H^^^^^^HI^HHS BBBBBUUUUUUUUUj ^.jpMmjf!^mVr**r>-m: « » n an mm wup <r»»^f9»^^iiMiT{w i.i(i<^w<pyinwp»w*<» THE BUFFALO COURIER 910 m, "i^iy.,. jpfr.- 1X4.T. JUNE 9.1904. •» M V > < u £ *„A .*...*. J k ' ' > 61 Josephine Chrlstensen to Emily A. H. Creamer, administrator, in •erson. Dr. F. W. McGuire appears in person credBooker, May, 1668. Heirs of John and Elisabeth Vander- itor. Adjourned to June 29th. William S. Canright. Shjjpw cause. bosch to Frank F. Selbert. August, 1894. John E . Lambert to Emily P. Schafer, Thomas H. Lawrence for petitioner.; A. B. Emery for Lillian C. Caftrifht, reMarch, 1864. mmm • ' n i •• spondent Adjourned to J u n e j p t h . Same t o William Haese, January. 1903. Mary T. Wende. Probate o f will. WilSame to Conrad Schaefer, June 1894. Charles A. Partridge to Charles M. Dole, liam H . Love for petitioner: Benjamin COURT OP APPEALS—ALBANY. Shire, special guardian. Proofs complete. January, 1394. For Thursday, June 9: Nos. 391. 681. 399, 401, 403, 404, 406, 408. Augusta F . Bait* t o Globe Savings & Decree granted. There are enough cases on the current calendar of Ootober 6th, 1908, t o occupy Edward W. Blauen. Judicial •Bttlement. Loan Association. March, 1890. the oourt until the summer vacation, and It has been definitely decided that no John C. Draper, Jr., to Emily B . Al- Rogers. Locke & Babcock forfcetitioner; Irving L Fisk for C. W. B l a u » , Mildred rase* oa the new calendar of May 31. 1904. will be called until the October sesward, September, 1897. sion. Appeals from final orders In special proceedings, under Rule X I of this Perry M. Thorn to Josephine Kinne, B, Booth, Philip F. and FredeBck Blauer and Catherine Louise Bates, a i d files nocourt, may be noticed for **the first Monday of the October session," for which July, 1893. 6_ _, tice of appearance. Accounts!!' n n sed a s day original motions may also be noticed. W. H. SHANKLAND, Clerk. Elijah White to George N . Burwell, filed. Decree granted. ^ January, 1877 and April. 1882. — Belle R. Zalatnttsky. P e t i t p n to pay Fanny Nicolas to East Buffalo Brewfuneral expenses. Stern A Fare for peing Company, September, 1904. APPELLATE DIVISION—4TH DEPABTMENT—ROCHESTER titioner; Simon Flelschmann for adminHenry J. Miller to Charles J. Williams, istrator. Adjourned to June 1 Adjourned to July 5, 1904. April, 1899. Helen Abele t o Union Fire Insurance Company, September, 1S&3. • ^ A A A A A M W W W W W W M M A ^ SUPREME COURT—PART ORE. Herman A. Nordhoff to Erie County Savings Bank, February, 1899. (COI Room 32-Clty Hall. LIABILITIES John O'Brlan t o Edgar C. Browne et al., RESOURCES Tbe Honorable JOHN S. LAMBERT. Justice Presiding. Capital. $soo,ooo.co January, 1601. 14,786,010.90 Loans ... 8urplus 500,000.00 For Thursday, June 9, 10 A. M. No. 165 On Trial. 361.94 Overdrafts LIS PENDENS. Undivided profits 116,873.17 $1,136,873,17 No More C a l e n d a r C a l l s Tails T e r m . T>. Bradley Sweet e t al—Buffalo LiCASH A N D BONDS Deposits. 6,742,800.34 brary, BtifTalo—Bissell, Carey & Co. 105. McNichcl vs Empire Bridge Co.— Bushnell for plf.; Clinton B. Glbbs Cash on hand f429.478.68 George Hildenbrand et al—John Renters, John Cunneen for plf.; Clinton B. for dft. Cash with banks 815,023.50 Cheektowaga—William J. Volker. Bonds 638,80000 1,883,301.2T Glbbs for dft. On trial. Short cause N o a 866, 637. Rebecca J. Gardner—Columbia National Bank. Buffalo—Thayer. T, & W. Banking house and lot.. 200,000.00 HT. RJckert vs. Wooley et al.—C. M. Eugene H. Crawford et al—Eleanor D . $6,869,673.51 $6,869,673 51 Cartwright, Buffalo— R. E. Heard. SUPREME COURT—EQUITY TERM. MECHANICS' LIENS. SHEA'S GARDEN T H E A T E R . Roosa 3 » - C l t y H a l l . Margaret Dieboldt, owner; Charles The Honorable FREDERICK W. KRUSE, Justice Presldln*\ are a t The H e n g l e r Sisters, w | I*. Gurney, mortgagee—MontDIRECTORS Adjourned Sine Die. gomery Door & B o x Company, Shea's Theater t h i s week hi e one of Buffalo 1,874.19 the most delightful acts in A R udevllle. E D W H E J R 5 C 2o'WARD ° ! AU RENC ED*R UM8E VJoseph E. Ewell, owner; N e w T h e y a r e s o pretty that t y would SUPREME COURT—EXTRAORDINARY TERM. HENRYC, HO WARD, . _ JOHN N. SCATCH ERD. Netherland Gns & Oil Company, ELLIOTT C McDOUGAL in t h e lessee—Frank B. Sweeney, Alden 1,490.00 attract attention in a n y GEORGE URBAN JR., CHARLES W. PARDEE, . . . „ „ Roosa SB—City H a l l . world, a n d their dancing i t h e most Asa H. Dicklson, owner; N e w graceful ever seen o n t h e CHARLE8 H. WILLIAMS. ge. W i l Netherland Gas & Oil Company, The Honorable FREDERICK