OXFORD SCHOOL, MOGA HOLIDAYS HOMEWORK 2014 - Class: VII Instructions for the Holidays Homework :Note:-Holidays homework carries marks in CCE; hence submission of work post vacation is compulsory for all students. 1. Written Homework of all the subjects:- Hindi, English, EVS & Mathematics is to be done as per the instructions (in note books/worksheets). Homework to be completed within 12 days. SPEAK & WRITE. WRITE NEATLY. 2. For reading work, parents have to make the child read in their presence and have to sign at the end of the chapter. 3. For handwriting, kindly strictly adhere to the pattern followed in school in the various languages. 4. The Holiday work must be done in a very neat and presentable manner. 5. The child will be assessed for the Handwriting, presentation, neatness, completion of all the given questions. 6. Questions must be done in the given sequence. 7. Use good quality pencil, eraser to maintain the tidiness in the notebooks. 8. For the project / activity, strictly adhere to the instructions given by the teacher to follow. WASTE MATERIAL SHOULD BE USED FOR MAKING CHARTS, PROJECTS TO THE MAXIMUM EXTENT. 9. Parents can be the facilitators for the child at home but let the child complete his work in his own handwriting. Parents are requested to make them do it independently so that they can enhance their reading, writing, thinking & mathematical skills. 10. Worksheets must be arranged in a file for submission. 11. Maintain a scrapbook and make a note of the new places that you have visited, movies that you have watched and activities done during your holidays. 12. Revise all the work done in April & May. Handwriting: Do 7 pages of English, 5 pages of Hindi & 5 pages of Punjabi writing in their respective note books . Write very neatly. DO A LOT OF READING. READ YOUR TEXT BOOKS OF ALL SUBJECTS (NEXT TERM SYLLABUS) AND SHORT STORIES. Revise all the work done in April- May of Maths & Science for Maths Aptitude Test & Scientific Skills after the summer vacation. Chart work: Kindly note: that the child has to do only one chart which is allotted to him / her. Science:1. To make a chart of different vegetables, fruits and seeds. ROLL NO. 1 2. To make a chart on different methods of separation of mixtures. ROLL NO. 2 3. To draw the chart of laboratory process of filtration. ROLL NO. 3 4. To make a chart of germination process of seed. ROLL NO. 4 5. To make a chart of description of plant. ROLL NO. 5 6. To make a chart of arrangement of leaves on stern (Phyllotaxy). ROLL NO. 6 7. To make the chart of different types of joints. ROLL NO. 7 8. To make a chart of magnets field and the lines of force. ROLL NO. 8 9. To make a chart of Oxygen – Carbon dioxide cycle in nature. ROLL NO. 9 10. To make a chart of Dry Cell. ROLL NO. 10 OXFORD SCHOOL MOGA – CLASS VII- HOLIDAYS HOMEWORK - 2014 Page 1 of 8 SST:11. Make a chart showing interior of each. ROLL NO. 11 12. Prepare a chart of volcano and its types. ROLL NO. 12 13. Make outline map of the world on chart mark and name the important ocean currents, use red pen to mark the warm currents and blue pen to mark the cloud currents. ROLL NO. 13 14. Design a poster with a catchy slogan highlighting the decreasing sex ratio in our country and the importance of equality among men and women in our society. ROLL NO. 14 15. Collect any four pictures of prominent women achievers in different walks of life and paste them in a chart and write few lines about each of them. ROLLNO. 15 Maths: 16. Make a chart on Maths Facts. ROLL NO. 16 17. Make a chart on Conversion Table. ROLL NO. 17 18. Make a chart of shapes & lines of symmetry. ROLL NO. 18 19. Make a chart on Types of Triangles. ROLL NO. 19 20. Make a chart on Types of Quadrilateral. ROLL NO. 20 English: 21. Make a chart on life of Oliver Twist. ROLL NO. 21 Hindi: 22. Make a chart of ivSy†x and paste pictures also. ROLL NO. 22 23. Make a chart of apsg~ and paste pictures also. ROLL NO. 23 24. Make a chart of kwrk (write the name of kinds also). ROLLNO. 