Journal of Computational Information Systems 10: 23 (2014) 10293–10305 Available at Path Length and Trust Quality-based Trust Aggregation with Intuitionistic Fuzzy Set Jun XU 1,2,∗, 1 College Yuansheng ZHONG 1 of Information Technology, Jiangxi University of Finance and Economics, Nanchang 330013, China 2 Modern Economics & Management College of JXUFE, Nanchang 330013, China Abstract In social networks, users may find increasing challenges in estimating trust scores for users that do not directly connect each other. In this paper, firstly, since trust is subjective in nature and intuitionistic fuzzy sets (IFSs) are most suited for capturing subjective, we represent trust score by IFSs and study IFSs-based trust aggregated approaches. Then, based on length and trust quality of path, we propose several hybrid path weight incorporating aggregation strategies. The experiments demonstrate that the proposed aggregators can effectively improve prediction accuracy. Keywords: Path Length; Trust Quality; Trust Aggregation; Intuitionistic Fuzzy Sets (IFS); Social Networks 1 Introduction With the ever-increasingly web technology, online social networks have become main stream application, in which people can share information and interact with each other, such as MySpace and Facebook. However, the success of the online interactions depends on trust that members have with each other as well as with the service provider. Therefore, trust is an important element in online social networks [1]. Social networks in which the entities can express their trust or distrust statements in each other are called trust networks. Trust networks, used to measure trust relationships between members (called entities in this context) have been studied in many literatures. In this paper, we pay attention to the trust evaluation between entities which don’t know each other. Currently, few of trust metrics have been developed in literature for this problem. Roughly, they may be divided into two categories, which are briefly reviewed in the following, respectively. The first type is global trust metrics [2]. It computes a trust score that approximates how much the graph as a whole build a global trust value for the specific user. Kamvar et al. [3] presented a distributed and secure method to compute global trust value for a peer by calculating the left ∗ Corresponding author. Email address: [email protected] (Jun XU). 1553–9105 / Copyright © 2014 Binary Information Press DOI: 10.12733/jcis12662 December 1, 2014 10294 J. Xu et al. /Journal of Computational Information Systems 10: 23 (2014) 10293–10305 principal eigenvector of a matrix of normalized local trust values. Aberer et al. [4] developed an approach that addresses the problem of reputation-based trust management at both the data management and semantic level, and assess trust by computing an agent reputation from its former interactions with other agents. Suryanarayana et al. [5] model a P2P network as a directed graph. They use the trust inference in the direct graph to infer indirect remote trust. Zhou and Wang et al. [6] proposed a gossip-based reputation system (Gossip Trust) for fast aggregation of global reputation scores. The second type is local trust metrics [2]. It considers the personalized webs of trust, represented as node to node relationship. It calculates trust score between a source node and a destination by trust propagation rule. Golbeck [7] combined TidalTrust algorithm to consider the shortest and strongest trust paths. Though this method decrease the time complexity of the algorithm but it may negatively impact the coverage of the trust metrics. Avesani et al. [8] implemented MoleTrust algorithm to be used in Molesking application. The Moletrust trust metric considers those users who are at a distance not more than the trust propagation horizon. Wierzowiecki and Wierzbicki [9] presented CloseLook algorithm which is based on the principle of limiting the amount of computation by selecting the best paths to propagate trust, and by stopping the trust propagation using scope parameters that can limit the number of considered nodes. Tao et al. [10] proposed a subjective trust model based on cloud model which can deal with uncertainty of information in open networks. Chakraborty and karform [11] integrated the path length and decay of direct trust values along the trust path into trust propagation algorithms based on simple multiplicative strategy. The aforementioned two types of methods seem to be effective for