NEW YORK STATE PUBLIC HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETIC ASSOCUTION SECTION IV Minutesþr the Athletic Council meeting held at the Canasawacta Country Club, Norwich NY on Wednesdøv. June 18,2014. Meeting was called to order by President, Romona Wenck at 3:00 pm Roll Call - attached Introductions Minutes of the March meeting approved as mailed. Motíon by Grasso Second M#1 by Race Action Carried by-WatrcA- Action Catied Treasurer's Report be approved as presented. T# I Motíon by__Gras¿p- Second Communications - Central Committee - Chris Durdon, Julie Bergman The Superintendent's Representative to the NYSPHSAA Central Committee term expires 8/2014. Gordie Daniels who currently holds this position has expressed interest in serving in another term. If any other Superintendent ís interested, please contact Mr. Nelson as soon as possible. IWSPHSAA Central Committee report with discussion/action items: N.Y.S.P.H.S.A.A., Inc. Report - Todd Nelson Mandatory Athletic Director Meetingþr 2014-15 will be held on October 7th at Johnson Cíty HS. Bidþr Cheerleadíngwill be sent out infall 2014þr championships in 2015 Participation ín dual sports to accommodate cheerleading will need to seek approval from the section. State Education Report- No Report New York State Athletic Administrators Association Report New president is Chris Durdon New York State Council of Administrators - Eric Race - David Garbarino Committee Reports Appeals Commìttee - Romona Wenck- No Report Awards Committee - Ben Nelson, Tom DeLaurentiis New company Crown Awards same company NYSPHSAA uses þr awards starting with the 2014 faU sport season Cløssíficatíon Committee - Mike Andrew - Report Included Reminder - Voluntøry Request to Move Up in Classffication must be submitted to the Classification Committee þr review by the foltowing dates: Fall Sports - August 1", Vf/inter Sports - October ]'t, Spring Sports - February 1". AIso tf you moved up and want to go back to classification by BED's numbers you must request this þr approval by the Classffication Committee by the same dates. No exceptions to the dates will be permitted. Classificationfor parochial schools is on the Section IV Website, spreadsheet is also attachedfor review. Ethics Committee - Pattí Murphy - No Report Extended Elìgíbilíty Committee - Julie Bergman Extended Eligibitity applications areforfall sports are due by July 1". FC#l FC#3 Finance Commíttee - Tom DeLaurentiis "Be it resolved that the Section IV Budgetþr 2014-2015 be approved as presented." VanValkenburgh Action Carried Motíon by Grasso Second by "Be it resolved that the Section IV Fínance Committee report be accepted as presented." Action Carried Race Motíon by Heller Second by Hall of Fame Commíttee - Nancy Bromley Reminder deadlinefor application submissíon is November I't. 3I't qnnual Section IV - Red Johns-Charlie Tesori-Ed Shalkey Old Timer Golf Tournament wds held on July I't at the Afton Golf Club. The Høndbook Committee - TBA Lífe of an Athlete Committee - Patti Murphy - Report Included Coaches Super Clinic wítl be held on August 28t^ @ Chenango Valley HS - 11:00 am to 4:00 pm, inþrmation included. Mergers Committee - Ben Nelson Reminder of the IWSPHSAA Combining of Teams policy using a graduated scale. Reminder merger deadlíne þr Fall is July 1", Winter is October I't, Spring is February I't. Mked Competition Committee - Davíd Garbarino - No Report Modífied Commíttee - Carl Koenig (B), Sue Franco (G) Remínder of the Football Pilot Program Officìals Coordìnatíng Commíttee - Jason Andrews The mileage rateþr 2014-2015 will be .47 cents maximum of 100 miles roundtrip or a maximum of 847.00 The Preferred / Non-Preferred Officials þrm will no longer be used effective with the 2014-I5 seasons. Safety Committee - Pat Grasso Concussion update reminder - CDC þr Physical Education, NSF þr coaches and teachers Sportsmanship Committee Trønsfer Committee - Patti Murphy - Report íncluded - Terry Heller - No Report Coordinators Reports Badminton (B&G) - Greg Waruen & Israel Loriner Date Changed to March 14, 2016 @ BG HS - No Report sports Basebøll - Terry Raymond (C-D) & Bob Fenton (AA,A,B) - Report Included Bøsketball (B) - Ken Goldberg, Mark Woítach - Report Included Bssketbøll (G) - Andy Scott, Kurt Ehrnesbeck- Report Included Bowlíng (B) - Pete Girolamo - Proposals attached Bowlíng (G) - Pam Beard_- Proposals attached BW#I "Be it resolved that the proposalþr Automatíc Bidþr Individual to Section IV All Star Team be approved as presented. " 'l(arren Motíon by Bl,I/#2 " Be it resolved that Motion by BW#3 "Be ít resolved that Motion by the proposal by Heller for Mullins the proposalþr Mullins Second Action Carried the State Tournament Oil Pattern be approved as presented. Second Action Carried the State Qualifier Event be approved as presented." Second Action Carríed by " Warren by Heller Cross Country (B) - Steve Baxter, Todd James Cross Country (G) - Lee Schaffer Pre-Season meetingwill be August 26'' @ U-V at 2:00 pm Hosting State Championships most likely at Chenango golf course Field Hockey - Nicole Huston Hosting the State Championships at ME Dave Groover has resigned effective immedíately as the Field Hockey Chairperson, with Rick Smith recommended to take over. FH#I "Be it resolved that Rick Smith be appointed as the Section IV Field Hockey Chairperson effective immediately." Motíon by Huston Second by . Tfarren Action Carried Footbøll - Dave Garbarino Golf (B)- Doug Courtright Golf (G)- Jamie Harter - Report Included Lacrosse (B) Lacrosse (G) Hosting boys state championships next spring at BU Skííng (B&G) - Jo Hínkley - No Report Soccer (B) - Michael Andrew Middletownfor State Championshipsþr the next 4 years Oneonta fields are in great condition, the finals þr Section IV will be held there in Soccer (G) the fall. - Bill Stepanovsþ Softball - Terry Palmer (C-D), Jim Testa - Report Included Swimming (B) - Dan Zembeck- No Report Swimmíng (G) - Diane Hicks-Hughes - No Report Tennís (B) - Report Included Thank you to Lorrqine Flysik þr stepping in to help the tournament go wíth the lack of a coordinator þr this sport Tennís (G) - Dan Palmer - No Report Track (Spring) (B) - Matt Sheehan Track (Spríng) (G) - Jim Cerra - Report Included íüll be bidding on state championshipþr 2016 Class C Meet Proposal A Vote of section 4 coqches was passes 29 to I to have the C meet entries change format. If 18 or less schools the C's wíll use the 2 entries and 3'd on quality per event o If 19 or more schools the C's will use proportions based on league representation. o TF#I "Be ít resolved that the Cldss "C" meet proposal be approved as presented and implemented with the 2015 track and field seqson." Motíon Track (Winter) Track (Wínter) by Mullins Second by Race Action Caffied (B) - Ed Shelling, Andrew Cartwight (G) - Ben Cardammone - Report Included Volleyball (G) FalI - Patti Perone Volleyball (B) - Crissie Russo - No Report Wrestling - Ríck Armstrong, Rick Gumble WR#I " Be it resolved that the proposal for the Wrestling State Qualífying procedure be approved as presented." Motíon by Armstrong Second by Race Action Defeated Old Business New Business Fríend and Neíghbor Holy Family School, Norwich NY (Grades 7-8) has appliedþr Friend and Neighbor Status. FN#I "Be it resolved that the Holy Family School be approved as a Friend and Neighbor." Action Carried Heller Second by Motíon by Warren Nomínating Commìttee Nom#l "Be it resolved that theþllowing fficers be electedþr a two year term (2014-2016)." Margo Martin President I" Vice President David Garbarino 2'd Vice President Terry Dougherty Yes x No Nominations fromfloor Action Carried Heller Second by Motíon bv Race Sectional Entry Policy - 2 years is up need to revote to continue the policy SEP#I " Be it resolved that Section IV Entry Policyþr Sectional Tournaments (State Quaffiing Tournaments) shall be 40% wín percentage þr overall schedule or 50oÁ win percentage þr class schedule. Should only one school qualify in any class, the 2nd seeded teamwould have the option to play in the Sectional Final." Falt - Soccer (B/G), Field Hockey & Girls Volleyball Sports this policy fficts: Winter - Basketball (B/G) Spring - Baseball, Softball and Lacrosse (B/G) Action Canied Warren Second by Motíon by Race Sectíonøls SC#I "Be it resolved that all Spring Sport Schedules avoid the State Wide school budget voting day (third usedþr (rain day) only." Action Defeated Motionby_Eclþt_ Secondby_Çrp;;o Tuesday in May) and that it be SC#2 "Be ít resolved that Sectional Tournament Classes of 4 or less teams participating will choose when to play their semi-final round up until the semi-final date." Action Carried Motíon by Race Second by Mullins Out-of-Season OS#1 "Be it resolved that the S.T.A.C. League, M.A.C. League and Delaware League be granted permission to participate in Golf during the Fall Season in 2014." Action Carried Motíonby____WgUqL_ Secondby____Eeller. OS#2 "Be it resolved that the M.A.C. League be granted permission to use theþllowing dates for theír modified start datesfor 2014-15:" Monday, August 25, 2014 modffiedfoll sport start date Monday, November 24, 2014 modffied winter sport start date Monday, March 23, 2015 modified spring sport start date Action Carried Motìon by Race Second by Mullins OS#3 "Be it resolved that IAC League be granted permission to use October 22, 2014 winter sport start date." Motíon by Race Second by Mullins OS#4 "Be it resolved that start dateþr for their modified Action Carried Section IV Modífied Football as August 25, 2014." Action Carried Motíon W____Watrc!