✁✂✄ ☎ READINGS FOR THE WEEK PARISH STAFF Fr. Tom Heck Pastor Growth in Faith & Communications Nelson Perez Parish Secretary Joanne Therrien Music Director Marge Wolf Religious Education Gina Vescio Bookkeeper William Ahrens Maintenance James Shephard Joseph Landry Ron Boulay MINISTRIES/ORGANIZATIONS Sunday: Dt 18:15-20/1 Cor 7:32-35/Mk 1:21-28 Monday: Mal 3:1-4/Heb 2:14-18/Lk 2:22-40 or 2:22-32 Tuesday: Heb 12:1-4/Mk 5:21-43 Wednesday: Heb 12:4-7, 11-15/Mk 6:1-6 Thursday: Heb 12:18-19, 21-24/Mk 6:713 Friday: Heb 13:1-8/Mk 6:14-29 Saturday: Heb 13:15-17,20-21/Mk 6:3034 Sunday: Jb 7:1-4, 6-7/1 Cor 9:16-19, 22-23/Mk 1:29-39 PARISH INCOME Weekend of January 25 One Year Ago Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist: Nancy Petrosinelli 731-7339 Fiscal Year to Date: Homebound Ministry: Brenda Dolan 731-7494 Lectors: Eileen Kovatch 656-6659 Altar Servers: Joseph Landry 731-3670 Greeters and Ushers: Al Petrosinelli 731-7339 Music: Marge Wolf 910-2868 Food Pantry: Jack Mulvey 656-4926 Blanket Ministry: Parish Office 567-2315 Bereavement Summer & Joseph 567-2315 Coordinators: Allman Fundraising: Ed Fenning 731-7420 St. Vincent de Paul: Walter Willigan 410-8148 CCW: Cindy Glorioso 543-6117 Knights of Columbus: Joseph Madison Change +/- 246-8703 $ 15,256.67 $ 14,221.00 $ 1,035.67 $ 354,128.36 CATHOLIC FAITH APPEAL 2015 Be watching your mail this week for a letter from Bishop Frank Dewane as we begin the 2015 Catholic Faith Appeal. Many at St. Therese have been so generous in the past and have reached beyond our parish to serve the needs of the Church of southwest Florida. During the 2015 campaign, ALL at St. Therese will be challenged to participate in this opportunity to actively share in and support the many ministries of love and care in this part of our world. Before anyone makes a gift, please pray. Pray for all who will be blessed because of the generosity of the St. Therese Parish Community. And, pray that ALL at St. Therese Parish will discover the blessing and joy of being generous to others in need through the Catholic Faith Appeal. ✁✂✄ ☎ Life at St. Therese WELCOME to all who have joined with the Catholic Faith Community at St. Therese Parish as we gather and celebrate the Eucharist as we begin the Fourth Week of Ordinary Time. St. Therese Parish Community extends a welcome to those who are visiting from the local area and also those who are vacationing in southwest Florida. And as always, we continue to welcome all our seasonal residents! lived action! The Book of the Gospels along with its special stand was given to St. Therese Parish by the family and relatives of Marty Barrett in his memory. In a month or two, we will also be receiving a new copy of the Roman Missal (the large red book used at Mass which contains the prayers of the Mass). This new Roman Missal is also being given in memory of Marty! All of us at St. Therese THANK the Barrett family for remembering Marty in the giving of these special gifts to our Faith Community. THANKFUL ANOTHER THANK YOU! A rather quick decision was made to board a cruise ship out of the Port of Miami ✆ the offer was too good to pass by! I left on Saturday (January 31) and will return on Saturday (February 7). Our gratitude to Fr. Keasey for once again so graciously assisting us in the priestly ministry at St. Therese. He will celebrate both the 4:00 PM Mass this Saturday as well as the 7:00 AM Mass on Sunday. Fr. Keasey will also be presiding at the 9:00 AM Masses this Monday through Saturday (February 2 ✆ 7). Fr. Don Imming will be celebrating both the 8:45 AM and 10:30 AM Masses this Sunday. THANK YOU to both Fr. Keasey and to Fr. Don! I will be back on Saturday