December 2014

Parish Council
Chairman - Pat Raburn
Clerk - Geraldine Taylor
01842 827719
01842 828598
Borough & County Council
County Councillor - Martin Storey
01842 828016
St James’
Weddings—Revd. Joan Horan
Revd. Stephen Oliver ( Thetford )
[email protected]
01842 828034
01842 753819
Lakenheath Surgery
Feltwell Surgery
01842 860400
01842 828481
West Suffolk ( Bury St. Edmunds )
Queen Elizabeth ( Kings Lynn )
Thetford Healthy Living Centre
NHS Direct
01284 713000
01553 766266
01842 767600
0845 4647
Paul Jarman
Old Golf House
01842 828938
01842 814043
Police ( ask for Downham Mar ket )
01842 828471
Iceni Academy—Hockwold
Feltwell Primary
Iceni Academy—Methwold
Downham Market High School
01842 828275
01842 828334
01366 728333
01366 388717
Citizens’ Advice Bureau
01842 811511
0345 909090
Rubbish Clearance
01553 776676
Funeral Directors - Michael Denney & Sons
01842 862777
The Red Lion
01842 829728
Merry Christmas!
It’s come around again fast hasn’t it?! Hopefully this month’s magazine will help get you into the seasonal spirit—not only is there Christmas
pictures on the front and back, but inside there is listings for lots of local
festive events, Christmas recipe ideas, and even fun facts to do with
I would like to wish all our readers a very Merry Christmas and a
Happy New Year, and also send festive wishes to everyone involved with
the magazine, be they delivery personnel, contributors, or part of the committee —thanks for all your support, it would be impossible without you.
If you do have anything you would like to share with the magazine,
or an event listing for the village, then please don’t hesitate to get in touch.
NB: Thanks also to Nick Smith for his brilliant photo of his lurcher Pip on
the back cover—she looks as if she should be pulling a sleigh!
Christmas Cover Competition 2014.
Congratulations to winner Eleanor Swanson for
her gorgeous reindeer which graces this
month’s cover!
Runners up were Emily Godkin and Callan
Huckfield. All winners received some delicious
Christmas chocolate.
Many thanks to all the children that entered, we
[email protected]
51 Main St, Hockwold
(items received after this date cannot be guaranteed to be included,
and all inclusions are at the editors discretion)
If you would like to advertise in the magazine for as little as
£4 per month please contact:
Sheila O’Brien on 01842 827141
T: 01842 829079, email: [email protected]
Sheila O’Brien—Advertising
T: 01842 827141, email: [email protected]
Linda Arbour—Distribution
T: 01842 827217, email: [email protected]
November 11th 2014
Mrs P Raburn, Mrs M Eade, Mrs L Arbour, Mrs T Sismey, Mr S Turner,
Miss R Johns.
Squadron Leader Neild, RAF Lakenheath.
Mr T Gossage, Mrs D Barrett, Mr M Denney.
There are still 4 allotments available for rent, please contact the parish clerk at
01842-828598 if you are interested in having one of these allotments.
Road Closure: I have been given notice of the following road closure; Wangford
Road will be closed from January 27th until February 15th 2015. Diversions will be in place
at that time.
We would like to ask home owners to please clear up any leaves that fall around
your property; with the recent rain and frost these are starting to cause some problems for
people using the pavements throughout the village.
We have been asked, to warn all of you who walk your dog’s down by the river to
be extra vigilant, as there have been some attacks, by larger dogs on some small dogs
around that location.
The council have been asked to explore the possibility of having a Christmas tree
placed in the village; we thought this was a wonderful idea, although too late for us to do
anything for this year. We will we set to work in the New Year to make it happen for next
year; we will have to find an suitable position and source of electricity for the lights.
The members of the Parish Council wish you all a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
The next Parish council meeting will be held at 7.30pm on Tuesday 9 th December
2014, in the Methodist Chapel, South Street, Hockwold .
Pat Raburn- Chairman
Minutes from the Hockwold Parish Council meeting can be read in
full at
Hockwold Post Office
Hockwold Village Club
or online at
Friendship Club
Betty held a Christmas card workshop at our meeting and the Christmas Dinner
has been arranged for Wednesday 10th December at the Feltwell Golf Club for 1pm.
