CENTRAL COALFIELDS LIMITED OFFICE OF THE PROJECT OFFICER, KEDLA WASHERY Ref No : PO/KW/E&M/Hiring of Vehicle//14-15/ 1487 Date:- 20/09/2014 TENDER NOTICE Sealed tenders are invited from the intending vehicle owners for hiring of vehicle at Kedla Washery, Central Coalfields Limited, Ramgarh District of Jharkhand for a period of 3 years. Vehicle should be brand new. Details of the vehicles are as under: Sl. No Description of Vehicle Require ment Estimated Value(Rs) Earnest Money(Rs) Duration of Contract Cost of Tender Paper 1. Hiring of 1 No of Diesel Jeep (Closed Body), or its equivalent for 24 hours per day basis with drivers, Brand new for Kedla Washery 01(one) 1065240.00 10512.00 3 (Three) years Rs.570.00 Earnest money in shape of demand draft in favor of CCL, Kedla group should be enclosed along with tender. Offer not accompanied by the earnest money deposit shall be summarily rejected. Date of Sale of Tender Documents : 25/09/2014 to 03/10/2014. Last Date of Submission of Tender : 07/10/2014 up to 01.00 P.M. Date and Time of Opening of Tender : 07/10/2014 at 03.00 P.M. Tender document can be had from the office of the project officer Kedla Washery, PO- Kedla, Dist.- Ramgarh on any working day on payment of Rs.570.00 (Rupees Five Hundred Seventy) only which is not refundable. No Postal Order/ Cheque will be accepted. Tender document can also be downloaded from the CCL website i.e. www.ccl.gov.in& earnest money may be deposited in shape of Demand Draft in favor of Central Coalfields Limited, Kedla Group. Tender will be submitted at the Vehicle hiring section of Kedla Washery, PO- Kedla, Ramgarh & the tender will be opened in the office of I/C Light Vehicle Hiring, Kedla Washery, Dist Ramgarh at the time & date mentioned above. Detail terms and conditions are as follows :01. The vehicle should be brand new. The tenderer should provide the vehicle within one month from the date of receipt of Firm order/LOI with all relevant papers of the vehicle. 02. The cost of diesel will be reimbursed at market rate on production of documentary evidence. 03. Payment will be made on the monthly basis as per actual working day basis by the Area Finance Manager(H), CCL Charhi within 21 days from the date of receipt of pre-receipted bill in triplicate duly accepted by the competent authority. Payment will be made through e-banking/RTGS/NEFT/CBS/Intra bank transfer. 04. The staff/driver provided by the agency should be experienced with proper valid Driving License for the job. He should be nonalcoholic and declared medically fit by the CCL management. 05. Earnest money Rs. 10512.00 only of the successful tenderers will be retained till expiry of the contract and will not carry any interest and will be refunded after completion of the contract successfully. If the contractor fails to fulfill the terms and conditions of the contract earnest money deposits shall be forfeited. 06. Payment towards repair and maintenance, road tax, insurance and all other taxes including the compliance of the Motor Vehicle Act as may be applicable shall be borne by the contractor. 07. The place of travelling will be inside Hazaribagh, Ramgarh &outside nearby districts i.e. Ranchi, Girdih, Dhanbad etc. or as per requirement of washery officials. 08. In case of breakdown/servicing of the vehicles, maintenance of the vehicle, proper substitute of the vehicle as per management satisfaction will be provided by the successful tenderer immediately without any extra charges. 09. The tenderers have to furnish the details of the office establishment for emergency contact as such as address, telephone nos, fax no, etc. 10. The maintenance of the logbook will be the responsibility of the agency which should be countersigned by the respective in-charge of the vehicle. 11. All liabilities regarding employees of the agency (drivers, etc) like employment, medical facility, etc are the sole responsibility of the tenderers and in no case this has to be shifted on CCL. 12. Tenderers should not be a closed relative or an employee in any capacity in Coal India or its subsidiaries. If it subsequently comes to light after awarding the contract then the contract of the agency will be cancelled and earnest money will be forfeited. 