The magazine of the Week St Mary Circle of Churches Candlemas to Lent 2015 United we stand 2 From the Rectory It’s wonderful the way Christianity offers us an unending series of excuses to make the most of life – in the form of the feasts, festivals and seasons which make up the liturgical calendar. No sooner has one finished, than another is heaving into view. There’s hardly any time between saying goodbye to Epiphanytide and putting the white vestments away, before we’re getting out the purple ones for Lent, beginning on Ash Wednesday (which this year is 18th February). Each of the Church’s four colours has its own significance, with purple in the weeks before Easter and Christmas indicating periods of reflection and anticipation. Lent is two weeks longer than Advent, with the more extended time of preparation befitting the more major festival at the end. And although in the pre-Christmas time of Advent there’s an uncomfortable contrast between the restrained atmosphere inside the churches and the seasonal excesses outside – at least everybody is ‘getting ready’ in some way or another. Lent is different, because the rest of society is involved in any sort of preparation for anything, and finds the run-up to Easter a complete and utter non-event. Even within the Church it’s not always terribly obvious how to make the best use of these six weeks, but there at least a sense that this is a period of particular significance. It’s important that we see time as special, because it helps us treasure each and every moment. Unlike the secular world where time is seen essentially in linear terms, the Church sees it more as a cycle or a spiral. We come back to where we were last year – but from the slightly different perspective that results from the way we’ve grown since then. In Lent the focus is very much on the final chapters of Jesus’s ministry, when his courageous outspokenness eventually (and terribly predictably) resulted in what at the time must have seemed a complete and utter disaster. With the benefit of hindsight we can see that, far from being the end of the story, it was only the beginning. It would be useful to have hindsight a bit early, but because we obviously can’t, it means our whole lives are a series of leaps of faith. we make mistakes, (with hindsight) we could (and should) have done things differently (and better). But all we can ever do is 3 try the best we can at the time, making decisions fully aware of our limitations and imperfections. Lent is a time when we can take full advantage of hindsight and look back, not just at Jesus’s final weeks, but also at our own lives (roughly: from a God’s eye view). The more attention we pay to Lent, the more we will tend to benefit from it. Recent years have seen less attention given to various kinds of dietary abstinence (such as not eating chocolate or biscuits) and more emphasis on doing something extra instead. This might involve more regular church attendance; or going to Bishop Tim’s Lent course on Tuesdays in the Parkhouse centre at 6.45 pm, starting on 24th February; or maybe spending a bit more time than usual in reading the bible, or even a theological book or two (there are many good ones readily available, so just ask if you want some suggestions). None of the above should be seen as any form of penance (to be given up gratefully and with relief as soon as Lent is over!) – but rather as an encouragement to longer-term habits that are in themselves well worth cultivating. Some might regret the decline in Lenten asceticism, seeing it as an example of how religion has become flabby and undemanding, in order not to require much of anybody. Others, however, would argue that to see Lent as mainly a time of negativity and self-mortification, is to divert attention from the opportunity it provides for doing some serious thinking and potentially life-changing reflection. Some people want nothing to do with form of Lenten observance – but still find its last few days moving beyond words. Each of us is on a unique spiritual journey, with different needs and priorities, and it’s a matter of finding what works for us and what doesn’t (whilst always respecting those who see and do things differently). There is no single right way to keep Lent (although there may be plenty of wrong ways). What important, however, is for each of us to set aside the time needed to ask serious questions about our faith, and to refuse to be content with the banalities and brittle certainties that often masquerade as religious truth. If we do that, we are according our faith the significance that it merits, and preparing ourselves, once again, for the amazing events of Holy Week. Revd Tony 4 Bishop Tim will be leading the Lent Course on Tuesday evenings 24th February, 3rd March, 10th March & 17th March at The Parkhouse Centre, Bude 7.00 pm (Coffee/Tea will be served from 6.30 pm) Everyone is welcome! 5 Stratton Deanery Waymark Event The Feast of the Presentation of Christ in the Temple Sunday 1st February, 1.15 pm at Poundstock Gildhouse A simple meal of Soup, Bread & Cheese and Fruit will be provided (Donations to support the Ebola Crisis Appeal) Please bring a light from your morning worship and an artefact from your church that speaks to you of journeying UP, IN, WITH, and OUT 6 WSM Adventure Church We meet at the church on Tuesday evenings after school. During the winter most of our Adventures take place indoors but in better weather we aim to be outdoors and active as much as possible. Parents are asked to attend with children if they possibly can and certainly if they are very young. We expect older children to be responsible, caring and to set an example to others. Activities are organised so that there is something for all ages. Ring 01288 341221 if you would like more information, or just turn up on a Tuesday! February Programme: Sun 1st 9.30am Candlemas- Anna and Simeon Tues 3rd 4.30pm Candlemas Candle Making Sausages and baked beans Tues 10th 4.30pm In the Beginning was the Word All creatures great and small Visit from ‘Jack’s Zoo’ at the church - £2 per child Packed snack Tues 17th 4.30pm Tues 24th 4.30pm SHROVE TUESDAY PANCAKE PARTY PANCAKES!! Listening to God’s Instructions TBA Fish Fingers and Spaghetti We will be preparing a Together page for children from March onwards with Challenges, craft ideas, colouring and puzzles to interest children of all ages. Our Facebook Group is 'Week St Mary Adventure Church' , please find us and ask to join the group. 7 CAMEO Come And Meet Each Other at Linda’s on Friday 20th February from 2.00pm. For anyone who wants just to share time over a cup of tea (and mince pies) with a friendly group of people. Contact: Linda Cobbledick (01288 341 468). Looking forward to seeing you! Meet’n’Eat in Week St Mary Parish Hall at 12.30pm on Mon 2nd February Looking forward to seeing you, Sue, Brenda, Linda and the team. The WEEK ST MARY POP-IN COFFEE CLUB in the Methodist Sunday School Room every other Thursday, 10.30am - 12noon For more details, please ring: 01288 341 513 MOTHER* & TODDLER COFFEE POT CLUB Meets every Tuesday from 10.00 to 12.00 in Week St Mary Parish Hall Tons of toys, carafes of coffee, loads of laughter. Babes bring your Mum and have some fun! Want more info? Contact Amy Holding (01566 785 580) *Fathers, grandmothers/fathers, uncles, aunts, etc, etc, also welcome! 