! Autumn Edition 2014 The Mountain Trail Official Newsletter of Team Mount Beauty PO Box 295 Mt Beauty VIC 3699 www.tmb.org. au [email protected]. au Congrats to Kim McKeown - pictured here on her way to completing her 5th Audax 200. Pic: Elle Shaw@TopShots The Team Mount Beauty Committee President: Jenny Kromar – [email protected] Vice President: Ian Franzke Treasurer: Kim McKeown Secretary: Turi Berg Equipment: David Panozzo - [email protected] Membership: Michelle Forrer - [email protected] General committee members: Matt Rouso, Matt Spencer, Jon Houston, Gerry van der Ploeg, Cam Dickenson, ! Liam Panozzo and Daniel van der Ploeg ! Dear Team Mt Beauty Members! ! The Falls Creek Alpine Resort Management Board cordially invites you to the official opening of Stage 2 of the Falls Creek Mountain Bike and Walking Trail Project: ! Date: Saturday 15 March, 2014! ! Time: 11:30am (with bikes) or 11:45am (without bikes) for a 12:30pm commencement.! ! Location: Please meet at Gateway Café (1 Bogong High Plains Road, Falls Creek). A shuttle will transport attendees to the village bowl. Attendees will be required to walk approximately 900 metres to access the official opening location at the end of the aqueduct trail and start of the Gully Cross Country trail head at Wishing Well.! ! RSVP: By 12pm, Tuesday 11 March 2014 to Sarah Prime ([email protected] or 03 5758 1242).! ! Bike Hire: Please advise if you would like FCRM to arrange complimentary hire of a mountain bike and helmet so you have a chance to experience our new trails firsthand! The trail is an intermediate cross country. Limited bikes are available. Alternatively, it is a great walk down the trail to the bottom of the Gully chairlift or a shuttle will transport you back. ! Lunch: A BBQ lunch will be held at the bottom of the Gully chairlift at 1pm.! Attire: Please wear suitable footwear and outer clothing to suit the conditions.! ! The completion of Stage 2 is a significant step towards realising our goal to establish Falls Creek as Australia’s premier all season destination.! ! The official opening will provide recognition for the many partners and contributors to the project to date particularly the State government of Victoria for the funding that has been contributed through the Regional Infrastructure Development Fund.! ! With construction of Stage 3 ready to commence and the planning process well advanced for Stage 4 Falls Creek is 2!set to become a world class mountain bike and walking trail destination that will activate regional, national ! and international tourism during the non-winter period.! Yours Sincerely, Sarah Prime! Executive Assistant! !! ! ! Telephone 03 5758 1242! Facsimile 03 5758 3415! Mobile 0437 588 167! ! [email protected]! ! MED IUM XC Wishing Well 4. International 3. Summit Chri stie Telemark St Sitzmark St Schuss St Par a Village Bowl St N O Gate ar nk ey B Mo XC Lake side MED IUM le ast P (to 3! ! t. M Cre ek cK ay / Pr et ty Va l le y Rd Towers Sco tts Cloud 9 dC ine Rd e) ley ey Lak l a 5. RIDE OR WALK BACK TO GULLY ALONG V ll tty y Va Pre rett GULLY XC TRAIL XC 1 am re sD OFFICIAL OPENING LOCATION Ru 4. WALK FROM VILLAGE BOWL ALONG AQUEDUCT TRAIL (FROM TENNIS COURT) C m Wo er ov Dr 3. M MEETING POINT & BBQ AT GULLY CHAIR PROVIDED TO VILLAGE BOWL VIA FALLS CREEK ROAD Y WA Trail Falls Expre ss X E N ACCESS POINT W AY Vall ey XC 4 OFFICIAL PROCEEDINGS 1. E Aqueduct A Eagle ACCESS POINT Road 2 M Windy Corner erg St llel MED IUM Snowgums nowgums gums Ln L Slalom St Wom b Brown Tank t Mc (to Mt Kay Rd McKaySHUTTLE 2. ) XC s at MED IUM D O 2. Ar l b ROA y Rock lls Fa XC DH lly ek Gu Cre PLA INS Rd XC 2 ACCESS POINT 1. ts al St In te rn at io n ur DH Sp 1 CREEK FALLSWALK HI GH rail ct T n du Pa ue Aq ONG ng 5. ba yi BOG C Fr Gull yX Gate Rocky Valley OUT OF THE SADDLE Favourite!bike!trails?!The!ones!that!don’t! get!ridden/maintained!much,!this! generally!means!that!they!are!a!bit!more! technical!and!require!you!