W. KRUSEL Justice Presiding. For the Convenience of Vp-town Depositors, the Stockholders lease—Frank B. Sweeney, Alden 1,285.05 fred Clarke & Co., In h i s n« act a r e Adjourned Sine Die. of the Bank et BatUlo Hare Opened the John Suttle, owner; N e w Nethereven better than In h i s fo r v a u d e land Gas & Oil Company, lessee vtlle sketch. Mr. Clarke : nephew —Frank B. Sweeney, Alden 1,650.00 of E d w i n Booth, b u t h e do not SUPREME COURT—SPECIAL TERM. need Margaret Dieboldt, owner; Charles this t o aid h i m in h i s s t life, a s R o o m IK—Clfy H a l l . L Gurney, mortgagee: Louis 6 2 8 Main Street, Near Chippewa. he i s sufficiently talented 1 ake h i s Dieboldt, contractor—Walbridge The HON. H E N R Y A, CKILDS. Justice Presiding. A Co., Buffalo 163.75 o w n w a y . A m o n g t h e o t h features Ken -enumerated Motions Dally a t 10 A . M. and 1 P . M.. Except Saturday a Same, same, same 163.75 of t h e bill a r e Billy Van, t Minstrel i i Man; Jordan and H a r v e y Hebrew BILLS OF SALE. comedians; Zazelle a n d V on, M r . ERIE COUNTY COURT—TRIAL TERM. and Fred Lueier, J o e a n d N< ie Doner Charles Dale and one to Carrie R o o m 21—City H a l l . Raynor, Buffalo 350.00 and Arthur Buckner. The Honorable E D W A R D K. EMERT. Judge. rs a bill For next w e e k Mr. Shea SUPREME COURT-SPECIAL TERM— in w h i c h there will b e sever features, For Thursday, June 9, 10 A. M. Clear. for p i t ; Moot. Sprague, Brownell T h e H o n . H e n r y A. Chi Ids, J u s t i c e the principal of w h i c h will b J t h e celep r e s i d i n g . J u n e 8 , 11HI4. A Marcy for dft. brated Hanlon. f a m i l y o f Superba ltL Pulling vs. Kaiser-R. E. Heard for i. Sommer vs. Gautmler—August BeckWilliam Moore et al. v s . Almena S. fame and Clayton White, M e Stuart plf.; Dolson & Dolson for dft. er for plf.; D. V. Murphy for d f t Parker. Order discontinuing action, etc. & Co. A m o n g t h e other a 101 l i o e r v s . Rees — C. 8. MacDougall will be George T. Jones v s the City of Buffalo. Marlowe P l u n k e t t & Co., J us T a n for plf.; J. E. Middaugh, Jr., for 21. Johnson vs. City of Buffalo—Harrison Osborne for plf.; C. I* Feld- Order making Judgment of Court of Apdefendant. on a n d nen, John a n d B e r t h a Gl LEGAL NOTICES. peals the Judgment of this court. man for dft. 908. Aquino vs. International Railway Buckley Martha Garner vs. Esly Garner. Order Fred Houlihan, Russell a n Company—<3. H. Kennedy for plf.; 12. Gevlderski vs. N e w York Central Norton, Penney & Scars for dft. Railroad Company — Hennlg ft adjudging defendant guilty of contempt and Orville a n d Frank. T H E PEOPLE OF T H E STATE O F Black vs. Black—P. V. Fennelly for O'Gorman for plf.; Pooley ft Spratt and directing commitment. NEW YORK—To Dean J. Gavin. Jameo AT T H E STAR. for dft. Michael Ciecierlnga v s . Erie R. R. Co. J. Gavin, Pierce J. Candee, Mary 8. plf.; F R. Marca for dft. Candee. Mary J. Candee. J. E. Gavin, inDavenport vs. Buffalo Railway Com- 23. McRae vs. City of Buffalo—Hennlg ft Order dismissing complaint. D u m a s t m a d e D ' A r t a g n a r f c daring, Mares Easenkapf vs. Jacob Schwartz. dividually. The German Bank. J. Frank O'Gorman for plaintiff; C. L Feldpany—W. K. Houpt for plf.; NorOrder appointing Louis Koden receiver; fighting; Gascon, tempered w m a c a u Aldrich, a s receiver of the City National man for dft. ton. Penney A Sears for dft. tion for which h i s p r o v i d e n * i s probond 81,000. Bank, Henry C. Buswell. and all other English vs. Kingston — W. E. Houpt Janet McEwan. Hashimato vs. Umetaro verbial a n d William F a r n u f c accencreditors of Sarah E. Gavin, deceased Hashlmato. Interlocutory Judgment of t u a t e s this conception b y m a t i n g h i m and persons claiming to be creditors of divorce in favor of plaintiff. said deceased, heir at l a w and next of E?.IE COUNTY SURROGATE'S COURT. a living- picture of t h e flry, careless, ktr. of Sarah E. Gavin, late of the city William F. Salisbury vs. James Cahlll. impetuous y o u t h to w h o m flgfcting and R o o m 1«»—City H a l l . of Buffalo, Erie County," N e w York, deOrder cancelling lis pendens. ceased, and to all other creditors of the Same v s . same. Order denying motion l o v e - m a k i n g is equally welcame, thus Tbe Honorable LOUIS W. MARCUS, Surrogate. close or business on thedeceased, typifying t h e chivelrous k n i A t of t h e as well a s to those above to change place of trial. For Thursday, June 9, 10 A. M. named. Greeting: In re the application of Towns & sixteenth century a s a n e v e r « o - b e - f