8 SOLACE your local Bereavement Support Group meets on the FIRST TUESDAY of every month at The Parkhouse Centre in Bude from 2:30pm - 4:30pm. It’s free & open to all who are bereaved. Solace is supported by A.W. Bryant - Funeral Directors - to whom we are very grateful - but is open to anyone regardless of which Funeral Director they have been involved with. If you want to know more: phone Rob on 01566 781570 or email [email protected] FAIRTRADE FORTNIGHT This year Fairtrade Fortnight will run from 23 February - 8 March. All our churches are registered as Fair Trade churches where we try to use tea and coffee from sustainable resources. Please look out for the various promotions in our supermarkets and support this worthwhile cause. Sign up to the campaigns newsletter to keep up to date on all things Fairtrade and Fairtrade Fortnight related. Sue. Do you need support with . . . Getting around? Looking after yourself? Seeing and hearing? Caring for someone else? For more information, contact Adult Care and Support Tel: 0300 1234 131 email: [email protected] 9 Widemouth Bay Summerhouse Tuesday Discussion Group Are reading: by John V. Taylor. You would be welcome to join them on Tuesdays at 2.30pm. Their afternoons end with tea. For more info, please ring Hilda on 01288 361 323 Widemouth Bay Summerhouse Early 2015 Events - Fridays at 2pm except 27th March! Feb 13th Make a birthday card with Margaret Jeffery Small charge Feb 27th Craft and chat (mostly chat with a cup of tea, biscuits and dogs to pat) March 13th Make an Easter card with Margaret Jeffery Small charge March 27th Lent Lunch at 12 noon April 10th Craft and chat ( mostly chat with tea, biccies and dogs) April 24th Come to an indoor picnic! For details please ring Hilda on 361323 or Hazel on 361892 STRATTON DEANERY BOOK CLUB Monday 2nd February, 7.30 - 9.30pm at 14, Monterey Close, Bude Will be looking at: The Cost of Discipleship by Dietrich Bonhoeffer New members always welcome. WSM CIRCLE SERVICES February 2015 AMW: Revd Tony Windross, GR: Revd George Rowe, RY: Revd Rob Yeomans, PJ: Revd Peter Judson, RD: Revd Canon Rob Dickenson, GS: Gloria Street, CG: Carol Goundry, AH: Ali Harper, AA: Audrey Atkin, WT: Worship Team HC: Holy Communion, MP: Morning Prayer, ES: Evening Service, FS: Family Service, AM: Anglo-Methodist Service, UBS: United Benefice Service FEBRUARY 2015 Sunday 1�� Presentation of Christ in the Temple (Candlemas) Malachi 3: 1-5; Hebrews 2: 14-end; Luke 2: 22-40; Psalm 24: 7-end 0800 0930 0930 1100 1600 1830 Widemouth Bay Week St Mary Poundstock St Gennys Jacobstow Whitstone HC FS HC HC ES ES AMW WT AMW AMW AMW AH white Note also: Deanery Waymark Candlemass Service at 1.15pm in Poundstock Gildhouse (see p 5 for details) Wednesday 4�� 0830 Widemouth Bay HC RD Thursday 5�� 1100 St Anne’s Home HC Friday 6�� 1700 Widemouth Bay ES WT Widemouth Bay Jacobstow Warbstow Whitstone P’dstock/Bangors St Gennys Week St Mary HC AMW MP CG HC AMW HC AMW AM MM MP CG ES AMW Sunday 8�� Second Sunday before Lent green 0800 Proverbs 8: 1, 22-31; 0930 Colossians 1: 15-20; 0930 1100 John 1: 1-14; 1100 Psalm 104: 26-end 1100 1830 Wednesday 11�� 0830 Widemouth Bay HC AMW Friday 13�� 1700 Widemouth Bay ES WT 1030 Week St Mary Wednesday 18�� ASH WEDNESDAY 1900 0830 Widemouth Bay Week St Mary HC RY HC AMW Friday 20�� 1700 Widemouth Bay ES WT Sunday 22ⁿ� 0800 0930 0930 0930 1100 1100 1630 Widemouth Bay Jacobstow Warbstow Poundstock Whitstone Week St Mary St Gennys HC HC MP MP MP HC ES Wednesday 25�� 0830 Widemouth Bay HC PJ Friday 27�� 1700 Widemouth Bay ES WT 0800 0930 0930 1100 1600 1830 Widemouth Bay Week St Mary Poundstock St Gennys Jacobstow Whitstone HC FS HC HC ES ES Sunday15�� Sunday next before Lent green First of Lent purple 2 Kings 2: 1-12; 2 Cor. 4: 3-6; Mark 9: 2-9; Psalm 50: 1-6 Genesis 9: 8-17; 1 Peter 3: 18-end; Mark 1: 9-15; Psalm 25: 1-9 UBS AMW AMW AMW AA CG AH AMW GS MARCH Sunday 1�� Second of Lent purple Gen. 17: 1-7, 15-16; Romans 4: 13-end; Mark 8: 31-end; Psalm 22: 23-end AMW WT AMW AMW AMW AH 12 DIARY DATES Changes/additions in bold type; * indicates a more detailed reference elsewhere in the mag. JANUARY 2015 Tue 27th 10.00 - 12.00 WSM Parish Hall, Mother & Toddler Coffee Pot Club Tue 27th 2.30pm Widemouth Bay Summerhouse, Tuesday Discussion Group * Thurs 29th 7pm WSM Benefice Room, UBC * Wed 28th 2.30pm WSM Benefice Room, Bible Study FEBRUARY Sun 1st 1.15pm Poundstock Gildhouse, Deanery Waymark Candlemass Service * Mon 2nd 12.30pm WSM Parish