OXFORD SCHOOL, MOGA HOLIDAYS HOMEWORK 2014 - Class: VIII Instructions for the Holidays Homework :Note:-Holidays homework carries marks in CCE; hence submission of work post vacation is compulsory for all students. 1. Written Homework of all the subjects:- Hindi, English, EVS & Mathematics is to be done as per the instructions (in note books/worksheets). Homework to be completed within 12 days. SPEAK & WRITE. WRITE NEATLY. 2. For reading work, parents have to make the child read in their presence and have to sign at the end of the chapter. 3. For handwriting, kindly strictly adhere to the pattern followed in school in the various languages. 4. The Holiday work must be done in a very neat and presentable manner. 5. The child will be assessed for the Handwriting, presentation, neatness, completion of all the given questions. 6. Questions must be done in the given sequence. 7. Use good quality pencil, eraser to maintain the tidiness in the notebooks. 8. For the project / activity, strictly adhere to the instructions given by the teacher to follow. WASTE MATERIAL SHOULD BE USED FOR MAKING CHARTS, PROJECTS TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT. 9. Parents can be the facilitators for the child at home but let the child complete his work in his own handwriting. 10. Worksheets must be arranged in a file for submission. 11. Maintain a scrapbookand makea noteof the newplacesthat youhavevisited,movies thatyouhavewatchedand activitiesdoneduring yourholidays. 12.Reviseall the workdonein April & May. Handwriting: Do 7 pages of English, 5 pages of Hindi & 5 pages of Punjabi writing in their respective note books . Write very neatly. DO A LOT OF READING. READ YOUR TEXT BOOKS OF ALL SUBJECTS (NEXT TERM SYLLABUS) AND SHORT STORIES. Revise all the work done in April- May of Maths & Science for Maths Aptitude Test & Scientific Skills after the summer vacation. Kindly note: that the child has to do only one chart and projects as per the roll no. given. [Compulsory for all] Chart work: Sci.: 1. Prepare a chart on Synthetic Fibres. ROLL NO. 1 TO 2 2. Learn N2 cycle and prepare a chart . ROLL NO. 3 TO 4 S.St: 3. Make a poster of ‘Preamble of Indian constitution’ ROLL NO. 5 TO 6 4. Make a chart of ‘Fundamental Rights’. ROLL NO. 7 TO 8 OXFORD SCHOOL MOGA CLASS VIII HOLIDAYS HOMEWORK – 2014 Page 1 of 9 5. Make a chart on Classification of Resources. ROLL NO. 9 TO 10 6. Make a Chart on different methods of soil conservation. ROLL NO. 11 7. Make a chart of Geothermal Energy. ROLL NO. 12 Maths: 8. Make a chart on Types of Quadrilaterals ROLL NO. 13 9. Make a chart on Rational nos. ROLL NO. 14 10. Make a chart on Probability. ROLL NO. 15 11. Make a chart on Bar graph & Pie- chart. Roll no. 16 12. Make a chart on Area and perimeter of 2 – dimensional figure. ROLL NO. 17 13. Make a chart on Volume and surface are of 3 – din figures. ROLL NO. 18 14. Make a chart on Types of Triangles. ROLL NO. 19 English: 15. Make a file or a chart, describing about the life of Gulliver using pictures (from net). ROLL NO. 20 G.K. 16. Make list of 10 current/important news everyday, during holidays (paste cuttings on scrap book) ROLL NO. 21 Hindi: 17. BwrqIX ËXo<hwro< kw mhËv pr pkVZ cukvks [ ROLL NO. 22 Punjabi: 18. ivSySx qy aus dIAW iksmW bwry dsdy hoey cwrt bxwE[ ROLL NO. 23 Computer: 19. Make a chart on Toolbox of Adobe Photoshop. ROLL NO. 24 20. Make a chart on Toolbox of Visual Basic. ROLL NO. 25 21. Make a chart on Virus & Antivirus. ROLL NO. 26 22. Make a Collage on Information technology. ROLL NO. 27 THESE PROJECTS ARE COMPULSORY FOR ALL STUDENTS AS PER THE ROLL NOS. ASSIGNED. 1. Collect pictures showing various applications of pressure in daily life. Make a project of these pictures. Write two sentences for each picture. It may include the following: ROLL NO. 1 TO 3 • The spot where pressure is exerted. • Any change on the spot where pressure is exerted • The relationship between the change on the spot and the area of contact. 