afternoon, February 7, in time for the 4:00 PM Mass! St. Therese Parish received a letter of thanks from Clare House of Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Venice. The Christmas gifts for the children, which were collected at St. Therese during the first two weeks of December, were distributed through the Clare House which is located in Fort Myers. ✗ ✘✟✠✎✏✟✍ ✟☛ ✎✙✒ ✚✒✎✎✒✠ ✠✒✛✡✜ ✢We thank you personally for the Christmas gifts which put smiles on the faces and in the hearts of each child; we have seen may lives changed for the better. The goal of Clare House of Catholic Charities is to continue to make a difference in the lives of people. With the help of donations from supporters such as you, we will continue to see improvements in the Southwest Florida area. We hope to continue to work with you in the future. ✣✤✥✦✧★ ✥✩✥✪✦ ✫✬✭ ✥✮✮ ✯✬✰✭ ✤✱✮✲ ✥✦✳ ★✰✲✲✬✭✴✵✶ WITH GRATEFUL HEARTS For the past few weeks, the Gospel has been proclaimed from the Book of the Gospels. Prior to the beginning of Mass, the Book of the Gospels is placed on the altar. While the Alleluia is being sung prior to the proclamation of the Word of God, the Book of the Gospels is held high for all to see and then carried to the Ambo while we prepare to listen with open and hungering hearts. Although this particular liturgical action is new to us at St. Therese, it has been an optional part of the Liturgy of the Word for quite some time. When the Mass has ended✝ we are the ones who must then carry the ✞✟✠✡ ✟☛ ☞✟✡✌✍✟✎ ✏✍ ✑✠✏✎✎✒✍ ☛✟✠✓✔ ✕✖✎ ✏✍ LIVE JOYFULLY! Fr. Tom ANOINTING OF THE SICK On the first Saturday of each month, following the 4:00 PM Mass, the Sacrament of the Anointing of the Sick is offered at St. Therese Parish. Please note that the Sacrament of the Sick will be offered on next Saturday, February 7, following the 4:00 PM Mass. ✁✂✄ ☎ Parish News SYMBOLON AT ST. THERESE JOIN US TO EXPERIENCE A STUNNING NEW FAITH PROGRAM Being offered at St. Therese during the 2014 -15 Season, is a dynamic Adult Faith Enrichment series entitled Symbolon. The ✆✝✞✟✠ ✠✡☛ ✟✡✟✟✝☞☛✟ ✌✞✡ ✆☞✍✎✟✝☛✏ ☞☛ ✑✒☛☞✓✝☛✏ ✠✔✡ ✕✌✠✔☞✖✝✍ ✗✌✝✠✔✘✙ ✓✔✝✖✡ ✠✔✡ ✆✝☛✌✖ ✠✡☛ ✓✝✖✖ ✆☞✍✎✟ ☞☛ ✑✚✝✛✝☛✏ ✠✔✡ ✕✌✠✔☞✖✝✍ ✜✢✣✤✥✦✧ Symbolon is an immersion in the faith for the whole parish. It aims at transforming adults on all levels★how we think, how we pray, and how we live★by immersing us in instruction about the Word of God and the Catholic Faith. As a member of our parish, you can access Symbolon anytime on the web, using your computer, smartphone, or tablet, both here and at home. NO COST to you! For more information, please contact Nelson Perez at 567-2315 or [email protected]. The next session at the Church will be this Tuesday, February 3, from 1:00 ✩ 2:30 PM. Topic: The Last Things: What Happens After We Die? Join us for this wonderful faith program; it unveils the beauty and richness of the Catholic story, and brings us into a personal encounter with Jesus Christ, his plan for our lives, and how we can live this plan more deeply in our daily lives. PARKING AT ST. THERESE All are asked to please use the designated areas when parking your vehicle at St. Therese Parish. Please do not park along the roadway. Walking in the roadway while cars are using the same road for passage and opening doors into the roadway while cars are passing by pose great safety concerns. In addition, each year many dollars are spent repairing the irrigation system. Reminders will be placed on car windshields as the cooperation of all is sought in assuring the safety of all along with a functional irrigation system. THANK YOU for parking in the designated parking areas. PARISH MEMBER? Registering in a parish is a commitment to