_ Second by____ Helþt- Sports Coordínators SC#I "Be it resolved that on recommendcttionfrom the Executive Board that Mike Andrew be appoínted as the Director of Section IV Sport Coordinators ffictive immediately" Action Caníed Motíon by__GtgÊÅ2_ Second by_Ifqtrc!- SC#2 "Be it resolved that the Sports Coordinators be approvedþr 2014-2015." (Líst Included) Action Caruied Motion by____Mulltn; Second by_IfØe!Seníor All-Star Games requestfor 2014-15 Section IV: Football - Ernie Davís Classic Boys Lacrosse Field Hockey MAC: Boys & Girls Boys & Gírls Girls Soccer Bqsketball Volleyboll IAC: Girls Volleyball Boys & Gírls Soccer Boys & Gírls Basketball Baseball Softball Tri-Vallqt League: Delaware League: Boys & Girls Soccer Boys & Girls Basketball Adjournment at 4: l7 pm Motíon bylg&et Presented by Ben Nelson Interscholastic Sports Coordinator Second by_ Heller Action Cqrried NEIY YORK STATE PUBLIC HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETIC ASSOCIATION IV SECTION ROLL CALL EXECUTIVE BOARD Presidenl Ist Vice President 2nd Vice President Interscholastic Sports Coordinator Treasurer Girls Representative Romona lílenck Margo Martin-abs Ben Nelson Thomqs Delaurentiis Margaret Tremblay-abs S up erintendent s' Repr e s entativ e P rinc ipa I s' Repres entativ e Gordie Daniels Terry Heller Chris Durdon Julie Bergman -abs Andy Lutz-abs Boys Physical Education Representative Girls Physical Education Representative Past President Counsel Upper Delaware Delaware Mountain I.A.C. Northeast I.A.C. Southwest Dave Gouldin -abs LEAG UE RE PRESENTATIVE S (B) Rick Cammer (G) Jim Adair-abs kenburgh-ab s B o b VanVal Ray Preston-abs Bill KwiqtowskiSharon Mullins Matt Osborne-abs Chris Haynes MAC MAC S.T.A.C. # ] S.T.A.C. # 2 Tri-Valley East David Garbarino Dave Kelly-abs Greg lV'arren-abs Eric Race Joe Hughes-abs Pat Grasso Mike Clark Tri-Valley Ilest Jim Kenyon-obs SPORTS COORDINATORS G Greg Waten Isreql Lomir-abs Robert Fenton G Terry Raymond-abs Ken Goldberg -abs Mark Woitqch-abs Kurt Ehrnesbeck-abs Andy Scott-abs Pam Beard-abs Pete Girolmao-abs B Badminton Badminton Baseball (AA-B) Baseball (C-D) B Basketball Basketball G Bowling B Bowling B Cross Country B Modified G Modified Carl Koenig -abs Sue Franco-abs B/G Sküng Jo Hinkley-abs B Soccer G Soccer Mike Andrew Softball (AA-B) Softball (C-D) B Swimming G Swimming Jim Testa-abs Bill Stepanovlcsy Terry Palmer-abs Dan Zembek-abs B Tennis D.Hiclæ-Hughes-abs TBA Steve Baxter Todd James G Tennis Dan Palmer-abs B Track-Spring Lee Schaeffer G Track-Spring Matt Sheehan Jim Cena-abs Field Hockey Nicþ Huston B Track-ll/inter Doug Courtright-abs Football Dqvid Garbarino G Track-llinter Ben Cardamone-abs Chrissie Russo-abs Patti Perone Rick Armstrong Rick Gumble-abs G Cross Country B Volleyball B Golf Doug Courtright-abs G Golf B Lacrosse G Lacrosse Jqmie Harter-abs Appeals Awards Life of an Athlete Romona Wenck G Volleyball Wrestling Barry llse-abs COMMITTEES C I as sifi cation C ommitt Ethics Ex.Eligibility Finance Hall of Fame Guests: Todd Nelson John Paske Tom Morrell Ben Nelson e e Paui Mike Patti Julie Murphy Andrøu Murphy Bergman-abs Ben Nelson Nancy Bromley-abs Lorraine Flysik Keith Reynolds Jeremy Marks Tom Faraci Handbook Mergers Mixed Competition Officials CC Safety Sportsmanship Transfer TBA Ben Nelson David Garbarino Jason Andrews-qbs Pat Grasso Patti Murphy Terry Heller Section IV Athletic Association Joe Altieri <Altier¡> Friday, May 02,2014 3:26 PM Joe Altieri NYSPHSAA Executive Committee Convenes From: Sent: To: Subject: N¡ws A¡utr¡ourucrMENT New Yonr Srere Puellc For lmmediate Release Hre H ScxooL ArHtETlc AssoclATloN May 2,2014 Contact Information: Joe Altieri, Media Relations Phone: 518.690.0771 altieri@ Educotion Through lnterscholostic Athletics NYSPHSAA EXECUTIVE COMM'TTEE MEETS, TAKES ACTION ON NUMEROUS MOTIONS quarterly Executive LATHAM, Ny - The New york state public High school Athletic Association (NYSPHSAA) conducted one of its in New York Committee meet¡ngs today at the Hilton in Troy call and voted on numerous items that impact high school athletics State. president Eileen Troy called the meeting to order at 10 am with 22 members of the Executive Committee (a male and officers, female rep from each section) alongwith NySpHSAA Executive Director Robert Zayas, Section Executive Directors, reflect the representatives NySpHSAA Staff and guests including SED Deputy Commissioner Ken Slentz. The Executive Committee NYSPHSAA released in the vote of their respective Sections and is the voting Board of the Association. official m¡nutes of the meeting will be next seven days and can be found at recognized as a sport by A topic recently brought to the forefront of high school athletics in New York has been cheerleading being the areas of Board of Regents. The NySpHSAA staff reported on this and the executive committee had a long discussion on Stlre æ May 20th to discuss all concern and what cheerleading may look like as a sport. The cheerleading committee is scheduled to meet aspects of the sport then report back to the Central Committee in July. An item expected to be voted on but was tabled after a long discussion was to eliminate "Academic Advan waivers of the NYSPHSAA Transfer Rule. This item will be up for vote at proposal in July will include specific data from each Section pertaining to tra of the Transfer Rule, proposals included four other items from the NySpHSAA Handbook Committee were proposed. Two of the Handbook Committee new language regarding what a "Tryout" is and clarifying a "Professional Tryout". girls gymnastics moving to Numerous action items pertaining to 2015 NyspHSAA State Championship sites were approved including (Section Vll). Kenmore West High School (Section Vl) and skiing returning to Whiteface Mountain and Mt Van Hoeuvenburg Other items discussed and voted on include: (A) Consider the use of NFHS rules for all applicable sports. DEFEATED 1 (A) Consider eliminating "Academic Advontoge" as one of the waivers of the NYSPHSAA transfer rule beginning with the 20L4-2015 school year. TABLED (A) Consider requiring parents to be " legolly'' separated (i.e. legally binding separation decree from a court of competent jurisdiction) beginning withthe 20!4-2015 school year. NO ACTION (A) Consider revising Rule 23- Professional Tryouts for clarification purposes. APPROVED (A) Consider approvalto def¡ne "TryoL!