Risen Savior Lutheran Church 1881 West Division Street Manteno, Illinois 60950 815.468.2011 Pastor Kevin Werner 815.468.7224 www.risensaviormanteno.org [email protected] February 1, 2015 Risen Savior Evangelical Lutheran Church: people created by God the Father, claimed by Jesus Christ the Son of God, and commissioned by the Holy Spirit of God through Word and Sacraments. We glorify the Name of Jesus by reaching out with the Gospel and acts of Christian love to the people of Manteno, Peotone, the surrounding communities, and the whole world. Worship Assistants Next Week Today Announcements Each week we will be highlighting and praying for a family or an individual from our congregation. Please pray for them throughout the week that God would meet all of their needs. This week we will pray for Elizabeth, Jake, Addison, Caleb, and DeLanie Monroe. The sermon is based on Deuteronomy 18:15-20. No one likes going alone. God has promised to send a prophet to go with us forever. His name is Jesus. The season of Lent begins on Ash Wednesday. Ash Wednesday is February 18. Each Wednesday throughout Lent we will have a congregational supper at 6:00 PM and a Lenten service at 7:00 PM. A schedule for the meals is provided in the newsletter. During communion, a cup of grape juice is provided in the center of the tray for those who are intolerant of alcohol. Hearing devices are now available for those who have difficulty hearing the service. If you would like to use one, please speak with Pastor Werner. Adult Bible Class resumes this morning. We are currently studying the book of Genesis. Please consider joining us for this important hour. Elder: Mitch Mitchell Don Bertram The Banner Committee will meet on Wednesday at 1:00 PM. Usher: Franz Gavenia Gil LaRoche Confirmation meets on Wednesday at 7:00 PM. Greeter(s): Les/Jan Schultz Laura Mittler The Busy Sew & Sews will meet on Thursday at 9:00 AM. Acolyte: Davey Wurster Gabe Schmidt Communion: Lori Hatalla Marti Mitchell There is a sign-up sheet in the narthex for anyone willing to provide treats for our fellowship time immediately after church. Our Prayers Our Shut-Ins: Corinne Albert, Donna Engel, Phyllis Podgorski, and Nancy Ware For God’s Healing: Javier Atristain, Lillian Beran (Friend of Ellen Smith), Chuck Barber (Friend of Debbie Christensen), Judy Erdman (Mother of Lori Hatalla), Beverly Fullerton, Phyllis Hamm (Friend of Jan Schultz), Tracy Harris (Friend of Debbie Christensen), Susan Hill (Cousin of Sheryl Werner), Donna Hunter (Friend of the Morans), Diana Ithal (Cousin of Betty Bittinger), Nancy Kadow (Friend of Debbie Christensen), Muriel LaRoche, Sheryl Lewkoski ( Friend of Gil and Muriel LaRoche), Courtney Majerski, Jemma Majerski, Jackie Mathis (sister-in-law of Laura Rauch), Greg Marzec (Cousin of Isabelle Gabrielson), Jessie Nemes (Sister of Dolores Gertler), Lynn Olejnik (Friend of Mary Voss), Lori Palka (Daughter of Dolores Gertler), Beverly Patrick, Georgette Pauling, Virginia Payne (Mother of Judy Bischopink), Christie Rizzuto (Friend of Maggie Ward), Jordan Russert, Phil Schafer, Kathy Simon (Daughter of Maggie Ward), Lori Sizemore (Granddaughter of Maggie Ward), Kevin Spillers (Nephew of Ida Eiskamp), Michael Stavola (Father of Debbie Christensen), Linda Ward (Friend of Joanne Floyd), Maggie Ward, and June Voss (Mother in Law of Mary Voss). For Our Military Personnel: Dan Ford (Friend of Marge Polk), Alex Gerst, Aaron Leonard (son of Kecia Leonard), Ross McClellan (Nephew of Dawn Russert), and Edward Mercer (Husband of Kelly Mercer) This Week at Risen Savior 10 a.m. Fellowship 10:15 a.m. Adult Bible Study We have produced a new Picture Directory for the church. There is no charge if you want a black and white copy. There are some copies available in the narthex. There is a $10 charge if you want a color copy. Please let Pastor Werner know if you want a color copy. You can also download the directory unto your computer or mobile device free of charge. If you have any questions, please let Pastor Werner know. Debbie will receive MANNA orders today. Also, remember that there are many on hand and could be purchased immediately. Don’t forget that you can use them for your everyday shopping instead of cash. The Divine Service The Opening Hymn LSB 412 The Confession LSB 203 The Absolution LSB 203 The Introit (See Insert) The Kyrie LSB 204 The Gloria LSB 204 The Old Testament Lesson Deuteronomy 18:15-20 The Epistle 1 Corinthians 8:1-13 The Holy Gospel Mark 1:21-28 The Hymn LSB 802 The Sermon The Nicene Creed LSB 206 The Prayers The Gathering of the Offerings The Sanctus LSB 208 The Our Father The Agnus Dei LSB 210 The Hymn LSB 744 The Nunc Dimittis LSB 211 Offerings 1/25/2015 Free Will: $39.00 Envelopes: $1214.98 Building Fund: $300.00 Build a Buck: $14.00 Capital Campaign: $60.00 Insurance: $150.00 Sunday School: $35.00 TOTAL: $1812.98 The Closing Hymn LSB 655 Welcome Guests We especially wish to welcome you if you are our guest today. Your presence enriches our worship and fellowship. If you are visiting for the first time, please sign our Guest Register which is located in our narthex. Welcome Book Please fill out the attendance sheet in the Welcome Book that is located at the end of each pew. You can hand the completed sheet to the usher as you are led to Holy Communion. If you are visiting for the first time, please include your address and phone number so that we can thank you for worshiping with us. Restrooms Restrooms are located in the basement. They are the first and second doors on your left. The Nursery The nursery is located in the basement. It is the third door on your left. It is currently being staffed by our confirmation students. Worship Bags We encourage families to worship together. To assist your pre-school or young elementary-age children with participation in worship, worship bags are available. They include small toys, paper, crayons, etc. to help young children throughout the service. Regarding the Lord’s Supper In the Lord’s Supper Jesus Christ gives us His true body and blood for the forgiveness of all our sins. Matthew 26:26,28 Take and eat; this is my body... This is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins. All who have examined themselves and who believe what God’s Word and the Lutheran Confessions teach concerning this holy sacrament are invited to commune with us. 1 Corinthians 11:28-29 But let a person examine himself and then eat of the bread and drink from the cup. For anyone who eats and drinks without recognizing the Lord’s body brings a judgment on himself. If you would like to know more about the Lord’s Supper, Pastor Werner would be glad to speak with you. If you are not a confirmed Lutheran, you are welcome to come forward for a blessing; simply keep your hands folded when you come to the table. Those members and visitors who will commune are encouraged to read the blue preparatory brochure in the pocket in the front of the hymnal and to read and sign the friendship booklet.
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