June 8, 2014 - United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism

United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism
Board of Directors Meeting
Sunday, June 8, 2014
USCJ Offices
820 Second Avenue, New York, NY 10017
Board Members
Ross Abelow
**Alan Ades
William Bresnick
Julian Brook
Mueriel Carp
** Greg Derin
Dr. Jack Fein
Dr. Jacob Finkelstein
Margo Gold
Steve Golub
Michael Greenberg
Richard Helfand
Scott Kaplan
Bernard King-Smith
Temma Kingsley
**Franklin Kreutzer
Eliot Meadow
Jedd Moskowitz
Marc Neiwirth
Fred Passman
Margie Pomerantz
Haran Rashes
Alan Reid
Dr. David Reifler
Harvey Rosen
**Gary Rosenthal
**Dr. Vivian Saper
Naomi Schimmer
Richard Skolnik
Howard J. Sniderman
Robert Sunshine
**Robin Weinberg
**Alan Weissman
Southeast Seaboard
Southeast Seaboard
Pacific SW
Southeast Seaboard
Southeast Seaboard
Southeast Seaboard
Southeast Seaboard
Northern Pacific
Northern Pacific
Northern Pacific
Southeast Seaboard
Southeast Seaboard
Pacific Southwest
** Participated via WebEx or Phone
Marty Werber
Patty Werschulz
Dr. Marilyn Wind
Stephen Wolnek
Judy Yudof
Kenny Altman
Jonathan Boiskin
Rabbi Paul Drazen
Rabbi Paul Freedman
Wendy Glick
Jerry Herman
Adam Kofinas
Marty Kunoff
Vivian Lewis
Barry Mael
Gary Sebold
Rabbi Andy
Adrienne Brook
Lisa King-Smith
Mid Atlantic
Southeast Seaboard
Northern Pacific
United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism
Board of Directors Meeting
Sunday, June 8, 2014
United Synagogue Offices
820 2nd Avenue, 10th Floor Conference Room, New York, NY 10017
Part 1 of 2
International President Richard Skolnik opened the meeting at 10:00 a.m.
Ariel Weg of Nativ 33 delivered the D’var Torah.
Mr. Skolnik called the roll, and introduced new Board member Marc Neiwirth,
attending his first Board meeting as the representative of NAASE.
Mr. Skolnik asked for a motion to approve the minutes of:
 March 9, 2014 Board meeting
 March 13, 2014 Special Board meeting
 April 3, 2014 Special Board meeting
On a motion by Mueriel Carp, seconded by Alan Reid, the minutes for all three
meetings were approved as submitted.
Mr. Skolnik reported that CJ magazine recently won the Simon Rockower Award for
Excellence in Jewish Journalism, and offered special congratulations to co-editors
Andrea Glick and Rhonda Kahn. The magazine was awarded first place for “The
Urban Rabbi,” the profile of Rabbi Daniel Burg of Beth Am, Baltimore that was the
profile for the cover story of our December 2013 issue. Rabbi Burg is the nephew of
Board member Bob Sunshine.
Our First Annual Day of Service took place on May 22, 2014. USCJ staffers and lay
leaders nationwide participated in a variety of volunteer projects, ranging from
visits to assisted living centers, conducting “mock” job interviews with out of work
baby boomers looking to reenter the work force, and assembling food baskets for
homeless and low income individuals and families. Mr. Skolnik thanked all who
were responsible, including Vivian Lewis, Director of Human Resources, and Wendy
Glick, Annual Giving Director, for the planning and implementation of this
meaningful program. We plan on having more lead time for next year’s program in
order to get more of our kehillot involved.
The USCJ/Nefesh B’Nefesh partnership continues with great success through the
Ma’alot Grant Program which is now in its fourth year of providing grants for Israel
education and advocacy programs to some 100 synagogues. Since the inception of
the program, over $250,000 has been awarded to our kehillot. The Lone Soldier
Program continues with great success, providing hospitality and housing to young
American men and women who are serving in the Israeli Defense Force away from
their own homes. Mr. Skolnik specifically acknowledged Rabbi Paul Freedman,
United Synagogue’s Director of Strategic Israel Partnerships, for the role he plays in
the Lone Soldier Program.
