ÉCOLE LANSDOWNE 715 Wiginton Street Winnipeg, Manitoba R2X 2G2 Telephone: 338-7039 Fax: 334-3561 www.wsd1.org/lansdowne Mon September 2014 Tue 1 2 Labour Day Wed Day 1 3 Administration Day Thu Day 2 1st Day of Classes Grades 1-8 4 Fri Day 3 5 Day 4 Nursery/Kindergarten Interviews 8 Day 5 9 Day 6 10 Day 1 11 First Day of Classes N/K 15 Day 2 12 Day 3 Meet the Teacher 6:30-7:30 PM Day 4 16 Day 5 17 Day 6 18 Day 1 19 Day 2 Terry Fox Run 22 29 Day 3 In Service NO SCHOOL 23 Day 2 30 LAG (Parent Council) Mee-ng Day 4 24 Day 5 25 Ac-vity Day Day 6 Picture Day 26 Day 1 Pizza Hot Lunch Day 3 Looking Ahead…. • • • • October 3– Bus Ridership Oct. 13 - Thanksgiving (NO SCHOOL) October 24– In Service (NO SCHOOL) October 29– Picture Retakes École Lansdowne Message from Administration We would like to begin by welcoming all new and returning students to École Lansdowne as we commence the 2014 2015 school year. We feel very fortunate to be part of a vibrant, friendly and supportive school community that works together to provide the best possible learning environment for our children. We are confident that the up-coming school year will be filled with much productivity, fun and academic success. Thank you to our custodial team consisting of Mr. Mike Sutton and Mr. Keith Sutton who have rendered the school spotless. They have exceeded expectations by going beyond the call of duty and we are very appreciative of their hard work, positive attitude and work ethic. École Lansdowne is committed to providing a safe and comfortable learning environment for your child. We strongly believe in a community/school partnership. Consequently, we encourage and promote open and productive communication throughout the year. If you have any questions or concerns at any time, please do not hesitate to contact your child’s teacher, the office staff or administration at 204-338-7039. Vince Audino Principal Ruth Schappert Vice-Principal Important Information Playground supervision begins at 8:10 a.m. on school grounds. The bell rings at 8:20 a.m. and all students are asked to line up outside in their respective areas. The classroom teacher will greet the students and accompany them to their classroom. It is imperative students arrive at school on time in order to establish a positive routine. Your co-operation in this matter is greatly appreciated. Opening exercises and announcements take place at 8:25 a.m. Although we welcome parents in the school when picking up children, we kindly ask that you introduce yourself to the office staff prior to proceeding to your child’s classroom. For parents who habitually pick up their child directly from the classroom, please keep in mind teachers are conducting class until the final bell. You assistance in keeping the hallways quiet until that time would be much appreciated. At the end of the school day, please help keep that hallways clear to facilitate a safe and smooth exit for all. School Photos will take place on Thursday, September 25th. Important Dates 204-2015 September 2 Administration Day (NO School) September 3 First day of school grades 1-8 September 3, 4, & 5 Nursery & Kindergarten interviews September 8 First day of school for Nursery & Kindergarten September 11 Meet the Teacher 6:30-7:30 September 22 Administration Day (NO SCHOOL) October 3 Bus Ridership October 13 Thanksgiving NO SCHOOL October 24 SAGE (NO SCHOOL) - In-service October 31 Halloween November 10 Remembrance Day assembly 10:30 a.m. November 11 Remembrance Day (NO SCHOOL) November 17 Report cards go home November 20 Tri- Conferences – Evening November 21 Tri- Conferences – (NO SCHOOL) December 10 Nursery/Kindergarten Concert (Daytime) December 19 Assembly Sing-A-Long 2:00 p.m. Last day of classes – December 19, 2014, classes resume January 5, 2015 January 20-22 Hearing Screening January 23 In Service (NO SCHOOL) February 2 Administration Day (NO SCHOOL) February 12 Grade 1-4 Concert 6:30 p.m. February 16 Louis Riel Day (NO SCHOOL) February 17-20 Festival du Voyageur week March 9 Report cards go home March 13 Administration Day (NO SCHOOL) March 17 Concours d’art Oratoire divisionnaire 6:30 p.m. March 23-27 Spirit Week Last day of classes – March 27, 2015 classes resume April 6, 2015 April 17 Bus Ridership April 23 Student- Led Conferences – evening April 24 Student- Led Conferences (NO SCHOOL) April 27-May 2 Grade 7 & 8 Quebec Trip May 7 Grade 5-8 Concert 6:30 p.m. May 11 In Service (NO SCHOOL) May 18 Victoria