IROQUOIS SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD OF DIRECTORS School Board Meeting Tuesday, February 18, 2014 MINUTES ATTENDANCE Board Members and Officers: Present: Mrs. Julie Abele (late arrival at 7:10 p.m./early departure at 9:35 p.m.), Mrs. Susan Bartlett, Mr. James Crotty (early departure at 9:10 p.m.), Mr. Rick Hess, Mrs. Kelley Majczyk, Mrs. Marjorie McLean, Mr. Richard Ragen, Jr., Mr. Alfred Rial, Mr. Randy Weismiller, and Atty. Christine McClure (Solicitor) Absent: Administration: Present: Absent: Guests: I. (None) Mr. Timothy Burkett, Mrs. Amy Hartleb, Mrs. Rebecca Kelley, Dr. Pamela Lenz, Mr. Shane Murray, Mr. Robert Schodt, Jr., Mrs. Kimberly Smith, and Dr. Thad Urban (None) Jamie Marshall (VLN Partners), Gerard Drozdowski, Ann Drozdowski, Brian Martin, Lisa Martin, Craig Tarr, Adam Majczyk, John Drozdowski, Ed Shafer, Becky Arner, Maggie Ryan-States CALL TO ORDER: Mr. James F. Crotty, Board President, called the regular meeting of the Iroquois School District Board of Directors to order at 7:05 P.M. in the Iroquois Elementary School cafeteria, 4231 Morse Street, Erie, Pennsylvania. II. MOMENT OF REFLECTION AND PLEDGE: Mr. Crotty opened the meeting with a moment of reflection and then led the group in a Pledge of Allegiance. III. MINUTES OF PREVIOUS MEETING: On a motion by Mr. Rial, seconded by Mrs. Bartlett, the minutes of the regular Board meeting held on January 21, 2014, were unanimously approved (8-0). IV. AGENDA CHANGES: A. Presentation given by Mr. Jamie Marshall of VLN Partners – Cyber school demo Mrs. Abele arrived to the meeting at this time (7:10 p.m.) B. The Board moved Citizen Comments to take place prior to any Agenda Changes. V. CITIZEN COMMENTS: Iroquois School District Board Minutes – February 18, 2014 Page 2 of 8 E. • Gerard Drozdowski – Commented on the opening of the Head Football Coach position. • John Drozdowski – Commented on the opening of the Head Football Coach position. • Lisa Martin – Commented on the opening of the Head Football Coach position. Executive Session: The Board met in Executive Session beginning at 7:58 p.m. to discuss a personnel matter and proposed vendor contract. Executive Session was adjourned at 9:01 p.m. C. The Board moved New Business Item B, Recommendation to approve the immediate opening of and advertising for the Head Varsity Football Coach position at Iroquois High School. On a motion by Mr. Hess, seconded by Mrs. Abele, New Business Item B was approved with the following vote results: 6 Yes votes, 2 No votes, and 1 Abstention (Mr. Rial). VI. BUSINESS OFFICE REPORTS: A. BUDGET TRANSFERS: (None) B. APPROVAL OF BILLS: 1. PAID BILLS: On a motion by Mrs. Majczyk, seconded by Mr. Weismiller, the bills that were already paid were unanimously approved. (9-0) 2. UNPAID BILLS: On a motion by Mrs. Majczyk, seconded by Mr. Weismiller, payment of the unpaid bills was unanimously approved. (9-0) Mr. Crotty took early departure from the meeting at this time (9:10 p.m.) C. TREASURER’S REPORT FOR THE PERIOD: On a motion by Mrs. Majczyk, seconded by Mr. Ragen, the Treasurer’s Report was unanimously approved. (8-0) D. BUSINESS ADMINISTRATOR’S REPORT: On a motion by Mr. Ragen, seconded by Mrs. McLean, the Board unanimously approved the report presented by Mrs. Smith. (8-0) E. CAPITAL PROJECT REPORT: Iroquois School District Board Minutes – February 18, 2014 Page 3 of 8 On a motion by Mr. Ragen, seconded by Mrs. McLean, the Board unanimously approved the project report presented by Mrs. Smith (8-0). F. CAPITAL PROJECT BILLS: On a motion by Mr. Ragen, seconded by Mrs. McLean, the Board unanimously accepted the project bills presented by Mrs. Smith (8-0). G. CAPITAL PROJECT INVESTMENTS: On a motion by Mr. Ragen, seconded by Mrs. McLean, the Board unanimously accepted the investments report presented by Mrs. Smith (8-0). H. STUDENT ACTIVITY FUND REPORT: On a motion by Mr. Ragen, seconded by Mrs. McLean, the Board unanimously accepted the report presented by Mrs. Smith (8-0). I. 1% & OCCUPATIONAL PRIVILEGE TAX REPORTS FROM LAWRENCE PARK TOWNSHIP AND WESLEYVILLE BOROUGH: On a motion by Mr. Ragen, seconded by Mrs. McLean, the Board unanimously accepted the reports (8-0). VII. CAFETERIA REPORT: On a motion by Mr. Ragen, seconded by Mrs. Abele, the Cafeteria Report was unanimously approved (8-0). VIII. COMMITTEE & REPRESENTATIVE REPORTS: A. STUDENTS/EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM COMMITTEE: 1. Request to approve 2014 Iroquois Community Swim Program, Friday evenings, January 28 – April 11, 2014. Fees: Students - $1, Adults - $2, Families - $5. Supervisor of program: Jennifer Cadden. Lifeguards: Joshua Stanford and Courtney Mentley. 