Board members were encouraged to mark their calendars and to begin making
travel plans for the USCJ Board Mission to Israel, September 7 – 14, 2014, which will
include our next USCJ Board meeting to be held at the Fuchsberg Jerusalem Center
on Sunday, September 14. The tentative start time is 4 pm Israel time.
Rabbi Steven Wernick began by previewing our end of year report that is in process
and to be completed by the end of this month.
The Centennial Celebration in Baltimore was a huge success, with more than 1,200
people in attendance. We had a huge bump from the convention in a variety of ways,
e.g. our dues collection is currently ahead of projections and we attribute that to the
success of the convention. This year, we have had more than 1,000 people
participate in our learning activities. We have had more than 100 kehillot
participate in our “action” activities, e.g. SULAM. Rabbi Wernick is proposing that
kehilla presidents return from SULAM training with 5 action items to be carried out
over the next two years.
Regarding USY, the USY Board meeting in New Orleans this past December was very
successful. In addition, 16-year-old Valerie Weisler has won the Jefferson Award for
Public Service for her “Validation Project” combating bullying and advocating for
awareness and acceptance of LGBT teens. Valerie will have the opportunity to meet
President and Mrs. Obama to share her project and emphasize how USY influenced
her passion for change.
Rabbi Wernick introduced a slide presentation on the restructuring of both the
Kehilla Strengthening and Transformation Department (KST) and the Education
Department, based on recommendations made in the 2014 Strategic Plan.
International Past President Judy Yudof made a suggestion that we communicate
the news of the restructuring, specifically the details of staffing percentages on slide
#5, to our kehillot in the best light possible to make sure that we are presenting the
restructuring for the positive move that it is.
Rabbi Wernick acknowledged staff that will be leaving us over the next month, some
due to restructuring – Norman Ferstenberg, Wendy Light, Rabbi Jim Rogozen, Rabbi
Eliseo Rozenwasser, and Marci Wiseman, and others due to retirement – Dr. Elaine
Cohen and Suzanne Goldstein. It was also noted that Charlie Savenor will be leaving
us to work for Park Avenue Synagogue as the Director of Congregational Education.
Vice President Temma Kingsley commented that Rabbi Rogozen was informed of
this restructuring quite some time ago and that he has always conducted himself in
an exemplary manner as the team player that he is.
Jerry Herman, Chief Operating Officer, reported that in December, the Board
approved a short-term monetization loan of $2M. $880K of the loan closed in May,
2014 and the remainder is scheduled to close this coming week (week of June 9,
2014). The amount used to date is $350K.
We currently sit with liquid assets of around $5.1M, of which $4.5M is restricted,
and we are still operating in deficit mode, so this is our “fallback” loan.
The term of this loan is 5 years, through May 2019. The cost is London Interbank
Offered Rate (Libor) plus 375 Basis Points on the outstanding balance of the loan
(4.07% today). We can draw down on this loan, and pay back on this loan, 4 times
per year. We pay a 1% fee on the unused portion of the loan. We also incurred some
initial costs to the bank plus appraisal and legal costs.
Drawdowns are done on a quarterly basis, approved by the CEO, the COO, the
President, the Treasurer, and the Budget Chair.
For collateral, we have used Building Y and Building R of the Fuchsberg Center.
The performance standard is to reduce the deficit as follows:
 6/30/14 - $1.551M deficit
 6/30/15 - $1.051M deficit
 6/30/16 - $.551M deficit
 12/31/16 - $0
What this means is that we have 3 and a half years to reduce our deficit to zero. In
addition we have to show the bank that our deficit is being reduced by $500K per
Mr. Herman acknowledged Richard Helfand, Michael Greenberg and Gary Rosenthal
for the time and effort they put into securing this loan.
