Candle Memorials – January & February 2015
January 3-9
Blessed Mother: Catherine Savini by Renee & John Balaz
January 10-16
Blessed Mother: Patsy Petro by Paula, Dan & Dante O’Connell
Padre Pio: Special Intention by Patty & Randy Vail
Padre Pio:
Pieta: Judge William Franks by Sister & Brothers
Sanctuary: Frank Yezioro by Wife, Linda
St. Joseph: Paul Puskar by Wife, Joyce
St. Joseph: Joseph Vincent Paterno by Castor Family
St. Therese:
St. Therese:
January 17-23
Blessed Mother: Donna Lynn Masi by Donald Masi
January 24-30
Blessed Mother: Mary Cooley by Brother & Sisters
Padre Pio: Special Intention by Floyd & Theresa Geho
Padre Pio: John Partridge, Jr. by Friends of St. Anthony Friary
Pieta: Andrew Bohatch by Sam & Patty Gulino
Sanctuary: Nick Polvinale by Jim & Gloria Nuccetelli
St. Joseph: Paul Kovell by Barry & Lucia Kovell
St. Joseph: Franklin C. Mulich by Rose Scowary & Son, J. Peskie
St. Therese:
St. Therese: Anthony Trincia by Angelo & Gloria Cecchini & Ang
January 31-February 6
Blessed Mother: Amato & Florence Delligatti by Frances Bandzuch
February 7-13
Blessed Mother: Michalene McGarvey by Dan McGarvey
Padre Pio: John Partridge, Jr. by Jim & Darlene Descaro
Padre Pio: Ted DeFrank by Jim & Josie Filiaggi
Pieta: Patricia Furin by Marie & Jennifer George
Pieta: Deceased Family & Friends by Lawrence & Pat DelPinto
Sanctuary: Anthony Trincia by Lisa Leone
Sanctuary: James & Lillian DeSipio by Angelo & Gloria Cecchini & Ang
St. Joseph: Domenic Pietrantoni by Grace
St. Joseph: Anthony Trincia by Joyce Puskar
St. Therese: Marjorie Zack by Joyce Bowen
St. Therese: Antonio & Catherine Santangelo by Frances Bandzuch
February 14-20
February 21-27
Blessed Mother: Anna Sciotto by Jim & Josie Filiaggi
Blessed Mother: Ron & Mary Hawthorne by Masi Family
Padre Pio: Phillip & Lucy Cecchini by Angelo, Gloria, Ang Cecchini
Padre Pio: Leo Goldberg by Daughter, Jacqueline Goldberg
Pieta: Michelle Colabianchi Murray & Joseph Colabianchi by Family
Pieta: Nancy Coffman by Jim & Josie Filiaggi
Sanctuary: Carlo Basili by Family
St. Joseph: Dominic Sciotto by Jim & Josie Filiaggi
St. Joseph: Nuccetelli Family by Jim & Gloria Nuccetelli
St. Therese: Alfonso Carolla by Wife & Family
St. Therese: Samuel & Helen Capranica by Family
Candle Memorials – February, March & April 2015
February 28-March 6
March 7-13
Blessed Mother: Franklin C. Mulich by Jim & Bobbie O’Brien
Blessed Mother: Wyatt Christopher Borba by J.R. & Anna Grace Volpe
Padre Pio: Anthony Trincia by Phil & Mary Ann Cecchini
Padre Pio: Anthony & Helen Karwatske by Phil & Mary Ann Cecchini
St. Joseph:
St. Joseph:
St. Therese: Buddy Snowden by M/M John Palya, Sr.