Day (NO SCHOOL) May 22 Walk-a-thon May 29 Volunteer Tea 10:30 a.m. June 3 Divisional Math Exam June 9 & 10 Grade 8 Divisional ELA Exam June 12 In Service (NO SCHOOL) June 16-19 Jr. High Final Exams June 26 Report Cards go home Grade 8 Farewell/Grade 7 Awards June 30 Assembly 9:00 a.m. Last day of school Callback Program Callback Program is operated by most elementary schools in our area to ensure that, should a child fail to arrive at school, parents/guardians and the police (only if deemed necessary by the school administration), can be notified as soon as possible. If your child is to be away from school or late, please remember to call the Callback Program at: 204-338-7818. All students who arrive late at school must report to the office and receive a late slip before entering the classroom. Electronic Newsletter and School Calendar École Lansdowne will be sending the entire version of our newsletter to all families electronically. Please ensure the school has your most updated e-mail address of file. We will be sending a one page hard copy of the school’s calendar and important information. Or can you visit our website at: www.winnipegsd.ca/schools/lansdowne If you require a hard copy of the complete newsletter please inform the school office. Meet the Teacher & PBIS (Posi-ve Beahaviour Interven-on Support) As an update to our PBIS implementation, all students will have the opportunity to review École Lansdowne’s responsibilities in the thirteen common areas throughout the school. Our three main school responsibilities A t École Lansdowne are: We are responsible, We are respectful and We are safe. As part of our Meet the Teacher night on September 11th, each family will be issued a PBIS passport. The children will have the opportunity to escort their families around the school to showcase the common areas. By filling in various sections on the passport, you will be eligible to enter for a draw which will take place the following day. Two prizes will be awarded. We look forward to seeing all parents and guardians for an opportunity to meet your child’s teacher(s) as well as participate in our PBIS kickoff on Thursday, September 11th. Lansdowne Parent Council will be raising money this September by selling the Show & Save Card and Coupon Book. The Coupon Book has over $ 10,000 in money saving offers including coupons for purchases at various grocery stores, restaurants and businesses throughout the city. For only $20.00 you can experience endless savings with the Re-usable Card and Coupon Book. By purchasing your Show & Save from us, you will be supporting our school while at the same time saving your family a lot of money. Please contact the office at 204-338-7039 if you would like to purchase a book. École Lansdowne 715 Wiginton Street Winnipeg, MB R2X 2G2 V. Audino, Directeur Phone: (204) 338-7039 Fax: (204) 334-3561 Mme Schappert, Directrice-Adjointe __________________________________________________________________________________________ Did you know? Winnipeg School Division has cultural liaison officers that are available to help families effectively communicate with their child’s school in order to strengthen the home school partnership which is of paramount importance for student success. Please find a list below: Filipino Perla Javate Daniel McIntyre Phone (204)783-7131 Filipino Malou Josue Tyndall Park Phone (204)633-0065 Vietnamese Nam Vu Stanley Knowles Phone (204)694-0483 Chinese Binh Hui Sister MacNamara Phone (204)942-6965 Hindi Chandra Gautam Hugh John Macdonald Monday-Wednesday (204)786-5631 St. John’s Thursday and Friday (204)589-4374 If you would like further information or have any questions please call the school at (204)338-7039. École Lansdowne Staff List 2014-2015 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________ Directeur: Vince Audino Directrice-Adjoint:e Ruth Schappert Clerks: Sandra Skorpad (Head Clerk) Sheila Sandison (Office, Library) Nursery am & pm Room 131 Nursery/Kindergarten pm Room 133 Kindergarten am & pm Room 129 Kindergarten am Room 133 Grade 1 Room 134 Grade 1 Room 135 Grade 1 Room 136 Grade 2 Room 137 Grade 2 Room 138 Grade 2 Room 139 Grade 3 Room P1 Grade 3 Room P2 Grade 4 Room 124 Grade 4 Room 122 Grade 5 Room 119 Grade 5/6 Room 121 Grade 6 Room 118 Grade 7/8 Science Room 115 M-8 Technology Grade 7/8 Social Studies Room 114 7/8 French, 7 E.L.A Grade 7/8 Math Room 111/115 2-8 Math Support Grade 7/8 E.L.A. Room 111 Nursery - 8 