Jonathan Boiskin, Chief Development Officer, reported on money received as of
5/30/14, pledges expected to come through the pipeline by 6/30/14, our projected
total for this fiscal year, and where we were at this time last year. We are currently
$750K over where we were at this time last year. We are raising significantly more
this year. Mr. Boiskin acknowledged Rabbi Wernick, Annual Giving Director Wendy
Glick, and Major Gifts Director Rabbi Andy Shugerman for their work in securing
many of these pledges and gifts.
We have received a $200K pledge in the form of a bequest from a donor in Alberta,
BC, for the Conservative Yeshiva. We recently had a very successful trip to the Bay
Area, thanks to Vivian Saper and others, which included, among other gifts, a $10K
unrestricted gift, a $90K unrestricted gift, and money targeted for USY. Rabbi
Shugerman is also working on a $100K solicitation from a donor in Florida. This
$100K would be used for the KST department to hire a Transformation Specialist.
We received a challenge grant from an anonymous foundation, to receive $1 for
every $2 raised, to a maximum of $200K. This is a 3-year challenge, and we have
already raised $150K. This money would be targeted, as per the foundation, for
teens participating in our Pilgrimage and Nativ programs.
Mr. Boiskin acknowledged Board members present and on the phone who had met
their pledges for the year and encouraged all Board members with outstanding
pledges to make sure to get them to USCJ before the end of the month. He also
specifically acknowledged Board members who had handed him checks that
Howie Sniderman acknowledged Mr. Boiskin for his successful trip to Alberta last
year, in his words, “to the middle of nowhere in the middle of winter.” Rabbi
Wernick acknowledged Mr. Boiskin and Fundraising Committee Chair Harvey Rosen
for their extraordinary work, adding that they have increased not only our
fundraising capabilities, but also our recording and reporting abilities.
Jerry Herman reported. Compared to last year at this time, for revenue we are up
$134K and we are down $355K in expenses, improving our bottom line by almost
$500K. Projecting for the end of the fiscal year, however, we are looking at a deficit
of $1.042M.
Regarding dues, we are very much on pace to meet our budget goals.
Projections are down for both the Pilgrimage and Wheels programs.
We have cut personnel costs 3 times in the last year and a half.
We had shortfalls in FRD, in Direct Mail, and CJ Book Service, amounting to a
shortfall of around $1.3M. This was offset by expense reduction.
Nominating Committee Chair Judy Yudof reported. The Nominating Committee will
be meeting later that evening. 4 current Board members have self-nominated for
International President and we are looking at those first. Suggestions for non-Board
member candidates have also been submitted. No decision will be made this evening
on our next International President. We are also looking for new Board members
and several good suggestions have been submitted. We will get to this after we have
chosen our next International President. Board members were encouraged to
continue to consider candidates and to make appropriate suggestions.
Originally scheduled for Executive Session, Legal Counsel Scott Kaplan indicated
that his report would be presented in general session. Mr. Kaplan stated that there
are relatively few legal issues facing us and virtually no threats of litigation. Our
Legal Counsel communicates on a regular basis with our Israeli Counsel.
Restrictions placed on some of our funds are restrictions that no longer comply with
our master plan, from donors who despite our efforts can no longer be located. Legal
Counsel does a lot of work here, unrestricting restricted funds, and making sure this
is properly executed.
Two lawsuits recently settled, resulting from Nativ due to Nativniks that probably
should not have been admitted into the program, but we tend to err on the side of
the program applicant. Mostly, these were participants who were not able to follow
the rules of the program, who voluntarily departed early, and parents took claim
against us for full refunds. One case was settled for $6.7K, which was calculated to
be the unspent portion of the tuition. Another lawsuit was recently settled for $10K.
2/3 of that $10K represented the unused portion of the tuition, and the other 1/3
represented legal fees.
