 166; Sally Krum , 166; Dorothy Coll, 165; Hel en McNally, 164; Jean Dabler, 163; Millie Kalinowski, 163. Team H igh Series W estinghouse ........4........ 2674 Cleaners . ....... ..................... 2481 Campbells . . . I . . . , . .................... 2467 /. v Individual-H igh Series Wm. Mockridge 602 Late S ta rte rs Jan . 11th Bronsons vs. Larrisons Results Jan. I W estinghouse, 3; Campbell 0 Larrisons, 2; Cleaners, 1 P athw ay, 2; Grove Barbers, ■1 Sm iths, 2; Bronsons, 1 N agle’s, 2; Belm ar, 1 200 Club W. Mockridge 222-203 Stu Blair ..... 213 '213 Dick Day .... Wm. Sm ith ....... 212 Don DeRose 207 204 Ken Johnson ......' 201 W. Atkinson ....i.:....... (A ) TO TA L CURRENT -EXPENSES ......:.............. CAPITAL OUTLAY S ites ........ ......... ................... . B uildings ........ E q u ip m en t ;.. ............... (B ) TO TA L CAPITAL OUTLAY . ..... $ DEBT SERVICE P rin cip al .... ........ In te rest ...... 1,000.00 ‘ 33.325.00 $ 31,087.44 34,325.00 . , $ 205,000.00 1-12,201.55 (C ) TOTAL DEBT SERVICE $ 347.201.55 TOTALS (Sum o£ A to C Inc.) $2,057,863.42 $3.320.721;50 .- $3.79-1.859.05 CURRENT OPERATING A PPROPRIATION BALANCES .JUNE 30, 19M A CURRENT EXPENSES 32G.755.14 • 15 CAPITAL OUTLAY ....I......... .. 7,939.50 C DEBT SERVICE 31.022 78 TOTAL BALANCES JU N E 30, 1964 ...... :.. $ 366,317.42 TOTAL EXPENDITURES AND BALANCES JU N E 3(1. 1964 .... IM PROVEM ENT AUTHORIZATIONS JULY 1. 1963 to JU N E 30, 1964 UNEXPENDED IMPROVEMENT AUTHORIZATIONS JULY 1. 1963 .... GLASSBORO — Dr. T h o m as. E. REVENUES: Robinson, president of Glassboro OTHER REVENUE (o rd ers cancelled) ; ., .,$24,893.73 S tate College, has announced a $3,400,000 expansion program au thorized by .the College Bond Is sue. The. expansion will provide an A rts building for preparation of . teachers ' of In d u strial A rts, Home Economics and Fine A rts. A th ree hundred bed dorm itory and an addition to the lib rary will round out the building program^ Glass boro, one. of the larg est of the S tate Colleges, has: a full-tim e un d erg rad u ate enrollm ent of 3,140 stu d en ts’ and 4,100 extensi6n and g rad u ate students. TOTAL REVENUES A 'V'. V' ; ri»- TOTAL REVENUES AND BEGINNING BALANCE IMPROVEMENT AUTHORIZATION EX PEN DITURES: SITES ......................................... b u il d in g s I.,...;....,....;....:.:. <- * 24,893.73 $197,339.19 -v^. $65,028.23 .... . 22,963.65 87,989.83 3.258.04 TRA N SFER " .............. TOTAL IMPROVEMENT AUTHORIZATION EXPENDITURES ........ $ 0j.247.te UNEXPENDED IMPROVEMENT AUTHORIZATIONS JU N E 30. 1964 ......................................... ..................... $io6.x4urr TOTAL EXPENDITURES AND ENDING BALANCE ; $197,389.19 • (S igned) HELEN A . QUERING S ecretary DATED:. J a n . 5. 1965 Residents of The Township of Neplune SNOW RE MO VA L NOTICE SHOVEL S N O W IN D IR EC TIO N O F TRAFFIC SHOVEL 10 FEET PLOW D IR EC TIO N PLOW D IR EC TIO N SHOVEL 10 FEET OCEAN GROVE BUSINESSMEN’S LBAGUE 1 $ 31,087.44 Glassboro To Expand |^| W ostinghouse has now moved out to a full two game lead. By taking three from Campbells they were able' to pick up a full gam e on the rest of the league. No one else was able to take three. Now the league is more or less in two: groups. Five and a half gam es separate the three top team s while only four games se parate th e next six team s. Only L arrison seems out of the rac>- a t this time, yet they were able to set the second place Cleaners down for two. Bill Mockridge had quite a night. Six hundred series and a doubleheader in th s two hundred club. Six o ther mem were able to keep him company in th e club. $2,579,574.43 SHO V EL S N O W IN D IR EC TIO N O F'TR A FFIC • T h e ' following recommendatoins are ma.deVto eliminate rc-shoveling of show from driveway areas afte r streets have been plowed: 1. Shovel all snow from driveway in direction o f traffic, (facing street) shovel snow to the rig h t side of driveway). 2. Clean an additional ten foot section along the g u tte r on the other side .of the drive way, (facing street, the left Side of the drivew ay); • 3. No motor vehicles are to be parked in th e street. Driveways cleared in this manner will remain open after repeated plowing. (Attest) JOSEPH E. BENNETT Municipal Clerk (Signed) HARRY LARRISON, JR. Road Commissioner FRIDAY, JANUARY 8, 1%5 OCEAN GROVE TIMES and NEPTUNE TIMES, TOWNSHIP OF NEPTUNR, NEW JERSEY Lois F ulton, D oris 1Catley, Geneva H eight, E van Mockridge, R uth W eaver, Bobby Davis, Charles Hoff m an, Joe. Bennett and H erb ert D a vis, .'A ls o attending were Mrs. E arl H eight, M rs, ^Ellbrsie Davis, M r. and Mi's}.,William Morton. .Workmen - fo r the. Ocean Grove Cumpmeetirig Association began •tearing .down th e form er Dodgem Building on Lake, avenue. M anager' Joseph Thoma • planned to re tu rf th e' site and construct, a children’s playground w ith benches and aw n ings.- The N orth End Fishinjr Pier was closed w hile'repairs were made to the je tty beneath. The annual T h rift "Exhibit spon sored by th e Ocean Grove-Neptune P.T.A. w as held in the High, School sim ultaneously w ith u tea. and can dy sale. Judges of-children’s hand made •articles w ere M rs.’ H am ilton F o x ' ‘of Ocean Grove, Miss A nita Moore, principal of Ridge Avenue School; and Leon Crandall, m anual train in g in stru cto r in . the Belm ar schools. The com m ittee in charge of the exhibit w as Mrs. Isabel LOweree, chairm an; Miss K athleen S trassb u rg er, assista n t; Miss L il ian ? Kinney, M rs. Edw ard Sweet, Mrs. M arion Cleaver and Mrs. Willitfm Lyon. Miss Elizabeth Plum m er was 'in ; charge of a musicale w ith students p articip atin g ; ' The second annual carol singing of the N eptune Bridge Club w as held ^ i th th e group m eeting a t th e ap artm en t of Miss Elizabeh Adams, w ith th e follow ing members p res e n t: M rs. Jesse' .Van, Brederode, Miss M ary Baldwin; Miss . Helen Parkinson, Miss K athleen S tra ss burger, Miss Ann K, Scholl, Miss E lsie Bulman, Miss Em ily Ann Rice, Miss G ertrude Gibbons, Miss H uberda Wall, M is s . M arg aret M arshall,' M iss;; B eatrice . Brophy and Miss M uriel V etter. Central Jersey (C o n tin u ed fro m P age 1 ) clair, N. J . and received his early education in the schools of th a t com m unity; •L ater he attended the And Xcpi lino Times ; _______ A m erican .In stitu te of Banking and P ublished F rid ay ’ . Telephone "75t0007 W II.LIAM T. KRESOK,. E ditor an d P ublisher the .graduate school- of New York CAUL HOFFMAN, Local Editor U niversity. •' .'*■ V . SIXTY-FOUR MAIN AVENUE, OCEAN GROVE, NEW JERSEY ‘ He began hls:banking, career with t h e ' Chemical i Bank & T ru s t C om -' pany - iri New York ■Ti-iis.t>. Com.c a l; Bnnk, No\v ;Yor.k T ru st Com-/ rphny,.. in ; 1928 an d . rem ained' with Second Class P ostage Paid A t Ocean Grove, N. Jth a t institution fo r' 14..y ears as a _________ TH E TRUTH IN ITS PRO PER P L ACE special - representative in -the new TH E TIMES is on sale a t th e toil ow ing n ew s, stan d s; O cean G rav e—D ay s business/departm ent;before joining S tatio n ery and R uth's S tatio n ery : A sbury P a rk —-F reddie’s (Em ory at L ak e); the United S tates A r m y ; in 1942;' N ep tu n e—V arsity Shop. W arner D rue. N eptune Soda Shop. C u cciiru llo s D eli catessen. N ick's. H arvey's,' Wilson. G able’s Drug. M uller’s D elicatessen. H am ilton .He se rv e d .. . in the -Intelligence Sweet, Shop. H am ilton D rug and BUI and M ae’s D elicatessen; N eptu n e C ity— branch ’of. the Arm y in World. W a r' S m ltty 's .a n d Tom m y’s. 2 and a fte r the w ar was assigned to • the Surplus P ro p erty Disposal AUTOMATION’S EFFECT ON EMPLOYMENT linit. D uring the K orean W ar he Since the dim, dark days when th e wheel was first invented, every served, on General -Douglas Mac A r step taken by man to ease his work load and hasten production of goods th u r’s staff in Tokyo in the personr has been greeted w ith cries of alarm . The charge has alw ays-been the sam e: Easier, stepped-up output would mean the em ploym ent of few er nel m anagem ent division., IJpon his retirem ent from the people, and this would obviously be followed by massive joblessness. So far in hum an history the alarm ists have been completely wrong. army, w ith the ran k of colonel in 1963, Mr. Doyle reentered the bank LONG-VIEW ECONOMISTS HAVE KNOWN BETTER Econom ists with long-range insight have always recognized th a t ing business by becoming affiliated technological im provements m ay very well mean tem porary dislocations. w ith .th e C entral J e rs e y , Bank & W hen H enry F o rd began his fantastic belt-line autom otive operations, T ru st Company. He js m arried to th e usual alerts were sounded. Unem ployment would sweep the country as a result of consequent lay-offs. More highly schooled observers, how the form er -E dith Stam y of Bloom ever, w ere aw are th at the m aking of new m ass-production m achinery field and they have two children, and o th er associated innovations would more than absorb the men dis Susan, who graduated front U rplaced by th e installation of belt-Unes. sinus College this year, .and John . W hen the stock m arket crash of 1929'w as followed by deep and S., a student a t *. Villanova, T hey frightening plunges in industrial production and all other economic fac tors, th e blam e was m any on displacement of m en by machines. reside a t 52 A yrm ont Lane in M ata-' I t took a lo t of people a long while to realize th a t the blame actually lay wan. '"?■ ;' V* w ith wild and uncontrolled financial excesses. Business dropped because Miss Alice D orrer,/ head of the production had soared so heedlessly above dem and th a t the Law of Ac tion an d Reaction took over to correct m atters. It showed, actually, th a t S avings D epartm ent in, the F arm ingdale office, h as been made an a b u st m u st follow a feverish boom. A ssistant S ecretary of the bank. EFFICIENCY NEVER A BASIC FAULT , Miss D orrer is *a g rad u ate of the Around 1950, there began a tru e em ergence in th e field of electronics, instrum ents, and controls of a series of machines designed to operate M anasquan High School and the machines. T he developm ent was given the term ’"autom ation,” and w ith Am erican In stitu te of Banking. out delay the usual chorus of gloom arose: Machines to ru n machines Upon g ra d u a tio n ' from high w o u ld m ean th a t millions of w orkers would be throw n out of jobs as soon a s 'th e new concept spread into .wider operation. L abor unions a t school, M iss D orrer joined th e F irs t first tried violently to prevent th e extension of these “job-stealing” m ech N ational Bank of,Farm ingdale, and • anical systems! B ut-increasing dem and for all types of goods and sh a rp rem ained a t the bank following its ening com petition on th e price front quickened the e n try of autom ation m erger, w ith the Freehold T ru st into m ore and m ore lines. » So sw ift w as th e spread of these labor-saving system s th at labor Company, which (la te r became the leaders w ere joined by governm ent officials and m any others in :a search Central Je rsey Bank & .T rust Com fo r ways to soften th e blows of anticipated employee displacement;. B ut pany when it acquired the Long th e underlying law of supply and demand has helped, probably m ore than anything else, in this struggle. Total economic expansion is dependent Branch Banking Company. Mtes on the pace of the rise In productivity, o r output per m an-hour of work. D orrer is a mem ber of the GlenAutom ation, like all o ther efficiency procedures, has enabled industry dola G range and the Am erican In-to tu rn out m ore goods at a m ore reasonable cost. Hence, m arkets are stitu te of Banking’s representative enlarged and m ore w orkers are taken on to fill the steadily increasing in the F arm ingdale office; ' demand. » ‘ • C hester P. Abram ek, who has EMPLOYMENT RISES DESPITE AUTOMATION • T h ere is; too, the steady grow th of autom ation-oriented industries to been affiliated with, .the .Bank’s supply the m achines needed, to service them, to replace them when m ore m ortgage departm ent a t the Freeefficient devices are researched develeoped. N aturally, th ere are tem porary reshufflings of personnels, some necessary layoffs, b ut retaining and upgrading eventually tak e care of most of the men and women a f fected. As always, those lacking versatility and adaptability are the worst ’off. And the high degree of skill needed in this age of m achines-to-runm achines is steadily upgrading the quality of th e nation’s “average’.’ em ployee. T he fact rem ains, however, th a t since.1950 mor.e than 10 million morejobs have been created, even though this m arks the period during which alarm ists assured everybody th a t millions of jobs, would be done aw ay with not created. Unemploym ent has risen som ewhat during this time, but f a r less than the gains th a t have been seen in the country’s popula tion and in th e labor force itself. T here has always been a jobless prob lem; fp.wis appear to indicate, however, th at it has been helped by au to m ation more than it has aggravated . . . in spite of persisting claims to th e contrary. • 'niafcrV' When you try all seven Some too slight. 53 M ain Ave., Ocean Grove We take great pleasure in offering for sale the § home o f one of Ocean Grove’s most prominent and w loved citizens. PR ospect 5-0398 8 : 5! 1S MAIN jf P R ospect 5-8600 REAL ESTATE and INSURANCE A V EN U E OCEAN GROVE, N. j . ■ | | “COME IN AND LET US DISCUSS YOUR REQUIREMENTS’’ g s " B e tte r B u y P rom H o rry a n d B e. S atlsIIcd" J . A . H U R R Y A G E N C Y A J F -j BUY ONE OF THESE LOVELY PROPERTIES • Plumbing Fixtures • Hot Wa Heaters • Boilers • Base Board Radiation te r ^ • 6 rooms, 3 bedrooms, b ath ; hot a ir oil heat — $14,000. • 7 rooms, 2 lots, 2 baths, gas h o t w ater heat, 2 ear g arag e; insulated copper plum bing throughout; w iring BX cable; newly decorated. If you w an t the best. Price $25,500. • 16 room s, h ot a ir oil h e a t — $18,000. • 10 room s, 2 baths, h o t a ir oil heat — $19,000. • 17 room s, 2 baths, steam oil h eat — $19,500. • 10 room s, steam oil h eat, full ilry .cellar — $10,500. T he above 4 properties arc all in the first block. • Tw o su m m er bungalow s, $7,200. 0 G u est H ouse, fu rn ish ed , oil b u rn e r, o w n er’s a p a rtm e n t plus g u est room s. O verlooking tb e ocean. E x cep tio n ally nice an d red u ced fo r q u ic k sale. m New bungalow , w ith g arag e; n e a r ocean. • N o rth side, 10 room s, n e a r ocean'. F irs t flo o r-o w n er's a p a r/,' m e n t w ith easy ap p ro ach fo r Invalid o r w heel ch air. O w ner m u st seM so p ric e Is red u ce d . * • Lovely hom e to be. p ro u d of! F irs t floor bed ro o m a n d b athroom . F o u r room s a n d b a th o n sccond. O verlooking th e w ate r. G ould b e u sed as one o r tw o -fam ily . B aseboard h eat. • N ew bungalow , 5 room s, b ath , au to m atic h ea t. T h is Is b eau tifu l! • Looking fo r a sm all hom e a t a low price? In sp ect o u r listings. B arg ain s go fa s t « • . d o n 't w a i t . . . see these now! Jennie Meyer 120 Neptune H'way *35 NEPTUNE PR 4-0600 AGENCY REAL ESTATE 47 f t Main AvenueOcean Grove, N. J. Tel. 774-3061 , REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE 66 MAIN AVENUE OCEAN GROVE Tel. 774-4132 E stab lish ed o v e r 50 Y EA R 8 • 6 rooms, 3 bedroom s, steam oil h eat; near statio n — $10,000 INCOME PROPERTY $1 1 , 0 0 0 U fa Modern Home— NW Section. 1st FL— Model K itchen w ith B reak fast Nook, Pow der Room, L arg e Living Rm. 2nd. PI.—2 L arg e Bedrooms, Ccramic T ile B ath, L arg e S to rag e Space in W alk Up A ttic, Oak Floors, F iltered Oil H.A. H eat, N ear Shop ping— Exclusive—SacriOce Price $12,500.00. Firm . ■Home & Income— A partm en t House— LAKES AVE.— 4 A pts, be sides Owner’s 4 Rm. A pt.— 5. R enting Rm s. on 3rd. FI. n.W. Oil H eat on all floors. Excellent condition inside & out—se ts on 2 /: Lots—Room fo r larg e G arage— Y early Income $4,000.— Fully' furnished.— A pts, all rented. Im m ediate Possession.—E x clusive— A R eal Buy A t $18,000.00. CALL FOR AN APPOINTMENT TO INSPECT . 1ST. IM 0 774-1058 774-2080 “Hottest Deals” on Home and Income Property Direct to “You” g This is an outstanding buy in excellent condition g with a fine income. View of Ocean, 60x80 Lot. ..A home H — an investment — a buy at $21,000. 714 Sum m erfieid Ave. A sbury P ark SmaU home ,in very good condi tion, living room, dining, room, kitchen,"two bedrooms and bath; hot w ater g as h e a t; .low taxes. • ; , 4 EAt*-ESTATE * INSURANCE • MORTGAGE* OUTSTANDING A All sizes, cut and threaded. Valves and fittings and copper tubing. .7 for ex am p le — an u n u su al o p p o rtu n ity rig h t h ere on M ain A ve. Ju st 2 sh o rt blocks to th e ocean. F irs t floor—living room , d ining room an d k itch en . L arge po u red co n crete fro n t porch, larg e r e a r g ard en area. T h ree . bedroom s an d b ath on th e second floor of th is sem i-bungalow . L a th and p laster, h a rd w ood doors. F u ll b asem en t w ith in sid e and o u tsid e e n tra n c e . O il-fired h o t w o ter (rad i a to rs) h ea t an d sta tio n a ry w ash tu b s In b ase m ent. Now listed a t $17,000. 