('in NYSPHSAA Handbook. APPROVED (A) Consider approvalto define "Summel'in NYSPHSM Handbook. APPROVED (A) Consider approval for girls' basketball to utilize a 35 second shot clock. DEFEATED (A) Consider approval of the 2014-2015 NYSPHSM Girls' Swimming & Diving Qualifying Championship Meet Standards APPROVED (A) Consider approval of the Field Hockey uniform waiver. APPROVED (A) Consider approval Lo add "DASA" language to Rule 27- Sportsmanship. APPROVED (A) Consider approval for Section participation in 2O!4-2O!5 NYSPHSAA Championships and regionals as per NYSPHSAA Constitution, Article V, 5. APPROVED (A) Consider approval for Whiteface Mt. and Mt. Van Hoeuvenburg (7) as the site of the 2015 NYSPHSAA Sk¡ Championships. APPROVED (A) Consider approval for Kenmore West High School (6) as the site of the 2015 NYSPHSAA Girls Gymnastics Championships. APPROVED (A) Consider extend¡ng the Officials Fees and Policies for the 2OL4-2015 schoolyear. APPROVED (A) Consider allowing coaches to play in the practice round of the boys golf Championships at their own expense in a supervisory capacity. DEFEATED (A) Consider approval to permit one Board of Education approved track & field coach per qualified athlete, free entry into the State Track & Field Championships (lndoor & Outdoor) with a limit of 6 coaches per school. APPROVED (A) Consider approval to form a new Class D (Only) rotation for sub-regional and regional final games in girls basketball to begin with 2014- 2Ol5 season. APPROVED (A) Consider approval to modify the start times of the Class D and C Girls'State Basketball Championships on Sunday. APPROVED (A) Consider approval for Boys Volleyball to adjust classification cut off numbers for the 2015 season. APPROVED (A) Consider approval of Friends and Neighbors (Section Vl and lX schools). APPROVED (A) Consider approval of the appointment of Christine Ralbovsky as a new staff member APPROVED (A) Consider approval for the reduction of contests from 6 to 3 for boys tennis. APPROVED The NYSPHSM Executive Committee also discussed a number of informational items that may be considered for vote at a future time. Topics included adding significant adverse effect guidelines for mixed competition; modified promotion rule; weight throw for indoor track and field state championships. About NYSPHSAA The New York State Public High School Athletic Association lnc. is o non-profit, voluntory, educational service organization composed of public, parochial, and privote schools dedicated to providing equitable ond safe competition for the students of its member schools. The orgonizotion conducts 32 chompionship events and governs the rules ond regulotions oÍ high school othletics in New York State. Membership is open to secondory schools providing interschool othletic octivities for boys ond girls in grades 7-72. Joe Altieri, Director of Marketing and Media Relations New York State Public High School Athletic Association 8 Airport Park Boulevard Latham, NY 12110 ph: 51 8.690.077 I / fax: 51 8.690.077 5 [email protected] / www.nvsphsaa.orq Section IV Classification Committee Minutes of the 4ll0lI4 meeting held at Chenango Valley High School. The meeting was called to review 2014 winter classification of Elmira Notre Dame and Seton Catholic Central High Schools. Ben Nelson, Jeff Baier, David Kelly, Josh Gannon, Steve Weber, Bill Kwiatowski and Mike Andrew 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7 . 8. The committee discussed and corrected the various team records for Elmira Notre Dame in the previous seasons. There has been an inquiry by the IAC as to the possible placement of Elmira Notre Dame Boys Basketball in Class B for the 2014-15 and the 2016-16 seasons. The committee spent a significant amount of time looking at the criteria necessary for such a placement. We looked back at their previous records, their rosters and their sectional tournament results. It was determined that Elmira Notre Dame Boys Basketball is losing 7 out of 10 seniors to graduation and has only 1 "Out of District" player on the roster. The committee was not convinced that a level of dominance was evident. The committee expressed the feeling that a move up in classification would remove the opportunity for success, at Class B. The Committee's goal is always to maintain "Competitive Balance" without "Competitive Advantage". It was also noted that the section should not punish "Good Coaching". There was much discussion and all points of view were explained and considered. It was then recommended that both Elmira Notre Dame Boys and Girls Basketball teams remain in Class C. A motion to continue for the next two years, 20I4-I5 and 2015-1ó, the placement of both Elmira Notre Dame Boys and Girls Basketball teams in Class C was made by Josh Gannon and seconded by Steve Weber; the motion carried with four yes, no nays and one abstention. Regarding END swimming, these teams compete with ElmiraCily Schools and will annually request to move up to Class A/AA as participation is limited and also requires the support of the Elmira City Schools. Seton Catholic Central is in the second year of the two-year cycle for winter sports and will be reviewed next year. We also reviewed the previous approvals allowing Corning Central Schools to move up to Class AA for baseball for the 2014 season and in Boys Lacrosse to move up to Class A for the 2014 season. It is the feeling of the committee that since it is their traditional placement and with their pending consolidation of schools in2014 such a request is not unreasonable. 'We also reviewed the previous approval of Seton Catholic Central to move up in Golf for the20l4-I5 seasons. Tentative date of June l8th, 2014 for our next meeting. Submitted by Mike Andrew Chairman, Classification Committee SECTION IV Classifìcation Policy for Public Schools General Rules & Procedures Public Schools moving up in Class 1.0 General Rules and Procedures for Public School ClassifÌcation in Section 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 2.0 IV Classification of Section IV Public Schools will be based upon the number of students (Boys & Girls) enrolled in grades 9-11. Non-Public schools' initial classification may be based upon its enrollment where there is no significant difference in strength of programs offered by like classified public schools. BEDS numbers as submitted to the State Education Department in Albany in October will serve as the base line data for enrollment figures for all Section IV schools, both public and non-Public. This enrollment data is provided to Sections by the NYSPHSAA after approval at their winter meeting. The NYSPHSAA Statewide classification system and guidelines shall be used by Section IV schools for Sectional, Regional and State competition. Voluntarv Request to Move Up in Classification 2.I Requests from a school to move up in classifìcation in any sport(s) must be submitted to the Classification committee for review, and recommendations on 2.2 2.3 2.4 the request are to be sent to the Athletic Council for a vote. The request must state a specific rational as the reason for wanting to move up. A rational that the school is seeking better competition would require that the team in that sport would have been the sectional finalist in the previous year in the class from which the school is requesting to move up from. The request to move up will be for two (2) years and must be submitted as follows: Fall Sports Winter Sports 2.5 2.6 2.7 August 1 for September Athletic Council meeting October 1 for November Athletic Council meeting Spring Sports February 1 for March Athletic council meeting If a sport classification change occurs, it will remain in effect for a two (2) year cycle. Should you be approved to move up in classification, upon your request you may stay up in classification for another two years with Classification Committee approval. A Notice of Appeal of any action of a Section IV Committee must be presented in writing within ten (10) business days of the action by the specific Section IV Committee or legislative body to the Executive Director. Unless otherwise directed the Appeal Committee shall hear all appeals as stated in the appeal procedure and outlined in the NYSPHSAA Handbook under appeals. Letter of Intent For Moving to a Higher Class Sport School Date Current Classification Our school is requestíng to move to a higher class to particípate in the Section IV school. Tournament. We would like move up to participate as a Class Signøture of Coach Signature of Athletic Director form must be returned to the Interscholastic Sports Coordinator of Section IV by August I't Fall, October l" -fo, Winter and March I" fo, Spring ONLY ifyour school intends to play in This þr the Section IV Tournament at a hígher class. arefamiliar with the Classificatíon Committee policy on moving up in classffication prior to sending in your letter of intent to move up in any sport. Make sure you CLASSIFICATION COMMITTEE CRITERIA In determining whether or not a specific sport program at a private or parochial school should be elevated andlor retained in an elevated category, because of the strength of the program within its current class, the Committee had determined that is should review data, pafücularly sectional, class and league performance history, for a five-year period, if available, in order to conclude whether or not a particular sport program at a school has been properly classified. The Committee will look at the following criteria: A. How many times during the five-year period has the school reached the semi-finals of sectional competition in the sport in question? B. How many times has the school competed in the sectional finals during the f,rve-year period? C. What has the record or the non-public school been against schools within its assigned class, as well as schools in the other classes? D. How many players on the roster reside outside the school district wherein the private of parochial school is located? E. District (Class "44", " A" , "8" , "C" or "D") the private or parochial school is able to draw from. How larger a Evaluating these criteria and other factors that may establish the degree of competitive advantage, if any, which a non-public school enjoys in a particular sport, the Committee will determine whether, as a matter of fairness to all concemed, the specific sports programs at a particular non-public school should be classified in accordance with its BEDS statistics or whether it is a sufficiently strong program to warrant reclassification at a higher competitive level. FALL lwo Year Commitment Started 200+05 YEAR SCHOOL BEDS cc I c 264 ¿uuv-lu Serol,r iarYrr__!