o r day o f J u n e , 1904. William D. Wright. Show cause. Leon! P. Rivard. Judicial settlement. You and each of you are cited to apThem crowded Wright, a corporation, for authority to gotten s t a g e picture. Charles Bromley. Judicial settlement. pear before the Surrogate of the County change its name of A. B. Wright & Co. houses t h a t h a v e attended Manager Chester Moore. Contest of will. Jane Gregory. Judicial settlement. LIABILITIES. RESOURCES. of Erie, at his office in Buffalo, in said Hascal Taylor. Contested Judicial settle- Order designating Buffalo Morning E x - Baldwin's offering a t t h e St*» Theater i Fran* Prehrs. Inquiry proceedings, County, on the 15th day of July. 1904, a t press a s paper in which to publish notice. this week enjoy Farnum's p e a l . ment. Capital stock paid in, in cash.. $100,000.00 Loans and discounts $4,680,989.57 Henrietta Koehier. Inquiry proceedings. Belle R. Zolonltsky. Inquiry proceedings. 10 o'clock in the forenorJn of that day, t o Stephen D. Sisson. etc., vs. Charles H. 400,000.00 show cause why a decree should n o t be F o r t h e coming: w e e k M r g B a l d w i n Overdrafts Johanna Schmid. Contest of will. Mary J. Thompson. Inquiry proceedings. Potter et al. Judgment directing sale 575.58 Surplus fund Charles Horst. Show cause. made directing the mortgage, lease or Undivided profits, less current 2 P. M. of real estate, Sidney W. Petrle to sell, will offer another play of realistic i n - Due from trust comsale of the real property of the said deetc. tensity. This time it will m a draexpenses and taxes pai<i 84.453.01 panies, banks, bankcedent Sarah E. Gavin, or so much thereThird, National Bank of Buffalo v s . matization of o n e of Marl<J Corelli's Due depositors 6,544,889.78 of a s may be necessary for the payment MUNICIPAL COURT. ers and brokers $485,569.05 Stanley R. Kecham et al. Order con- f a m o u s stories, "Thelma," w h i c h i s Due trust companies, banks, of her debts and funeral expenses. A n d firming report of sale and directing deDue from approved rfoomi 10 a n d 20—Municipal Building*. much in vogrue w i t h t h e reading public. that, if any of the above named persons ficiency for $2,113.45. brokers and savings b a n k s . . . . 287,421.54 reserve agents 296,041.31 Tbe Hon. OTIO W. VOLGER and Hon CLARK H. HAMMOND. Judgea are infants, that they then and there Emma Perrlgo vs. Guaranty Building "Thelma" i s a little Norse fcalden t o Calendar Call—Return Cases. 9:90 A. M. show cause wny a special guardian whom t h e precepts of humility, truth 781,610.36 Co. Order discontinuing action. should not be appointed to appear, repreCalendar Call—Adjourned Casea, 10 A. M. North American Life Assurance Co. v s . and obedience a r e t h e l e x l c i s of life Banking house and lot .... sent and act for them. In the proceeding Annie T. Stow, etc. Order discontinuing and happiness. There will b e H a n d s o m e Other real estate For Thursday, June 9, 10 A. M. 64.802.00 for such mortgage, lease or sale. action. settings for this play. ijohn W. Walker vs. J. Edward Thebaud. In testimony whereof. W e have 64.S02 00 Martha F. Head vs. Frank B. Head. Jay B. Wattles vs. Peter J. Butler. •Joseph Avon vs. W. Strakowski. ATHLETIC P A R K caused the seal of our SurroByron W. Pike, by guardian, etc., v s .Interlocutory Judgment of divorce In faMortgages owned 218.002.24 gate's Court to be hereunto Gustav H. Poppenberg vs. Mrs. Charles vor of plaintiff. George Fitsgerald. '.. 285,310.00 affixed. Buffalo's n e w s u m m e r t ater a t Stocks and bonds Thomas J. Cavanaugh v s . George F. W. Klein. a M w . L. S. Witness. Hon. Louis W. Marcus 108,095.58! n i g h t l y Specie Shultx. SUPREME COURT—PART I—The Athletic Park i s being pack •Jlenry Amthor vs. Andrew Elch. Surrogate of our said County of and t h e audience is thorousr y enjoy- U. S. legal tenders and circuH o n . J o h n S. L a m b e r t , J u s t i c e p r e Erie, at Buffalo, N. Y.. this 9tb Ing a first class vaudeville l headed lating notes of National Banks 219,899.00 siding. J a n e 8, 1904. day of May, 1904\ BANKRUPTCY COURT—ERIE COUNTY DISTRICT. Others Cash Items, vir.: Bills James McNIchol vs. Empire Bridge Co. by B a n k s and W i n o n a Winti LOUIS B. HART, W e s t e r s D U t r i e t a t l e w Y o r k , S o . 