60% m ortgage av ailab le. T h en w e h av e a gem fo r a “ sta rte r" •hom e in th e G rove. T rem en d o u s ren o v atin g Job has ju s t been com pleted. Living room, d in in g room and k itch en all nice size. T hree bedroom s and b ath on second floor. P ro p e rty faces south n ea r B roadw ay en tran ce. G asfired cen tral h e a tin g u n it. A com plete and econom ical hom e fo r $7,500. Yes. $7,500. b u t th a t's only fo r th e im m ed iate d ate as p resen t o w n ers have an o p p o rtu n ity to step u p to a b igger hom e. O r co nsider a com plete tin y ally e a r cottage ju s t ofT M ain A venue fo r $5,700. V 774-75 00 C orner property, good location; large, living room, dining room, modern kitchen, four bedrooms, two m odern baths; gas hot w a te r h eat; wall to wall carpet; three a ir conditioners; excellent condition inside and out. ./-^ ^ -;/s^; But Bronson’s got the home that’s right! GARRABRANT R ea lto r M em ber S. M.' X . S; EV ES: M r. K elly 775-8680 M ri'. M teras 775-85ZG M rs. B olee 775-9071 : Some loo big Thirty Years 19 3 5 TWO FAMILY Multiple: Listing Service has just put on the market a nice two apartment home on the west end of the Grove near gates and trans portation. Also $18 month ly . f r o m rear building. Priced correctly at $13,900, taxes only $366.21. Call us any time for appointment to inspect the property. (F ro m th e Ja n . 8 , 1915, Issue o f The Tim es) In the local Firem en’s Pool Tourney gam es, Viering, of Eagles, defeated Clayton o f S to res, 100 to . 59, and Vanderslice, E agles, won from Tompkins, of Stokes, 70 to 100. L ater in the week’ T u rn er-o f W ashington d efeated . Clayton of Stokes 100 to 74. Tompkins of Stokes Co. won from P ridham of W ashington, 100 to 89. The next b attlers : scheduled . were T aylor ag ain st Schw artz and Meeks ag ain st Guyer on W ashington’s table. Miss A eth ra K. Wynkoop, of Ocean Grove, and W illiam H. H aigbt, of Ridgewood, N. J,,.w ere united in m arriag e by R ev.. J . . D. Bills, p asto r o f St. P aul’s Church on New Y ear’s Day. The afternoonceremony w as perform ed a t th e residence of Mrs. Grace H. W yn koop, the bride's m other, 146 LakfW avenue, Ocean Grove. • N eptune Lodge, #84, I.O.O.F., of A sbury P ark , elected the follow ing officers: Noble G rand, W alter D a vis; Vice Grand, S tanley W; Ice land; recording secretary, Thomas; Angles; treasu rer, W illiam O. H av ens; financial secretary, Fred J . Becker. Association Hall was filled on the afternoon o f New Y ear’s Day when th e 'a n n u a l reception to the people of Ocean Grove and vicinity was given by th e Cam pm eeting A sso ciation. Rev. A. E. Ballard, presi dent occupied the ch air and g reet ing extended by Rev. J . D, Bills,'j Rev. Steadm an A pplegate, Dr. H . C. McBride, Dr. H enry W heeler, Dr, J . I. Boswell, Rev. S. H, C. Sm ith, and Morris S. Daniels. We think, you’ll find .. Reduced Telephone Rates In N. J. Start At 8 P.M, Instead Of 9 NEW ARK .—. New Jersey Bell The low er charges which now ; Telephone Co. today announced apply on calls after; 9 p. fn. will th a t th e tim e periods of reduced . apply a fter 8 p .. m. Monday rates on long distance calls w ith through S aturday and all day in th e sta te will begin at 8 p. m. Sunday, instead of 9 p. m. and will be in. Night rates, how in effect effect all day on Sundays. The between 6 p. m. and 9 p. m. com pany said th a t these-and other . . will apply between 6 p. m. adju stm en ts/accep ted by the Board and 8 p. m. weekdays and from of Public . U tility Commissioners, . , 4:30 a., m. to 8 p. ’m ; S aturdayi • \ . a re being made so th at tim e periods E xam ples of the new station-tofor both in tra state and interstate station long distance rates, exclud calls will, coincide. ing taxes, are as folipws: Revisions on in terstate, calls were • . .3.,Min. . 3 .Min. agreed to recently b y . the Am eri 4:30 a.m. to 8 p.m.. to can Telephone and T elegraph Co. .4:30 a.m. daily and th e F ederal Communications 8 p.m. S aturdays and all Commission. Both in terstate and day Sunday. in tra sta te revisions will be effec Route Pres. New Pres. New tive F e b .’1. • '' Newark-Atlan* i . .The' changes planned by New J e r tic City .55 .40 .40' .30 sey Bell affecting Ftation-to-sVation N ew arkcalls arenas follows: Camden ' .45 .40 .40 ; .30 ears SEASON AND A LL YEAR RENTALS . and TWO LOTS FOR SALE — $2,000 each ALVIN E. BILLS, Realtor 78 MAIN AVE. Member of SMLS • OCEAN GROVE PRoepect 4-2124 V. M « X S a S i/ Realtor 117 MAIN AVE. OCEAN GROVE Phone 774-1142 OCEAN <i.SOVE TIMES and NEPTUNE TIMES, TOWNSHIP OF NEPTUNE, NEW JERSEY FRIDAY, JANUARY 8, 1965 OCEAN GROVE LOCALS Mr. and Mrs. F red Niedenstcln, i. M ark Haneox, son of Mr. and 119 Inskip nvonue, arc tho proud Mrs. Jonathan Hancox, 02 V&' Cook-; p aren ts of a bouncing baby, boy, m an avenue, returned to Perkiomeii born S atu rd ay m orning a t F ilkin •Preparatory, Gollegfij Pennsburg, Hospital, Neplune. Sisters Jill and Pii.,' a fte r a two weeks holiday K aron, anxiously welcomed th eir from classes.. M ark's;;sister.. Pain, new brother, John. Frederick, when a senior a t High Point College, h e arriv ed homo Thursday.. H igh Point; South Carolina,- also returned on Sunday to .her .Studie?. Mr. M. W.cliers, 24 L ake ave nue, left last week for a w inter Mrs. :Nettie- G. M anley; ‘ 120 vacation a t M adiera p each, . Broadway, with sons John and F lo rid a. Mr. W ellers is proprleRichard, enjoyed a holiday trip to . to r of a floor finishing firm H orseheads, N. Y. for th ree days. here, and, is a m otel proprietor John; a lieutenant; of the U.S. A ir In M adiera Beach. Force* returned Sunday to Moody Mrs. W . S. N aughright, of the A ir Force Base, Valdosta,! Ga., to Boscobel, M ain.avenue; is spending resum e train in g as a je t pilot. Dick th e w inter m onths a t th e G reat left on. Sunday to continue his stu S o u th ern Hotel on-the-circle, in dies a t Grove City College, in Grove. Hollywood, Fla. C ity; Pa. ; ' Good news about Joe Simpkins, G reg H am m er, form erly of 105 C entral avenue, he w as able to Ocean Grove and N eptune,.sent re tu rn to his teaching duties Mon Holiday greetings to his fam ily day, a fte r a recuperation a t hom e f r o m Mannheim, Germany. •follow ing a long confinem ent a t . Greg, a June honor graduate P itk in H ospital, Best of luck, JoC i . , of N otre frame U niversity w here he participated in th e. Mrs.' Je an Dablerj 100 Heck ave R.O.T.C. program , is on a two . nue, is confined a t home w ith acute y e a r to u r of duty iri Germany tironchltis. Your Navaho team in w tih the 97th Signal B attalion, th e Squaw s Bowling L eague missed, you Jean. U.S. Signal Corps. Mrs, Evelyn Ryan, 140 Webb M r. and Mrs. George Paterson, 121 M ain avenue, w ere dinner guests avenut, enjoyed having h er son and N ew Y ear's Day at th e hom e of daughter hom e from college for a th e ir son and daughter-in-law , Mr. two weeks vacation. Son Chris, re-; an d Mrs. George Paterson; Jr., 405 turned Sunday to Randolph Macon Lakew ood Drive, S hark R iver Hills. College, Va., and • Her; •daughter Join in g in the festivities w ere Judy, to her classes/ a t T renton gran d d au g h ters Kim berly and Shel S ta te ; T eachers College,; Trenton, V;. ■' ' ■/■-. .■■;.:■ ley Diane, and p et Shyboy, chief, R : J . ? bone-begger. , . Mr. and Mrs. L aw rence R. Horderi, 11 A bbott avenue, \Vere Miss Lois Schwartz, d au g h ter of hosts a t fam ily New Year's M r. and Mrs. W illiam N, Schwartz, 57 New Jersey avenue; enjoyed a . D ay dinner for Mrs. H orden's cousinj;Rdbert. Klein j of 109 Ab th re e week holiday , w ith h e r p a r b o tt : avenue, :, a t Leohl’s, N eiv1 • ents. Lois, a student in th e Home N ursin g course flew back on S un • York City. Guests . were Mr. Klein’s brother arid wife, Mr. d ay to resum e her studies a t E vans arid Mrs. F ra n k K leliy of Clif ville College, Evansville, Indiana. ton, N. J. R obert returned this w eek to classes a t Salem Col lege, W est Virginia. • ! ! BRAVO! ! PIC K U P AND DELIVERY SERVICE 40 P ilg rim Panfaway, O cean G rave P R 4-2300. 4*2301 12 2 g. M ain S tree t, O cean Clrov* I • Robbie and Gail W oyshner, chilI dren of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Woyshner, 137 F ranklin avenue, were overnight guests of Doug and Melinda Holl, 69 Broadway, over the holiday vacation. - BEST PRICES I PAID I OCEAN GROVE F o r Old Gold and Silver and Old Jew elry B. F E D D E S 1 JEW ELER OCEAN GROVE POST O FFIC E BLDG. SHELL BEAUTY SALON \*r Ample Parking — No M eters '.«r Davtdscn Flop.. PR S-4461 Clem's Beauty Salon 89 Main Avenue OCEAN GROVE PRospect 5-7161 S p e c iiU u in g I n P e rm a n e n t W a rin g TO • Candace M artin • Valerie S tirra t • Sherry Kemble • Sharon Wilson * Charles Scott • Kim Misner ■ • Karen Scott • Dottie S tirra t for th eir top-notch per formances in our Christm as Shows! HOME I’M PROUD OF YOU ! ! 118 MAIN A V EN U E AIR CONDITIONED Peggy Stokes (Dance-Theatre Educator) PRospect 4-1753 Lady A ttendant Wm. P . W alton, jr. Owner and Mg?. DELL MARKET 127 HECK A V ENUE FU N E R A L BOMB Exclusive Swt Inexpensive D A N IEL L. FRA N C IO N I : THOMAS ' W. TAYLOR ■ . ■ : D. JO S E P H LOPEZ . 704 - 7th Ave. ■ Aabsry P ark 1200 10th Ave. Neptune (C orner of itkin A re.) A ir Conditionks P R 5-0021 This Weekend Only PRospect 5-5600 ECONOMIC/i* - 24 HOUR SERVICE Conrteooa, Com fortable. Clean B a t, and Dependable • • • Shocks & M ufflers Brake Service General Repairs Y o u r S afety ia O ur Buainesal PETE LaVANCE 604 Highway 85 Neptune . . D|aS- 774-2442 T h e W h itfie ld Gassified Advertisements The Susannah Wesley Circle will m eet a t the home of M rs..Jam es Hendrickson, 93 Webb Ave., on Monday a t 8 p. m. Members are re quested to bring Christm as cards la n d scissors. Mrs. Carl J. Meyer is ' leader. The E agle-W ashington F ire Co. Auxiliary will m eet on Wednesday evening a t 8:15 p. m., a t the Eagle F ire House. • Cut Flowers — Corsages • Funeral Sprays • Flowers for all occasions KRUSCHKA T HE F L O BIST. 783 W ayside * N eptune Tel. 775-6758 E verything for th e Table Cor. Pilgrim Pathw ay & Olin St. Phone 774-1749 Ocean Grove Store H ours: 8 A.M. - 5:30 P.M. WEEKEND SPECIALS 59c lb. CHUCK ROAST (bone in) EXTRA FA N CY — FRESH KILLED * Apple Pie TETLEY TEA (1c sale) - - 64 bags 66c PREM IER (7'/, oz. Rcfrig. Ja rs ) 39c STUFFED OLIVES - - - - 43c I*RIDE OF T H E FARM No. l Cans NURSING HOME 6S CLARE AVE. • A dditional W ords ABOVE 25 ........................ ......................... .. 2 C ents p e r W ord 5 Tim es fo r th e p ric e of F o u r C onsecutive Insertions. F o r each lin e capitalized o r Indented, 15c add itio n al ch arg e. . . •Copy m aUed In. given to a re p resen tativ e o r b ro u g h t to office, p e r sonally m u st be accom panied by cash o r stam p s to co v e r cost. Copy • accepted o v er ph o n e as a co u rtesy an d convenience to custom ers. Bills due im m ed iately u p o n p resen tatio n . — W e T elegraph Flow ers — Mrs. Wagner’s OCEAN GROVE RADIO CAB ST. ELMO HOTEL Frying Chickens (3-lb. av.) cut up 35c lb. whole-33c lb. Phone 774-1078 Wheel Alignment The D E A N S U.S. CHOICE • SAME DAY Pick-up and Delivery Service. # Cleanest W a s h Aay. where. • Teacher Training Tel. 774-3974 Clarence’s Ocean Grove Self Service Laundry 55 Olin S t. Wesleyan Guild Lists Pledges OCEAN GROVE SPECIAL TOMATOES - - - - 2 cans 25c H EINZ 8 oi. Can CHICKEN or BEEF STEW 2 for 49c PB S-MM FO R REN T real Reasonable Rates Newly Renovated 24-Hr. R.N. Coverage ; Diabetics — Cardiacs Convalescents — Post operative Home Baked: Bread, Pies, Rolls and Cakes— Fresh Made Salad estate fo b balm SECOND FLOOR room , n e a r b each, OCEAN GROVE — L o v e ly . all y e a r 3 m eals a d ay and la u n d ry , $125 hom e and incom e p ro p erty , lo cated o n , m o n th ly . P h o n e 775-1674. Ocean a c e n tr a l A venue co rn er lo t o v erlo o k G rove. —38-tf - ing the lak e and ocean fro n t. 1st floor h as 2 ap a rtm en ts, 2nd floor, a d elig h tfu l FOR RENT—2nd floor: ap a rtm en t; 5 loom o w n er’s ap a rtm en t, 3rd floor, c e n tra lly located, 5 room s and -b a th , sm all ap a rtm e n t plus • 3 ad d itio n al : $80 m onth,' y e a rly , all u tilities Included. rooms. 3 b ath s and show er, p a r t b ase- ■ B ronson’s; R ealtors; 774-2080.-■ 1 -r-2 m ent, ex c elle n t h o t w a te r gas h e a tin g p lan t, outside stairw ay s. 2 open s u n - ' decks, open p orches. C onsiderable f u r RENTALS—A ll y ea r re n ta l, N o rth - n itu re included. S ep arate m eters, lo t side g u est house, o w n er's ap a rtm en t, 00 x 80 in ex cellen t condition. R easo n p lu s 10 room s. Oil b u rn e r. F u rn ish ed . a h ly priced a t $21 ,000 . B rew er a n d Lease. Also o th e r ren tals. V. M; K u b - Sm ith, R ealto rs an d In su ro rs. 610 B angs ler. R ealtor, 117 M ain Ave. 774-1142. A ve., A sb u ry P ark . Tel. 775-0250. • V —36,tf —51tf OCEAN GROVE — Sm all H otel, 19 CENTRALLY lo cated on. M ain Ave.; room s, lobby an d 4 room ap a rtm en t. 1 also H eck A ve. 2 room ap artm en ts, fu rn ish ed , an d fro n t efficien c y .-ap t. block fro m ocean and stores. P e rfe c t T w in beds. Rooms fo r light- h o u s e fo r hom e and incom e. $13,900. P h o n e —39tf keeping; Also room s w ith s h are k itc h 774-6455. en. Y early, seasonal. P h o n e 774-6406. NEPTUNE—B ungalow . B u ilt 5 y ea rs. 76 H eck Ave. 43tf 4 bedroom s, baths. V ery b ea u tifu l hom e. A u to m atic h ea t, fu ll basem ent.FOR RENT — 7 room D u p lex h o u se In finest condition. N ear school. O w n G as heated , n e a r school a n d • sto re. e r leaving. P rice Is red u ccd fo r q u ic k M ajo r M ary D aley, 75 D elaw are Ave^ sale. V. M. K u b ler, R ealtor. 117 M ain O cean. G rove, N. J . —45tx Ave., O cean G rove. Tel. 774-1142. . —48tf : GROUND FLO OR — .3 room a p a rt m en t, p riv a te e n tran ce, now. u n til M ay _ WANAMASSA—Bungalow . 7 room s. 30.. P hone 774-7515 m ornings : u n tlL 11 B eau tifu l k itch en . A uto, h eat, o p en a.m. —-1-5 fireplace. W ould y o u lik e to see th is? Call V. M.- K ubler. R ealto r. 117 M ain U N FU R N ISH ED : 3 rooms; 1st floor, Ave., O cean G ro v e. 774-1142. • . —48tf f r o n t.'.P o r c h , p riv a te en tran ce. H eat, HOTEL ROOMS and a p a rtm e n ts. E x h o t w ater,' re frig e ra to r and u tilities ce llen t condition. F ully fu rn ish ed a n d • supplied. No dogs. N ear A sbury. $65.00 eq u ip p ed . F ine v ie w o f ocean. O w ner m onth. P hone 775-4359. -5 2 -4 retirin g , priced fo r q uick sale. V. M. * K ubler, 117 M ain Ave, P hone 774-1142. ' — 52tf 8 ROOMS, b ea u tifu l m o d e rn -k itch e n , b athroom s. • au to m atic h ea t, larg e ‘ oversize garage, w ill hold 2 cars. E x cellent condition, finest location, priced : WHAT COULD BE BETTER? fo r-q u ic k sale. V. W. K u b ler A gency, W INTER IN FLORIDA 117 Main Ave., O cean G rove. P h o n e SUMMERS IN OCEAN GROVE —52tf ' Lovely tra ile r fo r sale in L ake W orthll 774-1142. n e a r W est P alm B each. F o r in fo rm a 8 ROOMS, O IL BURNER, H i baths, tion w rite B ox 6100, O cean G rove full b asem en t. A ttic. E x tra lot. Room T im es; ..— 1-5* fo r garage. This Is a house to b e p ro u d of. Con b e used fo r one o r tw o fam PORTABLE sew ing m ach in es, d rap es, ilies. O ffered a t only $15,000. V. M, w h ite uniform s, m edicine cab in et; new K u b ler A gency, 117 M*iln Ave., O cean screen door. 77G-5373. —2 G rove. P h o n e 774-1142. —52tf M ERCHANDISE FOR SA LE 2 BUNGALOW , m odern, 4 room s a n d SPENCER & SPIRELLA , in d iv id u a l^ designed fo u n d atio n s an d bras. M. W. bath , au to m atic h eat. New , b ea u tifu l W hitehead. 160 H illside D rive, S h ark fu rn itu re . T h is is so b e a u tifu l y o u 'll be am azed a t th e low p ric e o f only. R iver Hills, N ep tu n e, N . .J . 774-6363. —25tf S15.000. Room fo r g arag e. Can also be b o u g h t , u n fu rn ish ed . V. M. K u b le r .' Agency, 117 M ain Ave., O cean G rove. P h o n e 774-U42. ' , —52tf BUNGALOW—T h re e room s an d b a th , SERVICES . g as h ea t. Mrs. L. Thom pspn, 83 A bbott, MUSIC—M odern In stru ctio n nvallablo i Occon G r°vo. ■ —2« on saxophone a n d c la rin e t b y qualified I teacher. Tel. 774-8374 a fte r 5:3D p.m. W ANTED TO BUY . -5 1 - 3 ■. (BTATK U C C t l l D ) • • • • • FIVE A p leasant clim ax to th e holiday Mrs. K athryn M. Daisley, p i 3G B arb ara T hatcher, who is a ju n Main avenue, enjoyed the C hrist season was a. dance p arty given by ior a t M arietta College, ! M arietta, m as holidays in Philadelphia, Pa., B arbara Bailey, dau g h ter of Dr. and Ohio, has retu rn ed to h er studies her home town, w ith the usual can Mrs. F orm an T. Bailey J r., a t th eir a fter spending her Christm as vaca dlelight servict1 C hristm as Eve and home, 147 Broadw ay last S atu rd ay tion a t home with h er m other, Mrs. the Q uartet Choir of Arch St. night. In a gayly decorated recrea R oberta H. T h atch er of 24 S ea View Methodist Church. . • tion room, the following guests Avenue. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Hemphill,; danced, played gam es and ate piz 70 Benson Avenue, had as their zas: Linda Schetllck, Connie.Ogden, New Years Day guests, their daugh p o ttie Lake, P am • Catley, a i l 'o f ter' and son-in-lnw and family, Mr. Ocean Grove and Maggie H erb ert and Mrs. W ayne T. Beil, Jr. of Ken and Dale : Beattie, S h ark River dall P ark, N, J.; Wendi, .Lyttn, Cin- Hills; Scoby. T rout, . John Trout,. j ciy and Sharon Beil. Cindy was Jo h n Meyer, L arry Beekm an, Jo n a L ast T u e sd a y evening th e Wes setud .with o surprise birthday p a r thon Wood and E ric Herbst, also of leyan Service .Guild of St. P au l’s? ty; honoring h e r fifth birthday by Ocean Grove: T he B arbara Heck Circle . will Church held its m eeting and each th e fam ily and friends, Games w ere played and refreshm ents served. m eet on Tuesday evening a t 8 p. m., m em ber contributed \a dress-lengthThose present w ere: Kathleen a t th e h o m e of Mrs. I I; Hudson Sny of m aterial, for the Camden Deac.onHeckmpn, T racey Jam es, Mrs, Jack der, ,90 C lark Avenue; Mrst K en ness H om e. sewing classes.' Miss , C lara .N utting,; missionary^, Jam es, Wendi, Lynn, and Sharon n eth D ellett, leader, who presently resides a t .the BanBell, Mi*, and Mrs. W .