In ndexe ed Irish Equit E ty Fu und Series S sH Inforrmation is corrrect at 31st De ecember 2014 4 Fun nd Descrip ption Fun nd Facts This s is a passive ely managed equity fund that t aims to track t the bjective ISEQ Q Index there eby achieving g Irish marke et equity returrns on a Ob cons sistent basis. Inv vestment by investing in n the same equity stocks ass those of Sty We achieve this b yle moves the riskk of poor the index in the same weightiings.This rem ck choice. stoc Sizze s fund is suita able for inves stors who will accept the ups and This dow wns that come e with investing completely in equities in order to Asset Mix imprrove potentiall return. Warning: W If yo ou invest in this t product you y may lose e some s or all off the money you y invest. Nu umber of Stocks e used for the purposes of securities s The assets in thiss fund may be Vo olatility / Risk ding in order to earn an ad dditional returrn for the fun nd. While lend secu urities lending g increases the e level of riskk within the fun nd it also Strrategy prov vides an opporrtunity to incre ease the invesstment return. Launch Date Irelan nd erform in line w with the Irish stock s To pe markket Passsive €48.7 7 million Equitty 55 High 31st December 19 995 100.0% Equ uity Reg gion Distrib bution Top p Ten Equiity Holding gs Stoc ck Name Fu und CRH H PLC 21.0% RYANAIR HOLDINGS S PLC 18.6% KERRY GROUP PLC 12.3% BANK OF IRELAND 11.6% ARYZTA AG 7.9% SMU URFIT KAPPA GR ROUP PLC 6.0% PADDY POWER PLC 4.2% GLANBIA PLC 3.1% KING GSPAN GROUP PLC P 2.8% DRA AGON OIL PLC 2.2% This s fund is prov vided by Irish h Life Assuran nce plc and is managed by b Irish Life In nvestment Ma anagers Limited. Allie ed Irish Bank ks, p.l.c. is a tied agent of Irish I Lif Assu urance plc. fo or life and pen nsions business. Wa arning: This fu und may be afffected by cha anges in the cu urrency excha ange rates. EIH--NET-1214 In ndexed d Irish h Equ uity Fu und Series S H Callendar Year Returns 2010 -1.40% % -0.08% % Fun nd* Ben nchmark** Perrformance as at 31/12 2/2014 1 Month M 3 Month M YTD 1 Year Y 3 Year Y p.a. 5 Year Y p.a. Sin nce launch p.a.**** Fund* 3.01% 7.22% 15.76% 15.76% 23.38% 13.50% 13.79% Benchmark k** 3.02% 7.32% 16.83% 16.83% 24.07% 14.40% 14.54% 2011 1.70% 2.65% 2012 19.63% 20.46% 2013 35.69% 35.79% 2014 15.76% 16.83% Perfo ormance ch hart % Retu urn 30 25 20 15 10 5 0 Since launch p.a.*** 5 Year p.a. 3 Year p.a. 1 Year YTD 3 Month 1 Month Fund* Time * Fund F returns are e quoted before e taxes and after a standard annual manageme ent charge of 1.00%. The fund d management charge and pro oduct charges c will varyy depending on the terms and conditions c of yo our contract ** Benchmark: B The e standard against which the pe erformance of th he fund is meassured. It typicallyy includes mark ket indices or we eighted combina ations of these as approp priate. *** Launch L Date (fo or the series use ed in the above performance illu ustration) = 24/0 07/2009 Source: S Irish Life e Investment Managers Wa arning: Past P Performance is not a relia able guide to future f perforrmance. Wa arning: The value of your investment may m go down as well as up p. Allied Irish Banks,, p.l.c. is a tied d agent of Irish h Life Assuran nce, plc, for life e and pension ns business. Allied Irish Banks,, p.l.c. is regulated by the ce entral bank of Ireland. ent Managers is regulated by b the central bank of Ireland. Irish Life Investme entral bank of Ireland. Irish Life Assurancce plc is regulated by the ce EIH--NET-1214
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