पंजाब नैशनल बक सामाय सेवाएं ूशासन ूभाग ू.का. : 7, भीखाएजी कामा लेस, स, नई द!लीली-110607 बक& के वाहन& क( )बब( हे तु िन)वदा सूचना पंजी.सं. िनमा0ण अिधमहण क( ितिथ िनमा0ण वष0 ड8एल-4सीएएफ-3899 फोड0 आईकोन 1.3एफ 25.02.2008 2008 ड8एल-4सीएएफ-3061 फोड0 आईकोन 1.3एफ 16.05.2007 2007 ड8एल-4सीएएफ-2614 फोड0 आईकोन 1.3एफ 07.02.2007 2007 यूपी-15एसी-5666 फोड0 आईकोन 1.3एफ 29.05.2007 2007 ड8एल-9सीआर-0913 ःट8म वीएEसआई 31.12.2006 2006 ड8एल-9सीआर-0914 ःट8म वीएEसआई 03.01.2007 2007 ड8एल-9सीआर-0917 ःट8म वीएEसआई 03.01.2007 2007 ड8एल-9सीआर-0919 ःट8म वीएEसआई 31.12.2006 2006 ड8एल-9सीडF!यू-1036 डजायर- वीएEसआई 20.02.2009 2009 ड8एल-2सीएके-1346 डजायर- एलएEसआई 18.12.2008 2008 ड8एल-9सीआर-9490 डजायर- वीएEसआई 24.10.2008 2008 ड8एल-5सीड8-7555 डजायर- एलएEसआई 01.10.2008 2008 ड8एल-3सीडF!यू 5843 टाटा इं डका 24.09.2004 2004 ड8एल-2सीEयू -0678 एम-800 05.07.2005 2005 ड8एल-2सीएजी-8773 एम-800 27.06.2007 2007 वाहन के िनर8Hण - ू.का. 7, भीखाएजी कामा लेस हे तु साइट नई द!ली-110607 1. उपयुE 0 त )ववरण के अनुसार, िन)वदा के साथ अलग िलफाफे मJ ूKयेक वाहन के िलए L. 5000/- का मुNय ूबधक धक (जीएसएड8),पीएनबी के पH मJ साRट हो जो दनांक 18.02.2014 को अिधकतम अपराहन 2.00 बजे तक मुNय ूबधक धक (जीएसएड8), पंजाब नैशनल बक, 7 भीखाएजी कामा लेस, स, नई द!लीली-110607 के समH ूःतुत कया जाना चाहए। 2. )बना बक साRट तथा िनधा0Tरत ितिथ एवं समय के पँचात ूात होने वाली िन)वदाएं ःवीकार नह8ं क( जाएंगी। 3. िन)वदा वाले िलफाफे पर Ôवाहन वाहन संNया--------------------हे तु िन)वदाÕ या िन)वदाÕ दशा0या जाना चाहए। 4. िन)वदा उसी दन सायं 3.00 बजे तक िन)वदाकता0ओं क( उपYःथित मJ, जो उपYःथत होना चाहते ह , खोली जाएगी। 5. दनांक 12.02.2014 1 .02.2014 से 13.02.2014 1 .02.2014 को 3.00 सायं से 5.00 सायं के मZय वाहन& का िनर8Hण कया जा सकता है । 6. सफल िन)वदाकता0 को हमारे काया0लय से ूात सूचना क( ितिथ से 7 दन के अदर पैसा जमा कराना होगा । सफल )बडर तTरत कर आरसी का )बडर के पH मJ )विधवत ् हःतांतTरत ूमाण ूःतुत करने के पँचात चात ् ह8 बयाना रािश वापस क( जाएगी। जाएगी 7. वाहन& को Ôजहां जहां है जैसा है Õ के आधार पर िनपटाया जाएगा । 8. बक के पास कसी भी अथवा सभी िन)वदाओं को उहJ )बना कारण दए अःवीकार करने का अिधकार सुरYHत है । 9. िन)वदाकता0ओं के पास वैध पैन काड0 , पहचान-पऽ एवं िनवास ूमाण-पऽ होना चाहए । 10. िन)वदाकता0ओं को बक क( वेबसाइट www.pnbindia.in से आवेदन पऽ डाउनलोड करना होगा। 11. सभी वाहन पेशोल Ð चािलत है । मुखय जीएसएड8 धक ् ूबनधक-जीएसएड8 ् PUNJAB NATIONAL BANK GENERAL SERVICES ADMINISTRATIVE DIVISION HEAD OFFICE 7, BHIKHAIJI CAMA PLACE, NEW DELHI TENDER NOTICE FOR THE SALE OF BANK’S VEHICLES Regd No. Dl-4CAF -3899 DL-4CAF-3061 DL-4CAF-2614 UP-15AC-5666 DL-9CR-0913 DL-9CR-0914 DL-9CR-0917 DL-9CR-0919 DL-9CW-1036 DL-2CAK-1346 DL-9CR-9490 DL-5CD-7555 DL-3CW-5843 DL-2CQ-0678 DL-2CAG-8773 Make Ford Ikon 1.3F Ford Ikon 1.3F Ford Ikon 1.3F Ford Ikon 1.3F Esteem-Vxi Esteem Vxi Esteem Vxi Esteem-Vxi Dzire- Vxi Dzire- Lxi Dzire-Vxi Dzire-Lxi Tata Indica M-800 M-800 DOP 25.02.2008 16.05.2007 07.02.2007 29.05.2007 31.12.2006 03.01.2007 03.01.2007 31.12.2006 20.02.2009 18.12.2008 24.10.2008 01.10.2008 24.09.2004 05.07.2005 27.06.2007 Year Of Mfg 2008 2007 2007 2007 2006 2007 2007 2006 2009 2008 2008 2008 2004 2005 2007 SITE FOR INSPECTION PNB HO, 7, BHIKHAIJI CAMA PLACE, NEW DELHI-110607 OF THE VEHICLE 1. The tenders accompanied with draft favoring Chief Manager(GSAD), PNB for Rs. 5000/for each vehicle in respect of vehicles detailed above in separate envelope should be submitted to Chief Manager(GSAD), Punjab National Bank, 7, Bhikaji Cama Place, New Delhi-110607 latest by 18.02.2014 upto 2.00 P.M. 2. The tenders received without bank draft and after the stipulated date and time, will not be accepted. 