September 2014 Athabasca Oil Corporation Information Memorandum - Joint Venture Opportunity Athabasca Oil Corporation ("Athabasca") has initiated a process to explore strategic transactions on lands prospective for Slave Point light oil development and has retained Peters & Co. Limited ("Peters & Co.") as its financial advisor to assist in this process. Data-rooms will be open September 4, 2014. Strategic transaction proposals will be due October 15, 2014. Athabasca is soliciting proposals for the joint venture or farmout of its Caribou light oil properties in northern Alberta (the "Assets"). Continued drilling is required to further delineate the assets and retain the core development acreage in order to advance to full scale development. Athabasca Overview R23 R22 R21 T121 T120 R20 R19 R18 R17 R16 R15 R14 R13W5 Athabasca Land Athabasca Wells T119 T118 T117 T116 T115 T114 T113 T112 T111 T110 Highlights L arge Scale and Contiguous Land Base: 100% working interest in over 1,000 sections of land that are prospective for Slave Point light oil development: Internal estimates indicate that a development project of 10,000 to > 35,000 Bbls/d is achievable by utilizing only 10% to 15% of the current land base. R elevant Technical Data: Athabasca has access to 2,169 km of 2D seismic data, 319 km of which is proprietary data, along with well cores from its initial three well program: T he core data compares very well to the most productive regions of the Evi/Otter Slave Point development areas. Proven Resource: Preliminary drilling and subsequent swab tests by Athabasca on the land base have proven the presence of light oil. Significant OOIP: Initial OOIP estimates on the Slave Point platform indicate ~10 MMBbls/section. Relatively Shallow Depth: The Slave Point formation at Caribou is located at ~900 m TVD as compared to ~1,500 m in the Evi/Otter area. Table of Contents Highlights. . . . . . . . . . . . . Land and Seismic . . . . . . Area Infrastructure. . . . . . Slave Point Regional Geology. . . . . . . . . . . . . . Caribou Slave Point Geology. . . . . . . . . . . . . . T109 T108 1 2 3 4 5 Caribou Slave Point Light Oil Resource and Development. . . . . . . . . . . 6 Sale Process and Contacts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Disclaimer. . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Peters & Co. Limited 2300 Jamieson Place 308 Fourth Avenue SW Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2P 0H7 Steve R. Woima Principal, Head Acquisitions & Divestitures (403) 261-2264 [email protected] J.G. (Jeff) Lawson Principal, Corporate Finance (403) 261-2298 [email protected] Franklin P. Eldridge Associate, Acquisitions & Divestitures (403) 261-2287 [email protected] Callum J. Moore Associate, Corporate Finance (403) 261-2217 [email protected] This Information Memorandum is prepared solely for the use of certain qualified Interested Parties to provide information only. The information contained herein, while obtained from sources that we believe to be reliable, is not guaranteed as to its accuracy or completeness. This information summary is for information purposes only and does not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation to buy securities of Athabasca Oil Corporation. Athabasca Oil Corporation | Joint Venture | Information Memorandum | September 2014 Land and Seismic Athabasca Land R1W6 R23 R22 R21 R20 R19 R18 R17 R16 R15 T123 R14 R13 R12W5 Athabasca Land Trade 2D Proprietary 2D Athabasca Wells Slave Point Penetration T122 L a r g e , C o n t i g u o u s Land Base: 100% working interest in over 1,000 sections of land T121 that are prospective for Slave Point light oil T120 development. Expiries: There are two drilling seasons before T119 the majority of the land expiries come into effect, T118 allowing ample time to secure elongated tenure T117 on the core development area. T116 Crown Land: All of the lands are leased crown, T115 allowing for favorable royalty rates related to horizontal development T114 drilling. The lands are primary term licenses T113 that can be validated by on or off license drills. T112 Significant Seismic Data: Athabasca has T111 access to 2,169 km of 2D seismic data, 319 km of T110 which is proprietary data. Land Summary Expiry Year Seismic Summary Gross Hectare's Net Hectare's Gross Sections Net Sections Average WI 2015Expiry 2016Expiry 2017Expiry 11,264 257,728 7,936 11,264 257,728 7,936 44.0 1,006.8 31.0 44.0 1,006.8 31.0 100% 100% 100% 2DTrade Total 276,928 276,928 1,081.75 1,081.75 100% Total Peters & Co. Limited | SeismicType 2DProprietary Length(km) 1,850 319 2,169 2 Athabasca Oil Corporation | Joint Venture | Information Memorandum | September 2014 Area Infrastructure Infrastructure R8 R7 R6 R5 R4 R3 R2 R1W6 R23 R22 R21 R20 R19 R18 R17 R16 T123 T122 Existing Rail Terminal T121 T120 R15 R14 R13 R12 R11W5 Athabasca Land Athabasca Wells All Wells Strategic Oil Pipeline Pembina Pipeline NOVA Pipeline Primary Road Rail Line T119 Future Athabasca RailTerminal T118 T117 T116 T115 H ig hw a y 35 T114 T113 T112 T111 Highway 58 T110 Primary Highway