Temple Cheshvan/Kislev 5775 Shalom Rabbi Rothman Lecture Weekend November 13–14, 2014 Dr. Rachel Korazim, a teacher at some of Israel's most distinguished education institutions, returns to Temple Shalom this year as our Rothman Memorial Scholar on Thursday, November 13 and Friday, November 14. Just as she did last year, Dr. Korazim will bring her incredible insights on early Zionism, Israeli poetry, and the challenges and struggles of peace to Temple Shalom, for a series of exceptional learning opportunities. Born in Israel, Dr. Rachel Korazim is a graduate of Haifa University with a PhD in Jewish Education and has vast experience in Jewish education and curriculum development, both in Israel and the Diaspora. She currently teaches at various institutions including The Hebrew University of Jerusalem and the Shalom Hartman Institute. Anokhi – Dialogues with God in Israeli Poetry Thursday, November 13 at noon Although Israel is often seen as a society divided along the lines of religiosity and secularism, a close look will show how even the most secular of writers are rooted in classical texts and create their own language of secular prayer. The session will examine a variety of expressions of the relationship with G-d, based on secular, biblical and prayer references in modern Israeli poetry. We will review works by Israeli poets and artists from the early pre-State years down to our own time, as we move from rebellion and denial through painful dialogue to acceptance through creativity. November 2014 Inside: President’s Message Page 2 Adult Education Page 3 Nursery School & Families with Young Children Page 4 Shacharit News Page 5 MINCHA and MA’ARIV Page 6 Community News and Information Pages 6–8, 10–14 Calendar Page 9 Generation to Generation Page 15 Donations Pages 16 and 17 The Other as a Mirror – Jews and Arabs in Israeli and Palestinian Literature and Poetry Friday evening, November 14 after Shabbat service Dinner with Rachel Korazim Our study will explore the images of the Arab in modern Israeli literature, and the images Arab writers present of Jews/Israelis. Arabs have been portrayed in Israeli literature from the very early days of the first Aliya. Their image constantly is changing from romantic biblical figures to suspicious enemies and all the way to neighbors and critical witnesses of Israel’s ever changing reality. Israeli Arabs have also written pieces which have struggled with being an Arab in an Israeli context; as well as reflecting the complex relationships between Israel’s varied populations. We will explore both sides of this challenging divide through the works of Israeli Jewish and Israeli Arab writers and poets. Registration form and additional information are on page 3 Service Schedule Back Page News from Temple Shalom A Message from President Jo-Ann Suna As I begin my second year of presidency, I am becoming used to the rhythm of Temple life. A flurry of activity begins in September and then we slow down to celebrate the High holidays, quickly followed by Sukkot and Simchat Torah. The trustees and I are responsible for a very important business, but we’re President reminded that this is a sacred community and Jo-Ann Suna we have to care for it in ways that are special. Our first board meeting of the year made this clear to me. Like most Temples, we are dealing with challenging issues such as retaining membership, careful usage of our endowment and addressing our building needs. At the meeting, each trustee was engaged and made sure that they expressed his or her opinion. Everyone wanted to make sure that we are guiding this Temple towards the best possible sustainable future and every trustee understood the importance of his or her role as a leader of the Temple. One item discussed was the physical state of our building. As I said in my Kol Nidre address, our building is entering its 58th year. Under the guidance of the diligent work of our Facilities Committee, a thorough review of the building’s needs has been done and a plan to maintain the building over the next twenty years has been outlined. Along with this maintenance, we are also exploring general remodeling needed for a building of this age. The board has hired a consulting firm to explore methods for funding these efforts. The firm will help us determine the feasibility of implementing a long-range funding plan in the months ahead. I will keep you updated on this progress as we move forward. We also spent time discussing the usage of our endowment and will continue these discussions during our next few meetings. We are very fortunate to have a healthy endowment, but need to be careful that we preserve it for the years to come. Trustees come to Board meetings with their our own individual concerns, but as Board members work very hard to make sure their decision-making represents the needs of the entire community. As president, it is humbling to witness the care and responsibility each trustee takes in this process. We are very fortunate for the expertise we have among our trustees and their willingness to devote many volunteer hours to their board tasks. As Rabbi Hirsch said in a recent blog post, as we “move from emotional ambiguity of Yom Kippur into the absolute joy of Sukkot”, and the celebration of the annual cycle of the Torah readings, so too our cycle of the year begins. We begin with a flurry but realize that much care must go into our decisions. Our Temple is a special place. Of course as I am writing this article, I still have leftover matzoh ball soup and brisket in my fridge, and by the time you are reading the bulletin, we will be preparing for Thanksgiving. I hope that you enjoy the month of November and I wish you and your families a very Happy Thanksgiving! Jo-Ann Suna Temple Shalom’s Vision and Values Our Vision As a congregational family, Temple Shalom is committed to making each person feel welcome and at home. We do this in a personal way by getting to know each member of our community, one at a time, and in doing so help everyone find a place in Temple Shalom’s dynamic and supportive Jewish community. Our Values We participate together in the religious, educational, and communal life of our congregation as we live the values of Lifelong Learning, Enriching Spirituality, Building Community, Repairing the World, Deepening our Relationship with Israel, and Sustaining Jewish Continuity. 