modeling trust. However, they have two main disadvantages that the most of the methods seldom considered vagueness and uncertainty of trust, and path quality. In the case of vagueness and uncertainty of trust, victor et al. [12] and Josang et al. [13] who built trust model by using the bi-lattice and probabilistic approach, respectively. Especially recently, verbiest [14] introduce and evaluate several path length incorporating aggregation strategies. The simulation experiments demonstrate that using path length weights improve the aggregation result. Currently, none of them takes into account the quality of the paths. In this paper, we propose a new trust model based on intuitionistic fuzzy set (IFS) [15], which is a generalization of the concept of fuzzy set [16] whose basic component is only a membership function. The IFS may describe imprecise information more abundant and flexible than the fuzzy set. Moreover, as the quality of path gets poor or path gets longer, it may be deemed to be less trustworthy. Therefore, we introduce path length and quality into trust aggregation strategy. And test the usefulness of the strategy on the Advogato dataset. The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 recalls preliminaries and introduces necessary concepts on trust metrics. In Section 3, we present several path weight-based trust aggregation operators. In Section 4, we introduce calculating method of path length weight and path quality weight, while the trust degree of agents is computed using SNA in Section 5. We evaluate the performance of our proposed method on the basis of a data set from Advogato in Section 6. Finally, we conclude in Section 7. 2 Preliminaries According to the proposal in [17], we treat a trust network as a directed graph with the entities J. Xu et al. /Journal of Computational Information Systems 10: 23 (2014) 10293–10305 10295 as nodes, and the trust relationships as edges. 2.1 Intuitionistic fuzzy set Definition 1 [15] Let X be a universe of discourse. An IFS over X is an expression given by A = {< x, uA (x), vA (x) > |x ∈ X}, in which uA : X → [0, 1], vA : X → [0, 1] with the condition 0 ≤ uA (x) + vA (x) ≤ 1 for all x ∈ X. uA (x) and vA (x) denote the membership degree and the non-membership degree of the element x ∈ A, respectively. We call πA (x) = 1 − uA (x) − vA (x) the degree of hesitation (or uncertainty) of element x to A. According to the study in [18], for an IFS A = {< uA (x), vA (x) > |x ∈ X}, the couples < uA (x), vA (x) > is called an intuitionistic fuzzy number (IFN). For convenience, we denote an IFN by < u, v >, where 0 ≤ u ≤ 1, 0 ≤ v ≤ 1 and u + v ≤ 1. Let T be the set of all the IFNs. 2.2 Possibility degree Possibility degree of two intuitionistic fuzzy numbers (IFNs) not only reflects the comparison of two IFNs, but also reflects the degree of one is larger than another. We extend the possibility degree method of interval valued numbers to IFNs and define a possibility degree expression to compare two IFNs. Definition 2 Let α1 =< µ1 , v1 >, α2 =< µ2 , v2 > be two IFNs, the possibility degree of two IFNs can be denoted as follows. { { } } 1 − v2 − µ1 p(α1 ≻ α2 ) = max 1 − max ,0 (1) π1 + π2 where π1 and π2 are hesitation degree of α1 and α2 , respectively. 2.3 Lattice-based approach Definition 3 (Trust network) A trust network is a pair (A, R) in which A is the set of entities and R is a function A × A → [0, 1]2 = T . For each couple (x, y) of entities in A, trust score R(x, y) = T . In this paper, as showed in [17], we represent trust score between entities as an IFN < u, v >→ [0, 1]2 = T , in which u corresponds to a trust degree, v to a distrust degree, and π = 1 − u − v to hesitation degree. According to the define in [19], the trust score space is embedded in a lattice L∗ = {< u, v >∈ [0, 1]2 |u + v ≤ 1} < u1 , v1 >≤L∗ < u2 , v2 >⇔ u1 ≤ u2 and v1 ≥ v2 . The trust scores <1, 0> and <0, 1> are respectively the biggest and the smallest value of L∗ , corresponding to full trust and full distrust. For additional details, we refer to [17]. 10296 2.4 J. Xu et al. /Journal of Computational Information Systems 10: 23 (2014) 10293–10305 Trust metrics In a trust network (A, R), assume two connected agents x ∈ A and y ∈ A, but not directly. However, two such agents may indirectly be connected to each other through a path in the network. In order to calculate the trust score of x in y, usually including the trust metrics propagation and aggregation. 