1 1 0 3 D . S. M o r g a n B s l i d i n g . motion for non-suit granted. Court on t h e bill a r e Tsuda. t h e l J a p a n e s e Clerk of the Surrogate's Court. and checks for the acrobat; Adele P u r v i s Onri, ^pirln a n d grants stay of 60 days. Surrogate Seal of Erie County, N. Y. WILLIAM H. HOTCHKISS. Esq., Referee. next day's exchanges 57.480.00 To Dean J. Gavin, Henry C. Buswell, Frank M. Reckert v s . William E. Piatt, t h e musical Goolman and Mr, No C a l e n d a r T o d a y . and all other creditors of Sarah E. Gavin, Wooley e t al. On trial. and Mrs. Larry Shaw. N< 57.480.00 week's deceased, and persons claiming to be bill will b e headed b y Baker d Lynn, creditors of said deceased: E R I E COUNTY COURT—The H o n . w h o will present % their 1-known 16,416,764.33 $6,416,764.83The foregoing citation is served upot E d w a r d K . E m e r y , C o u n t y J u d g e . sketch, entitled "The Elec c B o y . " #1 DGMESTS. you by publication pursuant to an ordei August C. Smith to Katie Hauf, J a n e 8, 1904. Aside from this there will b e ve other STATE OF N E W YORK, of the Hon. Louis W. Marcus, Surrogate Glenwood Avenue, north side, In re the application for t h e leasing of acts. 0eonre P. Armstrong in favor Saturdav will be of Erie County, N e w York, dated the 23d County of Erie, s s : hildren's 342.55 feet east Dupont Street, . of George J. Bentley (Ward J. of May. 1904, and filed with the peti 100 the real property of William A. Measer, Day." I n a s m u c h a s t h e fin "Child30 feet 7 inches front R. Emory. President, and Paul Werner, Cashier, of the German Bank, a bank day Wllbert, atty.) 92.20 Waiter an Infant. Order Of reference to take ren*s Day'' w a s s o great a s u tlon In the office of the Surrogate of Eri# De C. Moore to Christian located and doing business a t No. 447 Main Street, In the City of Buffalo, In said Countv ss MaJiClark J. Vedder In favor of proofs to Henry L. Stelner. at Buffalo, N e w York. Eckstein and one, Lancaster ager W a l t e r h a s decided t o county, being duly sworn, each for himself, says that t h e foregoing report, with • a v e a n Cbariaa C. Blgelow (Garrett In re mechanic's leln of the Queen LOCKWOOD. HOYT & G R E E N E , 100 Street the schedule accompanying the same, is true and correct In all respects, to tho | other. Admission t o t h e gs i KM>y, atty.) 8925 Charles nds for City Brick Company vs. Jeanette E. Attorneys for Executor, Mosler to James N. best of his knowledge and belief, and they further s a y that the usual business of •Francii N. Kahle In favor of Tremain. owner, and William Tremaln. the children will h e five c e n 1004-1007 D. S. Morgan Bidg.. Adams and one, Elmwood Avesaid bank has been transacted at the location required by the Banking law (Chap Third National Bank (Lewis & Order directing County Buffalo, N. Y 1.00 contractors. nue, east side, 25 feet front.. AT T H E LAFAYE 689. Laws of 1892), and not elsewhere; and that the above report is made in comLewis, attys.) 6,056.06 Treasurer to pay over money. may 26-June 2-9-16-23-34 Martin Relsterer to William Pokpliance with an official notice received from t h e Superintendent of Banks desigCity of Buffalo in favor of Charlotte E. Potter, a s trustee, etc., vs. LOO Frank elwald and one, Tona Street.. nating the 6th day of June, 1904. a s the d a y on which such report shall be made. T h e L a f a y e t t e Stock B u r l e s f c e ComGeorge T. Jones (Gibbons & T., V. E. Bardol. Referee's report of NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Martin Lipski to John Lipski, pany, under t h e direction oB Charles attya) 1,716.46 R. EMORY. President. sale confirmed. Detroit Street, west side, 330 JPhlllp Wagner In favor of Louis Rose Smith v s . Betsey Barton. Order Falke, which Is inaugurating- B s season Pursuant to an order of Hon. Louis W P A U L W E R N E R . Cashier. feet south of Peckham Street, M. Conschafter (E. P. Smith, striking out Betsey Batten a s party de- at t h e Lafayette Theater tills week, Marcus Surrogate of Erie County, N 30x108 1.00 Severally subscribed and sworn t o by both deponents the 8th day of June, 1904, atty.) 44.70 fendant to action. Y., notice is hereby given to all persom will "be headed next week b y t w o of t h e before Martin Lipski, same, Wilson me. W . P. L U E D E K E . Notary Public. (Warren N. Resseguis In favor of In re the application of Charles W. cleverest having claims or demands against Joachcomedians in fcrlesque, Street, west side, 306.47 feet same (E, B. Smith, atty.) 3L7S [Seal of Notary.] Deck for an order discharging and can- Charles Robinson a n d Joe F l a d s . Othim Schroeder, late of the City of BufS4>uth of Sycamore Street, 30 Frank Klerdorf. Jr.. in favor of falo, in sold county, deceased, that they LOO celling certain judgments of record. Or- ers in t h e company include B p s i e Cliffeet front ... Henry M. Reinhardt ( E . B. der directing County Clerk t o canoct are required to exhibit t h e same w i t h Smith, atty.