-T. Bell, Jr. C ottage P ra y er m eetings will be and Mr. find Mrs. Joseph H. Hemp held Wednesday, Ja n u a ry 13th, 1965 croft-Taylor .R est Home, gave the devotions. She has been in China hill, . — * •. at 7:30 P. M. a t the following: Dr. and South Rhodesia. She honored Mr. and Mrs, R obert Coslick, 98 Albert S. Layton, leader, 103 Broad us with her presence. Abbott avenue, entertained th eir way; Rev. Donald Stocum, leader, ' Miss Alm ira Sipler concluded the sons and daughters-ittU aw .at a New 95 E m bury Ave.; C arl Seitz, leader, Book of; Genesis as o u r study book. Y ears dinner In honor o t their th ir, 27 B roadw ay; H arry Lewis, leader, It has been a most interestin g ac ty-fifth wedding anniversary! Farri 15 M ain A ve‘; Miss Nellie Gleiser,* count. Hies present w ere Mr. and M rs. leader, 107 Pilgrim Pathw ay. Miriam Clark, secretary, read tJie Donald Coslick arid baby,: o£..Balti •NEPTUNE—“F ree Will” is th e Mrs. Benjam in Fuss, of 113 Heck m inutes of th e D6c. i , 1964 m eet more, M aryland; and Mr.’ and Mrs, Avenue, has retu rn ed to ,h e r home subject of p asto r Rollin P, Kel ing, which w’ere approved as read. Merlin CosHck of N orth Plainfield, a fter spending th e holidays w ith h e r le r’s m essage a t the 11 a.m. service Mrs. D orotha I. Moore, treasu rer, N. J.. ■■ - .' • ; ' son-in-law and. daughter,' Mr. and made h e r rep o rt A contribution to of Good Shepherd Chapel, Ortho . T he W om an’s Club ,of Ocean Mrs. H. E. C ooper,. of Union. H er a' needy .couple w as reported. ; " , dox P resbyterian. Mr. K eller’s sec Grove will hold a m id-w inter lunch grandson Alan retu rn ed to his stu A thank you was expressed by ond sermon in a series on the C hris eon a t th e clubhouse on' Thursday, dies a t T u ft D ental College iri Bos Miss M ary J a n e Schw artz, who p re tia n home will be delivered a t tho Ja n u a ry 21, a t 12:30 p. ni. Mrs. Geo to n / Mass. • ■' ■■■;' ' sided, to those who served as hos 7 p.m. worship service. The topic of this m essage will be, "F am ily rge P aterson is in charge of reser T he Ja n u a ry m eeting of th e Wo tesses on Dec. 5. vations, telephone 774-4129. m an’s Society of Christian Service Mrs. Stanley H. Jones informed W orship.” Mrs. S tanley Jones, Cancer C hair of St. P au l’s Church win be held a t the Guild of the need of hostesses A fo u r week course of teacher m an for Hannah-Crosm ah V.F.W, the church Ja n u ary 12 a t 2 p. m. fo r the evening of May 11 a t 7:30 train in g will begin a t the chape! on Auxiliary, announces the next saw The program will be “The N atloii for th e WSCS.’ ; • ." Thursday, Ja n u ary 13 a t 8:30 p.m. ing o£ cancer dressings a t the post and The Kingdom,M Mrs.- H. F . E n I t was voted to p ay the balance room will be on Monday, F eb ru ary glehart, chairm an. The Executivey of the M ethodist Dollars for Christ A t the conclusion of the course 8, a t 9:30. a. m. to 3 p. m, The group m eeting will be a t 12:30. pledge, the balance of the Mission there will be an area teachors’ rally turned in 718 dressings on' Monday pledge, and th e am plification of th e a the South Belm ar B ap tist T ab The. Executive board m eeting to the h ead q u arters in- A lienhttrst. services in Ja n u a ry 1965 to the ernacle. . . of th e Ocean Grove W omen’s M aterial" is badly needed for fu r. —* — B ancroft-T aylor R est Home and to Republican Club was . held a t th e r dressings. Anyone with sheets, th e hom e of Miss L au rette Me- . tablecloths, pillow cases, or w hite Kendree, 110 A bbott Ave., a t shirts to donate, please call P resi 55 EMBURY A V ENU E 1:30 P. M. Mrs. E m m a Jones, dent Mrs. Charles L am bert, 101 InO PEN A LL YEAR was c o - h o s t e s s . Mrs. Isasklp avenue, <775-2149) for pick-up. .belle Rush, president discussed B reakfast Served Phone 775-4076 D ining Room A ir Conditioned G reeting the New Year in a t the plans for th e coming m onths. 8:00 to 11:00 home of Mr. and Mrs, W illiam Gil N ex t m eeting will be a t th e bert, Jr.', a t 94 Stockton avenue, hom e' of Mrs. R u tg er Stirling, Phone: Special were Mr. and Mrs. T. Hadford C at 82 Mt. Herm on W ay a t 1:30 P.. 774-9679 W inter R ates ley. Mr. and Mrs. B arry Stockdale, M. The nex t general m eetin g . C om er Main and New York Aves., Ocean Grove, N . J. Modified A m erican & E uropean P eter. & Alison McGovern Mr. and Mrs, Edw ard Holl, Mr. and of th e club will be a t th e K eat B reak fast 8 to 10 Sunday D inner 12:30 to 3 P . M. Mrs. R ichard Day. Mr. and Mrs. ing's Kozy C o ttag e.R estau ran t D inner 4:30 to 6:30 R oast Beef A Specialty L ester Bush, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew on Friday, Ja n u a ry 8, a t 2 P. Wilson, Mr. and Mrs: Howard P e t M. S enator Richard S to u t and SU R F, BEACH & BATH IV ES. erson, Mr. and Mrs. R ichard Brace, Sheriff Joseph A. Shafto will OPEN ALL YEAR Mrs. OliVo Crook, and Mr, Emil speak. ; . ... Resnick. W inter R a te s; Rooms and Efficiency A pts. 776-9724 ' Judge and Mrs. Jam es L aird and The executive board meeting of dau g h ter Jan e, 11G Stockton Ave the W om an’s Club of Ocean Grove nue, retu rn ed last weekend from a will be hold Monday, Jan u ary 11, at vacation In Pom pano Beach, F lo r 2 p. m. a t the Club House, ida. Son Jim Jr., flew down to join The reg u lar m eeting of the W o his fam ily fo r a few days. A d v ertisem en t f o r th ese colum ns should be in th e ofTlce o f “T h e m an’s Club of Ocean Grove will be T im es’* N OT LATER THAN 11:00 A.M. T h u rsd ay of each w eek. T hursday Ja n u a ry 14, a t 1:15 p. m. CLASSIFIED AD RATES • TELEPHONE 775-0007 (B irthday P a rty ), closed meeting, • Weddings a Specialty 25 W ords OR LESS 1 . . ^ ................................ .......... EIGHTY CENTS a t th e Club House! I’.S. To virus, etc. victim s Toe Tamaino, Diane H yra, Vicki Boa, P a tti Boa, Lucille V ala—there’ll be o ther shows — so take care of those costumes ! ! FRANCIONI, TAYLOR and . LOPEZ, Inc. S r 72 MAIN AVENUE OCEAN GROVE OCEAN G R O V E — Tile 18 foot Memorial Cross on the fro n t of the Auditorium, fac ing the sea, will be lighted the week of Jnn. 9 to 16 in memory of Neil Ilo rte r by Mr. and Mrs.. Quentin H orter, parents, 55 Clark avenue, Ocean Grove. The R osetta - Sherwood H aii CircleV will m eet Tuesday, J a n . 19 :a t 1 :30 p.m. a t th e home of Mrs. Bruce Stevens, 115 A bbott a y e n u e .. H annah - Grosm an' , P ost 2233, V^F.W., extends a cordial invitation to the comm unity to atten d an open m eeting Wednesday, Ja n . 13 a t 8 p.m; to hear Mrs. V in c e n t. P. Keuper, of A sb u ry ; P ark , speak on her afiih'ations. w ith the B ris bane Children's Center. Penny Wood, daughter o f ■Mr. and M rs; Dennis C. Wood, 126 Franklin avenue, returned on Mon day to her studies a t the N ew ark School o f Fine and In d u strial,A rts, a fte r a two weeks holiday with her fam ily. ;'.‘y ' v Mr. and Mrs; David M. Shotwell and children Davie, B eth an d Jam ie retu rn ed Sunday from a 10 day trip. T hey visited w ith Mr. and Mrs.; A. G. Hopper In P ittsburgh and Mrs. Shotwell’s bro th er and sister-in-law and "continued -th ru Ohio and K entucky to NashvlUe, Tennessee w here they sperit 3 days w ith the- R obert T epper fam ily, form erly of Olongl Ave., Deal Mrs. Tepper. Is Mrs. Shotvvells sister, S outhern hospitalIty w as a t its' best w ith several invitations to dinner and parties and free baby sitting from nelces & nephews. New Y ear’s Day they set fo rth over th e Moun tains. of E astern Tennessee and on through Virginia, arriving in B ren t wood, M aryland for dinner S atu r day night w ith Mr. Shotwell’s bro th e r’s fam ily,; the Rev. and Mrs. Jam es D. Shotwell and - th eir five youngsters! A fter attending S unday School and church services a t th e S t; ... P a u l’s P resbyterian church w here ;- J a m e s ' $h6tw eli isi ;pastor, they left for home and are happy to be back in Ocean Grove. " It’s fun to travel but th ere’s no place Judy We3seiman, daughter of Mr. like hom e,” observes Mrs. Shotwell. and Mrs* E. W esselman, J r., 32 Heck avenue, is back a t classes a t Glassboro S tate Teachers College, Glassboro, N. J.; a f te r the holiday vacation. Judy is a freshm an a t ■Glassboro. Grove-City Cleaners We O perate O ur Own Cleaning asm) P resaing Mceblnea MEMORIAL CROSS PAGE the Methodist Home, in observance of Guild M onth,' Our. projects w ill be tow ard the N orris Scholarship Fund, .the M ethodist Hospital in . Philadelphia, and the N ational • Music and-Pifcture Fund. Nom inating Committee , consists o f Mrs. Gay P orter, Mrs. Louise L am bert, C hairm an.of the Com m it-, tee, Mrs. p o r th a : Schaller, Mrs. El sie Robinson. T he hostesses for F eb ru ary 2 m eetin g w ill be Miss Alm ira Sipler, Mrs. Plabel Hodgson and Miss R uth '' S ch w artz.. O thers in attendance w ere Mrs. Irene C. Brock. Miss L a u re tte McKendreei Miss Lucile • Dunn, Miss S. Evelyn Allen, .Mrs. Gladys Mi crow. Miss Lillic.Sheffor, Miss E th el T . Vanek, Miss Blanche T hornton, Mrs. Edith C. Ross, Mrs.Florence Brucker, Mrs. M arjorie Morris,- Mrs. Em ily G. Rehak. TVPTO R1N G In.-M athem atics, Lan^ g u ag e1A rts, a n d R eading. G rad es 1-12. Call M r. M acNelll a t 775-H147. .N E P TUNE TUTORING SERVICE. —2-7* SUBSCRIBE TO T H E 'T IM E S $3.50 A, YEA R BY; M AIL HIGH EST PRICES PAID—I w ill b u y china, glass, lam ps, b rlc -a-b rac, je w elry, silver, fu rn itu re . B est p rices p aid. A lice Sand. 227 R iv e r Road, R ed B an k , Call collect 741-5260. —31tf CASH w aitin g fo r o rie n ta l ru g s, o ld Jew elry, old dolls, an tiq u es, b rassw ore, old glass,* an y th in g old a n d In terestin g . W rite M^3,;GijTo^d.• 4 R idgevlew Ave., 5 W est O range. N. J . o r coll 731-6733. You*!! b e glad , y o u did. . —48tf PAGE FRIDAY, JANUARY 8, 1905 OCEAN . GROVE TIMES ami NEPTUNE TIMES, TOWNSHIP OP NEPTUNE. NEW JERSEY SIX tinti)aiiaiisiiiiiiitiiisiiiiiiiiiitsiisiratisiistfiMSiii;rsiisititii!ts>iffrijrifjiiiirriiJariiuitiiiiiiiiiifriiJti]ii(isiisiiaiiitiittiiiir LET’S TAKE TO THE HILLS PEGGY GOODRICH 428 Prospect Avenue, S hark River H ills — 775-3270 ____ HOTEI AND RESTAURANT SUP PLIES O F COU RSE YOU W ANT TH E BEST AND MOST REASONABLE Get It «t the SHORE RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT (0 . Kitchen Equipment and Furniture HOTEL, RESTAURANT and KITCHEN SUPPLIES H .1 C C M 'l i l i K t l 'M ‘3 * ™l a l U 3 1 1 e e l Telephone PRospect 5-1147 Opposite Main Avenue Gat*8 PROPERTY RECONDITIONING THE WM. R. HOGG COMPANY, INC. PLUMBING HEATING AIR-CONDITIONING SHEET METAL WORK — KITCHEN MOBERNIZATIOf* Over Sixty Y ears .of Service In Monmouth C ountr DRY CLEANING ALUMINUM PRODUCTS iding. WINDOWSEAL PRODUCTS:• Aluminum ,Aluminum l * " S"and Fiber glass Awnings & CONSTRUCTION CO. ‘• 3 alousies • • • • “Adds to Gracious Living” Bud Ladd • Howard Diet* 404 N eptune Hwy., N E PT U N E , N. J . Phone 776-7455 — F ree E stim ates — OPEN '■ • Rolls • IM m m r / “G arm ents may be dropped off on your w ay to business, shopping or school and picked up on your way home” — One H our C leaningl No extra charge. All work done on premises. 3 So. Maia St.' Glasswalls Additions E nclosures General Remodeling COMPLETE LINE OF BAKED GOODS GARAGE — STORAGE GENERAL 1114 7th Avenue, Neptune # PR 4*0050 AUTOMOTIVE REPAIRS fainting ; Used Cara F or Sale — Ja g u ar — Willy’s “Jeep ” Sales an d Servteo Johnson’s 'Oldsniobilej Inc. 86 S outh M ain S tre et, Ocean Grove • Vhonei P R '5.4670 Service & P a rts • • • “T he Home of Value-Rated U sed Cam” HAVE BAD1ATOB8 CLEANED AND REPAIRED £Tde” Nick Antich Oldamobile • Gas, Oil, Tires & Batteries 1300 CORLIES AVE., .NEPTUNB PRospect 4-3344 ATiV; S U N D A Y S — Proprietor. A U T 6. R E P A I R S Body .i Fendes W ork Challes • Wedding & Birthday PASTRIES and COOKIES R epaired w m tB L AMONMBNT IM 6 F IR S T A V EN U E, A SBU R T PARK a t b o rd er lin e of Neptune^ “ O cean G rove & A sb u ry P ark EMIL’S GARAGE BAKERY — Wholesale and Retail ELSIE lARSSEN PIES .Fourth s n i Railroad -A*e* , A sbury P ark , N. J . ,• Dia! PRosoect 5-S19S PhoM PR ospect 4-14S» 'ita is td n g TeL P l'o sp c et 9-8472 RIIILDING ALTERATIONS 24-HOUB SERVICB SHAFTO’S GARAGE CORP. STORAGE — BATTERY — TOWING S E R V IC E — R EPA IR IN G Corner Corlies Avenue and Main S tre et N eptune, N . J. PRospect 5-9416 774-4400 HIGGINS CONSTRUCTION CO. GENERAL CONTRACTORS ASBURY PARK, N . J. W e give S & H G reen S tam p . NEPTUNE SHELL SERVICE CENTER Free Pick U p & Delivery HIWAY 35 a t DRUMMOND AVE. T ires, B atteries, Shellubricatios • N E PT U N B CEMENT AND CONCRETE WORK ■MILK AND CREAM FABIO BATTAGLIA W A R D E L L ’S DAI RY DAIRY PATIOS CEMENT . BLOCKS FOUNDATIONS CONCRETE BULKHEADS N E PT U N E , N. J . . SEPTIC TA N KS, CESSPOOLS . t i l l B angs A venue, N eptune, N. J . T elephone P R ospect 4-0090 "N o F in er M ilk Sold A n y w h ere" BIDEWALKS, CURBS 5HUFFLEBO A RDS PLA ST ER IN G — PATCHING — CONCRETE WORK MASON CONTRACTOR SIN C E 1931 1707 M axwell D r., W all Twp., B elm ar, N . J . MU 1-5912 WILLIAM GRAY FOUNDATIONS • CURBS • SIDEW ALKS • FLAGSTONE PATIOB * WALKS • SWIMMING POOLS • CKSB PO O L 8 • STONE FIREPLACES S. MARTUSCELLI SNOW PLOWING — PR 5-8539 430 Westwood Place, NEPTUNE DRIVEW AYS — PARK ING AREAS — GAS STATIONS BURLING - WOOLLEY DAIRY MAN N I N G ' S - M AY F L O W E R MOVING, STORAGE. AND CRATING AH T ra in ed A ccred ited P erso n n el L ow in su ran c e R ates “ The sh o re's N ew est a n d m a st M odern W arehouses*’ 1924 B eck A ve., N ep tn n e, N ew J e rs e y • 775*3233 AGENTS ALLIED pfSS5f C- H. Wood and Son 100^ A VAN LINKS m i g g e r s ■/ ASBURT A T S . PRospect 5-2093 Asbury 'P a rk MOVING A N D STORAGE G “^ •W o** Work U Good Work" . . . B om s and Hotel R epair. . . . B*mnd«Uln( . . . E oonnr—sid in g . . , B o n is P a tn U sf — Interior Decormtlnf . . . Mkaoo ■ W ark . . I « t t u i u T n t l j O ln a . Tel. 775-5050 MOVING —; STORAGE — PACKING 38 N eptune Highway — N eptune P a u l R. Greco — 775-4693 (Eve. 531-3030) G erald T. Greco — 531-5123 GENERAL CONTRACTOR Phone PRospect 4*191# 517 G reen G rove Rd., Nepttxns Quality Chek-D Dairy Products Monmouth Asphalt & Paving Co., Inc. CARPENTER - PRODUCTS PAINTING ~ PA IN TIN G DECORATING PA PER H A N G IN G SPRAY PA IN TIN G GILLAN PAINTING SERVICE Com plete B uilding A lteratio n s — C crpentry, M asonry, insulation, etc. DECORATING & COLOR CONSULTANT — B IL L GILLAN, f lo p , P.O. Box 306, OCEAN GROVE Tel. ?7S-8727 P la ste rin g >& P atch ing • Good W orkm anship JOHN LOFTUS CONSTRUCTION •* • » *»--- >«------T>„ 122 N ew ark ATe„ B radley Beach Tel 776-5941 Builder, Carpenter - EDWIN NOREN “------------------- ' ''" '" T r r , p g i W EBB A V E , OCEA1* GROVE A lteration*, Kitchen Cabinets, etc. No jo b too L arge o r Sm all A Satisfied Cnstom er Is My Aim 4 .6 2 7 0 Painting & PaperhsKging Contractor Tel. 775-4707 EDMUND L. THOMPSON, JR. “QUALITY F IR S T ’ P.O. Box 326, Ocean Grove * Serving Ocean Grove & N eptnne Since 18S1 PaperhnKging « T aping • Interio & E x terio r P ainting WALTER J. ULMER, JR. SHERMAN WILLIAMS PAINTS 501 M APLE AVE., N E PT U N E , N. J . 