2.4.1 Trust propagation Despite trust is not perfectly transitive, it can be propagated between users [1]. Consider a trust path p in a trust network as (x, z1 , · · · , zm−1 , y) where z1 , · · · , zm−1 are the agents between agents x and y, such that α1 =< u1 , v1 > is the direct trust score of x in z1 , αi =< ui , vi > is the direct trust score of zi−1 in zi for all i ∈ 1, · · · , m − 2 and αm =< um , vm > is the direct trust score of zm−1 in y. We can then estimate a trust score along the path (x, z1 , · · · , zm−1 , y) from x to y. The iterative multiplication strategy for trust propagation is discussed in [20]. In this section, we define the propagation operator by P rop(x, z1 , · · · , zm−1 , y) = α1 ⊗ α2 ⊗ · · · ⊗ αm−1 ⊗ αm (2) for all < u1 , v1 > and < um , vm > in L∗ . According to multiplication algorithm of IFS [21], Eq. (2) can be rewritten as follows: Pr op(x, z1 , · · · , zm−1 , y) =< m ∏ ui , 1 − i=1 2.4.2 m ∏ (1 − vi ) > (3) i=1 Trust aggregation When there are several paths linking two agents, each path has its own trust score. We need to integrate the information provided by each of those paths. Consider n paths linking agents x and y, qi =< ui , vi > (i = 1, 2, · · · , n) be the trust score, created by the i-th path. Victor et al. [12] defined basic trust aggregators motivated by a set of boundary conditions. Inspired by this work, the trust aggregators are defined as follows: Definition 4 (TMAX). The trust degree maximizing trust aggregator TMAX is defined as T M AX(x, y) =< max(u1 , · · · un ), max(u1 + v1 , · · · un + vn ) − max(u1 , · · · un ) > (4) Definition 5 (DMAX). The distrust degree maximizing trust aggregator DMAX is defined as DM AX(x, y) =< max(u1 + v1 , · · · un + vn ) − max(v1 , · · · vn ), max(v1 , · · · vn ) > (5) Definition 6 (HMAX). The hesitation degree maximizing trust aggregator HMAX is defined as HM AX(x, y) =< min(u1 , · · · un ), min(v1 , · · · vn ) > (6) Definition 7 (TSMAX). The trust score maximizing trust aggregator TSMAX is defined as T SM AX(x, y) =< max(u1 , · · · un ), min(v1 , · · · vn ) > Obviously, these results of trust aggregators are also IFNs. (7) J. Xu et al. /Journal of Computational Information Systems 10: 23 (2014) 10293–10305 3 10297 Advanced Trust Aggregation Operators Since the above trust aggregators are too extreme, they are not very comprehensive. In some cases, users might care more about some reliable trust scores because they aggregated along more trusted or shorter paths. In this section, we propose three families of aggregation operators such as the path weighted averaging (PWA) operator, the ordered weighted averaging (OWA) operator and the induced OWA (IOWA) operator. 3.1 PWA operators for trust scores Definition 8 Let qi =< ui , vi > (i = 1, 2, · · · , n) be a collection of trust scores, obtained by propagating n paths linking agents x and y, and let P W A : (L∗ )n → L∗ . If P W A(x, y) = w1 q1 ⊕ w2 q2 ⊕ · · · ⊕ wn qn (8) then the function PWA is called path weighted averaging (PWA) operator, where Wp = (w1 , w2 , · · · , wn ) is the path ∑ weight vector based on length and quality of path, such that ∀i ∈ {1, 2, · · · , n}, wi ∈ [0, 1] and ni=1 wi = 1. The computation of weight can refer to the expression (12). According to addition algorithm of IFS [21], Eq. (8) can be rewritten as follows: P W A(x, y) =< 1 − n ∏ (1 − ui ) , i=1 3.2 wi n ∏ viwi > (9) i=1 OWA operators for trust scores Definition 9 Let qi =< ui , vi > (i = 1, 2, · · · , n) be a collection of trust scores, obtained by propagating n paths linking agents x and y. An ordered weighted averaging operator of dimension n is a mapping ∑ OW A : (L∗ )n → L∗ , such that w = (w1 , w2 , · · · , wn )T , with wi ∈ [0, 1](i = 1, 2, · · · , n) and ni=1 wi = 1, and OW A(x, y) = w1 qσ(1) ⊕ w2 qσ(2) ⊕ · · · ⊕ wn qσ(n) (10) where qσ(i) is the i-th largest of the qi . w = (w1 , w2 , · · · , wn )T can be determined by the normal distribution based method [23]. It can relieve the influence of unfair arguments on the decision results by weighting these arguments with small values. 