2. Request to attend professional development experience: Bob North (ISD) to Infinite Campus Interchange 2014, March 20-21, 2014, New York, NY. Cost: $1,319. 3. Requests for educational field trips/transportation: a. IES 1st Grade class to the Warner Arts Center, April 4, 2014. Cost: $956. Requested by: Mrs. Lesik b. IHS First Robotics team to Rose-Hulman Institute of Technology for competition, March 5-7, 2014. Cost: $234. Requested by: Mr. Frischolz c. IHS First Robotics team to California University of PA for competition, March 27-28, 2014. Cost: $156. Requested by: Mr. Frischolz d. IHS Student Forum (17 people) to Mercyhurst University, March 11, 2014. Cost: $303. Requested by: Mrs. Doverspike Iroquois School District Board Minutes – February 18, 2014 Page 4 of 8 e. f. 4. IHS Junior High Speech and Debate team to Penn State Behrend, March 5, 2014. Cost: $66. Requested by: Mrs. Peebles IHS Life Skills Support class to Cedar Point, Sandusky, OH, for yearend trip, May 28, 2014. Cost: $393. Fundraising events to cover cost. Requested by: Mrs. Steffan Request for homebound tutoring services: IHS 12th grade student – for a 6-week period beginning approximately February 24, 2014. 5. Request to approve 2013-2014 Student Activity Roster: Cross-Curricular High School Activities: President – Dylan Isaacs Treasurer – Christian Walker Advisor: Mrs. Carol Heid Vice President – Ryan Siggins Secretary – Ian Brady On a motion by Mrs. Majczyk, seconded by Mrs. Abele, Items 1, 2, 3(a-f), 4, and 5 were unanimously approved (8-0). On a motion by Mrs. Majczyk, seconded by Mr. Ragen, the Board unanimously accepted the remainder of this report. (8-0) B. MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE: 3. Request for unpaid leave for one (1) workday: Judith Pelinsky – February 7, 2014 4. Recommendation to approve proposed Iroquois School District 2014-2015 School Calendar 5. Recommendation to approve position reassignments: 6. a. Jennifer Vrenna – from Elementary Teacher position to Elementary Librarian position at Iroquois Elementary School, effective date to be determined. b. Amber Frazier – from Title I Instructional Aide position to long-term elementary substitute teacher position in the Emotional Support classroom at Iroquois Elementary School. Recommendation to approve long-term substitute teacher: Sharon Sitter – Secondary Education Foreign Language teacher in for Wingerter leave of absence. 7. 8. Recommendation to approve new bus driver and monitor: a. Kelly Pattison – Bus monitor for special needs buses b. Wendy Strain – Bus driver for Van 317 Recommendation to approve bus routes and rosters for new buses: Iroquois School District Board Minutes – February 18, 2014 Page 5 of 8 a. Bus 316 – mini-bus (18 passengers) b. Bus 317 – van (7 passengers) 9. Recommendation to approve Horace Mann as a vendor in the District 403(b) Plan. 10. Recommendation to reduce the hours for the 2-hour Level 2 food service position at Iroquois High School by one and one half-hours per day (11-12:30 p.m.) due to reduced lunch counts. 11. Request to use District facilities: 2014 Summer Swim Program requesting use of Iroquois High School pool facilities for practices and swim lessons, June 9-August 1, 2014. Fees to apply: $200 On a motion by Mrs. McLean, seconded by Mr. Hess, Items 3, 4, 5(a-b), 6, 7(a-b), 8(a-b), 9, 10, and 11 were unanimously approved. (7-0) On a motion by Mrs. McLean, seconded by Mr. Ragen, the Board unanimously accepted the remainder of this report. (7-0) Mrs. Abele took early departure from the meeting at this time (9:35 p.m.) C. POLICY COMMITTEE: (None) D. BUILDING AND GROUNDS COMMITTEE: (None) E. ATHLETICS COMMITTEE: 2. Resignation: Scott McFeely – Girls’ head basketball coach, effective January 31, 2014 3. Recommendation to approve appointment of temporary head coach for the girls’ basketball team for remainder of 2013-2014 basketball season: Jeff Bonniger, effective January 31, 2014 On a motion by Mr. Ragen, seconded by Mrs. Majczyk, Items 2 and 3 were unanimously approved. (7-0) On a motion