Broughton Junior School
Broughton Avenue
Bucks, HP20 1NQ
Head teacher: P J Stephens
Tel: 01296 423276
30th January 2014
Fax: 01296 431761
e-mail: [email protected]
Year 5 Activity Week - 12th to 16th May 2014
Dear Parent/Carer
An exciting week of activities has been planned for all children who are not taking part in the
residential visit to Windmill Hill. The whole week will operate within the normal school hours,
and children will be expected to wear their School uniform during the week.
I have timetabled the week as outlined below, and it is essential that your child has their PE kit
in School, since we will be taking part in a number of PE/games activities during this time. The
programme of activities is planned to cost £25.00 per child, to include coach travel and
admission costs to Whipsnade Zoo, pizza lunch, snacks during the week, and costs of T-shirt
Activity Week programme 2014
Visit to ZSL Whipsnade Zoo
Morning - children work on projects based on the
Zoo trip.
Afternoon - team games.
The children work in groups to plan and organise
a series of ‘Multi-skills activities’ for Year 3
children to complete later this week.
Wednesday ‘Mini Enterprise’ Activity.
Morning - children work together as teams.
Each team will work as a ‘mini business’ to design
and produce a prototype for an ‘Activity Week
2014’ T-Shirt.
Afternoon - children print their own T-shirts;
Game of Rounders
Equipment needed
Lunch: packed lunch, snack and
two water-bottles. All items in
a carrier-bag to be thrown
Suitable clothing for the day,
eg waterproof coat, sun hat,
comfortable shoes for walking
+ sun cream.
All medicines to be handed to
class teacher, with name and
details for administration
clearly written.
Lunch: pizza, salad, cakes,
fruit and drinks for lunch.
You will not need to provide
your children with a lunch
N.B. Please contact Cygnet
Catering directly if you need
to cancel a lunch order.
An old ‘art shirt’, pencil case,
and outdoor PE kit.
Lunch: packed lunch/hot meal as usual;
An old ‘art shirt’, pencil case,
and outdoor PE kit.
Morning - Children run the Multi-skills activities
for Yr 3.
Lunch: packed lunch/hot meal as usual;
Afternoon - Children complete outstanding
projects; frame and mount their work for display
within the classroom. Each child will display a 2D
and 3D piece of work, as well as their own Tshirt. Children take photos of their work for
Activity Week booklet/portfolio.
Morning - the children will take photographs of
their work. They will complete any outstanding
project work.
An old ‘art shirt’, pencil case,
and outdoor PE kit.
Afternoon - a DVD (‘U’ cert) on the ‘big screen’
with popcorn and drinks.
Lunch – ‘picnic’ lunch of
sandwiches, cookies, and fruit
You will not need to provide
your children with a lunch
N.B. Please contact Cygnet
Catering directly if you need
to cancel a lunch order.
An old ‘art shirt’, pencil case,
and outdoor PE kit.
We are all looking forward to a memorable ‘special’ week in year 5. If you have any further
queries regarding the plans, please feel free to contact me.
Yours sincerely
Mrs C Barrett
Year 5 teacher
Year 5 Activity week
Please sign the consent form below and return it to School by Friday 14th February.
Child’s name
I give permission for my child to take part in Activity Week 2014.
I enclose £25.00 for the Activity Week.
I will make one payment of £25.00 by 28th April.
I would like to pay in three instalments:
£10 by 28th February;
£10 by 28th March;
£ 5 by 28th April.
My child is allergic to (Any known allergies)
My child has the following special dietary needs
I can provide an ‘old art shirt’ or apron for the planned activities of the week.