Hall, Meet’n’Eat * Mon 2nd 7.30pm 14 Monterey Close, Bude, Deanery Book Club * Tue 3rd 10.00 - 12.00 WSM Parish Hall, Mother & Toddler Coffee Pot Club Tue 3rd 2.30pm Widemouth Bay Summerhouse, Tuesday Discussion Group * Wed 4th 2.30pm WSM Benefice Room, Bible Study Fri 6th 7.30pm St Gennys House, St Gennys PCC Mon 9th 6.30pm for 7.00pm at Marhamchurch School, Deanery Synod Tue 10th 10.00 - 12.00 WSM Parish Hall, Mother & Toddler Coffee Pot Club Tue 10th 2.30pm Widemouth Bay Summerhouse, Tuesday Discussion Group * 13 February Diary Dates, cont’d Wed 11th 2.30pm WSM Benefice Room, Bible Study Fri 13th 2pm Widemouth Bay Summerhouse, Birthday Cards * Sat 14th Deadline for material for 2015 Welcome book * Tue 17th 10.00 - 12.00 WSM Parish Hall, Mother & Toddler Coffee Pot Club Tue 17th 2.30pm Widemouth Bay Summerhouse, Tuesday Discussion Group * Wed 18th 2.30pm WSM Benefice Room, Bible Study Fri 20th 2pm CAMEO * Mon 23rd Fairtrade Fortnight begins * Tue 24th 10.00 - 12.00 WSM Parish Hall, Mother & Toddler Coffee Pot Club Tue 24th 2.30pm Widemouth Bay Summerhouse, Tuesday Discussion Group * Tue 24th 6.30 for 7pm Parkhouse Centre, Bude, Deanery Lent Course led by Bishop Tim (1) * Fri 27th 2pm Widemouth Bay Summerhouse, Craft’n’Chat * MARCH Mon 2nd 12.30pm WSM Parish Hall, Meet’n’Eat * Mon 2nd 7.30pm 14 Monterey Close, Bude, Deanery Book Club * Tue 3rd 2.30pm Widemouth Bay Summerhouse, Tuesday Discussion Group * Tue 3rd 6.30 for 7pm Parkhouse Centre, Bude, Deanery Lent Course led by Bishop Tim (2) * Thu 5th 12noon for 12.30 Jacobstow Parish Hall, St Piran’s Day lunch * Tue 10th 2.30pm Widemouth Bay Summerhouse, cont’d over: 14 March Diary Dates, cont’d Fri 13th 2pm Widemouth Bay Summerhouse, Easter Cards * Fri 27th 12noon Widemouth Bay Summerhouse, Lent Lunch * Stratton Deanery - Week Day Services If we have missed any, please let Rob know on 01566 781570. First Tuesday of each month: Confraternity of the Blessed Sacrament, 4:00pm St Michael, Bude Haven Every Wednesday: Holy Communion 8:30am Our Lady and St Anne, Widemouth Bay 9:30am St Andrew, Stratton 10:00am St James, Kilkhampton 10:00am St Piran’s Chapel, Trethevy – Tintagel (on the first Wednesday of each month the celebration at St Piran’s Chapel includes prayer, anointing and the laying on of hands for wholeness & healing.) Every Thursday: Every Friday: St Michael, Bude Haven 8:45am Morning Prayer 9:30am Holy Communion Our Lady and St Anne, Widemouth Bay 5:00pm Evening Prayer Deanery Services & Events Please do not be put off about travelling further afield. This is such a good opportunity to meet our brothers and sisters in other parishes. Ø If you are hesitant about going to a church you do not know. Ø If you do not drive and would like go. Ø Or if you would just like some company Please contact me and I will endeavour to obtain a lift for you. Sandra Huffer, Stratton Deanery Synod Secretary Tel: 01288 355941 or email [email protected] 15 St Piran's Day Lun ch in Jacobstow Parish Hall Thursday March 5th, 12 for 12.30 Pasty and salad followed by an assortment of hot or cold puddings. Cost £6. This event was very popular last year so please book as early as you can. To book contact Pat Lane 01840 230 743 or Ruth Fox 01840 230 153 Please say if cheese & onion pasty preferred. Jacobstow Church Programme for 2015 Bank Holiday Monday 25th May Dog Show with stalls and refreshments from 1pm Dog Show from 2pm June 25th Gift Aid Day Church open 10am till 3pm with mini flower festival Sat.4th July BBQ at Trelay Bungalow from 6.30 pm all welcome Sunday 26th July Revel Concert with Tintagel Male Voice Choir Concert in the church, donation on entry (suggested donation £6) Free supper in parish hall to follow Monday Oct 5th Harvest festival in the Parish hall with auction of produce and supper Sat November 7th Early Christmas Fair in the Parish Hall from 11am Sunday 6th dec. Service of Nine lessons and Carols with St Gennys silver band, followed by