3. Envelope containing tender should indicate on the Envelope “TENDER FOR THE VEHICLE NO…………….. 4. The tenders would be opened on the same day at 3.00 P.M. in the presence of the tenderers who wish to be present. 5. Vehicles may be inspected from 12.02.2014 & 13.02.2014 between 3.00 P.M. to 5.00 P.M. 6. Successful tenderers will have to deposit money within 7 days from the date of information from our office. The Earnest Money will be refundable only after furnishing proof of RC duly transferred in favour of the successful bidder. 7. Vehicles are to be disposed off on “AS IS WHERE IS” basis. 8. The Bank reserves the rights to reject any or all of the tenders without assigning any reason thereof. 9. The tenderers should have valid PAN Card , ID Proof & Address proof. 10. The tenderers should download the application form from bank website www.pnbindia.in 11. All the vehicles are of Petrol – Version CHIEF MANAGER-GSAD Place: ……………………… Date: ……………………… The Chief Manager (GSAD), PUNJAB NATIONAL BANK, General Services Admn. Division, 7, Bhikaji Cama Place, NEW DELHI 110607. QUOTATION / OFFER FOR PURCHASE OF THE BANK’S USED VEHICLE. (Separate form to be used for each vehicle applied for) Applicant’s Name: Father’s Name: Present Address: Address: (WITH PIN CODE) Permanent : Telephone No. Mobile No. With reference to the above, I hereby quote my best price for the following vehicle: Vehicle’s Reg. No Make Model Financial Offer(in Rs.) (Rupees ……………………………………………………………………………………………………..) (EXPRESSING THE AMOUNT IN FIGURES IS MANDATARY) (signatures) Continued : 2 -: 2:- Amount of EMD is being submitted as detailed below : Amount Demand Date of Issue Issued by Draft No. Bank Branch Rs. DRAWN IN FAVOUR OF The Chief Manager, PUNJAB NATIONAL BANK, GSAD, PAYABLE IN NEW DELHI. (CHEQUE OR CASH SHALL NOT BE ACCEPTED). I/We have gone through the following SPECIFIC terms and conditions AND GENERAL CONDITIONS AS PER ANNEXURE-1 and hereby undertake to abide myself/ourselves with the same: (1) (2) (3) (4) (5) I have inspected the vehicle/s I am applying for/I do not feel necessary to inspect the vehicle/s. In case my/our offer is accepted by the Bank, I/We will deposit the full amount of Tender within 7 (seven) days from the date of intimation from the Bank, failing which, the Bank shall not be liable to sell the vehicle to me and the EMD shall be forfeited by the Bank. The Bank will provide original documents of the vehicle, registration certificate, insurance cover and any copy of other relevant paper/s and sign RTO papers for the purpose of transfer of vehicle ; however, entire process of transfer of the said vehicle to my/our name shall be completed by me/us at my/our own level and at my/our own cost, within a maximum period of 3 months from the date of handing over possession of the vehicle by the bank to me/us. The Bank’s financial and legal liability with respect / due to use of the vehicle shall seize with effect from the date of handing over possession of the vehicle to me/us. In case my/our offer is accepted by the Bank the Bank will not transfer the vehicle to any person other than the applicant named above. A satisfactory photo ID(say, PAN Card/ Driving License/Pass Port) will have to be produced along with a self-attested photocopy thereof. (SIGNATUREOF THE APPLICANT)
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