OXFORD SCHOOL, MOGA HOLIDAYS HOMEWORK 2014 - Class: IV Instructions for the Holidays Homework :Note:-Holidays homework carries marks in CCE; hence submission of work post vacation is compulsory for all students. 1. Written Homework of all the subjects:- Hindi, English, EVS & Mathematics is to be done as per the instructions (in note books/worksheets). Homework to be completed within 10 days. SPEAK & WRITE. WRITE NEATLY. 2. For reading work, parents have to make the child read in their presence and have to sign at the end of the chapter. 3. For handwriting, kindly strictly adhere to the pattern followed in school in the various languages. 4. The Holiday work must be done in a very neat and presentable manner. 5. The child will be assessed for the Handwriting, presentation, neatness, completion of all the given questions. 6. Questions must be done in the given sequence. 7. Use good quality pencil, eraser to maintain the tidiness in the notebooks. 8. For the project / activity, strictly adhere to the instructions given by the teacher to follow. WASTE MATERIAL SHOULD BE USED FOR MAKING CHARTS, PROJECTS TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT. 9. Parents can be the facilitators for the child at home but let the child complete his work in his own handwriting. Parents are requested to make them do it independently so that they can enhance their reading, writing, thinking & mathematical skills. 10. Worksheets must be arranged in a file for submission. 11. Maintain a scrapbook and make a note of the new places that you have visited, movies that you have watched and activities done during your holidays. 12. Revise all the previous work. Kindly make your ward complete the work within 10 days. Make your WARD SPEAK & WRITE NEATLY. The Home-work will be done on these sheets. Handwriting: Do 7 pages of English, 5 pages of Hindi & 5 pages of Punjabi writing in their respective note books . Write very neatly. DO A LOT OF READING. READ YOUR TEXT BOOKS OF ALL SUBJECTS (NEXT TERM SYLLABUS) AND SHORT STORIES. CHARTS: Kindly note: that the child has to do only one chart which is allotted to him / her. SST: 1. Collect various types of soils from the nursery nearby your home. Put the sample of soil in a small sachet and staple each of the sachets on a chart. Mention below the sample of soil collected by you. Roll No. 1 The details like: (a) Name of the Soil (b) the crops that are grown in that particular soil & (c) the area where the soil is found. 2. Make a chart or write a poem on ‘SAY NO TO PLASTIC BAGS’ Roll No. 2 3. Think and show ways on chart in which the water is polluted and how it can be checked. Roll No. 3 4. Find out the staple food of your family and collect samples of various types of pulses for the local market. Roll No. 4 5. Make a chart of different types of Communication. Roll No. 5 6. Make a chart of different types of modes of transport. Roll No. 6 7. Make a collage on different festivals celebrated in India. Roll No. 7 OXFORD SCHOOL MOGA CLASS – IV HOLIDAYS HOMEWORK-2014 Page 1 of 23 8. Make a collage on different types of dresses worn in India. Roll No. 8 Sci. 9. Make a chart on teeth. Roll No. 9 10. Make a chart of First Aid. ROLL NO. 10 11. Make a chart of safety measures. ROLL NO. 11 12. Make a chart on pollution. ROLL NO. 12 MATHS: 13. Make a chart showing 42, 68, 218 on abacus, Roman No 1-100. ROLL NO. 13 14. Make a chart showing different types of lines. ROLL NO. 14 15. Make a chart showing shapes – Square, rectangle, triangle, cylinder and rhombus. ROLL NO. 15 English: 16. Make a chart of nouns and kinds of nouns and paste