gather with a particular community and to both give and receive in a journey of faith. If you have been attending Mass at St. Therese Church, but have not yet registered in the parish, you are invited to do so. Stop by the Parish Office this week to register. Please do not wait until sickness or death strikes or you have a specific need to make your commitment to worship at St. Therese. We look forward to welcoming you! SUNDAY SCRIPTURE REFLECTION The Sunday Scripture Reflection group, led by Deacon Larry Schaupp, meets on Mondays, from 1:00 ✪ 2:00 PM in the conference room at St. Therese. This gathering is for anyone, both women and men, who wish to come together with others from St. Therese Parish, familiarize themselves with the readings for the following Sunday and share a reflection. GOSPEL FORUM The Gospel Forum, a weekly gathering of men who desire to develop a deeper relationship with Christ, meets at St. Therese on Wednesdays, from 10:15 ✪ 11:15 AM. If you wish to discuss the possibility of joining, please contact Joe Lancellot at 239-543-8056. LONG SLEEVE SHIRT AND BANDANAS DRIVE THANK YOU to all who brought long sleeved shirts and bandanas for the special drive sponsored by The Council of Catholic Women (CCW). Long sleeved shirts and bandanas are important clothing items used to protect those who work in the fields from the sun during the hot weather times. THANK YOU for your generosity now and always! ✁✂✄ ☎ Parish & Diocesan News WEDDING ANNIVERSARIES Bishop Frank Dewane will be celebrating a Mass for married couples observing milestone anniversaries (25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, and 50+ years). The Mass will be celebrated on Saturday, March 14, 2015 at St. Leo Parish in Bonita Springs at 11:00 AM. Please call Joanne at the St. Therese Parish Office for reservations no later than March 6. FEAST OF ST. BLAISE This Tuesday, February 3, is the Feast of St. Blaise. A traditional practice which takes place on this feast is the Blessing of Throats. This blessing will follow the 9:00 AM Mass at St. Therese on Tuesday, February 3. You are encouraged to attend the Mass and then remain for the Blessing of Throats. CCW FASHION SHOW St. Therese Council of Catholic Women is sponsoring their Second Annual Fashion Show on Sunday, February 22, 2015, at the Italian American Club in Cape Coral. Tickets ($20) include a brunch buffet at 12:30 PM followed by a fashion show by Razzle Dazzle. ✆✝✞✟✠✡☛ ☞✌✍ ✎✠ ✏✑✒✞✓✌☛✠✔ ✌✡ ✡✓✠ ✞✓✑✒✞✓✕☛ main entrance before and after the weekend 4:00 PM, 8:45 AM and 10:30 AM Masses. Tickets are also available from one of the following: Janice at 543-1941, Peggy (Lake Fairways at 567-1613), Eileen (Six Lakes at 656-6659), Josephine (Sabal Springs at 5671761), Sandie (Tamiami Village at 2331133) and Elaine (Magnolia Landing at 5994915). All are welcome to come and bring a friend or neighbor for a delightful afternoon. 2014 CONTRIBUTION REPORTS Those who wish a report of their 2014 financial contributions to St. Therese Parish, are asked to stop by the Parish Office to obtain a copy. Or, you may call the office and request that a copy be sent to your home address. THANK YOU to all who were so generous to St. Therese Parish. TRAFFIC OFFERING From November 1 through April 30, various law enforcement agencies in southwest Florida assist worshipers at St. Therese Parish as they seek both egress and entrance to Highway 41. This service comes at an annual cost of nearly $16,000! To help offset this expenditure, a special TRAFFIC envelope is included in the box of parish envelopes during the six months when traffic assistance is needed. THANK YOU for your special support. GIFTING ST. THERESE