by Mr. Ragen, seconded by Mrs. McLean, the Board unanimously accepted the remainder of this report. (7-0) F. ERIE COUNTY TECHNICAL SCHOOL REPORT: On a motion by Mr. Rial, seconded by Mrs. Majczyk, the Board unanimously accepted the report presented by Mr. Rial. (7-0) G. NORTHWEST TRI-COUNTY INTERMEDIATE UNIT #5 REPORT: Iroquois School District Board Minutes – February 18, 2014 Page 6 of 8 On a motion by Mrs. Bartlett, seconded by Mr. Weismiller, the Board unanimously accepted the report presented by Mrs. Bartlett. (7-0) H. LEGAL REPORT: (None) I. LAWRENCE PARK TWP RECREATION PLANNING BOARD REPORT: (None) J. IROQUOIS SCHOOL DISTRICT FOUNDATION REPORT: Mrs. McLean gave an oral report. No vote for acceptance was required. IX. ADMINISTRATIVE REPORTS FOR THE PERIOD: A. ELEMENTARY SCHOOL – IROQUOIS ELEMENTARY SCHOOL: On a motion by Mrs. McLean, seconded by Mr. Ragen, the Board unanimously accepted the report presented by Dr. Urban. (7-0) B. SECONDARY SCHOOL – IROQUOIS JR./SR. HIGH SCHOOL: On a motion by Mr. Weismiller, seconded by Mr. Hess, the Board unanimously accepted the report presented by Mr. Schodt. (7-0) X. NEW BUSINESS: A. Recommendation to approve long-term substitute teacher for Iroquois High School Special Education Inclusion position, beginning February 10, 2014 through end of 2013/2014 school year: Samuel Barco – certified Social Studies, Middle Level Science, and Special Education C. D. Recommendation to approve certified substitute teachers: 1. Cody Regan – Secondary Education Social Studies (7-12) 2. Scott Flynn – Social Studies 3. Andrew Pursell – Secondary Social Studies (7-12) Recommendation to approve emergency substitute teachers through IU#5 consortium: 1. Kara Bauer 2. Merri Luebbert 3. Jonathon Valentin 4. Kristine Weigle Iroquois School District Board Minutes – February 18, 2014 Page 7 of 8 E. F. Recommendation to approve lifeguards for the 2014 Community Swim Program: 1. Shane Kaliszewski 2. Aislin Shannon Recommendation to approve enrollment of tuition-waiver student for SY 20142015: Joshua Kidd, Kindergarten Parent (District Employee) – Mrs. Jessica Kidd, IHS Emotional Support Teacher District of Residence: Erie City SD G. H. I. Recommendation to approve requests for educational field trips/transportation: 1. IES Chorus (12 passengers) to Corry High School, May 16, 2014. Cost: $497. Requested by: Mrs. Moser 2. IHS Criminal Justice classes to Erie County Courthouse, March 12, 2014. Cost: $263. Requested by: Ms. Connaroe Recommendation to approve School Volunteers/Coaching Aides: 1. Ken Kalie – Level I, Track and Field 2. Brian Martin – Level I, Softball 3. Mickey Allen – Level I, Softball 4. Denny McLaughlin – Level I, Softball 5. Richard Bonniger – Level I, Track & Field 6. Margaret Bonniger – Level I, Track & Field 7. Barry Miller – Level I, Track & Field 8. Dave Armstrong – Level I, Track & Field 9. John Finke – Level I, Baseball 10. John Pichette – Level I, Baseball Recommendation to approve request for athletic team travel (Amendment): IHS Softball team spring trip – Amendment to previously approved spring training in Florida: The athletic department will pay $635 toward the cost of the entry fee. J. Resignation: Tricia Paglia – IHS Health Room Aide, effective March 1, 2014 K. Recommendation to employ as co-coaches through the end of current season: 1. Tod Allen – Co-Coach, Girls’ JV Basketball, effective January 31, 2014 Iroquois School District Board Minutes – February 18, 2014 Page 8 of 8 2. M. Tom Crozier – Co-Coach, Girls’ JV Basketball, effective January 31, 2014 Recommendation to approve in lieu of an expulsion agreement for Unnamed Student: This AGREEMENT allows the District to provide special education services to the student required under IDEA under the terms listed in the agreement. On a motion by Mrs. Majczyk, seconded by Mr. Ragen, Items A, C(1-3), D(1-4), E(1-2), F, G(1-2), H(1-10), I, J, K(1-2), and M were unanimously approved. (7-0) L. Recommendation to approve contract with VLN Partners to provide cyber school services for the District. On a motion by Mr. Ragen, seconded by Mrs. Bartlett, Item L was unanimously approved. (7-0) XI. ADJOURNMENT: On a motion by Mrs. Majczyk, seconded by Mrs. McLean, and carried as unanimous (70), the meeting adjourned at 9:58 P.M. Marjorie D. McLean, Board Secretary
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