GRACE UNITED CHURCH Caledonia, Ontario 170th Anniversary October 19th, 2014 10:30 am Welcome to Grace! A special welcome to anyone visiting or worshipping here for the first time; please sign the guest book at the Caithness Street entrance. If you would like more information about Grace United Church, please fill out the green “Welcome to Grace” card and place it on the offering plate. HAND-BELL CHOIR E. Butler The Bells of Grace (following this, children are invited to join their leaders) Invites you to stand as you are able LIFE & WORK OF OUR COMMUNITY WE LISTEN FOR GOD’S WORD Rev. Dan MacLean SCRIPTURE READING Exodus 17:1-7 May God bless to our understanding this reading from Holy Scripture. WE LIGHT THE CHRIST CANDLE INTROIT *HYMN *CALL TO WORSHIP One: Come to this time of worship with your stories and your songs to share in the Spirit. All: We come, as faithful men, women, and children have come for many generations. One: Let all your thoughts and concerns come to life, like a symphony of sound. All: We join together in one chorus of celebration and joy for what God has done and continues to do among us. Let us worship God. *HYMN CHOIR: When We Worship God Through Music TIME WITH OUR CHILDREN GOD GATHERS US FOR WORSHIP * All: Continue to watch over our congregation, we pray; disturb our complacency; fill it again and again with your Spirit; deepen our faith and our relationship with you, so that we might continue to be faithful co-workers with you— “that all the world might see” and praise you. In the name of Jesus Christ who is our Head and our Cornerstone. Amen. Voices United #516 Come, You Thankful People, Come OPENING PRAYER One: Ever-gracious God, you call people from near and far into the fellowship of our church, building upon the foundation of the apostles and prophets, upon Jesus Christ, our companion and Lord, and upon all the saints who have gone before us. We give you thanks for 170 years of church life. We give you thanks for all in our midst today. Continued>> VU pg.806 O God, Our Help in Ages Past (Psalm 90) GOSPEL READING Matthew 21: 23-32 One: This is the Good News of Jesus Christ! All: Amen. MESSAGE The Bridge Between Despair and Hope! Rev. B. Bain WE RESPOND TO GOD *HYMN VU # 356 Seek Ye First the Kingdom *THE PRESENTATION OF OUR GIFTS VU #541 Praise God from whom all blessings flow; praise God, all creatures high and low; give thanks to God in love made known: Creator, Word and Spirit, One. PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE - The Lord’s Prayer *HYMN VU # 222 Come, Let Us Sing *SENDING FORTH & BENEDICTION God in Mine Eternity A. Bullard GRACE UNITED CHURCH 174 Caithness Street East, Caledonia, ON N3W 1C2 Mission Statement To be a welcoming Christian community: Sharing God’s Word, Showing God’s Love, Serving God’s World. Ministers – All People of the Congregation Ordered Minister – Rev. Daniel H. MacLean B.A., M.Div. Office: 905-765-4515 Office Hours: Tuesday-Friday Also available by appointment. Email: [email protected] Office Administrator - Lorraine Office Hours : Mon Tues Thurs~ 9-12, Wed~ 9-2 & Fri~ 9-4 Office: 905-765-2686 Email: [email protected] Organist/Choir Leader: Joseph Calverley, B. Mus., B. Ed, M.Div. Ph: 519-720-6774 Custodian: John Robson. Please note John is off temporarily. Please contact the Chair of Stewards, Bill Imeson @email if you for any questions/needs or you would like to volunteer to help with custodial duties. BURFORD UNITED CHURCH ANNIVERSARY CONCERT, Featuring: Ian Bell, Folk musician, composer, songwriter. At Burford United, Sun. Nov.2nd @ 7:00 p.m. Tickets: $8 per person, $12 per couple Children under 12 free Call 519-449-5641 DATES FOR GRANDMOTHERS TEA EVENTS 2014 Oct 29 -Springvale Brethren of Christ Church Nov 26 -Grand River United Dec 31 – None – Happy New Year! We Hold These People In Our Prayers John Robson and Shirley Robson & family, as John continues to recover. Larry Gray, (brother of Karen Gray & Wanda Pellerin); Wanda Pellerin, (sister of Karen and Larry Gray); Shirley Smith, (mother/law of Pat & Larry Jones); Terry Haswell, (cousin of Mary Lee Webb); Geoffrey Bullivant; Connie Gerner and family; Nada Arh, (mother of Reese McMillan); Jean Johnson, (daughter of Diane & Charles Thompson); Ethel Walker ; Gordon Miller; Dorothy Smith; Shirley McKay; Al Hindman; Don Wilson; Doreen Timson; Don Winfield; June McDowell, (friend of Reta Vansickler); Mary Atkinson, (best friend of Rena Cahoon, twin sister of Reta Vansickler); Jay Bhandal, (friend of Reta Vansickler) Hamilton Conference: Bismark, Beamsville(Niagara Presbytery) 170th Anniversary of Grace United Church We Thank the Handbell Choir-The Bells of Grace, and our Guest Speaker, Rev. Barry Bain Join the Potluck Luncheon to follow Worship, in the Grand Room today! Mission and Service October local Support is for Caledonia Food Bank ANNOUNCEMENTS FROM CHURCH COUNCIL 1. Sunday Nov. 2, immediately following morning worship, there will be a Congregational Meeting in the Grand Room, to review our mission, goals, and programming. Coffee will be served at this brief meeting. 