24 25. Make a chart on hmwry ËXohwr and paste pictures also. ROLL NO. 25 26. Make a chart on kivqw – Swm Ek ikswn and paste pictures also. ROLL NO. 26 27. idØlI ky Eyiqhwisk áQwno< sy s<b<iDq qávIr lgwqy huE pkVZ cukvks vkSj muds ckjs esa ilKo [ ROLL NO. 27 Punjabi: 28. ‘pVnwNv qy ausdIAW iksmW d`sdy hoey cwrt bxwau [ ROLL NO. 28 Computer: 29. Make a chart on Computer Networking. ROLL NO. 29 30. Make a chart on Q-Basic. ROLL NO. 30 31. Make a chart on Networking Topologies. ROLL NO. 31 G.K. 32.Make a list of 10 current news everyday during the holidays. Also paste the cutting of news in your file. ROLL NO. 32 Projects: 1. Make a project file showing archaeological and literary sources of History. Roll No.1to3 2. Make a project file on rise and fall of new kingdoms during 700 A.D to 1200 A.D and life that period highlighting (Religion, Literature, Economic condition, social life etc.) Roll No. 4 to 6. 3. Make a project file on rise and fall of Delhi Sultans during 1200 A.D to 1500 A.D and life that period highlighting (Religion, Literature, Economic condition, social life etc.) Roll No. 7 to 9 4. Prepare a project file on major sphere of environment and write few lines about each. Roll No. 10 to 12 5. Prepare a project file of rocks showing how rocks are formed and its types. Roll No. 13 to 15 OXFORD SCHOOL MOGA – CLASS VII- HOLIDAYS HOMEWORK - 2014 Page 2 of 8 6. Prepare a project file showing features made by rivers, sea and wind. Roll No. 16 to 18 7. Collect from newspaper the maximum and minimum temperature, humidity and rainfall data for 15 days. Roll No. 19 to 21 8. Collect pictures of various meteorological instruments such as rain gauge, wet and dry bulb thermometer, barometer and wind vane, six’s maximum and minimum thermometer. Paste these pictures in your scrapbook and write their uses. Roll No. 22 to 24 9. Make a Project on Nutrition in plants. Roll No. 25 to 27 10. Make a Project on Human digestive system. Roll No. 28 to 30 11. Classify the organism according the food habit like Herbivores, carnivores, omnivores and decomposers. Roll No. 31 to 32 12. Collect different types of materials and classify them into good and bad conductors of heat and also write the uses of conductors and insulators in everyday life. Roll No. 33 to 34 OXFORD SCHOOL MOGA – CLASS VII- HOLIDAYS HOMEWORK - 2014 Page 3 of 8 English: Read the following chapters and Pick out 15 difficult words from each chapter, mention about their kind as a part of speech, write their meanings and divide them into syllables. *Also write small paragraphs about The Writers or Poets of Section A, B & C of Unit – 3. Oliver Twist: Read Chapter 7 to 9.(to narrate story in class) BBC : Page No. 5 to 14 (Comprehension Passages), Page No. 243 & 245(Messages), Page No. 252 & 253 (Bio-sketch) and Page No. 271 & 272 (E-mails). Also do exercise pages of Tenses Part A & B. Activity:- Make a colorful News Album including daily news headlines. Read some story book and make a project on book review Suggested Books for Reading Waiting for the Mahatma by R.K Narayan Under the Banyan Tree and Other stories by R.K Narayan Five on a Treasure Island by Enid Blyton A Bond with the mountains by Ruskin Bond SST: * Read the Following chapters and form at least 20 questions from each chapter and write in your respective Note Book. History Geography: Civics: Ch – 4 (The Mughal Empire) Ch – 4 (Air) Ch – 4 (Growing up as Boys and Girls ) SCIENCE: Biology: * Read Chapter 7 Weather, Climate and Adaptation of animals to climate and form at least 20 extra questions and write in your Bio Notebook. PHYSICS: * Revise the previous chapters for Scientific Skills after holidays and also Read the Chapter 8 – (Wind and Cyclone) and make 20 extra questions and write very neatly in your Physics Note book. CHEMISTRY: * Read the previous chapters for Scientific Skills after holidays and also Read Chapter 5 ‘Acid, Base and Salts’ - underline the important topics & make 20 very short answer type questions and write in your Chemistry Note Book. Maths : 1. A company can repair 2 km of road in a day. How many days will it take to repair a road 24 km long. 2. A carpenter cuts off from a plank of its length and then of what remains. If the remaining piece is 2 m long, find the original length of the plank. 3. Divide the product of 3 and 1 by 1 OXFORD SCHOOL MOGA – CLASS VII- HOLIDAYS HOMEWORK - 2014 Page 4 of 8 4. Simplify: 1. 2. (4 × 5 3. 2.87 ÷ 0.7 4. 8.45 ÷ 10 5. 76 ÷ 1000 6. 18.21 ÷ 0.003 7. 35 ÷ 0.005 6. 