> 28.90 Charlotte S. Glenny t o James N. ford. A n o n a Comedy Four, Caprice R. Judgments. vouchers thereof to the undersigned, John Llppert In favor of Bank of Byers, Llnwood Avenue, west In re petition of George Schlttler and Lewis, B o y c e a n d Beeson, and Marie Sophia Heider, executrix, of the said deNorth Collins (E. F. Kruse, side. 229.15 feet front LOO one. Richmond, all of w h o m will b e seen infants, for leave to sell real estate. ceased, a t the office of her attorney, WilCharles Plechtnger to Christian Orler directing County Treasurer to pay In n e w burlesques and a n entire c h a n g e lard^V. Saperston, 703 Mutual Life Build8amuel S. Kennedy in favor of Momberger and one, Shumway over moneys. ing, ^uffalo, N. Y., on or before t h e 80tb May E. Henderson (J. W. Rusof bill. On Friday, June 1Mb, there Street, west side, 198.71 feet In re the application of Jeanette E . will be a special p e r f o r m a n c e at m i d day of November, 1904. sell, attv.) 77.S3 south of Batavia Street, 30 feet owner, and William Tremain, Dated the 24th day of May. 1904. Charles Q. Weiser in favor of front LOO Tremaln, night, w h e n returns of t h a i Jeffriescontractor for the withdrawal of certain SOPHIA HEIDER J. L Cohen 2699 John Meaners to George Cary, moneys from the Erie County Treasurer. Munroe fight will be r e c e i v e ! b y speExecutrix. John F. Meaner, George S. DonFront Avenue, southwest corOrder directing Ccunty Treasurer t o pay cial wire a n d read from t h e n g e . W I L L A R D W. SAPERSTON. Attorney aldson and Charles A. Gladwin ner, 140 feet northwest of Geormoneys. for Executrix. in favor of William F. McWAS I T SLICIDE OR MUstDERf gia Street, 35x100 LOO over Buffalo Loan Trust and Safe Deposit thurs.may26tnov.2l Carthy (Greenfield & Aiken, Edward Jordan to William H. Company vs. James B. Baynes et al. Refattys.) 8969 Burke. Lockwood Avenue, north T h e murder of Caesar ng, t h e eree's report of sale confirmed. Matilda M . . Fero in favor of side, 830 West South Park Avebookmaker, w h o w a s shot NOTICE TO CREDITORS. d in a In re sale of real property of Matilda Nellie I. Clark (Hotchkiss & nue, 30x109 .. 1.00 and Joseph Kaltenbach. Referee's report cab in N e w York City, w a s a ost s e n Bush, attys.) 1.002.11 Howard J. Ansteth t o Nellie S. Pursuant^to an order of Hon. Louis W. confirmed and guardian directed to con- satlonal one, a n d h a s create a furore Waldo P. Ram,<*deil In favor of Ansteth, Reese Street, west Marcus, Surrogate of Erie County, N. Y., tract. Charles E. Walbridge et al. of Interest because of t h e y mysside, 495 feet north of Bradley notice is hereby given to all persons hav(Mott, S.. R. & M.. attys.).... 48.31 Stephen Lockwood v s . Emily S. Ganterlous incidents connected h it. A Street, 26 feet front and v a r . . . . ing claims or demands against Belle R. LOO son. Joseph Luh In favor of Louis M. Judgment of foreclosure and sale life-size w a x figure of N a n August Neumann to George Marx Goiotnltzky, late of the City of Buffalo, tterson, Conschafter (E. B. Smith, atty.) 76.72 order. Frank Bret Sharne referee to sell. the suspected murderer, c a n ow be and one, northwest corner in said county, deceased, that they are i Henry F. Wex in favor of Henry John P. Koch, a s administrator, etc., Montgomery and James streets, required to exhibit the same with t h e seen at Dr. Linn's Museum, e doctor M. Reinhardt (E.B. Smith, atty.) 45.40 28.24x115 vouchers thereof to the undersigned, 1.00 vs. Andrew Koch et al. Order substi- h a v i n g a t great p a i n s secured • leorge Martzelf In favor of perfect tuting Baker & Schwartz a s attorneys for William R. Pooley, administrator of the Helena Kowalow t o Charles Henry G. Mtlier (E. B. Smith, likeness of her. T h e museu plaintiff. is open estate of the said deceased, a t the office Lohr, Krupp Avenue, east side, atty.) 46.lt In re the application of Constance dally from 9 a. m. to 10 p. Sundays of said administrator. No. 1008 D. S. Morsouth corner Ashley Street, 30 for leave to sell from 2 t o 10 p. m . There special gan Building, in the city of Buffalo, in feet front 1.00 Churchyard, infant, SATISFACTIONS OF JUDGMENTS. property. Order directing County Treas- m a t i n e e s for ladies only ( l a said county, on or before t h e 15th day Heirs of John Demmerly t o Bufa t t e n d urer to pay over certain moneys. of October, 1904. falo & Susquehanna Railway Itorris and Bridget Welch to Mary In re the application of Forbes F. ants) e v e r y F r i d a y from 1 t o o'clock, Delser, February 10. 