2. Agricultural Practices. ROLL NO. 4 TO 6 3. Global warning. ROLL NO. 7 TO 9 4. Environmental Pollution. ROLL NO. 10 TO 12 5. Uses of Metals. ROLL NO. 13 TO 15 OXFORD SCHOOL MOGA CLASS VIII HOLIDAYS HOMEWORK – 2014 Page 2 of 9 6. Uses of Non – Metals. ROLL NO. 16 TO 17 7. Harmful effects of metal particles in the environment. [eg. Mercury, lead, asbestos] (18-19) 8. Project file on various types of Resources. ROLL NO. 20 TO 21 9. Make a project file on land degradation & its conservation. ROLL NO. 22 TO 23 10. Project file on water pollution and its conservation. ROLL NO. 24 TO 25 11. Project file on Natural vegetation and wild life of India. ROLL NO. 26 TO 27 Science Prepare Power Point Presentation Project GuidelinesThe project should be for 10 - 15 slides Slide one- Title of the Project (By using word Art) Slide two- Index (By using Table) Slide three- Introduction of your topic (By using different types of font) Slide four to nine -Content (all pictures should have proper animation and each slide should have different types of background colour) Last slide –Acknowledgement (It’s must) TOPICS1. Different types of Synthetic fibres and its Uses (Roll no-1-3) 2. Different types of Plastic and their uses (Roll no.4-6) 3. Deforestation it’s causes , Consequences and conservation of forest(Roll no.7 -9) 4. Wild life centuries and national parks(Roll no.10 -13) 5. The Natural resources (Inexhaustible and Exhaustible) (Roll no.14-16) Social Studies (VIII) Project GuidelinesThe project is to be done as per the roll no.’s The project should be for 10-15 slides. Slide -1 - Title of the Project (By using word Art). Slide 2- Index (By using Table). Slide 3- Introduction of your topic (By using different types of font). Slide 4 to 13 should be focused on the Content presentation. While preparing/elaborating the content on slides 4-to 13 - Each slide must have one picture on the given topic and a brief explanatory note (of not more than 25 words) below that. OXFORD SCHOOL MOGA CLASS VIII HOLIDAYS HOMEWORK – 2014 Page 3 of 9 Slide -14 ‘Acknowledgement’ slide. Slide 15 (Last slide) – ‘Bibliography’ (It’s must). Add hyper linking in slide no-2 or wherever necessary. .Add animation to each slide. Roll No. 17-20 Prepare a PowerPoint Presentation on Industries and factors affecting their location. (refer Geography) • One slide should have one factor to discuss. • Discuss the same in not more than 2-3 sentences.(not more than 25words) • Illustrations should be appropriate to the content. • Selection of pictures should be appropriate. • Mention specific examples. Roll No. 21-24 Prepare a PowerPoint Presentation on the establishment of British Empire in India (refer History) • Illustrations should be appropriate to the content. • Selection of pictures should be appropriate. Roll No. 25-27 Prepare a Powerpoint presentation on the Constitution of India and its making. ( refer Civics) • One slide should have one development to discuss. • Discuss the same in not more than 2-3 sentences. • Illustrations should be appropriate to the content. • Selection of pictures should be appropriate. ENGLISH: * Read Unit 3 – ‘Nature’s Power unleashed’ Section :- A - The wind in a frolic. Section:- B - Armero Has Disappeared from the map. Section- C - My Earthquake Experience in Tokyo. Pick out at least 15 difficult words from each chapter, mention about their kinds as part of speech and write their meanings and divide them into syllables in your literature notebook. *Write small paragraph about the Writers of Section A, B, C of Unit 3. BBC: Page No. 5 to 15 (Comprehension Passages), Page No. 107 to 130 (Do part A & B on each page of tense exercise), Page No. 270 or 271 (Bio-Sketches), 279 to 282 (Informal/Formal letters) and 257 to 259 OXFORD SCHOOL MOGA CLASS VIII HOLIDAYS HOMEWORK – 2014 Page 4 of 9 (Notices). Activity: Read a story book – Write the summary of the story. Write down the character sketch of your favorite character in the story. Suggested titles for supplementary reading: The Hound of the Baskervilles by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. The Adventures of Tom Sawyer The Adventures of Huckleburry Finn ALSO READ GULLIVER’S TRAVEL. Write down the character sketch of your favorite character and the character you don’t like in the story. Maths : (Do in Maths Register):1. Write and learn all the definitions of Probability written in note book. 2. The following table shows the saving (per month) of 100 students:Monthly saving (in Rs.) No. of Students 200 10 300 5 400 25 500 40 1000 20 Prepare a grouped frequency table taking class size as 200- 300 (40000 not included) etc. 3. Following table shows the amount spent by a man on various items from this salary:- Items Food Rent Edu. Saving Miscellaneous Amount Spent 20% 15% 25% 15% 25% Represent the above data by a pie – chart. OXFORD SCHOOL MOGA CLASS VIII HOLIDAYS HOMEWORK – 2014 Page 5 of 9 4. Find the prob. of getting either two heads or two tails when two coins are tossed together. 