+ ___l = ìrE zaz ENq- I 17s - D 2013-14 END icB/ c I ail 08 rrBrr , DC]Bi rrBrr i r.Brr c-D 9oEm!Fg9rl_pelqvei-f 3!l1z1ono_ B -C 182-C i 201+15 SETON l -l ltKe -l Anorew uhatr r- .:[ AiB v -L nNp c c D C B I Committee Approved 3/09 e c n- n ¡^ lì INNÞ ô Þ A ñTID -DNP DNP DNP] C IDNP C eômmilfao c -c -l Ânn¡nvad CDCDNPC DNPCC c-D c c DDCDNPCDNPDD Committee Approved Winter - 3127113 Comm¡ttee Approved Spring - 6t11l1g c c _l_ BB BBDNP D c ccccc Gommittee Aproved 6113112 Request ccAl D cciccic 3113112 Committee Approved W¡nter - C.D A/'lô and ot{n Committee Approved 6/15/11 4t 6t 1 1 AB DCCC-D çommittee Approved Winter - StZZhZ DCBB D C C A C.D Committee Approved Winter - 12t1ïlßl DCBDNPB SETON 176.C e.¡L,!!99!\ppfq cc Committee Approved Winter - DDCC.D Comm¡ttee Approved Winter - 3t13112 DCBB 211 ctB B BL c lc ed i 9 UGB 171.D G.LX SOFT B.TE B.TF G.TR C IDNP e n End oÍ 2 Year Commitment B clci __lp an ie-eoie-Lx Ccm mi!!e_g Approved 3/09 _ uommr¡¡ee Approved Fall & W¡nter 09-10 END Classiflcation c B SPRING SPORTS (; _t__l B BI 1þ7 - D 242 - C SETON CtB c-D B1 B nB.' :':'i-.j-- ttron -]-zze - c 2012-13 B-BK, G-BKiB-SW l __i c i c l(JN END cl c l l--EllD_ WINTER SPORTS i FB lB-so c-solc-swlo-re ç ;¿14 SPORTS ccccccDD CDCDNPCC-DCC cccccc-DDD 4!194!I Gannon (STAC) ABS (Tri Val) : ìteve Weber (At Large -r -l--- l- ---T--- [-- SECTION 4 JUNE I8,2OI4 LIFE OFAN ATHLETE REPORT 1. 2. 3. 4. we discussed the video "what lt Takes" that we are making to be shown at championships as well as preseason meeting. suGGESTIONS were made which included adding fact sheets and links as well as getting the leadership group involved. A link as been ãO¿eO to the NYSPHSAA website under Life of an Athlete which included posters and updated information on nutrition and diet, what needs to be in a code of conduct, etc' John Underwood is hosting updates at the Olympic training center July 8-11 and 11-1 .These are for students, coaches and administrators. Sign up on his website. Check out Action for Healthy for school grants and resources. SPORTSMANSHIP REPORT . New awards company will be handling the Sportsmanship plaques and they will be sent to the sections in May for the 2013 awards. Congratulations to Windham-Ashland-Jewett, Oneonta, Marathon and Hancock who will be receiving their plaques' 2.congrats to our 2014 Sportsmanship program winners: Watkins Glen Owego Free Academy Deposit Bainbridge 1 Thanks to all the athletic directors who submitted their surveys. Anyone submitting a survey will receive a certificate from the state. (Due two weeks after sport season) Bøsebull YEAR 2013-2014 Baseball SPORT (Boys) CHAMPIONS Class Class Class Class Class RUNNERS-UP "AA" Elmira "A" Maine-Endwell "8" Susquehanna Valley "C" Seton Catholic "D" Hancock Union-Endicott Vestal Union Springs Thomas A. Edison Deposit REGIONAL and/oT INTERSECTIONAL TEAM OR INDIVIDUAL ACCOMPLISHMENTS: Regional {inners Class C - Seton Catholic Class D - Hancock SECTIONAL DATES AND SITES FOR NEXT YEAR *****2015 SECTION IV BASEBALL TOURNAMENT DATES Seeding Meeting at 9:00 a.m.@ Sidney Civic Center. May 13 Section IV first round games (Class B,C and D). May 19 Section IV Quarter-final games (Class AA, A, B, C and D). }y'ray 2l Section IV Semi-final game (Class AA, A, B, C, D). May 25 Section IV Championship game (Class AA, A, B, C, D). }l/ray 28 New York State Regional games. June 5 Regional games (AA & A) June 6 New York State Semi-final and Championship games. June 13 (*{<** dependent on the scheduling dilemma we may face. It may also affect our section final dates) ANY ACCOMPLISHMENTS YOUR WOULD LIKE TO ELABORATE ON??? Seton Catholic 2013 Regional and State Champions Hancock 2013 Regional Champions and State Finalist ANY PROBLEMS? On going concern Coaches filline out rating sheets for Officials to (priority)-League games take precedence-. . . . . .. Regents conflict has turned into a positive as far as co-ordinators are concerned. AI{Y POLICY HANDBOOK CHANGES? gection lÞ Section lV Basketball Championships February 27th- March L,2074 Broome County Veterans Memorial Arena SUNY Oneonta Èection lÞ 2OI3-2O14 Boys Basketball Report Section lV Champions: AA C- A B D - - Union Endicott Maine Endwell Norwich Elmira Notre Dame Charlotte Valley Regional Competition: AA Regional Final: Union Endicott 69-66 over Mt. Vernon State Semi-Final: Jamestown 64-63 over Union Endicott Class A Sub regional- Red Hook 68-57 over Maine Endewll. Class B Regional Final: Westh¡ll 56-53 over Norwich Class C regional Final Waterville 61-55 over Elmira Notre Dame Class D regional Final New York Mills 55-38 over Charlotte Valley Possible Changes_ . Note: if a t6/I7 seed play in game is necessary, it will be played on the Friday before sectional play begins. Any Class that has 4 or less teams may play their semi-final (by Mutual agreement) any date within a week of the Finals. (Usually Classes AA and A) This game will be played at a neutral high school gym. We are considering going to 2 days of finals in the Broome county arena. There is the possibility of having the AA game at a neutral site High School Gym in the future (possibly 2015-2016 season). gection l¡ Section lV Basketball Championships February 27th- March 7,2014 Broome County Veterans Memorial Arena SUNY Oneonta gection |Þ 2013-2014 Girls Basketball Report Section lV Champions: AA - Horseheads A - Maine Endwell B - Oneonta C - Harpursville D - Franklin Regional Competition: AA Regional Final - Ossining 69-62 over Horseheads. Class A Sub regional- Maine Endwell 47-26 over Walkill. Class A Regional Final- Maine Endwell 62-47 over Peekskill. Class A Semi Final - Sutherland 43-39 over Maine Endwell. Class B Regional Final: Utica Notre Dame 50-44 over Oneonta Class C regional Final Harpursville 53-46 over Little Falls Class C Semi-final Hoosic Valley 55-44 over Harpursville Class D regional Final Hamilton 52-35 over Franklin . Note: if a t6/t7 Possible Hand Book Changes seed play in game is necessary, it will be played on the Friday before sectional play begins. Any Class that has 4 or less teams may play their semi-final (by Mutual agreement) any date within a week of the Finals. (Usually Classes AA and A) This game will be played at a neutral high school gym. We are considering going to 2 days of finals in the Broome county arena. There is the possibility of having the AA game at a neutral site High School Gym in the future ( possibly 2075-2016 season). May 8,20L4 it resolved that as a result of the Section lV Bowling post-season meeting held on Monday, Season: March IO,21t4we propose the following changes for the 2OL4-2OL5 Varsity Bowling Be section Automatic Bid for lndividuals to section lv All star Team - League coordinators and based on season Coordinators discussed advancing the top boy and top girl from each league year average of the 6th scoring average with a minimum average guideline determined by a five be 2t4 for place average on the Section lV Top 30 List. (ln 2015 these minimum averages would team will be filled boys and t97 forgirls.)The remaining open spots and an alternate for each through the tournament event. o 30 lt was also determined that in the event of a tie we would adopt the following: Top bid List is calculated to the first decimal point (tenth) but in the case of automatic tie' ln the event average, the decimal will be carried out as far as necessary to break the will of a true