3.3 IOWA operators for trust scores Another strategy to incorporate path weight is use IOWA operators [24], which is an extension of the OWA operator. The main difference is that the reordering step of the IOWA is not according to their values but rather using order-inducing variables. Inspired by this work, we can define the path weight incorporating aggregator P IOW A as follows: Definition 10 Let qi =< ui , vi > (i = 1, 2, · · · , n) be a collection of trust scores, obtained by propagating n paths linking agents x and y. An induced ordered weighted averaging operator 10298 J. Xu et al. /Journal of Computational Information Systems 10: 23 (2014) 10293–10305 of dimension n is a mapping ∑ P IOW A : (L∗ )n → L∗ , such that w = (w1 , w2 , · · · , wn )T , with wi ∈ [0, 1](i = 1, 2, · · · , n) and ni=1 wi = 1, and P IOW A(x, y) = w1 b1 ⊕ w2 b2 ⊕ · · · ⊕ wn bn (11) where bi is the qi value of the OWA pair < ui , qi > having the ith largest ui , and ui in < ui , qi > is referred to as the order inducing variable according to path weight and qi as the argument variable. 4 Path Weight In order to address the refinement of trust aggregator, we propose the hybrid path weights, which combine path length weights and path quality weights between two agents. Path length weight is derived from the inverse of length by adopting Verbiest and Victor’s [14] computation method. Path quality weight is measured according to the trust degree of each path between two agents. Generally speaking, it is difficult to decide automatically the weights of path length and quality. Some special situations should be considered, for example, there is only path length or path quality, so the final weight is defined in as follow: W l i × W qi W l ̸= ∅, W q ̸= ∅ W li + W q i W l ̸= ∅, W q = ∅ W p i = W li (12) W qi W l = ∅, W q ̸= ∅ 1/n W l = ∅, W q = ∅ in which W li ∈ [0, 1] is the path length weight. W qi ∈ [0, 1] returns the quality of a path. These details will be discussed in the next section. In Eq. (12), four cases are discussed. From both path length and path quality perspectives, the trust aggregation is derived not only by the opinion of length decay, but also by those of the path reliability. Therefore, the PWA operator reduces to a path hybrid weighted averaging (PHWA) operator: P HW A(x, y) = wp1 q1 ⊕ wp2 q2 ⊕ · · · ⊕ wpn qn where wpi = (13) W li ×W qi . W li +W qi In the same way, the PIOWA operator reduces to a path hybrid ordered weighted averaging operator (PH-IOWA). When only path length weight exists, the final weight is equal path length weight. The PWA operator reduces to a path length weighted averaging (PLWA) operator: P LW A(x, y) = wl1 q1 ⊕ wl2 q2 ⊕ · · · ⊕ wln qn . (14) When only path quality weight exists, the final weight is equal path quality weight. The PWA operator reduces to a path quality weighted averaging (PQWA) operator: P QW A(x, y) = wq1 q1 ⊕ wq2 q2 ⊕ · · · ⊕ wqn qn . (15) Similarly, the PIOWA operator reduces to a path quality ordered weighted averaging operator (PQ-IOWA). J. Xu et al. /Journal of Computational Information Systems 10: 23 (2014) 10293–10305 10299 When both path length and path quality weight do not exist, which means each path linking agents x and y is equally important. The PWA operator reduces to an average (AV) operator: 1 AV (x, y) = (q1 ⊕ q2 ⊕ · · · ⊕ qn ). (16) n 4.1 Factor based on path length In social network, people tend to trust others with shorter paths. As shown in [14], there was a negative correlation between trust score and path length; the more close two agents were, the greater the trust score between them. Consider n paths linking agents x and y, we call pi (i = 1, 2, · · · , n) the path length of the i-th path. We define path length weight as: λ λ + pi − 1 wli = n (i = 1, 2, · · · , n) ∑ λ λ + pi − 1 i=1 (17) where λ denotes the decay factors and is used to control the decay speed. Intermediate agents A S B T C Source agent Target agent D Fig. 1: Social network 4.2 Factor based on path quality Since several paths may exist between two nonadjacent agents, such as the path S → C → T and S → A → B → T in Fig. 1. The source agent can evaluate the trustworthiness of the target agent based on the trust information between the intermediate agents along the path [1]. In general, intermediate agents along the path which have higher trust degree can give more trustworthiness to the target agent. Therefore, we propose a new concept, Path Trust Quality (PTQ) as follows. Definition 11 Path Trust Quality (PTQ) is the ability to guarantee a certain level of trustworthiness in trust propagation along a path, taking average trust degree of intermediate agents along a path as attribute. Consider a trust path pi (i = 1, · · · , n) in a trust network have t intermediate agents z1 , · · · , zt (zj ∈ E) between agents x and y, the PTQ weight is calculated as in Eq. (18), 1∑ T D zj t j=1 t wqi = t n ∑ 1∑ i=1 t j=1 TD (i = 1, 2, · · · , n) zj (18) 10300 J. Xu et al. /Journal of Computational Information Systems 10: 23 (2014) 10293–10305 in which T Dzj is the trust degree of the intermediate agent zj , illustrated in Section 5. 