Olyvia Brownleigh
Preachers appointed for Sunday morning worship at 11am as follows:
7th Dec
Rev. Solomon Joseph (S)
14th Dec
No service at 11am
14th Dec
Carol Service *
21st Dec
Rev. Harold Wilkinson
28th Dec
Mrs. Margaret Gibson
(S) = Sacrament
* December 14th Carol Service
Please come along and join in our carol service at 4pm led by Rev. Harold and Mrs. Joy
Wilkinson from Brandon. Light refreshments will be served after the service.
Wishing each and every one of you a very happy Christmas and a healthy and peaceful
New Year.
Margaret Allsop
There will be no meeting of the W.I. in December as we are going out for a
Christmas meal.
Season's Greetings to you all.
Anne Dyke
First of all, thank you to everyone who supported us and made ‘Aladdin’ a great
way to begin the count-down to Christmas. We are very grateful to the many people
who work very hard behind the scenes, as well as those whose contributions are more
We are indebted to the Brandon and District Photographic Club who took such
amazing photos of cast members - these were a tremendous help to us in publicity.
Thank you, as well, to the many people and businesses in the village and surrounding area, who allow us to display posters, sell tickets for us, or promote us in any
We wish everyone a very Happy Christmas and New Year and look forward to
entertaining you again in 2015 – watch this space for details of our spring production!
For more information or general enquiries about HATS, please contact
Gary on 01842 814679.
St James’ Church Services:
December—January, 2015
Rector: The Rev Joan Horan, BA
Associate Priest: The Rev KR Waters
Curate: The Rev Dr BJ Zych
For unto you is born this day in the city of David –
a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.
November 30
Advent Sunday (Feast of St Andrew)
Benefice Holy Eucharist The Rev Dr BJ Zych:
St Andrew’s, Northwold, Patronal Festival
10.00 a.m.
December 7
Second Sunday of Advent
Holy Communion: The Rev KR Waters
9.15 a.m.
Daphne Young:
Isaiah 40: 1-11
GC Whitaker:
2 Peter 3: 8-15a
The Rev KR Waters:
Mark 1: 1-8
Mike Macey
Graham Whitaker
December 10
Breckland Brass Band Carols & Readings
7.30 p.m.
December 14
December 21
December 23
December 24
Third Sunday of Advent
Holy Communion: The Rev KR Waters
Karen Laedlein:
Paul Laedlein:
The Rev KR Waters:
Karen Laedlein
Colin Holman
Fourth Sunday of Advent
Holy Communion: The Rev KR Waters
Mike Macey:
Sue Annear:
The Rev KR Waters:
Mike Macey
Graham Whitaker
9.15 a.m.
Isaiah 61: 1-4, 8-end
1 Thessalonians 5: 16-24
John 1: 6-8, 19-28
11.00 a.m.
2 Samuel 7: 1-11 & 16
Romans 16: 25-end
Luke 1: 26-38
Christingle Service: The Rev KR Waters
Christmas Eve: St Mary’s, Feltwell
Holy Eucharist: The Rev Dr BJ Zych
4.00 p.m.
11.00 p.m.
December 25
Chriatmas Day
Holy Eucharist: The Rector
9.15 a.m.
Leslie Hardwick:
Isaiah 52: 7-10
GC Whitaker:
Hebrews 1: 1-12
The Rector:
John 1: 1-14
Graham Whitaker
Graham Whitaker
December 28
Benefice (St George’s, Methwold)
Benefice Holy Eucharist: The Rector
10.00 a.m.
January 4
Epiphany Benefice (St Mary’s, Feltwell)
Benefice Holy Eucharist: The Rector
10.00 a.m.
Benediction (St Mary’s, Feltwell)
6.00 p.m.
December 6:
Mrs Millard
Advent: no flowers
December 20:
Mrs Hardwick & Mrs Young
Advent: no flowers
January 3:
Mrs Arnold
Mrs P Spate
An event not to be missed!
Breckland Brass Band
Carols with Christmas Music and Readings
Wednesday 10 December in the Church
7.30 p.m.
Tickets: £6.00 (accompanied children free)
from Audrey Fuller (828529) or on the door
Followed by mince pies and mulled wine
Christmas at St James’
Hockwold, 2014
Wednesday December 10
at 7.30 p.m.
Christmas Music, Carols & Readings with
Breckland Brass Band
Followed by mince pies and mulled wine
Tickets: £6.00 (accompanied children free) from:
Audrey Fuller (828529) or on the door
Tuesday December 23
Christingle Service 4 p.m.
The Rev KR Waters
Christmas Eve
at St Mary’s, Feltwell
Holy Communion, 11.00 p.m.