775-1764 W e m ake a specialty o f sm all jobs — F re e E stim ates WHITTIER & LASHEK, Builders Tel. 774-1805 409 M onm outh Ave., B radley Be*ch COAL AND FUEL OIL Thompson Fuel Company T ree Removal And P runing PAINT and WALLPAPER — RETAIL SALES CORLIES AVENUE PAINT STORE ERH • KYANIZE PA IN TS—PA IN TIN G SU PPLIES— W ALL P A PER 1314 Corlies Ave., N eptune • Tel. 774-2648 • F ree Delivery PLUMBING and HEATING F U E L OIL WOOD AND CHARCOAL “B LU E" COAL 117 Bo. M ain St. — MERRILL H . THOM PSON, P rop. — P R 5-2800 Residential & Com m ercM G.E. A ir C onditioned Unit* W n aarm i u t nAuir rFuuirn u aaces tv * . p h o n e s: (D ay) 775-4693 f hhtt)) 531*3939 (N lx 531-3*5# Monmouth Oil Burner & Fuel Co. Dom estic & Commercial — Iro n F irem an Oil F ired Batters P a u l R . Greco — G erald T . Greco o 38 N eptnne HY., N eptune D R U G S i t M A IN A V EN U E, OCEAN GROVE W . a N A G LE, R eg. P h. NAGLE’S Main - Central Pharmacy "D octors A drise N agle’s” PRESCRIPTIO N S F IL L E D BE ST QUALITY DRUGS FRANK J. ECKART — PR 4-0656 418 BURLINGTON AVE. BRADLEY BEACH, N . J. WILLARD MOUNT — PR 4-3040 PLUMBING AND HEATING 606 BEACH AVE. • BRADLEY BEACH, N .7 . RADIO & TELEVISION — SALES & SERVICE ACE Radio & Television (PR 5*8062) » We repair and s«ll Television, Home & C ar Radios, Record Playera and T ape Recorders 69 Highway 35, “Top o f the Hill,” N eptune City, N . J . ELECTRICIAN ADAMS ELECTRIC W iring — F ix tu res — A ppliances R. D a rrin Adams, J r . PRospect 6-8S76 P. O. Box 915. Asbnry P ark , N . J . _____ E lectricians fo r Hotnea — H otels — B usiness and Comm ercial Holloman Enterprises — Tel. 776-7559 George T. Holloman, Jr. and G. T. Holloman III • Fixture Sales 13 ASH DRIVE, NEPTUNE, N. J . • Light, Heat & P ow er ROOFS SIDINGS NEPTUN E — The first m eeting Welt, everything is buck to norm al '(th an k goodness!) w ith the chil of 1965 of th e Rosary - A ltar Soc dren back to school and the holidays now just pleasant memories. C hair iety of Holy Innocents Church w as man Kenny Johnson was right! The New Y ear's Eve P arty at th e Shark held Sunday night In the church R iver Hills Firehouse Ballroom was o hall, w ith over 350 . partygocrs, wishing in the New Y ear together. T here were stream ers, noiseiftakers; hall, Mrs. F red B raun, president, hats, food, favors and a t the stroke of tweleve, a big black h at suspended introduced th e perm anent com m it from the ceiling was bdoken and out floated veri-colored ballons Many tee chairm en for the year. firem en and th eir ladies auxiliary assisted and we all say "thanks" for They are: Mrs. E dw ard Ryan, a real fun evening, with the Tempos playing th e beat music ."loud onii clear."; ■ ’ ■ - ■: Mrs. Edw ard Logel, a lte r and On N ew Y ear's Day, the 1965 F ire Chiefs wel e sworn in a t Unexcei*. san ctu ary : Mrs. W illiam Deeves, led F ire Company w ith W illiam E. Sekel, Jr., S hhrk R iver Hills Deputy Mrs. Charles Johnson, hospitality; Chief, and m any o th ers in. the township attending, And i f . you heard Mrs. George Vaupel, Mrs. C harles whistles and fire engines New Y ear’s Day, it vvas the various fire com. pnnies m aking the rounds of the Open Houses in the township fire com McGee, telephone; Mrs. W alter Devereux, welcoming; Mrs. M artin panies and surrounding .communities/; Gariidge, . J#.; m em bership; Mrs. H ere are a few memories o f 13G4 in Shark R iver Hills. William Crowley, sunshine; Mrs. DO YOU REMEMBER? — The three free Sab'n Cral Polio Vaccine Clinics a t the S hark R iver Hills School'w ith over 5000 attending each Richard Price, Mrs. Jam es Carin- . time, Principal Jam es L. Ore becom ing,G eneral E lem entary-Supervisor ing, program ; Mrs. Thom as Ilaria, and Mr. H arry J. F o rest new Principal. Record 400 p aren ts atten d first, Mrs. Jam es Rogers, Mrs. R o b ert P.T.A. m Septem ber. ■ -' ' ' r-. - . . G rant, sodlality; Mrs. E. W illiam D ieter Berndt. W olfram Kasem ir and Don Day. and others as p art Estelle, Mrs. W illiam M onte, pub of E xplorer Boy Scout Groups, touring space and defense plants .to and licity. . from Cape Kennedy, Florida, organized by R obert Day. , Rev. Jam es. A. Reilly, spiritu al "H istory of Shark, R ivet Hills" distributed and .then sold at N eptune L ibrary. A booth "Reminiscing in S hark R iver Hills”.In N eptune Historic director, conducted ro sary an d -| Museum. .''V■ ■' ' benediction services preceding th e F ourteen inch snow biizzard in Ja n u a ry and a tw ister in March, meeting. M r.-and M rs.-Peter T aylor celebrated 52nd and Mrs. arid Mrs. W il Mrs. B rau n announced th a t Mrs. liam Leadenhair; celebrated 50th wedding anniversary; ■ Mr. and Mrs. A rth u r H enricks annual $200 N eptune Town-! Anthony S au ta and Mrs. Lionel ship Scholarship Fund Association in m em ory of th eir son-Captain R obert i Clayton a re co-chairm en fo r th e H enricks, Mrs, Owen H enricks appointed to N eptune Board of Education spring card p arty to be held on in .Ju n ei ■ 1 v April 22nd., in th e church hall. . Let- S tu rm ’s K nit arid Gift Shop and W alter Ulm er’s P ain ts rnoveci Mrs. R ichard Sullivan and Mrs. into Oliver, Brothers-Building a t Highw ay 33 and B righton Avenue, . S hark R iver Hills F ire Co. Softball T eam Champions for 3rd straig h t Russell Schmid gave a histo ry ot year. T hirtieth an niversary of th e Ladies Aisx. of th e SRH Fin: Co, New H oly Innocents. Rosary Society 750-gallon pum per added So F ire Co. since it’s founding in 1960. T enth anniversary o t Com m unity B aptist Chiireh as Independent I t was announced th a t a t th e Church. Pioneer Girls celebrate 15th anniversary arid Teensville Oroup n ex t meeting, on Feb. 7th. Mrs. h it by c a r oh hayride, ;. ■ Mr. and Mrs. Ja ck Priestly aw arded the m em orial Robert Ralston John Gillespie will present a Bee Trophy a t S hark R iver Y acht C!u‘?.. line Fashion Show. Tw elve-year old Jim m y W alker wins A. P . Sosp Box Derby and sent Hostesses for th e evening w ere as repr'esentatative to All American Soap Box Derby in Akron, Ohio. th e retirin g officers and com m it Also w inner of Am erican Legion D erby held on Highland: Avenue in Hills. tee heads. F our nsembers of .Stanley Zogalis fainily .tragically killed in car acci d en t in Virginia. *— . S h ark River Hills F itk in Aux. m em bers to r'e tta : B rau n received 'Auxiliary Roil of Honor" aw ard ant! Dorothy l.ockwood 500-hour pin a t annual Jam es F . A ckerm an F itk in V olunteer Awards meeting. Helen Rigg:. D eputy Township Clerk, celebrated 19th anniversary in N eptune Township H eadquarters. F oureenth annual M emorial Day Ceremonies ant'. P arade on S. Riverside Dr, A rth u r Henricks, Chairm an and Mary Dick, Mistress of Ceremonies. ' , N EPTU NE — The A m erican Voters approved S3.2 million two new schools, an elem entary and Jr. Legion Ju n io r A uxiliary P o st 346,High to be built on site behind high school. Neptune, held th eir annual C h rist-1, RAMBLINGS: Neii and Rus T reiber and children had a reai-fun mnfe P arty Monday, December 21st., family g et-together on New Year’s Day. Included in th e group .were Mary at th e post home. , and H enry T reiber and 2 children of W all Township; Mina and Ed Pom A group of the girls presented a phrey and 3 children and W arren and Marie Pom phrey and 2 children of Rum son; and Aita and Marvin T reiber and 3 Children of Osbornviile, nativity scene play. C hristm as ca r tw enty-four in all! . H arvey W addington, a m em ber of the Monmouth County. F ire Police and the SRH F ire Co., passed aw ay la s t week, and our ols were, sung by the Ju n io rs and deepest sym pathy goes to his wife and children . S orry to h ear Doris th eir parents. Following th e play, P o lan d and W alter C arter, Jr., are hospital patients, and hope.they are movies of th e Ju n io r activities home and better by the tim e this is printed: . , . The Ladies Aux. o: th e throughout th e y e a r w ere shown SRH Fire Co., will have another popular 7th ar.d 8th grade teen dance at the Firehouse tonight (Jan. 8th) for form er students of the SRH, Sur;i- by Mr. W arren Freitich. m erfleld and Green Grove Schools . . . S anta Claus passed out presen ts Would F ra n k Van Ness please th an k S an ta Claus for his wonderful to th e. girls, and a gift was given visit and gifts to th e delight r;f m any Hills children on Christm as eve . , . to Mrs. George Grosso by th e . C ongrats to W arren Scott who sta rted Sunday m orning as r* m em ber of Juniors fo r h e r w ork through th e N epune's finest — a policeman , . . Dot and W alt Johnson w ere nappy . to have son L arry hom e from. R ider College find Bill and Jud y .an d yoiifig past year. . Ice cream and cake was served daughter spent th eir second Christina.1 w ith them . . , Em ily and Ben Van Vliet and children a re moving nex t week from the Hills to Ashe Ave., to th e guests. E nnis P ierce escorted L inda Robinson and college slassmaSe Gail Bradley fo r a fun day in Now York seeing ail th e sights and enjoying th e show, ''H ow to SucceeiJ In Business W ithout Even T rying" , M ark your calendar now fo r th e Ja n u a ry 14th m eeting nf th e N eptune Library Association a t Township H eadquarters a t S p. m . Everyone is welcome . . . Tits first P.T.A, m eeting of 1085 wiil be. held a t th e S hark R iver Hills School on Jan u ary 18th and it will be F a th e r’s Night, Township Commit teem an G ilbert Twelves and Roy D unshee are scheduled to talk and show pictures of the fine N eptune Sum m er R ecreation P rogram . Also, Board NEPTUNE — W orship Services of Education Candidates and M embers will be introduced . - . On Decem ber 29th, B e rth a M an*'celebrated h e r birthday by lunchlng w ith Mrs. will b e conducted in th e H am ilton Charles Jaegtv w ith Mrs. Manx’s hubby and M other "G ranny"'H offm an Methodist Church on Sunday a t and dined a t dinner w ith Mr. and Mrs. W illiam H eilm ann fo r a full day. 9:30 and 11:00 a. m . T he C hapel in N ew ark . . . O ther college students,seep in th e Hills over th e holidays, Choir, directed by Miss C harlotte Were W alter Kehoe, W olfhard and DietoS? Ram m , Richie E ittrein , B ar b a ra Evers, Jo h n Schmid, Pat: Tierney, Linda and D oug'W hitehead e.ssd Taylor, will sing in th e first service. B a rb ara Rohrboch . . Ja n e O 'R ourke has moved from th e Em bassy to In tho 11:00 o’clock service, the iter ow n apt., iri Jeddi, Saudi Arabia and spent th e holidays w ith friends! Carol and Chancel Choirs, directed Writing they had th eir first ra in in two years! , I f a certain W ardell by Mrs. John H endrickson and Mrs. m ilkm an w as a little late on F rid ay w ith deliveries,, w e know why. H e and his wlfe also had a: b e F irehouse N ew Year’s E v e!..,. . - Allan N ettlem sn, will sing. The F o u r holiday babies w ere welcomed in th e H ills.-M r.'and Mrs.. Lee Pastor, the Rev. S herm an R obin Araps of 4 Fulton Place welcomed a girl on December 30th: Mr, and son, will preach a t both services.’ Mrs, Charles C urto of 514 H elen te rra ie welcomed a girl bn Dec. 31st; Mr. The Sunday School will m eet a t and Mrs. Thor .as 'Grob of 224 C arton Ave., announced th e birth of a baby boy on New Y ear’s l»ay and congratulations also go to M r. and Mrs. Ron- 0:30 a. m. with classes for boys and aid Lloyd of-419 H elen T errace on th e b irth of a baby boy on Jan. 2 nd, . . girls of N u rsery th rough High W e really sriSss using th e S hark R iver H ills:Bridge to N eptune City while School ages. Mr. Charles Polhem us th e M onmouth County Road Dept, are fixing i t . . .. O ur sym pathy to the fam ily of an o th er Neptune, resident who was a pioneer in- Belm ar, 8? year is General S uperintendent of th e old Cook'H ow land oJ Oxonia Avenue. W hen he was a boy he used to Church School. w alk from Glendola to th e H am ilton M ethodist Church, and h alf way ' D uring th e 11:00 o’clock W orship was an hour’s walk. H is Uncle was Cook Howland who was the Justice Service a N ursery is provided for s£ th e Peace in N eptune in 1880 . . . Jo a n ,T reib er celebrated h e r 5th birthday Tuesday with games, refreshm ents (a special drum jaki; baked small children. Ample p arking is by h e r m other) and fun w ith some of h e r pals: Cindy and Craig Siinger; available in the re a r of th e church. Marie and G regory Brown, Oiana Crincoli and Kevin Schanck of th e The p astor will conduct, an ad u lt Hills; Gail NeWman of W all Tav/nship, S herry and Je ff Pam phrey of church m em bership class Sunday Rumson and Bobby and A rty Fergusqi: of Lakewood. , afternoon from 4 to 5 o'clock. He B irthday greetings go on Ja n u a ry 8th to Vincent New m an and o n the Dth to W arren, Kelly and T helm a Silver. Ja n u a ry 10th birthdays are will be assisted by . .M r. C harles 15 y ear old Jack Spaeth and Evelyn T raphagen w ith P a t Tierney, Jr., Faulkner, Chairm an of th e Com and the 1st anniversary of Joyce and G ary DeLaurentUs in our birthday mission on Membership and E van hook on Monday. E leanor and Bob Palm er will celebrate th e ir 19th wedd , ing anniversary On Jan , 12th and birthday happies go to 11 year old Deb gelism. The M ethodist Youth Fellowship bie Brown, 4 y ear old Lynn Schneider, 4 yenr old Jean Valonte and Rev. H arvey W yatt will be 80 years young. Hope you a re all rem em bering to will m eet a t 7 p. m. in the F ireplace sign yo u r checks 1065 now! room. Nept. Jr. Legion Holiday Party Choirs To Sing At Hamilton You’re Reading The Family Newspaper Howard L. Smifh The Hardware Store of Ocean Grove HARDWARE PAINTS and OILS GENERAL ROOFING CO. A gency F o r “No Roost” Pigeon Repellent ROOFING SID ING GUTTERS — LEADERS COM BINATION WINDOWS F R E E ESTIM ATES PR ospect 6-8248 1 4 0 8 ^ Corlies Ave., N eptnne R obert D eaat Pull Line of VARIETY STORE KITCHEN UTENSILS . , W INDOW SH A D ES M ADE TO ORDBK P k t t p*e« 4 . , , ^ « • «H »A U -JSe.timstfs Cheerfully Gives moseT ^ 1&"'“- .^ j g r c a g w E. A. PACE 5 & 10c STORE 4» M A W AVR* OCEA N GROVE — P U S~ U t& } 8 i M u iH e f i M A NAfeJfeAft — t k : Altar Society Lists Chairmen 51 Main Avenue OCEAN GROVE, N .J . ■Phoae m ;w m SUBSCRIBE TO T H E TIM ES $3 B0 A 'Y EAR BY MAIL LARRISON Fcr LoS. Wanted Highway 35 & 3rd Are, NEPTUNE CITY Dirty Laundry PR 4-5352 Residence — 95 Broadway Ocean Grove — P R 4-2590 Oil Burner Service 24 Honrs Daily iBciatflag Sunday Clothes wilt be w hiter, b rig h te r and cleaner (when washed in our so ft as rain w ater). 25 lbs. 50c A M PLE F R E E PARKING Greene’s Laundromat (Self-Service) 141 Steiner Ave. Nfepltone Citjr f FRIDAY, JANUARY 8, 1965 OCEAN GROVE TIMES and NEPTUNE TIMES, TOWNSHIP OF NEPTUNE, NEW JERSEY ii H E LE N PELUSO 302 Hcmlock Drive, N cptuno — PRospect 4-0138 ' M a n y young couples announced their engagem ents over the holidays. M r. and Mrs, Stanley Morris, 9 Willow Drive announced the engagem ent o e ir dau g h ter Helen M ary to Stanley. Reed or N eptune.C ity. Helen is a senior at N eptune High. Mr. Reid is a .graduate ot the sam e school ’ an d is now employed at'Jo h n so n Oldsmoblle, Neptune, . : ; A nnouncem ent was also m ade oX the engagemeril o£ .Sharon Ann W hite, dau g h ter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Moore, -1 Olive S tre et to.George Tiedem hnn. George is th e son of M r. and Mrs. Robert Tiedemanri, 817 Old Corlies Ave. Both arc graduates of N eptune High.: Sharon is.em ployed a t the N eptune Township M unicipal offices and George is in the • M arine Corp. : . Mr. and Mrs. Salvatore P errclia, Interlaken/announced the engage m en t of th eir dau g h ter T heresa to Michael Lanza, son of Mr. arid Mrs. Ovid L an za,'417 H aw thorne St„ Neptune.' Mr. Lanza Is a g rad u ate,b f N ep tu n e High and his bride to be Asbury P a rk High. He is in the arm y, statio n ed a t F o rt Monmouth, • Our deepest syhpathy goes-to Marie, and G erald P aiaia on the death o f Gerald’s m other, Mrs. A nthony P alaia of N ep tu n e.. v , Brendan T rinkhaus celebrated his eleventh birthday last week at a bowling p arty w ith several friends. S orry ltd. h ear th a t Johnny C iook is a patient in F itkin Hospital, H u rry hom e Johnny, ail th e kids on the block miss you. T he local Bee-Line stylists will hold a dinnor-fashlon show next Wed nesday, Ja n u a ry 13th a t th e Adm irals Table in O akhurst. This will not b e a sale b u t a showing o f the lovely spring styles for the whole family. D in n er will be served a t 7:30 and there will be m any prizes. Tickets are $3,75 and m ay be obtained from Gen Maccla, 775-9264. ; M r.;and Mrs. E lb ert H arris, Hemlock Drive, son Wesley, and Mrs. H a rris’ m othei’, Mrs, Im jierato have retu rn ed from a moto trip to Florida. T h ey w ere jo ined'by Mrs. H arris' bother-in-law and sister Mr. and Mrs. S am u ei F usaro nBd soh, also of Hemlock Drive w ho flew down, «, Two baby boys to welcome this week. T hey w ere born ,to Mr. and M rs. W illiam Bush, W alnut S tre et and Mr. and Mrs. H arry.L aw rence, .18 C e n te r St, ■.■i’”' :■ ■; G unnery Sgt, Ed LaBelle, 323 G reenlaw n Place has retired from the M arine Corp a fte r 20 years of active duty. He has served in the Orient, H aw nil. an d E urope. F o r th e past four years he has-been the M arine C o rp recru itin g officer In A sbury P ark. M arilyn Cox; d au g h ter of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Cox, 774 Wayside R d . becam e the bride of Leigh LaVole, Navesink last Sunday a t Tower H ill P resb y terian C h u rch .; A fter a reception a t th e B arclay Hotel in B e lm a r; th e y 'le ft fo r a wedding trip to Los Angeles and Las Vegas. W alt and Gloria Lehm ann, Willow Drive had as th eir guests, W alt’s sis te r Mrs. D orothy P inkerton and h e r daughter Mrs. Jill H ackerd of Albequerque, N ew Mexico. . H appy B irthday wishes to B ernadette G randinetti, Cliffwood Drive ■who will be thirteen, Lynn Stainfeid, Gully Road celebrating h e r seventh a n d F red Sigrlst, 4 Jag g er Ave. ■ • you grandm other Mrs. E. Sm ith, for letting me know) . . . . Miss Betty Moser, B erkley L ane sp e n t the New Y ear Holiday w ith Miss Helen Glawitsch in New York v . . M ajorie Hinds, Berkeley Lane, has returned home from a trip to Norfolk, .Virginia ... . ; 0 / .' '. jV Rickie McMasters, W akefield Road celebrated his 5th birthday on Tuesday w ith his grandparents M r. and M rs.'A., King and Mr. and Mrs. J. W orthley, Stanley Goldstein, and Audrey and Billy F ish er . . . . Jean and J e rry M cMasters hud a Christm as p arty last week w ith M r, and Mrs. George Dudik. F ordham Road and other m em bers of the Keystone S avings,& Loan Association attending . . . . . . ... ; '■ H appy B irthday Good Wishes nlso.go this week to George Szalay on th e 1st, Richard McCabe on the 2nd, WlHon' on the 3rd, E leanor Moog on the 5th and Maybelie N agle on the 6th .. . . H appy Anniversary greetings to Evan and Elva Sm ith on the 1st, Rev. and Mrs. Irving Meier on the 3rd. and Mr. and Mrs. R. Bacon on the 5th. . . . . As of Friday, "G atherings From the (Sables,'" will-have a'box located in the Gables Lane Drug Stores. I. hope you will all drop your news there, so .-that th e G atherings m ay grow a little larger i ..' Don’t forget tonight is the Teen Dance a t he. S hark R iver Hills F ire House. . . . . ORDINANCE NO. 672 TO W N SHIP O f N EPTU NE IN TH E CO UN T* OF. MONMOUTH Section 7. T h e Tow nship C is ; h e re b y au th o rized - an d em pow ered to ec.n te r In to co n tracts for th e do in g of the said w ork, o r to p ro cu re th e m a...a terJaJs an d engage la b o r for, th e doing o f said w ork. ' ■, 1 S ectio n 8. All fu r th e r acts an d pro-' '^ i c l v m a y be necessary to be taken, b y the. Tow nship C om m ittee In c a rry in g o u t an d ex ecu tin g th e said •Im p ro v e m e n t,.a n d all orders relatin g th e reto , m ay be done an d m ade b y rcso lu tlo n of Ihe'.Tow nship C om m ittee. NOTICE is h e re b y given th a t a t a re g u la r.m e e tin g o f tn e Township.Com** m ittc e o f the. Tow nship o f N ep tu n e in the C o u n ty of M onm outh, held on th e fifthi • d ay o f Jan u ary ,' 1SG5, th e . f o l low ing o rd in an ce w as in tro d u ced and p a s s e d 'o n .first read in g . . , . S aid Tow nship C om m ittee will m eet a t th e Tow nship H eadquarters,-. 