5. (i) How many red cards are there? Find the prob. of drawing a red card from the well – shuffled pack of cards? (ii) How many hearts are there? Find the prob. of drawing a heart. (iii) What is the prob. of drawing a queen? (iv) What is the prob. of drawing a black jack? 6. Simplify (i) 900 + (ii) (-8) 2 (iii) 0.09 - + 0.000009 64 56 569 1225 (iv) 10 (v) (vi) + 25 + 108 + 154 + 225 6432.04 31.36 + 0.3136 7. Find the least no. which is a perfect square and which is also divisible by 16, 18 & 45. OXFORD SCHOOL MOGA CLASS VIII HOLIDAYS HOMEWORK – 2014 Page 6 of 9 8. Evaluate : 9. Find:- 3 0.000729 + 3 0.008 3 36 X 43 X 29 86 X 26 10. Construct a 11 gm ABCD so that AB = 4.5 cm, BC = 3.7 cm & height = 2.5 cm 11. Find a Pythagorean triplet in which one no’s (i) 10 (ii) 5 12. By using the identity (a + b) 2 = a2 + 2ab + b2 . Find the squares of (i) 607 (ii) 309 13. Find the length of the side of a cube whose volume is equal to the volume of a cuboid having dimensions 50 m, 18 m and 30 m. 14. Prove that (i) cubes of all even national nos. are even. (ii) Cubes of all odd natural nos. are odd. (iii) Cubes of all -ve nos. which are -ve. Science: Biology: Read Chapter 7 ‘CONSERVATION OF PLANTS & ANIMALS’ – make 20 extra very short answer questions and write them in your Biology notebook. CHEMISTRY: * Read Chapter 4 Materials – Metals and Non-Metals and underline the important topics and definition + make 20 very short answer questions and write them in your Chemistry Note Book. PHYSICS: *Read Chapter 12 ‘FRICTION’ and make 20 extra questions and write them in your Physics Note Book. SOCIAL STUDIES: *Read the followings chapters and make at least 20 extra questions from each chapter and write them in your respective Note Books. History: Lesson - 5 ‘When People Rebel’ Geography: Lesson - 2 Land, Soil, Water, Natural Vegetation and Wild life Resources Civics : Lesson - 4 Understanding Law OXFORD SCHOOL MOGA CLASS VIII HOLIDAYS HOMEWORK – 2014 Page 7 of 9 Punjabi pwT- 8 ‘bwbw PrId jI’ Aqy pwT-12 ‘mihMdr isMG rMDwvw’ pVHdy hoey 10 – 10 Coty au`qr vwly pRSn AwpxI not bu`k iv`c ilKo [ *‘pMj q^qW ‘ bwry jwxkwrI idMdy hoey qy sMbMDq qsvIrW vI icpkwau [ (ijvyN – hirmMdr swihb, ptnw swihb, hzUr swihb, kysgVH swihb Aqy qlvMfI swbo) * A^bwr dy sMpwdk nUM ie`k p`qr ilK ky Awpxy ielwky iv`c lVkIAW dw skUl KolHx dI mMg nUM sMbMDq AiDkwrIAW dy iDAwn iv`c ilAwau [ DRAWING: (Use Only 1/4th Part of the Ivory Sheet) 1. Draw 2 sheets of still life in pencil shading or colours, for help see page no :- 15, 16, 25 & 27 ROLL NO. 1TO 4. 2. Draw 2 landscape with the help of pencil colour, oil pastel colours and water colours for help see Page no. 37 to 48. ROLL NO. 5 TO 8 3. Draw 2 portrait for help see page no. 65 to 87. ROLL NO. 9 TO 12 4. Draw posters on the following topics: Save Girl Child & Say No to Drugs ROLL NO. 13 TO 20. Save environment & Save Electricity ROLL NO. 21 TO 27. 5. Paint and Decorate One Earthen Pot. (COMPULSORY FOR ALL THE STUDENTS) HINDI: Literature: * Read Chapter 5 (icit`TXo< kI AnUTI duinXw) and Chapter 7 #Xw inrwS huAw jwE ) and find out at least 20 difficult words and write them in your literature note book. Language: Learn Page No.48 (pXw~XvwcI ) Page No. 54 (AnykwQI ), Page No. 74 ( apsg~ ) and Page No. 86 ( pRËXX ). [Do in your Hindi Literature Note Book] [Do in your language Note Book]. 1. k@w my< ikE gE ABdR ÛXvhwr ky ilE @mwXwcnw krqy huE pRDwnwcwX~ ko pZ ilKy< [ 2. Apny imZ ko g÷h – pRvyS ky ilE SuBkwmnw – pZ ilKy< [ 3. Bwrq my< bwl ‰imk smáXw pr AnuÇCyd ilKy< [ 4. inMniliKq muhwvro< kw AQ~ ilKkr vw#X my< pRXog kry< Aw>Ky< Kulnw, A#l kw duÜmn , hvw sy bwqy< krnw, iKØlI aVwnw, cor kI dwFæI my< iqnkw , pyt bw>D kr sonw , Kwk my< imlnw, gwj igrnw , Drnw dynw , hvw ho jwnw, mn bYTnw ,siTXw jwnw [ OXFORD SCHOOL MOGA CLASS VIII HOLIDAYS HOMEWORK – 2014 Page 8 of 9 COMPUTER: [compulsory for all the students] * Make any PowerPoint presentation on the following topics:a) Operations and functions of Visual – Basic b) Adobe Photoshop 7.5 c) Trouble shooting. d) C++ & Java. OXFORD SCHOOL MOGA CLASS VIII HOLIDAYS HOMEWORK – 2014 Page 9 of 9
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