5 Trust Degree Based on Social Network Analysis Before aggregating trust scores of paths, it is necessarily to determine the weights associate to each path. In most trust aggregation problems, they counted the length of path, but not its quality. However, according to Definition 2, PTQ is associated with average trust degree of intermediate agents. Therefore, trust degree should be regarded as a reliable source to be used in deriving aggregation weights for paths. Social Network Analysis (SNA) is the study of social relationships between entities, and entities can be individuals, group, or communities [22]. It makes us able to research properties of networks including centrality, prestige and trust relationship. Accordingly, a method is given below for measuring the trust degree of an agent with the concepts of SNA. 5.1 In-degree centrality value In a directed graph, in-degree is the extent to which an actor receives information about another actor from the other actors. According to social network theory, an actor with high in-degree has high prestige, since many other actors seek to direct him ties. He also has more power, because he can influence other actors as far as his opinions are taken into account. Therefore, the in-degree of centrality can be applied in our study. Definition 12 Let G = (E, L) be a directed graph composed of nodes E = {e1 , · · · , em } and edges L = {l1 , · · · , lq } representing directed lines between nodes, ω = {ω1L , · · · , ωqL } be the set of intuitionistic fuzzy assessments of the corresponding lines, SL = (Skh )m×m be the sociomatrix of the graph G = (E, L), then the in-degree centrality value of node is defined as follow: 1 ∑ Skh = m − 1 k=1 m L DD (eh ) 5.2 (19) Computing trust degree According to the Definition 3, the trust degree of each node is computed as follows: Definition 13 Let G = (E, L) be a directed graph representing the trust relationship between L L agents E = {e1 , · · · , em } and {DD (e1 ), · · · , DD (eh )} be the set of in-degree centrality values. The trust degree of agents eh can be computed as: 1 ∑ L L TD = p(CD (eh ) ≻ CD (ek )) m − 1 k=1 m h L L L L in which p(CD (eh ) ≻ CD (ek )) is possibility degree of CD (eh ) ≥ CD (ek ). (20) J. Xu et al. /Journal of Computational Information Systems 10: 23 (2014) 10293–10305 6 10301 Experimental Evaluation In this chapter, we conduct experiments on our proposed hybrid path weight aggregation (PHWA) strategies, and compare them to other classical counterparts presented in the literatures [14], for evaluating their performance. All aggregators compared in our experiments are described in Table 1. Besides conventional operators we used the average AV, which serves as a baseline for the HPWA. Table 1: Overview of trust aggregators used in experiments TMAX Trust degree maximizing DMAX Distrust degree maximizing HMAX Hesitation degree maximizing TSMAX Trust score maximizing AV Average of trust and distrust degree PLWA Path length weight average PQWA Path quality weight average PHWA Hybrid path weight average based on length and quality PQ-IOWA Uses path quality dependent order to rank trust scores before applying OWA weight vector to them PH-IOWA 6.1 Uses both path length and path quality dependent order to rank trust scores before applying OWA weight vector to them Data set In our experiment, we collected the Advogato data set downloaded from on May 19th 2012. is an online community site of free software development. On Advogato users can rate each other on 4 different levels: Observer, Apprentice, Journeyer, and Master and the Advogato trust metric uses this information in order to assign a trust score to every user. These ratings among members constitute a rich trust network of 7431 users and 56615 trust ratings. The distribution of trust values is listed in Table 2. The average degree is 7.62. The average path length is 3.78. The average clustering coefficient is 0.13. Since Advogato data is not exactly equal to our trust score space setting, we translate the trust statements to IFNs can be found in Table 2. 6.2 Setup To evaluate the performance of our proposed method, we use the 1000 leave-one-out method, in which a direct trust score is taken out of the trust network and then estimate it by applying our proposed aggregator. In order to study the impact of aggregators, we use the same propagation operator. Moreover, we consider only paths of maximal length h = 3 and the coverage is 64.32%. 