pictures. ROLL NO. 16 17. Make a chart of verbs and paste pictures. ROLL NO. 17 18. Make a chart of different parts of speech. Roll no. 18 19. Make a chart of any story. Roll No. 19 20. Make a chart (visit any one of: zoo, museum, amusement park) paste pictures and write at least 7 lines. Roll No. 20 21. Make a chart on Articles and paste pictures also. ROLL NO. 21 G.K. 22. Paste the pictures of different animals. ROLL NO. 22 23. Make a chart of different fabrics like silk, wool, cotton etc. ROLL NO. 23 24. Paste the pictures of different birds. ROLL NO. 24 25. Make a chart of proverbs with their meanings. ROLL NO. 25 Hindi: 26. Make a chart of pXw~XvwcI SÑd with pictures. ROLL NO. 26 27. Make a chart of vw#Xw<S with pictures. ROLL NO. 27 28. Make a chart of s<zw with pictures. ROLL NO. 28 Punjabi: 29. ‘ilNg bdlo dw cwrt bxwE [ (koeI ds) nwl sMbMiDq qsvIrwˆ vI icpkwE [ROLL NO. 29 Computer: 30. Make a chart on History of computer Paste pictures of computer used in early history. ROLL NO. 30 31. Make a chart on different types of computers and paste a picture related to it. ROLL NO. 31 32. Make a chart on computers memory and their types paste picture related to it. ROLL NO. 32 33. Make a chart on Commands of logo. ROLL NO. 33 34. Make a chart on computes of MS Word window. ROLL NO. 34 OXFORD SCHOOL MOGA CLASS – IV HOLIDAYS HOMEWORK-2014 Page 2 of 23 ENGLISH: English Course Book: Read Lessons 4 & 6. Learn the given spellings by heart (with phonetics) and write them 3-3 times very neatly in the Eng. Lit Note Book: e.g. Su+dden+ly = Suddenly Lesson – 4 ‘The Old Green Door’ 1. Be + hind 2. Shi + ning wards 6. Whi+stle 7. Dus+ty Make Sentences: 1. Close 2. Teeth 3. Mor + ning 3. Chew Lesson – 6 ‘Stars with Fuzzy Tails’ 1. Af+ter + noon 2. Maga + zine 4. As + tro + no + mer 5. Dis + cover + ed 7. Sun+Light 8. Win+ter Make sentences: 1. Moon 4. Stars 2. Grandparents 5. Winter 4. Growl + ing 4. Whistle 5. To + 5. Dusty 3. Long + er 6. Grand+parents 3. Sunlight Do these in Eng. Lang. Notebook *Make a readable story from the outlines given below and write on Eng. Lang. notebook An old farmer – four sons – quarreling with one another – farmer near death – calls his sons – gives each a stick – each breaks – ties four in a bundle – none is able to break – advantage of unity moral: ‘Give Heading Also’ *Write an essay with the help of given outlines: ‘Morning Walk’ Good for health – wake up early- go with my mother – nearby – park – fresh air – no pollution people doing yoga – exercise – refreshes mind – body . * You went & spent some holidays with one of your cousins. Write a letter thanking him/her to have let you enjoy so much and for looking after you. OXFORD SCHOOL MOGA CLASS – IV HOLIDAYS HOMEWORK-2014 Page 3 of 23 • Read story books and write the book review of any one: Suggested books for reading: 1. Hardy boys (mystery and adventure) 2. Enid Blyton books 3. For kids by kids (collection of stories) – Scholastic book 4. Panchtantra tales (to inculcate moral values) 5. Arabian nights 6. Epic stories – eg. The Ramayana The format for writing the book review: (do in Eng. Lang. note book) Name of the book: Name of the author (person who wrote) : Characters in the story: Brief story: What you learnt from the story: Anything that you did not like in the story: Social Studies Read chapters (L.8 The climate of our country & L.16 Means of communication) 2-2 times and learn the words to know given at the end of each chapter. The task given below in the tabulated form is based on the cities of India. Each student is given the task to collect information on one city