2. Friday Nov. 7, from 7:00 - 9:30 p.m. there will be a free workshop on Violence and Harassment Policies and Prevention. All are welcome. Council members should plan to attend. You will learn what Ontario law requires of churches. Please register with the office 905-765-2686 by October 28th if you are able to attend. 3. WANTED, A church archivist who would be interested in scrapbooking events at Grace. This would include newspaper clippings and photos of special events. Please leave your name in the office or speak to Marie Salmon. UCW NOTE- FALL WORK MEETINGS - TUESDAYS 9:30 – 2 PM Oct. 21st; Nov. 4th & 18th We will be working on more single bed quilts, as well as the kit bags (personal bags), filled or unfilled for the Womens Shelter. Bring lunch, beverage provided. All are welcome. BEE part of the fun! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ TURKEY PIE MAKING! Wed. Oct 22nd, @ 9A.M. in kitchen. All HELP Welcome!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ MISSION & SERVICE/OUTREACH ANNOUNCEMENT Mission & Service and Outreach will be hosting the Haldimand-Norfolk Band on Dec. 11th at 7:30pm in the Sanctuary. In preparation for this spectacular Christmas Concert, the Grace Choir, and guests, will be joining them in song. You are invited by Joe Calverley to come along to two practices after Worship Service in November and help make this the most joyous concert ever! Please speak to Joe any time to lend. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ OFFERING TELLERS are still needed for this month, October, & for December. Please sign up on the bulletin board as you go down to coffee hour. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ‘SHOP FOR WESLEY’ – Needed at Wesley • New single bed sheets • New & gently used towels, Hygiene Items such as razors, toothbrushes, combs, feminine products, deodorant. Please leave in the Wesley box in the drop off area next to the Grand Room. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ INTERIM FINANCIAL STATUS REPORT FROM STEWARDS: Comparing year to date 2014 against 2013, offerings are down by over $17,000. Despite savings in operating expenses we have a current General Fund deficit of $21,763 (it was $6,173 in 2013). In our best years our average gain in the last 3 months of the year is $10,000, mostly thanks to the Bazaar and House Tour contributions, so we are expecting a deficit of $10,000-$15,000 by year end. Any questions can be directed to the Treasurer or Chair of Stewards. 15th ALONG THE GRAND CHRISTMAS TOUR OF HOMES & BAZAAR The UCW and House Tour & Bazaar committee have been busy planning for this year’s House Tour and Bazaar to be held on Friday November 21 and Saturday November 22 We are most thankful to Tom & Cheryl Fitzsimmons, Jason & Lisa Savelli and Grant & Donna Tansley for offering their homes to showcase this year’s house tour. We are once again blessed to have the participation of; Caledonia Garden Centre, Canadian Tire Caledonia, Coach House Gift Shoppe, Grand River Home Hardware, Sharples Greenhouses, Jones Bakery & Catering and Facets Jewellery & Gifts all providing festive décor and expertise along with decorating assistance from Carolyn Roberts, Audrey Derii, Yolande Hewitt, Lynda Lemire and other volunteers. WE NEED YOU: This is the UCW’s big fundraiser of the year! The House Tour Committee and Chairpersons are counting on the support of the congregation once again to make it another successful endeavour. These CHAIRPERSONS are handling the following areas; Kitchen & Luncheon – Marie Salmon + Eva Lynn; Pies – Marg Crawley; Silent Auction – Peggy Fox; Bake Table – Meredith Innes; Craft Room – Lynn McBay; Plant Room – Shirley Robson; Tickets – Ruth Lewis; Deli + Preserves – Diana Prince; House Tour – Lorna Greenlees; Squares – Joyce Smith; Advertising & Bulletin – Joanne Mottershead. They may be contacting you to volunteer your time, in a home and/or at the Church or you can contact them PIE MAKING FRENZY – Many helping hands have been working very hard making hundreds of fruit pies and hundreds of meat pies in preparation for the Bazaar. A big THANK YOU to all so far who have been spending these mornings in the church kitchen! Your chance to join the fun happens this Wed Oct 22 when the plan is to make many many turkey meat pies. Remember, no experience is necessary, everyone gets a job.
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