St. Therese:
March 14-20
Blessed Mother: Lillian Petrone by Paul Petrone
March 21-27
Blessed Mother: Marcella Kovell by Barry & Lucia Kovell
Padre Pio: Raymond Carolla by Ann & Family
Padre Pio: Robert Mazzocco by Jim & Gloria Nuccetelli
Pieta: Deceased of Cappellini & Pisula Family by M/M John Pisula
Pieta: Playford Gallo by Jim & Darlene Descaro
Sanctuary: Joseph Bota by Marilyn & Joe Senky
St. Joseph: Deceased of Brizzi & Delia Family by Linda Delia
St. Joseph: John Mazurek by Jim & Josie Filiaggi
St. Therese: Joseph J. Pindrock by Patty & Ted Crable
St. Therese: Rita Martelli by Elizabeth Selep
March 28-April 3
Blessed Mother: Helen Bill by Bill & Marlene Bill
April 4-10
Blessed Mother: Roy Lee Upton, II by Debbie Upton
Padre Pio: Dave Leone by Wife, Lisa
Padre Pio: Anthony Trincia by Wife & Children
Pieta: Phillip & Lucy Cecchini by Phil & Mary Ann Cecchini
Pieta: Margaret Rogalinsky by M/M Angelo Giachetti & Son, Anthony
St. Joseph: Richard Constantine by Marcia Constantine
St. Joseph: Patsy Garrow by Daughters & Families
St. Therese:
St. Therese: Mary Lipperini by Children & Grandchildren
April 11-17
Blessed Mother: Ercole Martellacci by Sylvia Savo & Family
April 18-24
Blessed Mother: Elsie Garrow by Daughters & Families
Padre Pio: Beverly Petrone by M/M Thomas Kodric, Jr. & Family
Padre Pio: Serafino Casani by Wife & Family
Pieta: William & Elizabeth Special by Jim & Gloria Nuccetelli
Pieta: Rose Burns by Jim & Josie Filiaggi
Sanctuary: Julius & Benedetta Leonelli by Larry & Rita Palya
St. Joseph: Samuel Capranica, Sr. by Family
St. Joseph: Ralph Franks by Children, Sara, Julius & Ralph
St. Therese: Freeman & Theresa DiMarco by Frances Bandzuch
St. Therese: Samuel Gulino by Sam & Patty Gulino
Candle Memorials – April, May & June 2015
April 25-May 1
May 2-8
Blessed Mother: Christine Filiaggi by Jim & Josie Filiaggi
Blessed Mother: Nick DiConcilis by Wife & Family
Padre Pio: Leonard Locke by Wife, Carmella & Family
Padre Pio: John Dulik by Family
Pieta: Andrew & Elizabeth Bandzuch by Frances Bandzuch
Pieta: Eric Burns by Jim & Josie Filiaggi
Sanctuary: Rocco & Rose Savini by Jim & Gloria Nuccetelli
St. Joseph: Harry & Mary Yoders by Joe & Dolores Yoders
St. Joseph: Vincent D’Auria, Jr. by Nancy D’Auria & Family
St. Therese: Joseph & Mary Caromano by Family
St. Therese:
May 9-15
Blessed Mother: Gilda Vaclavik by Lisa Dye
May 16-22
Blessed Mother: Joseph Porreca by Mario Porreca & Family
Padre Pio: Frank Zack by Tom & Peggy Hidock
Padre Pio: Paul Douglas & Mary Frances Rhodes by Larry & Rita Palya
Sanctuary: James Gismondi by Family
St. Joseph: M/M Albert Kozel by M/M Kenneth Kozel
St. Joseph:
St. Therese: Alice Bota by Family
St. Therese: Julia Kodric by M/M Thomas Kodric, Jr. & Family
May 23-29
Blessed Mother: Buddy Snowden by M/M John Palya, Sr.