The Rev Dr BJ Zych
Christmas Day
Holy Eucharist: St James’
9.15 a.m. The Rector
1st Sunday of Christmas
December 28
Holy Eucharist, St George’s, Methwold
10.00 a.m. The Rev KR Waters
Rector’s Christmas Message 2014
Are any of you ever curious about what a vicar does after Midnight Mass on Christmas Eve?
Wait up for Santa? Sit by the fire in woolly slippers slowly sipping a hot toddy and reading the bible? Or
if you happen to be from the Antipodes, have a long conversation with family on the other side of the
world who are, by that time, well into opening their presents and carving the turkey or throwing another
prawn on the ‘barbie’ in the summer sunshine on Christmas Day?
Well it may surprise you to know that this vicar did none of the above last Christmas Eve. As all
my close family were either in Feltwell or bizarrely in Lapland I wound down from the wonderful high
of full on ‘bells and smells’ Midnight Mass by slumping in front of the TV watching episodes of a “Big
Fat Gypsy Wedding”! Yep, quite a sad thing to admit, eh? But strangely it turned into profitable sermon
fodder for the next morning. The very last scene in the episode I was watching at around 2.00am involved a mother and daughter staying in a garish resort somewhere hot and sunny. They stood overlooking the pool discussing the forthcoming Christmas wedding and the mother made a statement that made
me sit up in disbelief. She said very simply and matter of factly:
“God is dead. Christmas is just about family.”
I was stunned. A couple of hours earlier I had presided at first Mass of Christmas – this great
feast of the living God. The great feast of the birth of Jesus, who is called Emmanuel – God with us. The
birth that changed the world.
This gift of Emmanuel – God with us – is not simply a past event – the birth of a holy child over
2000 years ago who later suffered an ignominious death died by hanging on a cross - fondly remembered
but just a folk tale along with nodding reindeer, elves and old men in red. The birth of Jesus, his life and
death are historical fact, as is testified not just in Scripture but by both Roman and Jewish historians.
In the Gospels we have first hand accounts of another fact – the Resurrection of Jesus from the
dead. This is not simply a fanciful tale dreamed up by grieving and deluded women. There were too
many eyewitnesses. Christians believe that our God lives as He continues to engage with the world He
created and loves to draw people into his family.
As the gypsy mother said - Christmas is about family.
Christmas is about family – God’s family to which we all belong. We belong to God’s family
whether or not we have loads of relatives or none to share the day, its gifts and feasting with. This gift of
the living Christ present among us is indeed a wondrous gift but it is so silently given and in such a
seemingly ordinary way that it is so easy to fail to grasp its significance. Jesus’ birth – that great stupendous gift of salvation – was witnessed by very few – Mary, Joseph, few scruffy shepherds, some foreign
kings and maybe a few farm animals. Today we can receive that wondrous gift of God with us if only we
choose to perceive it. John Betjeman concludes his poem Christmas with these words:
No love that in a family dwells,
No carolling in frosty air,
Nor all the steeple-shaking bells
Can with this single Truth compare That God was man in Palestine
And lives today in Bread and Wine.
In the 2,000 year old family meal of the Church – the Holy Eucharist/Mass - Jesus, God with us,
our living God quietly and unobtrusively enters our lives, transforms us and draws us into His family. I
can’t think of any gift that could ever be better than that.
So I have an invitation to all…come to the party this Christmas – join the family celebration and
meet the living God – Jesus – God with us - as we celebrate His coming among us afresh.
I wish you all a happy, blessed and safe Christmas.
Joan [Rector]
Christmas Eve and Christmas Day service times:
Midnight Mass at St Mary’s Feltwell and St George Methwold at 11.00pm and at St Mary’s Southery at
Christmas Day Mass at St James Hockwold at 9.15am, St Mary’s Weeting at 10.00am and St Andrew’s
Northwold at [10.00 or 11.00am ]
The Ideal Opportunity To Come and Visit!
Well, we have almost reached the end of anther year! Next year will
be a particularly significant one for RSPB Lakenheath Fen, as the reserve
will celebrate its twentieth birthday on 31 October 2015. On the eve of the
beginning of this very important year, I would like to ask you all a question: have you ever visited us before? If you have, that’s fantastic news
and if you haven’t, why not come and visit during the coming festive season?
Now, I know that Christmas is a busy time and the weather isn’t always great. However, if you do feel the urge to take a break from the festive rush, why not come and visit for the first time? The reserve is open at
all times and there are circular walks of up to four miles around the various trails.