tie, highest individual season series of those tied for highest average prevail. to the state Tournament oil pattern - in an attempt to make our section lV representatives the oil pattern state tournament as prepared as possible, it has been recommended to use determined for the state tournament for our Section lV State Qualifier Tournament. we, as coordinators, State eualifier Event - After running this event as a two day event in 2014 for the would like to recommend that this competition stay as a two day event in 2015 following reasons: o o By Most Section lV teams have only one coach who coaches boys and girls bowling. team and staying with the two day format, these coaches can give full attention to each their success. to We have five bowling centers currently interested in hosting the event. After talking to support coaches, we feel it is most fair to move this tournament every year in order advantage" all bowling centers interested in hosting and thus taking away "home field on an annual basis. o effort' The 2014 State eualifier Tournament ran close to perfectly and was a true team results were By separating boys and girls, there was less chance of scoring errors and coaches available very quickly. There were also many compliments from school officials, and parents in favor of the new format. Pete Girolamo & Pam Beard Section lV Bowling Coordinators ø6123/2øØ8 L6:35 PAGE EN JDIE 6ø-17575322 EDID -OF'-SEASON BOYS GOLF RDPORTJUI\¡'E 2OI4 ø1./ø1. SECTION tV The Clnss  and B tenm champiouships are both hêld in thc f'all. The Cl¡se Ä cham¡¡,6¡ waq Mnine-Endwe¡ with Johnny Plouffe from M-E hoving the best round at 74. Ttis yesr's drte Ís Mon. rlhr 6 nt fhe Sonring Engles GC' The Class B champion wns \ilindsor with D,I Grifliths from Sus. Valtey hrrving the best round et 74' Tbis yeacs d¡te i* Tuqq- Oct 7 at the Linls nt Hiawaths. \rye apprecinte ¡ll the effrrt end supporÉ from both courscs in mnking these tournrments a s[ceetsThe cla"qs c team championship wrs held stthe MnpleHill G.c. in lvrarathon. chen. Forks u¡ns the winner ;¡nd Trumqnrburg was the runncr-up- lvredalist honors went 1.o Dan Lnpp fiom T,bu¡.:¡ wlth r greet round of 70' Nic Whitaker from Lnnsing was the runner up with a 77. Than¡s to I)Rvc Barton iind bis st¡ff for their continnnl support of this toürn¡tnent. The 2015 tournamcnt is schedulerl for Mon. Mrrr lgth at the Maple lHill G.C. irr MarqthonThe clnss r) championship was held at the The collcge GÇ nt Dclhi. Thmta to Dave lr nÊhf,rt and his stnff lbr their support of this totrnament This yeqrts winn"rwas Merathon, wÌth Gilbo+{ pnesvílle thc runnerup' Mcdalist honors went to zach Brand from Elmirn flD nnd Joe Burgin from Delhi.rrith round sol74. 'trlhe 2015 tournrment is schedulcd for Thurs. M.ey 2rst rt The College GC et Dolhi. ()nr two-dny mcdallst to||frrament wns held at the cornell university G.c. lvc appneci:.rtc the efiorts of Matt rlnughnn ( cornell unlv' hesd golf coach and DaveEicks ( gorf co*rse snpt)rwho co*Hnmlþ support ) hißh sehool golf and our section fv gotferc. The 2015 medelist tournf,ment will be Thurs. lf¡ ry 14fh and set May 16th. Our team this yerr wflE¡ DJ ftlffifhs - Sqs, Vailey - 9 ( Srd yenr ) Dan Lapp - Trum¡nsbury - t0 ( Srd yenr Corcy,Iohnson _Norwich ) _ 12 Matt ploufz - Windsor - lZ Nate Wrighter - Tïindsor \ynn Mihok- Vesrat _ _ ll ( 2nd year ) il Rynn Johnson - No¡r,fich - 9 Nick Berney - Vessl - 10 ( 2nd yerr ) Kyle Norton _ Chen- f.orks - g Doug Courfright - SecL IV Boys Golf Coord. Section lV Softball 2Ot4SummarY Classification Winners AA Union Endicott vs. Horseheads Union Endicott A Maine Endwell vs. Corning Maine Endwell B Windsor vs. Oneonta Windsor C Thomas A. Edison vs. Elmira Notre Dame Thomas A. Edison D Richfield Springs vs. Deposit Deposit Regional Winners Deposit and Thomas A. Edison Semifinal Winners Thomas A. Edison New York State Champions Thomas A. Edison Section lV Top Scholar/Athlete Team Bainbridge Guilford - 94.89 Section lV hosted the Class AA, B and D regional championships at Union Endicott. The NYS Championship was held at Moreau Recreational Center in South Glens Falls in Section ll on Sat, June L4th. The State Tournament will be held there again in 2015. Thank you to the staff at BAGSAI, Union Endicott and the Section lV office for running a smooth tournament. Respectfu lly Su bmitted, Teresa C. Palmer 6/L7/20074 s SECTION 4 INDOOR TRACK and FIELD REPORT Ben Cardamone-Girls Indoor Track Coordinator Drew Cartwright- Boys Indoor Track Coordinator The2013-2014 Section 4 Indoor Track and Field season was very hectic. We had some early season meet cancellations that made us have to make a few meet adjustments in order to make sure our athletes that were qualifying for State Qualifiers had enough competitions. We had some great athletic accomplishments this year, Jessica Lawson /Coming ( 3000 meter) and Kari Stromhaug/Vestal (Pole Vault) and Mike Egotanda/Vestal (long Jump) winning the NYSPHSAA & Federation Championships. They set the tone for a very good Section 4 showing at the Indoor Championships. The2014-2015 tentative schedule making has begun. We have shifted most of the meets to Ithaca College and Cornell because of the amount of athletes competing. We still use SUNY Cortland for Age Group Meets. They all continue to promise to help us as much as possible. Even though the promise for continued help is out there raising fees and their own student needs have made getting a facility increasingly hard. Again this year \¡/e had a three week block of time going into State Qualifiers where there wasn't a meet; this is hardly conducive to great performances. This year Ithaca let us have basically a mini All Star meet the day before their Conference Championship so that our top kids got enough meets. The issue of rising fees at facilities is not going away.In order to ofßet some of our costs I would like to set up a gate for meets held at Cornell and Ithaca to help offset our costs. The cost of renting facilities at Cornell will have gone up 200% since I took over in 2003. The other item that I'm working on is the ability to get a corporate sponsor for one of our meets to help offset the cost; I will have to f,rnd out if that is even something we are allowed to do. This year we used the Automatic and Provisional Standards for the State Qualifier Meet. The hope is that it promotes a higher quality meet and also a more effiecient meet. We do need to make some minor adjustments. Again, Brian Staiger and Steve Baxter of the Binghamton officials association did an outstanding job of getting new officials involved and trained during this past Indoor Track and Field season. The nice thing is that there was no cost to the Section. This has been a great program to establish training for new officials. SEASON HIGHLIGHTS Class Championship Meet Results Boys A/B: Coming 162 pts., Elmira 89.5 pts. Girls A/B: Corning 185 pts., Elmira 150 pts. Boys C/D: Trumansburg I47.67 pts., Dryden 71.33 pts. Girls C/D: Elmira Notre Dame 105 pts., Sidney 92.5 pts. NYSPHSAA & FEDERATION MEDAL WINNERS NYS FED Lawson Coming Abbey Wheeler Elmira 3000 meter run Jessica Pole Vault Kari Stromhaug Vestal st l't 4th 5th 1 ltt lt' znd 3'd Corning 3200 Relay (Morgan Gallagher, Michelle Crook, Maddie Ustanik, Jessica Lawson) Long Jump Mike Egotando Vestal 1000 meter run Tom Moshier 600 meter run Matt Murray 800 Relay Elmira I't l't Corning 5th 5th Norwich 2"d 2"d 6th 7th (Jerry McPeak, Justin Judson, Ricky Houghtelling, Cabin Seymour, Brendan Collins) 6,h Inter Sectional Relay g,h (Brendan Collins-Elmira, Pedro Arias-Binghamton, Evan DeGraw-Union Springs, Richard Buchanan- V/indsor) Pole Vault Max Jordan Dylan Bland Lanslng Lansing +,lh 5'h .Th o 8th Section lV Track and Field Spring 201-4 On behalf of the Track athletes and coaches in Section lV we would like to congratulate: Class Winners : Boys lthaca Class B Boys Sus. Valley Class C Boys Trumansburg Class A Class D Boys Edmeston Class A Girls Class B Girls Vestal Norwich Girls Elmira Notre Dame Class D Girls Seton Catholic Class C Section lV winners at States: Federation: Jessica Lawson Corning 3000 meter run Corning Girls 4 x 800 meter relay Division Division l: ll: Stromhaug Jordan Hackworth Kari Tyler Vestal lthaca Sutherland Trumansburg Pole Vault Long Jump Steeplechase At this time we have several proposals on the table to make adjustments at the Section level. With the conclusion of States and Nationals and the end of the schoolyear, we are not having ourend of season meeting until this Monday night at 6:00 at Johnson City High School. All section 4 teams are expected to be represented. We have 3 major proposals on the agenda. Most of which is based on cost savings and logistics but also keeps the best interest of the student athletes a priority. 