登場人物 GRACE : セリフをよく聞き、アンダーラインに文字を入れてください : We are truly touched that you would all and... Oh... or crush it, simply because it doesn't please them, or simply : It... it frustrates me at times, but... : our tiny corner of the world with your presence. : Goodness, we've, well... . : And I know some of you think . : And these are my people. And they... : We've had a spot of lately. : . : But I don't think anyone should have the right to crush happiness or beauty when they see it. : And they're trying to do what's right GRACE : When I was in their own small corner of the world... in New York, in the best way that , a wonderful playwright, told me that I should pray the same prayer, . : That should I ever be in a : Well, it's... It's not how I was raised. : And it's not the world that I wish to... GRACE It's not the world : And those of you who are married be ungrateful. will know exactly what I mean. : Maybe I'm naive, but... of influence, That the tanks roll through my lawn, . , why did I leave Hollywood? I would rather that the bombs fall on my house than know I live in a world : I do. I believe that they can exist where love doesn't conquer all. Because... if we really want them to, if... GRACE if we are prepared to : Well, I left because... : Because I fell in love . we are honoring the Red Cross. : A force for good that is... : That is very close GRACE : It's love that will make us : That is what Monaco means to me. put away our guns and our politics : And and our fears and our prejudices, and it's love that is why... . : That is why I am Monaco. . : And that is why tonight I am going to celebrate it, GRACE GRACE enough. : And that is what... all of the unfair things that I see in it. : And that has brought us here tonight. And it's love... : about . And... : I believe that it's love be full of hatred and conflict if... with enough compassion that I may want to do : Because, . : I believe that the... That the world will not always : A man who has inspired me to see the world . : I would rather that the... : I would have it in me to use it for good. : Now, GRACE . : That should I ever... Should I ever make it, I would . : One of my dearest friends once told me : and I am going to be willing to defend it. . I... : And I hope that you will all do the same : I wish ill on no one. I... that when people dream of marrying royalty, : I bear no resistance to aggression. I just... they rarely comprehend what it actually means. : I'm here. I'm here doing what I do, : It means... . trying to make a little difference in the world It means having to choose. And : in the best way that I know how. : It may not seem a noble place. It may seem... Well, it may seem pompous 【応 募 者】 名前 Monaco. and it may seem circumstantial, and... in your own way... フリガナ 所属 学校名 GRACE : But , or it wouldn't be the fairy tale, if there wasn't someone trying to destroy it, 〒 - ( □中学以下 □高校 □大学・社会人 )都道府県 住所 先生 電話 - - メール アドレス 100 応募者は名前だけで結構です。上記に正確に入力してください。未記入や間違いがあると連絡不能や選考外となります。 映画英語アカデミー学会製作:第1回映画のセリフ・リ スニング゙・コンテスト応 募用 紙 グレー ス・オブ・モナ コ Chapter09の途 中 (01:23:40~01:29:10) 転載 ・引用・コ ピー・第 三者への貸 与・販売等一 切禁止。 送付先=〒 464-0025 名 古屋市千種 区桜が丘 292 スクリ ーンプレイ内 映画英語ア カデミー学会事務 局 Copyright ©2014 Stone Angels All Rights Reserved.
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