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June 3, 2014
Dear HPSD Dancers and Parents,
Thank you for your patience as we sorted out our TNG and TNGT Company audition
results! It was such a pleasure seeing so many dedicated and talented dancers in one
room. On behalf of the entire Artistic Team we are thrilled to work with all of you next
season should you decide to accept your position. We have divided the company into three
 TNG (Tyego Next Generation)
 TNGT (Tyego Next Generation Trainees)
 The TJ’s (Tyego Next Generation Junior Program) - The TJ’s will have extra
performance opportunities and a separate Company Class lead by an Artistic
Team member. We are still formulating the schedule and requirements for the
new TJ program. Information will be forthcoming as we present the Fall Session I
schedule at the end of June.
What should you do next?
Dancers selected to join the TNG and TNGT companies should communicate their
acceptance by signing and returning the TNG/TNGT Contract and Corps de Conduct
documents to the HPSD office no later than August 2, 2014. Contracts and documents are
available on the Youth Company page of, and may be returned in
person, via email ([email protected]) , via fax (773-493-8508), or via mail (HPSD,
5650 S Woodlawn Ave, Chicago IL 60637).
Dancers selected to join the TJ company will receive additional communication about
the schedule, requirements, and pricing of the new TJ program at the end of June. Upon
receiving this additional information, we will ask you to indicate your acceptance by
signing and returning a contract specific to this program to the HPSD office by August 2,
All dancers who join HPSD’s youth companies must schedule a parent/student
conference prior to the start of the session on September 5. August Tye would like to start
some of the parent/student conferences during the summer. Look for an email in the
upcoming weeks if you would like to sign-up for a summer conference.
Enjoy your summer, and keep dancing and stretching! We look forward to a great 20142015 season.
August Tye, Artistic Director, and the Hyde Park School of Dance Artistic Team
2014/2015 Youth Company Members
Joanna Cohen
Catherine Eng
Jordan Gasby
Zoe Henry
Polly Hochman
Olivia Issa
Eriko Koide
Monica Maxey
Taylor Morgan
Meagan Myrie
Lily Olson
Georgia Pauley
Karen Reppy
Liv Rivich
Leah Schoonmaker
Katia Villevald
Adjemaa Ali-Landing
Kira Banks
Henry Meltzer Cassel
Madison Christmas
Olivia Gotsch
Jania Harris
Drew Henry
Brandi Lee
Brianna Lee
Samantha Markham
Emily Onel
Joi Price
Julia Rademacher Wedd
Gabrielle Roitman
Gia Sanders
TNG Junior Company (TJ’s)
Ifetayo Ali-Landing
Maiya Austen
Amanda Meltzer Cassel
Sarah Dassinger
Naomi Hochman
Hailey Johnson
Sam Libenson
Laila May
Margalit Roitman
Zoe Weiner
Arielle Wood