One more lawsuit has been pending since 2008. This involves a Nativnik who was
injured during the program, did not acknowledge that we were in any way
responsible for the injury, but has alleged that we did not seek proper medical care
in a timely fashion. This might go on for another 6 years, but whatever the result we
are fully insured.
Legal counsel is available to conduct panels for kehillot on a variety of legal issues.
Mr. Kaplan relayed a story wherein Rabbi Wernick called him for assistance with a
problem he was having with his wife. He was on his way to Israel to participate in a
Women of the Wall event, and Mrs. Wernick (Jody) was afraid that he was going to
get cuffed and sent to prison and that we may never see him again. Mr. Kaplan made
sure in advance of the trip that this would not happen, USCJ would post bail. Mr.
Kaplan assured that Board that not only does he serve USCJ in all legal matters (pro
bono, added Mr. Skolnik), he does the very valuable work of maintaining shalom
bayit for our most valuable staff member, our CEO.
Julian Brook presented the Resolution to Continue 5% Early Payment Discount for
Kehillot that Pay Dues in Full by December 31, 2014
This year, we provided roughly $100K in discounts; it was slightly more than that in
the previous year. According to Kehilla Operations and Finance Director Barry Mael,
86 congregations this past year took advantage of this discount. All of these kehillot
are complying with the terms of the discount, e.g. providing membership
information with home and email addresses for each member.
Mr. Brook made a motion to approve this resolution. It was seconded by Fred
Bernie King-Smith moved to change the resolution to make this discount permanent,
with the percentage decided upon each year by the Dues Committee, so that the
Board would not be required to vote on it each year.
Steve Wolnek moved to amend the amendment by Bernie King-Smith, giving the
authority to approve the percentage each year to the Executive Committee. His
motion was seconded by Bill Bresnick.
Speaking in opposition to making this a permanent discount were Scott Kaplan,
Steve Golub, and Margo Gold.
Voting on amendments, in order as suggested by Richard Helfand:
Whether the determination of the discount, if it is going to be given,
must be made by December 31 of each year. The amendment was
To have the Executive Committee make the determination on the
amount of the discount. The amendment was approved.
To make the discount permanent at 5%, by changing the language of
the original amendment to change “by December 31, 2014” to “by
December 31 of each calendar year.” The amendment was approved.
Since these amendments do not address the immediate need to vote on the
continuation of the 5% discount for the new fiscal year beginning on July 1, 2104, at
the suggestion of Secretary Richard Helfand (to which the board and all those who
proposed the 3 amendments to the original resolution agreed), the consideration of
the resolution was tabled until later in the meeting. The Secretary stated that he
will retain the original resolution to address the immediate need for the new fiscal
year commencing on July 1, 2104 and then draft a second resolution for the fiscal
years thereafter which will take into consideration the substance of the various
amendments previously voted upon. As soon as they are ready, he will bring them
back to the board for consideration.
Budget and Finance Chair Bob Sunshine made the budget presentation.
Revenue-wise we have lost about 20% of our revenue since 2007-2008. Dues have
dropped from $9.8M in 2008 to $7.3M last year. We have also instituted a 20%
reduction in spending over this time period.
Personnel costs are down this coming year, from $8.4M to $8M. Non-personnel costs
are targeted to go from $3.3M to $3.1M. Jerry Herman was acknowledged for these
We have $65K estimated in interest costs on our line of credit. We added $45K to
the KST total to provide for travel and other needs for 3 or 4 staff to work with
kehillot around the country.
We are proposing to eliminate the Oded program in Israel, with a savings of $24K.
We need to continue to increase existing revenue, create new revenue streams, and
continue to cut expenses so we can rebuild our reserves and continue to expand our
Jack Finkelstein made a motion to accept the 2014-2015 FY Budget as
presented. Fred Passman seconded the motion.
Discussion ensued with various questions from Board members, including concerns
voiced about continuing to operate in deficit mode and about selling 820 (to be
discussed later) only to incur more debt. In addition, the board acknowledged Mr.
Sunshine and his committee for putting this budget together and for presenting it in
such a clear manner.