137 S outh M ain S treet, .N eptune, New J e r U venty ^days a f f ^ f u ^ fi^ t* (jubll^ sey,- bn th o n in e leen th day of Ja n u a ry , llitiS. nt 8'.00 P.M .,’to consider th e said o rdinnce fo r final passage and ad option . (S igned) JO SEPH . WARDELL a n d to -g iv e all in te r e s te d • p ersons an opp o rtu n ity , to be. h e a rd cohcerning^the A tte s t:’ JO S E P H E. BENNiETT .MaAror. o rd in an ce. ; , C lerk •••.. • P A GE S E V E N to th e p a rty of th e first p a rt, th e rein d esig n ated as Seaview E lectric Co. Inc. b y deed o f Leo F. M cConnell, J r . e t a ls d a te d D ecem ber 8. 1959 and recorded on D ecem b er 11. 1959 In D eed Book 2963 o f^d eed s fo r M onm outh C ounty, P a g e . B eing com m only know n an d d esig n ated os No. 406-408-410 .\Inin S tree t. A v o n -b y -th e-S ea, N ew Jersey . T h e ap p ro x im ate am o u n t of th e ju d g m e n t to be satisfied by said sale is th e su m of $8.100.00 to g eth er w ith th e costs o f this safe. JO S E P H A . SHAFTO. S heriff D ated D ec. 2 1 , 1901 B en jam in J . Llpetz. A tty. —2-5 . • ’— * ... NOTICE '' - £81.02. $2D.D2 AN O ltDlNANCE VACATING LINDEN t A K E N O TIC E th a t S. M. S. CORP.. STREET, MYRTLE STREET, ROSE h as ap p lied to th e M ayor an d Council -3-279 , STREET, WILLOW STREET AND of the T ow nship' o f N eptune; f o r a SH ERIFF'S SALE WOODLAND A V E N U E IN' THE p le n ary re ta il consum ption licensc fo r t o w n s h i p o f N e p t u n e , i n t h e SUPERIO R COURT OF NEW JERSEY p rem ises to be co n stru cted , k n ow n a 9 vised S tatu tes o£ the; S ta le of New J e r COUNTY OF M ONMOUTII. : CHANCERY DIVISION ' S h in n ’s B otcl, a t th e n o rth w est c o rn e r sey, :md th e several, am en d m en ts th e re MONMOUTH COUNTY of T ren to n Road an d H ighw ay #35, . D o ck et No, F 4827-63 o f and su p p lem en ts th e reto ; / In antici-: N ep tu n e Tow nship, N. J . BE, IT ORDAINED BY TH E TOWN potion of the- Issuance, o f said bonds, SH IP COMMITTEE OF TH E TOWN P re s ld e n t-T re a s u re r — J a n e S hinn. M ID TO W N S A V IN G S & LOAN A S n eg otiable n o tes of. th e Tow nship of S H IP OF NEPTUNE. IN TH E COUNTY SOC.. P lain tiff v s: ALPHONSO B. 1723 R iver Road. B elm ar. N. J . N ep tu n e ,-in th e C o u n ty o f M onm outh OF MONMOUTH: V ice P re s ld c n t-S e c rc ta ry — A lv in . W ALKER, e t als D efen d an ts a re h ereb y a u th o rized to b e issued Dur- '••'li L inden Street^ M yrtle S tree t,.R o se B y v irtu e o f a w rit o f ex e cu tio n in S h in n , 2 S h erry L ane, N ep tu n e. N. J . su an t to said law . ; . S tre e t,-W illo w S tre e t and W oodland th e above stated actio n to m e d ire cted , • O bjections, if an y , should be m a d e . S ection 3. T he m a x im u m ra te o f in A venue a s 'shown an d "d elin eated on I sh all expose fo r sale a t public v en im m ed iately in w ritin g to Jo sep h B en rest w hich a n y obligation shall bear m ap ■e n title d ‘'Map •'B ’ A sb u ry . P a rk due, a t th e C o u rt H ouse In th e B o ro u g h n e tt, C lerk o f tho T o w nship of N ep N EPTUNE —. T he,R ev. Eugene te is six. p e r cen tu m p e r annum . • H eights, fro m su rv ey m ade S ep tem b er of F reeh o ld , C o u n ty of M onm outh, N ew tu n e . N. J . • j ' W. Beutel, pastor o£ R edeem er L u S ection (a) : ,T h e . p u rp o se , fo r 16. 1905. by C, L. C ook, C .E .,fo r th e -A t J e rs e y , o n M onday th e 11th d ay o f J a n S. M. S. CORP.. w hich sold a p p ro p riatio n is. m ade "and la n tic .S e a-C o ast Company*' an d filed in u a ry 1965. a t 2 o'clocki P.M . P rev ailin g J a n e Shinn. P res. th eran Church, lias announced th a t said o b ligations are to b e issued is th e th e office of th e M onm outh C ounty T im e,; '• .. ■ D a te d : D ecem b er 30. 1964 his serm on them e this Sunday will p u rch ase o f o n e (1) A ccounting Ad- C le rk on N o v em b er G. IflOSi Case 7, . . $7.04 ALL th a t ce rta in lot, tr a c t o r p a rc e l - 2 - 3 . dressograph, o ne (1) A ddressogroph, h eet 24, be. and th e .s a m e a r e h e re b y o f la n d a n d p rem ises h e re in a fte r p a r * : ■ be: “W e A re Tho Lord’s." W orship one |1 ) K ey P u n c h and tw o (2) cablnejs Sv ac ated as p ublic streets, ro ad s o r ticu la rly describ ed , situ a te , ly in g an d MONMOUTH COUNTY be used b y 't h e C ollection, Assess highw ays a n d th e p u b lic rig h ts th e re in b ein g , Jn th e Tow nship o f . N eptune,. Services are conducted each Sun to SURROGATE'S COURT m en t and L icense D ep artm en ts o f th e b e and th ey are h ereb y released , e x tin : C o u n ty o f M onm outh a n d S tate-o f N ew N otice to C red ito rs to P re s e n t C laim s Jersey . day a t 8:15 and 11 a. ml Sunday T ow nship ;of N ep tu n e, in th e C ounty of g u ish ed a n d discharged. A gainst Estate .M onmouth. -' ✓•v 2. This o rd in an ce shall ta k e effect B EG IN N IN G a t a p o in t o f in tersec School Classes for th e P rim ary -lb ) T h e estim ated am o u n t o£ b onds im m ediately: tio n o f th e w esterly lin e o f S to k es A ve ESTA TE OF SHELDON D. WOOLLEY, o r n o tes to b e issued th e refo re is ' (Signed) JO SEPH WARDELL nue, also k n o w n as R o u te # 35, w ith through the Adult D epartm ents deceased. T w en ty T housand N ine H u n d re d ($20,- . .• .: M ayor th e N o rth erly lin e o f B la ir A v en u e; an d P u rs u a n t to the o rd e r o f DONALD J . m eet a t 9:30 a. m. Classes for the 300.00) D ollars;. A tte st: JO S E P H E. BENNETT ru n n in g th e n ce (1) south 80 d e g re e s -7 CUNNINGHAM. S u rro g ate of th e C oun (c) The estim ated am o u n t o f m oney . • C lerk ■ Vv.m in u tes w est, along said, n o rth e rly lin e N ursery and K indergarten D epart to be raised th e re fo re fro m all sources —51 $8.32 o f B la ir-A v en u e 96.75 f e e t to a .p o in t; ty o f M onm outh, th is d ay m ade, on th e m ents m eet during the 11 O’clock by, th e Tow nship • of N eptune. In th e th e n c e (2). n o r th 12 d eg ree s 49 m in u te s ap p licatio n of th e undersigned. H. C o u n ty o f M onm outh is T w en ty -tw o w est an d p arallel to S to k es A venue, E liza b eth Thom pson. A d m in istratrix , Service; , T h o u san d ($22,000.00) D ollars, in c lu d also k n o w n a s Route. # 3 5 37.88 f e e t to o f th e esta te of th e said S heldon D. • „ - , ORDINANCE NO. 673 g E leven H u n d red ($1,100.00) D ollars TOW NSHn» OF N EPTU NE IN THE a p o in t: th e n ce (3) n o r th . 77 d eg ree s W oolley, deceased, notice Is h e re b y The fou rth annual business m eet in as a dow n p ay m e n t ap p ro p riated fro m , I t m in u te s e a st 96.57 fe e t to said w e s te r g iven to th e c red ito rs of said deceased COUNTY OF MONMOUTH ing of th e congregation will be held th e C ap ital Im p ro v e m en t A ccount : o f ly lin e o f S to k es A venue, also k n o w n to p re s e n t to th e sa id A d m in istratrix , e ir claim s u n d er oath w ith in s ix a n d p rio r years. NOTICE is h e re b y g iven th a t a t a as R o u te £35; an d th e n ce (4) so u th 12 th a t 7:30 p /m . oh Sunday, following 1965 S ection 3. T h e follow ing m a tte rs are re g u la r m e e tin g o f th e Tow nship C om d eg rees 49 m in u te s e a st 42.84 f e e t to m on th s from th is d ate. D ate d : D ecem ber 31st, 1964 a dessert-coffee fellowship a t 7 p. h e re b y d eterm in ed , d eclared, re c ite d m itte e of. th e T ow nship of N ep tu n e in th e p o in t o r p la ce of BEG IN NIN G . , H. ELIZABETH THOMPSON an d sta te d : • • n ty ? £ M onm outh, h eld on th e . B ein g p a r t o f L o t &7 a n d all o f L o t m . The business m eeting will be 706 F letch er Drive (a ) S aid p u rp o se Is n o t a c u rre n t e x fifth ° ^duay o f J a n u a ry . 1965, th e fo l # 8 In B lock 249A on c e rta in m a p . e n N eptune. N ew J ersey and Ms a n im p ro v em en t o f p ro p lo w in g o rd in an ce w a s ; in tro d u ced an d title d "M ap o f , W hitesvIIle T e rrace, conducted by R obert E. V an Duyne, epense d m in istratrix rty w h ich th e m u n icip ality m ay law passed on first read in g . N ep tu n e: T ow nship, M onm outh C oun ROBERT J . ALAYTON p resident; of the congregation. T he fu lly m ak e o r acq u ire; o r a p urpose ^ Sold T ow nship C om m ittee w ill m eet ty , . N ew J e rs e y , M art Rogers. C.E. 640 M a ttlso n A venue r w h ich th e m u n lclp lity 'I s . a u th o r ^ d ated A u g u st 18. 1820, re v ise d J u ly 18, A sb u ry P a rk H ead q u arters, 137 agenda includes the presentation of fo . N. J. ized byi law to m ak e a n ap p ro p riatio n . S o u th M ain S treet, N ep tu n e, N ew J e r - 1928,. ap p ro v ed A ugust 7, 1928. filed In A tto rn e y A nnual Reports, adoption of th e No p a r t o f th e c o s ts ’o f said p urpose 01\ ti le‘ n in e te e n th d ay o f Ja n u a ry . M onm outh C o u n ty C le rk ’s O ffice on - 2 - 5 has b een o r sh all b e specifically a s . $17.92 A ugust 10, 1928 In case #35-14. C om 1965 budget and the election of sessed b n p r o p e rty sp ecially b enefited, ip rtin a« «:0? 51’*ito c?h sld e r th e said m only k n o w n as No, 5211 R o u te #35. flnal„ passage a n d ad o p : (b ) T h e p erio d of u sefu ln ess o f 'said tio n and ♦to L give all in terested persons also k n o w n a s S to k es A venue, N ep tu n e. 3-309 Church Council m em bers and v a r purp o se, w ith in th e lim itatio n o f Sec a n o p p o rtu n ity N ew Jersey . SH E R IFF’S SALE tions 40A:2-21 and 40A:2-22 o l said ih e o rd in an ce. .to lie h eard -co n g ious Church representatives. T h e ap p ro x im ate a m o u n t o f th e SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY law a n d acco rd in g to th e reasonable ju d e m e n t to b e satisfied b y said sale CHANCERY d i v i s i o n life th ereo f, is ten y ea rs. . is th e su m o f $ 12 ,0 00.00 to g e th e r With MONMOUTH COUNTY RDINANCE PROVIDING FOR th e co sts o f th is sale, . (c) T h e su p p lem en tal d eb t statem e n t . r,^ T ,» ,„2 0 ck e t N o* P 4607-63 TH E CONSTRUCTION OF A PUBLIC re q u ire d b y said law h as b ee n d u ly JO S E P H A. SHAFTO, S heriff r n T c * J £ E A T S A V IN G S AND m ade an d filed in th e office- o f the WORKS BU ILD ING FOR T H E D ated D ec. 1,1964 . ^ P kt ASSOCIATION, a co rp o ratio n HOUSING, REPA IR AND ’M AINTE- Isaac F lelsch m an , A tty, T ow nship C lerk, an d a com plete e x e ANN LASHOVITZ p la intIfT vs: JO H N T. NANCE Ot? ROAD, REFUSE, G ^ - -5 1 - 2 cuted o rig in al th e reo f h a s b ee n filed, * . $40.1B 802 S tam ford Drive — 775-7077 BAGE AND OTHER IN C lD EN TA t ais* D efendants in th e office o t th e C om m issioner of ; ♦h ue a Wflt of ex e cu tio n in Local G o v ern m en t, a n d such s ta te EQUIPM ENT A T A COST NOT TO WuiuiHiiiiiiiiiwi'iiiiiijiiiiJiiiiiiiiJiiJiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiiHiHiiJiiiiiiJiiiiiiiiiiJiiJiHiirirjiiiiiiwiiiiijiifitriiifjifiriniiitB* }h^ , ove s tated actio n to m e d irected , MONMOUTH COUNTY m en t show s th a t th e gross d eb t as d e ,IlJN D IlED AND F IF r sh all expose for s a le -a t p ublic v e n SURROGATE'S COURT fined In S ub-division F of Section <*150,000.00) DOL P re s e n t claim s ofie,Far li h « iS 0Un H ousc ln th e B orough Big Doings a t th e hom e of Mr. and Mrs. H arold Ayers, Newgate LARS, TO .BE USED BY TH E H O A D N otice to C red ito rs 40A:2r7 o f ' said . la w is increased b y of F reeh o ld . C o u n ty of M onm outh . A g ain st jta te Lane, this holiday season. F irst the engagem ent of their daughter, Bon , T he L ibrary council of N eptune T w en ty T h o u san d N ine H u n d red ($20,SANITATION AND O TH ER DE F 7 n ? rSe3in « n M onday the 1st d ay of D o llars a n d th e issuance o f th e PARTMENTS OF THE TOW NSHIP n ie Lee to R ichard L eBarre, son of Mrs. Alma LuBorre, Stockton Ave H igh School entertained a t a 900.00) OF GEORGE HENRY B O ItK - vamngTlmc 5' 31 2 ° 'elock' P M' Pr0' obligations au th o rized b y th is o rd i OP NEPTUNE, W TH E cO U NTV O P ESTATE nue, Ocean Grove. Then, Bonnie, Jeffrey and Mr. and Mrs. R obert W ea LAND, deceased. nance Is p erm itted b y said Local Bond C hristm as Ten, held in th e School _ P u rsu a n t to th e o rd e r o f DONALD ver, Prospect Avenue, surprised th eir p arents w ith a w onderful 25th Law. v ••.■.•'‘V • • : ■ J , CUNNINGHAM, S u rro g a te o f the (d) T he Im p ro v em en t a s au th o rized W edding A nniversary P a rty on New Y ear’s Eve. Among the guests a t Library, prior to the Christm as ° p County, of M onm outh, th is d ay m ade. C llv ^n , 5 j tV' h y .th ls o rd in an ce Is to b e u sed b y th e ,B0r0Ugh of N o p tu n l tending th e p arty w ere Mr. and Mrs. John Aklan, Cranford, Mr. and Mrs. holidays. The adm inistration, facul C ollection. A ssessm en t a n d L icen se.D e o£Jth e u n dersigned. M onm auth a n <« : M ichael Curtis, F arm ingdale, Mrs; Andrew Duthle, W eehawken, Mr. and ty, clerical sta ff and custodians p a rtm e n ts of th e Tow nship of N eptune, E lizab eth M, B ork lan d . Sole E x e cu trix Sta?e S tN e w o r th e esta te o f th e said G eorge H en ry M rs. H erb ert K regg, Sea Girt, Mrs. Alfred Ldzaroiv, Pfiildaelpbia, Mr. in th e C ounty o f M onm outh. ai a monument placed ? 8 ^ : B ork lan d , deceased, n o tice Is h ereb v c i . i i P?) In tersectio n of th e (e) . T h e follow ing item s, a s defined s h ip ' l o S J J S P o 7 a n d Mrs. George Ofner, M orrisvlile, P a,,.M r. and Mrs. D arvin Adams, w ere invited by th e council. given to th e cred ito rs o f said deceased f K 15S,ri»y i Ine.1o f W est Wa» S tre e t W ith a u th o riz e d , by S ectio n 40A:2-20 of N eptune, M r. and Mrs. Ross Beck, Ocean Grove, Mrs. M ary Drew and A rrangem ents w ere under th e and to p re s e n t to th e said Sole E x e cu trix / f f y inP o f South W all S tree t; sa id -la w a re -c h a rg e d as a p a r t o f the M r. and Mrs. H arry Faby, Jr., Neptune, Mr. and Mrs. Tim othy Sullivan, supervision of Miss Gayle P ack costs o f said p u rp o se to b e financed'by, o ? h e im p ro v e m e n t' d e- th e ir claim s u n d e r o a th w ith in six sMri w nl! fi so u th w esterly alo n g l u S ection 4 o { th is o rd in an ce m on th s fro m th is date, th e Issuance of said obligations. 07 7ft S f y lln o ,o f South Wall S tre e t S p rin g Lake, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Shafto, Mr. and Mrs. Je rry West, Mr. 03.70 feet to a stak e: th en ce 12) n o rth ^ au ^ze£l to be m ade a s a D ated : D ecem b er 17th, 1964. 1. N o t ex c eed in g O ne T h o u san d and Mrs. Szaley, Mr. und Mrs. G. McCabe, Mr. and Mrs. A. Mitchell, Mr. ard, President, of the Council. Miss (SLOOO.OO) g en eral im provem ent, an d fo r the n u r, ELIZA BETH M. BORKLAND D ollars on ac c o u n t o f 'th e S trceT & Jl an d Mrs. S. McDevitt, Mr. H erm an Johnson, all of the Gables. Mr. and P a tti Hedgecock w as C hairm an cost o f th e issuance o f said obligations pose s tated in said S ectio n 9? th e re Is 92 M t. C arm el . W ay a p p ro p ria te d th e sum' of One. M rs. N. Steelm an, N eptune, Mr. and Mrs. John West, Asbury P ark. Mr. of the R efreshm ent O cean G rove, New. J ersey Committee. legal expenses, an d o th e r obligations Ito Sole E x e cu trix finance said cost. l S o ^ ^ C/o,ytePe r r o CL 's u hk eS p ^ bc o r i n an d Mrs. Je rry Coughlin, Rahway, and Richard LaBar're. Hope I didn't Presiding' a t the te a table w ere th e ROBERT J . LAYTON, Esq. - S ection 6 .' T h e fu ll faith and c re d it • o p iit anyone, anyway, May the next 25 years be as w o n d erfu l. . . . Coach 840 M attlso n A venue a 'lo n /w e s i Of th e ToW hship o f N eptune, in th e H g o T n2nd Misses Ju n e W lrtis, Carolyn Lam Wall S lree t 65 feet to the n o ln t op L a rry ’-Hennessey, Oxford Way, and the N eptune High School B asket A sb u ry P a rk , N ew J ersey C ounty of M onm outh a re h ereb y . A tto rn e y * -.•• -•- p lace of BEGINNING. ball Team received th e Holiday B asket Bowl Championship Trophy ufter bert, M artha W estfall and Irene p led g ed to th e p u n ctu al p ay m en t o f th e p a rts of Lots 2. 4 n -inrt n --5 2 -3 -.v .