(me!actually)!to! get!off!and!portage!a!bit.!Don’t!understand! why!there!is!so!much!angst!getting!off! your!bike!to!go!around!an!obstacle.!! ! Favourite!reading!material?!Most!stuff! written!in!English! ! ! ! 5 minutes with…… Davide Angeline ! Out$of$the$Saddle:$5$minutes$ with……$ ! ! Most!memorable!bike!ride! ever……..”ever”!is!a!big! statement,!Honeymoon!would! be!up!there!but!don’t!know!if!it! was!the!bike!riding!!!Therefore! would!be!a!toss!up!between! first!time!up!Fainters!with!good! mates!Stu!&!Flick,!or!solo!back! country!to!Mittagundi.!!! ! What!bike/s!do!you!currently! ride?!Suzuki!Eiger!4!wheeler,! DT!230!(its!actually!Erin’s)! KTM300!EXC,!2007!BMC!4! Stroke,!BMC!SL01!frame!with!all!the!bits! from!my!old!roadie,!and!the!Pivot! Mach429!carbon.! ! Funniest!biking!memory……maybe!not! the!funniest!but!was!entertaining….! watching!my!youngest,!Lachie,!crashing! on!the!survey!track,!saw!it!building!from! the!moment!his!breaking!system!(two! feet!on!the!ground)!failed,!gathered! speed!and!straight!lined!a!corner!got! some!air!and!landed!in!the!undergrowth.! He!can!still!remember!where!he!did!his! first!“big!jump”!it!was!the!only!way!to!get! him!back!on!the!bike.!!Sadist!you!may! think,!but!with!witnessing!most!crashes! they!only!become!funny!after!you!know! that!the!crashee!is!OK,!as!in!this!case.! ! ! Who!would!you!most!like!to!go!for!a! ride!with?!Dr!Who.! ! ! ! ! ! Thanks!Dave! 4! ! Junior News Kids Clinics Update Mountain Bike clinics resume next Thursday 6th March. Younger kids (white, yellow, green and blue groups) will again be 3.45-4.30pm based at the carpark. However, to enable the younger kids to get out on singletrack some more, we have rostered each group a session riding the tracks around Dart Spur. This is sure to be a lot of fun for the kids and enable them to put all their practiced skills into use. Parents/carers will need to drop off and pick up their child at the Dart Spur carpark on their rostered day. I have attached a list of the groups to enable car pooling, or if you are unsure which group your child is in. Dart Spur roster 6th March 13th March 20th March 27th March 3rd April n/a Blue Green Yellow White How to get to Dart Spur carpark Dart Spur carpark is 2km up the Falls Creek Road from the Mountain Bike park carpark on the right hand side. There is a narrow entry and limited parking available, please try and carpool where possible. Many of the tracks around Dart Spur are close to the carpark or short loops, providing good opportunities for parents who want to stay and watch. _________________________________________________________ Older kids (red, purple, black and double black) will now be 5pm at Cranky Charlie - 6pm pickup at carpark. Note the slightly later start time for this group to allow instructors time to ride there after the earlier session. __________________________________________________ Clinics will break for the school holidays and continue after Easter as the weather and daylight allows. Feed back on the sessions and Dart Spur welcome as we review the clinics at the end of term. Any questions, please call Cath Richardson 0429 856 587 or Jenny Kromar 0439 999 5! 