Green Lake Township Regular Board Meeting May 12, 2014 CALLED TO ORDER: 6:00 p.m. by Supervisor Biondo. ROLL CALL: Bieganowski, Schroeter, Radtke, West, McDonald, Kramer and Biondo, present. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE TO THE FLAG: AGENDA: Moved Radtke, Support Schroeter to approve the agenda as amended with the correction of moving EMS Director to the first position under postponed business. Carried. CONSENT AGENDA: Moved Radtke, Support West to approve the consent agenda as presented. Carried. REPORTS: Dick Thomas: Grand Traverse County Commissioners: Dick reported they are still working towards a new jail and talked about the high lake levels. Mike Stinson: Green Lake Township Fire Department: Mike reported they have four Green Lake Township Fire personnel who have completed the EMT course and one person who completed fire training. He reminded everyone that the 5th Annual Emergency Services Day is Saturday, May 17, 2014 from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Leslie Sickterman: Planning: Leslie reported there have been a few dates set for MDOT and Interlochen Center for the Arts to meet and review a potential trail along M‐137. No planning commission meeting this month as it falls on a holiday. PUBLIC COMMENT: John Roth introduced himself to the board members. He is running for County Commissioner, 4th District. Dave Petrove announced he is running for the Cherryland Electric Board of Directors and asked for support. CORRESPONDENCE: Reviewed correspondence in the board packets. POSTPONED BUSINESS: EMS DIRECTOR: Discussed the job description and qualifications for the EMS Director position. The board recommended at the top of the job description, place (GLTEMS) behind Green Lake Township EMS for clarification purposes. Moved Bieganowski, Support Kramer to form a hiring committee (Paul Biondo, Dave Bieganowski, Mike Stinson and Judith Kramer) and advertise the job opening for two to three weeks. Carried. RFP STUDY: John DeVol of Fleis & Vandenbrink answered questions and explained the RFP break down. Moved McDonald, Support Kramer to hire Fleis & Vandenbrink based on their bid being substantially lower than the other bid. Carried. Mr. DeVol took a few moments to introduce himself and tell the board a little about Fleis & Vandenbrink. ZONING ORDINANCE TEXT AMENDMENTS: The board discussed the corrections that were made. VMF (Village Multiple Family) on page 17 of 36, section 5 and on the table is not listed, Leslie will look into this. Page 3 of 36 section 1‐ A correct it to read “designed to withstand a snow load” and make the same correction under F – 1 A, page 16 of 36 4‐ B remove the word road and replace it with street, page 16 of 36 under 4‐ A. 3 change street and block to street, page 15 of 36 4‐A.2 should say “provided that the Planning Commission finds that all of the Green Lake Township Regular Board Meeting Page 2 May 12, 2014 following standards are met”. On page 23 of 36 B‐3 remove “Artificial, man made stone shall not be allowed on the exterior of any building or landscape structure unless approved by the Planning Commission”. Page 14 of 36 Section 3 reword to say in part “Development in the Gateway Overlay district shall comply with the regulating plan, unless modified under the provisions of Section 4 or Section 10.” Page 25 of 36 Section 10‐A reword in part to say “the location and type of streets shall comply with the regulating plan, unless a modification is made under the provisions of Aritcle 4.” Moved Bieganowski, Support West to adopt the Zoning Ordinance Text Amendments Resolution # 5‐12‐14.5 with corrections approved by the board. Roll call: Radtke: Yes, West: Yes, McDonald: Yes, Bieganowski: Yes, Schroeter: Yes, Kramer: Yes, Biondo: Yes. Carried. FARMERS MARKET AMENDMENTS: Discussion. The board feels this should be listed under special events. Would like the Planning Commission to explore if it should have its own section. Moved Bieganowski, Support McDonald to return this to the Planning Commission to explore placing it under special events with its own section. Carried. SALARY RESOLUTIONS: Moved Radtke, Support Bieganowski to approve Resolution # 5‐12‐ 14.1 clerk’s salary for the fiscal year 2014‐2015. Roll call: Radtke: Yes, West: Yes, McDonald: Yes, Bieganowski: Yes, Schroeter: Yes, Kramer: Yes, Biondo: Yes, Carried. Moved Radtke, Support Bieganowski to approve Resolution # 5‐12‐14.2 supervisor’s salary for the fiscal year 2014‐2015. Roll call: Radtke: Yes, West: Yes, McDonald: Yes, Bieganowski: Yes, Schroeter: Yes, Kramer: Yes, Biondo: Yes. Carried. Moved McDonald, Support Bieganowski to approve Resolution #5‐12‐14.3 treasurer’s salary for the fiscal year 2014‐2015. Roll call: Bieganowski: Yes, Schroeter: Yes, Kramer: Yes, McDonald: Yes, West: Yes, Radtke: Yes, Biondo: Yes. Carried. Moved Radtke, Support Kramer to approve Resolution #5‐12‐14.4 trustee’s salary for the fiscal year 2014‐2015. Roll call: McDonald: Yes, West: Yes, Radtke: Yes, Schroeter: Yes, Kramer: Yes, Bieganowski: Yes, Biondo: Yes. Carried. FIREWORKS: Board discussion. Moved Kramer, Support McDonald to approve Resolution #5‐ 12‐14.6 fireworks ordinance as presented. Roll call: Schroeter: Yes, West: Yes, Kramer: Yes, McDonald: Yes, Radtke: No, Bieganowski: No, Biondo: Yes. Carried. PUBLIC COMMENT: Dan Bauer introduced himself. He is running for County Commissioner, 4th District. ADJOURNMENT: Moved Radtke, Support West to adjourn at 7:41 p.m. Judith L. Kramer, Clerk
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