-"i< : . -v;-;--;. ; "; $17.92 p rin c ip al an d in te rte t o n ; said obliga defeating Toms R iver High School 82-72 in Convention H ail on W ednes |OrgIer. Miss Thea De Gano was in tions. B lock 30 B ' on E lch en g rec n ’ L and P o ’ ■ ':V. T h e said obligations sh all be tlm o 5? ih 5 T o w n sh ip o f N e p day evening . . . . m ap and being Lots 6 and 8, B lock 3 DB d ire ct, u n lim ited o bligations o f th e charge o f decorations. ' • 3-303 V • : .T ow nship o f N ep tu n e, in th e .C ounty ••• SH E R IFF’S SALE Acting M agistrate Andrew W ilson sw ore in M ayor Joseph W ardell ?une CHy! ‘° X °C of M onm outh an d th e Tow nship o f SUPERIOR COURT OF NEW JERSEY fo r his 3rd full term as M ayor . . . Mr. and Mrs. B ernard Keliy enterN ep tu n e, in; th e C ounty of M onm outh CHANCERY DIVISION. S tfce tN C k n o ,v n “ ® S o u th W alt tain ed a t a Xmas P a rty L ast Saturday. Among the guest? from the Gables b e ob lig ated to le v y ad v alo rem ($142,500.00) .Dollars, each' to be know n MONMOUTH COUNTY ta x e s u p o n oil t h e 1 ta x a b le p ro p e rty a n t J " 5Pro ^ m c n t'B o n d o f 1965", p u ? ^ w ere Mr. and Mrs. C. M attla, Mr. and Mrs. E. Christensen, M r. and Mrs. ' D o cket No. F 3666-63 ®ond Law . co n stitu tin g w ith in th e m u n icip a lity fo r th e p a y M ORGAN COMPANY, A N ew J e rs e y George Sheary.'M r. and Mrs. C. F ullm er, Mr. and Mrs.. Dan Payne, Mrs. OCEAN' GROVE — “Passing or m e n t o f th e obligations, and- in te re s t S ections 40A :2 - l. to 40A-2-G3 o f th e R e- C o rp o ratio n , P lain tiff v s:- SEAVIEW th e costs™ ! “ h if 's a l? ’'00 t° K ether E . Fow ler, Mr. and Mrs. C arl Irish, and Mr. and Mrs. J. W right . . . AI th e reo n w ith o u t, lim itatio n of r a te .or V iS o , a o f th e S tate o f New ELECTRIC CO., A New J e rs e y C or P erm anent” will be the topic, of Buehholz, M arlow Place, was elected.V ice President of th e Republican ^ th e sev eral am en d m en ts po ratio n . D, JO S E P H D E VITO. Re am o u n t. ■• i JuJJJJ*. i su p p lem en ts th e reto . In c eiv er o f Seaview E lectric Co., UNITED D ated DeJcOS2FiP ^ - SHAFTO’ S h crifr S ection 7. A ll fu r th e r a cts a n d p ro Club . . . . . . the serm on, a t St. P au l’s M ethodist ceedings w hich m ay be ,necessary to be a n ticip atio n o f th e issu an ce of. said TES.O F AMERICA a n d STATE OF &e ^ s c h ( e <r | <’A tty s.SC,lIeS*nKer . ! Miss Je an Clay ton, d au g h ter of Mrs. istanley, Clayton,, Stam ford Drive Church, this coming Sunday, by token by. th e ; T o w n sh ip . Com m ittee In bonds, negotiable n o tes of th e Tow n- STA NEW JER SEY . .D efendants f ^ P f ^ H ^ ^ h . t h e c o u n ty o f Moncelebrated h e r 16th b irthday last Wednesday, with h er fam ily a t Smith- Dr. A lbert S .L a y to n ,’ M r. "William c a rry in g o u t an d ex e cu tin g th e said 2-5 _ I ’ *36.72 By. v irtu e o f a w rit o f ex e cu tio n in re h e r e b y au th o rized to be- is- th e ab o v e s ta te d actio n to m e directed , ------- “ W im provem ent, -and oil o rd ers relatin g ville Inn, Absecon, New Je rsey . . . C ary Clayton retu rn ed on Sunday e reto , m ay b e done an d m ade b y : s u ed p u rs u a n t to said law. I shall expose, fo r sale a t public v en 3-307 t o Madison College, Virginia, w here he is in his senior y ear y ear (Thank A. Reid will have charge of th e th reso lu tio n o f th e T ow nship C om m it u t, ’riie m ax im u m ra te of ln- due, a t th e C o u rt H ouse In th e, B orough E R IFF’S SALE rhuslc and will use for his; prelude, tee. i ? ? S ■' vhlch atn y o b ligation s h a ll. b e a r o f F reeh o ld , C ounty o f M onm outh. SUPERIORSHCOURT • ' • • O F NEW JERSEY Is s ix 'p e r cen tu m p e r an n u m . u r New Je rse y , o n M onday th e lfet d ay of • S ection 8. T h is o rd in a n ce sh all ta k e CHANCERY DIVISION Arioso, an d for his postlude Al effect- tw en ty d ay s a fte r th e first pub-: .S ectio n 4. (a) T h e D u rn n ^ F eb ru ary , 1965, ,a t 2 o'clock, P.M. P r e MONMOUTH COUNTY ap p ro p riatio n is niade and v ailin g Tim e. / th e reo f aftier final passage, as legretto. V- •-!» . • •' plicatlon D ocket No, F-473tf-63 said .o b lig atio n s are- to be Issued Is ro v id e d b y law . A ll th o se ce rta in lots, tra cts, o r .p ar T h e Chapel an d Celeste choirs Sm VINGS IN STITU (Signed) JO SEPH WARDELL th e t j constr u c tlo n o f a pu b lic w orks cels- of Ind and prem ises, h e re in a fte r TIONE N ew Jersey , P lain .'•••i-'v-. ■■■ ‘ M ayor nviin)J»n fo r *** ho.u sing. re p a ir and p a rtic u la r ly . d escrib ed , situ a te. lying will sing “F airest Lord Je su s /’ The m ain ten an ce, o f ro ad , refuse, garbage M’ GROVE- e f a H . D eA tte st: JO SEPH E. BENNETT an d b ein g -in th e B orough o f A von-by- fen d an ts C hancel. Choir will sing “Bless the 'C l e r k - •■' i’i,' . . e C o u n ty o f M onm outh * a w rit of ex ecu tio n in •: : 528.00 u sed b y th e ro ad , san itatio n an d o th e r an d S ta teinof th N ew . J ersey Lord O My Soul” and R u th Gil —2‘” -v I «hnVi°ve cci actio n to m e d ire cted , . jme« the Tow nship of N epFIRST TRA CT: K now n an d desig H„n H .I,x p ?.sc for , 3:>le ot pu b lic v e n Fhl illG. p o u n ty o f M onm outh, b e rt will sing “Come Unto Me.” n ated a s L o t #326 o n a M ap o f Lots ORDINANCE NO. 675 am o u n t o f bonds o r titled “A v o n -b y -th e-S ea. fo rm e rly Of F rn ;h S lrf°Uf- H°,USe 1,1 th « B orough TOW NSHIP OF NEPTUNE IN TH E n„ o te s »to1c ^estimated from the Messiah. b e issued th e refo re is One en K ey E ast B each, M onm outh C ounty, COUNTY OF MONMOUTH H u n d red an d F o rty -tw o T housand F iv e N e w . Jersey'*, su rv ey ed b y E. G. H ar At the 4:00 P . M. service Dr. H u n d red ($142,50Q.OO) D o lla rs .. OTICE is h e re b y g iven th a t a t a • (c) T he estim ated am o u n t o f monev rison & Son 1883 an d describ ed .as fol- v am n g T i m ^ 5, a ‘ 2 0 ' c,° c,t’ P ' M' ^ L ayton will preach on “T he Chris re N •. - '/ •.. . ^• '.-••:g u la r m e etin g o f th e .Township C om to be- rafsed th e refo re fro m all sources lo w si ■:.:•• tr a s l o r p arce l o f la n d , s ltu BEGINNING a t a p o int o n th e w est tian's Obligation. Mr, Reid will play m itte e o f th e Tow nship of N ep tu n e in ' ^ e T °w n sh ip o f N eptune, jn th e e rly sid e o f a s tre e t 30 f e e t w ide b e o f N i J n n , ub eS /; in th e T o w n sh ip th e C ounty of M on m o u tlv h eld o n th e J t onm o u th is One H u n d red in o u n ty o£e yM:-. onm outh for his prelude “A ndante co n Moto” fifth d ay o f Ja n u a ry , 1965,, th e fo l an d F ifty T housand (S150.000.0Q) D dl- tw een S ylvanta A venue an d G arfield m . th e . S ta te tl}e of 5N ew J e rs A venue d is ta n t 175 feet so u th w ard ly ing, o rd in an ce w as In tro d u c ed ' an d and for his postlude, “F estal low S e v e n ty flv e H u n d red frojn a stone set for a m o n u m en t in ^ ? £ g *n nIng a t a sto n e in th e so u th passed bn .first read in g , • ; ($7,500.00) D ollars as a dow n paym ent C or [ Z r h° ^ r r o t the w hole tr a c t M arch.” .The Cherub choir .will Said T ow n sh ip C om m ittee w ill m eet ap p ro p riated from th e C apital Im p ro v e th e w esterly co rn e r o f said street: 5 ]£ a p a rt an(i ru n n in g w here It en d s in said Sylvanla A v e n u e ;' th e Tow nship H ead q u arters, 137. m e n t A ccount of 1965 and p rio r years. 67 degrees 42 m in sing B ye-Low My Baby, Downy aS to u th th en ce ,•; ex ten d in g so u th w ard ly along ’ M ain S tre e t, N ep tu n e. N ew J e r eiP.fK30! seco n d s w est along th e m o st , S ection 5, The follow ing m a tte rs a re th e w esterly lin e of said s tre e t 25 fe e t LUtle Snowflakes, and My Shiny sey, o n th e n in e teen th d a y of J a n u a ry , h e re b y d eterm in ed ; d ec lared ,' recited to a p o in t; th e n ce e x te n d in g w esterly Iflfl 1 sajd w hole tra c t, . 288.63-feet to a pipe: th en ce (2) along 1965. at. 8 :0 0 P.M.. to co nsider th e said and sta te d : \ •• Shoes. ' o rd in an ce fo r final passage, and a d o p S aid p u rp o se Is n o t a c u rre n t e x fro m th is p o in t an d th e point, first ‘h e ea stc rly lin e of D onald P lace on a tio n an d to give .all In terested p erso n s pen se an d is an im p ro v em en t of p ro p m entioned, a t rig h t sn g les w ith said • ? en*ct n S to th e left, whose on o p p o rtu n ity to be h e a rd concerning e rty -which th e m u n lcipollty m ay la w stree t: b etw een p arallel lin es to th e ra d iu s is 50 feet a d istan ce o f 175.36 LEGAL NOTICES ea sterly sid e .of M ain Avenue,- th e th e o rd in an ce. . fu lly m a k e -o r . acquire; o r a puroosc n o rth e rly b o u n d ary line ,th e re o f b eing f e e t to a p ipe a t a p o in t o f rev erse fo r .which th e m u n icip a lity Is au th o r- 122 feet.; and th e so u th erly line 125 feet f?) !tUiiie ? said D onald P lace; th en ce ORDINANCE NO. 674 : AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND AND Lr 11 co n tin u in g alo n g th e lin e o f ' to m a k e 'a n ap p ro p riatio n . TOW NSHIP OF N EPTUNE IN THE SUPPLEM ENT AN ORDINANCE EN No pbayr t law f lc S o n a cu rv e deflecting to o f th e costs o f said purpose a n d 6; in ch es In len g th a n d bo th said COUNTY OF MONMOUTII TITLED “ AN ORDINANCE PROVID h as b ee n o r . shall b e specifically . as- lin es ru n n in g p arallel w ith Sylvania th e rig h t, w hose rad iu s Is 3 feet a d isING FOR TH E CONSTRUCTION ses se d j> n p ro p e rty sp ecially benefited! A venue; • .bounded on th e V N o rth . b y i tn n ce of 4.13 feet to a pipe , at a p o in t N OTICE is h ereb y given th a t, a t a L ot 325; o n th e E a st' b y said S tree t; AND IMPROVEMENT OF SPR IN G I o f rev erse c u rv a tu re In said s tre e t; (b) T he p erio d o f u sefulness o f said re g u la r m e etin g of th e Tow nship C om DALE AVENUE (BINGHAM AVE p urp o ses w ith in : th e lim its -of Section on th e S outh b y Lot 327 a n d 'o n the th e n cc (j) n o rth ID d eg rees 40 m in u te s ' m itte e of; th e Tow nship bf N ep tu n e in NUE) AND WEST M ALL DRIVE. 4ftA:2-2i and Section-40A :2-22 of said W est b y M ain A venue. J S CCL to a ,P lp c ln th e n o r th - . the C o u n ty o f M onm outh, h eld o n th e ALSO L o t *327 on aforesaid M ap S i v TOW NSHIP OF NEPTUNE, COUNTY ln\v nnd acco rd in g to th e reaso n ab le o f th e w hose tra c t; th en ce fifth d ay o f Jan u ary ^ 1905,. th e fol . BEG IN N IN G a t a p o in t on th e (5) so u th 81 d egrees 54 m in u tes e a st OF MONMOUTH, THE ACQUISI life th ereo f, is th irty Y3 0 ) y e a rs. low ing, o rd in a n ce w as in tro d u ced and w esterly side o f a s tre e t 30 feet w id e alo n g said n o rth e rly lin e 183 feet to a TION OF LANDS IN SAID STREETS passed on first read in g . T he su p p lem en tal d ebt statem e n t b etw een S y lvanla A venue an d G a r pipe a t o r n e a r the c c n te r o f a brook:. ' A COST OF $120,000.00. A PPR O re q(c) AT u ired b y said . law has b een du ly field AVenue d is ta n t 200 feet s o u th S aid T o w nship C om m ittee w ill m eet PR IA TIN G TH E FUNDS THEREFOR so u th 55 d eg ree s 06 m in '.a t'. th e Tow nship H ead q u arters, 137 m ade and filed in th e office o f th e w ard ly fro m -a sto n e fo r a m o n u m en t u te s 30 seconds east. 132 feet to th e AND AUTHORIZING THE ISSU Tow nship. C lerk, an d a com plete e x e s e t in .the. so u th w esterly , co rn er of S o u th M ain S tree t, N eptune*.N ew J e r ANCE OF BONDS AND N O T E S /' b c8 in n in g com m only > sey, on th e n in e te e n th d ay o f J a n u a ry r cu ted oriE ln af th e reo f h as b ee n filed said s tre e t , an d said S ylvanla A venue; £ n i!,r,° r pl acS P?ace ° n desiB nated as 101 D onald 1865, a t 8:00 P.M., to co n sid e r th e said BE IT .ORDAINED BY TH E TOW N In th e office o f th e Com m issioner , o f th en ce e x te n d in g so u th w ard ly along o rd in an ce fo r final passage a n d adop SHIP COMM ITTEE OF ' TH E TOW N-' Local. G o vernm ent, an d such statem e n t th e w esterly lin e o f said s tre e t 25 feet B ein g p a r t o f lot f .N e p tu n e tion a n d to give a lt in terested persons SHIP OF NEPTUNE. IN TH E COUNTY show s th a t th e gross d e b t of. th e T ow n to a p o in t: th e n c e e x te n d in g w est- u a rd e n s . as show u o n# 6a3 suorv dated ship of N ep tu n e as defined in Section w ard ly fro m th is p o in t , an d th e p o in t Ju n o 1, 1956 b y V ictor J . Lo P iney a n o p p o rtu n ity to be h eard co n cern in g OF MONMOUTH. T h at th e above o r 40A to , Civil■ the.ordinance. .,■ . :2-43 o f said law I s . Increased b y first m en tioned o t rlg h tf angles w ith E n g in eer a n d S u rv ey o r. d in an ce be am en d ed , an d su p p lem en t One H u n d red an d F o rty -tw o . T housand th e said s tre e t b etw een p arallel lin es to as f o llo w s ;. A!1~ fiame P rem ises conveyed AN ORDINANCE^ PROVIDING FOR edSECTION iv e H u n d red ($142,500.00) D o llars an d th e E a sterly sid e o f M ain A venue, th e to th e said D avid M. G rove nnd M iriam 4 fa l ls h e re F TH E PURCHASE OF ONE AC b y -am endedI. toSECTION the Issuance o f th e obligations a u th o r n o rth e rly b o u n d a ry lin e th e re o f b ein g G„r.?vS h is w ife, b y W lllv G ru etzen ab ch read as follow s; T he ized COUNTING ADDRESSOGRAPU. ONE p urposes fo r w h ich by. th is o rd in a n ce is p e rm itte d b y 125 fe e t arid 6 in c h es an d th e s o u th a n d H clga G rU etzcnbach. h is w ife, b y said ap p ro p riatio n ADDRESSOGRAPII, ONE K E Y Is.m ad e a n d said obligations are to be a n ex cep tio n to th e d e b t lim itatio n p r e e rly lin e 29 fe e t a n d 1 in c h In. le n g th d ated O ctober 24, 1962. d eliv ered PUNCH AND TWO CABINETS AT issued is ' th e Im provem ent and con scribed b y said Local Bond Law con a n d b o th said lin es 'r u n n in g parallel deed u ltan eo u sly h erew ith an d to be r e A COST N O T TO EXCEED TW ENTY- s tru ctio n ^ of S p rin g d ale A venue an d tain ed In S u b d iv isio n (f) o f Section w ith said S ylvanla A venue h ounded sim co rd ed sim u ltan eo u sly h erew ith ; th is TWO THOUSAND ($22,000.00) DOL W est M all' D rive -from B angs A venue 40A :2-7 o f said law , on th e N o rth b y L o t 326 o n said m ap; p ein g a p u rch ase m oney n ortgage given LARS, TO BE USED BY TH E COL to S tate H ich w av Routi?: ^G6. ond f o r •(d) T he Im p ro v em en t as au th o rized o n th e -East b y said S tre e t; o n ' th e secu re a p o rtio n of th e co n sid eratio n LECTION, ASSESSMENT AND L I th e acq u isitio n o f such lan d s o r rig h ts- b y th is o rd in an ce is. to be used b y th e South, b y L ot 328 on said m ap and on to th e re fo r. ■ * ~ • •••.,.* •*.; CENSE DEPARTMENTS OF THE f-w ay as m ay b e re q u ired fo r th e R oad. S an itatio n an d o th e r d ep a rtm en ts th e W est b y said M ain A venue, T o g eth er w ith th e ran g e an d v e n t TOW NSHIP OF NEPTUNE, IN TH E oabove ses in . accordance, w ith of th e Tow nship of N ep tu n e, In th e .• BEIN G th e sam e prem ises conveyed fans. COUNTY OF MONMOUTII, A PPR O p lan s apnudrp ospecifications p o u n ty o f M onm outh, v to th e p a rty o f th e first p a r t b y deed rep are d b y A nd also, all m aterials, eq u ip m en t, PRIATING THE FUNDS ’.THERE C laude W. B trdsall. C.E., Toow En (e) T h e follow ing Item s, a s defined of T h eodore H. Egley, e t :als,. dated lu rn ish in g s o r o th e r p ro p e rty w h a tFORE, AND AUTHORIZING THE g ineer, d esig n ated “P la n o f nship proposed an d au th o rized b y S ection 40A:2-20 Of J u n e 19, 1950 a n d reco rd ed o n J u n e 20, so ev er in stalled o r to be in sta lle d an d ISSUANCE O F BONDS AND NOTES; co n stru ctio n o f S p rin g d ale A venue an d said law a re ch a rg e d ' as a p a r t of th e 1950 in th e M onm outh C o u n ty C lerk ’s used In nd ab o u t th e b u ild in g o r b u ild W est M all D rive. T o w nship o f N ep costs o f said p urpose to be financed by office in Book 2263 o f D eeds for said in g s now e rec ted o r h e re a fte r to be BE IT ORDAINED BY TH E TOWN C ounty. P ag e, 41 &e. ? ere c te d upon th e lan d s h erein d e n e , C o u n tv o f M onm outh, N ew J e r th e Issuance o f said obligations. . S H IP COMMITTEE O F THE TOWN tu TRA CT d a te d J a n u a r v 4. 1065 an d on file scrib ed w h ich a re n ecessary .; to t h e ' I. N o t ex ceed in g E ig h t Thousand SECOND SH IP OF NEPTUNE. IN THE COUNTY sey. B EG IN NIN G a t a p o in t in th e w est com p lete an d co m fo rtab le use an d oc in th e office o f-th e . T ow nship C lerk .” ($8,000.00) D ollars on acco u n t o f th e e rly OF MONMOUTH: lin e o f a s tre e t 30 feet w ide be cu p an cy of su ch bu ild in g o r build in g s SECTION 2. SECTION 5 (d) is h e r e co st o f th e Issuance o f said obligations, S ection 1. T h e p u rch ase o r Im prove •••' am en d ed to re n d as follow s: T he im legal ex p en ses, a rch itec tu ral an d e n tw een Sylvanla A venue and G arfield fo r th e puru p ses for .which th e v w ere' m en t d escribed in S ection 4 o f th is .o r pby ro v em en t as au th o rized b y this, o r d i g ineering: f e e s .: and o th er- o b ligations A venue, now k n ow n . as M a r in e .P lace, o r arp to b e erected . Including In p a r t din an ce : is h ereb y au th o rized to be nan th e re in d ista n t s o u th erly as m easu red a i r aw nings, screens, shades, fix tu res. ' ce Is n ecessary f o r the- o u rp d se of to finance sald jco st; : . . v .•:••; m ade as, a 'g en eral Im provem ent, and Im pro along th e sam e 150 feet fro m th e co r an d all h ea tin g , lig hting, v en tilatin g , g a n d co n stru ctlm r ro ad s - in for th e p u rp o se stated In .s a id S ec S p rin gvdin . ' S ectio n 6.—T h e f u ll-fa ith an d , cred it n e r fo rm ed , b y th e In tersectio n o f said refrig e ratin g , in c in eratin g and co oking ' ale A venue arid W est M all tio n 4 th e re is h e re b y ap p ro p ria te d th e riv e' a n d fo r th e acq u isitio n of la n d s of-; th e Tow nship of N ep tu n e, in th e line, of M arine P lac e w ith th e so u th erly eq u ip m en t an d ap p u rten an ce s th e re to sum o f T w en ty -tw o .'Thousand ($22,- D C o u n ty ’• of M o n m o u th . a re h ereb y lin e o f Sylvanla A venue; th e n ce r u n (th e M o rtg ag o r h e re b v d ec larin g th a t o r rlg h ts-o f-w ay . ln order- to c a rry o u t 000.00) D ollars. • P ledged to th e p u n ctu al p ay m en t of n in g : (H a t rig h t angles to th e ‘said It is In ten d ed th a t th e item s h erein Section. 