(No Model.) ' G. G. LAMONT. SKATE. No. 324,564‘. 62 0 1’ ‘ WITNESSES! M Patented Aug. 18;;p1885n ’ __@'KZ’..B..W' J R571?” 1'1 1ft ‘3 ' A; , RIF/911F031‘ tgéW ATTORNEYS. N PETERS, Piwlo-Lmwgnpher. Wuhmgtou D. C. UNITE STATES ATET FFlQhl. CHARLES GRANT LAMONT, OF ASTORIA, OREGON. SKATE. QBPECIFIGATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 324,564, dated August 18, 1885. Application ?led September 11, 1884. (No model.) To all whom, it may concern: F, pass through the said slots K. The strip J Be it known that I, CHARLES GRANT LA MONT, of Astoria, in the county of Olatsop and‘ State of Oregon, have invented certain new and useful Improvements in Skates, of which the following is a full, clear, and exact descrip is provided on its under side with longitudi tion. - nal grooves L, into which upwardly-project _ ing prongs M, formed on the runner A, pass. On the front upwardly-projecting part, N, of 55 the runner A a stud, O, is formed, which is beveled upward and toward the rear. On the The object of my invention is to provide under side of the front part of the strip J certain new and useful improvements in the 10 teeth P are formed, which are inclined down ward and toward the front,' and on the front fastening devices in skates. Reference is to be had to the accompanying end of the said strip J a downwardly-project drawings, forming part of this speci?cation, in ing handle-lug, Q, is formed. The heel-plate which similar letters of reference indicate cor O is provided with a front prong, d1. responding parts in all the ?gures. ' The skate is adjusted in the following man Figure 1 is a longitudinal elevation of my ner: The clamp-plates E are ?rst adjusted to improved skate, showing it provided with a the width of the foot and heel, and then the runner. Fig. 2 is a plan view of the same, front end of the strip J is raised and pulled with a part in section. Fig. 3 is a longitudi toward the front end of the skate, whereby nal sectional elevation of the roller-frame. the screws H in the slots K will be pressed 20 Fig. 4 is a plan view of the same. Fig. 5 is from each other and the clamping-plates E an enlarged cross-sectional elevation of the moved outward, thus permitting the foot to be placed on the skate. The strip J is then skate on the line to as, Fig. 1. A runner, A, of the usual construction, is pushed toward the rear end of the skate, held by screws a and nuts b on the circular whereby the clamping-plates E are moved to front plate, B, and the heel-plate 0, both plates ward each other, and their serrated ends E’ are being ‘provided with transverse grooves D for pressed against the edges of the sole and heel, receiving clamping-jaws E, having their ends thus holding the skate in place. If the skate E’ bent up, and provided on their inner sides becomes loosened it is only necessary to push . with downwardly or laterally projecting teeth. the strip J toward the rear. The teeth P, en~ 30 The clamps E are forked or slotted longitudi gaging with the stud O, automatically lock the 80 nally, and have their inner ends held between strip J and the clamping-plates E in place. the plates F in the grooves D, the said plates To remove the skate it is only necessary to being held together at their outer ends by raise the front end of the strip J and pull it screws G passed through slots in the clamp toward the front. In place of the single runner A, (shown in 35 plates E, and at the inner ends by screws H. If the screws G are loosened the clamp-plates E can be adjusted to project a greater or less Figs. 1. and 2,) the double runner S (shown in Figs. 3 and 4!) can be used, which consists of screws G. tween the said runners rollers T are arranged, which project a short distance below the bot tom edges of the runners, and are mounted to distance from the outer ends of the plates F, two parallel runners, united by cross-pieces and can be locked in place by drawing up the at the front and below the platesB and O. Be The clamp~plates can thus be ad j usted for any size foot. A ?at strip,,J, ex tending the entire length of the skate, passes under the raised parts of the plates 13 and O, and over the grooves D, and is provided at 45 the plate B and at the plate 0 with slots K, revolve on spindles I, held in the runners S; or the rollers can be rigidly mounted on the spindles and the said spindles journaled in arranged equidistant from the longitudinal the runners. The rims of the rollers are to the rear end of the skate. tral line than at the sides, so as to permit of central line of the said strip, and inclined made convex——that is, the diameter of the said outward and from each other from the front rollers is greater along the longitudinal cen The screws H, 50 passing through the inner ends of the plates running with the skate at a slight inclination U I00 324,564 10 to the surface on which it runs. A greater or grooves in which the guide-lugs M pass, sub less number of rollers may be provided, as stantially as herein shown and described. may be desired. 2. In a skate, the combination, with the If desired, the front prong or jaw, d, for runner A and the plates B G, of the clamping clamping the skate on the heel may be con plates E, the longitudinally-sliding strip J for nected with the sliding strip J, so that when actuating the clamping-plates, and provided 25 ‘the said strip is pushed toward the rear of the on its under side withteeth P, and the up skate the said prong or jaw (Z will be pressed wardly-projecting stud or pin 0 on the front against the front of the heel. part of the top of the runner, substantially as Having thus described my invention, what I claim as new, and desire to secure by Letters Patent, is-— " herein shown and described. _ 3. In a skate, the combination of the toe and heel plates, having pendent screws, and 30 1. In a skate, the combination, with the the nuts ?tted upon said screws and securing ' plates 13 0, having transverse grooves, of a the runner to said plates, substantially as and runner held on the said plates and provided for the purpose set forth. with upwardly-projecting guide-lugs M, the clamping bars or plates E, on the plates 13 O, and the longitudinally-sliding strip J, for act uating the clamping-plates, which strip J is 20 CHARLES GRANT LAMONT. Witnesses: O. O. WALKER, provided on its underside with longitudinal- ‘ A. IVI. PETERMAN.
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