If you are into wildlife, there are two viewpoint shelters and a wildlife
watching hide. December is a great time month to see birds of prey, especially the marsh harriers that call the reserve home. We have two resident
pairs of barn owls, which are often seen hunting in the afternoon near the
visitor centre. The resident kingfishers should also be around, as long as
the reserve pools aren’t too frozen.
If you aren’t into wildlife, the reserve is a peaceful place where you
can get away from the hubbub of Christmas time. There are some fantastic views from the reserve’s viewpoints and as the reserve is on an eastwest axis, we are often treated to some fantastic sunsets, so don’t forget
your camera!
On the subject of cameras, if Father Christmas brings you a new
one on the “big day”, why not come and try it out at the reserve? Whether
it is a compact or a digital SLR, there are plenty of photographic opportunities so why not come and get creative?! If you snap anything that you
would like to share with us, we would love to see them, so please e-mail
them to: [email protected].
The visitor centre will be closed 24-31 December but the toilets will
be open daily 27-31 December. We will then reopen on New Years Day,
when we will usher in our anniversary year in style!
I hope this article has convinced you to come and visit us this festive
season. We are on your doorstep, so come and see us! That just leaves
me to wish you all a peaceful and restful festive season from the team at
RSPB Lakenheath Fen (and Sammy from the Brecks office of course!)
Merry Christmas to you all!
David White, Communications Officer
RSPB Lakenheath Fen
RECIPE—Butternut Squash
with Blue Cheese and Pecans
Christmas is approaching with the speed of an out of control sleigh,
and now is the time to get planning the meals for the festive season. This
one serves as a vegetarian alternative to the Christmas turkey; it adds the
right balance of mellow warmth to any plain wintry dish and is a good
whole meal on days when you just feel washedout.
2 kilograms butternut squash
3 tablespoons olive oil
6 stalks fresh thyme (or 1/2 teaspoon dried thyme)
100 grams pecan nuts
125 grams crumbled roquefort cheese (or similar
blue cheese)
Sea salt
Ground black pepper
Preheat the oven to 180°C
Halve the squash, leaving the skin on, and scoop out the seeds, then cut
into 2.5cm / 1 inch cubes; you don't need to be precise, just keep the pieces
uniformly small.
Put the squash into a roasting tin with the oil. Strip the leaves from 4 stalks
of thyme, and sprinkle over the butternut squash. Roast in the oven for
about 30-45 minutes or until tender.
Once out of the oven, remove the squash to a bowl and scatter the pecans
and crumble the cheese over it, then toss everything together gently.
Check seasoning and add the last of the thyme, torn into small sprigs to
Happy Christmas to all our loyal readers.
Thanks to Nigella for the inspiration.
Tim Fothergill
December Gardening.
You may not want to be working outside at this time of year, but luckily there's not a lot
to do! If you haven’t already it's time to think about winter pruning apple and pear trees
whilst they are dormant. Before pruning apple trees it is essential to identify the cropping
habit of the tree. Apple cultivars fall into three groups:
Spur-bearers produce fruit on two-year-old wood, and as spurs (short, branched
shoots) on the older wood. This habit gives spur bearers a tidy and compact appearance. Spur bearers are the largest group and include cultivars such as 'Cox’s
Orange Pippin’, 'Sunset', 'James Grieve', 'Earl, Victoria' ‘Greensleeves', and
'Lanes Prince Albert'
Tip-bearers produce very few spurs. They are relatively uncommon. Fruit buds are
found at the tips of long shoots produced the previous year. The overall appearance of the tree is more untidy than spur bearer and the branches look sparse
without spurs. Any form of pruning that involves shortening shoot tips will reduce the yield of tip-bearing apples and is therefore best avoided.
Some cultivars are partial tip-bearers, pr oducing fr uit on the tips of the pr evious
year's shoots and also on some spur. Cultivars include 'Bramley's Seedling’ and
How to Prune Spur-bearing varieties:
Always use a sharp pair of secateurs, loppers and a pruning saw. Start by removing crossing, rubbing, badly placed, overcrowded weak, dead, and diseased, damaged and dying
branches. Keep the centre of the tree open by removing larger branches with a sharp
pruning saw. If several large branches need to be removed, spread the work over two or
three winters as very hard pruning encourages even more vigorous growth. Reduce the
height and spread of any branches that have grown too large by cutting them back to a
vigorous lower branch. Shorten the previous year’s growth on each main branch by about
one third to a bud facing in the required direction to encourage the development of new
branches and spurs. Cut back any young laterals (side shoots) growing from the main
framework to five or six buds if there is not enough space to allow them to grow as secondary branches. While looking closely at branches and twigs it is a good time to check
the health of your trees. Infestation by woolly aphid can also lead to knobbly swellings
that should be removed if possible at pruning time.