of our country. Complete the task given below as per your roll & in the same order as asked here in the table. Do the work on a chart. Task for Roll no Task for Roll no Task for Roll no Task for Roll no 1-9 10- 17 18- 26 27-34 Collect information on Chandigarh Collect information on Collect information on Collect information on Delhi Lucknow Kolkata Name the state in which it is located Historical relevance of Chandigarh Name the state in which it is located Historical relevance of Name the state in which it is located Historical relevance of Name the state in which it is located Historical relevance of Delhi Lucknow Kolkata Any 2 Historical/ Sightseeing places Collect /download two picture postcard of tourists destination of Chandigarh Any 2 Historical/ Sightseeing places Collect /download two picture postcard of tourists destination of Any 2 Historical/ Sightseeing places Collect /download two picture postcard of tourists destination of Any 2 Historical/ Sightseeing places Collect /download two picture postcard of tourists destination of Delhi Mumbai Kolkata OXFORD SCHOOL MOGA CLASS – IV HOLIDAYS HOMEWORK-2014 Page 4 of 23 SCIENCE: Revise Chapters 6 (Teeth and Digestion) & Chapter 8 (Food Making in Plants) 2-2 times and learn all the definitions. Do the think tank and let us talk Q/Answers.[Do in Science Note Book] Hots Corner: 1. Arijit studies in class IV. His mother gives him at least two glasses of milk daily. Why do you think his mother does so? 2. Krishna’s mother washed his school sweater yesterday. The next day she found that the sweater was shrunk. Why do you think this happened? 3.Tarika’s mother has told her to wear a full sleeve night suit during these days. Why? MADHU’S PET Madhu lives in a village where there is a big pond. Many kinds of fishes live in this pond. Many aquatic plants also grow in this pond. One day Madhu sees a pretty and colourful fish. She decides to keep it with her. She catches it with a fish-net and puts t in a jar of water. At home, she puts the beautiful fish in a big glass bowl. Madhu feeds the fish regularly but the fish died after a few days. Madhu feels very sad. Think, Discuss then answer: 1. What would you advise her to do in future if she decides to keep some more fish? a. ____________________________________________________________________________ b. ____________________________________________________________________________ c. ____________________________________________________________________________ d. ____________________________________________________________________________ e. ____________________________________________________________________________ NAUGHTY ANUJ Anuj was a naughty boy. He was always up to some mischief or the other. One day he was jumping down the stairs, two steps at a time. He fell down and hurt his knee. There was a big wound there. Ruchi heard Anuj crying and ran to help her younger brother. What do you think Ruchi must have done to help Anuj? A few days later Anuj followed a bee in his garden. He tried to catch the bee. The bee got frightened and stung him on his arm. Anuj ran from there as fast as he could. Again he came home crying to his sister Ruchi. How do you think Ruchi must have helped Anuj this time? OXFORD SCHOOL MOGA CLASS – IV HOLIDAYS HOMEWORK-2014 Page 5 of 23 Mathematics: Learn Tables 2 to 18 by heart. Objective type questions: (do on these sheets) Tick the correct answer: 1. The Roman numerals from which I can be subtracted are V and ____________ a) I b) X c) L d) C 2. Which of the following is meaningless? a) XIV b) XIX c) IXVI d) XXVI c) XCIX d) CIX 3. 