1 Oct Newsletter revised

On the web at: http://www.moodymiddle.ca
3115 St. Johns Street
Port Moody, B.C. V3H 2C6
Phone: 604-461-7384
Fax: 604-937-8047
October 6, 2014
Volume #1 - Newsletter
Principal: Trevor Kolkea
Principally Speaking
WELCOME TO MIDDLE SCHOOL – 2014-15! Welcome to our new year of learning and growing at our new
school École Moody Middle School of the Arts. We are counting on this year being a memorable one in your
son/daughter’s life, full of positive connections, deep learning, and opportunities to be involved in the many,
many activities that are part of the busy middle school years. Whether your child is a new grade six student, a
student recently arrived to Canada or a seasoned grade seven or eight, they are a vital part of our school
community with important contributions to make to this 2014/2015 school year.
École Moody Middle School of the Arts enrolls a student population of approximately 260 students, supported
by a teaching and support staff of 29. That represents a wonderful youthful energy in one location, and a great
group of dedicated, caring hardworking staff. École Moody Middle enjoys a fine reputation as a middle school
responsive to the nature and needs of young adolescents, and I couldn’t be more pleased to be contributing to
the leadership of this school.
Effective home/school communication is always important, but especially so at middle school when students
are so busy making sense of their world, while growing so fast. École Moody Middle is an energized place of
the arts, activities, clubs, sports, and teams, so there often is a lot to remember for active, growing brains. We
encourage all families to bookmark our website moodymiddle.ca and to check it regularly. Newsletters are
emailed home once a month. Please take the time to read these and discuss relevant information with your
son/daughter, and please make sure we have your correct email at all times. From your end, please call us or
email teachers, counsellors, or myself at any time with questions or concerns. Parent participation at middle
school, as your children mature and look for independence, does look different, but staying informed and
involved in your child’s school and education is a wonderful gift that you give to them.
We are looking forward to a creative and productive year of learning, adventure and fun with your children.
The staff of École Moody Middle is to be commended for the range of athletics and activities that they volunteer
to organize and coach, and the countless hours they spend guiding your children through the transformative
middle years. We invite parents to join us as partners in creating conditions for young adolescents to learn and
We are off to a great start and know that we have an amazing year ahead of us! Thank you for sending us
your best kids every day!
Mark your calendar: Parent Orientation Evening – 7:00 pm, Thursday, October 16th 2014. Students and
parents are invited to attend together.
Kind regards,
Mr. T. Kolkea
Mr. Trevor Kolkea
Ms. Maureen Armstrong
Ms. Christine McLellan
Ms. Karen Taylor-Hill
Ms. Kathy Sather
Youth Worker
Head Secretary
Student Records Secretary
It is our pleasure to introduce our staff members to École
Moody Middle this year
Exploration – Music
Gr. 6-7 Core
Student Services/Core
Michelle Reichert
Gr. 7-8 Core
Rob Perko
Gr. 7-8 Core
Alex Abello
Exploration – Tech Ed
Gr. 6-7 Core
Student Services/Core
Farhad Abdulla
Chris Magnusson
Gr. 7-8 Core
Jane Ono
Gr. 7-8 Core
Chris Zimmer
LFI Gr. 6
Scott Pillsbury
Gr. 6/7 Core
Shelley Egelstad
Gr. 6/7 Core
Fernando Sousa
Elena Baboi
Exploration - Art
Ramona Chan
Student Services –
International Ed/Gifted
Student Services –
LIF Goal
Patty Andersen
Deb Collingwood
Student Services –
Andrea Moschetti
Digital Info Literacy
Karen Ferguson
Maureen Armstrong
Educational Assistant
Michelle Hurtubise
Educational Assistant
Caroline Parker
Educational Assistant
Marilynn Bilyk
Virgil Salindong
Trevor Kolkea
we ask that a note be provided to excuse your child to
leave with an alternate adult. Please remember that École
Moody Middle is a closed campus.
To guarantee that our records are up-to-date, data
verification forms and emergency release forms were sent
home with students last week. Please ensure that these
forms are reviewed, completed and returned to École
Moody Middle immediately. If you have changed your
address, or are moving during the year, please supply our
office with three pieces of proof of address eg. Driver’s
License, Home Purchase Agreement, Rental Agreement,
Utility Bill.