13. Period of contract will be for three years. The effective date of contract will be commenced from the date of engagement of the vehicle to the CCL management. 14. Jurisdiction: - The Court of Hazaribagh, Jharkhand State is only the Jurisdiction to deal with or to decide any legal matter or its dispute whatsoever arising out of the contract. 15. Other terms and conditions will also be governed as per general terms and conditions of the Company. 16. The vehicle to be engaged on hire basis should be registered in the name of tenderer. 17. The vehicle should be registered as a commercial vehicle with the concerned department. 18. The tenderers are required to submit their tenders in a sealed cover in two parts and clearly super scribed in part I and part II. IN PART I Tenderers are required to submit papers/documents as follows: Brand New Vehicle 01. Proof of deposit of earnest money. 02. Affidavit certifying that He/She is not involved in any criminal case and that he or she himself/herself is not employed in any capacity in Coal India or its subsidiaries. 03. Undertaking that He/She will provide the Brand New Vehicle if his/her tender is accepted, he/she will provide the vehicle with proof of commercial tax token up to date, Insurance up to date, fitness certificate up to date, owner book, service tax, registration no if applicable. If tenderer does not come under purview of service tax declaration of the same in form of affidavit. PAN No. (Photocopy of PAN No.) Permit, etc. duly certified by the Notary/Gazetted Officers. IN PART II Only rates and KM average is to be quoted in the enclosed format. 19. The tenderer are required to submit their offers in a sealed cover giving reference to this tender notice no. date & name of the work while submitting their tenders in two parts, Part I & Part II as specified in the tender documents. 20. Service tax as applicable will be paid to the successful bidder subject to production of documentary evidence. 21. Company will not be responsible for any kind of loss of life or damage of vehicle caused due to any minor/major accidents either in washery premises or outside. 22. Successful bidder has to bear and pay all the penalties or other amount payable for violations of traffic rules or MV Act enforced from time to time. 23. Management reserves the right to terminate/discontinue the vehicle to be engaged on hired basis without showing any reasons thereof if performance of vehicles is not found satisfactory. 24. Duration of engagement of vehicles will be 24 hours daily. 25. Full tender paper/ documents should be submitted in sealed cover and all pages should be signed by the tenderer/ agency as a token of acceptance of terms and conditions. 26. The successful bidder has to produce original document of the vehicle before the deployment of the same to the respective project/unit. 27. Successful bidder failed to deploy the vehicle within the stipulated period of time mentioned of the work order/ LOI; their earnest money deposit will be forfeited. 28. Every cuts are overwriting by the tenderer shall be signed by the tenderer otherwise tender will be cancelled. 29. CCL Kedla washery has full liberty to hire the vehicle from independent agency for its additional requirement. PENALTY:- In case of absence from duty of the hired vehicle for more than 24 hours without any information or replacement/substitute vehicle in its place, penalty will be imposed at the rate of double the hiring charges per day for the number of days the vehicle was absent from its duty. Management reserves the right to accept or reject any tender wholly or partly without assigning any reasons what so ever. Dy. Manager (CP) Kedla Washery Distribution:1. GM(H), Charhi for kind information. 2. AFM(H), Charhi. 3. GM (Oprns.), CCL, Charhi 4. All CGM/GMs of the Area CCL. 5. All S.O.(E&M) of the Area CCL. 6. All Project Officers, Hazaribagh Area. 7. All Project Engineers (E&M), Hazaribagh Area. 8. Dy. Manager(Finance), Kedla Washery. 9. Cashier, Kedla Washery 10. Security Inspector, Kedla Washery 11. President Chamber of Commerce & Industries, Ramgarh/ HZB 12. The GM (System), CCL, Ranchi with a CD for publication on website. 13. Manager (PRO), CCL, Ranchi for publication on newspaper 14. Notice Board, Kedla Washery.
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