99 is the same as a) IC b) IXIX 4. In Roman system, the symbols for Zero is a) 0 b) X-X c) does not exist d) CIX 5. 22 is written in Roman numerals as a) XXII b) XVVII c) VVVVII d) none of these 6. Which of the following statements is false? a) V, L and D are never subtracted. b) I can be subtracted from V and X only once. c) X cannot be subtracted from L. d) No Roman numeral can be added more than 3 times. 7. Which of the following is correctly matched? a) 15= VVV b) 19 = XIX c) 31 = XXVVI d) 25 = XVX 8. The Roman numeral for 89 is a) IXC b) LXXXIX c) XXCIX d) LXXXVIV OXFORD SCHOOL MOGA CLASS – IV HOLIDAYS HOMEWORK-2014 Page 6 of 23 9. XIX+XXX = ? a) XLIX b) L c) XXXIX d) LIX 10. IX+XV+XX = ? a) 35 b) 40 c) 44 d) 45 c) 7 hundreds d) 70 hundreds 11. Which is the same as 70 tens? a) 7 ones b) 70 ones 12. One lakh is a _________ digit number a) five b) six c) seven d) four 13. Which number has the greatest value in the thousands place? a) 12,294 b) 28,682 c) 34,971 d) 50,816 14. Which of the following numerals has commas according to the international system of numeration? a) 5, 06,085 b) 60,05,055 c) 87,835 d) 606,606 15. The sum of the place values of two 3’s in 396347 is a) 303000 b) 300300 c) 300000 d) 330000 16. The difference between the greatest 4- digit number and the greatest 3- digit number is a) 9999 b) 9000 c) 9090 d) 1000 17. Four lakh one thousand four hundred six is written as a) 410406 b) 401406 c) 4014006 d) 4010406 c) 100 d) none of these 18. 100 thousands = ________ lakh a) 1 b) 10 19. I million = __________ thousands a) 10 b) 100 c) 1000 d) none of these 20. A five- digit number begins with _______ place. a) lakhs b) ten lakhs c) thousands d) ten-thousands b) 6166 c) 6022 d) 6202 21. 6000+6+16 =? a) 6616 22. The difference between 3753 and 7000 is a) 3247 b) 3357 c) 3257 d) 4247 c) 9991 d) 10091 23. 20000-10009 = ? a) 10009 b) 10001 OXFORD SCHOOL MOGA CLASS – IV HOLIDAYS HOMEWORK-2014 Page 7 of 23 24. 82756-56987 = ? a) 25769 b) 25869 c) 26769 d) 26869 b) 49999 c) 40999 d) 40990 25. 50000-1 = ? a) 49990 Write the number names: 1. 3,46,347 = _____________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 2. 15,67,642 = _____________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________________________ 3. 69,01,402 = _____________________________________________________________ Write the following numbers in short form: 1. 2 ten- thousands+ 2 thousands + 8 hundreds + 4 tens + 3 ones._______________________ 2. 4 ten- thousands + 7 thousands + 0 hundreds + 5 tens + 9 ones.______________________ 3. 5 ten- thousands + 1 thousands + 4 hundreds + 0 tens + 1 ones.______________________ 4. 7 ten- thousands + 0 thousands + 7 hundreds + 4 tens + 0 ones.______________________ 5. 2 ten- thousands + 4 thousands + 1 hundreds + 7 tens + 7 ones.______________________ 6. 8 ten- thousands + 6 thousands + 4 hundreds + 5 tens + 6 ones.______________________ 7. 9 ten- thousands + 8 thousands + 2 hundreds + 0 tens + 9 ones.______________________ 8. 4 Lakhs + 6 ten- thousands + 4 thousands + 7 hundreds + 2 tens + 4ones.______________ 9. 5 Lakhs+ 0ten- thousands + 2 thousands + 0 hundreds + 0 tens + 2 ones._______________ 10. 9 Lakhs + 7 ten- thousands+ 0 thousands + 7 hundreds + 0tens + 5 ones.______________ OXFORD SCHOOL MOGA CLASS – IV HOLIDAYS HOMEWORK-2014 Page 8 of 23 Write in expanded form. 1. 27, 648 ______________________________________________________________ 2. 11,690 _______________________________________________________________ 3. 94,899 _______________________________________________________________ 4. 