Are you interested in driving for fieldtrips and/or
volunteering in any capacity this year? Please have your
child come by the office to pick up volunteer forms from
the school or print from our school website
moodymiddle.ca. Driver’s certification for insurance
forms and drivers abstracts are to be completed on a yearly
basis, volunteer application forms need to be completed
only one time per duration at École Moody Middle.
Criminal Record Checks are required to be completed every
5 years. A letter from École Moody Middle needs to
accompany each request to the RCMP/Port Moody Police.
These letters are available at the office. If you are unsure of
the forms that you need to complete, please contact the
Reminder – Activity fees of $35.00 are now due. Please
send a cheque made out to École Moody Middle, or exact
cash, to the school at your earliest convenience.
There is always a potential risk of injury with competitive
sports, field trips and other student activities, on and off
school grounds. Kids Plus Accident Insurance helps parents
pay for unexpected expenses arising from injuries.
Brochures outlining this optional coverage are available at
[email protected] or call the school,
604-461-7384, to report their child’s absence or to excuse
them if they are going to be late or have an early
dismissal. The school does have an answering machine
so phone calls can be made any time of the day or night.
Students arriving to school late are required to come to
the office to check in.
Parents are asked to accompany their child to the office
for lunch time/early dismissals. If a parent is unable to,
The use of hand held technology continues to be an
important tool used at École Moody Middle School to
empower the learning of our students. Examples of hand
held technology (HHT) include personal electronic devices
like iPods, iPads, tablets, smartphones and laptops. Students
who wish to bring these items to school need to recognize
that it is the sole responsibility of the students to ensure they
are stored and secured properly. École Moody students are
asked to put security locks/codes on their HHT devices that
they are bringing to school.
Students may use their HHT in a responsible way before
8:30 am and after 2:50 pm anywhere on campus at École
Moody Middle School of the Arts.
Between the hours of 8:30 am and 2:50 pm students may
have their HHT with them in their pocket, binder or bag to
support and empower their learning during supervised class
time. Students are not to use their HHT or wear headphones
or earbuds during Nut Break or Lunch. Students are also not
to use external speakers in the hallway at any time. Please
do not leave HHT in the change room unattended.
Students violating this policy will have their HHT removed
until the end of the day. On a second offence the HHT will
be confiscated until a parent is able to pick it up outside of
instructional hours. If there is a third offence they are no
longer welcome to bring their HHT to school.
Because we value face-to-face communication between
students and staff, we believe the guidelines above provide a
balance with technology in our school day.
If a student needs to contact their parent during the day, we
ask they do so using the office phone. That way the office is
aware of any messages left.
This is available to all of our students who have home
addresses in the Tri-Cities. Thank you to the Cities for this
great program! The letter is available on our school website,
under publications. Once completed, the student can ask
their teacher or Administrator for a signature.
Moody Middle
As a result of the Government of BC’s Seismic Mitigation
Program, a new
École Moody
Middle School
of the Arts is in
the final stages
Construction is
January 2015.
At our Parent
Evening next week, Mr. Kolkea will explain the timeline of
going to tender to putting shovels in the ground. With the
introduction of the Evergreen Transit Line, and changes to
Port Moody’s Official Community Plan, École Moody
Middle is being built to accommodate additional students as
a result of increased density in the Moody Centre and Inlet
areas. École Moody Middle School of the Arts will have an
urban feel while complementing design elements reflected
in the city’s new community plan.
 Sign-up for FALL SPORTS will occur this week.
 The following sports will be offered this Fall: cross
country running, field hockey, swimming, and volleyball.
 All students will need to listen to the morning
announcements for the team meetings with their coaches.
 Our fall sports will have short seasons this year so it is
important to listen to all morning announcements for
meeting times.
 Athletic fees are $5.00 per sport per season with a max of
$10.00 per season. If financial assistance is needed
please contact Mr. Abello
 Any Questions? Email Mr. Abello [email protected]
Water Pod is the team that supports students and teachers all
across the school. We provide Counselling, English as an
Additional Language, Youth Worker Services and support in
all areas of student learning. Please contact your child’s
core teacher or the office for the name of the teacher or
counsellor who can best address the needs of your child.
Also, check out the “Counselling Corner” for information
and updates in every newsletter!