1. Move the Class steeplechase into the class meet itself. Presently we go to Vestal or Binghamton on the Monday prior to the class meet. This would save each school a day of transportation and the cost to the sectionoftheofficialsforthatmeet. Wehavealreadydonethisthelast2seasonsinSTACandithas worked out nicely. 2. Have the Class A and the Class B meet at the same venue. This would save on the 14 officials presently assignedtooneofthemeets. W¡thTClassAandTClassBschools,itwouldstill besmallerthantheClass C and D meets. 3. Possibility of a 2 day State Qualifier meet. 7 sections are presently doing this and mirror the events at the State meet. Although it would involve traveling for many schools on two days, having the meet start at 5 o'clock would mean less time out of school and with the meet ending around 8 p.m. athletes would be home at a reasonable tíme on Thursday night. This year several teams left as early as noon to be to Binghamton by the 3:30 start and with the meet ending close to L0:00 some teams did not return home until after midnight. These issued will be discussed at Monday nights' meeting and any or all of you are welcome to attend. will be directed to talk the ideas over with their Athletic Directors and Matt Sheehan and myself plan on attending the individual league meetings and will report back to this committee in August. Minutes of Mondays' meet¡ng will be fon¡¡arded to Ben NeJson in advance and sent to all committee members. Coaches Yours in Track and Field Matt Sheehan Binghamton Boys Coordinator Vestal Girls Coordinator Jim Cerra SING LES Sg,crtov 4 Sr.a:rE Artem Khrapko (Corning) QU,A,UIp-.Itr?. ¿ Doy 1 DaY I B(o-t, (r 2 (,1 Doy 1 87. e4Êk44 )+,tr-u, W..rl Third Andy Parkes (Lansing) BCL P\ace Champion DoY 1 BU)- 3 ìZ @,ú¿ Justin Milner (lthacá) , (- rra,L..-3 DoY R DoY 1 lKr\cr Parrh Latkiya (Vestat) l A3 * ..,, I Day B1 B is Black Score Cards R. is Red Score Cqrds K oi¡q? Emerson Kelby (Oneonta) l& L t, to. l 1 Dou bles SgcrtoN 4 Alex Goforth/ Gautham Sezhiam (Corning) Sr,a:rE QU,A,UIF..ItFt B A1, DoY R Doy 1 ,b3 Aaron Earle RichardsonÍonah Herold (oneonta) s ++, b-ã, Ct Ít\rc.c¿G 1 s,t"-td<),þ Doy + 1 G-Jt1-5 B? Stephen Pham/John Munley (ME) Q- 3, \ -2,1-ø (o -teþ -It Third Connor Mor¡arity/Brian Leone (Greene) ChompÍon CL Plo.ce RÉlrrr\r ¿t J-b,b-3,1-5 B I -' Day 1 l9¡n'.1,b-3 A2 Kevin Huang/Michael Zhao (lthaca) 3- b, b -3, Score Cards R BÁ3 1 R81 R ís Red 1 Will l{iller/ Theo Kee[ey-LeClajre (Elmira) DoY B is Black Score Cqrds DaY Colin Steward/Za n Stewa rt (Norwich) 7-b, 11-b,b-.o 7-':, 2014 NYSPHSAA BOYS TENNIS STATE CHAMPIONSHIPS USTA BILLIE JEAN KING NATIONAL TENNIS CENTER, FLUSHING MEADOWS tot "$inlËh':tst' 2014 Webstet-Schroeder 1 5-l Matt 5-lGamble 3 5-lGamble 7-3Peter Dalv(11 4-3Justin Milner(11 5-lGamble Bve *4th Place Semi(PHSAA) 5-lGamble Walkover (injury) 10 4-1 Emerson 11 5-3Venkatesh Ramkumar(1 12 6-3Mike Kessler(1 1 14 8-1Ben Rosen(1 Newbutgh Free Academy 15 9-3Daniel Parris(11) 16 3-1 Brent Boleslav(1 lst 1 17 1 18 2-2Lars Olson(11 Place-PHSAA, FSSAA 5-lGamble Baypotf Blue Point 11 't1 6-l Kane P-lAmari '4th Place Semi(PHSM) 9-l Dillon 9-lErnesto Dillonll 2nd Place-PHSAA 1-l Hamanaka ,l 5-1Matt Gamble(10) 2 1-'tr 3 P-lArtemie Amari(121 4 1'1-lZain Ali(12\ 5 l-1T¡m Kanell2) 6 1-2Mike Selin(12) 1-3Rex Glickman(12) 9-lErnesto Dillon(12) 7 8 P-3F Tournament Director: Selina DeCicco Tournament Referee: Barbara Petito 12 2A14 NYSPHSAA BOYS TENNIS STATE CHAMPIONSHIPS USTA BILLIE JEAN KING NATIONAL TENNIS CENTER, FLUSHING MEADOWS MAY 29th, 30th, 31st, 2014 DOUBLES ¿if, Beacon I P-1 2 1 3 3-3Alex Fox(1 Lucas b.*¡ücìnìrü,ehrnr.r:¡tþr.dß^$r.dd Smith(12) Hatf Hallow Hitts Eas¡ lP-1 1-3Travis West 61,62 1 Corning 4-2Goforth/Sezhain 4 4-2Alex 6 7 9-'lLucas 8-2Tell/Granat 63, 63 Niskayuna 2-2Nick 8-2Tell/Granat Syossef 8-2TelUGranat Cold Spring Harbor 9 8-lConnor 10 1-3Mark Fa Mamaroneck 1-3Fallati/Lee 1-3Fallati/Lee 63, 64 East Syracuse Minoa Btooklyn Tech 3-2Stone/Underwood 12 P-3Daniel 1 Half Hallow Hills West 13 11-1 14 7-3Brendan I Davis/Duane Davis Noftheastern Clinton '11-l Davis/Davis 11-1Dav¡s/Davis 1 '11-l Davis/Davis Fairpoft 15 S-3Kevin 16 6-1Joe -3Fallati/Lee 62, 46, 63 61,67(5),64 1 4thPlace(PHSAA) I 3-1 62- 63 l\¡iron/Westergaard Williamsville South 2 NoNvich 17 4-lC,olin 46,76(2),75 Stewart(11) Guilderland 18 4-l StewarUStewart 1-3Fallati/Lee .2nd/3rdPlace(PHSAA) 2-3Michael Webster Thomas T 19 20 21 6-3Brvce P 22 7-1Alex l -2Aronson/Cassone 61, 62 12\lJack Plattsburgh Brooklyn Tech 23 Tranq(11 1st Place(PHSAA) JohnJay 24 'l-2James '4thSemi(PHSAA) 3-l Miron/Westergaard Albany Academy 26 4-3Kevin H 27 8-3Andrew 11-2FolSeltman Massapequa Commack 28 11-2Nick 11-2FolSeltman 1 Peru Central 29 7-2Patrick Demarais(1 I )/Chase Orchard Park FD Roosevelt 9-2John Ackerman(1 H a rl e y- Al I e n d a I e -Co l)/Aaron 32 5-lJordan Tournament Director:Selina DeCicco I u mb i a t-l PickerinqrSmÍth 5-l 3 4 3-l MullenstPar¡s 5 !.1 M¡ron/l,lrestêrqea rd 6 I 7 l-l Narula,lBhanqdia I 30 6-2Tommy Baldinge(12 31 1 2 Benjamin/Mevoracl l.2AronsonrCassone I -1 Davis/Davis l1-2Fox/selûnan WaMick 12) 9-3Spencer Brief( 12)/Peerse Algiere(9) 5-l to line 4-lStewart/Stewart 4¡CollnStewart(11)/ZanStewart(11) 62, 63 Tournament Referee:Barbara Petito 17 Nowich 2014 NYSPHSAA BOYS TENNIS STATE CHAMPIONSHIPS USTA BILLIE JEAN KING NATIONAL TENNIS CENTER, FLUSHING MEADOWS MAY 29th, 30th, 31st, 2014 Singles Consolation 6-2McClaren A/ 6-2McClaren 8-1 Rosen 1, (Consolat¡on 1st Place) 8-l Rosen 17 2-lH'aelen 2-1 Haelen 2-l Haelen 8-2Solomon 8-2Solomon Tournament Director Selina DeCicco Tournament Referee Barbara Petito 2014 NYSPHSAA BOYS TENNIS STATE CHAMPIONSHIPS USTA BILLIE JEAN KING NATIONAL TENNIS CENTER, FLUSHING MEADOWS MAY 29th, 30th, 31st, 2014 Doubles Consolation út ld,'.tionth'ordrtntn,oþtðrk^ûìt*¡ / (injury) 13 7-3Boutin/Khater 5-3Kulawiec/Nunno 60, 60 (Consolation lst Place) l1-3Leaf/Reiffman 17 2- 9-2Ackerman/Considing t----60;6d- 9-2Ackerman/Consid ine Tournament Director Selina DeCicco Tournament Referee Barbara Petito NYSPHSAA BOYS TENNIS CHAMPIONSHIPS Sectional Team Points zo14 Section Points I 35 il 14 ilt 15 tv 12 V 37 VI 15 vil 7 vilt 20 tx 13 xt 20 PSAL 38* New York State High School Boys Tennis Sportsmanship AWARDS 2014 Section I Mike Selin-(Dobbs Ferry) Section ll Alex Fedorov-(Fayetteville-Man lius) Section lll Josh Druger-(Oneonta) Section lV Emerson Kelby-(Oneonta) Section V Logan Toops-(Webster Thomas) Section VI Tim Kane-(Hamburg) Section Vll John ny McAu liffe-(Peru Central) Section VIII Ben Rosen-(Pott Washington) Section IX Ernesto Dillon-Cornwall Section Xl Zain Ali-Half Hallow Hills East PSAL Felipe Osses-Konig NYSPHSAA ALL STATE TEAM rST-4TH PLACE (STNGLES AND DOUBLES) 2014 #1 Matt Gamble-1 O(Webster Schroeder) #2T aiy o Ha ma naka- 1 2( Eastchester) #3Zain Ali-12(Half Hallow Hills East) #4Ernesto Dillon-1 2(Cornwall) DOUBLES (Harley-Allendale-Columbia) #1 Jordan Benjamin-1 #1 Aaron Mevorach- I 2(Harley-Allenville-Columbia) 1 #2James Aronson-1 2(John Jay) #2Hayden Cassone-9(John Jay) #3Mark Falatti-1 2(Mamaronak) #3Nick Lee-1 1 (Mamaroneck) #4Danny #4 N M iron-1 2(Fayetteville-Manlius) icholai Westergaard- 1 2 ( Fayettevi I le-Man i us) I February gú 2013 Proposal to Section Four Executive: procedure The section four wrestling coaches would like to alter the post season State Qualiffing with the following cost saving proposal: all varsity Do away with the Class qualifiing part of the Sectional Championships and bring wrestlers to the final event. Rational: of The saving on offrcials and especially travel to and from events would save both cost officials and member schools a large expense. 2. The Class awards would be done a-way with, saving the section money on Class Championship awards in rty'restling. 3. Member schoãls would be saved tñ. "*" of hosting or traveling to another Wrestling event to be duplicated the following week at the championship event' 4. From a purely financial point of view, the section loses money on the class tournaments, to be offset and bringing alt spectaús to a championship event would boost ticket sales, l. 5. 