Dynamics of Haptic and Teleoperation Systems Jee-Hwan Ryu School of Mechanical Engineering Korea University of Technology and Education Teleoperation System Overview xm fm fs xs Dynamic Model of Teleoperation Systems 1. Mechanical Model 2. Mechanical and Electrical Analogy 3. Electrical Model 4. Understanding of the behavior of Teleoperation Systems One-DOF Schematic Diagram Operator f op bm fm k op bop Slave Master bs fs ke ms mm m op Environment τm τs xm me be xs The dynamics of the master arm and slave arm is given by the following equations Master : mm &x&m + bm x&m = τ m + f m Slave : ms &x&s + bs x& s = τ s − f s Definition of Parameters Master : mm &x&m + bm x&m = τ m + f m Slave : ms &x&s + bs x& s = τ s − f s xs : displacement of master arm xs : displacement of slave arm mm : mass coefficient of the master arm bm : viscous coefficient of the master arm ms : mass coefficient of the slave arm bs : viscous coefficient of the slave arm f m : force that the operator applies to the master arm f s : force that the slave arm applies to the environment τ m : actuator driving forces of master τ s : actuator driving forces of slave Dynamics of the Environment The dynamics of the environment interacting with the slave arm is modeled by the following linear system: f s = me &x&s + be x& s + k e x s where me : mass coefficient of the environment be : damping coefficient of the environment ke : stiffness coefficient of the environment The displacement of the object is represented by x s because the slave arm is assumed to be rigidly attached with the environments or slave arm firmly grasping the environments, in such a way that it may not depart from the object, once the slave arm contact the environments. Dynamics of the Operator It is also assumed that the dynamics of the operator can be approximately represented as a simple spring-damper-mass system f op − f m = m op &x&m + bop x& m + k op x m where mop : mass coefficient of the operator bop : damping coefficient of the operator kop : stiffness coefficient of the operator f op : force generated by the operator’s muscles The displacement of the operator is represented by x m because it is assumed that the operator is firmly grasping the master arm and operator never releases the master arm during the operation. Master/Operator Cooperative System f op mop s + bop s + kop 2 xm − fm 1 mm s 2 + bm s + + τm + Slave/Environment Cooperative System me s 2 + be s + ke xs fs − 1 ms s 2 + bs s + Total System f op mop s 2 + bop s + kop xm − fm 1 mm s 2 + bm s + + τm + me s 2 + be s + ke xs fs 1 2 ms s + bs s τs − τs + Let’s Do This • • Simulate dynamics behavior How to make stable simulation ? “Y. Yokokohji and T. Yoshikawa, “Bilateral Control of Master-slave Manipulators for Ideal Kinesthetic CouplingFormulation and Experiment,” IEEE Trans. Robotics and Automation, Vol. 10, No. 5, pp. 605-620, 1994.” Constitutive Relation The environment defines a “constitutive relation,” a relation between force and position or one of its derivatives. Examples: Spring F Damper F K Inertia B x F M x& &x& Electrical Analogy These relations for mechanical systems are directly analogous to similar relations for electrical systems Capacitor V Resistor V Inductor V 1/C R ∫ idt L i Force Velocity Voltage (effort) Current (flow) Example 1 Convert an environment defined by the mechanical system F = m&x& + bx& + kx to the equivalent electrical circuit. We can make the substitutions V ↔ F , i ↔ x& giving V =m t di + bi + k ∫ idt 0 dt The parameters m, b, k correspond to the electrical parameters m ↔ L, b ↔ R , k ↔ 1 C di dt Example 1 k F F = m&x& + bx& + kx m b L R V V =m t di + bi + k ∫ idt 0 dt C Mechanical to Electrical and vice versa Consider two equations which