Craven Ward Plan 2014-15 Ward Members Ward Officer (Vacant) Noreen Akhtar Cllr Andrew Mallinson Date Approved Cllr Adrian Naylor March 2014 Annual Ward Plan Code PRIORITY BROAD ACTIONS Specific Ward Actions (summary) Target Areas/ Target Groups Who responsible Across Ward. Silsden Park Routes To school WPT Warden Service. Street Scene. Probation Kirkgate Silsden Across Ward WPT Warden Service. Street Scene. Probation Across Ward. WPT Warden Service. Street Scene. Probation Cleaner Greener Support communities to tackle anti social dog fouling. Increase visibility and enforcement via Council Wardens. Encourage local residents to become eyes and ears. Support the role out of the Green Dog Walkers Campaign Develop a Business partnership/network in the Craven ward. Open a dialogue with business owners. Look at constructive ways of supporting private businesses. Organise specialised days of action. Develop Footpath Clear up programme Identify hotspots, through consultation with Ward Representatives and residents; look at levels of reported incidents to Council Contact centre. Deploy Clean teams Encourage community solutions to localised problems. Identify Walking Groups to carry out footpath audit. Safer Communities Educate and enforce anti social parking. Negotiate and deploy joint working processes involving NPT and Warden Service . Work with Local employers and others looking at suitable resolution of issues. Work with individual schools to tackle the issue, with staff, pupils and parents. Residential areas in conflict commuter parking Thornhill Road. Schools – In particular Steeton Primary school. Airedale Hospital WPT NPT Warden Service. District Councillors Town &Parish Councils. Traffic and Highways Airedale Hospital Identify strategic mechanisms to influence a District Wide response to the problem. Educate residents on crime reduction. Increased awareness programme for residents, businesses and general public. Suburban residential areas. Practical help and support for those in high risk areas. Public areas – parks and footpaths. High profile days of action and convictions. Address low public satisfaction in public services. Target work where higher levels enforcement and visibility will have a desired outcome. Negotiate joint working protocols with Police and Council Wardens and other service providers. Promote the low levels of crime in the ward, reassure residents through various methods of engagement. Across Ward. Silsden and Steeton residential areas WPT Warden Service, WPT. NPT, District Councillors Town and Parish Councils. Inequalities in Health and Wellbeing Develop a community linking project supporting Older Peoples Groups Work on an intergenerational Project with schools and community groups. Across Ward Silsden Support Silsden Churches together with engagement activities. Steeton Develop Older Peoples HUB in Steeton. Work with Adult Services to Map commissioned and non commissioned services. Increase information and Knowledge relating to appropriate benefits for residents. Look at current provision and match with needs analysis, to identify gaps. Across Ward Warden Service, WPT. NPT, District Councillors Town and Parish Councils. Churches Adult Services Incommunities CAB Across ward District Councillors Town and Parish Councils. Community and Voluntary Groups. Church Groups Public Health Adult Social Services Grow links with support organisations in order to signpost people to appropriate networks. Publicise availability of help and support and utilise local community venues for welfare advice. Older People services awareness raising. Look at ways of addressing similar needs in different localities in the ward. Encourage new and innovative ways of working from community and service providers. Identify pilot areas and negotiate seed money to try new ideas. Warden Service, WPT. NPT, District Councillors Town and Parish Councils. Churches Adult Services Incommunities Income Skills and Housing Across Wards Encourage appropriate rural service provision and advice for those worried about financial planning. Sign post to social services and benefits advice agencies. Work in partnership with relevant agencies to provide sign posting and support services to meet a range of family needs and issues. Increase the level and opportunities to access benefit advice. Look at current provision and match with needs analysis, to identify gaps. Silsden Steeton Grow links with support organisations in order to signpost people to appropriate networks. District Councillors Town and Parish Councils. Community and Voluntary Groups. Church Groups CAB Adult Social services CAB Public Health KIVCA District Councillors Town and Parish Councils Publicise availability of help and support and utilise local community venues for welfare advice. Across Ward Maintain link with LDF team, in order to provide clear and up to date Maintain and increase good communication and information. information sharing with Town and Parish Councils. Support for consultation and engagement on Neighbourhood plans. Develop opportunities for greater understanding of National, Regional and District planning policies for local residents District Councillors Town and Parish Council Planning. Yorkshire Planning Aid. Children and Young People Encouraging children and young peoples input into local decision making processes. Linking Ward and Parish Councillors with Young people thoughts, views and actions. In all three Parishes of the Ward Supporting Silsden Youth Council to strengthen and grow. Development of Neighbourhood Developing a programme of work to encourage Plans in Steeton, parish, ward and civic groups to embrace young Eastburn And people’s involvement in Neighbourhood Planning, Silsden. Parish budget setting and project design and implementation. Development of the Steeton Play Linking with Youth Service Vice and Influence area for under programme. 10’s. Develop mechanisms for children and young people to take civic responsibility for public spaces and amenities. Build links with Silsden Primary schools for environmental days in the park. Silsden Park Silsden Beck Work with young people groups in Silsden to tackle rubbish in Silsden Beck Work closely with appropriate service providers to develop programmes on Environment to be delivered through community and school settings. Encourage young people volunteering. Across the Ward Develop a rights and responsibility programme for young people in the ward. Ward Partnership team Ward Cllrs Year 6 in primary schools Steeton With District Councillors Eastburn PC Silsden Town Council Addingham Parish Council Addingham Civic Society Local Achievement Partnership ECS play team Schools Youth Services Recreation services CBMDC District Councillors Ward Officer WPT Uniformed Groups Sports Clubs ECS play team District Councillors Youth Services Looks at personal safety and health and wellbeing issues targeted at girls. Silsden Broaden opportunities for young people to fully engage with ward, area and district decision making processes Stronger Communities Productive Governance and decision making between first Tier and the principal Local Authority Ward Exchange meetings between Ward Members and Town and Parish Councils. Across ward District Councillors Town and Parish Councils Across ward Asset Management. District Councillors Town and Parish Councils District Councillors Town and Parish Councils Maintain and increase good communication and information sharing with Town and Parish Councils. Sustainable community use for non operational and operational Assets in Craven Ward. Support Town and Parish Councils in developing and delivering their Parish/Neighbourhood plans. Engage with Asset management to look at future planning of council owned resources. Work with local communities to identify long term sustainable uses for public buildings. Across ward Support community participation in decision making processes. Police Schools Ward Officer Uniformed Groups Sports Groups ECS play team Support by providing information that communities need. Identifying mentoring or training for members of community organisations. Encourage greater dialogue with Decision makers including, Town And Parish Councils, Elected Ward members, Area Committee and Planning Panels. Across ward District Maintain & improve relationships with key community partners Ongoing contact with Parish, Town Councils Respond appropriately positively and clearly to requests for support and information. Maintain regular contact at formal meetings. Continue partnership working with groups through community engagement opportunities and issues. Councillors Town and Parish Councils. Voluntary and Community sector
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