2. To m eet th e said T w en ty - th ese p u rp o ses so as td yProvidef Nnde^. ep th e p rin c ip al an d In te rest o n said o b lin e o f M arin e P lace. N o rth 75* 6' W est en u m e ra te d shall be deem ed to h ave tw o T h o u san d ($22,000.00) D o llar ap otuuna ete;. ■ro ad s ,*in th e Tow nship o ■ /•V . ESTABLISHED 1909 ’ ligations. T h e said o bligations sh all be 118 fe e t a n d 5 te n th of a fo o l to th e p e rm a n e n tly Installed as p a r t o f p ro p ria tio n a n d fo r th e p u rp o se s tated ; SECTION 3. T h is, o rd in an ce .. :sh all direct, unlim ited o b lig rtio n s. o f th e e a ste rly lin e o f M ain S tre e t: th en ce (2) btheen e realty ). in .Section 4. n eg otiable b onds o f th e take, effect w hen passed a n d published T ow n sh ip of N eptune, In th e C ounty alo n g th e . said lin e o f M ain S tree t. T he ap p ro x im ate am o u n t o f th e T o w n sh ip ’ of N eptune, in th e C ounty acco rd in g to. law . .o f , M onm puth a n d th e .Tow nship, of S o u th 22* 56’ W est 25.25 feet; th e n ce Ju d g m en t to b e satisfied b.v said sale of M onm outh, are h e re b y au th o rized (S igned) JO S E P H WARDELL N ep tu n e, In th e County, of M onm outh (3) p arllel w ith th e first c o u r s e 'h e r e Is th e sum o f $16,000.00 to g e th er w ith to b e Issued in th e p rln cl Dal am o u n t of ,•-.. M ayor sh^U be ob lig ated to levy>.ad,’ v alorem of, S outh 75* 6' E ast 122 fe e t to th e th e costs n f th is s a le .' T w e n ty T h o u san d N in e H u n d red ($20,-; A tte s t: JO SEPH V.. BEN N ETT .. . fax es u o o n a ll th e ’ ta x a b le b ro p e rty a fo resaid lin e o f M arin e - P lace; th en ce _ • ■i . . RAj)IO DISPATCHED SERVICE JO S E P H - A; SHAFTO. S h eriff 900.00) D ollars, each to b e k n o w n as , w ith in th e m u n icip a lity fo r th e .p a y r jMfc along .th e said lin e o f M arine P lace. D ated Dec. ,'Clerk-T-: v;.;-,. v :• 21. 1964 "E q u ip m en t Bond o t 1965", p u rs u a n t to j —2. m'ent o f th e ob llcatlq n s ■and Imeresj: N o r t h 34*.E a st 25 feet tq th e po in t' C h^nqlls. L ynch & Maloney,* v v ' ^ • $12,80 th e Local Bond Law , c o n stitu tin g Sec .thpr^nn w ith o u t lim itatio n o f ra te o r an * rviooe »>f B eain n in i?.. ; A tty s. • .- v. tions 40A:2-1 ,tO 40A-J-63 Of th e R eam ount . J BEING the tan\Q p rem lsea co n v ey ed r-* -8 . .. \ $64.60 . GATHERINGS FROM THE GABLES Business Session At Redeemer Ch. library Council Holds Yule Tea ST . P A U L ’S NEED A PLUMBER? NO WAITING FAST SAME DAY SERVICE Heating FOR: # Plumbing Oil Burners # Automatic Electric Water Sewer rs Cleaning WE SELL—INSTALL—SERVICE & SON INC. 1420 9th AVE. NEPTUNE i : . * . : ii 1" ”5iw* £J A G E E I G H T OCEAN GROVE TIMES and NEPTUNE TIMES, TOWNSBir OF NEPTUNE, Ngyfc JEBSE¥~ ' LESTER PRIDAY, JANUARY 8, 1965 1Y- R. H U R L E Y great-grandchildre. ... - Superintendent of tbe ‘F ull Gospel as Co-hostess,. ' bids nnd in good condition, w ill b e r e closure of th e T ax T itle L ien C ertifi BRADLEY BEACH — ' L ester L. his p ay m en t, a n d .a n y n o n -b id -' cate thereof In an d to th o .follow ing, , Mrs. W arren Barth,.* P resident dfunded e c 'u p o n so rcturniiiR sttch set w ill be describ ed -lands an d prem ises: I;Iurlcy, a resident ot'*6G2 Bilrlirigt’on . T he Bodine* Fun era I Home. ’As Church fo r thirty-six years. All th a t ce rta in plot, piece, o r p a rSurvivors a re his widow, Airs. opened the m eeting and greeted the refu n d ed F ifteen ($15.00) Dollars. ; MRBi ANTHONY S. PA*LA i A r avenue, died W ednesday in Fitkin bury P ark was in charge of ser Bids m ust be m ade o'n tlie .stan d ard , cel o f g ro u n d - know n and d esig n ated vices. f n r m ' in In lthe. l . n ' - m a n n er - d esig nc* A lt ILot ..< >K*>n Olive P ark er B ennett; fo u r sons m em bers w ith ‘some*'.wonderful New proposal, form as BlocK 511, 1530, .up o n *1__ th e fo l N E PT U N E — Funeral- services Hospital, N eptune, a t G8 years of n ated th e re in a n d re q u ire d .by th e spe-. ing te rm s am i co n d itio n s: . Dory C. and M arvin, both of W est Y ear’s ••thou g h ts an d • also , read Va cifications an d m ust be en c lo sed -in k low to r M rs;’ Sonic PnJain, a life-long age. .H e .w as b o rn . in Ocean Grove, 1. T w en ty p e r c e n t (20%) of th e • A LEXAND ER 1*. MILLIGAN Belmar;. Melvin, Iselih; W arren, lovely poem. Following this . Airs. sealed .envelope, .bearing th e n'ame ;and p u rch ase m oney to be paid a t th e Ume : resident of N eptune and th e shore son of the late Andrew a n d !Lulu OCEAN GROVE—Alexander P. heref three daughtors, Aliss Evelyn Elizabeth B rubakeiy Teacher, said .iddrcss: of, th e b id d e r and the nam e th e p ro p e rty is stru c k off. If th e m oney o f . th e proposed w o rk on th e outside, ib n o t paid a t- th a t tim e, th e p ro p e rty area, w ere held lasil T hursday, De-; Hurley, and w as operator of an up Milligan, of 02 A bbott avenue, died B ennett, Alanasquari; Mrs. Minerva. a few words and lead tlie class in addressed to th e M ayor an d T o w n sh ip m ay be p u t u p and re-sold Im m ed iate ;.:.ccmber 31, T he wife of Anthony S.; holstering company* . om m ittee of th e Tow nship o f N ep tu n e ly. The b alance to be p aid w ith in Saturday, December 20th in Fitkin Hetzel, W est Belm ar; Airs. Lois prayer. Airs; B arth th en conducted C and. m u st be accom panied b y a cer CO days upon d eliv ery o f a b a rg a in . Palain, she resided a t 1335 T enth M r. H urley was a m em ber Of the; H ospital, Neptune. H e was 53 D ougherty, Iselin, and 14. grand a brief business m eeting and ended tified check In th e sunt of ndt less..than and sale deed, w ith o u t covenants., •' : avenue and died'Sunday, December F irst. Methodist Church, Asbury 10 p e r cent of -the am ount of th e-'b id 2. £ a id la n d s an d p rem ises are to b e years of ag e and had lived in Ocean children. with a few w ords for New Years, a n d m u st be deliv ered , a t th e place sold su b jcc t to all m u n icip al, state, a n d . 27th in F itk in Hospital at the age Park. and on the. h o u r ab o v e nam ed. fed eral o rdinances, s ta tu te s and re g u Grove most of his life. He w as em The- M ayor and Tow nship' Com m it-; lations affecting th e u se of th e said F uneral services will be held .at rem em bering those who have re • He is survived by his widow, M rs. of 72.. V tee of th e -T o w n sh ip - o f N ep tu n e r e d s and prem ises, arid su b je c t to th e T h e funeral services Were from Helen* M. F o ster H urley; a dauglu ployed as salesm an fo r Softeld Sup 2 p.m. S aturday (tom orrow ), a t cently been bereaved of loved ones. serve th e rig h t to reject a n y .o r.a ll bids lan covenants, co n ditions an d restrictio n s ply Co., Spring Lake. He w as the the Full Gospel Church, Nepune, Mrs. Donald E. Stocum, wife of if deem ed to th e best In te rest o f th e co n tain ed in p rio r deeds affectin g said th e Frnncioni, T aylor and Lopez ter, Mrs. Nancy. P earsall, Bradley nship so to do. ■ .. ■'•••••'. ■ . prem ises. son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Wil with Rev. Irving Aleier- officiating. the new; A ssistan t, Pastor, gave a T.. ow By o rd er of th e M ayor:-and T o w n ' F u n eral Horne, hero,, w ith 1High Re Beach, and tw o.grandchildren, 3. The p u rc h a s e r shall b e re q u ire d , C om m ittee of th e Tow nship of a t th e tim e of closing, to p a y a s a n quiem. Mass from p u r Lady, of F uneral services w ere held S at liam B. M u llig a n of Ocean Grove, In term en t will follow in H am ilton 'beautiful-lalk to. the^class,-mention ship N eptune. M onm outh C ounty, N ew J e r add itio n al p u rch ase p ric e, a su m eq u a l to th e am o u n t of ta x based on -the / M ount C a rtn el. .Church, Asburv urday January. 2 a t th e Francioni, and attended St. P au l’s Church. Cem etery. Friends m ay call a t the ing. th a t it w as th e "E v e . of E pi-i sey. JO SEPH WARDELT la st assessed v alu atio n from th e first Surviving . are; his widow, Airs. Francioni, T aylor and Lopez F u phany,° which most of . us had not P ark . O'Brien-M njor V.FAV. Aux T aylor and. Lopez F uneral >Home,'.\ of th e m o n th n e x t a fte r, th e d a te o f E . ' BENNETT sale un til th e end of th e c u rre n t y e a r iliary service:*, were, held the pre Kept line, w ith Rev. C harles Savre Isabel A yres MiJIigan; a'd a u g h te r, neral Home, 1200 10th Ave. and realized. Mrs. B rubaker then, closed A tte st: JO SEPH C lerk an d also, all legal co n v ey an cin g fees; officiating.. Interm ent was ni Mon Mrs. M argaret R ann, of Egg: H ar A tkins Ave., Neptune, F riday, an y the m eeting.w ith a beautiful Poem D ate: N ovem ber 5. 19fi3 A ny b idder w ho fails to com plete h is vious hight. -2 ' • . $11.20 p u rch ase will fo rfe it to th e T o w n sh ip bor, N . J . ; a son, W illiam E, a t. for th e New Year. , She was a ch a rte r m em ber of the m outhM em orial P ark. time. a n y deposit paid. ... — -home; also a sister, Airs. R uth AI. Delicious refreshm ents in keeping 4. T h e sale of this p ro p e rty is su b b 'B rien -M ajo r Auxiliary, and also PUBLIC NOTICE je c t to confirm ation b y the Tow nship Trim m er and two brothers, Janies with C hristm as w ere served by M R S. E T H E L L. S A K S • a ch a rte r m em ber of the Ocean ANTONIO STORZIERO om m ittee w hich m ay re je c t a n y o r a ll PLEASE TAKE NOTICE . That ' the C bids. [ A. of Ocean' Grove and Andrew of Airs. Bean ^nd Airs. T aintor. .Mem? OCEAN GROVE - Mrs. E thel L. Grove, P arent -Teacher Association. N E PT U N E .— Antonio Storziero. P lan n in g B oard of the' Tow nship of D ATED: J a n u a ry 6. 1905 Neptune* N. J . w ill hold a public hear-W hen h e r five • children . w ere of Saks, died T hursday in F itkin Hos • Shark River Islands, Neptiine. JO SEPH E. BEN N ETT a resident a t 0 T rident Boulevard bers present were, Aliss H annah ing. p u p rsiian t to' the d irectio n o f the • T ow nship C lerk • 'young school age, she w as pital. She. resided a t 107 Asbury ! F uneral services were held in died W ednesday in Fitkin Hospital M ary. K ernakhan, Airs. S arah Tin- Tow nship, C o m m itte e 'o f :the Tow nship - 2 - 3 ‘ . . $19.52 of Neptune,., in ; th e .C ourtroom , o f th e the P.T.A., and directed m any fund- avenue, and w as th e daughter of • th e Ocean Grove Memorial Home ■ at the age of 53. He was born in dle, Airs. Howard S. F ritts, Mrs. El N ep tu n e ' M unicipal B uilding, 137 S. — * ---raising dinners.;M rs. Paiaia w as a the late Mr. and . Mrs. George on Tuesday, Dec. 2 0 th . w ith Dr. Italy and form erly . resided in lis P ierce,M rs. Mabel F. Jows, Mrs. A lain St., Tow nship of N ep tu n e, New N O T I C E , on th e tw en ty -eig h th d ay of W arren B arth, Airs. R ichard Steere, JJaersey post p re sid e n t. and ch a rte r m em Franklin. She was born* in . Red A lbert S, Layton, ofifieiatinjr. In 1 Poughkeepsie, New York, n u a ry 10G5. at 8:00 o'clock P;M . fo r the purpose, of, h ea rin g p ersons In te r NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE OF LAND ber, of th e Italian Progressive Club Bank and had lived in the shore term en t w as in H am ilton Ceme-I j Air. Storziero was a communi- Airs. Roy Balii’ing, Airs; Carolyn ested, in. o r w ho w ould be alTected byi AND PREM ISES IN TH E TO W N SHIP Harley, Mrs, Anna Kichline, Airs. a d eterm lory, N eptune. • Ladies Auxiliary, and a communi area all her life. in atio n th a t the a r e a described OF NEPTUNE, IN TH E COUNTY O F ' cant of Our Lady of Alount Carmel MONMOUTH. Charles Davis, Airs' Elizabeth B ru below is a blig h ted area as defined In cant of O ur Lady of Mount Carmel She was' a m em ber of th e 'F ir s t Church, A sbury Park. C iiapter 187 of th e N ew Jersey Law s NOTICE is h e re b y given th a t o n M RS. V IO L A E N G L IS H baker, Airs. A rchie T aintor, Mrs. o f -13-19. as am ended. (N. J. S. A. Sees. Roman..Catholic Church, Asbury Baptist Church, Asbury P ark. Survivors .are his widow,. Airs et seq.) and w ho fav o r ■o r Tuesday, th e n in e teen th d ay o f J a n u Alice Bean, Mrs* Joseph R ainear 40:55-2i;i NEPTUNE — Mrs.'Viola- English Surviving is a daughter, . Miss 'p a rk . 1 w ho a rc ag ain st such a d eterm in atio n a ry , 1965, a t 2 P.M., a t th e N ep tu n e Alaria Storziero; four daughters, an d fo r th e fu rth e r p u rp o se of consid Tow nship H ead q u arters, 137 S o u th Survivors a re .four sons; Ralph F, E nid-Saks, here., . . died Monday, in F itkin Hospital at Mrs. Josephine Alaggio; h e r e ;M r s . arid Mrs. R. B. Trim m er.” : erin g a proposal o f th e H ousing A u M ain S treet, N ep tu n e, New J e rs e y , th e th o rity of th e Tow nship o f N ep tu n e to Tow nship of N eptune, In th e C o u n ty The Bodine F u n eral. Home, As. th e age of 53. She resided a t 350 A ntoinette LePore, Alontgomery Paiaia, Drexel-HiU. Pa., headm aster u n d ertak e in said area p u rs u a n t to of M onm outh, will offer at pu b lic sale, M yrtle avenue, and was born in of th e William . Penn C h arter P ri bury P ark w ere in charge of funer C h ap ter 300 of th e N ew J e rs e y Law s to th e h ig h est b id d e r at a m in im u m , N. Y.; and the Alisses Anna and of 1D4D. and C h ap ter 211 o f • th e New sale price of T h re e H u n d red D ollars, vate: School, Germ antown, Pa.; al services, followed by interm ent Sum ter, N. J. Linda’,,b o th a t home; three grand J e rs e y 1 Law s oi 1056 as am ended and ($300.00). all th e rig h t, title an d in te r SurviyorS a re four spns,. John ; Gerald G; Paiaia, Neptune,.*princi- in Hamilton Cem etery, Neptune. • su p plem ented. (N. J. S, A. S ections est of th e said Tow nship o f N e p tu n e children; his m other, two brothers 55.1-1A-31 et seq.) a red ev elo p m en t and acq u ired a t a ta x sale and th e fo re Jam es, Neptune, Samuel Jam es,_ • pal of th e Gregory School, Long' u rb an renew al p ro je c t w ith F ed eral closure of th e T ax T itle L ien C ertifi and three sisters, in Italy, and an New. York City, . Daniel English, P H I L I P F. R IE D fc financial assistance u n d er T itle I of tho cate th e reo f in an d to th e follo w in g . B ranch; Joseph A. Paiaia, Oak other brother in. South Am erica. • H ousing A ct o f 1949 (P ublic Law 171— d escribed lan d s and prem ises: hurst, Ocean Township, principal of; "AVON — Philip F. Ricde, 114 New-York City, and H arry English', All th a t ce rta in plot, piece, o r p a r 81st C o n g ress),-as am ended, involving The Francioni, Taylor and Lopez ASBURY PARK — The. Ja n - slum clearance, developm ent, an d re d e cel of g round know n an d d esig n ated t h e .W anam assa School; George S. Woodland avenue, died yesterday a t home; five daughters, Mrs.- Rosa F uneral Home, here, is in charge a s Block 504, Lot 1105, upon th e fo l velopm ent. an d in so doing to acq u ire Mae Miller, Asbury P ark, Airs. H ar uary m e e t i n g of the. Holy land in th e p ro je ct are a ; to dem olish low ing te rm s and conditions: . Palaia,_ in business heret and one a t his home. He was 66. of arrangem ents. (1) T w en ty p erce n t (20%) o f th e or rem ove buildings and im provem ents: Spirit School P.T.A. will be held in to daughter, Mrs.. Elizabeth • RosenHe was born in Je rsey City and riet Williams, W ashington, D. C., u rch ase m oney to be p aid a t th e ttm * install, co n stru ct, o r reco n stru c t . th e School Lyceum a t 3rd and Bond streets, utltities. and o th e r p ro ject Im le p ro p erty is stru ck off. If th e m oney ; stein,. W est Deal, Ocean Township, had lived in the Belleville - Bloom Mrs. Louise Stevenson, Asbury v em en ts; to m ake lan d av ailab le Is n o t paid a t th a t tim e, th e p ro p e rty Sts;.^^ oiv Tuesday,. Jan .. 12th;. Inter-; pro a teacher at the F ra n k Antonides field are a for thirty-one years prior P ark, and th e Misses Anna and B et for d evelopm ent an d redev elo p m en t b y m ay be p u t u p and re-so ld Im m ed i T he b alan ce to b e p aid w ith in . views w ith th e .Faculty will be held p riv a te e n te rp rise o r pu b lic agencies sately. School, W est Long Branch. She al to moving to the. shore. .He w as a ty English, at home. as au th o rized b y law, an d to d o a n y ix ty days u p o n d eliv ery of a B arg a in (C o n tin u ed Iro m P ag e 1) The Jam es F uneral Home in Sale D eed, w ith o u t covenants. so is survived by tw o brothers. p rin te r tor P e te r F . Malloh, a Long a ll o th e r th in g s in acco rd an ce w ith and her elbow-length veil, and she ca r in the classrooms beginning a t 7:00 and (2) Said lan d s and p rem ises a re to law as m ay b e n ecessary fo r th e u n S um ter was in Charge of arra n g e Salim K aram , Brooklyn; and .N a- Island firm . sold s u b je c t to all m u n icip al, state, . ried a cascade of w hite poinsettias P. AI., and the m eeting'w ill s ta rt a t d ertak in g and com pletion o f said p ro j be and fed eral o rd in an ces, s ta tu te s a n d ments. ect.• ; •. , 8:45 P. M. seeni, New York City; one sistqr, Mr. Ricde w as a m em ber of the reg u latio n s affecting th e use o f th e and variegated holly:; T h e b o u n d aries o f th e a re a to b e In lands and p rem ises, an d su b je c t Mrs. M arv Nongive. .H ialeah, Fla.,, Holy Name Society of St. P eters Plans will he announced for the v estig ated as \o blight an d in w hich said Aliss Janice Dumont w as her sis to th e covenants, conditions, and r e M R S. M IL T O N C. M E S S L E R , the proposed p ro je ct is to be u n d e r strictio n s co n tain ed in p rio r d eeds a f and fourteen grandchildren. Church and the .Knights of Colum forthcom ing card p arty to be .held t e r s maid of honor. She was a ttir ta k en a re as follow s: fectin g said prem ises. BRADLEY BEACH M rs. Cora bus, in Belleville, the P rin ters Un (3> The p u rc h a s e r sh all be re q u ire d , ed in a full-length gown of poin- at th e Stage Coach Inn in W ana-i v B eginning a t a point form ed b y th e estern side of A tkins A venue at th e tim e o f closing, to p a y a s a n COOK H O W LA N D ion Local ?119 in New York City.