B-1 - CADET PROGRAMS Summary Benchmarks 0 Commendables 0 Mission Rating A-Discrepancies 0 AoCs 0 HHQ 0 Cadet Program curriculum and activities for Leadership Cadet Program curriculum and activities for Aerospace Cadet Program curriculum and activities for Fitness Cadet Program curriculum and activities for Character Development Staffing Position - Deputy Cmdr for Cadets/Cadet Prog. Off. position held: 0 Year(s) 0 Month(s) Cadet Programs Specialty Track: Mission and Staffing Notes Y/N/NA Topic/ Detailed Question 01 Have Cadet and/or Senior members completed Required Staff Training IAW CAP regulations? CI Checklist / Worksheet, Jan 2015 How to verify compliance Discrepancy Write up Wing will provide copies of Cadet and Senior members' Required Staff Training Certificates (or completed CAPF 11, Senior Member Professional Development Program Director's Report for Cadet and Senior members) involved in the previous year's wing encampments and cadet activities. (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (B1 Question 1) Wing failed to ensure Cadet and Senior members completed the Required Staff Training before participation in a Cadet Program activity IAW CAPR 52-16 para 23b. Previous Editions Will Not Be Used Notes OPR:IGI 02 Are Senior members present at all activities involving cadets? Wing will provide documentation of Senior members involvement in previous year Wing encampments and cadet activities. (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (B1 Question 2) Wing did not ensure Senior members were present at all activities involving cadets IAW CAPR 52-16 par 2- 03 (DELETED) (DELETED) (DELETED) 04 Are all CAPF 54 Civil Patrol High Adventure Activity Requests completed and approved before any High Adventure cadet activities are accomplished? Wing will provide copies of all CAPFs 54 from the last year for High Adventure cadet activities either digitally or during on site visit. (A- Discrepancy): [xx] (B1 Question 4) Wing did not ensure CAPFs 54 were completed/approved before cadet High Adventure activities were accomplished, IAW CAPR 52-16 para 2-8. 05 Has the wing established a Cadet Wing will provide CAC Roster. Advisory Council (CAC)? (A-Discrepancy): [xx] (B1 Question 5) Wing failed to appoint a CAC IAW CAPR 5216 para 7-1. 06 (DELETED) (DELETED) CI Checklist / Worksheet, Jan 2015 (DELETED) Previous Editions Will Not Be Used OPR:IGI Instructions for writing Benchmarks, Commendables, closing a discrepancy on site, and writing an Area of Concern 1. If there are “Identified Strengths or Weaknesses” list them then delete all of these instructions. 2. When writing a Benchmark or Commendable you must include what is being or has been done that is a highly effective concept, technique, or management practice that is above and beyond the requirements specified by the regulations AND what its impact was on the wing/unit or its mission. 3. Should a discrepancy be closed on-site prior to the inspectors leaving, the discrepancy should be written up followed by this bullet point a. This discrepancy was verified corrected - discrepancy closed, no further action required. 4. When writing an "Area of Concern" (AoC) keep in mind the definition of an AoC: a. An AOC indicates a minor weakness which does not violate a directive and is listed when mission accomplishment, program purpose or membership satisfaction is impaired or threatened. Examples of AOCs include, but are not limited to: i. A weakness or impairment that, if uncorrected, will lead to a violation of regulation or other standard. ii. A sample which may indicate an unsatisfactory trend or violation if found to be prevalent in the unit. iii. Non-mandatory processes or activities that are not accomplished, but would be beneficial or useful to the program.
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