supper in the Parish Hall 16 In the Absence of the Coracle The Diocesan online eBulletin can be found at: for news and events. WSM Circle Welcome Booklet 2015 I should like to publish the new edition of the Welcome booklet at the end of February. If you would like a list of your planned fund-raising events included in the printed edition, as well as online, please let me have details by St Valentine’s Day. Also, please tell me of any revisions you would like made to your current entry in the booklet. Thanks, Ed. Material for the March by Feb 11th, please, to Peter Mitchell: [email protected] or at: Lihai, Tresmeer, LAUNCESTON, PL15 8QY Please remember that you can receive a monthly online copy of Together on application to the above. JACOBSTOW POP-IN COFFEE CLUB 10.30am to 12noon in the Parish Hall every other Thursday Please contact Ray Fox 01840 230 153 for details. Sunday, 06:00 on BBC Radio Cornwall 95.2 FM / 103.9 FM Sunday Breakfast, BBC Cornwall's Faith Programme Donna Birrell looks at various faiths and ethics across the county and beyond. 17 Persecuted Christians in China Christianity in China has a long history. First recorded in 741, it has always struggled with the indigenous belief systems and the ruling dynasties. In the ensuing centuries it has suffered bouts of persecution, some severe. Since the Communist take over it has suffered from being seen as a foreign import of Western origin, especially during the Cultural Revolution. The official “Three Self Patriotic Movement” Church, the government sponsored church has some 8 million members (all under government control), and is largely left alone. The Protestant House Church movement, which refuses to be controlled, has in the last 30 or so years seen spectacular growth with some 30-50 million members and maybe more. This has brought about its own problems with the state. At first the state tried to bludgeon it into submission by arrest, imprisonment, fines and even execution, to no avail. So, starting in 2011, a new, more insidious form of persecution started. First the state compiled a dossier of all church leaders and members. Then, it used utility companies, service committees, and neighbourhood committees to terminate contracts with rental facilities, cut electricity and water supplies, and generally harass, interfere, thus disrupting church services and meetings. Thirdly this action was extended to individual church members over leases, homes, and businesses, along with eviction notices. Church leaders were often put under house arrest. They also targeted lawyers who defended Christians and dissidents in court, such as Chen Guangchen. This systematic targeting of Christians has become commonplace, and because it is often through personal harassment, it goes largely unreported and unheard of, especially by other Christians in China. Please thank God for the rapid growth of the church in China. Pray for fortitude, courage and steadfast faith in the face of official suspicion and hostility. Pray for all who face imprisonment and house arrest to stand firm in their faith. Pray for all who represent Christians in court, and who thus become a target themselves. Pray that the government will grant greater measure of religious freedom, especially for Christians. Pray that churches which lose their buildings will be able to adapt to their changed circumstances, and thus spread the “Good News” even faster. 