- ’ V. Alessjcr died Tuesday in Fitkin settia-red brocade, and h e r head mas'sa; on Feb. 4th. Airs. R obert \- w w h ere it in tersects w ith th e N ep ad d itional p u rch ase p rice, a su m e q u a l . ".NEPTUNE — Cook Ilowland, tu n e Tow nshJp-A sbury P a rk boun- , to th e am o u n t o f ta x based o n th e la st Surviving are his .widow, Mrs.. Hospital a t the age. of 73. She was band matched,; h e r gown; She ca r K ayser is chairm an of this affair.* dar.v; thence p roceeding along said assessed v alu atio n fro m the. first o f th e died. Friday, Ja n u a ry 1. |n F itkin Della Morley Riede; a son. Captain th e widow of Alilton C. M essier and ried .a cascade of pink poinsettias A financial report of th e recent Tow nship b o u n d ary .in an ea sterly m onth n ex t a fte r th e d a te of sale u n til d irectio n to a p o int w h e re the T o w n the end of th e c u rre n t y ea r a n d a lso Hospital a fte r a brief illness at the Philip. J. Riede, with tiie U. S. Air resided at 611 Brinley avenue. . Christm as B azaar will be given. and holly. ■ . ; ' sh ip b o u n d ary in tersects w ith tiie all legal conveyancing fees. A ny b id age of §7.-.Sir.. Howland was. a for Force a t N ew port News, Va.; a . M r s . M essier .was a . m em ber of east side of N ew J e rs e y S tate H igh d er w ho fails to com plete h is p u rch ase •Glen T ro u t of Ocean Grove ser. Airs. AIichacl K illeen, and Airs. w ay No. 71 (also k n ow n as M ain will fo rfe it to the T ow nship a n y d e m er. commissioner. in Belniar and daughter, M rs . M arilyn C arpenter, the F irstM eth o d ist Church, Asbury veil as best m an. Ushers w ere Rich, Jam es P redham w ere Co-chairmen S tre e t); th en ce p roceeding along po sit paid. (4) T he sale o f th is p ro p e rty -is s u b th e ea st side of New Jersey S tate resided a t 136 Oxcnia Wav.. N ep Om .ond Beach; F la .; and a sister, P ark. She had lived in th e shore a id Shepard of Red Bank and Ron- of the Bazaar. . ‘ H ighw ay No. 71 in a s o u th erly d i je ct to confirm ation b y th e T o w n sh ip tune. A retired carp en ter and con Mrs. Lucy F urey, Caldwell, and are a for 60 years. Following’ tn e business m eeting rectio n to a p o int w h e re i t 'i n t e r C om m ittee w h o m ay re je c t a n y o r a ll aid C rane of Ocean Grove. , ,. ' Survivors are two sons, Harvey sects w ith ih e -so u th ern side o f'N cw bids. tracto r, he w as born in Glendola, fo u r grandchildren. '. Airs. Brown w as graduated from the Rev. John Alackin of Holy Spirit Je rs e y S tate H ighw ay No. 33 (also DATED : J a n u a ry (5. 19P5 W all Township, th e son of Mr. and JO SEPH E. B EN N ETT Services w ere held a t the Daniel E., Neptune, and Richard C. Wall Ridgewood High School and atten d Church will speak on “Changes in know n as C orlies A venue) thence, Tow nship C lerk . proceeding alo n g th e so u th ern side Township; a daughter, M r s . How Mrs. John Howlrind. : . A. Reilly F u n eral Home,- Belmar. > $19.52 ed Fairleigh Dickinson University. the L iturgy Since the Council.’of New Jersey S tate H ighw ay Nb. - 2 - 3 ard L. Bradley, Forrestville, Conn., 33 In a w esterly directio n to a point, :, Employed 4is a youth by Jam es A. Refreshm ents will be served. , • She iS employed by American Mu w h ere it in tersects w ith th e w est and th ree grandchildren. Bradley, he: la te r was san itary in side of A tk in s A venue; th en ce p ro M R S. R O B E R T N. G A S S M A N tu al Insurance Co.; Hackensack. N O T I C E ceeding > lo n g th e w est side o f A t F uneral services a re being held spector in Belm ar and later bor: BRADLEY BEACH —M rs . S arah Pvt. Brown, a graduate of Nep. k in s A venue in a n o rth e rly directio n NOTICE OF PUBIC SALE O P LANDS , ough-m anager and Chief o£ Police I. Gassman, .of"610 N ew ark avenue, today (F riday) at 2 p. m.f a t the tune, attended T renton S tate Col to the. point of beglnhing. AND PREMISES IN TH E TO W N SHIP A p relim in ary inv estig atio n of the OF NEPTUNE. IN TIIE COUNTY O F there. “ . ■*■; • died Sunday in F itkin Hospital; Francioni, T aylor and Lopez, F u n lege. Following term ination of his said area as to blight h as been con MONMOUTH eral Home with the Rev. Charles: ducted by th e afqresaid P lan n in g Board He was an exem pt B elm ar F ire Neptune. She was 79. . m ilitary, duty, he plans to. retu rn to p u rsu an t to a reso lu tio n d u ly adopted NOTICE Is h ereb y given th a t o n S ayre officiating. In te rm e n t will m an and a m em ber of th e Belm ar by the Tow nship C om m ittee and a j n a p T uesday, th e n in e teen th d ay of J a n u She was th e widow of R obert N. Trenton States P rio r to entering of said a rea show ing the b o u n d aries o f ary . 1965, at 2 P.M.. a t th e N e p tu n e , Hook and L adder Company #1^ and Gassman. Airs. Gassman was born follow in M onmouth Memorial the Army, he served for a period th e area to be in v estig ated an d th e Tow nship H ead q u arters. 137 S o u th a ch arter m em ber fo th e Asbury in New York, but had lived a t the P a r k . ■ • . location of .th e various p arce ls o f M ain S treet, N eptune, New Jersey^ th e. as an Ocean Grove police officer. p ro p e rty inclu d ed th e rein (h aving a p Tow nship of N eptune, in th e C o u n ty P a rk Lodge, F, and A. M. . Shore most o f h er life. pended th ereto a statem e n t settin g of M onm outh, w ill offer at pu b lic sa le , — * --------fo rth th e basis of th e in v estig atio n ) h as to th e h ig h est b id d e r a t a m in im u m . Surviving are his widow, Mrs. CHRISTIAN BRAUN, JR . She was a mem ber of C ongrega been p rep ared and can be inspected a t sale price of T w en ty -o n e h u n d re d sev 'E sther A. Schenck- Howland; a tion Sons of Israel, Asbury Park,OCEAN GROVE — Christian th e Office of th e C lerk o f the Tow n enty-five D ollars. ($2,175.00 all th e ship of N eptune a t •the Tow nship Of rig h t, title and in te re st of th e said d au g h ter Mrs. Viola Sperry, Rosel and was a ch arter m em ber of the Braun, J r., of. 70 Stockton avenue, (C o ntinued fro m P ag e 1) Tow nship o f N eptune, N. J . P ro T ow nship of N ep tu n e ac q u ired a t ta x “ Now th a t school is o ut and fices. le; a son, Ralph/C . Howland, w ith Hadassah. She was a m em ber of the died on Tuesday in the New J e r yellow roses, was the m atron of posals of th e H ousing A u th o rity of sale anti th e fo reclo su re of th e Ta% the kids a re d ririn g all d a ; th e Tow nship of N eptune, N. J . w ith T itle Lien C ertificate th e reo f In a n d . honor. Jam es Houston Sharp, of th e U. S. Coast Guard, N.Y.C.; four E sther Auxiliary, the Golden Age sey Methodist Home fo r the Aged, resp ect to relocation of persons o r fam to th e follow ing d escribed la n d s a n ti long it’s up to th e pedestrians ilies Lufkin, Texas, was best. man. located In th e afo resaid a re a prem ises: grandchildren and five g reat grand Club, and The Mizrachi, all here. a t the age of 80. He had resided to keep a le rt.” w ill be available fo r ex am in atio n p rio r A ll th a t ce rtain plot, piece, o r p a r - : The bride attended N eptune High children. to th e h ea rin g a t th e aforesaid ofTice cel o f g round Known an d d esig n a ted SurVivors are two sons, L ester in the Home for the p ast fifteen School, while the groom is a g rad of the T ow nship C lerk an d w ill be open as Block 500, Lots 1017, 1018. and-1019, J F u n eral services w ere Monday a t and Abraham, here; a daughter, years. fo r discussion a t th e hearin g . b ein g a piece of v acan t ground ap p ro x i u ate of T ularosa High School. He th e Franconlo. . Taylor and Lopez Mrs. Lois Asch, Ocean Township; LEGAL NOTICE A t th e h earin g , w hich m ay be a d m ately 75 b y 100 feet on th e so u th Mr. B raun was a member of Hojo u rn e d from tim e to tim e, an y p e r side o f D urand Road, b etw een R iver . F u n eral Home, N eptune, w ith Rev. four brothers, Samuel Grossman, bah Lodge of Odd Fellows in Vine has been stationed a t F o rt Mon NOTICE TO BIDDERS son, p erso n s or org an izatio n Interested side D rive an d P ltte n g e r P lace, u p o n m outh and left W ednesday bf this in the inv estig atio n o r in th e p ro the follow ing term s an d conditions? -W arren L ayton officiating. In te r. Alanasquah; and Charles, Max and land. N OTICE IS HEREBV Riven th a t posed p ro ject: o r w ho w ould be a f (1) T w enty p erce n t, (20%), of t h e week for service in South Viet sealed ■m ent was a t H am ilto n ' Cem etery. Joseph, A sb u ry P ark ; two sisters, bids w ill be received by th e fected , by a d eterm in atio n th a t th e urch ase m oney to be p aid a t th e tim e Survivors are his widow, Mrs. Nam. M ayor an d Tow nship C om m ittee of th e area is a b lighted area o r th a t th e te p ro p e rty is stru c k off. I f th e m o n e y Masonic services w ere conducted Mrs. N athan Weinish, Asbury P ark, Sophia Braun, and a son, AndrewTow nship of N ep tu n e fo r-th e F u rn ish p ro je c t should be u n d e rta k e n ; w ill be is n o t paid a t th a t tim e, th e p ro p e rty Following a reception a t th e Oak ing of fill m aterial, fo r G rad in g th e afforded Sunday at' the Asbury P ark Lodge. and M rs. Aaron B arnett, Brooklyn, Braun, Vineland. an o p p o rtu n ity to p resen t-o ra l m ay be p u t u p and . re-so ld , im m ed i site of T ru n k Sew ers, u n d er an A c or w ritten o b jectio n s and to be h ea rd ately . The b alan ce to be p aid w ith in h u rst VFW Post, th e couple left.for celerated lic W orks P ro jec t an d w ith resp ect to th e m a tte rs.u n d e r con six ty days upon d eliv ery of a B a rg a in N. Y.; seven grandchildren and nine Funeral services a re being held a wedding trip by ca r through New opened andP u bread In public at T o w n sid eratio n . ‘ .. :v ; r . and Sale D eed, w ith o u t covenants. M O R R IS K A T Z today (F riday) a t the Atethodist York S tate. ship H ead q u arters. 137 S o u th M ain By d ire ctio n or th e Tow nship Com (2) Said la n d s an d p rem ises a r e t o S treet. N eptune, New J e rs e y , on J a n m ittee an d th e P lan n in g B oard o f th e be sold su b jec t to all m unicipal, s ta te , • NEPTUN E — M orris K a tz ,. 76 Home a t 11 a.m ., w ith Rev. C. W. u ary 10. 1965. a ‘ 8:00 P.M.. D aylight T ow nship o f N ep tu n e, N ew Jersey . and fed eral ord in an ces, sta tu te s a n o years of age died, Monday, Decem Savings o r S tan d a rd Ti-'ie w hichever JO SEPH E.-BEN N ETT reg u latio n s affectin g th e use o f th e PREMIUM RETREADS Crossley officiating-. . Francioni, prevails. T o w nship C lerk said lands and prem ises, an d s u b je c t Life T im e buAr&htee ber 28 a t F itk in H ospital, Mr, K atz Taylor and Lopez Funeral Home in B id d ers on th is w o rk w ill be r e 2-3 $37.44 to th e covenants, conditions, an d r e q uired to com ply w ith th e P resid en t’s strictio n s co n tain ed in p rio r d eeds a f ; was a retired upholsterer and had : -----charge of arrangem ents. Inter-: (C ontinued fro m P a te 1) E xecutive O rder No. 11114 and th e p ro fectin g said p rem ises. lived in B radley Beach and x\sbury Mrs. ■C arrie , Alosur and Mrs. visions of E x ecutive O rder No. .10925 (3) The p u rc h a se r shall be re q u ire d , N O I TC E m ent will follow in N orth wood included therein.- The req u irem en ts • a t th e tim e of closing, to p a y a s a n ' P ark : T here’ a re no known surviv Jam es G arrabrandt- w ere added* to as Cemetery, Philadelphia, Pa. for b id d ers and co n tracto rs u n d er th is NOTICE OF PUBLIC SALE OF LANDS j add itio n al p u rch ase p rice, a su m e o u a l ors. Services w ere at th e Bodine AND PREM ISES IN THE TOW NSHIP to th e am o u n t o t ta x b ased o n th e la s t o rd er, w hich co n cern s n o n d iscrim in a the Advisory Com m ittee of the tion in em p lo y m en t, a re ex p lain ed in OF NEPTUNE. IN THE COUNTY OF assessed v alu atio n from th e first o f th e F u n eral Home, Asbury Park.Community Adult School.. Mrs. Jean the specifications. m o n th n e x t a f te r th e d ate of sale u n til • . . MONMOUTH CLARENCE BEN N ETT th e en d of th e c u rre n t y ea r an d also P lans and specifications for th e p ro Thomas, Airs. C atherine/ Hennessy posed w ork p rep are d b y C laude W: NOTICE is h e re b y g iven th a t on all legal co n veyancing fees. A ny b id N E PT U N E — Clarence. Bennett, and Air. Keith Deluca w ere appro B irdsall, Engineer. South B elm ar. .New T uesday, th e n in eteen th d a y o f J a n u d er w ho fails to com plete his p u rc h a se HARVEY WADDINGTON 09, died a t his hom e,.4 Union ave ved as substitutes to serve in. the Jersey,' a re on file in said E n g in eer’s ary , 1965, at 2 P.M .,: at th e -N eptune will fo rfeit to th e T ow nship p n v d e *. N E P T U N E — H arvey W adding ofTice and m ay be inspected by p ro Tow nship H ead q u arters; 137 '‘ South po sit paid . ’ . _ WE SPECIALIZE IN INSPECTION (4) T h e sale o f this p ro p e rty ts su b nue, W ednesday. Air. Bennett was W inter Recreation P ro g ra m .. spective bidders d u rin g business hours. M ain S tree t, N eptune, N ew Je rse y , th e ton 72,vdied Friday, Ja n u a ry 2, in STATION FRONT END AND je c t to co nfirm ation by. th e T o w n sh ip The stan d a rd proposal form is attach e d T ow nship of N ep tu n e, in th e. C ounty born here; the son of the. late E lls BRAKE CORRECTION Also baseball equipm ent w as a u to the specifications, copies of w hich of . M onm outh, w ill offer a t public sale, C om m ittee w ho m ay re je c t a n y o r all th e W illiam sport, Md.,. sanitorium , W heel B alancing And P ront w ill be fu rn ish el upon ap p lication to to th e highest b id d e r a t a m inim um bids. w orth and Irene Bennett. thorized to be purchased from Le th H e’ was 72 years of age and lived End A lignm ent. G u aran te ed e E n g in eer an d p ay m en t o f T h irty sale price o f T h re e H u n d red D ollars, DATED: J a n u a ry 6. 1965 JO SEPH E. BEN N ETT . B rak e W ork.. He was employed as a mason by vins, Inc., P erth Amboy. In te r Scho ($30.00) Dollars fo r each set. A ny u n ($300.00). all th e rig h t, title and in te r Here fo r 25 years, a retired radio Tow nship C lerk successful upon re tu rn in g such est of th e said Tow nship of N ep tu n e EASY CREDIT TERMS B ritton Construction Co., here, and lastic basketball program for 7th set w ith in bidder, m echanic a t F o rt Monmouth. $21.12 seven (7) d ay s of rc c c ip t of a c q u ired at a ta x . sale and th e fo re- •—2-3 • • CUSTOM TIRE CO. w as a mem ber of the Bricklayers and 8th grades approved and th e He was a m em ber of the S hark 1200 MAIN BT., BRADLEY BEACH and P lasterers Union. He was Spring girls Inter M ural program River Hills F ire Co., Seventh Day at Interm ediate School approved. . Adventist Church, New Jersey F ire Police of Monmouth County, and was a veteran of W orld W ar #1. Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Jan e Core W addington; four sons, USE NO EXTRA .David, M ount H olly; John, Dayton, OUR CHARGE. Ohio; M ark and Daniel,; both at POPULAR PAY home; two d au g h ters,. Mrs. S arah OCEAN GROVE — The Christ WATCH REGULAR Jane,Stone, Tacom a P ark , Md., and -mas P arty and reg u lar m eeting of • Miss M artha E. W addington, Wil DOG RATE FOR Bring th is ad to the th e Louise Fox P hilathea Class was liamsport,. Md.; a sister, Mrs. T hel SERVICE YOUR OIL held a t th e home of Mrs. ...Alice V.F.W. Post #9755 Bldg. m a Donnelly, Toms River, and three Bean, L ake Avenue, on Tuesday grandchildren. T he Higgins Mem- , 203 Sylvania Ave., Neptune Evening, w ith Airs. Archie T aintor o rfal Home, Freehold was in charge : Saturday, Jan 9th or Jan. 16th or Jan. 23rd p i services; Obituaries Holy Spirit PTA Meeting Jan. 12 B Duiiiont-Bro wn Aponte-Cornelius <e/t B School Board Yule Party At Philathea Class STEVEN A. PHILIPS . .NEPTUNE — Steven A. Phillips died a t .birth a t Fitkin Hospital ■jipnttoy, He was the son of Harold nnd B arbara Emm ons Phillips, of 1G07 .Monroe avenue. G randparents are Mr. and Mrs. . Nelson Emmons, Neptune, and Mrs, A rth u r Bonkowski, Lake Charles, F la. Y The Francioni, TayJor and Lopez F u n eral Home, N eptune, w ere In charge of arrangem ents. H E A T I N G O IL CALL 775-1600 FOR PROiMPT RADIO DISPATCHED SERVICE WELLER’S 20 PROSPECT NEPTUNE ESTABLISHED IN 1916 TIRES Our New Year’s Gift to: All Who Love To DANCE and receive a FREE ___ ONE HOUR CLASS LESSON in BALLET TECHNIQUE Time of Class - 11:30 -12:30 A.M. • This offers expires Jan, 23, 19G5. Only one free Ballet Lesson Per Person. U.S. ROYAL — ARMSTRONG RECAPPING • Those wishing to take the lesson m ust wear ballet slippers, or socks and (for boys) tru n k s or short shorts — (for girls) bath in g suits, short shorts or sk irts—or leotard3. ALAN THIELE TIRE CO. 4This p articu lar class has no connection with a n y other of our classes^ and it is not p a rt of any course. Any of our own pupils w anting an e x tra "w orkout”, m ay use th is ad-cbupob and take the free lesson. Hwy. 85 f t Heck A t *. N E P T tJN B P R 4-76M PEGGY STOKES — Dance-Theatre Educator (See .next week’s p ap er fo r d ifferen t coupon!) ;
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