6. by the advantage ofonly one venue used. same basic The champions"hip.urnt for both Division I and Division II would have the all format, making the qualiffing process to the State meet more equitable. Presently each from topfour Division I wreltlers äuaüfy foittn championship event, but only the for some class tournament in di.'iriôn II qualify. This difference makes it unfair qualifying their at Division II wrestlers, who happen to iall into strong weight classes Class tournament. It is a fact that some athletes compete against each other continuously over the three the Class week period of League, Class *tdth.n Sectional Championships cutting repeated continuous these for Tournaments would save the section the offrciating bill at a final event' matches, saving the section money on matches that could be done once Sincerely submitted: William MacNeill Wrestling Coach Whitney Point High School SPORT B/G COORDINATOR Badminton & Table Tennis B/G Greg Warren & Israel Loriner Baseball(AA,A&B) B Robert Fenton Baseball (C A D) B Terry Raymond Basketball B Ben Nelson, Mark Woitach Basketball G Kurt Ehrnesbeck, AndY Scott Bowling B Pete Girolamo Bowling G Pam Beard Cross Country B Cross Country G Lee Field Hockey G Niclcy Huston Football B David Garbarino Golf B Doug Courtright Golf G Jamie Harter I-acrosse B Andy Bauchman Lacrosse G Stephanie Walker Modified B CarI Koenig Modified G Sue Franco Sküng B/G Io Hinkley Soccer B Michael Andrew, Adam Heck Soccer G Bill Stepanovsþ Sofiball(AA,A&B) G Jim Testa Sofibatl (C & D) G Terry Palmer Swimming B Dan 7¿mbek Swimming G Diane Hicl<s-Hughes Tennis B TBA Tennis G Dan Palmer Track (Spring) B Matt Sheehan Track (Spring) G Jim Ceta Track (Winter) B Ed Shelling and Andrew Cartwright Track (Winter) G Ben Cardamone Volleyball (Winter) B Crissie Russo Volleyball (Fall) G Patti Perone Wrestling B Steve Rick Baxter, Todd James Schaffir Armstrong, Rick Gumble Approved March 19,2014 Section IV DATES for 2014-15 FALL 20I4 SEEDING MEETINGS Cross Cotutlt'y Field Hockey Oct 15 @ llP HS Football ColJ (Class A) Soccer (B) Soccer (G) Swinning (C) Tetutis (G) ltolleyball (C) SECTIONAL DATES / STTES October 30 @ Cl/ State Park (Raiu Date Oct 3 I ) October 21,22,29 Fitnls Noveuber l @TBA Oct 30 - Nov. I Semis, Nov. 7-8 Finsls Oclober 6 Oct l5@Sectionll/7pnt Oclober 21,24,28: Finals October 3l- Nov. I @TBA Oct I5 @ Section ll/ Tpnr October 22, 25, 29 Fitnls October 3l - Nov I @TBA Nov. 2 via hrlex progrcm Nov. 5 (Prelins), Nov 7 (Diving), Nov.8 (Finals) Oct 9-1 1 (Raiu tlates l6-ltì) Oct. 24-25(St Qualífer) October 27, 2ll, 30 Finals Novenber l WINTER 20I4-I 5 BadmintoniTf B/G SEEDING MEETINGS Baskerball (B) Basketbdl (G) Feb Feb l8 @ Section IIt l8@SectionlV Bowlittg B/C Ice Hocke! (B) SECTIONAL DATES / SITES March 14 @ Bainbridge-GuilJitrd Feb 25, 28, March 4,5,6,7 Fittals @ Arena / D @ SUCO Feb. 24, 27, March 3,5,6,7 Finals @ Arena / D @ SUCO Feb. 7-8 and Feb I 4-1 5(Snte QtnliJìer) REGIONAL DATES / STATE CHAMP|ONSHIP Novenber tl @ SUNY Caúot ( I 0) Novenber I 5-16 @ Maine-Enclwell HS (1) Novenber 2 I -22: 28-30 @ Carrier Dome (3) SITES Nov 14-16 Nov 4-5 and Nov n/a Noventber l5-16 @ Micldlerown HS (9) November I 5-l 6 @ SUNY Cortland/Homer/TC3/Cordland HS (3) Novenber 2l-22 @ Ithoct College (4) Noventber I -3 @ Tr¡-City Tennis Center, Lathan (2) Noyenber Ì 5-l 6 @ Glens Falß CC (2) 7-8 Nov. 4-5 qnd Nov. 7-8 Nov.4-6 qtd Nov 7-9 REGTONAL DATES / STATE CHAMPIONSHIP SITES n/a March l0-l 1 snd l3-14 March l0-l I and 1l-14 March 2U-22 @ Glens Falls CC (2) March 27-29 (Fecleration) Mat ch 20-22 @ HI/CC (2) March 27-29 (Federation) March 7-8 @ TBA March I 4- I 5 @ Utica Aulitorùn (3) Febnnry 23-21 @ Skiittg B/G Swinuing (B) Tt ack Indoor/llinler Feb l8(prelins); Feb 20(divinþ: Feb 2l (lìnals)TBA l/olleyball (B) March 28 @ Johnson City HS February I I llrestling Jan. SPRING 20I 5 Bqseball Boys Goll SEEDING MEETINGS 18, Marv 13 Feb & Feb 2 TBA March 6-7 @ Ithaca College (4) March 7 @ TBA I n/a Jat 23-24(ùnl February 27-28 @ Tines Union Center Albany (2) Meets @ TBA) Feb 7 (Class Meets @ TBA) Feb. I 3-l 5 (Fiuals @ TBA) SECTIONAL DATES / SITES May 19. 2 I,26: Finals May 29 May l4 & 16 (Medal¡st @ TBA) May 18 (C @ rBA) REGIONAL DATES Jme 4 &6 / SITES STATE CHAMP]ONSHIP úue l3 @ Binghanton (4) May 3(t-31, úne Ì @ Cornell U. (4) May2l(B@TBA: D@TBA) Jtne I 2-14 @ SUNY Delhi (4) hute 6 @ SUNY Binghanton (4) Jute 5-6 @ SUNY Cortland (3) Cirls ColJ Lacrosse (B) Lacrosse (G) Solball Tennis (B) Track & Field B/G TBA TBA May l5 2 I , 26, 27, 28 - May 30 (Fínals) May l4-15 (Class Meets) May 22-23 (Stote Quql¡fër) Ma1 27-2ll (Classes) Jtne 4 (State QualiJèr) May Jtne4&6 Jute 13 @ Moreatt Park Sottth Clens Galls (2) May 28-30 @ USTA Compex NYC Jtue l2-14 @ SUNY Albany (2) Sports Season¡ Moilday, Ailgrst I 8, 20 I 4 - Stnday, Novenber 30, 201 4 (l 5 Weeks) Mondar, Novenber 3, 20 l 4 - Studay, March 29, 20 I 5 (2 I llteeks) Mondty, March 2, 2015 - Stnday, Jtue 14, 2015 (15 Weeks) Tcst D^tes PSAT: October 15, 2014 and Oc¡ober 18, 2014 SAT:Octoberll,20l4; *Novemberll,20l4:Decenber6,20l4;Jamnry21,2015:May2,2015and*Jtne6,20l5 ACT: Septenber 13,2014, October 25,2014, Decenbet' 13,2011, April 18,2015 andJune 13,2015 Advanced Placenenl: May 4-i, 2015 and May I 1-15, 2015 Regents: Jrute 2, I6-25,20I5 * - SAT on lhis dste conlicts with Sectional Final, RegìonøI or State Chømpionship Døtes Exec u tive Con núttee Meetin es Alhletic Couilc¡l Meetinss Artgttst 21, 2014 @ Sídney Civic Ceilter at TBA October 23, 2014 @TBA at l0:00 ant Wednesday, Septenber I 7, 2l)1 4 @ Siclney Civic Center at 6:00 pnt llednesday, November 19, 2011 @ Maine-ñdwell HS at 2:00 put ll/ednestlay, Mqrch 25, 201 5 @ Johnson City HS qt 2:00 L4/ednesday, June 17,2015 @TBA February 19, 2015 @TBA at l0:00 an May 21.2015 @TBA at 10:00 an D,4TES ARE SUBJECT TO CHANGE!!!! l7 ptt Classification Enrollments for 2014-15 (as per NYSPHSAA, lnc. January 2014) 1370 1203 1170 ELMIRA CORNING BINGHAMTON ITHACA HORSEHEADS UNION-ENDICOTT VESTAL JOHNSON CITY MAINE ENDWELL OWEGO FREE ACADEMY NORWICH 1033 993 878 842 556 555 524 HARPURSVILLE UNADILLA VALLEY OXFORD GROTON MARATHON SETON CATHOLIC ODESSA MONTOUR DELAWARE ACADEMY-DELH 188 188 184 183 177 171 16s 161 I SOUTHERN CAYUGA 155 135 LANSING 308 282 272 AFTON EDMESTON CHERRY VLY-SPRGFLD GEORGE JR REPUBLIC DEPOSIT HANCOCK RICHFIELD SPRINGS MILFORD NEW ROOTS CHARTER SCHOOL SOUTH KORTRIGHT MARGARETVILLE MORRIS GILBERSTVILLE-MT U PTON WATKINS GLEN 268 WINDHAM ASHLAND JEWITT 92 92 SIDNEY GREENE TRUMANSBURG 254 JEFFERSON 91 253 250 235 STAMFORD 91 GILBOA CONESVILLE 89 85 447 420 419 412 400 WINDSOR ONEONTA SUSQUEHANNA VALLEY CHENANGO VALLEY DRYDEN CHENANGO FORKS 362 357 WAVERLY WHITNEY POINT NEWARK VALLEY 355 326 ELMTRA HETGHTS (TAE) TIOGA MORAVIA OTEGO-UNADILLA WALTON UNION SPRINGS BAINBRIDGE - GUILFORD CANDOR SPENCER VAN ETTEN ELMIRA NOTRE DAME NEWFIELD 125 124 123 122 120 109 106 105 97 95 95 217 WORCESTER CHARLOTTE VALLEY 210 209 205 204 200 200 ROXBURY DOWNSVILLE LAURENS SCHENEVUS FRANKLIN HUNTER TANNERSVILLE 81 195 189 ANDES 31 82 80 77 76 71 70 NYSPHSAA, Inc. CLASSIFICATION 5 CLASSES AA A B c D 91o-UP 480-909 280-479 170-279 0-169 4 CLASSES 801-UP A B c D 3 CLASSES A B c 401-800 215-400 2'|4-Below 8OO-UP 400-799 2 GLASSES 2 CLASSES A B 8OO-UP 0-799 0-399 (lndividual Sports) Division I 600-Up Division ll 0-599 Sports with variations to classification: B/G X-Gountrv A B c D 911-Up 470-910 260-469 259-Below Football AA A B c D 930-Up 570-929 365-569 240-364 239-Below Girls Lacrosse A B C 1050 -Up 650-1049 649-Below Fall Girls Vollevball AA A B c D Please note: The above school Classification Enrollment numbers are the base numbers approved by the NYSPHSAA, member schools are allowed to request to "Move up in Classification" and Seton Catholic and Elmira Notre Dame HS are moved up in calssificat¡on in certain sports by the Classification Committee Also, when teams are approved to merge that may also change the Classification numbers. 