18 Finding the Way Forward January 2015 The Sunday Epiphany 2 readings show us 4 Bible characters, each of them challenged in some way, and the Lord seemed to speak to them and open up new possibilities in their lives. The new year is often a time when we try to take a fresh look as to whether we need to develop or do things differently, as individuals and also as a church. Our thoughts and prayers centred round these thoughts. The PCCs are meeting - we prayed that as individuals and groups our priority is to listen for God's direction as we discuss needs, opportunities, possibilities. Groups and activities were thought about and prayed for. (You might like to pray for the groups you belong to). Our own personal faith walk might grow stronger if we made a bit more time to read/talk about/study for own development , either on our own or with others. We thought of the coming Lent course when Bishop Tim is coming to this area (see Feb. magazine for details). Book Clubs are another way - if anyone would like to be part of one of these or start one up I am sure Tony would be happy to hear that. 'Together' tries to list all the available options for growing in our faith and understanding. Next Meeting: To be arranged. Ring Joy on 01288 341 437 for info. Stratton Deanery Dates for Synod/Assemblies, 2015 All 6.30pm for 7.00pm at Marhamchurch School Mon February 9th Mon April 20th Synod Assembly – Presentation by the Diocesan Mission Group Mon June 15th Synod Mon September 14th Assembly November 23rd Synod 19 THE CHURCH YEAR: Thoughts for February with thanks to Hilda Walter On the 1st we are celebrating The Presentation of Christ in the Temple, or Candlemas. We have Simeon the priest in the Temple giving thanks in the words of the Nunc Dimittis (Luke 2: 22-40). We remember the event with candles, or we did in the old days of processions and using visual aids. Some of you may recall singing ‘Jesus bids us shine . . . like a little candle burning in the night, you in your small corner and I in mine’. On the 18th we celebrate Ash Wednesday, when a priest marks us with ash to remind St. Thomas of Villaneuva us that ‘Dust thou art and unto dust shalt Distributing Alms (Murillo) thou return’. We then begin a six-week training course, physical, mental and spiritual. This should bring us into fresh knowledge of ourselves, with a greater desire to respond to the needs of those who live around us. The period of Ramadan is observed by Muslims ‘As a reminder of the privations suffered by the poor’. That makes sense of going without something that really hurts. From Tuesday 24th February to Tuesday 17th March Bishop Tim will be leading the Deanery Lent Course at the Parkhouse Centre in Bude. We are often saddened that there are things going on in Truro which we should like to attend but transport prevents, so let us make a real effort to attend the Course now that Truro is coming to us. Who knows you might learn something, if only that it was a discipline to get there, and basically it is not to make you feel self-righteous but to make you think, be more loving, more outgoing, more sympathetic and more tolerant of other people outside of the ‘Church’. Prayer: Forgive us when we put our own comfort before the needs of others. We pray for all who are cold and hungry. May we wake up and spend a Lent drawing nearer to what you would have us be. The main contacts: MINISTRY TEAM: Rector Revd Tony Windross 01288 341 600 [email protected] Reader Carol Goundry 01840 230 606 Pastoral Coordinator: Joy Farran 01288 341 437 [email protected] Flying Support: Ali Harper 01288 488 296 [email protected] UNITED BENEFICE COUNCIL: Hon. Secretary Lesley Booker 01288 341 221 [email protected] Anthony Farquhar 01840 230 384 [email protected] Hon. Treasurer CHURCHWARDENS: Jacobstow 01840 230 526 01840 230 153 Mr Brian Marshall Mr Ray Fox Poundstock 01288 361 147 01288 361 504 Mr Graham Jones Ms Hilary Kenny St Gennys 01840 230 151 01840 230 006 Mr Philip Clifford Mr Robert Andrew Treneglos 01566 781 421 01566 781 372 Mr Peter Mitchell Mrs Heather French Warbstow 01566 781 329 01566 781 835 Mrs Annette Gavin Mrs Audrey Atkin Week St Mary 01288 341 221 01288 341 348 Mrs Lesley Booker Mr Dick Sowerby Widemouth Bay 01288 362 254 Miss Judy MacDonald Whitstone 01288 341 598 01288 341 699 Mr Mervyn Collins Mrs Phyllis Walter Printed by Easyprint SW Ltd Unit 1/Red Post Workshop, Bude EX23 9NW Phone:01288 381700
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