5. If 6 people equally share a bill of Rs. 98.10, how much should each pay? 6. Convert: 700m to km, 17956g to kg, 4km 25m to m. 7. An inch contains 2.54cm. How many centimeters will there be in 12.5 inches? 8. Find four rational nos. equivalent to each of the rational no: i) 9. Express - ii) as rational no. with: i) numerator = - 32 ii) numerator = 40 iii) denominator = - 81 OXFORD SCHOOL MOGA – CLASS VII- HOLIDAYS HOMEWORK - 2014 Page 5 of 8 10. Write the following rational nos. as integers: 11. Arrange the Rational numbers in ascending order. 12. Evaluate: a) b) 13. What no. should be added to so as to get 14. What no. should be subtracted from , so as to get 15. A car is moving at an average speed of ? km/hr. How much distance will it cover in 5 hrs? 16. By what no. should we multiply 17. How many pieces of tape , so that their product may be cm, long can be cut from a long tape, which is 1m 75 cm long? 18. Find the A.M of the nos. 3, 0, -1, 7, 11. 19. The mean of five nos. is 27. If one of the nos. is excluded, the mean becomes 25. Determine the Excluded No. 20. If the median of 46, 64, 88, 40, x, 76, 35, 91, 56, 32 & 91 is 58. Find the value of ‘x’. 21. Determine the i) mean ii) median iii) mode for 23, 2, 42, 6, 36, 11, 29, 9, 15. 22. A jar has one blue and 9 green marbles. What is the probability of drawing? a) a green marble b) a blue marble. 23. An ordinary die is rolled. What is the prob. that the no. of dots on its upper face is i) 3 ii) less than 3 iii) an even no. iv) 7 24.The prob. of rolling a no. greater than ‘4’ with a die is? COMPUTER: * Make a PowerPoint presentation on the following topics: a) Role of computer in your life. b) Virus & Antivirus c) Statements used in Q-Basic. OXFORD SCHOOL MOGA – CLASS VII- HOLIDAYS HOMEWORK - 2014 Page 6 of 8 FINE ARTS: 1. Draw 2 sheets of still life in pencil shading. For help see page no. 38 2. Draw 2 landscape sheets with the help of pencil colors. For help see page no: 50 to 57. 3. Draw 2 sheets of cartoon drawing of political leaders from newspaper. 4. Draw 2 posters on topic Diwali, Children’s Day. 5. Make any 2 creative things with the help of Ice cream sticks. PUNJABI: * pwT-8 (suirMdr kor) Aqy pwT-12 (bwbw bMdw isMG bhwdur) pVHo Aqy Gto G`t (15-15) Coty auq`rW vwly pRSnW AwpxI iltrycr not bu`k v`c ilKo[ 1. ‘ieiqhwsk sQwnW’ bwry jwxkwrI idMdy hoey sMbMDq qsvIrW vI icpkwau [ ( ijvy – lwl iklHw, qwj mh`l -----------) 2. Sihr iv`c ho rhy AprwDW qy corIAW nMU rokx leI A^bwr dy sMpwdk nMU p`qr ilKo qW ik sMbMDq AiDkwrI ies g`l v`l iDAwn dy skx[ 3. ‘phwVI’ sQwn dI Xwqrw’ qy lyK ilKo [ HINDI: * Read Chapter No. 5 & 6 and make 20 extra questions within the chapters and write them in your literature note book. Learn the given difficult words by heart and write (2-2 times) in your note book. 1. aáqwd 2. piricq 3. Ju<f 4. ányhis#q 5. inrKqI 6. ám÷iq 7. pulikq 8. âwIx 9. ÛXi#q 10. Lnwn 11. bw>Dqw 12. Awjwnul<ibq 13. ámrx 14. v÷d`Dw 15. dáqUr 16. pRiqiàTq 17. ApRiqB 18. r#q 19. gRwhk 20. sUâmdSI~ 21. ivÜvws 22. álweM 23. sËqwvn 24. dáqk 25. lOhqËv 26. AwpwqiáQiq 27. pOiàtk 28. lwBpRd 29. AwvÜXk 30. Awk÷iq 31. s<âwyp 32. iáQr 33. r#qdwn 34. AwÜcX~ 35. áváQ 36. poátr 38. injo~v 39. ávIk÷iq sUck 40. B<igmw 37. ávÎn OXFORD SCHOOL MOGA – CLASS VII- HOLIDAYS HOMEWORK - 2014 Page 7 of 8 (Do in Hindi Language Notebook) nIcy idE gE s<kyq ib<duAo< ky AwDwr pr inb<D iliKE: ‘myrw Bwrq mhwn’ s<kyq ib<du :BUimkw __________ Apnw dyS : AnoKy dyS __________ AnoKy pRk÷iqk d÷ÜX _________ AnoKw mOsm _______ Kwn – pwn, vyS - BU†w ___________ Anyk Dm~ Ek s<ák÷iq ___________ AnoKI pRgiq ____ Bwrq kw BivàX [ AnuäCyd – lyKn - nIcy kuC skyq ib<du idE gE hY< anky AwDwr pr AnuäCyd iliKE : myrI bs XwZw / bs duG~tnw s<kyq ib<du: 1. bs XwZw krny kw kwrx ___________ rwáqy kw pRwkiqk sO<dX~ _________ bs kw duGt~nwgRáq honw ________ durGtnw ky bwd kw d÷ÜX ____________ GwXlo< ko icikËsw suivDw idlvwnw [ s<kyq ib<dU: tylIivjn 2. tylIivjn kI lokipRXqw ky kwrx ___________ idKwE jwny vwly kwX~kRm ___________ lwB ________ hwinXw> [ pZ – lyKn pZ – (1) ApnI pFæwe~ ky iv†X my< bnwqy huE ApnI mwqw jI ko pZ ilKo [ 2) jNmidn pr cwcw jI d`vwrw Byjy gE aphwr ky ilE DNXvwd krqy huE pZ ilKo OXFORD SCHOOL MOGA – CLASS VII- HOLIDAYS HOMEWORK - 2014 Page 8 of 8
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