Proximity: Highway 35 offsets the Caribou asset base, providing access for equipment and the transportation of production in the absence of pipelines. Offsetting Industry Developments: Oil development activities in the Steen River area to the north of Caribou will provide the incentive to build and expand oil transportation networks in the region. Rail Transport: Athabasca's long term transportation plans for the Caribou area could include a future rail terminal to move oil out of the area. Fit for Purpose Infrastructure: The relative lack of infrastructure in the area provides an opportunity to create an infrastructure network that is tailor made for the specific needs of the Caribou project. Internal estimates suggest that a 1,000 Bbls/d project would support the construction of a year round access road. Peters & Co. Limited | 3 Athabasca Oil Corporation | Joint Venture | Information Memorandum | September 2014 Slave Point Regional Geology Regional Slave Point Production Trend Map Devonian Paleogeography CARIBOU OTTER New Slave Point Light Oil Resource Fairway: Athabasca is seeking a joint venture partner to develop an emerging Slave Point light oil resource play fairway in the Caribou area of northern Alberta. Comparable to the Otter Slave Point: The Slave Point at Caribou is relatively shallow, at 900 m TVD, with similar reservoir parameters to the successful Slave Point horizontal light oil development ongoing in the Evi/Otter area to the south. Slave Point average oil saturations in the Caribou area are 32% relative to the 22% average in the Evi/Otter area, based on core analysis. Caribou to Otter Slave Point Stratigraphic Section A OTTER 5-21-88-12W5 ATHABASCA 12-16-118-19W5 SLAVE POINT 1550 Slave Point Hz Oil Aʹ Thick Slave Point Reservoir: 950 40 m 25 m 1600 DATUM FORT VERMILLION At Caribou, the Slave Point is approximately 40 meters in gross reservoir thickness with limestone porosity ranging upward to 15%. 15 0 D/N POROSITY % (LST) Peters & Co. Limited | WATT MOUNTAIN 15 0 D/N POROSITY % (LST) 4 Athabasca Oil Corporation | Joint Venture | Information Memorandum | September 2014 Caribou Slave Point Geology Caribou Slave Point Production Trend and Development Map Northern Slave Point Core Comparison CaribouvsEviOtter/RedEarth/SawnLake KMax 100 Emerging Resource Play Fairway: Recent Athabasca drilling has established a new Slave Point light oil resource fairway with potential for 1.5 billion barrels of OOIP on held lands. Significant Light Oil Resource: New core and test data supports the potential of 10 MMBbls of light oil (33° to 34° API) in place per section within the established fairway. Evi/Red Earth/SawnLake 6.0%Porosity;3.2md 12-16Platform 10%Porosity;0.82md 10 1 Sawn Lake Evi Otter Red Earth Sawn Lake Mean Evi Otter Mean Red Earth Mean AOC 12-16 Platform Mean AOC Core 0.1 0.01 0 0.05 0.1 Porosity 0.15 0.2 0.25 16-8-116-22W5 ATHABASCA 12-16-118-19W5 11-11-119-22W5 ATHABASCA 3-26-118-18W5 ATHABASCA 4-3-118-17W5 Bʹ 900 2-36-112-22W5 SLAVE POINT 1000 B 1 Caribou Slave Point Stratigraphic Section FORT VERMILION 15 0 D/N POROSITY % (LST) Peters & Co. Limited | 15 0 D/N POROSITY % (LST) 0 15 0 D/N POROSITY % (LST) 15 0 D/N POROSITY % (LST) 15 0 D/N POROSITY % (LST) DATUM 950 1150 950 1050 900 ? 15 0 D/N POROSITY % (LST) 5 Athabasca Oil Corporation | Joint Venture | Information Memorandum | September 2014 Caribou Slave Point Light Oil Resource and Development Caribou Slave Point Production Trend and Development Map Well Test Summary Slave Point Oil Tested: Light oil was recovered on a 3m3 bull headed acid job, via swab testing, from two vertical Slave Point wells Athabasca drilled in early 2013. Ongoing Drilling Program: Preparing for a 6 well Winter 2014/2015 drilling program, incorporating 2 vertical and 4 horizontal wells, designed to establish the extent of the Slave Point Caribou area light oil resource fairway, maximize days on production and confirm commerciality associated with horizontal development. Swab (# Swabs) Swab (Final Daily Rate) API 12-16-118-19W5 4-3-118-17W5 41 42 65.4 Bbls/d Oil 3.1 Bbls/d Oil 97.5 Bbls/d Water 159.1 Bbls/d Water 34.4 33.0 Dark Brown Dark Brown Wax Content 11.50% 14.30% H2S 1.20% 1.25% Still building after 2 hours 10.1 kPa/m Oil Colour Static Gradient Athabasca Slave Point Stratigraphic Section 12-16-118-19W5 3-26-118-18W5 4-3-118-17W5 SLAVE POINT Cʹ 950 950 900 C Peters & Co. Limited | FORT VERMILION 950 15 0 D/N POROSITY % (LST) Final Rate 65 Bbls/d 34% Oil Cut DATUM 15 0 D/N POROSITY % (LST) 15 0 D/N POROSITY % (LST) 6 Athabasca Oil Corporation | Joint Venture | Information Memorandum | September 2014 Sale Process and Contacts Athabasca Oil Corporation ("Athabasca" or the "Company") has retained Peters & Co. Limited ("Peters & Co.") as its financial advisor to coordinate all aspects of this joint venture process and Peters & Co. will act as the sole contact for all parties who have expressed an interest ("Interested Parties"). An online virtual data room has been established, which provides a comprehensive technical description of Athabasca's core