10302 J. Xu et al. /Journal of Computational Information Systems 10: 23 (2014) 10293–10305 Table 2: Distribution and translation of trust in the data set Trust statements IFNs # % Master < 0.95, 0.05> 12370 29.20 Journeyer < 0.70, 0.25> 18580 43.86 Apprentice < 0.40, 0.50> 6300 14.87 Observer < 0.25, 0.70> 5110 12.07 After obtaining all pairs of the real and predict trust score, we can calculate the mean absolute error (MAE) between the two variables for evaluating the accuracy of trust estimation. The trust score MAE is given as follows: N 1 ∑ M AE = |ui − u′i | + |vi − vi′ | N i=1 (21) where < ui , vi > is real trust score and < u′i , vi′ > is the predicted trust score. 6.3 Results MAE First, we compare the performance of the basic trust aggregators introduced in Section 4.2. The experiment result is shown in Fig. 2. There is small difference among TSMAX, TMAX and HMAX, which performs better than DMAX. Fig. 2: MAE for basic trust aggregators Next, we study the effect of the path length and path quality dependent trust aggregators. Fig. 3 shows that PLWA and PQWA perform better than AV. Both path length factor and path quality factor can improve the simple AV. In general, the hybrid of path length factor and path quality factor, PHWA, performs slightly better than PLWA. Note that when λ < 0.8, PHWA also performs better than PQWA. These implies that considering both the path length factor and path quality factor in aggregating the trust score can have better improvement of the aggregation result than the method considering only path length or path quality. Similar study can be made J. Xu et al. /Journal of Computational Information Systems 10: 23 (2014) 10293–10305 10303 0$( for the MAE of OWA, PQ-IOWA and PH-IOWA in Fig. 4. The accuracy of PH-IOWA is better than that of PQ-IOWA and OWA. These results confirm that it is necessary to give the greater weight to the shortest paths and the best quality paths. We have also tried to examine that the hybrid path weight incorporating to our aggregator can improve the accuracy of trust score predictions. λ Fig. 3: MAE for weighted average operators PLWA, PQWA and PHWA compared to the classical av- MAE erage AV Fig. 4: MAE for ordered weighted averaging operators PH-IOWA, PQ-IOWA and OWA 7 Conclusion In this paper, we built upon previous work in which trust scores are represented by an intuitionistic fuzzy relation. It is characterized by trust degree, distrust degree and hesitancy degree. Based on these element boundary conditions, we proposed some basic trust aggregators, such as TMAX, DMAX, HMAX and TSMAX. However, since trust scores propagated along longer or poor paths may lead to big error, they should be considered less important than other trust scores during the trust aggregation process. From this perspective, we introduced other families of aggregation 10304 J. Xu et al. /Journal of Computational Information Systems 10: 23 (2014) 10293–10305 operator with path length weight and path quality weight. The path length weight is defined by the inverses of the path lengths of the trust scores. The path quality weight is obtained by using trust degree of intermediate agents, via its representation using an SNA methodology approach. Through an experiment on the Advogato trust network, we showed that trust scores propagated along longer paths or poor quality paths indeed contain more errors than others. Furthermore, we learned that the accuracy of aggregation is improved using the PHWA strategy. Acknowledgement The research developed in this paper is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (Nos. 71361012, 71061006), the Natural Science Foundation of Jiangxi Province of China (No. 20132BAB201050), the Colleges Humanities Social Science Research Project of Jiangxi Province of China (No. JC1338). References [1] Golbeck J, Hendler J. Inferring binary trust relationships in web-based social networks [J]. ACM Transactions on Internet Technology (TOIT), 2006, 6 (4): 497-529. [2] Ziegler C N, Lausen G. Spreading activation models for trust propagation [C]. E-Technology, e-Commerce and e-Service, 2004 IEEE International Conference on. IEEE, 2004: 83-97. [3] Kamvar S D, Schlosser M T, Garcia-Molina H. The eigentrust algorithm for reputation management in p2p networks [C]. Proceedings of the 12th international conference on World Wide Web. ACM, 2003: 640-651. [4] Aberer K, Despotovic Z. Managing trust in a peer-2-peer information system [C]. 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