May 30-June 5
Blessed Mother: Michalene McGarvey by Dan McGarvey
Padre Pio: Tony Zurick by Ted & Vicki Sova
Padre Pio:
St. Joseph:
St. Joseph: Stanley Kustron by Kustron Family
St. Therese: Nick & Minnie DeConcilus by Frances Gulino
St. Therese: Michael Descaro by Jim & Darlene Descaro
June 6-12
Blessed Mother: John & Catherine Yourich by Jim & Jackie Calhoun
June 13-19
Blessed Mother: John D’Amore by Wife & Daughters
Padre Pio: James Filiaggi, Sr. by Jim & Josie Filiaggi
Padre Pio: Anthony Trincia by Wife & Children
Pieta: Michalene McGarvey by Dan McGarvey
Pieta: Florence Carbonara by Jim & Josie Filiaggi
Sanctuary: Frank & Mary Antonini by Jim & Gloria Nucctelli
Sanctuary: Mrs. Ann Riffle by Daughter, Dr. Janet Petlevich
St. Joseph: Joseph Fata by Dennis & Rose Gelotti
St. Joseph: Patsy & Louis Franks by Sister & Brothers
St. Therese: Ann Fata by Dennis & Rose Gelotti
St. Therese: Anne Michalec Popovich by Joyce Carbonara
Candle Memorials – July & August 2015
June 20-26
June 27-July 3
Blessed Mother: Angeline Descaro by Jim & Darlene Descaro
Blessed Mother: Fred & Mary Lipperini by Joe & Dolores Yoders
Padre Pio: Phillip & Lucy Cecchini by Family
Padre Pio:
Sanctuary: Anna Dulik by Family
St. Joseph: Eugene Barchetti by Wife, Joan Barchetti & Family
St. Joseph:
St. Therese: Richard Constantine by Marcia Constantine
St. Therese: Frank Wroble by Joyce Carbonara
July 4-10
Blessed Mother: Norma Jean Stefanic by Jacqueline Goldberg
July 11-17
Blessed Mother: Faith Elizabeth Kozel & M/M Kenneth Kozel
Padre Pio: Marjorie Zack by M/M Tom Torrey
Padre Pio:
Pieta: Letitia Giachetti by Grace & Lou Ann
Sanctuary: John & Ann Roll by John & Loreli Roll
St. Joseph: Eugene Hayes by Debbie Upton
St. Joseph: Joseph & Mary Benver by Frances Bandzuch
St. Therese: Mary B. Delia by Daughter, Linda
St. Therese:
July 18-24
Blessed Mother: Snowden, Girard & Vona Family by Lynn White
July 25-31
Blessed Mother:
Padre Pio: Joey Carolla by Ann & Family
Padre Pio: Dave Leone by Phil & Mary Ann Cecchini
Pieta: Joseph Bota by Ann Carolla
St. Joseph: Gary Tyger by Sheila & Frank Mazurek
St. Joseph:
St. Therese:
St. Therese: Jay & Lillian Cascio by Family
August 1-7
Blessed Mother: Frances & Grace Nelson by Daughter, Darlene & Jim
August 8-14
Blessed Mother: Mrs. Lucille Goldberg by Daughter, Jacqueline Goldberg
Padre Pio:
Padre Pio:
Pieta: Victor Gismondi by Patty
Pieta: Beverly J. Petrone by Paul Petrone, Jr.
St. Joseph: 50 Wedd Annv of Frank & Arlene Zorichak by Children
St. Joseph: Joseph Descaro by Son, Jim & Darlene Descaro
St. Therese: Eugene Barchetti by Wife, Joan Barchetti & Family
St. Therese: In Honor of Charles & JoAnn Castor 60th Wedd Anniv
Candle Memorials – August, September & October 2015
August 15-21
August 22-28
Blessed Mother: Robert, Marie, Trp Ross Snowden & Mary Girard
Blessed Mother: Marie & Ted Crable, Sr. by Patty & Ted Crable
Padre Pio:
Padre Pio: Richard Constantine by Marcia Constantine
St. Joseph:
St. Joseph: Mr. Sam Riffle by Daughter, Dr. Janet Petlevich
St. Therese:
St. Therese:
August 29-September 4
Blessed Mother:
September 5-11
Blessed Mother: John D’Amore by Wife & Daughters
Padre Pio: Angelo Giachetti & Margaret Kopnisky by Joe & Dolores Yoders Padre Pio: Bill & Julia Wellington by Family
Pieta: Deceased of Garrow & Cossick Family by Daughters & Families
Sanctuary: Rev. Paul Turnbull by Linda Delia
St. Joseph: Walter Laughery by Family
St. Joseph: Veto Caromano by Sylvia Savo & Fred Caromano
St. Therese:
St. Therese: In Honor of Our Family by Lawrence & Pat DelPinto
September 12-18
September 19-25
Blessed Mother: Savini Family by Jim & Gloria Nuccetelli
