July 22, 1924. I -. ' 1,502,502 A. W. HAWES METHOD OF MAKING TABLE CUTLER‘! Filed March 26. 1921 /c ‘ c’ ) 5' I . V 5 Elwuewtoz A4157??? W jyawes, - Patented July 22, 1924. l,5@2,52 ' stares arfnr AUSTIN 31V. HAWES, 0F GREENFIELD, "MASSACHUSETTS, ASSIGNQE TO JOIEN'RAUSSEI‘JL CUTLERY COMPANY, OF TURNERS FALLS, :Il/LASSACHUSETTS, A CORPORATION OF MASSACHUSETTS. .METHOD OF MAKING TABLE ,OUT‘LERY. Application ?IediMarch‘IZS, 1921. ‘Seria1’N0. 455,865. To all whom it may concern: over it enables aproduct to be obtained Be it known that I, AUSTIN VVQHAWEs, which '18 "superlor in other respects to table a citizen of the United States, 'residing'at ‘cutlery ‘heretofore obtainable. Green?eld, in, the county of “Franklin and 5 In‘ the'accompanying drawing, Which will State of Massachusetts, ‘have invented new serve'as an'aid in ‘outlining the steps or 0p “and useful Improvements in Methods of eratlons comprising the improved method, ‘Making Table Cutlery, of ‘which thefollow~ "Figure "1 IS a‘face view of a fork blank ing is a speci?cation. 10 I after the cutting thereof'has been complet~ vThe present invention vpertains to the 'ed-and iprlor to'the ?nal shaping or bending manufacture of table cutlery, and more par thereof, to form the‘ ?nished article; ticularly table forks, and‘ its objectisto pro vide a novel and improved method of mak 60 "Figure? is a ‘face ‘view of one of the blanksa‘fter it has been punched or other ing such cutlery whereby a superior article w1se__cut from'a strip ‘of ‘cold-rolled sto'ck'o'f is obtained withfacility ‘and at a ~reduced 15 cost. special ' cross-‘section; ‘ 65 F1gure‘3 is'a diagrammatic viewshowing nAccording to the present invention, the how the blanks are cut from the strip of stock; Figure representsa‘transverse section physical characteristics ‘required to secure finished ‘fork or similar'artic‘le has all of the the necessary strength, particularly ‘at the through the s‘trip‘of stock 'on the line 4——4 70 attractive appearance, without ‘requiring ‘a lshed' table ‘fork made by the improved plated or other special'?nish, the‘improved ' method. 75 neck or base of the tines, and its surfaces of (ISHgureS showing-its special cross-‘section; are ?nished with a hardness and polish an which insures serviceable qualities "and an _ Figure 5'is a perspective view ‘of a ?n~ 25 method which enables these results to be According to the present invention, a bar attained involving 'a sequence of steps or of wrought iron or low carbon steel of ordi operations all of which conduce to facilitate nary’ ‘commercial size and composition is the manufacture, enhance the physical ‘prop passed through rolls which'reduce it, while erties and improve the appearance of ‘the hot, ‘to approximately the cross-section ‘ 30 ?nished article. I vHeretofore, it has been'proposed to‘ manu~ facturetable cutlery by a method lWhlCl1T€~ quired heat treatment of the blank after .the same had been made, but such a'methodwas 35 unsatisfactory because the heat‘treatmen'tbf shown _in Figure 4. ‘This ‘hot-rolled bar, after ‘pickling to remove the ‘scale which is usually'produced in consequence of the heat ing'of'the voriginal bar, is=then rolled'while cold to form ‘a‘strip X having a special transverse ‘cross-section which conforms ex the blank produced a scale thereon which it actly with the longitudinal cross-section was necessary to remove by subjecting the ‘which the ?nished fork or similar article is ' blank to several expensive ‘hand operations to have. The special cross-section of this " in order to render the appearance of the article satisfactory or practical. Another methodheretofore proposed involved a def ormation of the blank,,but such method is 45 cold-rolledstrip is represented in Figure 4, 90 it havlngamaxnnum thickness 1n the region between ther'llnes a3, a", a”, :0’ which region ‘corresponds to the neck or narrowest por unsatisfactory because it produces a‘ groove tion ‘of the'fork or ?nished article and taper~ or depression in the back of the neck offthe 'ing' at g and e in opposite directions from ?nished ‘article, thus not only detracting this point of maximum thickness toward the from the appearance of the article :but also opposite longitudinal edges of the vcold rendering the same insanitary ‘or diiiicult rolled bar or’ strip, these ‘tapering portions "corresponding to the bladed or tined end to clean properly. The improved method herein described a'nd'the handle end respectively of the ?n obviates both of'the objections inherent in ished article. the methods heretofore employed and more The cold rolled bar or strip havingthe 100 2 1,502,502 special cross section shown in Figure & will cles are obtained, imparts the necessary in possess a desirable degree of hardness and creased thickness to the neck or narrow part polish, owing to the cold rolling treatment of the ?nished fork or article, thus a?ording ‘ employed in bringing the bar or strip into the requisite physical strength by a simple this special cross section, and the fork blanks and inexpensive operation which avoids the are cut from this cold rolled bar or strip. presence of an insanitary groove or depres Preferably, the cutting of the fork blanks sion in the neck of the ?nished article. is effected by passing this cold rolled bar or I claim as my invention :— 1. The hereindescribed method of mak strip of special cross section shown in Fig ure 4: through a series of cutting dies which ing table cutlery which comprises cold roll cut or punch the fork blanks therefrom in ing a bar of wrought iron or steel to impart substantially the manner outlined in Fig to the surfaces thereof a hardened and pol ure 3, it being noted that the longitudinal ished ?nish, cutting blanks for the articles axes of the blanks are arranged transversely from said strip, and shaping and ?nishing 80 of the cold rolled bar or strip from which the blanks to form the completed articles they are cut. Figure 2 represents one of the whereby the original surfaces of the blanks fork blanks a as the same is punched or cut become, without change, the ?nished sur ' from the cold rolled bar or strip and before faces of the completed articles. 