1904 . . . . . . . . 112.76 Dated the 11th day of April. 1904. Co., Concord 1.00 Dougherty, T h e weekly gift of gold w a es c o n an infant, for permission to Kollen W. Rich to Charles B. WILLIAM R. POOLEY. MORTGAGES. sell certain real property. Order confirm- tinues. All w h o attend t h e mdfceum are Stoddard, May 3. 1904 713.71 Administrator. g l f e n a n excellent opportunipr of be ing report of special guardian. George W. Shepard to Edward SIMON FLEISCHMANN. CHARLES E. Andrew Lehner, ST., t o Sarah coming the possessor of o n e ; Etler. May 10. 1904 329.24 these DOANE, Attorneya for Administrator. Lehner, Locust, near Cherry MUNICIPAL COURT—The H o n . Otto valuable gifts. T h e awards a Crosstown Street Railway Commade in thur.apr.HtocJ Street 1,000.00 . pany Charles A. White,"June 6, W . V o l g e r a n d H o n . C l a r k H. H a m - t h e most open and approv* m a n n e r Rose Kirsch et al. to Charles D. , 1904 ... 116.66 m o n d , J u d g e s . J a n e H, 1904. possible. E v e r y visitor receiv a w a t c h NOTICE TO CREDITORS. Marshall, corner Seneca and I A. H. Morey Printing Company Michigan streets 600.00 Mary E. Henderson v s . Samuel A. Ken- coupon ticket free of chargi and John F. Strong to Bank Pursuant to an order of Hon. Louis W . nedy. Judgment for plaintiff for $77.83. George E. Laverack to Erie Counof Buffalo, satisfied as to A. H. Marcus, Surrogate of Erie County, N . Y.. ty State Bank, Washington The Third National Bank of Buffalo vs. Morey Printing Company only, notice is hereby given to all persons hav8treet 10.000.00 D. W. Henry. Judgment for plaintiff for May 9, 1904 18453 ing claims or demands against Margaret $71 45. John W. StolkranU to William William W. Peacock and George Miller, late of the city of Buffalo, i n Henry M Reinhardt vs. Henrv F . Wex. H. Burke, Lockwood near South Hill to William C. Humburvh. said, county, deceased, that they are rePark Avenue 660.00 Judgment for plantiff for $45.40. August 10. ls9« 1,302.10 quired to exhibit the same with t h e Mary Finley to Buffalo State Henrjf G. Mllier vs. Mra. Martzelf. Sarah M. and Frank E. Parr to vouchers thereof to the undersigned. E m Bank, Perry near Louisiana Judgment for plaintiff for $23.38. Niagara Bank, May 13, 1.198 . . . . 286.32 ma Milsap. the administratrix of the eaStreet 660.00 Same v s . George Ma?tze".f. Judgment tate of the said deceased, a t the office Fannie S. Curtlss t o executors of for plaintiff for $45.1?. CHATTELS. of the attorney for said administratrix, Robert P. Wilson, Richmond Louis M. Conschafter v s . Warren N. in the city of Buffalo, in said county, o n A. G. Sparling to D. L More .. 365.00 Avenue 1,600.00 Ressique. Judgment for plaintiff for or before the 15th day of November. William F. Young to i'rban MillFannie S. Curtlss to executor of $31.78. CAPILLO, Lucia, 64 y e | Erie 1904. —~*». > ing Company Emma P. Dunbar, Richmond 758.19 Same v s . Joseph Luh. Judgment for County Hospital, J u n e 7th. Dated the 7th day of May, 1904. New Process Plaster Company to Avenue .. ... 6,060.00 plaintiff for $76.72. Ernest C. Colter 1,500.00 Nettle M. Manson to Oliver 3 . Howell, Ellen, 77 years, N< 66 L e x EMMA MILSOP. Daniel Boasing vs. Mrs. Juleckl. JudgTo Amerlcin Credit Company: _ _ „ - - .-:-. *• * Administratrix. Bruce, Buffalo 600.00 ment for plaintiff for $16.93. lngton Avenue, June 8th. Marie N. Chapman, $55; L AnE. W. McINTYRE, Same to Frank E. Bransom, Zelland Furniture Co. vs. Albert Mona. H E L M , Elizabeth. 66 year No. 200 per and on*' .... 59.00 Attorney for Administratrix. I-^roy Avenue, n e a - Main Judgment for plaintiff for $66.15. Johnson Street, June 7th. William J. Bralnard t o Edward 49 Niagara Street. Buffalo. N. Y. Street 800.00 V. Gangloff and one — 300.00 KAZMIERCZAK, Infant, fSo. '242 Donowick to Margarctha mayl2t.nov3.thura ERIE COUNTY SURROGATE'S Minnie Seeger to A. t>utch & Co. 71.26 Hugh Vogt, West Seneca Street 3,860.00 COURT—The H o n . L o u i s W . M a r c u s , Leopere Street, June 7th. Holsa J. Smith to Emanuel PapMOTICE TO CREDITORS. N. Byers* to Charlotte 8. P I C K E R I N G , George, 4 y e | s. N o . 53 pas and one 1.500.00 James S u r r o g a t e . Jnme 8 , 1 9 0 4 . Glenny, Llnwood Avenue . . . . . . . 7. 0 CO. O O K e t c h u m Place, June 7th. To New Century Loan Company: Thomas Lothrop. Judicial settlement. Pursuant to an order of Hon. Louis W . Hennlng to Louis N. A. Spang and one, $173; Amsden. 