Other Jobs to do in December:
Protect pots and taps from frost by wrapping insulation around them. Bubble wrap is
ideal and probably in plentiful supply if you are ordering Christmas presents
over the internet!
If you have a greenhouse. Clean and insulate greenhouses, and check the heater
works. Even a little insulation will make a huge difference to your heating bill
Clean and repair your garden tools and book the lawn mower in for a service. New
tools are always a welcome present, as are new gardening gloves especially
good quality ones.
Take care not to let leaves accumulate around Alpine’s, they will die if left damp.
Cover bare patches around clumps with alpine grit to encourage re-growth.
Finally, whatever you are planning for your garden next season, Paul and I are available
to offer advice, we look forward to meeting all of your gardening needs in 2015. Have a
merry Christmas.
Rachel Sobiechowski BSc (Hons)
P&R Garden Supplies, Fengate Drove, Brandon 01842 814800
Messy Church
There will be a Christmas Party for Messy Church and our intended
date is 18th December at 3.30 until around five o’clock.
This will be a continuation of our successful pattern with fun activities
but with party games and party food.
This is a great opportunity to test your artistic and creative talents as
well as having a good time.
We look forward to seeing you there.
Vandalism at Primary School
Could we ask that every keeps an eye on the primary school over the Christmas
break. We have had several incidents of vandalism recently, and are concerned that this
may happen agaion. If you do see anything please contact the police.
Many thanks, and Happy Christmas!
Staff at Iceni Academy Hockwold
Please may I ask that all bonfires be lit late in the afternoon or
in the evening, I came home at 1pm to find a bonfire had been lit
nearby and smoke being blown across my garden covering my nice
clean washing in smoke, please can you light your bonfires later in the
day, I would be very grateful for your help and co-operation.
Thank you,
A Hockwold Resident.
West Norfolk Aviation Society
Members and guests of the West Norfolk Aviation Society http:// met on Tuesday 4th November and were treated to a very colourful speech by ex- Royal Naval Air Service pilot, Peter Lawton; it was
entitled ‘Down Among the Weeds’. He recounted how, after leaving the service, he
started a crop spraying business flying in, what appeared to be, an even more hazardous
arena than during his service career. His accidents did not result from insecticide contamination but from poorly maintained farm tracks (runways), collisions with power
cables and badly placed trees.
On Tuesday 2nd December the society meet again and will welcome WNAS
member Mark Burch. He will talk to us about his experience working as an air traffic
controller at Norwich Airport and Duxford. The club secretary has decided that his
speech should be called: ‘A Crash Course in Aviation’.
Xmas Facts Yule Never Have Known
BEFORE turkey, the traditional Christmas meal in England was a pig's head and mustard.
MANY parts of the Christmas tree can actually be eaten, with the needles being a
good source of Vitamin C.
CHRISTMAS pudding was originally a soup made with raisins and wine
LONDON sweetmaker Tom Smith created the first Christmas crackers
in 1847, based on the sweet wrapper design
HANGING presents on trees may come from the Druids who believed
the tree was the giver of all good things
ROBINS on cards were a joke 150 years ago when postmen wore red
tunics and were named after them
ALTHOUGH now mostly vegetarian, in Victorian times, mince pies
were made with beef and spices
CAROLS began as an old English custom called wassailing, toasting
neighbours to a long life.
HANGING stockings out comes from the Dutch custom of leaving
shoes packed with food for St Nicholas's donkeys. He would leave
small gifts in return
THE holly in a wreath symbolises Christ's crown of thorns while the red berries are
drops of his blood.
Sheila O’Brien
Solutions for November Sudoku and Crossword will be in
the December edition of the Hockwold Village Magazine.