2. The hereindescribed method of making the same has been bent or shaped to its ?nal 85 form, the blank having widened end por tions 6 and c from which the tines and han dle respectively are to be formed and an in termediate narrowed neck cl. table cutlery which comprises cold rolling a bar of metal to form a strip having a trans verse cross-section which corresponds to the Figure 1 longitudinal cross-section of the completed shows the tines b’ which are formed from articles, cutting blanks for the articles from ' ' the widened end 6 of the blank and perfora said strip with the longitudinal axes of the 90 tions 0’ through which.the rivets or other securing means for the handle may pass. The next step or operation consists in bending the cutv blank in a‘ direction ?at blanks arranged transversely of said strip, and shaping and completing the articles from said blanks whereby the transverse ., cross-section of the blanks becomes, without " wise to ?nally shape it longitudinally, as, change, the transverse cross-section of the , ~ for example, is represented in Figure 5. completed articles. 3. The hereindescribed method of making ‘Any rough edges that may be present may 95 be removed either on an abrading wheel or table cutlery which comprises cold rolling _ in a tumbling barrel. The fork or article is a bar of metal to produce a strip having a ' now ready to receive its handle, no further transverse cross-section corresponding to the treatment or operation being necessary as longitudinal cross-section of the ?nished the fork or article is ?nished and ready articles to be made therefrom, cutting blanks for use. 40 45 for the ?nished articles from said strip with the longitudinal axes of the blanks arranged The improved method hereinbefore de scribed possesses the important practical ad transversely of said strip, and ?nishing the 105 vantages that the stock from which the forks blanks and shaping them on their longitudi or articles are produced is obtained by roll nal cross-section to form the ?nished articles ing operations, that the scale produced as the transverse cross-section and ?nished sur an incident to the ?rst rolling operation may faces of which are produced from the blanks be easily removed prior to the second or. cold without change. rollingv operation, and hence can produce no imperfections in the ?nished articles, and furthermore, that the cold rolling operation shapes the cross section and also produces a permanently hard and attractive polished ?nish on the surfaces of the stock which be come, without physical or chemical change, the ?nished surfaces of the completed arti cle, thus eliminating numerous expensive op erations which would otherwise become necessary, and particularly avoiding the ne cessity of plating and its attendant expen sive and other objectionable features, al though plating or other ?nish may, if de 4. The hereindescribed method of making table cutlery which comprises cold rolling a bar of wrought iron or steel to produce a strip having a transverse cross-section which corresponds to the longitudinal cross-section of the ?nished articles, cutting blanks for the ?nished articles from said strip with the longitudinal axes of the blanks arranged 110 115 transversely of said strip, and shaping and ?nishing the blanks to form the completed 120 articles whereby the, original surfaces and transverse cross-section of, the blanks be come the ?nished surfaces and transverse cross-section of the completed articles.’ 5. The hereindescribed method of making sired, be used. In fact, the ?nish imparted to the forks or articles by the present inven~ table forks which comprises cold-rolling a tion is unique and it is superior to the {in bar of wrought iron or steel to produce a 65 100 125 ishes heretofore used or obtained. More strip having hardened and polished surfaces over, the special cross section of the cold and a cross-section which is of maximum’ 130 rolled stock from which the forks or arti thickness at a point intermediate its width. 1,502,502 8 and of reduced thickness toward its longi- comes, without change, the transverse cross tudinal edges, cutting blanks for the forks section of the completed articles. from said strip with the longitudinal axes In testimony whereof I have hereunto set of the blanks arranged transversely of the my hand in presence of two subscribing 5 strilp, and lshaping the bllanks longitudinally Witnesses. anc comp etin them w ereb the orivinal hardened andg polished surlflaces ofb the blanks become, without change, the ?nished surfaces of the completed articles and the 10 transverse cross-section of the blanks be- AUSTIN W‘ HAWES“ WVitnesses: C. E. HAZELTON, C. W. ‘HIGINBoIrHAM.
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