200.00 Frederick Jacob Stern for executors; William H. Marcus, Surrogate of Erie County. N . Y „ Voisinet, Heath, near Bruce Bertha Meahl to Charles V. STANDARD. notice Is hereby given to all persons havStreet 1,50000 Jones for next of kin. Proceedings held Meahl. ren. . . . . . . ........... 700.00 Do you know all that that wofd. "Staning claims or demands against Sarah Fergenerally. George W. Ward t o Daniel R. To American Credit Company: dard, ' implies when used In •pnnection guson, late of the City of Buffalo, In said Margaret Snyder. Judicial settlement. Stratton. Depew 600.00 Mary Coonly, ren. .. . . . . . . . BOO a railroad? Do you k n a r that it county, deceased, that they are required Fred Bagley for petitioner. H. D. Blakes- with Sarah E. Peters to Elisabeth Berthe very best of e v e r y p i n g from to exhibit the same with the vouchers lee appointed special guardian. Accounts means DEEDS. ry, Mendola Street, near Wyomthe headlight of the engine t§ the red thereof to t h e undersigned, Carleton H. passed a s filed. Decree granted. . ing Avenue 636.62 behind; that it means conaort,speed. White, the executor of the last will a n d Fannie ©. Gatley to John MeanBelle Zalatnelsky. Show cause. Same lamp George C. Keller et al. to William safety and punctuality, and thai the only testament of the said deceased, at Room er*, Sixth Street, southwest side, appearances. Adjourned to June 9th. Bell, Genesee, near Strauss road which can really live up # the true No. 7. In the Erie County Savings Bank 140 feet north of Georgia Street, Michael Clinton. Probate of will. Same meaning of this word, "StandaM," is the Street 8,060.00 Building, in the City of Buffalo, in said 36x100 1.00 George Marx to August Neumann, appearances. Adjourned to June 14th. Lake Shore Railway? See to it. therefore, county, on or before the 10th day of N o John Lipski to Ernstyna IJpska. Elizabeth Zuioff. Transfer tax. Stern & that your tickets to the St. L o p s Exposicorner Montgomery and James vember. 1904. Wilson Street. we«rt sid^. 306.7 Frye for respondents. Proceedings held tion read. "Via the Lake S h p e . " For Street . 800.00 feet south of Sycamore Street, Dated the 3d day of May, 1904. generally. book of particulars address JMW. Daly, No matter who has failed, a CURB Is GUARANTEED IN M. Smith to Courtney E . 20 feet front 1.0© Charles Chester Moore. Contest of will. Frank G. E. A.. Buffalo, N . Y. tlprs.t.dec.1. CARLETON H. W H I T E , •very case, or NO PAY, by that eminent specialist. Haxelton, York Street, near George H. M. Collier to Florence Sldway for petitioners. Morey, Bosley & Executor. Richmond Avenue ... 600.00 W. Barrett. Walnut Street, west MYRON M. L U D I / 3 W , JR.. Morey for Caroline D. Moore, widow conFrancistek Slkorski to Franciss* CHEAP EXCURSIOl side, 80 feet north of Sycamore Attorney for Executor. testant. Simon Flelschmann for Lulu 20 years' continuous success. In treating Private. Nervous. ka Weifcek. Mills, near SycaTho place—New York City. Street. 30 feet front 1.00 Chronic. Blood. Skin and Wasting Diseases of Men. Weakness mayStoOct27Thura more Streets ............... 600.00 Bergtold. Adjourned to June 9th for trial. The rate—19.00 round trip. Henrr T. Bavnes to Simon E. LeyMargaret Thompson. Inquiry proceedfrom Youthful Errors or Later Excesses. Night Emissions, StricThe route-Lehigh Valley R.] land, Trvon Place, west side, MECHANICS* L I E S S . MOTICE TO CREDITORS. ings. Frank E. Wade for petitioner; ture, Varicocele and Blood Poison. The date—June 23d. 6 1-4 feet north of Delavan Ave., Robert F. Schelling for respondent. Ad90 feet front 1.00 Margaret and Louis Dieboldt and The limit—Fifteen days. Call m WritstarBook P P H P Separata Boom for Bach P U R S U A N T to a n order of Hon. Louis journed to June 9th, 2 p. m. P u y tickets—369 Main SL Charles L. Gurney. owners; Daniel O'Leary to James J. CorConfidential Consultation • «ra> - f c patent. HEN ONLY. W. Marcus, Surrogate of Erie County, Julia Blumenberg. Show cause. Joseph Both telephones. coran, Van Rensselaer Street, 2t22 Louis Dieboldt. contractorN. Y., Notice Is hereby given to all per485 MAIN STREET, sons east side, SO feet south of Roose235.00 P. Shattner for petitioner; William B . George Danner, Buffalo having claims or demands against Frye for executor. Citation issued for velt Street. 31x115 . . . . 