MathEdge Summer Camp 2014
Problem Solving, Contest Training, English Language Arts
Early Bird 10% off
Addi$onal 10% OFF
$ll 3/15/14
5+ Weeks of Whole Day Camps or 10+ Weeks of ½ Day Camps.
Weekly Fee Before the discount: ½ day: $299; whole day: $549
MathEdge+ Camp (Problem Solving and Contest Training): (9am-12noon, M-F) in Cuper$no or Fremont, (1-4pm, M-F) in Dublin
Wri$ng+ Camp (English Language Arts + Speech): (1pm-4pm, M-F) in Cuper$no or Fremont, (9am-12noon, M-F) in Dublin
(Note: Lunch$me care is included for students signing daylong camps but bring own lunch.
Before/aer camps childcare is available upon request at $12/hour.)
MathEdge offers weeklong Problem Solving and Contest Training camps and English Wri$ng + speech camps. Materials
won’t be repeated in other weeks. Lunch$me care is included for students signing up whole day camps. Snacks are provided every day for each camp. We emphasize having summer fun and learning challenging concepts. Each day the camps
will include lecture, fun puzzles, exercises, and contest. Awards for contest are presented at the end of each week. Get
discounts for early and/or mul$ple week signups. This program will prepare students well for the coming school year.
MathEdge+ Camp Possible Topics
Wri$ng+ Camp Objec$ves
Number sense, place value, mental addi on/subtrac on, pa!ern, This is a comprehensive English program that teaches
mental math, addi on, subtrac on
vocabulary, reading comprehension, grammar, and
most importantly, wri ng techniques.
Place value, Square and square root number, Consecu ve numIn our Wri ng+ classes, students will cul vate stronger
bers, frac on, chances, order of opera ons, pa!erns, etc.
wri ng skills through various types of composi ons
Frac on, Logic, Venn Diagram, Cryptarithms, Time, Distance,
(narra ve, expository, persuasive, cause and effect,
Rate, 2D Geometry, Calendar, Clock, Money, etc.
response to literature, book reports, summaries, biogLinear Equa ons, Quadra c Equa ons, 3D Geometry, Probability, raphies, etc.).
Pythagorean Theorem, Series, Sequences, Number Theory, etc.
Available camp weeks at Cuper no, Fremont and Dublin Sites:
1) 6/16/14 - 6/20/14
2) 6/23/14 - 6/27/14
3) 7/7/14 – 7/11/14
4) 7/14/14 – 7/18/14
5) 7/21/14 – 7/25/14
8) 8/11/14 – 8/15/14
6) 7/28/14 – 8/1/14
7) 8/4/14 – 8/8/14
Cuper$no loca$on:
Fremont loca$on:
Dublin loca$on:
7250 Bark Lane
San Jose, CA
[email protected]
43385 Ellsworth St.
Fremont CA 94539
[email protected]
6500 Dublin Blvd Suite C
Dublin CA 94568
[email protected]
Summer Math Course
PreAlgebra/Algebra/Geometry / Algebra2 / SAT Math
Early Bird 10% off unl 3/15
Fee before the discount is $799 per session
Whether you want to skip a grade by taking the Challenge
Test, pass the school-entrance test, advance the curriculum, aim for better grades, or get a deeper understanding
of the concepts, this will give you a solid foundation needed to succeed in school.
Why not get a head start in summer?
This guided program allows students to work at their own-pace. The flexibility
helps students to improve on the areas of their own weakness.
Course Readiness may be assessed before joining
Summer course meets 2 hrs a day, 5 days a week (M-F) for 4 weeks.
Two Summer Sessions to choose from:
Summer 1: 6/16-7/18, 14 (excludes 6/30-7/4/14) or Summer 2: 7/21–8/15, 14
Time: Cuper4no: 4pm—6 pm, Fremont: 4:45PM – 6:45PM; Dublin: 4:15PM – 6:15PM
Cuperno locaon:
Fremont locaon:
Dublin locaon:
7250 Bark Lane
San Jose, CA
[email protected]
43385 Ellsworth St.
Fremont CA 94539
[email protected]
6500 Dublin Blvd Suite C
Dublin CA 94568
[email protected]