S.E.R.T. Room 132 Grade 7/8 Art & Technology Grade 1 - 8 Physical Education Reading Recovery (French) Resource Reading Recovery (English) Grade N - 8 Education Physique Music Custodial: Barbara Rymarczuk Shona Kusyk Mariam Kanta Rebecca Meacham Krystal Mogg Chantal LaRiviere Kylie Golding Kyla Haggart Cathy Collier Paula Sasdelli Ari Sarbit Michelle Rosner Ann Charban Lucille Galvez Shannon Unrau Jillian Chaykowski Anka Mraovic Jan Slavicek Darcia Kozelko Mike Hrechkosy Shona Kusyk Sonia Lanctôt-Blanchard Gym Room 132 C Ryden Marko Karin Stanik Room 132 C Gym Room 102 Gillian Ginsburg Educational Assistants: Sabrina Godard Sofiene Loumi Marine Nyirankuriza Pat Pavcek North District Computer Technicians Michael Sutton (Head Custodian) Keith Addis (Evening Custodian) vacant (Evening Custodian) Donna Tugby Marie Petit Corrine Rudnicki-Smith Lara Thordarson Janice Wege Room 109 Room 109 Rejean Lafond Franco Suzio LANSDOWNE ADVISORY GROUP (Lansdowne Parent Council) Chairperson: Sandra Donald Vice-Chair: Meagan Wya?-Whitmore Treasurer: Carol Hjor-ng Secretary: Nicola Tresoor Welcome back to students and parents. The Lansdowne Advisory Group is looking forward to another exci%ng and produc%ve year. Members of the Parent Council (both execu%ve and members-at-large), have remained very busy this summer wri%ng grants and contac%ng corpora%ons for dona%ons toward our new Play Structure. It is our hope and goal to have the new Play Structure in place by September 2015. The Lansdowne Advisory Group would like to thank outgoing execu%ve members Maria Fernandes and Vicki Na%vidad for their efforts and commitment to Ecole Lansdowne and the Parent Council. Please mark September 11th on your calendar and come to “Meet the Teacher” and members of your Parent Council and Gardening Commi6ee. First LAG general mee-ng will be held September 29th, 6:30 pm in the library – please plan to a?end. Introducing the 2014-2015 Lansdowne Advisory Group Execu-ve Council: Chairperson: Sandra Donald – member of Lansdowne Advisory Group (5 yrs), Lansdowne Community Gardens (5yrs), Fundraising Chair, Lunch Program Supervisor (3 years), Carnival Commi6ee, Cons%tu%on Rewrite Commi6ee and school volunteer. Vice-Chair: Meagan Wya?-Whitmore – Vice-Chair (1 yr), Lunch Program Supervisor (3 years), Cons%tu%on Rewrite Commi6ee. Treasurer: Carol Hjor-ng –Treasurer (1 ½ yrs), Lansdowne Advisory Group (4 yrs), Lunch Program Supervisor (3 Yrs), Carnival Commi6ee, Cons%tu%on Rewrite Commi6ee, Fundraising Commi6ee and school volunteer. Secretary: Nicola Tresoor – member-at-large-Lansdowne Advisory group, Lansdowne Community Gardens (3 yrs), School volunteer. Fundraising We have several planned fundraisers this year. Funds raised will be directed towards the Play Structure. The first fundraiser in September is our Show and Save Coupon Book. This year the Parent Council has decided to partner with a different merchandise distributor who offers a wide variety of gi?s, jewelry and household items. Catalogues will be sent home Oct. 1st. The Parent Council will be hos%ng a Christmas Cra? Sale at the school on Saturday, November 15th. Parents and rela%ves will have first op%on on table rentals. Forms will be available in the office mid-September. Lunch Program All students must be registered with the Lunch Program to remain at the school over the lunch period. Registra%on forms are available at the Lunch Program Office. Lunch fees are due on the 20th of each month. If you are interested in becoming a paid lunch room supervisor, or if you have any concerns about the lunch program or your fees, please contact Mary Su6on, Lunch Program Coordinator at (204)338-7039 or email l [email protected]. September Lunch Menu Sept. 3 – Grilled cheese w/ fruit or veggies Sept. 17 – Grilled cheese w/ fruit or veggies Sept. 4 – Curly pasta surprise Sept. 18 – Homemade macaroni & cheese Sept. 5 – Pancakes & fruit Sept. 19 – Sloppy Joe’s w/ baked fries Sept. 8 – White meat nuggets w/ baked fries Sept. 23 – Mini subs w/ fruit Sept. 9 – Mini subs w/ fruit Sept. 24 – White meat nuggets w/ baked fries Sept. 10 – Curly pasta surprise Sept. 25 – Pancakes & fruit Sept. 11 – SpagheK w/ veggies Sept 26 – Grilled cheese w/ fruit or veggies Sept. 12 – Hot Dogs w/ baked fries Sept. 29 – Homemade macaroni and cheese Sept. 15 – Mini subs w/ fruit Sept. 30 – Curly pasta surprise Sept. 16 – Pancakes & fruit All lunches are $2.50
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