After the discussion, the question was called. A vote was taken on the motion
and the board approved the 2014-2105 FY budget as submitted by a vote of 26
in favor, 0 opposed, and 1 abstention.
Richard Helfand presented a new resolution to address the 5% discount in fiscal
years beginning July 1, 2015. The resolution states that for all fiscal years beginning
July 1, 2015, the Board of Directors authorizes USCJ to offer an early payment
discount of no more than 5%, as determined by the Executive Committee by
December 31 of the previous fiscal year, to kehillot in good standing that meet the
requirements set out in the resolution.
Richard recommended that the board first vote on the original resolution in order to
authorize the continuation of the 5% discount for the upcoming fiscal year
beginning on July 1, 2014 and then vote on the second resolution for fiscal year
beginning July 1, 2015.
Jack Finkelstein made the motion to accept the original resolution for July 1,
2014 and Julian Brook seconded it. This resolution passed. The resolution is
attached to these minutes as Appendix A.
Alan Reed then moved and Bernie King-Smith seconded a motion to approve
the second resolution for years beginning July 1, 2015. This resolution passed
by a vote of 20 yes and 12 no. The resolution is attached to these minutes as
Appendix B.
Steve Golub, Audit Committee Chair, presented a resolution to engage Loeb &
Troper to perform our audit for $45K per year for the next three years, which
represents no increase over what they have charged us previously.
Marilyn Wind moved to approve this resolution, and Julian Brook seconded
the motion. The resolution passed. The resolution is attached to these minutes
as Appendix C.
Mr. Skolnik adjourned the meeting at 1:25 pm for the Annual Meeting of the General
Assembly of Kehillot. The board meeting will reconvene at 3:45 pm. Board
members on line will be notified by email of the WebEx address to log back in to the
second part of the meeting, or they can also rejoin the meeting by going online at
United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism
Board of Directors Meeting
Sunday, June 8, 2014
Part 2 of 2
Mr. Skolnik reconvened the meeting at 3:45 p.m.
Mr. Skolnik introduced a resolution for the Board of Directors to authorize the
marketing of the USCJ real property located on the 10th and 11th floors of 820
Second Avenue for sale. Mr. Skolnik read the text of the resolution.
A motion was made by Margie Pomerantz to approve this resolution. The
motion was seconded by Fred Passman.
Judy Yudof asked that the minutes reflect that she hopes that safeguards will be put
in place so that the proceeds of the sale are handled in a responsible manner. Margo
Gold expressed similar concerns, that the resolution addresses only the selling of
the property and not what to do with the money. Ms. Gold asked as well that the
minutes reflect this concern.
Mr. Skolnik responded that this is just the first step. A group will be set up to ensure
that these dollars are put away, and that the cash will not be spent, to until
guidelines are established to insure that proceeds from the sale are handled
Scott Kaplan commented that this resolution authorizes the Board to place the
property on the market, and that it authorizes the Board to accept or reject any offer.
Frank Kreutzer commented that, with a new Board President in the near future, as
well as possibly a new set of officers and directors, perhaps this issue should be left
to this next administration.
Gary Rosenthal commented that while the concerns being raised are valid, the
resolution is worded in a way as to give the Executive Committee the authority to
reject offers before bringing them to the Board, adding that it is important for us to
have confidence in the new administration.
In response to questions and comments about some of these concerns, Richard
Helfand added that under New York State Law, any offers must go to the Board of
Directors because any decision on a sale has to be made by the Board, and then
approved by the Attorney General of New York State.
After full discussion of the resolution, the vote was taken. The resolution
passed, 26 in favor and 1 opposed. The resolution is attached to these minutes
as Appendix D.
Rabbi Paul Drazen introduced a resolution in support of Mercaz Olami electoral
campaign in the upcoming WZO elections, which had been passed by the USCJ Public
Policy Committee on May 14, 2014. Rabbi Drazen remarked that this resolution had
already been approved by the Rabbinical Assembly, the Women’s League of
Conservative Judaism, and other arms of the Conservative movement. This is an
effort to increase the influence of the Masorti movement, and the Conservative
movement, on votes through the Zionist Congress.