1 – Guillotine 5 – Become 7 – Gladstone 8 – Encryption 9 – Opponents
10 – Neutral 12 – Kebab 15 – Tome
17 – Ode 18 – Eagles (The) 21 – Argo 23 – Jai Alai 24 – UN 26 – Newark 27 – Chopin 28 - Roundhead
1 – Gleeson 2 – Libretto 3 – Tactful
4 – Eggnog 5 – Bedrock 6 – Manitoba 11 – Sutton 13 – Bad blood 14 –
Regency 16 – Majorca 19 – Luna 20
– Sack 22 – Guard 25 - Anka
West Norfolk Inter-Village Games
Sunday 28th June 2015
Hockwold entered the Inter-Village Games from 1993 to 2002 and, through a great
team effort, won the event twice, in 1994 and 1997. There has been some recent interest
from previous village participants and encouraging support from the organisers at the Borough Council, so I am considering entering a village team in the 2015 event. I need support
from a handful of interested people to help form and manage each of the individual sports
teams if Hockwold is once again to take part in a great fun day out at Lynnsport Leisure
Centre – and ‘having fun’ is the key ingredient. Hockwold would be entered in the ‘small
villages’ category and, if we should win, will have the opportunity to take part in the Norfolk Village Games held in July 2015.
The available sports are:
Archery, Badminton, Darts, Fitness Triathlon, Gymnasticators, Indoor Bowls,
Mini Athletics, 5-a-side Football, Mini Soccer, Netball, Rounders,
Squash, Table Tennis
Most of the teams are either mixed adults/juniors or adults or juniors - more details
can be found on the event website
If you would consider helping to put the teams together and/or be a team player, or
need further information, please contact me – details below.
I still have the ‘Yellow-peril’ Hockwold T-shirts, let’s see if we can put Hockwold
back on the sports map again!
Jeff Millard Tel: 01842 827428 Email: [email protected]
Poundsworth Fresh Fruit And Vegetables
Is One Year Old!
Please take a minute to read what Poundsworth can do for you.
Free Home delivery
Home grown and locally sourced produce fresh each week
Larger quantities of produce available
Why not place a regular weekly order so you can ensure every chosen item stays
fresh until you wish to use it?
Share a box of produce with a friend! This is a great money saving idea and cheaper as I can pass savings on to all my customers by buying in bulk.
A fruit basket makes a delightful and thoughtful present for a special occasion like a
birthday; an anniversary or a get well gift. This can be attractively wrapped for you
and you choose the amount you wish to spend.
Raffle and tombola prizes can be made up on request.
Please look at and see weekly special offers and keep up to date
with the latest produce available.
If you do not own a computer, you can contact Penny on 07952 183040 or 01366
728711 to discuss your requirements. There are customers all over Thetford who
enjoy good quality produce; recipe tips and knowing when items are seasonally
available. Would you like to be one of these people? I do hope so.
I look forward to hearing from you!
Penny Black
[email protected]
Thank You!
Very many thanks to whomever left two jars of delicious jam on my
doorstep last month—they are much appreciated. I would thank you
in person, but I don’t know who left them!
Laura Fothergill
Mobile Library Timetable
4th Dec—Hockwold
10.35am — 10.50am
The Church
10.55am — 11.10am
32 College Road
11.15am — 11.30am
Main St, Bell House
11.35am — 11.45am
Pearce’s Close
11.50am — 12.20
The School
Hockwold Village Club
Main Street
01842 828840
Our venue offers to its members and Bone-fide guest’s, Bowls, Craft Club,
Crib, Cricket, Darts (Ladies and Men’s), Pool, Whist, and Bingo.
December Sat 20th Christmas Draw and Music from
Marc Jacobs
New Year’s Eve we Welcome Back Al Sharp
We can also cater for Private Functions:
(Christening’s / Wakes / Birthday Parties)
Your Annual Membership is
Adult is £7.50
OAP and Junior (16-18) is £4.00
St. James’ Church, Hockwold
Would you like to keep the bells of St. James’ Church,
Hockwold ringing? Can you come along on a Monday
evening from 7.30pm? Can you climb a stone spiral staircase? If so, then a warm welcome awaits you , but children must be accompanied by an adult.
For further details, telephone Sue Annear (01842)
Every Monday
(except during school holidays
and Bank Holidays)
7.30 – 8.30 pm
Hockwold Village Hall
£4 a session
1 Session Free
Sovereign Bridge Club.
Duplicate Bridge Club The Sovereign
Center, Trafalgar Industrial Estate,
Downham Market
Monday afternoons 1.30pm to 4.30pm
£1.50 per session, including a Tea
Jean Wright 01366 383247
Every Saturday
9am to 10.30am
Hockwold Village Hall
Dot Barrett
T: 01842 827 227
Rebecca Johns
T: 01842 827268
Every Tuesday evening
Hockwold Village Club
Contact: Sheila O’Brien
Tel: 01842 827141
Iceni Academy
Christmas holidays begin
22nd December
Spring Term starts
5th January
Weeting Village Hall
Art for Pleasure is an Art Group which
meet on Thursday mornings at
10.30am in Weeting Village Hall.