property and exploration prospect, as well as detailed operational and financial information. Athabasca and Peters & Co. expressly reserve the right at any time to amend or terminate this joint venture procedure, to decline to permit an Interested Party to participate in the process, to terminate discussions with any or all Interested Parties, to reject any or all offers, or to negotiate with any party with respect to a possible transaction. The virtual data room is open to Interested Parties that have executed a confidentiality agreement in the form provided. Joint venture proposals will be due October 15, 2014. Contacts Peters & Co. will act as the sole contact for all Interested Parties. The directors, officers and employees of Athabasca should not be contacted directly. All communications and inquiries from Interested Parties should be directed to one of the representatives listed below: Peters & Co. Limited Peters & Co. Limited | J.G. (Jeff) Lawson Principal, Corporate Finance (403) 261-2298 [email protected] Steve R. Woima Principal, Head Acquisitions & Divestitures (403) 261-2264 [email protected] Callum J. Moore Associate, Corporate Finance (403) 261-2217 [email protected] Franklin P. Eldridge Associate, Acquisitions & Divestitures (403) 261-2287 [email protected] Philippe P. Bégin Analyst, Corporate Finance (403) 261-2279 [email protected] Mike A. Sado Analyst, Acquisitions & Divestitures (403) 261-2297 [email protected] 2300 Jamieson Place 308 Fourth Avenue SW Calgary, Alberta, Canada T2P 0H7 Fax: (403) 261-7565 | 7 Athabasca Oil Corporation | Joint Venture | Information Memorandum | September 2014 Disclaimer This Information Memorandum is based on information provided by Athabasca from its own records and from other sources. The Information Memorandum is being distributed, on behalf of Athabasca, by Peters & Co., the Company's financial advisor, solely for the use by certain qualified Interested Parties. The sole purpose of the Information Memorandum is to assist Interested Parties in determining whether or not to proceed with further investigation of a potential joint venture ("Transaction"). The information contained herein (the "Information") has been prepared in good faith to assist Interested Parties in completing their own independent evaluation of the assets, but does not purport to be all inclusive or to contain all of the information that an Interested Party may desire or that may be required by an Interested Party to properly evaluate a potential Transaction. In all cases, the Interested Parties should conduct their own independent investigation and analysis of the assets and the data set forth in this Information Memorandum. Peters & Co. has not independently verified any of the Information contained herein. Neither Peters & Co., the Company nor their respective affiliates make any representation or warranty (expressed or implied) as to the accuracy or completeness of this Information Memorandum. Neither Peters & Co., the Company nor their respective affiliates will assume any liability for the Interested Parties' use of this Information Memorandum or any other oral, written or other communication transmitted to the Interested Parties during the course of its evaluation of the assets. Athabasca and Peters & Co. expressly disclaim any and all liability and responsibility for and associated with the quality, accuracy, completeness or materiality of the Information. The Interested Party will conduct its own independent evaluation and analysis of the Information and satisfy itself as to the quality, accuracy, completeness and materiality of the same. The Interested Party will rely solely on its own independent evaluation and analysis of the Information when deciding whether or not to submit a bid, enter into a definitive joint venture agreement and consummate a Transaction. This Information Memorandum may include certain statements, estimates, forecasts and projections provided by and with respect to the anticipated future performance of the assets. Such statements, estimates, forecasts and projections reflect various assumptions made by the Company and/or Peters & Co. concerning anticipated results, which may or may not prove to be correct. No representations or warranties are made as to the accuracy of such statements, estimates, forecasts or projections. The only Information that will have any legal effect will be that specifically represented or warranted in a definitive purchase agreement, when, as and if executed, with respect to a possible Transaction and executed on behalf of the Company and the purchaser or investor. NEITHER THIS INFORMATION MEMORANDUM NOR ITS DELIVERY TO AN INTERESTED PARTY SHALL CONSTITUTE OR BE CONSTRUED TO BE AN OFFER TO SELL ANY SECURITIES OF THE COMPANY. THIS INFORMATION MEMORANDUM SHALL NOT BE DEEMED AN INDICATION OF THE STATE OF AFFAIRS OF THE COMPANY NOR CONSTITUTE ANY INDICATION THAT THERE HAS BEEN NO CHANGE IN THE BUSINESS OR AFFAIRS OF THE COMPANY SINCE THE DATE HEREOF. Peters & Co. Limited | 8
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