Marilyn Wind made a motion to approve the resolution. Bob Sunshine
seconded the motion. The vote was taken and the motion was carried
unanimously. The resolution is attached to these minutes as Appendix E.
Harvey Rosen introduced a resolution to encourage USCJ Canada to process gifts on
behalf of US congregations and Masorti Olami. Passing this resolution gives us the
opportunity to serve as a conduit; our Canadian members, many of whom have dual
kehilla membership due to spending winters in warmer climate areas such as
Arizona and Florida, can give to charities, i.e. USCJ or Masorti Olami, and derive the
tax deduction benefit of doing that, and we will then be able to get those funds to
our United States kehillot.
Haran Rashes remarked that once passed, we should widely publicize the benefits of
this resolution in locations other than the “Snowbird” states. Steve Wolnek asked if
this is consistent with both United States and Canada laws. Mr. Rosen answered that
it is.
Howie Sniderman made a motion to approve the resolution. Judy Yudof
seconded the motion. Alan Reid called the question. The vote was taken and
the motion carried unanimously. The resolution is attached to these minutes
as Appendix F.
Julian Brook and Rabbi Drazen presented the KAS report.
The board was advised that the following kehillot had resigned from membership in
USCJ: Ner Tamid, Poway, CA; Beth David, Greensboro, NC; Congregation B’nai
Moshe, West Bloomfield, MI; Congregation Sholom Leisure World, Seal Beach, CA.
The following kehillot are recommended for suspension from membership in USCJ:
Congregation Shaarey Zedeck, San Juan, PR, due to nonpayment of dues for
approximately the past 3 years.
Alan Reid made a motion, and Bill Bresnick seconded the motion, to suspend
Congregation Shaarey Zedeck from membership.
The motion carried
The following kehillot were recommended for expulsion from membership in USCJ:
Temple Beth Am David, Warwick, RI; Ohr Shalom Synagogue, San Diego, CA; and
Ahavat Olam, Howell, NJ.
Bill Bresnick made a motion to expel these 3 kehillot from membership in
USCJ. Patty Werschulz seconded the motion. The motion carried unanimously.
With apologies in advance to anyone we may have missed…
Rabbi Steve Wernick – his daughter Ziva graduated from high school and will
be going on Nativ later this summer
Julian Brook – he and Adrienne celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary
Frank Kreutzer – he and Judy are celebrating their 51st wedding anniversary
Bernie King-Smith – his youngest son graduated from the University of
Buffalo…and he already has a job
Temma Kingsley – by way of a pitch, she encouraged as many board
members as possible to go on the Board Israel Mission in September
Patty Werschulz – is going solo and opening her own law firm on July 1
Judy Yudof – her daughter Samara just got engaged, the first step to her
achieving the title of grandmother
Marilyn Wind – she and Gary are celebrating their 47th wedding anniversary
Haran Rashes – while we have been meeting, the Central District has been
conducting a Relational Judaism Conference in Des Moines, IA led by Kathy
Elias and Ray Goldstein, attended by 50 people from 9 kehillot
Rabbi Paul Freedman – just became a great grandfather for the first time to a
great grandson
Marty Kunoff – his niece, who was an active USYer, has signed up to be a lone
soldier in the IDF
Richard Helfand – his son David graduated from American Jewish University
2 weeks ago, and will be the rosh on USY Eastern Europe Israel Pilgrimage
this summer and then madrich on Nativ to Steve’s daughter Ziva; and he and
Vicki just celebrated their 34th wedding anniversary
Margo Gold –her new granddaughter, Layla Penelope Dix, was born on April
Vivian Saper – just became a grandmother for the first time to a grandson
Margie Pomerantz – she and Howard are celebrating their 42nd wedding
Steve Wolnek – he and Elysia are celebrating their 54th wedding anniversary
Marty Werber – he and Bracha are celebrating their 44th wedding
Bob Sunshine – he and Lori are celebrating their 47th wedding anniversary
Judy Yudof – she and Mark will be celebrating his 49th wedding anniversary
Temma Kingsley – she and Al will be celebrating their 49th wedding
Naomi Schimmer - she and Barry will be celebrating their 44th wedding
Bill Bresnick – he and Ellen are celebrating their 43rd wedding anniversary
Steve Golub – he and Louise are celebrating their 49th wedding anniversary
There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned at 4:50 pm.