We have varying abilities from beginners upwards and would like to welcome new members.
If you would like to know more
please contact:
Beryl Pountney on 01842 828750
Keep Fit / Aerobics—Village Hall—7.30pm
Bell Ringing—St. James—8pm
Bridge—Downham Market—1.30pm
Craft Group—Hockwold Village Club—7.30pm
West Norfolk Aviation Society—Methwold Social Club—7.30pm
Friendship Club
Community Steel Pans—Iceni Academy—6.30-7.30pm
Art For Pleasure—Weeting Village Hall—10.30am
Carpet Bowls—Weeting Village Hall—10am-noon
Ladies Section—Feltwell Golf Club
Oxburgh Hall—Festive Foliage Workshop—10am
Mini Market—Village Hall—9am
Oxburgh Hall—Wreath Making Workshop—10am
Christmas Crafts and Gifts—Village Hall—10am-2pm
HIAM Sports & Social Club—Country Line Dance
RSPB Lakenheath—Festive Foray—1pm
RSPB Wild Walks In Thetford—11am
Oxburgh Hall—Wreath Making Workshop—10am
HIAM Sports & Social Club—Ballroom and Sequence
Keep Fit / Aerobics—Village Hall—7.30pm
Bell Ringing—St. James—8pm
Bridge—Downham Market—1.30pm
Lakenheath Flower Club Christmas Demo—Lakenheath Village Hall—
Craft Group—Hockwold Village Club—7.30pm
Parish Council—Methodist Chapel—7.30pm
Magazine Deadline
Community Steel Pans—Iceni Academy—6.30-7.30pm
Friendship Club Christmas Dinner
Carols with Breckland Brass Band—St. James’ - 7.30pm
Art For Pleasure—Weeting Village Hall—10.30am
Carpet Bowls—Weeting Village Hall—10am-noon
Ladies Section—Feltwell Golf Club
Oxburgh Hall—Christmas Treats Workshop—10am
Mini Market—Village Hall—9am
Oxburgh Hall—Meet Father Christmas
Carol Service—Methodist Chapel—4pm
RSPB Lakenheath—Christmas party—10.30am
Oxburgh Hall—Meet Father Christmas
HIAM Sports & Social Club—Children’s Christmas Party
Keep Fit / Aerobics—Village Hall—7.30pm
Bell Ringing—St. James—8pm
Bridge—Downham Market—1.30pm
Craft Group—Hockwold Village Club—7.30pm
Friendship Club
Community Steel Pans—Iceni Academy—6.30-7.30pm
Cancer Support Group—Lakenheath Pavilion—4pm-6pm
Traditional English Christmas—Thetford Singers—Guildhall, Thetford—
Art For Pleasure—Weeting Village Hall—10.30am
Messy Church Christmas Party—3.30pm
Schools finish for Christmas holidays
Carpet Bowls—Weeting Village Hall—10am-noon
Ladies Section—Feltwell Golf Club
Oxburgh Hall—Christmas Tree Festival
HIAM Sports & Social Club—Line Dance Disco
Mini Market—Village Hall—9am
Oxburgh Hall—Christmas Tree Festival
Oxburgh Hall—Christmas Tree Festival
22nd Keep Fit / Aerobics—Village Hall—7.30pm
Bell Ringing—St. James—8pm
Bridge—Downham Market—1.30pm
Christmas Carolling—Thetford Voices
Craft Group—Hockwold Village Club—7.30pm
Christingle—St. James’ - 4pm
Christmas Eve
Holy Communion—St Mary’s, Feltwell—11pm
HIAM Sports & Social Club—Country Line Dance
Christmas Day
Holy Eucharist—St. James’, 9.15am
Boxing Day
Mini Market—Village Hall—9am
Keep Fit / Aerobics—Village Hall—7.30pm
Bell Ringing—St. James—8pm
Bridge—Downham Market—1.30pm
Craft Group—Hockwold Village Club—7.30pm
New Years Eve
HIAM Sports & Social Club—Rock and Roll
RSPB Lakenheath
What’s On In December
Lakenheath Fen
Sunday 7 December
Festive Foray
Take a few hours out from the stresses of Christmas preparations, and
join us for a walk around the reserve just before Christmas to see the
wildlife that is making Lakenheath Fen its winter home. Mince pies and
mulled wine will be provided afterwards. Adults £8/ Children £4 (NonMembers) Adults £6/ Children £3 (Members)
Sunday 14 December
Christmas Party
Join us for a good, old fashioned Christmas party! There will be games,
activities and plenty of festive treats on offer. Children £5 (NonMembers) £2.50 (Members) All children must be accompanied by
an adult, although accompanying adults are free.