2 Cheshvan/Kislev 5775 November 2014 Adult Education Here is a preview of some of the wonderful Adult Education programming this year. If you have questions please contact Susan Braun, Education Office Administrator, at [email protected] or at (617) 332-9550. Engaging Israel Sunday mornings at 10 a.m. November 2, 9,16 and December 7 Rabbi Eric Gurvis Downtown Study One Thursday per month at 12:15 p.m. November–May Rabbi Eric Gurvis Torah Chanting - Level 2 Sunday mornings at 9:30 a.m. November 2, 16 and 23 Cantor Peter Halpern Cooking & Baking Classes Oneg Shabbat cookies Sunday, November 9 at 2 p.m. Nadine Broude Brisket and Kugel Sunday, November 16 at 2 p.m. Elinor Nelson Aunt Rose’s Best Cookies Sunday, November 23 at 2 p.m. Laurel Miller Challah and 2 Tasty Sequels Sunday, November 30 at 2 p.m. Mary Jane Suzman Lunch and Learn One Tuesday per month at 11:45 a.m. November 4–May 12 Rabbi Eric Gurvis Shir Shalom Choir Selected Wednesdays at 7:30 p.m. November–May Seeking Shabbat November 22 at 8:45 a.m. Rabbi Eric Gurvis Temple Shalom Rothman Lecture Weekend With Rachel Korazim from the Shalom Hartman Institute Lunch with the Rothman Memorial Scholar: Thursday, November 13 at 11:45 a.m. Congregational Dinner featuring the Rothman Memorial Scholar: Friday, November 14 at 7:30 p.m. We would love to join you for our Lunch with the Scholar on Thursday, November 13. Name(s): _________________________________________________________________________________________ Address: _________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone: ___________________________________ ____ Members @ $10 _______ Email: __________________________________________ _____Non-Members @ $15 _______ TOTAL $ ________ Please make check payable to “Temple Shalom” and mail it to: Temple Shalom, Attn: Rothman Memorial Scholar Weekend, 175 Temple Street, Newton, MA 02465. Please add “Rothman Memorial Scholar Lunch—November 13” to the memo line. We would love to join you for Shabbat Dinner with the Scholar on Friday, November 14. Name(s): _________________________________________________________________________________________ Address: _________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone: ___________________________________ ____ Members @ $15 _______ Email: __________________________________________ _____Non-Members @ $20 _______ TOTAL $ ________ Please make check payable to “Temple Shalom” and mail it to: Temple Shalom, Attn: Rothman Memorial Scholar Weekend, 175 Temple Street, Newton, MA 02465. Please add “Rothman Memorial Scholar Dinner—November 14” to the memo line. 3 News from Temple Shalom Nursery School News Families with Young Children Welcome back! We are all really excited for the coming school year here at Temple Shalom Nursery School. If you are in the Temple during a weekday morning, you are always welcome to drop by! Johanna Perlin Nursery School Director ner r o C ly Temple Shalom Fami for Families with Young Children Monday Morning Chatterblocks Johanna Perlin Mondays, November 3, 10, 17 and 24 at 8:45 a.m. Here is what’s happening at Temple Shalom Nursery School: Open House(s) November 5 and 18 from 9:30-10:30 a.m.: For families of children at least 18 months old on September 2015. You don’t need to be a Temple member! Nursery School registration opens at the end of November. Child Psychology Workshop November 19 from 7–8:30 p.m. Gateways will present “A Look at Mental Health and Life Long Skills for all of our students” led by Dr. David Gotthelf, consultant and former lead Psychologist for the Newton Public Schools. Free and open to the community. A very informal open playspace for little ones which (hopefully!) gives moms/caregivers a chance to chat a bit in a toy-filled room. Bring whatever you might need to be comfortable (coffee and tea available). Stay as long or as little as you like. Come share a smile and a chat with us! Contact Danna Perry at [email protected] or by phone at (617) 332-9550 with any questions. FwYC Dinner and Shabbat Club Friday, November 7 Service at 5:45 p.m. Dinner at 6 p.m. Shabbat Halleilu service and the Shabbat Club at 6:30 p.m. Mitzvah Mall Fundraiser on November 23: Purchase some delicious baked goods at Mitzvah Mall! A percentage of the proceeds will be donated to the Nursery Meet other families and connect over a School Scholarship Fund. no-muss, no-fuss Shabbat pizza dinner ($10 per family). Thanksgiving and our culture: During November, Nursery School children will explore the customs of the Wampanoag peoples indigenous to this area and the many similarities to our Jewish values. Rabbi Gurvis singing to our students in the belly of the whale! If your kids are up for it, the very musical and always fun, hour-long Shabbat Halleilu service starts at 6:30 p.m. in the Main Sanctuary. Also available next door is our Shabbat Club in Room 202 (a drop-off playspace for children ages two and up with Shabbat-driven activities led by preschool teacher Kat Horion). No pre-registration is needed. Just come if you can! Tot Shabbat Saturday, November 8 at 10 a.m. A short, interactive family service designed for Families with Young Children (FwYC) ages infant through Pre-K, with songs, movement, stories, and a visit from our favorite Shabbat puppet, Oof-Oof. Little Explorers: A Family Learning Experience Sunday, November 23 at 10 a.m. Our students love to play in nature! A family exploration of social action for kids and their grown-ups. See our weekly emails for more details on this exciting program! 4 Cheshvan/Kislev 5775 November 2014 SHACHARIT Exciting learning is happening every Sunday at SHACHARIT! Our first round of CHUGIM (electives) were a huge success. Check out our website www.tsyouth.org to check out a slide show from each week of SHACHARIT. There are fantastic photos of robots, animation light boxes, theatre performances, tefila and much more. Consecration will be on Friday evening, December 5. Please be sure to join us as we celebrate the children in first grade as they begin their Jewish education. There will be a special dinner at 5:45 p.m. for first graders and their special guests. On December 14, the SHINE THE LIGHT Festival will offer great opportunities for SHACHARIT families to come and experience the intersection of Judaism and the arts with a mosaic art project, a star gazing gallery and much more. Be sure to join us! Finally – check out the profiles of some of our talented staff this year at SHACHARIT: Pell Osborne is an Animation Education Specialist and a Creative Teaching Fellow with the Massachusetts Cultural Council. He uses animation for teaching and learning in schools and colleges. His LineStorm Creative Learning Projects make lively hand -drawn group animation projects on a wide range of topics. He gets excited about design, invention, the mechanics of creation, and bike riding! He graduated from Kenyon College and received a Masters in Education at Lesley University. He attended Harvard University for additional study in animation. He developed LineStorm with the MIT Student Art Association and is proud to report that Harvard University’s Project Zero calls LineStorm, “The best example of project-based learning we’ve ever seen!” Emily Bhargava is an artist and community organizer who has been leading community art projects for more than 17 years. As a muralist, a stained glass artist, a mosaic artist and a facilitator, Emily has seen the power of art to bring people of all ages together and to transform spaces into powerful forces for change. Emily enjoys helping people turn ideas into beautiful objects that are meaningful to them and to others. And she loves to find excuses to get messy! 5 News from Temple Shalom Brotherhood Event Join Us As We Honor Cindi Crutchfield We need your blood…Register Now! Please Join Us for an Evening in Honor of Cindi Crutchfield Annual Temple Shalom Brotherhood American Red Cross Blood Drive Friday, November 21 5:30 p.m. 6:30 p.m. Sunday, November 23 from 8:30 a.m.–1:30 p.m. Please join us and bring your friends and family. The need for blood is acute this year. Shalom Nosh Shabbat service followed by a special and festive Oneg Shabbat Donations in honor of Cindi’s many years of devoted service as Executive Director can be used to support many of the initiatives within our Temple Shalom community. To make an appointment to donate contact Allan Cole at (617) 558-1606 or [email protected] Free Red cross t-shirts to all presenting donors! Bagels and refreshments will be served. To make a donation, please go to the homepage of our website and follow the prompts. MINCHA and MA’ARIV Jewish Educator Avram Infeld famously describes Judaism as a 5-legged table. As he describes, the five legs are Memory, Family, Covenant, Hebrew and Israel. The theory is that if every Jew can find three of those five things that are important in their lives their “Jewish table” will stand. Four or five legs would make it more sturdy but with only two legs, the table would topple over. Additionally, if every person chooses three legs we will all have at least one thing in common which strengthens and deepens our community and connection to one another. It’s a beautiful concept and one that struck a particular cord with Temple Shalom member Matt King who is now in 10th grade. Last spring Matt and his classmates studied this story with their teacher Seth Kroll and Seth asked them each to complete a year-end project summing up their learning. Matt was inspired by it enough to set out to make a 5-legged table by himself. The result is simply breathtaking and Matt has generously given the table to Temple Shalom. I recently sat down with Matt to talk about the table, its inspiration and construction and how he imagined it would be utilized at Temple. Here are his words: The inspiration behind the table was a lesson we learned in 9th grade. When told we were to do an end of the year project, it took me about 2 seconds to put together my love of woodworking and the lesson about the 5-legged table. We were asked to choose which three we thought were most important. I chose Family, Memory, and Israel. Originally I wanted the table to live in the youth lounge, where I tend to spend most of my time, but then I decided to make the table out of cherry wood, which, in all honesty, will make any piece look nicer. I would love for people to see it and learn about the meaning of the legs. I designed and built the whole table myself. The 5th leg is added to the table with a simple yet fundamental joint in woodworking, called a wedged-through mortise and tenon. The simple concept is there is a hole (square) in the table top, and the end of the 5th leg is cut so it fits in the hole. Also, for extra strength, I cut down the middle of the tenon (fifth leg) and once it was inserted in the mortise (table top), I put a wedge in it to spread it out. The table is cherry wood and the wedge is rose bubinga which created a nice contrast on the top. If you would like more information about Matt’s 5-legged table or you want to use it during your life-cycle event, please contact Ellie Goldman [email protected]. For more information about Avram Infeld and the 5-legged table theory to go www.5leggedtable.org. 6 Cheshvan/Kislev 5775 November 2014 Sisterhood Events Sip. Shop. Pamper. Join us for a fantastic evening of fun indulgences at the 2014 Sisterhood Fall Fling! Fabulous shopping featuring clothing & accessories, jewelry, bags, personalized items, home décor, holiday gifts and more... WHEN: Thursday, November 13 from 6:30–9:30 p.m. WHERE: Temple Shalom, 175 Temple Street, Newton, MA 02465 COST: $40 General Admission, $75 Patron, $150 Benefactor (Heavy Hors D’oeuvres & Dessert will be served) RSVP: By Friday, November 7 To pay online go to www.templeshalom.org and use the link in the events section We would love to join you for our Fall Fling on November 13! Name(s): _________________________________________________________________________________________ Address: _________________________________________________________________________________________ Phone: ___________________________________ ___General Admission @ $40______ Email: __________________________________________ ___Patron @ $75 ______ __Benefactor @ $150 TOTAL $ ________ Please make check payable to “Temple Shalom Sisterhood” and mail it to: Temple Shalom, 175 Temple Street, Newton, MA 02465. Please add “Fall Fling” to the memo line. Join Sisterhood! It’s time to join Sisterhood or renew your membership. Why? To build connections with the women of the Temple To help raise funds to make Temple life better: Supplementing programs for Youth Engagement and FwYC Paying for snacks for our SHACHARIT students Providing Kiddush cups for B’nai Mitzvah Social Action initiatives for women and children Because we have fun doing it! 7 News from Temple Shalom Shira Yoga Shalom Y’All Beginner Stained Glass Workshop Series for Young Adults Monday November 10 at 7 p.m. Be inspired by Temple Shalom’s beautiful stained glass windows and learn to design and create a stained glass panel for your own home. This series of three classes (November 10, 24 and December 1) will be taught by professional glass artist Emily Bhargava. Co-sponsors: The MEM Project and SHINE THE LIGHT This program is supported in part by a Young Adult Mezzanine Grant from Combined Jewish Philanthropies Cost: $36 per person Candle-Making Workshop for Young Adults Tuesday December 9 at 7 p.m. Connect with other young adults as you make your own set of Chanukah candles to last the eight nights. Co-sponsors: The MEM Project and SHINE THE LIGHT This program is supported in part by a Young Adult Mezzanine Grant from Combined Jewish Philanthropies Cost: $18 per person Saturday, November 22 at 10 a.m. Visit the SHINE THE LIGHT page on our website at www.templeshalom.org for more information and for the links to register for these exciting classes! Pre-Registration is Requested but NOT Required: http://tinyurl.com/shirayogaNOV Share the Wedding Blessing for Rabbi Neil Hirsch and Liz Piper-Goldberg Please Join Us on November 7 at 6:30 p.m. Elizabeth Morgan Piper-Goldberg and Rabbi Neil Elliott Hirsch invite you to rejoice with them as they prepare to enter their chuppah. Join together at Kabbalat Shabbat services, as they receive a special wedding blessing before the ark. Festive Oneg to follow. All are welcome. “I have found the one whom my soul loves” – Song of Songs 3:4 8 9 24 FwYC Monday Morning Chatterblocks 8:45 a.m. Facilitates Committee Meeting 3 p.m. Stained Glass Series 7 p.m. Garden Club 7 p.m. 23 Blood Drive 7:30 a.m. FwYC Lil explorers 9 a.m. RS: Grades K–6: 9:30 a.m. Torah Chanting 9:30 a.m. Science Sunday noon 30 No Religious School Favorite Shabbat Dishes 2 p.m. 17 FwYC Monday Morning Chatterblocks 8:45 a.m. Spirituality Discussion Group 7:15 p.m. 10 FwYC Monday Morning Chatterblocks 8:45 a.m. Stained Glass Series 7p.m. 9 RS: Grades K–6 9:30 a.m. Engaging Israel 10 a.m. OYEF: Interfaith Tour 12 p.m. Favorite Shabbat Dishes 2 p.m. Glass Dreidel Making 4:30 p.m. 16 RS: Grades K–6: 9:30 a.m. Torah Chanting 9:30 a.m. Engaging Israel 10 a.m. Jewish Practices: When Someone Dies 10 a.m. Favorite Shabbat Dishes 2 p.m. 3 FwYC Monday Morning Chatterblocks 8:45 a.m. Brotherhood Meeting 7 p.m. Mon 2 RS: Grades K–6 9:30 a.m. Torah Chanting 9:30 a.m. Engaging Israel 10 a.m. Docent Training For Stained Glass Windows 11 a.m. Glass Mezuzah Making 4:30 p.m. Sun November 2014 25 NS Thanksgiving Program 11 a.m. RS: Hebrew 2 p.m. Chanting Drop-In 4 p.m. Mincha 4:30 p.m. Ma’ariv 6:30 p.m. 18 NS Open House 9:30 a.m. Bonim Meeting 1:30 p.m. RS: Hebrew 2 p.m. Chanting Drop-In 4 p.m. Mincha 4:30 p.m. Ma’ariv 6:30 p.m. Docent Training 7 p.m. Seeing the Light 7:30 p.m. No Hebrew Classes No Nursery School Temple Offices Closed 11 VETERAN’S DAY 4 Lunch and Learn 11:45 a.m. RS: Hebrew 2 p.m. Mincha 4:30 p.m. NS Parent Conferences 6 p.m. Ma’ariv 6:30 p.m. Glass Dreidel Making 7 p.m. Seeing the Light 7:30 p.m. Tue 26 No Hebrew Classes Temple Offices Closed 1 p.m. 19 RS: Hebrew 3 p.m. Shir Shalom Rehearsal 7:15 p.m. Board of Trustees Meeting 7:30 p.m. 12 RS: Hebrew 3 p.m. NS Parent Conferences 6 p.m. Music Committee 7:30 p.m. Executive Committee 7:30 p.m. 5 NS Open House 9:30 a.m. RS: Hebrew 3 p.m. Sisterhood Board Meeting 7 p.m. Shir Shalom Rehearsal 7:15 p.m. Wed No Hebrew Classes No Nursery School Temple Offices Closed 27 THANKSGIVING DAY 20 RS: Hebrew 3 p.m. Adult B'nai Mitzvah Class 6:45 p.m. Me’ah 7 p.m. 13 Lunch with the Rothman Scholar 11:45 a.m. RS: Hebrew 3 p.m. Sisterhood Fall Fling 5:30 p.m. Adult B'nai Mitzvah Class 6:45 p.m. Me’ah 7 p.m. 6 TS @ NewBridge 10 a.m. RS: Hebrew 3 p.m. Ma’ariv: Finding U 6 p.m. Adult B'nai Mitzvah Class 6:45 p.m. Me’ah 7 p.m. Thu Shalom Nosh 6 p.m. Shabbat Worship 6:30 p.m. 28 No Hebrew Classes No Nursery School Temple Offices Closed 21 NS Shabbat Dinner 5:45 p.m. Shalom Nosh 6 p.m. Shabbat Worship with Shir Shalom Honoring Cindi Crutchfield 6:30 p.m. 14 Shalom Nosh 6 p.m. Shabbat Worship 6:30 p.m. Rothman Lecture with Congregational Dinner 7:30 p.m. 7 FwYC Family Service 5:45 p.m. FwYC Shabbat Dinner 6 p.m. Shalom Nosh 6 p.m. Shabbat Halleilu with the Aufruf of Rabbi Neil Hirsch and Liz Piper-Goldberg 6:30 p.m. FwYC Shabbat Club 6:30 p.m. Fri Sat 29 Minyan Service with Torah Reading 9 a.m. Shabbat Service with the Bat Mitzvah of Serena Jampel 10:45 a.m. 22 Seeking Shabbat 8:45 a.m. Minyan Service with Torah Study 9 a.m. Shira Yoga 10 a.m. Shabbat Service with the Bar Mitzvah of Drew Rosenberg 10:45 p.m. 15 Minyan Service with Torah Reading 9 a.m. Shabbat Service with the Bar Mitzvah of Alfie Rudnick 10:45 a.m. OYEF: “Light of Reason” (Offsite) 3 p.m. 8 Minyan Service with Torah Study 9 a.m. Tot Shabbat 10 a.m. Shabbat Service with the B’nai Mitzvah of Michael Shriver and Maya Waldor 10:45 a.m. 1 B’nai Mitzvah Shabbaton 8:45 a.m. Minyan Service with Torah Study 9 a.m. Shabbat Service with the Bat Mitzvah of Allison Switalski 10:45 a.m. Cheshvan/Kislev 5775 November 2014 News from Temple Shalom Worship Initiative Task Force Seeking Shabbat We want your participation! November 22 at 8:45 a.m. Please join us as we explore texts, classical and more contemporary, and the meaning of Sabbath in our lives. These sessions will be held monthly and are designed as individual sessions so that people may come as they wish. The sessions will conclude so that those who wish to attend Minyan Torah Study may do so. Several months ago a task force was established to evaluate our current worship practices and recommend changes to make our worship services more responsive to the spiritual and communal needs of the congregation. The initiative came out of the information gathered from congregants who attended the House Meetings held two years ago and from the conclusions arrived at by the Welcoming and Engaging Committees. The committee members visited other congregations and attended their services, and made recommendations for changing some of our own practices. Caring Community Offers Rides If you no longer drive, or no longer drive at night, we want to ensure your continued participation in all temple activities. Simply call the temple office (617) 332-9550 and volunteers will arrange transportation to Temple so that you will be able to attend a class, program, or to Shabbat Services. The Task Force is now working with the goal to engage people in worship so that they are able to experience Judaism in ways that have meaning for them and are applicable to their lives. Sanctuary Display Cases Enjoy our NEW Glass Exhibit! In order to accomplish our goal, we have established several subcommittees to evaluate each of our current worship services and to reach out to the congregation at large and learn what it is that draws you to (or keeps you away from) a particular service. Please check out the Temple Street Entryway Display Cases. They were desgined to work in conjunction with the Shine the Light Fall Celebration. Tools used for glass blowing and stained glass techniques are shown along with Judaica and other decorative works by Temple congregant Glass Artist Sidney Hutter. We welcome your participation in this project. We want to know what you think and how you feel. If you are interested in participating on one of our subcommittees, or if you simply want to be sure we hear your voice, please contact one of us. This will work for you only if your voice is heard! To continue the “Shine the Light” theme, a display of holiday and ceremonial candles is in the works. If you have any special decorative Shabbat, Chanukah or Havdalah candles for loan, please be in touch. Email Rhoda Ben Gai at [email protected]. Please contact us at either of the following email addresses: Rashi School Joel Baron at [email protected] Arlene Pressman at [email protected] Co-chairs, Worship Initiative Task Force Curious Minds at Rashi School For Preschoolers and their grownups Random Effects Tuesday, November 4 at 1:30 p.m. Register at rashi.org/admissions/curiousminds.php Dying, Death and Mourning: Customs in Our Community Rashi School Information Session Imagine your child at The Rashi School, Sunday, November 16 at 10:30 a.m. The Boston Area Reform Jewish K-8 Independent School For the family facing the death of a loved one: what are the Sunday, November 16 at 10:30 a.m. resources and practices that support the family through the Register online at rashi.org/admissions/openhouses.php process of dying, death and mourning? Are there things the family can do to influence the responses of friends? What if Mayyim Hayyim Living Waters Community Mikveh my family is interfaith? LGBTQ? Classes in the Paula Brody & Family Education Center Women's Voices, Women's Wisdom For friends: what are the best ways to provide comfort and with Rabbi Beth Naditch support during this difficult time? What is the etiquette at a Shiva house? What should I say to the bereaved family October 15 through May 2015 member? How can I provide ongoing support? Third Wednesday each month at 12:15 p.m. Join the discussion with Rabbi Neil Hirsch, congregant Rabbi Explore how our wisdom as modern women informs the way we understand traditional texts Joel Baron, Hospice Chaplain at Hebrew SeniorLife Hospice Care, and hear stories from fellow congregants who have Many Waters with Rabbis Barbara Penzner, experience with these issues. Carl Perkins, and David Lerner Monday, November 10, 17, and 24 at 7 p.m. Sponsored by Caring Community and Interfaith Connection Some of Boston's most engaging rabbis on the power of water to transform, inspire, and energize For more information, contact: Rhoda Ben-Gai at [email protected] or 1838 Washington Street, Newton, MA 02466 Susan Opdyke at [email protected] [email protected] (617) 244-1836 10 Cheshvan/Kislev 5775 November 2014 Open Your Eyes Fund for the Arts November’s Focus: Glass and Light! SHINE THE LIGHT events this month highlight the beauty of glass in our tradition. Join us and Open Your Eyes! www.templeshalom.org/openyoureyes Make Your Own Glass Dreidel SAVE THESE DECEMBER DATES! New England Premiere: “Let There Be Light” West Newton Cinema Sunday, December 7 at 4 p.m. Sunday, November 16 at 4:30 p.m. Flameworking workshop at Fiamma Glass Studio. ($60 per person) Space is limited, register today. Two aging grand-masters of stained glass race against time to create a masterpiece at the Washington National Cathedral. Q&A with the film’s director following. ($10) Interfaith Tour of Stained Glass and Sacred Space Sunday November 9 at 2:30 p.m. Tour the sanctuaries and stained glass windows of four West Newton houses of worship: Myrtle Baptist Church, First Unitarian Society of Newton, Second Church of Newton, and Temple Shalom ($5/person, $10/family; includes tour, transportation and reception). Shine the Light Community Arts Festival Sunday, December 14 at noon “Light of Reason”: Art Tour and Lecture at Brandeis University Saturday, November 15 at 3 p.m. Join us for a feast of art, light, and intellectual history at Brandeis! View the newly dedicated light sculpture and learn about the legacy of Justice Louis Brandeis from Stephen Whitfield, Ph.D., Professor of American History ($18 per person). Live stained-glass demonstrations Docent-led tours of sanctuary stained glass windows Family art activities Y’hi Or: Using technology to transform our bodies’ energy into light Klezmer Music Performance Dance Performance by Luminarium Sky Lab: A portable planetarium from the Museum of Science to view the night sky … and much more! REGISTER NOW! Fill out this form and send to Temple Shalom, 175 Temple Street, Newton, MA 02465, or register online at www.templeshalom.org. Make Your Own Dreidel ($60) November 4 November 16 Name __________________________________________ Interfaith Tour ($5/individual or $10/family — circle one) Address ________________________________________ Brandeis “Light of Reason” ($18) $ _____ Total Enc. ________________________________________________ CC# ______________________________ Exp. ______ Email ______________________ Phone ______________ Name on Card _________________________________ 11 News from Temple Shalom Social Action Pie and Tie Drive Sunday, November 23 at 9:30 a.m. Temple Shalom and ESWA The Eastern Service Workers Association (ESWA) is an impressive organization located in Dorchester run by and for Boston’s service workers, temporary, domestic and other low-income workers and their families. This organization, open 365 days per year and staffed entirely by volunteers, provides emergency food, clothing, preventive medical care and non-emergency dental care, legal advice and more to its members. Please bring homemade or store-bought pies (fully baked, no nuts!) and gently-used-or-new men’s ties to Temple Shalom. All of the donated pies will be delivered to Little Brothers Friends of the Elderly which provides companionship and nutritious home-delivered Thanksgiving dinners to isolated and low-income elderly men and women. Temple Shalom has been building its relationship with this worthy organization over the years and is looking to continue, and hopefully, increase our level of involvement in the coming year. Last year some of our activities included a backpack/school supply drive, donation of post-rummage sale items, holiday toy drive, and a lively presentation of ESWA members to a 3rd and 4th grade religious school class. This year we hope to include at least one event where our temple members could meet and share a celebration with ESWA members. Ties will be donated to Year Up to help urban young men dress for work and school. Year Up provides them with the skills, experience, and support to help them reach their potential through careers and education. If you have questions, please contact Marion Pollock at [email protected] for the pie drive and for information about the tie drive, please email the Temple Shalom office at [email protected]. We will be looking for volunteers and details will be forthcoming. In the meantime, if you are itching to roll up your sleeves (for instance, drive donated items to ESWA’s office, sort donations, make donations of office equipment) or need a great mitzvah project please contact: If you have any questions, suggestions and feedback, contact Rabbi Neil Hirsch at [email protected]. Jodi Narahara at [email protected] or Jen Hyde at [email protected]. Garden Club News The Garden Club is planning a planting morning to help beautify the temple’s parking lot and plant beds, while minimizing the cost to the temple. So, we are looking to YOU for donations from your gardens. Fall is a wonderful time to split plants from your garden, are we are especially hoping for the following plant donations: Plants that we hope to have donated: Hosta Day Lily Heuchera (Coral Bells or Alumroot) Ornamental Grasses Bags of spring bulbs such as daffodils and tulips Thanksgiving Design Workshop Award winning designers, Elaine DiGiovanni of “The Cutting Garden” and Elaine Ladd of “Petals and Posiers” will provide instruction, guidance and materials for our annual Thanksgiving Design Workshop on Monday, November 24 at 7 p.m. Materials will cost $50 per person and advanced registration is required. We must limit the workshop to 18 participants. Reserve your place as soon as possible with Jill Garrity by emailing her at [email protected]. Come join us as we put these plants in their new homes! Members of the garden club will be in the parking lot beginning at 9 a.m. to accept plant donations. Then, we’ll work from 10 a.m. to 11 a.m. to put the donated plants in their new homes. We welcome helpers pof all kinds. Bring a shovel or trowel, if you have them, and come help us plant! For more information, please contact Emily Rubenstein at [email protected]. 12 November Field Trips to Tower Hill Botanical Garden We will be organizing field trips to the fabulous Orchid Show and orchid vendor exhibits (October 31–November 2) and the Massachusetts Garden Club Federation/SE District Flower Show featuring 40 special arrangements (November 7–9). Contact Elaine Kateman at [email protected] for more information. Cheshvan/Kislev 5775 November 2014 Progressive Dinner Saturday, December 6 6 p.m. 7:15 p.m. 9:15 p.m. Appetizers at congregants’ homes* Dinner at congregants’ homes* Desserts at Temple Shalom Join friends—new and old! This is a wonderful opportunity to meet new people and reunite with friends. Please RSVP by December 1 online by going to our homepage at www.templeshalom.org and following the prompts, or by check to the address in the coupon below. If you have any questions, please contact Mindy Sherbet at [email protected] or Sheila Feiss at [email protected]. Space is Limited! RSVP by December 1 *We will notify you by mail with the names and addresses of your hosts for the evening. RSVP to Temple Shalom Progressive Dinner Enclosed is $25 per person (Hosts attend gratis). Name(s) Address Phone _________________________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________ ___________________________ Email ___________________________________ ______ I/We would like to host: for dinner (Someone will confirm with you by phone or email.) ____ I/We would like to bring/bake appetizers. ____ I/We would like to bring/bake for the dessert course. Mail RSVP and check to: “Sisterhood Progressive Dinner” c/o Temple Shalom, 175 Temple Street, Newton, MA 02465 Mitzvah Mall Mitzvah Mall Needs You! Sunday, December 7 at 9:30 a.m. Mitzvah Mall is a great way for people of all ages to help repair the world, one gift at a time! When you come to Mitzvah Mall, you will have the opportunity to make donations of $1–$3 to a variety of local, national and international organizations in order to meet a small but significant need. In exchange for your gifts, you will receive cards that you can then send on to family, friends, teachers and other important people in your life telling them that you have made a donation in their name and letting them know how the donation will be used. It's a meaningful way to honor special people, support important work and get some of that holiday shopping taken care of! Visit the Mitzvah Mall Marketplace, Too! In addition to the $1 - $3 offerings, Mitzvah Mall will also include a very special Shuk – a market with lovely hand-crafted gifts. Proceeds from these sales go directly to organizations doing critical work in our local community and around the world. We need Mitzvah Mall volunteers! If you want to help plan this great event or volunteer at Mitzvah Mall on December 7, contact Julie Youdovin at [email protected] or (617) 795-2607 or Rabbi Hirsch at [email protected] or (617) 332-9550. 13 News from Temple Shalom Temple Shalom Adult Kallah THE SAVE DATE Friday, January 16–Sunday, January 18 Wylie Inn and Conference Center - Beverly, MA Temple Shalom Presents… 16th Annual Adult Kallah A Gathering of Prayer, Study, Fellowship, and Great Food INCLUDING: Comfortable and spacious guest rooms Delicious and bountiful buffet meals Beautiful waterfront views Wooded walking paths First-class conference center COST: Early Bird Rates until 12/1/2014! $245/person, double occupancy ($275 after 12/1) $320/person, single occupancy ($350 after 12/1/) First-timers save $50! Scholarships are available. Please speak with Rabbi Gurvis. Go to www.templeshalom.org to sign-up today! For more information, please call Loretta Zack in the Temple Shalom office at (617) 332-9550. 14 Cheshvan/Kislev 5775 November 2014 Generation to Generation Lunch with the Pros BIRTHS Travel on Your Mind? Gabriel Hiromasa Fleisher Son of Yoko Mizumoto and Daniel Fleisher Join us for Lunch with the Pros on December 16. We will feature WBZ radio Travel Editor Bob Weiss. For more than 30 years, Weiss has reported on All Things Travel from Logan Airport, to airlines domestic and international, cruises, and the growing reliance on buses and trains. Levi Ari Litow Son of Debbie and Micah Litow Grandchild of Beth and Jeffrey Mendel Maya Pomerantz Daughter of Rachel Shribman and Dan Pomerantz Granddaughter of Barry Pomerantz B’NAI MITZVAH Allison Switalski Daughter of Roz Switalski Weiss was editor/publisher of “Travel New England” before joining WBZ radio where he delivers reports four days a week and writes online articles. Read all of his recent stories at http://cbsloc.al/1vtPekx. Michel Shriver Son of Julie Youdovin and Justin Shriver Maya Waldor Daughter of Lori Olans and Matthew Waldor You will not want to miss Weiss’ advice if you are planning holiday travel or travel regularly. Mark your calendar for Tuesday, December 16 from noon to 1:30 p.m. Please come with questions for this program organized by BONIM. Alfie Rudnick Son of Ilyse Greenberg and Charles Rudnick Drew Rosenberg Son of Debra Rosenberg and the late David Rosenberg RSVP by December 11. Please send a check ($10 per person) made payable to Temple Shalom, for this program, to Temple Shalom, 175 Temple Street, Newton, MA 02465. Please add ”Lunch with the Pros–December 2014” to the memo line of the check. You can also register online by going to www.templeshalom.org and finding the link in the events section. Serena Jampel Daughter of Sandra Marwill and James Jampel ENGAGEMENT Melanie Platten and Adam Feintish Daughter of Pam and Paul Platten Library Lines FORTHCOMING MARRIAGE We are very excited to announce that we added over 150 new titles for adults and children to the Temple Shalom Library in the past year! Here are just a few of them: Liz Piper-Goldberg and Rabbi Neil E. Hirsch MARRIAGES New Books for Children about Jewish Values Netta and Her Plant by Ellie Gellman and Natascia Ugliano, Pre-School – Kindergarten Aaron Elbaum Rezendes and Emily MacArthur Son of Joy Elbaum and Paul Rezendes Abigail Rubenstein and Maxwell Bogue Daughter of Emily and Eli Rubenstein Sam and Charlie (and Sam Too!) Return by Leslie Kimmelman, Kindergarten – Grade 2. DEATHS Ziggy’s Big Idea by Ilana Long and Rasa Joni, Kindergarten – Grade 2. The Hug by David Grossman, Kindergarten – Grade 2. A World of Blessings: Inspirational Stories for Children by Sylvia Rouss and Greg Cohen, Grades 1–3. We remember… Irma Janoff Miller Mother of Richard (Rick) Miller New Books for Adults about Torah and Text Unscrolled: 54 Writers and Artists Wrestle with the Weekly Torah Portions edited by Roger Bennett. Pearl Goldberg Mother of David Goldberg Max K. Nelson Father of Elinor Nelson and Barbara Morgenlender Leadership in the Wilderness: Authority and Anarchy in the Book of Numbers by Erica Brown. Lyle Warner Mother of Rebecca Warner Doris Ruderman Grandmother of Sarah Wilensky We Have Sinned: Sin and Confession in Judaism by Lawrence Hoffman. 15 News from Temple Shalom The Congregation gratefully acknowledges the following contributions, which were received in the month of September Rabbi’s Service Fund In Appreciation of Rabbi Hirsch’s help and support at the time of the passing of my mother, Lyle Warner By Rebecca Warner Rabbi Gurvis officiating at the unveiling of my father, Richard Braverman By Jane, Joel, Sam and Ariel Hirschhorn Rabbi Gurvis and Rabbi Hirsch for their care and services commemorating our father, Max Nelson By Elinor Nelson, Robert Bargar, Barbara and David Morgenlender and their families In Honor of Rabbi Gurvis for officiating at Myrna Fruitt’s funeral service and delivering a beautiful eulogy commemorating her life By Paul Fruitt Rabbi Gurvis for his wonderful service at our daughter’s wedding and his many kindnesses throughout the year By Emily & Eli Rubenstein In Memory of Bernard Fritz By Susan Fritz Cantor’s Service Fund In Appreciation of Cantor Halpern officiating at the lovely service for Debralee Goldberg By Pearl and Morris Goldberg Cantor Halpern’s help and support at the time of the passing of my mother, Lyle Warner By Rebecca Warner Anita Winer “Open Your Eyes” Fund In Honor of The birth of Simon Epstein Gaeta By Marion and Dave Pollock In Memory of Max K. Nelson Susan Stone By Phyllis Scherr and Henry Lerner Myrna Fruitt Susan Cane Stone By Janet and Mark Gottesman Lea Almuly By Ena Lorant and Family Susan Cane Stone By Susan and Michael Epstein Lyle Warner By Sue Fritz Bonim Fund In Memory of Gloria Joyce Bronstein Gorham By Rosalyn Schwartz Charles Kahn By Phyllis and Jerry Briskin Rachel Bella Lapides Bu Miriam L. Cole David Silen By Ruth and William Silen Caring Community Fund In Appreciation of Rhoda Ben-Gai in appreciation of her kindness By Sybil and Richard Gladstone In Honor of The birth of Ella Sophia Grossman By Marion and Dave Pollock In Memory of Thelma Marcus By Judy and Craig Donaldson Arthur Kaplan By Ellen Kaplan Ralph Pill By Lois and Alfred Pill Garden Club/Temple Beautification Fund In Memory of Ida Stein By Marsha and Peter Berenson Floyd Meade By Erica Schwartz and Harry Meade General Fund In Honor of The marriage of Abbie Rubenstein, daughter of Emily and Eli Rubenstein By Fred and Stephanie Cohen Joshua Shapiro becoming a Bar Mitzvah By Amy and Barry Sylvetsky 16 Cheshvan/Kislev 5775 November 2014 The Congregation gratefully acknowledges the following contributions, which were received in the month of September, continued In Memory of Max K. Nelson By Lynn Baden and Scott Birnbaum Harry Carleton By Donna and Bill Carleton Max Nelson Lyle Warner By Stephanie and Fred Cohen Myrna Fruitt By The Fruitt Family Carol and Ed Bikofsky Phyllis and Jerry Briskin Sybil and Richard Gladstone Marilyn and Jack Lifsitz Patricia Nieshoff Emily and Eli Rubenstein Pearl Goldberg By Janet and Mark Gottesman Gloria Gorham By Dorothy Katz Library Fund In Memory of Harriett Hutter By Sid Hutter Music Fund (Worship) In Appreciation of The “Temple Shalom Sings” CD By Phyllis and Jerry Briskin In Honor of Stephanie Cohen’s special birthday By Sherry, John and family Nursery School Scholarship Fund In Memory of Ida Arlen By Phyllis and Joel Baron Sustaining Membership Acts of Tzedakah Ellie Nelson and Bob Bargar Lica Brill Audrey Cooper Linda and Michael Frieze Susan and Neil Glazer Peter Halpern Wendy and Rob Janett Irene and Rich Laursen Goldie and Bert Libon Marilynn and Jack Lifsitz Dorothea Black and Steve Logowitz Nancy Goldberg and Michael Matzka Jen and Andy Molinsky Meryl Kessler and Scott Oran Julie and Eric Sall Ruth and Bill Silen Anne Drazen and Leonard Singer Yahrzeit and Remembrance Fund In Memory of Gedalia Birstein By Goldie Libon Phyllis Canter By Vicki and Steven Canter Jennie L. Cohen By Marilyn Levey James Danziger By Sara and Robert Danziger Norman Jacoby By Rosalind Switalski Rita Lerner By Joan, Michael and Sienna Weinstein Blanche Paul By Barbara Holzman Geri Pollock By Marion and David Pollock Sarah Resnick By Robin and Ernest Krieger Sisterhood Fund In Memory of Dorene (Dee) Kaplan By Aimee and Eric Sprung Are you thinking of making a donation to Temple Shalom in memory of a loved one or in honor of a special person or occasion? Social Action Fund In Memory of You can now donate online by using a credit card. Henry Stolbach By Jeanne and Leo Stolbach Susan Cane Stone By Marion and Dave Pollock Go to our homepage and use the “Donate” link at the top of the Temple Shalom homepage or go directly to the donation page at www.templeshalom.org/resources/donations/. 17 News from Temple Shalom 18 Cheshvan/Kislev 5775 19 November 2014 Temple Shalom november 2014 Non-Profit Org. U.S. Postage PAID Boston, MA Permit No. 56317 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED News from Temple Shalom 175 Temple Street Newton, MA 02465 (617) 332-9550 www.templeshalom.org Published monthly September through June Eric S. Gurvis, Rabbi Neil E. Hirsch, Rabbi Allison Berry, Rabbi Peter Halpern, Cantor Maureen Campbell, Interim Executive Director Melissa Frank, Communications Manager Jo-Ann Suna, Temple President Lynda Schwartz, Guest Editor Shabbat and Festival Services in November Friday, October 31 Shabbat worship service Saturday, November 1 Minyan and Torah Study Bat Mitzvah of Allison Switalski Friday, November 7 Shabbat Halleilu service Saturday, November 8 Minyan and Torah Study Tot Shabbat B'nai Mitzvah of Michael Shriver and Maya Waldor Friday, November 14 Shabbat worship service Saturday, November 15 Minyan and Torah Study Bar Mitzvah of Alfie Rudnick 6:30 p.m. 9 a.m. 10:45 a.m. 6:30 p.m. 9 a.m. 10 a.m. 10:45 a.m. 6:30 p.m. 9 a.m. 10:45 a.m. Friday, November 21 Shabbat worship service with Shir Shalom Honoring Cindi Crutchfield Saturday, November 22 Seeking Shabbat Minyan and Torah Study Shira Yoga Bar Mitzvah of Drew Rosenberg Friday, November 28 Shabbat worship service Saturday, November 29 Minyan and Torah Study Bat Mitzvah of Serena Jampel 6:30 p.m. 8:45 a.m. 9 a.m. 10 a.m. 10:45 a.m. 6:30 p.m. 9 a.m. 10:45 a.m.
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