Respectfully submitted,
Richard Helfand
Resolution to Continue 5% Early Payment Discount for
Kehillot that Pay Dues in Full by December 31, 2014
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism
(USCJ) has determined it to be in the best interests of USCJ and its member Kehillot
to continue to provide those Kehillot in good standing with an early dues payment
incentive for paying their USCJ dues in full before December 31 of the fiscal year.
For fiscal year 2014-2015, the Board of Directors authorizes USCJ to continue to
offer an early payment discount of five percent to kehillot in good standing that:
1. Pay their MRF dues assessments in full by December 31, 2014, and
2. Submit complete congregation membership information, including home and
available email addresses of all congregation members, to United Synagogue no
later than December 31, 2014.
June 8, 2014
Adopted by USCJ Board of Directors
June 8, 2014
Resolution to Continue Early Payment Discount for
Kehillot that Pay Dues in Full by December 31 of Each
Fiscal Year
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism
(USCJ) has determined it to be in the best interests of USCJ and its member Kehillot
to continue to provide those Kehillot in good standing with an early dues payment
incentive for paying their USCJ dues in full before December 31 of the fiscal year.
For all fiscal years beginning July 1, 2015 and thereafter, the Board of Directors
authorizes USCJ to continue to offer an early payment discount of no more than five
percent, as determined by the Executive Committee by December 31 of each year, to
kehillot in good standing that:
1. Pay their MRF dues assessments in full by December 31 of each fiscal year; and
2. Submit complete congregation membership information, including home and
available email addresses of all congregation members, to United Synagogue no
later than December 31 of each fiscal year.
June 8, 2014
Adopted by USCJ Board of Directors
June 8, 2014
Resolution to Engage Loeb & Troper LLP as Auditors
WHEREAS, the Board of Directors of the United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism
(USCJ) has determined that in keeping with its fiduciary duty to monitor the
finances of the organization, it should continue to engage an auditor to perform the
usual and customary financial review of USCJ’s operations and report those findings
to the Board on a yearly basis; and
WHEREAS, the Audit Committee has recommended that the Board engage the firm
of Loeb & Troper LLP as its auditors for the current and next two (2) fiscal years at a
cost of $45,000 per yearly audit, inclusive of all costs and fees.
For fiscal years ending June 30, 2014, 2015, and 2016, the Board of Directors
authorizes and approves the engagement of the firm of Loeb & Troper LLP as its
auditors at a yearly fee of $45,000, inclusive of all costs and fees, as more fully set
forth in the proposal for services dated April 10, 2014.
June 8, 2014
Adopted by USCJ Board of Directors
June 8, 2014
WHEREAS, the Executive Committee of the United Synagogue of Conservative
Judaism (“USCJ”) has determined that in order to meet the goals of the revised
Strategic Plan recently adopted by the Board of Directors, USCJ’s real property
located on the 10th and 11th floors of 820 Second Avenue, New York, NY should be
marketed and offered for sale, with the goal of yielding net proceeds in the range
projected by our real estate consultant, the Studley Group, and approved by the
USCJ Monetization Task Force.
NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Board of Directors hereby
authorizes and directs that the real property located on the 10th and 11th floors of
820 Second Avenue, New York, NY be marketed and offered for sale; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the agreement with the Studley Group to market
said real estate for sale, on such terms and conditions as was negotiated by the COO
in consultation with the subcommittee on monetization, is hereby ratified and
approved; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that any offer received for the purchase of said real
property, or any portion thereof, that the Executive Committee believes is worthy of
consideration, shall be brought to the Board of Directors for final acceptance and
approval on such terms and conditions as the Board shall deem appropriate.
DATED: June 8, 2014
Adopted by USCJ Board of Directors
June 8, 2014
Resolution in Support of Mercaz Olami Electoral Campaigns
Passed by the Public Policy Committee, May 14, 2014
The worldwide Conservative/Masorti movement is represented in the World Zionist Organization
(WZO) and Jewish Agency for Israel (JAFI) by MERCAZ Olami. Since 1987, this participation has
resulted in an annual allocation to the programs and institutions of Conservative/Masorti
Judaism in Israel (more than $1 million today in direct funding) and a similar amount in program
grants for the Conservative/Masorti movement throughout the Diaspora including Europe, South
America and the former Soviet Union. Policies and allocations in the WZO and JAFI are
determined by the size of elected delegations to the World Zionist Congress. The 37th World
Zionist Congress with its 500 elected delegates will be taking place in October 2015, preceded in
every Diaspora country by special Zionist elections to determine the composition of the national
WHEREAS the Zionist elections in the United States will determine the
composition of the American delegation of 145 mandates, the largest group at
the Zionist Congress after that from Israel; and
WHEREAS Canada membership in MERCAZ Canada will determine the ability to
vote for delegates and thus determine the allocation of the 19 mandates from
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the United Synagogue of Conservative
Judaism calls on its U.S. affiliates to actively encourage all members of their
congregation to join MERCAZ USA and to work within their congregations to
encourage all members of the congregation to vote for the MERCAZ USA slate
in the election which will take place between January 15, 2015 and April 30,
2015; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the United Synagogue of Conservative
Judaism calls on its Canadian affiliates to actively encourage all members of
their congregation to join MERCAZ Canada and to vote in the election for
MERCAZ Canada when they receive their ballots; and
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that in countries like the United States, where a
special registration will be a prerequisite to voting in the Zionist elections,
United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism strongly encourages voter
registration drives in every Conservative institution and pledges to work with
the other arms of the Conservative Movement to insure maximum voter
Adopted by USCJ Board of Directors
June 8, 2014
To Encourage The United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism,
A Corporation under the Canada Corporations Act
Process Gifts on behalf of Member Congregations of
The United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism,
A Corporation under the NYS NPCL (USCJ USA) and Masorti Olami
WHEREAS, USCJ USA has been successful in attracting significant immediate
and long term gifts: and
WHEREAS, USCJ USA has allocated considerable personnel and material
resources to securing gifts, both unrestricted as well as restricted funds; and
WHEREAS, USCJ USA desires full and open transparency in its Financial
Resource Development activities; and
WHEREAS, USCJ USA is committed to seek out philanthropic investors in
Canada as well as the United States to support its core functions, and thus its longterm financial stability.
USCJ USA hereby requests that USCJ Canada:
Implement a program to allow Canadian citizens to contribute gifts of
philanthropy to US kehillot and/or projects associated with Masorti Olami, as
programs, projects or activities operated by USCJ Canada.
Set as its policy that all new restricted gifts and pledges received
valued under $100,000 will allocate 5% of the gift/pledge amount to the USCJ
Canada annual fund and that all new restricted gifts and pledges received of
$100,000 or more will allocate 15% of the gift/pledge amount to the USCJ Canada
annual fund.
Will reimburse USCJ USA, upon receipt of itemized invoices, for
services and expenses incurred in securing these gifts.
Will disclose to all potential donors the USCJ USA gift acceptance
Will create a Development Committee comprised of professional staff
and volunteer leadership for the purpose of reviewing gifts and consideration of any
terms or conditions in them not consistent with the USCJ USA gift acceptance policy
or applicable Canadian laws.
Adopted by USCJ Board of Directors
June 8, 2014