87,097 _______________________________________________________________ Fill in the columns with the correct numbers as per the Indian system: Periods Numbers Crores TC C Lakhs TL L Thousands T TH TH ones H T 0 1,67,18,682 61,14,220 81,20,040 4,63,286 59,61,29,814 7,29,06,243 OXFORD SCHOOL MOGA CLASS – IV HOLIDAYS HOMEWORK-2014 Page 9 of 23 Fill in the columns with the correct numbers as per the international system. Periods Millions Numbers HM TM M Thousands H TH T TH Ones TH H T 0 3, 813,502 284,946 8,152,095 631,507,318 716,073 6,281,641 Write the place value of the given numerals. 1. 51,289 = Place value of 8 is = 8 tens or 80 2. 321,740= Place value of 7 is = _______________________________________________ 3. 10, 516 = Place value of 6 is = _______________________________________________ 4. 534,761= Place value of 5 is = _______________________________________________ 5. 59, 312 = Place value of 5 is = _______________________________________________ 6. 4, 91,704= Place value of 1 is = _______________________________________________ OXFORD SCHOOL MOGA CLASS – IV HOLIDAYS HOMEWORK-2014 Page 10 of 23 7. 3,28,014 = Place value of 0 is = _______________________________________________ Arrange the following numbers in ascending order: 1. 371,816; 465,210; 567,002; 371,618 _________________________________________________________________________ 2. 245,512; 245,112; 242,217; 246,517 __________________________________________________________________________ 3. 670,632; 630,617; 680,189; 670,862 _________________________________________________________________________ Arrange the following numbers in descending order: 1. 512,761; 514,165; 511,561; 517,871 _____________________________________________________________________ 2. 8,50,098; 8,51,800; 8,50,986; 8,52,963 ______________________________________________________________________ 3. 734,523; 734,253; 734,323; 734,520 ______________________________________________________________________ NUMBER TRICKS:Make a sum for this problem and solve it. 1. You have 9 packets containing 12 pencils each and you also have 7 pencils extra. You now decide to divide them equally among 5 children in your class. How many pencils will each child get? OXFORD SCHOOL MOGA CLASS – IV HOLIDAYS HOMEWORK-2014 Page 11 of 23 2. Insert brackets to get the correct answer: 8 + 9 + 6×4-3=38 ADDITION AND SUBTRACTION 1. Fill in the blanks. (Try to do it mentally.) (a) 54, 364 + ___________ = 54, 764 (b) 6286 – 5446 = ___________ (c ) _____________ + 0 = 99, 999 (d) 1, 284 – 0 = _____________ (e) 9,000 – 9 hundreds = _________ (f) 99, 999 + 1 = ___________ 2. Complete the following statements: (a) The sum of the largest 4- digit number and 1 is equal to _____________________________ (b) The difference between largest 5 – digit number and smallest 5 – digit number is _________ (c) If the smallest whole number is subtracted from any number, the difference is the _______ (d) The sum of two numbers is 1,000 and their difference is 998. The numbers are ________ and _________ (e) The number 600 more than 9,400 is _________________ (f) The successor of 84, 961 is _______________________ (g) The numbers which are being added are called _____________________________ (h) Answer of an addition operation is called the _______________________________ (i) My year of birth is 2004, I will be 15 years old in the year _______________________ (j) Raju’s father is 30 years older than him. Raju is 11 years old. So his father’s age is _________________ years. OXFORD SCHOOL MOGA CLASS – IV HOLIDAYS HOMEWORK-2014 Page 12 of 23 (k) India got freedom in the year 1947, what would be the centenary year of its freedom? _______________________ (l) By how much is 99, 999 greater than 10,000? ______________________________ Addition:- (a). 