Padre Pio: John & Kathryn Fedor by Frances Bandzuch
Blessed Mother: Mary Margaret Suchevits by Jacqueline Goldberg
Padre Pio: Dave Leone by Wife, Lisa
Pieta: Paul Richardson by Kevin Richardson
St. Joseph:
St. Joseph: John, Anna & George Locke by Carmella Locke & Family
St. Therese:
St. Therese:
September 26-October 2
October 3-9
Blessed Mother: Francis Fisher by Fisher Family
Blessed Mother:
Padre Pio: Michael A. Dulik by Family
Padre Pio: Dave Leone by Lisa Leone
Pieta: Molly & William O’Hern by Patty & Ted Crable
St. Joseph: Lester McKittrick by Veronica Potsklan & Frances Mulich
St. Joseph: Patsy DeFrank by Jim & Josie Filiaggi
St. Therese: Beverly Petrone by Paul Petrone
St. Therese: Page & Lucy Dyer by Children & Grandchildren
Candle Memorials –October,November & December 2015
October 10-16
October 17-23
Blessed Mother: Florence Broderick by Jim & Josie Filiaggi
Blessed Mother:
Padre Pio: Judge William Franks by Joe & Dolores Yoders
Padre Pio: Joe Stefanko by Jim & Josie Filiaggi
Pieta: Sonny Adao by Helen Adao & Family
Sanctuary: Dave Leone by M/M Adrian Orsini
St. Joseph: John Mazzocco by Jim & Gloria Nuccetelli
St. Joseph:
St. Therese: Helen Capranica by Family
St. Therese:
October 24-30
Blessed Mother: Harriet Galida by Jerry & Jamie Onesi & Family
October 31-November 6
Blessed Mother: Nick Sabatini by Adrian & Frances Orsini
Padre Pio:
Padre Pio: Michelle Colabianchi Murray by Family
Pieta: Mary Franks by Children, Sara, Julius & Ralph
Pieta: Virginia Detweiler by Bill & Chris Constantine
Sanctuary: Eugene Barchetti by Wife, Joan Barchetti
St. Joseph: Joseph & Mary Duritsa by Ken & Dorothy Marcinko
St. Joseph: Joseph & Adeline Kalasky by Sylvia Savo & Family
St. Therese: Michalene McGarvey by Dan McGarvey
St. Therese: Michael Carbonara by Joyce Carbonara
November 7-13
November 14-20
Blessed Mother: Patsy Petro by Wife, Sara
Padre Pio:
Blessed Mother: Margaret Mazurek by Jim & Josie Filiaggi
Padre Pio: M/M Sam Riffle by Daughter, Janet Petlevich
Pieta: Vincent & Rose Makarun by Ron & Charlanne Makarun
Pieta: Paul & Dora Pontorero by Pam Pontorero
Sanctuary: Alice Bota by Family
St. Joseph: Fred Lipperini by Children & Grandchildren
St. Joseph: Patsy Petro by Sam & Patty Gulino
St. Therese: Antonio Nuccetelli by Jim & Gloria Nuccetelli
St. Therese: In Honor of Romany, Maria & Keith by Lynn White
November 21-27
November 28-December 4
Blessed Mother: Marie Zack by Tom & Peggy Hidock
Blessed Mother: Marjorie Zack by Scott & Marcy Pollock
Padre Pio:
Padre Pio: In Honor of Frances Bells 100th Birthday
Pieta: Robert & Mary Harper by Bill & Marlene Bill
St. Joseph: Francis Broderick by Jim & Josie Filiaggi
St. Joseph: George Kozup by Jim & Josie Filiaggi
St. Therese: Mary Cooley by Paula Formentelli
St. Therese: Ruth Ann Burns by Jim & Josie Filiaggi
Candle Memorials – December 2015
December 5-11
December 12-18
Blessed Mother: Nick DiConcilis by Wife & Family
Blessed Mother: Dolores Latorre by Jim & Josie Filiaggi
Padre Pio: Luciano & Veneranda Trincia by Family
Padre Pio: Rita Martelli by Fran & Andy Orsini
Pieta: Armand DeFrank by Jim & Josie Filiaggi
Sanctuary: Anita & Don Everly by Emma Everly
St. Joseph: Felice Petrone by Paul Petrone
St. Joseph: Margaret Colabianchi by Family
St. Therese:
St. Therese: Gilda Vaclavik by Tim & Bethany Dye
December 19-25
Blessed Mother: Maria Basili by Family
December 26-January 1
Blessed Mother: Clara Ferrell by Jim & Josie Filiaggi
Padre Pio: Dave Leone by Wife, Lisa
Padre Pio: Anthony Trincia by Wife & Children
Pieta: Thomas Peccon by Wife & Family
St. Joseph:
St. Joseph: John Bill by Bill & Marlene Bill
St. Therese:
St. Therese: