Last Lord's Day Attendance Worship Service 13 July 14 137 Children Worship 6 No Christian Education on 13 July 2014 Offering Collection Offering $19,229.00 Church Development Fund 13 July 14 Thanksgiving Next Week Roster Preacher 27 July 2014 Pastor Quek Swee Hwa Worship Service Leader Dn Lee Chee Sing Pre-Service Singspiration Ong Chin Guan Organist Pastor Quek Swee Hwa Pianists Calvin Lee / Elisabeth Eng Backup Singers Vivien Tan / Toh Hsiao Ching Offering Collection Freddy Tang / Ong Chim Peng Joson George / Koh Jit Hwee Scripture Reader Lalitha Sene Welcome Team Dns Cheryl Poon / Cheah Wye Hoong Ushers Irene Seah / Nicholas Cheah PA David Elijah / Corinne Cheah Children Service Lee May San Library Assistants Ong Hong Boon Charmaine Poh Still open Still open Eng Jing Wen / Ang Ru Yi Julia Tan Toh Hong Jin Nil 13 July 14 G0574 G0575 G0576 $1,000.00 $1,000.00 $500.00 G0582 G0583 G0584 $200.00 $110.00 $100.00 G0577 $500.00 G0585 $50.00 G0578 $100.00 G0586 $50.00 G0579 $500.00 G0587 $50.00 G0580 G0581 $300.00 $300.00 G0588 $11.00 Total Gifts received last week Duty $ 4,771.00 Flowers Donor Fellowship Tea Donor Fellowship Tea Cleaning $ 1,310,442.86 Total Gifts received to date Balance to be raised ( $1.9m - Total Gifts Received ) $ 589,557.14 Transport Duty News / Announcements Upcoming Events 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. We thank God for a meaningful and memorable 37th Church Anniversary Worship Service last Sunday. May we continue to love God and one another. A warm welcome to all our friends and visitors this morning. Do stay behind for fellowship tea. You are also invited to join in the Christian Education class from 11.30am to 12.30pm. India Mission Trip: Pastor Quek, Esther and Elder Richard Ng will be present in August at Emmanuel BPC Salem’s 3rd Anniversary. Praying that Mrs Angie Ng (Eder Richard’s wife) will be able to obtain leave to join the mission team. Emmanuel RLC has launched two tours to the Bible Lands, especially Israel and Jordan. These will be led by Pastor Quek. Tour dates: 7-18 September & 9-21 November. Registration is still open. For further details, please contact Ms Christine Chan at 66945501 or email: [email protected] DISCIPLESHIP Training Seminar by Rev Arleen Fidel. Organised by Galilee BP Church, this will be held at 202 Pandan Gardens on 8 Aug(8.00pm – 9.30pm) and 9 Aug (9am – 3.00pm). All are welcome to attend. Please inform Elder Peter if you are coming. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 24 July 7.30pm Emmanuel Bible-Presbyterian Church In Thy presence is fulness of joy – Psalm 16:11 1 Pemimpin Drive #11-07 ONE PEMIMPIN Singapore 576151 www. Meditation for today And all things, Pastor Quek Swee Hwa / Elisabeth Eng Pre-Service Singspiration Calvin Lee Call to Worship Ong Chim Peng ye shall ask *Invocation/ Gloria Patri Welcome in prayer, believing, ye shall receive. Matthew 21:22 Responsive Reading Psalm 129 Hymn Does Jesus Care? Tithes & Offering/ *Doxology Dn George Tan / Ong Chin Guan Lijoy George / Andrew Sak Prayer for Emmanuel Children Corporate Prayer 25 July 8.00pm (Friday) Prayer Meeting Pastor Quek Swee Hwa 97865044 26 July 5.00pm (Saturday) Youth Fellowship Group Prayer and Sharing Advisory Elder Richard Ng 96377846 Elder Peter Lee 91056885 Dn Lee Chee Sing 97561580 27-28 July (Sunday-Monday) 1pm YF Leaders Retreat at Changi Beach Club Prelude Opening Hymn MJY46 Crown Him with Many Crowns (Thursday) Emmanuel BSF (Sunday) Worship Practice Meditation & Prayer Pre-service Singing Worship Service Pastor Quek Swee Hwa Christian Education Worship Practice (for 3 Aug) Choir Practice 20 July 2014 whatsoever Church Session 27 July 8.45am 9.20am 9.30am 9.35am Speaker: 11.30am 12.45pm 1.15pm 9.30am Scripture Reading: John 9:1-16, 34-38 Dn George Tan 97804732 Dn Choo Lye Huat 97676095 Dn Alvin Poh 93866090 Dns Cheryl Poon 98335398 Office 66945501 Warm Welcome Our guests last Sunday 13 July 2014 Rev & Mrs Peter Jamir Ms Cerintha Chia, Ms Lilian Lee, Ms Annabel Koh Ms Sylvia Low, Ms Doris Siah Ms Lim Wei Ting Ms Jolene Guo & Mr Li Zhu Mr Baskara Nair Mr Jeffrey Lim & family Mr Wong Ping Seng & family Mr & Mrs Eddy Angullia Message: “LORD I BELIEVE” Cheah Lai Mei Pastor Quek Swee Hwa *Closing Hymn Faith Is the Victory *Benediction / *Threefold Amen Announcements Also Serving Today Pianist Backup Singers Welcome Team Ushers PA Children Service Library Assistants Flowers Donor Fellowship Tea Donor Fellowship Tea Cleaning Transport (*) Congregation Standing Toh Hsiao Ching Irene Seah / Mervin Lee Dn Lee Chee Sing / Fiona Lee Jennifer Eng / Toh Leong Khim Collin Lee / Alvin Ong Indra Kumar Corinne Cheah / Toh Hsiao Woon Toh Hsiao Ching Lalitha Sene Christine Ong / Toh Hsiao Ching / David Elijah Andrew Sak Next Lord’s Day Message “I AM THE DOOR….I AM THE GOOD SHEPHERD” (Jn 10:9, 11) By Pastor Quek Swee Hwa Pastoral Chat 20 July 2014 BONDING AND BUILDING – WORK IN PROGRESS deliberated seriously on particular issues that our churches are facing, as well as on broad issues that needed to be addressed, such as trends that youths and adults are facing. These are sometimes rather disturbing. Sooner or later both the smaller as well as the larger churches need to address these issues. Thankfully, at the Retreat and within a short space of time, we were able to cover much ground. Not everything was dealt with. We highlighted certain matters that could be discussed at similar gatherings in the future. We began with the customary ‘ice-breaker’ games aimed at getting the group to know one another better. We had our own version of FIFA World Cup and our referee was Elder Ho Peng Kee of Mt Carmel BPC, a former Chairman of the Football Association of Singapore. It was interesting to see Pastors enjoying a game of football. I was elated when Elder Ho pointed out to me that my football dribbling was not bad! We agreed during the time of sharing at the end of the Retreat that we really did not need any icebreaker games (even though we enjoyed them) because we got to know each other very well right from the start of the Retreat. Eight BP Churches are represented in this group photo. Some of us are in casual wear because this is a BPCIS Retreat at Pulau Springs Resort, Johor, Malaysia. Five churches are confirmed members of BPCIS (see below). The leaders of the remaining three BP churches in this photo (Grace, Shalom and Hebron) are still praying for the Lord’s leading. In the next photo are Senior Pastors of five BPCIS churches (left to right): Ps Yap Kim Sin (Zion Serangoon BPC), Ps Bob Phee (Herald BPC), Ps David Wong (Zion Bishan BPC), Ps Daniel Chua (Mt Carmel BPC), and Ps Quek Swee Hwa (Emmanuel BPC). Last week in my Pastoral Chat I focused on one church, Emmanuel BPC. This week we shift our attention to our denomination, the Bible-Presbyterian Church in Singapore (BPCIS). We are still at the stage of “Work in Progress”. We are nearer our goal and urge you to join us in prayer for the guidance of our Almighty God to bring us back together in a new Presbytery grouping. One encouraging development is that we were able to enjoy friendly moments of sharing concerning what our respective churches are doing, how God is blessing us in our various ministries, our aspirations, and our joys and struggles as we focus on how we can work together for the Glory of God. We Quo vadis? Where are we going? By the Grace of God this is the first re-gathering of BP Pastors and lay leaders after the dissolution of the Bible-Presbyterian Synod in 1988. It is a significant moment. We have much for which we must thank our Almighty God. It is our fervent prayer that we can recover the unity that went missing. We want to put the past behind us and press on ahead with the prayer that God will enable all our BiblePresbyterian Churches to be a shining witness for the Lord in these Last Days. We cannot sit back and do nothing when we see our world falling apart. In what ways? Lack of faithfulness to the Word of God Declining morality Other signs of the end-times, especially the appearance of the Anti-Christ I close with these words penned by Charles Haddon Spurgeon in March 1887 in his magazine, The Sword and the Trowel: “[At the end of the Puritan age] by some means or other, first the ministers, then the Churches, got on ‘the down grade,’ and in some cases, the descent was rapid, and in all, very disastrous. In proportion as the ministers seceded from the old Puritan godliness of life, and the old Calvinistic form of doctrine, they commonly became less earnest and less simple in their preaching, more speculative and less spiritual in the matter of their discourses, and dwelt more on the moral teachings of the New Testament than on the great central truths of revelation. Natural theology frequently took the place which the great truths of the gospel ought to have held, and the sermons became more and more Christ-less. Corresponding results in the character and life, first of the preachers and then of the people, were only too plainly apparent.” We are all “work in progress”. Let us be faithful to God in these Last Times, both personally and in our respective churches: “… be thou faithful unto death, and I will give thee a crown of life.” (Rev 2:10b) – Pastor Quek Swee Hwa
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