5 6 3 4 9 b) 8 6 9 4 5 c) 3 8 9 6 3 1 + 34 763 ________ 2 7 49 8 5 2 7 0 2 + 2 3 7 6 1 +6 8 0 7 9 6 ________ ____________ ____________ (d) 7 7 5 6 2 10908 + 9186 ________ e) 2 7 3 5 6 4 67497 + 156 _________ ________ _________ f) 3 6 5 8 4 1 5 6 4 8 6 5 + 2 3 0 9 2 7 4 __________ Find out how many trays are needed (a) 15 glasses, 5 glasses on a tray. (b) 12 glasses, 2 on a tray. 15 in equal group of 5 gives 3 groups. 15 ÷ 5 = ________ ________trays are needed. 12 in equal groups of 2 is ____ groups. 12 ÷ 2 = _______ ____________trays are needed. SUBTRACTION Solve the following sums: Th H T O Th H T O Th H T O 9 3 7 2 8 6 2 9 7 6 5 4 -6 4 2 5 - 3 5 1 6 -5 3 8 7 __________________ ________________ ________________ __________________ ________________ ________________ OXFORD SCHOOL MOGA CLASS – IV HOLIDAYS HOMEWORK-2014 Page 13 of 23 - Th H T O Th H T O Th H T O 3 7 8 2 2 0 8 3 8 1 9 4 3 4 8 - 8 2 9 6 2 7 1 -5 ________________ ________________ _________________ _______________ ________________ _________________ SUBTRACTION Problems in subtraction Find the difference between the numbers 7396 and 4567. ( To find the difference we subtract the smaller from the larger one ) Th H T O 7 3 9 6 -4 5 6 7 The difference is _____________________________ There are total 375 seats in the picture – hall, out of which 98 seats Were un- occupied. How many persons are there in the hall? 1. Multiply the following numbers. (a) 48 X 10 = ____________ (c) 700 X (e) 146 10 = ____________ X 10 = ___________ (b) 10 X 86 = ______________ (d) 88 X 10 = ______________ (f) 10 X 900 = _____________ 2. Solve:(a) 1 2 (b) 1 3 X 3 0 X 7 0 (c) 2 4 X 9 0 ________ _________ ________ ________ _________ ________ OXFORD SCHOOL MOGA CLASS – IV HOLIDAYS HOMEWORK-2014 Page 14 of 23 MULTIPLICATION Multiplication of a 3 – digit number by another 2- digit number Solve the following: 8 X 9 4 2 5 3 X 5 3 4 6 4 X 0 3 ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___________ 4 X 3 5 6 7 7 4 ___________ For each of the following number sequences, find a simple rule to generate the sequence. Describe your rule in words. Use it to write down the next three terms: a) 8, 13, 18, 23, ____. ____. _____ b) 512, 256, 128, ____. ____. _____ c) 11, 12, 14, 17____. ____. _____ d) 2, 4, 6, 8, 10, ____. ____. _____ e) 1, 4, 9, 16, ____. ____. _____ f) 98, 87, 76, 65, ____. ____. _____ g) 6, 12, 24, 48, ____. ____. _____ h) 2, 4, 12, 48, ____. ____. _____ OXFORD SCHOOL MOGA CLASS – IV HOLIDAYS HOMEWORK-2014 Page 15 of 23 Study the pattern and fill in the missing terms. (a) 3 (b) 4 2 5 9 6 8 ( c) 7 (d) Solve these problems: 1. It the cost of one shirt is Rs. 245. What will be the cost of 15 such shirts? 2. There are 376 toffees in a jar. How many toffees are there in 25 such jars? OXFORD SCHOOL MOGA CLASS – IV HOLIDAYS HOMEWORK-2014 Page 16 of 23 3. There are 556 pages in a book. Find the number of pages in 16 such books. 4. 142 Children deposited Rs. 1525 each. How much money was collected altogether? 5. 