m-Xaw. \ 2%

(No Model.)
No. 581,876.
Patented May 4, 1897.
Fag; __
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SPECIFICATION forming part of Letters Patent No. 581,876, dated May 4, 1897.
Application ?led July 6, 1896. Serial No. 598,135. (No model.)
To all 70710172, it 7mr7/ concern.
As shown in Fig. 1, the extremities of the
Be it known that I, HERBERT L. AULLs, a rod 5 are bent around a conduit 6, which is
citizen of the United States of America, re threaded to receive two nuts 7, one of which
siding at Denver, in the county of Arapahoe is screwed on each side of the rod extremi 55
and State of Colorado, have invented cer ties. Outside of the base the conduit 6 is
tain new and useful Improvements in Lawn provided with the ordinary swiveled coupling
Sprinklers; and I do declare the following to 8, whose function is to connect the hose with
be a full, clear, and exact description of the one extremity of the conduit. The opposite
invention, such as will enable others skilled extremity of the conduit is bent upward, its 60
in the art to which it appertains to make and vertical portion being threaded to receive a
use the same, reference being had to the ac bracket 9, carrying the gooseneck-holder 10,
companying drawings, and to the ?gures of provided with a rotatable spray-cone 12, lo
reference marked thereon, which form a part cated directly above the nozzle 13.
of this speci?cation.
The parts 9, 10, and 12 are substantially the
My invention relates to improvements in same as shown in my previous application,
lawn-sprinklers; and it consists of the fea Serial No. 592,375, ?led May 20, 1896.
tures hereinafter described and claimed, all
Referring now especially to Fig. 2, the nu
of which will be fully understood by refer meral 16 designates a horizontal conduit con
ence to the accompanying drawings, in which nected with the base 5 at diametrically oppo
site points, the base being made fast to the
is illustrated an embodiment thereof.
In the drawings, Figures 1 and 2 are per
conduit by means of nuts 7.
To obtain the
spective views illustrating two different forms construction shown in the drawings, the cen
of construction.
tral portion of the rod is ?rst bent around
My present improvements consist, ?rst, of the conduit, as shown at 17. The rod is then 75
a base to which the sprinkling device is at
bent into the circular shapeand its extremi
tached, said base being formed of a rod bent ties attached to the conduit, as shown at 18.
into circular or other shape and suitably at The central part of the conduit is provided
tached to a conduit provided with a nozzle, with a vertical part 19, whose upper portion
and, second, of a base of similar construction is threaded to receive the bracket 9.
to which is attached a horizontal conduit, one
The extremities of the conduit 16 project
extremity of which is adapted to connect with beyond the base, one of them being provided
the hose, while the other extremity is adapted with a coupling 8 and the other adapted to
to connect with an ordinary sprinkling-noz receive a sprinkling-nozzle 20. The central
zle, the central part of said conduit being pro portion of the conduit is provided with a cut 85
35 vided with a vertical pipe, to which is at off‘ valve 21 of any suitable construction
tached the spray mechanism. The conduit adapted to cut off the water from either noz
is also provided with a valve or cut-off, where zle 13 or 20 while the water is passing through
by the water passing therethrough may be the other nozzle; hence the convenience of this
cut oif from either exit while passing through construction.
the other avenue of escape.
It must be understood that my improved
Similar reference-characters indicate corre base may be used with any suitable sprin
sponding parts in the drawings.
kling or spraying mechanism.
Let the numeral 5 designate the base, which
From the construction heretofore described
is composed of awire or small rod bent or oth it is evident that by loosening the nuts 7,which 95
45 erwise formed into circular or approximately lock the conduits 6 and 16 to the base, the
circular shape, the length of the rod or the said conduits may be turned or adjusted so
area inclosed thereby being sufficient to af that the upwardly~projecting part of either
ford a suitable support for the attachments may form any desired angle with the plane of
heretofore speci?ed. \Vhile the circular form the base. The gooseneck~l1older 10 engages
is preferred, it is evident that this base may shallow notches formed in the outer extrem
be of any other desired shape, as oval, ellip ity of the bracket 9.
tical, rectangular, or polygonal.
The holder 10 is movably attached to the
bracket, and the spray-cone may therefore be
adjusted so that its point may occupy a posi
tion to one side of the center of the nozzle 13.
able area, and a conduit composed of a thread
ed horizontal portion and an upwardly-pro
jecting portion attached to the base by bend 25
'Hence if this adjustment be properly made ing the latter around the horizontal portion of
and the conduit turned to form an angle of the conduit, whereby the upwardly-project
about forty-five degrees with the plane of the ing portion of the latter is located within the
base the Water will be sprayed or thrown over a
long narrow area or surface. By virtue of this
adjustment the sprinkler may be operated in
area of the base, and a fastening-nut screwed‘
on the horizontal portion of the conduit to
engage with the base where it is bent around
a narrow space, say between two Walls or the conduit, whereby the conduit may be
buildings, without throwing the water on loosened by turning the nut in the proper di
either wall.
rection, thus allowing‘ the upwardly-project
The conduit may also be turned downward ing part of the conduit to be turned down
so that its Vertical or upright portion shall parallel with the plane of the base, substan
15 occupy a position parallel with the plane of tially as described.
In testimony whereof I a?ix my signature
the base. This feature will be found advan
tageous when packing the devices for ship in presence of two witnesses.
ment or transportation.
Having thus described my invention, what
I claim is——
In a lawn-sprinkler, the combination of a
base composed of a rod bent to inclose a suit