correspond physical laws: ∑ F = 0, Point mass ∑ x& = 0, mechanical loop The analogous electrical laws are ∑V = 0, electrical loop ∑ i = 0, circuit node We MUST equate a point mass with an electrical loop and circuit node with a mechanical loop. In other words, we must map series mechanical connections to parallel electrical ones and vice versa. Example 2 Convert the following mechanical system to an equivalent electrical network: x1 x2 k F M1 M2 b 1) point mass = electrical loop Example 2 2) A force generator is connected to the first mass. Thus we insert a voltage source in the first loop: Vf 3) M1, M2 correspond to inductors. Each inductor should have a current which corresponds to the correct velocity therefore: L1 Vf L2 Example 2 4) b,k, are connected to both masses. The velocity/position which determines their forces is the difference between the two masses’ velocities. They thus correspond to resistance and capacitance connected into the common branch of the two loops since x&2 − x&1 → i2 − i1 L2 L1 Vf R C where R=b, and C=1/K Example 3: Contact • Discontinuous contact is harder to model, but more important since contact always begins with and impact between the robot and environment. Consider a robot which is predominantly an inertia. Contact with a rigid wall could be modeled by a switch: Robot i1 open : Contact → i1 = 0 closed : free motion → i1 ≠ 0 Example 3: Contact or, for a non-rigid environment: LE Robot i1 RE Environment CE The switch can be controlled by the position: ∫ i (t )dt t 0 1 Electrical Conversion Z op Contact point = Circuit port Zm Two-port Network Operator f op k op fs ke ms mm m op Environment bs bm fm bop Slave Master me τs τm xm be xs Teleoperation system have two-contact point Thus, two-circuit port Operator Im Z op Vop 2-port Network + Vm Is Environment + Zm Zs - Vs Ze - Correspondence btw. Mech. Elec. velocity of the master arm x& m ↔ current Im velocity of the slave arm − x& s ↔ ↔ current Is ↔ ↔ voltage Vm operator’s force f op force at the master side fm force at the slave side fs voltage Vop voltage Vs Two-port Mapping The relationship between efforts and flows is commonly described in terms of an immittance matrix (P). Immittance mapping : y = Pu Admittance matrix Impedance matrix ⎡ f m ⎤ ⎡ z11 ⎢ f ⎥ = ⎢z ⎣ s ⎦ ⎣ 21 z12 ⎤ ⎡ v m ⎤ z 22 ⎥⎦ ⎢⎣− v s ⎥⎦ y12 ⎤ ⎡ f m ⎤ y 22 ⎥⎦ ⎢⎣ f s ⎥⎦ Alternate hybrid matrix Hybrid matrix ⎡ f m ⎤ ⎡ h11 ⎢− v ⎥ = ⎢h ⎣ s ⎦ ⎣ 21 ⎡ v m ⎤ ⎡ y11 ⎢− v ⎥ = ⎢ y ⎣ s ⎦ ⎣ 21 h12 ⎤ ⎡v m ⎤ h22 ⎥⎦ ⎢⎣ f s ⎥⎦ ⎡v m ⎤ ⎡ g11 ⎢ f ⎥ = ⎢g ⎣ s ⎦ ⎣ 21 g12 ⎤ ⎡ f m ⎤ g 22 ⎥⎦ ⎢⎣− v s ⎥⎦ All of the immittane mapping satisfy the following condition y T u = f m vm − f s vs Hybrid Parameter Interpretation h11 = h12 = h21 = h22 = Vm Im Vm Vs Is Im Is Vs ⇔ Vs = 0 ⇔ I s =0 ⇔ Vs = 0 ⇔ I m =0 fm vm ⇔ Free motion input impedance ⇔ Force feedback gain λ f ⇔ Forward velocity gain − λ p ⇔ Output admittance w/ clamped input f s =0 fm fs vs vm vs fs vs = 0 f s =0 vm = 0 λf ⎤ ⎡ Z In H =⎢ ⎥ − λ Z 1 / Out ⎦ ⎣ p Dynamic Model of Haptic Interfaces 1. Mechanical Model 2. Electrical Model 3. Discrete Model with ZOH Haptic Interaction System Overview 3D Graphics Processor 60Hz Virtual Environment or Model Mechanism Haptics Processor 1000 Hz Power Converter Mechanical and Electrical Model Operator f op Master bm fm k op mm m op bop Virtual Environment τm xm − vs vm Human Operator + fm − Haptic Interface Mechanical Model mv&a + bva = f h − f a , va = vh ⎡ f h ⎤ ⎡ms + b 1⎤ ⎡ vh ⎤ ⎢− v ⎥ = ⎢ − 1 0⎥⎦ ⎢⎣ f a ⎥⎦ ⎣ a⎦ ⎣ + fs − Virtual Environment Discrete Model with ZOH Z d (z ) = (ms + b ) s → 2 ⎛⎜ z −1 ⎞⎟ T ⎝ z +1 ⎠ ZOH ( z ) = 1 ( z + 1) 2 z ⎡ f h ⎤ ⎡ Z d ( z ) ZOH ( z )⎤ ⎡ vh ⎤ ⎢− v ∗ ⎥ = ⎢ − 1 ⎥⎢ f ∗ ⎥ 0 ⎦⎣ c ⎦ ⎣ c⎦ ⎣
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