2172 people can see a movie at a time in a cinema hall in one show. How many people saw the movie in 15 shows if the cinema hall was house full? 6. If 4657 children take admission in a school every year, find the number of children that took admission in five years. OXFORD SCHOOL MOGA CLASS – IV HOLIDAYS HOMEWORK-2014 Page 17 of 23 Brain Booster! Amit runs around a circular road and completes 550 meters of the road every day. How much distance he will cover in one year? Answer: Activity time A magic triangle is one in which the sum of numbers along each side is same. Arrange number from 1 to 9 along the sides of the triangle such that the sum of numbers along each side is the same. You have to use each number only once. Arrange the number from 4 to 9 in the triangle such that the sum of numbers along each side is (a) 20 (b) 21 A magic square is one in which the sum of numbers in each row, column and diagonal is the same. Write numbers from 1 to 9 such that each row, column and diagonal add up to the same number. OXFORD SCHOOL MOGA CLASS – IV HOLIDAYS HOMEWORK-2014 Page 18 of 23 Find the quotient and remainder in one working step. a) 125 ÷ 10 Q = ____________ R =______________ b) 374 ÷ 10 Q = ____________ R = _____________ c) 8496 ÷ 1000 Q = ____________ R = _____________ d) 725 ÷ 10 Q = ____________ R =______________ e) 280 ÷ 100 Q = ____________ R =______________ f) 125 ÷ 10 Q = ____________ R =______________ g) 7347 ÷ 100 Q = ____________ R =______________ h) 98265 ÷ 100 Q = ____________ R =______________ i) 407 ÷ 10 Q = ____________ R =______________ j) 9337 ÷ 1000 Q = ____________ R =______________ DIVISION Division of 2 or 3 – digit numbers by 1 – digit number. Solve the following sums. 743÷7 97÷4 416÷8 237÷5 106 7 743 -7 ↓ ↓ 4 3 -42 R 1 836 ÷ 4 4 836 4 97 8 416 5 109 ÷ 3 3 109 7 35 ÷ 6 6 735 OXFORD SCHOOL MOGA CLASS – IV HOLIDAYS HOMEWORK-2014 2 37 829÷9 9 82 9 Page 19 of 23 Sums on word problems: 6 42 pens are distributed among 7 children. 7 42 How many pens does each child get? 42 Each child gets 6 pens. 0 232 answer- sheets are distributed among 8 teachers for marking. How many answer – sheets does each teacher get? SUB: HINDI * Read lessons 5 & 6. Learn the given difficult words and write them (3-3) times in the Notebook. Revise all the grammar done in the class. Lesson 5 – (gekjk frjaxk >aMk½ 1. nwgirko< 6. pwivZqw 2. Ekqw 7. Aih<sw 3. bhwdurI 8. hirXwlI 4. khwnI 9. p<cv†I~X 5. ÎXwr 10. kwrKwno< Lesson 6 (egkjktk j.kthr flag th½ 1. ÍXwn 2. smX 3. dyKBwl 4. brswq 5. Jo<pVI 6. Mhwrwjw 7. GuVsvwrI 8. fo”okl 9. âwmwdwn 10. Swsk pZ lyKn - (Do in Hindi Lang. note book) (1) Awpny Apnw jNmidn kYsy mnwXw? pZ ilKkr ApnI mwYsI/mwmw ko bqweE [ (2) Apny prI@w pirxwm ky bwry my< bqwqy huEy cwcw jI ko pZ iliKE [ inb<<D lyKn 1. idØlI mu$Xib<d :- 1. Bwrq kw pRisd`D Shr 4. m<iZXo< kw invws áQwn 2. rwjDwnI 3. dyKny Xo^X áQwn 5. mnps<d Shr OXFORD SCHOOL MOGA CLASS – IV HOLIDAYS HOMEWORK-2014 Page 20 of 23 2. paMhx<+ mu$Xib<d :- 1. p<jwb kI rwjDwnI 2. pRisdD Shr 4. dyKny Xo^X áQwn 5. mnp<sd Shr 3. ky<dRIX Swisq pRdyS dgkuh le> dh ckr % fp=ksa dks ns[kdj vki dgkuh fyf[k,%& fp=&ys[ku%& fp= dk o.kZu dhft, OXFORD SCHOOL MOGA CLASS – IV HOLIDAYS HOMEWORK-2014 Page 21 of 23 Punjabi pwT – 7 (sVk qy c`lx dy inXm) Aqy pwT-8 (BweI lihxw jI) nUM pVo[ Learn the given spellings by heart and write them 3-3 times very neatly in the Literature Note Book: durGtnw ieklOqy islislw auqwvly aulMGxw gurg`dI hYlmyt rcxhwr AiDkwr gurbwxI shI qy (√) dw inSwn lgwE: Su`D- ASu`D 1. (a) kYhVw (A) kihVw (e) ikAVw (s) ikhVw 2. (a) dopyhr (A) dupYr (e) dupihr (s) dupihr 3. (a) isg (A) isMg (e) isng (s) isˆg 4. (a) prmwAwqmw (A)pRmwqmwAw (e) pRmwqmw (s) pRmwqmw (e) gXwn (s) gyAwn 5. (a) gAwn (A) igAwn qsvIr nUM smJdy hoey ieh khwxI AwpxI Punjabi Language Notebook iv`c ilKo:- OXFORD SCHOOL MOGA CLASS – IV HOLIDAYS HOMEWORK-2014 Page 22 of 23 qsvIr nUM smJdy hoey ieh khwxI AwpxI Punjabi Language Notebook iv`c ilKo:- OXFORD SCHOOL MOGA CLASS – IV HOLIDAYS HOMEWORK-2014 Page 23 of 23
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