PARISH A bequest is a concrete way to express gratitude to God for a lifetime of blessings. Simple bequests can easily be included in a ✔✖✗✖✒✕☛ ✘✝✙✙ ✖✒ ✡✒✑☛✡✚ ✛✜ ✌ ✘✝✙✙ ✖✒ ✡✒✑☛✡ ✝☛ already written, then a codicil to a will, or an amendment to a trust, allows for a new provision to be added easily. The following legal wording is sufficient for leaving a gift through a bequest: ✢✣ ✤✥✦✧✥★✩✪ ✩✪✥ ✫✧✬ ✭✮ $ ____ or ____% of the residual of my estate to Bishop Frank J. Dewane, D.D., Roman Catholic Bishop of the Diocese of Venice, a corporation sole, whose principal office is located at 1000 Pinebrook Road, Venice FL 34285, for the strict benefit of St. Therese Parish, 20115 N Tamiami Trail, ✯✭✰✩✪ ✱✭✰✩ ✲✳✥✰✫✴ ✱✵✭✰✶✷★✸✹ If you decide to include St. Therese Parish in your planning, ✏✙✠✌☛✠ ✞✖✗✡✌✞✡ ✺✡✚ ✆✓✠✒✠☛✠ ✻✌✒✝☛✓ ✼✜✜✝✞✠✽ ✡✖ ✙✠✡ ✑☛ ✟✗✖✘ ✌✗✔ ✡✖ ✌✙✙✖✘ ✑☛ ✡✖ ✾✡✓✌✗✟ ✍✖✑✿ and to thank God for you. MARDI GRAS 2015 Tickets are available in the Parish Office for the St. Therese Parish Fifth Annual Mardi Gras Dinner and Dance. It will take place on Monday, February 16, at ❀✝✌✗✞✌✕☛ ❁✝☛✡✖✒✌✗✡✠✚ Cocktails and appetizers begin at 5:30 PM and dinner will be served at 6:30 PM. The dance will follow. Cost is $50 per person. ✁✂✄ ☎ PRAY FOR THE SICK February 2 ✝Deceased - February 8 * Living Mon. 02 9:00 AM ✆ CATHERINE BASSETT Tues. 03 9:00 AM ✆ MADALIN REIDEL Wed. 04 9:00 AM ✆ GORDON TYLER Thurs.05 9:00 AM ✆ VIRGINIA IONNI Fri. 06 9:00 AM ✆ MARY DELLAROCCA Sat. 07 9:00 AM ✆ CONNIE ZISA Sat. 07 4:00 PM ✆ DONALD PAETH Sun. 08 7:00 AM * MEMBERS OF ST. THERESE PARISH Sun. 08 8:45 AM ✆ ARLENE ENGELHART Sun. 08 10:30 AM ✆ ANTHONY THOMAS The bread and wine on February 4th are given in memory of Bernadette Fenning OUR LOVE AND PRAYER We pray for Ralph Jannelli (husband of Anna); and for Jake Parent (a former member of St. Therese but most recently a resident of Maine), who have entered into eternal life. May they be embraced by a loving and caring God. May their families and friends know the love and care of the St. Therese Parish Community as they discover and experience a new relationship with ones so loved. Patti Harrison, Marvin Balwhan, Andrea Stramel, Joan Sampedro, ✞✟✠✡☛☞☞☛ ✌✍✎✡☞☞✏ ✑✒✓ ✔✒✕☛✏ ✖✡✗✘✙☛✚ ✛✜✢✣✤✡☞ Adam Alex, Philip Tarantole, Bill Moore, Dorothy Olsen, John Sengstock, Harry Scott, Annette & Bernie Senderak, Henry Sodaro, Brian Barrett, Pattie Rascoe, Betty Bernhart, Jackie Murphy, Audrey Bernard, Victoria Klapec, Gerald Riopelle, Elizabeth Mullins, PRAY FOR OUR MILITARY All Powerful and ever living God, when Abraham left his native land and departed from his people, you kept him safe through all his journeys. Protect our military personnel. Be their constant companion and their strength in battle, their refuge in every adversity. Guide them, O Lord, that they may return home in safety. Amen. SEMINARY SUPPORT Thank you to all who have made a special offering for Seminary Support. If you have not yet done so, please make your gift and help St. Therese Parish reach our assessment of $4835.00. Those who do not have envelopes are asked to make their offering in a plain envelope and write SEMINARY on the envelope. If we fall short of the $4835.00, it will need to be taken from our regular parish offerings ✥ it we go over the assessment, it will be applied to the 2016 Seminary Support Appeal. THANK YOU for your care and support for the future priests of southwest Florida! VINCENT DE PAUL OFFERINGS Envelopes to make an offering to assist the St. Vincent de Paul Society in their outreach to the poor of our area are available in the main entrance of the church. THANK YOU for your continued support.
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