In the local area
Sunday 7 December
Wild Walks in Thetford
Join our monthly group walk for adults in Thetford; the walks are varied
in route and topic, each providing an opportunity to learn something different about the wildlife and heritage of Thetford and the Brecks. This is
a fantastic opportunity to get outdoors in the fresh air, meet new people
and enjoy learning more about what can be found on your doorstep. For
any budding nature enthusiasts, complete beginners and budding photographers you’ll have the chance to see brilliant urban wildlife such as
kingfishers up close.
No need to book just meet us at the Captain Mainwaring statue in the
bus station car park 15 minutes before the start of the walk.
For more info contact 01842 753732 or [email protected]
Outdoor clothing and footwear is essential and binoculars are recommended
Booking is essential for all events unless stated otherwise.
For all enquiries and bookings, please contact: 01842 863400
or email: [email protected]
Other Information: Most events have outdoor components so
please dress appropriately. Stout footwear and warm, waterproof clothing are strongly recommended. We suggest you bring a torch to evening events.
Oxburgh Hall
What’s On in December
Oxborough, King’s Lynn, Norfolk PE33 9PS
Telephone 01366 328258 Email [email protected]
Friday 5 December 10am – 4pm
Festive Foliage Workshop
Create your own woven wreath ring (from hazel, willow and bird cherry) as a
table decoration with a candle centrepiece and decorate with natural materials
such as cones and beech nuts.
£30 (all materials provided)
Booking essential
Saturday 6 December and Sunday 7 December, 10am – 4pm
Wreath-making Workshop
Enjoy a festive day making your own holly wreath with the expert help of Oxburgh’s gardener.
Morning coffee, light lunch and afternoon tea included. Please bring apron &
£30 (all materials provided)
Booking essential
Friday 12 December, 10am – 4pm
Christmas Treats Workshop
Join us for a day of making sweet Christmas treats.
£35, including lunch
Booking essential on 08442 491895 *
Meet Father Christmas
Saturday 13 & Sunday 14 December
Join in the fun and meet Santa in his grotto. Last tickets sold at 3:30pm.
Free entry to estate, £5 per child to meet Santa
Christmas Tree Festival
19, 20, 21 December
See Oxburgh decorated for Christmas, as our staff and supporters display
trees based on different themes in the Hall.
Normal Admission
To avoid disappointment, please book events in advance on 01366 327242, unless otherwise stated. A small booking fee applies to bookable events
Lakenheath Surgery Notice Board
The Surgery 135 High Street Lakenheath Suffolk IP27 9EP
Tel: (01842) 860400 Fax: (01842) 862078
New clinical computer system
During December and January the practice will be in the process of changing
to a new clinical system called
The new system will bring many benefits for both patients and clinicians
providing your treatment
It will allow, with your consent, hospital consultants and out of hours services
access to your GP medical record
Staff training will be taking place during December and January
We would like to thank you for your consideration and patience during this
time of transition
Summary Care Record
GP practices are required to provide an automated upload of summary information to the Summary Care Record by the end of March 2015.
The Summary Care Record contains information about a patient’s medication,
allergies and any previous adverse reactions to medicines. Other relevant information can be added with the patient’s consent.
Hospital consultants and out-of-hours services will be able to access this information, with the patient’s consent.
The practice SCR upload is due to take place on 25th March 2015
If you wish to opt out of the SCR upload, please collect an opt out form from
the surgery.
During October 2014
70 Patients failed to keep their appointments
If you are unable to keep your appointment, please let us know as soon as
possible as another patient may need it.
Lakenheath Surgery Notice Board
The Surgery 135 High Street Lakenheath Suffolk IP27 9EP
Tel: (01842) 860400 Fax: (01842) 862078
Welcome you to a flower arranging
Mr. Tony Brown
“Festive Delights”
on Monday 8th December 2014
at 7.30 pm in Lakenheath Village Hall.
Buffet & Refreshments
Tickets £12.00
(Recommend they be purchased in advance)
Please apply for tickets enclosing s.a.e. to:
Mrs P. Spate, Kew Cottage, 165 Main Street, Hockwold, Norfolk. IP26 4LY
Tel 01842828166.
or Mrs H. Milner, Tel: 01842860997.