1.00 Same—same, Buffalo ONTARIO BI?ACH. Buffalo, N. Y. 235.00 accounting. Proceeding consolidated. AdNellie B. Millar, also known a s Ellen I. Excursions every Sunday by rew York Cloys N. Hurd to George Sheflin, O w Metropolitan Bank. Miller, late of the City of Buffalo, in said journed t o June 28th, return day of cita- Central. ASSIGNMENT OF MORTGAGES. Evans 1.00 Trains at 8:10 a. m. 10 a. m. county, deceased, that they are required tion. Particulars at No. 377 Main Charles Moulter to Isaac A. Aidand E x to exhibit the same with the vouchers Mary F. Linen to Florence Case.. 3,000.00 Frances M. C. Hubbell. Judicial settle- change Street Station. rich. Ferry Street, south side, thereof to the undersigned, Frank F. Glor, Fidelity Trust Company to Jacob ment. Rogers, Locke A Babcock for e x JPJ&eet west of Delaware Ave., June 2t5. 8tl2, 16U9, 22t 29tjuly3 the Administrator o r the estate of tho Dold . . . . ecutors; John C. Hubbell for Frances E. V r f t e t front 1.06 Receiver of City National Bank said deceased, a t t h e office of t h e said Hubbell. Accounts passed a s filed. D e - LOW SUNDAY EXCURSI_ Turnpike Land Company to Hugh RATES Administrator, No. 102 Chandler Street. to John C. Grezinger 1,760.00 cree granted. Donowlck. West Seneca 100 00 Jane VIA LAKE-SHORE RAI AY. In the City of Buffalo, in said county, o a T. Harie. by trustees, to U laaraaaBfr mrmttcmte* from f fee ay ate at by m*y •rfgfaaJ •>«'**4 D R . Hascal L Taylor. Judicial settlement. SSxecutors of Robert P. Wilson to Every Sunday during t h e Ing and or before the 12th day of September, 1904. George E. Waldo and one , 1.00 "t*utFt*\tB«tr'*tm*mt. wttbowt r*« • • • 0 / mercury.pmtmik a r Albert E. Jones for Rogers, Locke A Bab- summer the Lake Shore Rail Fannie 8. Curtlss. Richmond will sell IriVaie. Vmm a r i i a r l w a ' to ooasait mm ft— of, «Mmrg* «Jtfeer by* M. Luther to Jenett G. Dated the 27th day of February, 1904. LINN clock for executors; Clinton & Thomas Avenue, south side. 50 feet front 1.00 William tickets at rate of one fare * • he round Luther 800.00 for heirs contesting account Adjourned F R A N K F. GLOR. mm T trip between points to whlchjt>assenger **VK7i\l 'TWt WOmtn»aACKHOWLBDOKDjBPECi Executors of George M. Pierce to Administrator. to June 9th. can go and return same day. p r y Ticket Mahala E. Henn 1.650.00 MENAN0W0ME1. Joseph Bloch to Ccnrad Schaefer. 132.82 William F. O'Rourke. Judicial settle- Office, corner Main and Eagle streets, _,;,t mch3thurs t aug 25 " — ma ment. Lincoln Groat for administrator; and Exchange Street Station. | ma-13-tf CM Big « for aaaaiaial Trust Company to Amos «h*ch*rst,h>n>Mi»tlo«s, Fidelity W. B . Houpt for M. Carllns, claimant; There will be an examination of candi1 I H l l J A LIST iu Prfvac*. Nrrvou* mm4 Cferoai* W. Morgan 1.00 lrrtuttoBi or «lo*r»Uoa« Amos W. Morgan to William H. B. G. O'Day for James Ersklne. AdI INN Dfrmtea. . • MAIS STKF.ET. COKNESI dates for positions in the Buffalo Public $9.00 BUFFALO TO N E W YOfcK AND icon • Llllllt tiOMTU *IVISIOX.. BVrfALO, >• aV* Library, held a t the Central High School, RETURN Hotchkiss . . . . . . . . 7.000.00 journed to June 16th. Thursday. June 30th, beginning at nine Gustave Renger. Probate of will. Via the I*high Valley Railroad* the great DISCHARGES OF MORTGAGES. o'clock. Candidates must be between tna Charles W. Renger. petitioner, in person. scenic highway, June 23d. T i p e t s good ages of seventeen and thirty-five, a n d Statement from Henry C. Renger filed 13 days and accepted for passage on ail Charles Faxler t o Joseph P. Schattler. withdrawing _ _ ^ ^ ^his ^ ^ objections ^ ^ _ ^ ^ ^ to ^ _ account trains. Secure Pullman reservations In should have a High School education, or its equivalent. Application blanks can ba August, 1603. _ I proofs compete. Decree granted, advaaca a t city ticket offloa, I P Main S t W ^ w b ^ B i t o w a l d 60 Heart W . * * . | j K H a O i ^ M l w r . ^ . l h O ' Both 'phonat. • a * 6 « Y > * » " * l October. iOL »tttttdnar;^WlUttinj^ • Juno s-u-16-aO-a. COURT CALENDAR BANK OF BUFFALO (.236 MAIN STREET, Capital and Surplus $ 1 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 . 0 0 One Hundred and Twenty-Fifth Quarterly Report, June 6, 1904 This Weel and Ntxt Ghe Theat ivfl: r Which Pays 3i Per Cl. Interest on Savings Accounts i QUARTERLY REPORT at tke I Buffalo IS PROUD OF ITS Large and Growing Industries IN ITS LINE AND CLASS TODAY'S DEATH LIST IN BUFI BECK'S IS AMONG THE LEADERS. Brewers and Bottlers of Beer. Men! Hope at Last! Hewlin Medical Co. S*. BLOOD POISON M READ THE BUFFALO DAILY COURIER. yJfWm Untitled Document Thomas M. Tryniski 309 South 4th Street Fulton New York 13069 www.fultonhistory.com lam^iS.feary>Md ^ * "A
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