Ms. Chris Magnusson, Water Pod Team Leader
The aim of Physical Education (P.E.) is to provide
opportunities for all students to develop knowledge,
movement skills, and positive attitudes and behaviours that
will contribute to a healthy, active lifestyle.
All students at École Moody Middle get P.E. a minimum of
three times a week. P.E. strip is required for all classes.
Depending on their unit, students will be outside, so they
should come prepared for all weather conditions. In
addition, fitness runs take place throughout the year so on
wet, cold days students are encouraged to dress in layers and
bring an extra pair of socks.
The students have brought home a PE safety form. Please
ensure you have read the program package, completed the
safety form, and returned it to their homeroom teachers
stressing any medical concerns that would affect their ability
to participate fully in PE. If the concern is serious, please
ensure a medical alert form has been completed. Contact
[email protected] or your child’s teacher
for more information.
“Even if I don’t finish, we need others to continue.
It’s got to keep going without me.”
– TERRY FOX, July 10, 1980.
Did you know that École Moody Middle school has been the
top fund-raising school in the province? Did you know that
we have raised over a quarter of a million dollars since
becoming a middle school? We have! Did you know that
we want to continue to meet our 95-100% participation from
our students this year? We do!
Our Terry Fox campaign begins on October 16th with our
run and we wind up our fundraising by October 31st. All
monies collected go to the Terry Fox Foundation which
supports cancer research in BC.
We thank you for your support as we work together to
achieve Terry’s goal.
Terry Fox Coordinator: Mrs. Ono
Immunization Day for grade 6 students at École Moody
Middle is Tuesday, November 4th. Grade 6 students will be
receiving forms that require a parent signature so they can
participate in the immunization. It is a great help if these
forms can be returned as quickly as possible to help out
health nurses plan and organize for the 4th. Homeroom
teachers of grade 6 students will distribute and collect the
The use of electronic devices at school is becoming more
common as the use of technology and its infrastructure
become more affordable. However, while it may be
educationally sound to use these tools to enhance the
learning environment, these items sometimes get broken,
lost or stolen. Students who wish to bring these items to
school need to know it is their sole responsibility to ensure
that these devices are stored, secured and utilized properly.
These devices are only to be brought to class with the
permission of teachers, they are otherwise to remain in
lockers at all other times.
Welcome back students, parents and guardians to what we
feel will be an exciting year at École Moody Middle. As
with our new students, we are experiencing some changes
within our counselling support team and would like to
introduce ourselves and how we can support your child.
There are 2 of us working very closely together in the
offices located just near the main office area. Ms. M.
Armstrong ([email protected]) has been at our
school for 4 years and will be the contact counsellor for the
school during her 2 days (Monday and Wednesday).
Christine McLellan ([email protected]), our youth
worker, is well-known by our school community having
been here for over 8 years. Christine is at École Moody
Middle for 2.5 days per week – most Mondays
Over the last few days we have been meeting with all the
Pods to say hello to students and let them know how we
might help them. We see students for a variety of reasons
like developing and maintaining friendships, adjusting to
new routines and increased work expectations, getting
involved in school activities, balancing busy schedules,
coping with family challenges and many others. We also
offer opportunities for students to participate in small groups
such as building confidence, creating and maintaining
relationships, dealing with anxiety and dealing with
grief/loss/family changes.
We work closely with our teachers to ensure that your child
is adjusting to the new school year and to identify any
students that might need some additional support. As a
parent you can also assist us by letting us know when we
can provide some help.
We look forward to working with you and your children to
provide them a memorable year here at Mighty Moody!
We are again this year participating in this program. About
once a month every student will receive a fruit or vegetable.
Our first day will be November 5. Pears are on the menu.
If you want more information or do not want your child to
participate (you will need to sign a reverse consent form)
contact our BCFVNP coordinator, our youth worker,
Christine McLellan [email protected]. Our reverse
consent form can be found on our website under
Oct 6 – 7pm – PAC Meeting in Library
Oct 13 – Thanksgiving Day – no classes
Oct 16 – Terry Fox run and fund-raising kickoff
Oct 16 – 7pm – Parent Orientation night
Oct 20 – Photo retake day
Oct 23 – Interim reports
Oct 24 – Provincial Pro-D – no classes
Nov 4- Grade 6 Immunizations
Nov 10-11 – School not in session