788. ! Cheers, Cath !Australian!Mountain! ! Bike!National!Series! Five!Team!Mount!Beauty!members!have!been!busy!competing!in!the!Subaru! National!Series!which!included!3!races!held!at!Eagle!Park!`!Adelaide,!Mount!Buller! and!Moama!this!summer.!The!series!consists!of!Downhill!(DHI),!Cross!Country! Eliminator!(XCE),!Cross!Country!Olympic!(XCO)!and!Cross!Country!Marathon!(XCM).! ! At!the!conclusion!of!the!series!our!riders!were!ranked:! ! XCO$ Tory!Thomas!(Elite!female)!2th! Ebony!Tanzen!(Under!17!female)!1st! Brent!Tanzen!(Masters!men)!4th! Jarrah!Forrer!(Under!15!male)!2nd! Josh!Tanzen!(Under!15!male)!6th! ! XCE$ Ebony!Tanzen!(Under!17!female)!1st! Brent!Tanzen!(open!men)!16th! Jarrah!Forrer!(Under!15!male)!1st!(Under!17!male)!4th! Josh!Tanzen!(Under!15!male)!10th!(Under!17!male)!19th! ! WELL$DONE$TO$THESE$AMAZING$RIDERS$AND$BEST$OF$ LUCK$FOR$THE$UPCOMING$NATIONAL$CHAMPIONSHIPS$ Ebony!negotiating!the!rollers!at!the!new!Moama!bike!park! ! MOUNT$BULLER$TRIP$POSTPONED$ $ ! $ Due!to!two!other!events!on!the!proposed!weekend,!the! club!trip!to!Mount!Buller!has!been!postponed!until!next! Spring.!Stay!tuned!for!dates……! The new modular pump track at Mount Buller 7! ! TMB Dirt Crits TMB's weekly Tuesday night dirt Crits have been going strong since late September thanks to TMB mountain bikers. With a loyal following of young and older members, riders get to race for 20 plus minutes on a 1.3km figure eight circuit that takes in part of the 3rd Parallel descent, Dart Spur and the Labyrinth. No surprises that the most consistent place getter goes to Evan Franzke, smashing it time and time again! Other notable mentions go to Dave Angelini for giving it a red hot crack and introducing the free drink for thirsty competitors practice, Jarrah Forrer for keeping the boys honest and the Tanzen family who haven't missed a beat. A special thanks to Norm and his girls for all their help with timing and to everyone who has cheered along the side lines. TMB welcome new riders of all abilities and ages and spectators are appreciated. TMB Dirt Crits every Tuesday night from 7pm Pic:!Courtesy!of!Charlie!Brown.! Check!out!his!site!! 8! ! Matt Zag and Brent Tanzen battle it out in the Dirt Crits Women!On! Wheels! The!second!Women!on!Wheels!clinic!for!the!summer!kicked!off!with!great!success.! Fifteen!women!fronted!for!the!clinic!enjoying!a!warm!up!skills!course!followed!by!an! hour!of!expert!instruction!from!our!wonderful!teachers.!It!was!excellent!to!see!so! many!smiles!on!faces!at!the!conclusion!of!the!clinic,!not!one!injury!and!lots!of! exchanging!of!phone!numbers.!There!was!also!a!call!for!another!clinic!to!be!held! before!Winter……..! ! A!huge!thank!you!goes!out!to!Bernie!McArdle,!Joel!Panozzo,!Jarrod!Quinn,!Jenny! Kromar,!Turi!Berg,,!Dan!Van!!Der!Ploeg,!Gerry!Van!Der!Ploeg!and!Ron!Crawford!for! their!wonderful!instruction!and!help.! ! ! The!girls!heading!up!the!road!for!some!Dart!Spur!exploration! Pic:!Dan!Van!Der!Ploeg! 9! ! ! NEWS RAMBO Every year, the local mountain bike clubs in our region host a series of mountain bike races known as the RAMBO series (Riverina Alpine Mountain Bike Open).Team Mount Beauty is looking for a volunteer to organise the Mt Beauty race. The plan is to hold this event on Sunday 25th May. This is low-key event and the club has a simple 'how to' document for the organiser to follow. Contact Jenny Kromar (organiser of the 2013 race) if you are interested in running this event M: 0439 999 788 or E: [email protected] 10! !
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