1040-Up 690-1039 436-689 256-435 255-Below SUNY SULLIVAN COMMUNITY COLLEGÉ SUMMER 2014 NYS Goaching Gertification Gourses ll2 College Rd. Loch Sheldrake, NY 12759 (845)434-5750 wr¡ 2014 Summer Coaching Course Reqistration Has Bequn NOTE: These courses are guaranteed to run without cancellation. Significant price reduction; $291 for NY State residents. S umme Instructed bv Paul Clune 2014 Online courses: u Course Number REL-1509-01DL Course Title Theory and Techniques of Coachins Credits Course Number REL-1505-01DL Course Title Philosophy, Principles, and Organuation of Athletics in Credits 3 3 Dates July 21st - August 13th Dates June 23rd,- July 17th Education ntlne courses: Instructed bv Betsv C ()na Onli Course Title Credits Course Number 3 Health Sciences Applied to REL-1507-01DL Su mmer 2014 Dates May 27 - June 19th Coaching COST o o o Course fee: o o $291 for New York State residents with a certihcate of residence. $375 per three credit course for those with out a certificate of residence. Fees current as of 5llll4 and may be subject to change. For more information about any additional fees, please contact the Registrar's Office at (8a5) 434-5750 x4302. CONTACT INFORMATION o For additional information or to register, call (845)434-5750,x-4302. write in the subiect headins line "online coachins certihcation courses." fsini saslia @sunvsullivan. edu n Services Student Billin une@,sunvsullivan. edu Paul Clune lAssociate Professor/Coach For additional information about the above courses or any other courses go to: lryWtry.SUnVSUltlvan.e(tu Online Courses in New York State Coaching Certification Offered by Sullivan County Community College 1509-01DL Theory and Techniques of Coaching Offered: Summer 2014 REL Course Description: o An introductory classroom phase of this course covers the basic concepts common to all sports. A history of interschool athletics in New York State, objectives, rules, regulations and policies; teaching methods, performance skills, technical information (offense, defense, strategy, etc.); orgatization and management of practices; special training and conditioning of athletes in the specific sport; care and fitting of equipment; special safety precautions; and officiating methods are included. This course may include an internship in the specific sport under the supervision of a master coach or director ofphysical education as a substantial portion ofthe course hours. 1505-01DL Philosophy, Principles, and Organization of Athletics in Education Offered: Summer 2014 REL Course Description: o This course covers the basic philosophy, principles, and organization ofathletics as integral parts ofphysical education and general education; state, local and national regulations andpolicies related to athletics; legal considerations; function and organization ofleagues and athletic associations in New York State; personal standards for the responsibilities of the coach as an educational leader; public relations; general safetyprocedures, general principles ofschool budgets, records, purchasing, and use offacilities. This course is required for all non-physical education certihed teachers who coach athletic teams at any level in New York State schools. REL 1507-01DL Health Sciences Applied to Coaching Offered: Summer 2014 Course Description: o This course covers selected principles of biology, anatomy, physiology, kinesiology, psychology, and sociology related to coaching, human growth and development, training, and conditioning of athletes. Registration Procedures: o Before register at Sullivan go to and click on the "Current Students" link then go to the "Student Services" link and scroll down to the "Registration Services" link and click it. Once there, look to the right side and click on "Summer 2014" under "Part-time Application" form. o Download it and fill it out. o o o o o o Then, download your certificate of residence. This can be found by going back to "Current Students" link then go to the "Student Seryices" link and scroll down and click "Student Billing" and locate the "Certificate of Residency" link on the right side and follow the instructions. Get the certificate ofresidence notarized in order to avoid an extra fee. When you have completed all the necessary paperwork, fax the material to the College at 845-434-4806. Please write in the heading "online coaching courses". After you have faxed the material, call the registrar and student billing to make sure all materials have been received. You will also need a username and password. This is done through Sullivan County Community College website. Go to and click on the "Current Students" link then go to the "Academics" link and scroll down to the "Registration Services" link and click it. Once there, click on the "ANGEL and SLN Online Assistance" link on the right side. Course fee: o $291 for New York State residents with a certificate of residence. o $375 per three credit course for those without a certif,rcate of residence. Fees current as of 5llll4 and may be subject to change. SECTION IV ãOLA-LS Coaches Super Clinic August 28,20L4 At Chenango Valley HS. 11:00 to 4:00 Sport is constantly changing like the world we live in. The Super Clinic is a chance to learn how to be at your best. This highly regarded program educates coaches about athlete lifestyles, training methods, nutrition, sleep, cNS readiness, optimal performance and recovery. lt also discusses negative lifestyle issues that reduce performance capacities. Know methods of training and recovery including: Age related trainability, warm up, warm down, periodization, planning daily, weekly, monthly workout sessions, peeking training, the 5 bio-motor skills and training them, recovery methods, post training nutritional recovery, athlete nutrition Power Back Diet, Basic Training (time duration intensity purpose) training athletes of differing levels, ages, talent, examples of power training, core training, speed training, endurance training, skill training. . . . mixing different kinds of training do's and don'ts. using science for feedback without high levef technology. Clinic presenters: John Underwood who has been our Life of an Athlete presenter for the last two years willjoined by Shaun Huls. Shaun Huls if the Director of Performance for the NFL Philadelphia Eagles. His previous position was as Head Strength and Conditioning Coach for Navy Special warfare where he coordinates the strength and conditioning and injury prevention programs for the Navy sEALs teams. previously, Huls was at Hampton University as the Director of Athletic performance where he coord¡nated the strength and conditioning programs for all 16 sports. Huls came to Hampton from the University of Nevada where he served as Head Baseball and Assistant Footballstrength and Conditioning Coach. There he also served as the Coordinator of Performance Nutrition for all Wolf Pack athletes. From 1996 to 2001, Huls worked at the University of Nebraska's Husker Power. As Head Baseball and Assistant Footballstrength and Conditioning Coach at Nebraska, Huls coached the 1997 National Championship footballteam as well two World Series baseballteams. Huls has trained numerous current professional football and baseball players. His work with elite athletes also extends to Brazilian Jiu Jitsu and MMA fighters, track and field, wrestling, and swimming Olympians. Huls is certified by the as prepared three BigL2 Champion and National Strength and Conditioning Association (C.S.C.S.), the Collegiate Stren4h and Conditioning Association (S.C.C.C. and is a POSE running technique specialist. This national series is part of the life of an Athlete Human Performance Project. It is a play book of new training information from projects with Olympic Athletes, Navy SEALS, NFL and European sport. School Yes, We plan on send¡ng Coaches to this Free Section lV Clinic. (Approximate) Section lV ChampionshiB Philosophv Section lV willsponsor Championships that represent excellence achieved in each sport. ln the interest of equitable competition, minimal loss of academic time, financial impact and Logistical concerns including, but not limited to, travel, lodging, meals and facilities for competition, Section lV will sponsor one championship experience in a sport when there are 4 or more schools participating in that sport. Championships will be conducted according to established guidelines. All sports will be recognized by Section lV as either a team sport or an individual sport, or a combination team / individual sport. Qualitv vs Quantitv Section lV will sponsor Championship that represents excellence achieved in each spor-t. The Percentage of opportunities for athletes to compete in Section lV Championships should fall within a designated range of (State is 5% to 8%) 50%To70% for allsports. The Percentages will be calculated using the number of athletes participating in the sport and the number of competitors in the championship event. League Championships are the venues for participation. Section lV Championships are held to qualify our best athletes to participate in the State Championships.
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